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Резюме Дабление воздуха, переснитанное иа уровень моря по стандартной атмосфере в Q-коде обозчачается через QNH. Давление воздуха пересчитанное на уровень моря по высотной барометрической формуле обознаеается через QFF. Для целей авиационной службы погоды должны быть известны значения QNH, однако Зе барическое поле на синоптических картах выражается через QFF. С помощью рис. 1 для соответствующей температуры воздуха на станцин и ее высоты н. у. м. можно определить разность значений QFF—QNH при давленин QFF=1000мб. Далее по табл. 2 можно определить поправку для каждого значения QFF отличного от значения QFF при ином давлении, чем 1000мб путем умножения табулированного значения ва разность QFF—1000мб и его алгебраического сложения со значением, полученным по рис. 1.   相似文献   

Резюме С помощью принятия простых кинематических предположений и на основании ω—уравнения выла определена конфигурация полос облаков в полностью окклюдированном циклоне без фронтов. Облачная система определяется полем скрытой теплоты, выделяемой в процессах конденсации. Полосы облаков теоретически представляют собой в основном листы синусоидальной спирали.

Address: Boční II, Praha 4-Spořilov.  相似文献   

Резюме Нзменение амплитуд объемных волн с расстоянием было изучено на основании б аемлетрясений, регистрированных 30 сейсмическими станциями в эпицентральных расстояниях<30°. Из рисунков видно, что амплитуды продолных и поперечных волн меняются в изучаемых расстояниях подобным образом, но минимум и максимум кривой (A *, Δ) для волнSH подвинуты к ббльшим эпицентральным расстояниям чем в случае воумPH.

Address: Boční II, Praha 13-Spořilov.  相似文献   

Резюме Нумерические прогнозы абсолютной топографии изобарической поверхности 500 мб, вычисленные по баротропному уравнению вихря при помощи геострофического приближения, бывают, как правило, загрузены довольно значительными ошибками, вызванными с одной стороны некоторыми недостатками модели, с другой стороны краевыми и начальными условиями решения. Очень неприятной и системтической физической ошибкой является т. наз. ложныь антициклогенез, возникающий вследствие непоследовательного соблюдения бездивергентного характера тока в эквивалентном баротропном уровне [4]. Этот ложный антициклогенез можно устранить тем, что при прогнозе абсолютной топографии 500 мб применяем уравнения (16) или (22), в которые вместо подставляем значенчия их из соотношению (17), (18) и (19), или из соотношения (23).

Anschrift: Praha II., Ke Karlovu 3.  相似文献   

Резюме Приводятся результаты анализа записей двух камерных взрывов, имевших место 15-го Февраля 1958 г. в Баварии. Взрывы были регистрированы двумя вертикальными электродинамическими сейсмографами, иаготовленными в Геофизическом институте ЧСАН и назначенными для регистравии слабых тектонических толчков.

Address: Boční II, Praha 13-Spořilov.  相似文献   

Summary The paper deals with a non-linear regression model, linear in parameters. The least-squares adaptation method has been used to determine the model parameters. The conditionality problem in solving equations, which follows from the dependent predictors, has been suppressed by singular decomposition. This model is especially suitable for treating meteorological problems because non-linear processes, e.g. changes of air masses, changes of circulation patterns, etc., can be treated. The model has been tested in connection with the forecast of daily maximum and minimum temperatures. The RMS error lies in the range of 1–2°C, if the principal PPM is supposed.
Резюме Оnuсывеamся мamемamuческuŭ annaрam нелuнеŭноŭ ре?rt;рессuонноŭ мо?rt;елu, лuнеŭноŭ оmнос umельно naрaмеmров. Для оnре?rt;еленuя naрaмеmров мо?rt;елu uсnользуеmся меmо?rt; нauменьщuх квa?rt;рamов. Плохaя обусловленносmь сuсmемы нauменьщuх квa?rt;рamов, коmорaя вызвaнa взauмноŭ зaвuсuмосmью nре?rt;uкmоров, всmрaняеmся nрu nомощu сuн?rt;улярноŭ ?rt;екомnозuцuu. Эma мо?rt;ель nо?rt;хо?rt;um ?rt;ля nрuмененuя в меmеороло?rt;uu, maк кaк онa nозволяеm рaбоmamь с нелuнеŭносmямu, кaк нanрuмер uзмененuе воз?rt;ущных мaсс, uзмененuе хaрaкmерa цuркуляцuu u m. n. Мо?rt;ель nроверяеmся нa nро?rt;нозе ?rt;невных мuнuмaльных u мaксuмaльных mемnерamур. Сре?rt;няя квa?rt;рamuческaя ошuбкa нaхо?rt;umся в uнmе?rt;рaле оm 1 ?rt;о 2° (uсnользовaн nрuнцun РРМ).

Резюме Описаны этапы развития сейсмического моделирования, взаимоотношения между сейсмическим моделированием, теоретическими разработками и полевыми наблюдениями и формулированы перспективные задачи сейсмического моделирования.

Address: B. Gruzinskaja 10, Moskva G-242, USSR.  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of temperature measurements in 190 boreholes we constructed a map of temperature distribution at a depth of 100 m below the terrain level and maps of temperature gradients in different depth intervals below the Earth's surface in the territory of the Bohemian Massif. Investigations were made into the effects of hydrogeological, geomorphological, structure geological and microclimatic factors on the subsurface temperature field in the Bohemian Massif together with an assessment of effects of these factors on heat flow determinations in shallow boreholes 100 – 200 m deep.
Резюме Нa основaнuu uзмеренuя mемnерamуры в 190 сквaжuнaх былa nосmроенa кaрma рaсnре?rt;еленuя mемnерamуры нa ?rt;лубuне 100 м nо?rt; nоверхносmью Землu u кaрmы ?rt;рa?rt;uенma mемnерamуры в рaзных nо?rt;nоверхносmных uнmервaлaх нa mеррumорuu Чешско?rt;о мaссuвa. Иссле?rt;овaлось осложненuе mеnлово?rt;о nоля у nоверхносmu Землu целым ря?rt;ом фaкmоров: эффекmы рельефa nоверхносmu Землu, ?rt;вuженuя nо?rt;земных во?rt;, mеnлоnрово?rt;носmu ?rt;орных nоро?rt;, мuкроклuмamuческuе эффекmы u ?rt;р. u влuянuе эmuх фaкmоров нa uзмеренuе mеnлово?rt;о nоmокa в не?rt;лубокuх сквaжuнaх (100 – 200 м).

Pressure–volume–temperature relations have been measured to 32 GPa and 2073 K for natural magnesite (Mg0.975Fe0.015Mn0.006Ca0.004CO3) using synchrotron X-ray diffraction with a multianvil apparatus at the SPring-8 facility. A least-squares fit of the room-temperature compression data to a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (EOS) yielded K0 = 97.1 ± 0.5 GPa and K′ = 5.44 ± 0.07, with fixed V0 = 279.55 ± 0.02 Å3. Further analysis of the high-temperature compression data yielded the temperature derivative of the bulk modulus (∂KT/∂T)P = −0.013 ± 0.001 GPa/K and zero-pressure thermal expansion α = a0 + a1T with a0 = 4.03 (7) × 10−5 K−1 and a1 = 0.49 (10) × 10−8 K−2. The Anderson–Grüneisen parameter is estimated to be δT = 3.3. The analysis of axial compressibility and thermal expansivity indicates that the c-axis is over three times more compressible (KTc = 47 ± 1 GPa) than the a-axis (KTc = 157 ± 1 GPa), whereas the thermal expansion of the c-axis (a0 = 6.8 (2) × 10−5 K−1 and a1 = 2.2 (4) × 10−8 K−2) is greater than that of the a-axis (a0 = 2.7 (4) × 10−5 K−1 and a1 = −0.2 (2) × 10−8 K−2). The present thermal EOS enables us to accurately calculate the density of magnesite to the deep mantle conditions. Decarbonation of a subducting oceanic crust containing 2 wt.% magnesite would result in a 0.6% density reduction at 30 GPa and 1273 K. Using the new EOS parameters we performed thermodynamic calculations for magnesite decarbonation reactions at pressures to 20 GPa. We also estimated stability of magnesite-bearing assemblages in the lower mantle.  相似文献   

The current study modifies the representation of the Shields parameter using turbulent strength,i.e.the root-mean-square(rms) fluid velocity.Experiments were done under a steady,uniform flow using eight sediment sizes with particle Reynolds numbers(Rep) ranging between 1.0(fine sediment) and 183.4(coarse sediment).Utilising the peak rms horizontal(u) values,the critical Shields parameter,θ_c,was calculated and a trend similar to the well-established Shields curve was developed.The analysis was extended to the Shields curve obtained based on the critical shear velocity,Reynolds shear stress,and data extracted fro m the oscillating grid-turbulence experiments.Results show that turbulent fluctuations are crucial for the incipient sediment motion and are essentially better predictors than the commonly used critical shear velocity.A quadrant analysis to identify the role of turbulent bursting events in incipient sediment motion also was done where sweeps and ejections are dominant for finer and coarser sediment sizes,respectively.  相似文献   

Hysteresis in the relationship between capillary pressure (Pc), wetting phase saturation (Sw) and nonwetting–wetting interfacial area per volume (anw) is investigated using multiphase lattice-Boltzmann simulations of drainage and imbibition in a glass bead porous system. In order to validate the simulations, the PcSw and anwSw main hysteresis loops were compared to experimental data reported by Culligan et al. [Culligan KA, Wildenschild D, Christensen BS, Gray WG, Rivers ML, Tompson AB. Interfacial area measurements for unsaturated flow through porous media. Water Resour Res 2004;40:W12413]. In general, the comparison shows that the simulations are reliable and capture the important physical processes in the experimental system. PcSw curves, anwSw curves and phase distributions (within the pores) show good agreement during drainage, but less satisfactory agreement during imbibition. Drainage and imbibition scanning curves were simulated in order to construct PcSwanw surfaces. The root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) between drainage and imbibition surfaces was 0.10 mm−1 and 0.03 mm−1, respectively. This small difference indicates that hysteresis is virtually nonexistent in the PcSwanw relationship for the multiphase system studied here. Additionally, a surface was fit to the main loop (excluding scanning curves) of the drainage and imbibition PcSwanw data and compared to the surface fit to all of the data. The differences between these two surfaces were small (RMSE = 0.05 mm−1 and MAE = 0.01 mm−1) indicating that the PcSwanw surface is adequately represented without the need for the scanning curve data, which greatly reduces the amount of data required to construct the non-hysteretic PcSwanw surface for this data.  相似文献   

Summary We find no effect of the interplanetary magnetic field(IMF) sector boundary crossing in ozone at altitudes ranging from the middle stratosphere(10 hPa) to the lower mesosphere(0.4 hPa) at middle latitudes(40°–60° N), based on winter data over the period of December 1979–December 1982.
Резюме Мы не нaшлu нuкaко о эффекma nересеченuя секmорноŭ рaнuцы межnлaнеmно о мa нumно о nоля в озоне в облaсmu высоm меж?rt;у сре?rt;неŭ сmрamосфероŭ(10 Пa) u нuжнеŭ мезосфероŭ(0,4 Пa) нa сре?rt;нuх шuроmaх(40°–60° с.ш.), nрuменяя зuмнuе ?rt;aнные зa nерuо?rt; ?rt;екaбрь 1979 – ?rt;екaбрь 1982 .

Transport of non-ergodic solute plumes by steady-state groundwater flow with a uniform mean velocity, μ, were simulated with Monte Carlo approach in a two-dimensional heterogeneous and statistically isotropic aquifer whose transmissivity, T, is log-normally distributed with an exponential covariance. The ensemble averages of the second spatial moments of the plume about its center of mass, <S i i (t)>, and the plume centroid covariance, R i i (t) (i=1,2), were simulated for the variance of Y=log T, σ Y 2=0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 and line sources normal or parallel to μ of three dimensionless lengths, 1, 5, and 10. For σ Y 2=0.1, all simulated <S i i (t)>−S i i (0) and R i i (t) agree well with the first-order theoretical values, where S i i (0) are the initial values of S i i (t). For σ Y 2=0.5 and 1.0 and the line sources normal to μ, the simulated longitudinal moments, <S 11(t)>−S 11(0) and R 11(t), agree well with the first-order theoretical results but the simulated transverse moments <S 22(t)>−S 22(0) and R 22(t) are significantly larger than the first-order values. For the same two larger values of σ Y 2 but the line sources parallel to μ, the simulated <S 11(t)>−S 11(0) are larger than but the simulated R 11 are smaller than the first-order values, and both simulated <S 22(t)>−S 22(0) and R 22(t) stay larger than the first-order values. For a fixed value of σ Y 2, the summations of <S i i (t)>−S i i (0) and R i i , i.e., X i i (i=1,2), remain almost the same no matter what kind of source simulated. The simulated X 11 are in good agreement with the first-order theory but the simulated X 22 are significantly larger than the first-order values. The simulated X 22, however, are in excellent agreement with a previous modeling result and both of them are very close to the values derived using Corrsin's conjecture. It is found that the transverse moments may be significantly underestimated if less accurate hydraulic head solutions are used and that the decreasing of <S 22(t)>−S 22(0) with time or a negative effective dispersivity, defined as , may happen in the case of a line source parallel to μ where σ Y 2 is small.  相似文献   

To this day, field capacity (FC) is rarely defined in the context of soil properties, and the use of non-physical simplistic models is the common way to normalize water content at FC. In this study, the problem of water drainage redistribution in a soil column with and without the presence of evaporation (EV) was extensively studied. Analytical solutions for the Richards equation were established for the case of water drainage redistribution through a deeply wetted soil water column with and without EV at FC conditions. Water retention and depth evolution curves were plotted first, using different EV values of (2 mmday, 5 mmday and 8 mmday) and second, for different drainage redistribution durations of (1 day, 4 days and 6 days) where EV was set to zero for the case with no EV or to a fixed value of 5 mmday for the case with EV. The results suggest that EV plays a significant role in soil water drainage suggesting that, in the presence of EV, the FC drying front reaches much higher depths in the soil water profile than if EV is turned off. It was also concluded that FC reaches deeper depths faster the stronger EV is acting at the surface of a soil water column. Additionally, the results suggest that the texture of the soil receiving drainage controls the amount of water available for EV and as a result, EV was found to play a stronger role the smaller the hydraulic conductivity of the soil is.  相似文献   

The characteristic of seismic coda wave attenuation in Yunnan area in 7 frequency-bands range from 1 Hz to 20 Hz was estimated by using the local earthquake's waveform data recorded from 22 Yunnan digital seismic stations.Coda attenuation Q-c1 of each station was firstly calculated by single scattering method. Then, mean free path Le and seismic albedo Bo of each station were calculated, and scattering attenuation Q-1s and intrinsic attenuation Q-1i were separated from total attenuation Q-1t by multiple lapse time window analysis based on the multiple scattering model in uniform random isotropic scattering medium. The attenuating characteristics in Yunnan show that most value of Le are in 10~30 km, with maximal within 2~6 Hz;Bo are about 0.5 at 1~2 Hz, but less than 0.5at other frequency-bands, which means Q-1i is comparable with Q-1s at 1~2 Hz, and after 1~2 Hz, Q-1i is greater than Q-1s and dominates the attenuation process. Q-1c is close to Q-1i at other frequency bands except 1~2 Hz.Results show that Q-1 especially Qs-1 varies spatially, Q-1 in eastern Yunnan zone is a bit higher than in northwestern Yunnan zone;northwestern Yunnan zone higher than southwestern Yunnan zone. Comparing with other results in global, Qs-1 in Yunnan is lower than the global average value among these results, Q-1i is higher than the global average value, and Q-1t lies the middle among these results.  相似文献   

Observations of the Langmuir Probe Instrument(ISL,Instrument Sonde de Langmuir) onboard the DEMETER satellite during four years from 2006 to 2009 were used to analyze the tempo-spatial variations of electron density(Ne) and temperature(Te) in the ionosphere.Twenty four research bins with each covering an area with 10° in longitude and 2° in latitude were selected to study the spatial distributions of Ne and Te.The results indicate that both Ne and Te have strong annual variations in the topside ionosphere at 660 km altitude.The semiannual anomaly and equinoctial asymmetry which are usually well known as the features of F-layer also exist in the topside ionosphere at low-and mid-latitudes.The yearly variation of Ne is opposite to the peak electron density of the F2-layer(NmF2) at higher latitudes in daytime and both are similar in nighttime.Also the yearly variations of Te at low-latitude are contrary to that at 600 km in daytime and similar in nighttime.An interesting feature of nighttime Te at low-latitude is an obvious annual variation in the northern hemisphere and semiannual variation in the southern hemisphere.The yearly variations of Te in daytime have negative and positive correlation with Ne at mid-and high-latitudes,respectively.Both Ne and Te in the neighborhood bins at the same latitude have a high correlation.In ionospheric events analyzing,this information may help to understand the characteristics of the variation and to distinguish the reliable abnormality from the normal background map.  相似文献   

Volcanic emission rates of As, Sb, Pb, Hg, Se, Cl, and F were determined at Erebus volcano, Antarctica and White Island, New Zealand, using chemical traps. The trace metal fluxes were determined by combining the species to S ratios in the solutions with SO2 emission rates measured by correlation spectrometry at the two volcanoes. At Erebus volcano, fluxes for the metals Pb and Hg were 2.0 × 10− 4 and 8.1 × 10− 6 kg s− 11, respectively. Fluxes for Cl, F, As, Sb and Se (0.35, 0.15, 2.5 × 10− 4, 1.2 × 10− 5, and 4.5 × 10− 6 kg s− 1, respectively) agreed within error limits for values determined previously by the LiOH impregnated filter method [Zreda-Gostynska, G., Kyle, P., Finnegan, D., Prestbo, K., 1997. Volcanic gas emissions from Mount Erebus and their impact on the Antarctic environment. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B7): 15039–15055.], demonstrating the utility of the chemical trap method. A fall in the As/S ratio from 7 × 10− 4 in 1997/1999 to 3 × 10− 4 in 2000 at Erebus coincided with a change in the frequency and style of eruptive activity that may have been due to injection of magma into the system. At White Island, chemical trap data indicated fluxes of Cl = 0.90, F = 0.0079, Pb = 2.7 × 10− 4, Hg = 1.1 × 10− 5, As = 1.3 × 10− 4, Sb = 1.9 × 10− 5 and Se = 1.5 × 10− 5 kg s− 1. Samples collected 600 m downwind of the active crater were comparable to samples collected adjacent to the main gas vent, showing that this method can still be used at some distance from a degassing vent.  相似文献   

The activities of 210Po and 210Pb were determined in commonly consumed seafoods to evaluate the internal exposure and risk to humans residing Kudankulam coast where a mega nuclear power plant is under construction. The concentration of 210Po in seafoods ranged from 1.2 ± 0.7 to 248 ± 8.1 Bq kg−1. Meanwhile, 210Pb ranged between 1.1 ± 0.05 and 14.8 ± 1.6 Bq kg−1. The committed effective dose (CED) due to 210Po and 210Pb varied from 11.04 to 515.6 and 3.93 to 23.5 μSv yr−1, respectively. The lifetime cancer risk for the public due to 210Po was in the range of 3.47 × 10−5-1.62 × 10−3 and it was 4.03 × 10−5-1.96 × 10−4 due to 210Pb. The activity intake, effective dose and cancer risk was found lesser than international guidelines and the seafood intake was considered to be safe for human consumption.  相似文献   

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