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The comparative observations of the tidal gravity in Three Gorges reservoir area, recorded with the LCR-ET20 gravimeter from Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the DZW-9 gravimeter from Institute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration, are introduced. High-accuracy tidal gravity pa-rameters in this area are obtained, and the scale factor of the DZW-9 gravimeter is also estimated at a value of ?(756.06±0.05)×10?8 m?s?2V?1. The observed residuals of the corresponding instruments are investigated. Nu-merical results indicate that the long-term drift of the DZW-9 gravimeter appears a linear characteristic, and the observed accuracy is of the same order comparing with that of the LCR-ET20 gravimeter. The results given in the paper can provide with an effective reference model of the tidal gravity correction to the ground based and space geodesy.  相似文献   

In this paper SST imagery and a three-dimensional numerical model of a river plume were employed to detect upwelling induced by tidal straining in the Rhine ROFI (region of fresh water influence). Previous studies have shown that the Rhine ROFI in the North Sea exhibits strong cross-shore density gradients that compete with tidal and wind mixing to establish stratification. During neap periods with low mixing energy an area measuring 30 km offshore by 100 km alongshore becomes stratified. When the ROFI is stratified strong cross-shore currents are observed, with surface currents rotating anti-cyclonically and bottom currents rotating cyclonically. The cross-shore currents interact with the cross-shore density gradients to produce a semi-diurnal cycle of stratification. Due to continuity requirements imposed by the proximity of the coast, the offshore-directed surface currents and onshore-directed bottom currents should lead to coastal upwelling.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2010,49(3-5):219-225
Tidal forces due to the tide-raising potential deform the solid and fluid regions of the Earth, causing the Earth's inertia tensor to change, and hence causing the Earth's rate of rotation and length-of-day to change. Because both the tide-raising potential and the solid Earth's elastic response to the tidal forces caused by this potential are well-known, accurate models for the effects of the elastic solid body tides on the Earth's rotation are available. However, models for the effect of the ocean tides on the Earth's rotation are more problematic because of the need to model the dynamic response of the oceans to the tidal forces. Hydrodynamic ocean tide models that have recently become available are evaluated here for their ability to account for long-period ocean tidal signals in length-of-day observations. Of the models tested here, the older altimetric data-constrained model of Kantha et al. (1998) is shown to still do the best job of accounting for ocean tidal effects in length-of-day, particularly at the fortnightly tidal frequency. The model currently recommended by the IERS is shown to do the worst job.  相似文献   

Tidal marshes form at the confluence between estuarine and marine environments where tidal movement regulates their developmental processes. Here, we investigate how the interplay between tides, channel morphology, and vegetation affect sediment dynamics in a low energy tidal marsh at the Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project at Poplar Island. Poplar Island is an active restoration site where fine-grained material dredged from navigation channels in the upper Chesapeake Bay are being used to restore remote tidal marsh habitat toward the middle bay (Maryland, USA). Tidal currents were measured over multiple tidal cycles in the inlets and tidal creeks of one marsh at Poplar Island, Cell 1B, using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) to estimate water fluxes throughout the marsh complex. Sediment fluxes were estimated using acoustic backscatter recorded by ADCPs and validated against total suspended solid measurements taken on site. A high-resolution geomorphic survey was conducted to capture channel cross sections and tidal marsh morphology. We integrated simple numerical models built in Delft3d with empirical observations to identify which eco-geomorphological factors influence sediment distribution in various channel configurations with differing vegetative characteristics. Channel morphology influences flood-ebb dominance in marshes, where deep, narrow channels promote high tidal velocities and incision, increasing sediment suspension and reducing resilience in marshes at Poplar Island. Our numerical models suggest that accurately modelling plant phenology is vital for estimating sediment accretion rates. In-situ observations indicate that Poplar Island marshes are experiencing erosion typical for many Chesapeake Bay islands. Peak periods of sediment suspension frequently coincide with the largest outflows of water during ebb tides resulting in large sediment deficits. Ebb dominance (net sediment export) in tidal marshes is likely amplified by sea-level rise and may lower marsh resilience. We couple field observations with numerical models to understand how tidal marsh morphodynamics contribute to marsh resilience. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A numerical study for estimating the tidal open boundary conditions of a shelf current modrl from tb coastal tidal observations is presented. The method is based on the optimal control/adjoint method. A lrast square fitting of the model state to simulated data is used. Two ideal domains and coastlines are considered. Using the IAP shallow. water model and its adjoint model, some identical twin experiments are carried out to test efficiency and lirnilsd of the method. The results show that the adjoint method can efficiently estimate the open boundary conditions well for gulf/bay like domains. The adjoint method seems to have great potential to improve the accuracy of tide and shelf current modeling in coastal regions. Project supported hy the National Natural Science Fuundation of China (Grant No. 49376256)  相似文献   

A two-dimensional vertically integrated model of the North Sea is used to compute the distribution of M2 and M4 tidal elevations and currents over the region. Comparison of computed and observed elevations and currents in the area shows that the model can accurately reproduce the M2 tide in the North Sea, although there are difficulties with the M4 tide particularly in the northern North Sea.Comparison between model and a large number of observations collected in a shallow water region off the east coast of England, revealed that the model can accurately reproduce the tides even in near coastal regions, where model resolution problems can occur. Comparisons of computed and observed M2 tidal energy fluxes in this region, show that model and observations agree to within the order of 10% (the error associated with the necessary interpolation of the observations in order to compute the energy flux).The problem of computing energy dissipation in the area by subtracting the energy fluxes into and out of the region is shown to be ill-conditioned in that the energy dissipation in the area is comparable to the error in the energy flux. Consequently for the sea region considered here it is not meaningful to compare this energy budget with energy dissipation due to bottom friction.Energy dissipation for the whole of the North Sea is computed using the numerical model and the geographical distribution of dissipation due to bottom friction is given for the M2 tide.  相似文献   

京津唐张地区速度结构和震源位置联合反演的遗传算法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
震源参数和速度结构的联合反演是一个典型的非线性名参数最优化问题,常规的局部线性化反演方法往往易于陷入局部极值,且严重依赖于初始模型的选取。模拟生物界进化的遗传算法则是一种简单而高效的全局性搜索方法。  相似文献   

Summary Topographic effects on tidal strains and tilts are studied using a homogeneous elastic spherical model. Expressions for local perturbing strains and tilts are derive das functions of the physical and geometrical parameters of the model. It is demonstrated that tidal tilts are affected more by the topography than tidal strains.
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Gravity tide records from El Hierro, Tenerife and Lanzarote Islands (Canarian Archipelago) have been analyzed and compared to the theoretical body tide model (DDW) of Dehant el al. (1999). The use of more stringent criterion of tidal analysis using VAV program allowed us to reduce the error bars by a factor of two of the gravimetric factors at Tenerife and Lanzarote compared with previous published values. Also, the calibration values have been revisited at those sites. Precise ocean tide loading (OTL) corrections based on up-to-date global ocean models and improved regional ocean model have been obtained for the main tidal harmonics O1, K1, M2, S2. We also point out the importance of using the most accurate coastline definition for OTL calculations in the Canaries. The remaining observational errors depend on the accuracy of the calibration of the gravimeters and/or on the length of the observed data series. Finally, the comparison of the tidal observations with the theoretical body tide models has been done with an accuracy level of 0.1% at El Hierro, 0.4% at Tenerife and 0.5% at Lanzarote.  相似文献   

The method of contrast separation of wavelets near the resonance frequency of liquid core is proposed, based on the elimination of principle waves from the series being analyzed with the subsequent automatic minimization of the noise level and with the repeated spectral analysis of the residual curve. The minimization of noise is achieved due to (1) the sliding spectral analysis with automatic step selection and (2) the automatic optimization of the shape of the window. It is shown that for the two-year-old series of observations already after the fourth-fifth iterations this method makes it possible to obtain stable values of the gravimetric factor for the Ψ1 and Φ1 waves with an uncertainty of 40% and 20% respectively, whereas the standard methods of spectral analysis enables one to obtain the same accuracy only for an appreciably longer time series (with a duration of no less than three-four years even for considerably less noisy data, obtained with the aid of cryogenic gravimeters).  相似文献   

IntroductionThe purpose of the studies on the tidal gravity observations on the Earth(s surface is to investigate the properties of the deformation and the tidal gravity variations of the Earth under the action of the luni-solar tidal force. These variations relate to the internal structure, shape and the medium(s rheology properties of the Earth (Wahr, 1981; Dehant, 1987). The theoretical studies and observations indicated that the amplitudes and the tidal parameters, including the amplitud…  相似文献   

本文利用j、v模型对26年长时间序列的多个卫星高度计(TOPEX/Poseidon和Jason-1、Jason-2、Jason-3)变轨前后两种轨道的数据,使用调和分析法提取南海M2、S2、K1和O1分潮的调和常数.首次将Jason-3高度计数据用于潮汐信息提取研究,证明了Jason-3高度计与Jason-2高度计数据具有较好的一致性和连续性,且数据可用性强.提出并使用回归诊断法分析卫星轨道的交叉点处上升轨和下降轨之间调和分析结果的误差和相关系数,同时检验与评估潮汐信息提取方法的稳定性;选取南海47个验潮站,将验潮站实测数据与得到的卫星高度计数据提取的调和分析结果进行比较,进而检验潮汐提取结果的精度.最后,绘制同潮图验证提取潮汐调和常数的准确性.结果表明:M2、S2、K1和O1分潮的振幅均方根分别为4.28 cm、2.24 cm、2.92 cm、3.10 cm,迟角均方根分别为10.88°、11.10°、7.95...  相似文献   

In homogeneous rotating fluid, when there is an oscillating forcing in the interior fluid with a period long enough for an Ekman layer to develop, there is an interaction between the oscillatory Ekman layer and the vertical wall, since the latter imposes an alternating adjustment flow confined near the wall. As a result, this coastal rectification process leads to a Lagrangian transport along the coast. The Ekman number, the Rossby number and the temporal Rossby number of the forcing flow are the governing parameters of that mechanism which can be described by a simplified analytical model taking into account both the vertical time-dependent structure of the current and the presence of the wall. The model shows that the residual (rectified) current flowing with the coast to its right results from the strong nonlinear interaction between along- and cross-shore tidal currents leading to asymmetrical momentum exchanges between the Ekman bottom layer and the coastal boundary layer. The model provides simple scaling laws for the maximum intensity and width of the residual current. The latter is significantly larger than the friction (Stokes) lateral boundary layer of the forcing flow. A comprehensive set of experiments is performed in the 13 m diameter rotating tank by oscillating an 8 m×2 m horizontal plate and vertical wall in a homogeneous fluid at rest in solid-body rotation and measuring the two horizontal components of the current at several locations and depths above the central part of the plate. The predicted and experimentally measured maximum intensity and width of the residual current are in very good agreement, within the range of validity of the model, i.e. when the Ekman number is sufficiently small. However experiments also show that the residual current still occurs when the Ekman layer thickness is of the same order as the fluid depth, but it is then confined to a narrower band along the vertical wall. The flow structure found experimentally is also correctly described by a numerical model developed by Zhang et al. (1994). Current measurements in the Eastern part of the English Channel near the French coast reveal a significant coastal residual current flowing Northward and the coastal rectification process described here may account for part of it.  相似文献   

Monthly simulations of the thermal diurnal and semidiurnal tides are compared to High-Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI) and Wind Imaging Interferometer (WINDII) wind and temperature measurements on the Upper-Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). There is encouraging agreement between the observations and the linear global mechanistic tidal model results both for the diurnal and semidiurnal components in the equatorial and mid-latitude regions. This gives us the confidence to outline the first steps of an assimilative analysis/interpretation for tides, dissipation, and mean flow using a combination of model results and the global measurements from HRDI and WINDII. The sensitivity of the proposed technique to the initial guess employed to obtain a best fit to the data by tuning model parameters is discussed for the January and March 1993 cases, when the WINDII day and night measurements of the meridional winds between 90 and 110 km are used along with the daytime HRDI measurements. Several examples for the derivation of the tidal variables and decomposition of the measured winds into tidal and mean flow components using this approach are compared with previous tidal estimates and modeling results for the migrating tides. The seasonal cycle of the derived diurnal tidal amplitudes are discussed and compared with radar observation between 80 and 100 km and 40° S and 40°N.  相似文献   

海潮负荷对沿海地区宽幅InSAR形变监测的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

海岸带地区是全球自然生态环境最为复杂和脆弱的地域之一,合成孔径雷达干涉测量(InSAR)技术可以为全球人类活动、气候变暖和俯冲带剧烈构造运动等背景下的大范围海岸带地理环境变化研究提供重要观测资料.海洋潮汐导致固体地球长周期形变,波长尺度为102~103 km的海潮负荷引入mm级至cm级的形变梯度,此类非构造信号对海岸带InSAR精密形变分析(如:大范围、微小、缓慢且非稳态构造过程等)造成显著影响.本文以宽幅模式SAR数据为例,基于多种海潮模型研究了全球典型海岸带地区(福建、智利和阿拉斯加湾)海潮负荷效应对宽幅InSAR形变监测的影响,给出了宽幅InSAR海潮负荷三维分量估计与差分相位提取方法,并进一步讨论了基于不同海潮模型估计海潮负荷位移的差异.海潮负荷影响不仅与研究范围大小有关,其形变梯度变化与研究区域地形特征存在强相关,对于长波长形变分析而言,传统平面或者曲面拟合方法难以有效分离海潮负荷位移.


Introduction The tidal variation signals of the solid Earth recorded with the modern measuring techniques can be used to provide effectively the means to cognize the Earths motion, deformation and structure character, especially to monitor the material motion in the Earths interior. In the recent 20 years, the distribution character of the global gravity field has made great progress since the continuous and deep theoretical studies in geophysics and geodesy domains. The successful manufactur…  相似文献   

A wetting and drying (WAD) algorithm is implemented in a baroclinic three-dimensional ocean circulation model of Cook Inlet, Alaska, where large tidal ranges (≈10 m) regularly expose extensive mudflats. The model includes tides and wind- and buoyancy-induced flows. In the upper Inlet, the model successfully simulates large amplification of tides and propagation of fast (3 ∼ 4 m s−1) tidal bores over shallow mudflats. The simulated return flows during ebb expose large areas (∼100 km2) of the mudflats. Medium-resolution (250- and 500-m) images obtained from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments aboard the Terra and Aqua satellites were used to verify the model results by identifying the location, extent, and temporal changes of the exposed mudflat regions. The results demonstrate the value of operational, medium-resolution remote sensing data in evaluating the WAD model. Sensitivity tests show that WAD produces approximately 20% larger tidal amplitude and 10% slower phase than the corresponding experiment without WAD. In the deep channel of the central Inlet, the confluence of saline water of the lower Inlet with brackish water from rivers and melting ice from land around the upper Inlet produces a salinity front. At the simulated front, strong vertical circulation cells and surface convergence and currents develop, especially during the flood. The characteristics resemble those of “rip tides” often observed in this region.  相似文献   

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