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The paper describes the phenomenon of afternoon depression of the geomagnetic H field on quiet days near the magnetic equator in the Indian zone. These events occur most frequently around 1600 solar hr and are localized in longitude; sometimes, not seen at stations separated by even 2 hr LT. The geomagnetic disturbance tends to decrease or destroy the identity of the phenomenon. The latitudinal extent of these events is confined to the equatorial electrojet region. The events do not seem to be caused mainly by the Moon, but their occurrences are modified by the lunar age, being most frequent around new and full Moon. These events are associated with the disappearance of the q type of Es over the Equator for periods during which the H field is below the night-time level. The currents responsible for these events flow westward in the E-region and are within few degrees centred near the magnetic equator.  相似文献   

On moderately disturbed days when substorms occur frequently, the quiet day daily variation in the polar region (Sqp) is enhanced. On such days, however, the quiet day variation along the dip equator appears to be suppressed, as well as being superposed with ‘fluctuations’.It is suggested that the enhancement of Sqp is related to a partial suppression of the equatorial electrojet. The asymmetric ring current also causes an apparent suppression of the electrojet.On the other hand, the substorm-associated electric field which drives the eastward current in the auroral and subauroral zone (causing positive bays) in the afternoon sector appears to enhance the equatorial electrojet.Thus, magnetic variations along the dip equator are influenced by a number of processes in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The location of field-aligned currents in the evening sector with respect to the auroral electrojets is examined. The tri-axial TRIAD satellite data and the simultaneous ground magnetometer data from along the Alaska meridian are analysed. It is shown that an intense upward fieldaligned current flows out from the region of the westward electrojet where discrete auroras are located. The downward flowing current exists in the region further equatorward, namely in the region of the eastward electrojet. However, the downward current is present even when there is no eastward electrojet. The boundary between the upward and the downward currents coincides, in most cases, with the boundary between the westward and the eastward auroral electrojets. Thus, the Harang discontinuity, a narrow area separating the positive and negative H bays, is the region where there is no field-aligned current.  相似文献   

Many previous researchers have shown that convection in the magnetosphere is reflected in the ionosphere by an eastward electrojet in the evening sector and a westward electrojet in the post-midnight sector. In this paper we shall demonstrate the existence of eastward electrojet flow in the dawn sector in the latitude regime normally occupied by the westward convection electrojet. It will be shown that the convection westward electrojet near dawn may co-exist with the eastward electrojet while lying poleward of it. It is suggested that this eastward electrojet consists of Pedersen current flow driven by an eastward electric field and it is shown that the field lines which penetrate the eastward electrojet are populated by energetic electrons normally associated with the plasma sheet as well as high energy electrons normally associated with the trapped particle population. The high conductivity channel is generated by processes associated with the precipitation of high energy (E > 20 keV) electrons drifting eastwards from midnight in the trapping region. It is further shown that antiparallel current sheets may flow on the magnetic lines of force penetrating the electrojet, and that this flow is closed in the ionosphere by Hall currents flowing equatorward in the high conductivity channel.  相似文献   

During very intense geomagnetic storm of November 7–8, 2004 simultaneous presence of storm time disturbance dynamo and eastward and westward directed prompt penetration electric fields inferred from the ground based magnetometer data in the 75° E sector is presented. Magnetometer observations show that, on the whole, average ΔH variation on 8 November remains below the night time level compared to its quiet day variation. A number of upward and downward excursions have been observed between 0130 UT and 0800 UT in the ΔH variation on 8 November. These excursions in ΔH have been attributed to the episodes of eastward and westward prompt penetrating electric fields. Ionospheric response in the equatorial ionization anomaly region along 75° E has also been studied using the total electron content data recorded at five GPS stations, namely Udaipur, Bengaluru (IISC), Hyderabad (HYDE), Maldives (MALD) and Diego Garcia (DGAR). Observation of markedly suppressed EIA, in conjunction with ΔH variation which was m negative during the daytime on 8 November, indicates the presence of an external field of opposite polarity (the disturbance dynamo electric field) that either undermined, or overshadowed the daytime ambient (eastward) electric field to the extent that the equatorial plasma fountain could not become effective.  相似文献   

Autospectra in the 2–13 month range, computed from mean monthly horizontal intensity on quiet days at Trivandrum, situated close to the dip equator, suggest an exceedingly large semi-annual modulation of the field confined to an interval of about 5 hr centred at 1000 LT. The amplitude of the semi-annual oscillation at this station, derived from power density, is greater than 19 γ at 1000 LT. Between 1900 and 0500 LT, spectral lines, corresponding to a period of six months, are not observed above the continuum. Spectral densities from observations at two other electrojet stations in India, Kodaikanal and Annamalainagar, and at Alibag, outside the electrojet, establish the existence of an appreciable enhancement of the semi-annual oscillation of the field in the equatorial electrojet belt. Similar computations of spectra using observations on all days, however, suggest a secondary component in the evening sector. This component is not enhanced in the equatorial electrojet belt. It is concluded that while in low latitudes the daytime component is largely associated with the modulation of Sq currents, in the electrojet belt it appears to be due entirely to a semi-annual modulation of the equatorial electrojet. It is also concluded that the secondary component, observed in the evening sector in low latitude and equatorial stations, is associated purely with the modulation of the ring current by disturbance. The two components of the semi-annual variation observed at the Indian stations have also been noticed at several stations between geomagnetic latitudes N54.6° and S41.8°. It is also observed that the association of the semi-annual component with geomagnetic latitude is confined to the evening-night component.  相似文献   

From an analysis of published geomagnetic data of stations in the Indian equatorial region, it is shown that on days with an abnormal Sq (H) phase limited to the electrojet belt, conditions characteristic of complete or partial counter-electrojet prevail around the usual time interval of the diurnal maximum of the H-field.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of the sudden disappearance of equatorial sporadic E at two stations, namely, Trivandrum and Kodaikanal is studied. It is established that whenever there is a sudden disappearance of Es, there is a depression in the horizontal magnetic field (H) range. Electron velocities during the presence and absence of sporadic E have been estimated. These results show that the irregularities responsible for sporadic E are present even when the electron velocities are less than the ion thermal velocity.  相似文献   

When observed noontime values of the maximum electron density, NMAX(F2), in the ionospheric F2 region are plotted as a function of magnetic latitude, a curve is produced which has two peaks, one on either side of the dip equator at ±16° dip latitude. This paper theoretically investigates the daily variation of this latitudinal distribution in NMAX(F2) (the so-called Appleton or equatorial anomaly) and specifically attempts to account for the longitudinal differences observed between the American and Asian sectors.In Part II, models of the neutral atmosphere, production, loss and diffusion rates, neutral wind, and electric field are described and the electron densities obtained by solving the continuity equation utilizing these models are presented. In each sector, the extent to which the equatorial anomaly's daily variation is affected by changes in the geomagnetic field configuration, neutral wind, and E × B drift is examined. It is found that development of the anomaly is most sensitive to the electric field model assumed, and that the observed differences at the magnetic equator between the American and Asian sectors could be accounted for by an upward E × B drift which commences an hour or two earlier in the Asian sector.  相似文献   

From the world distribution of geomagnetic disturbance, the connection between the electric current in the ionosphere, the field-aligned current and asymmetric equatorial ringcurrent in the magnetosphere is discussed. The partial ring-current in the afternoon-evening region, whose intensity is closely correlated with the AE-index, usually develops and decays earlier than the symmetric ring-current in the course of magnetic storms. The partial ringcurrent seems to have a direct connection with the positive geomagnetic bay in high latitudes in the evening hours through the ionizing effect of the particles leaking from the partial ringcurrent. The dawn-to-dusk electric field in the magnetospheric tail is transferred to the polar ionosphere, producing there the twin vortex Hall current responsible for polar cap geomagnetic variation. The magnetic effect of the associated Pedersen current in the ionosphere is shown to be small but still worth considering. The electrojet near midnight along the auroral oval is thought to appear when the electric conductivity of the ionosphere is locally increased under the presence of large scale dawn-to-dusk electric field. The occasional appearance of a localized abnormal geomagnetic disturbance with reversed direction near the geomagnetic pole seems to suggest the occasional reversal of electric field near the outer surface of the magnetospheric tail, especially when the interplanetary magnetic field is northward.  相似文献   

Magnetic field intensity of the horizontal component (H) data measured from Magnetic Data Acquisition System (MAGDAS) at Ilorin (geographic latitude: 8.47°N, geographic longitude: 4.68°E, geomagnetic latitude: 1.82°S, geomagnetic longitude: 78.6°S), Nigeria in the year 2009 (a low activity year) was used to study the diurnal, monthly-median and standard deviation of the solar quiet of the horizontal component (S q H). The diurnal variation of S q H and its corresponding monthly median variation (MS q H) shows minima values at pre-sunrise hours between 0500 and 0600 LT. The S q H value shows a daytime maximum variation range between 20 and 91 nT and a nighttime minimum variation range from 1 to 4 nT. The occurrences of daytime maxima of the S q H values that were observed in all the months are between the hours of 1000 and 1200 LT. The daytime maximum of the MS q H values from the entire months were seen at 1100 LT with exceptions of January and December. The month of October has the highest value (61 nT) and the lowest value was observed in December (35 nT). It is clearer that the range in maximums of S q H and MS q H variations during the daytime period in all the months is greater than the range in minimums observed at nighttime period (post-sunset and pre-sunrise). The monthly standard deviation (STD) depicts the index of variability of all the day-to-day variations in each month. Counter electrojet (CEJ) events were observed in the morning and as well during the evening hours. The magnitudes and frequencies of CEJ events during the evening hours are greater than that of the morning hours. CEJ seen during the morning period around 0500–0600 LT is the consequence of late reversals of nighttime westward currents to daytime eastward currents. A semi-annual variation with peak values during March, April, September and October was observed. Seasonal variation that was characterized with CEJ was also investigated.  相似文献   

The effect of lunar tides on the apparent ionospheric drift velocity (V) for an equatorial station Thumba (0.6°S dip) is computed by using nearly six years of data at fixed solar hours. Significant tides are observed in the E-region drifts, particularly around 12.00 hr and in the F-region drifts around 15.00 hr.A good correlation in the phases of the lunar tides in H and V is found to exist, suggesting a strong electrojet control of the horizontal ionospheric drift around these hours.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of rapid-run magnetograms from Guam (geomagnetic latitude = 4.2°) revealed that there are two kinds of geomagnetic sudden commencement (SC) observed in nighttime. One is the ordinary SC consisting of a main impulse only which has a smooth rise of the H-component. The other is a superposition by a small positive impulse on the very beginning part of the smooth rise of the main impulse and consequently the SC starts with a small stepwise increase of the H-component. The latter type of SC occurs between 20 and 08 h L.T. and its occurrence rate takes the maximum value of about 50% around 03 h L.T. Corresponding magnetograms from a dayside equatorial station (Huancayo, geomagnetic latitude = ?0.7°) were examined and a good correlation was found between the stepwise SC at the nightside (Guam) and SC1 with a preliminary reverse impulse (PRI) at the dayside (Huancayo). Since PRI observed at the dayside equator may be interpreted as an extension of an ionospheric current due to an dusk-to-dawn electric field impressed on the polar ionosphere, our results show that a polar originating ionospheric current can extend to the nightside equator and produce a small but observable magnetic effect in spite of much reduced nighttime ionospheric conductivity.  相似文献   

Simultaneous magnetic field data from the geostationary satellites GOES 2 and GOES 3 have shown significant differences between the inclination angles measured at these two satellites. The relationship between the two inclination angles is examined for three magnetic activity groups and eight local time sectors by using data from GOES 2 and GOES 3 for the 12-month period from March 1979 to February 1980. During this time GOES 2 was 1.09 RE off the geomagnetic equator in the northern geomagnetic hemisphere, while GOES 3 was separated from GOES 2 by 2 h L.T. and 0.47 RE off the geomagnetic equator, also in the northern geomagnetic hemisphere. The average inclination angle is found to differ substantially from the predictions based on the previously published magnetic field models. The relationship between the two inclination angles is fitted by a simple model of magnetic field perturbation that varies as a power of distance from the Equator. During magnetic disturbances, the spatial variation of magnetic field perturbation on the nightside suggests that the ring current density increases with distance from the geomagnetic equator.  相似文献   

During August 1972, Explorer 45 orbiting near the equatorial plane with an apogee of ~5.2 Re traversed magnetic field lines in close proximity to those simultaneously traversed by the topside ionospheric satellite ISIS 2 near dusk in the L range 2.0–5.4. The locations of the Explorer 45 plasmapause crossings (determined by the saturation of the d.c. electric field double probe) during this month were compared to the latitudinal decreases of the H+ density observed on ISIS 2 (by the magnetic ion mass spectrometer) near the same magnetic field lines. The equatorially determined plasmapause field lines typically passed through or poleward of the minimum of the ionospheric light ion trough, with coincident satellite passes occurring for which the L separation between the plasmapause and trough field lines was between 1 and 2. Hence, the abruptly decreasing H+ density on the low latitude side of the ionospheric trough is not a near earth signature of the equatorial plasmapause. Vertical flows of the H+ ions in the light ion trough as detected by the magnetic ion mass spectrometer on ISIS were directed upward with velocities between 1 and 2 km s?1 near dusk on these passes. These velocities decreased to lower values on the low latitude side of the H+ trough but did not show any noticeable change across the field lines corresponding to the magnetospheric plasmapause. The existence of upward accelerated H+ flows to possibly supersonic speeds during the refilling of magnetic flux tubes in the outer plasmasphere could produce an equatorial plasmapause whose field lines map into the ionosphere at latitudes which are poleward of the H+ density decrease.  相似文献   

In order to investigate Pc3-4 geomagnetic pulsations at very low and equatorial latitudes, L=1.0 to 1.2, we analyzed simultaneous geomagnetic data from Brazilian stations for 26 days during October-November 1994. The multitaper spectral method based on Fourier transform and singular value decomposition was used to obtain pulsation power spectra, polarization parameters and phase. Eighty-one (81) simultaneous highly polarized Pc3-4 events occurring mainly during daytime were selected for the study. The diurnal events showed enhancement in the polarized power density of about 3.2 times for pulsations observed at stations close to the magnetic equator in comparison to the more distant ones. The phase of pulsation observed at stations near the magnetic equator showed a delay of 48-62° in relation to the most distant one. The peculiarities shown by these Pc3-4 pulsations close to the dip equator are attributed to the increase of the ionospheric conductivity and the intensification of the equatorial electrojet during daytime that regulates the propagation of compressional waves generated in the foreshock region and transmitted to the magnetosphere and ionosphere at low latitudes. The source mechanism of these compressional Pc3-4 modes may be the compressional global mode or the trapped fast mode in the plasmasphere driving forced field line oscillations at very low and equatorial latitudes.  相似文献   

Photometric observations of dayside auroras are compared with simultaneous measurements of geomagnetic disturbances from meridian chains of stations on the dayside and on the nightside to document the dynamics of dayside auroras in relation to local and global disturbances. These observations are related to measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) from the satellites ISEE-1 and 3. It is shown that the dayside auroral zone shifts equatorward and poleward with the growth and decay of the circum-oval/polar cap geomagnetic disturbance and with negative and positive changes in the north-south component of the interplanetary magnetic field (Bz). The geomagnetic disturbance associated with the auroral shift is identified as the DP2 mode. In the post-noon sector the horizontal disturbance vector of the geomagnetic field changes from southward to northward with decreasing latitude, thereby changing sign near the center of the oval precipitation region. Discrete auroral forms are observed close to or equatorward of the ΔH = 0 line which separates positive and negative H-component deflections. This reversal moves in latitude with the aurora and it probably reflects a transition of the electric field direction at the polar cap boundary. Thus, the discrete auroral forms observed on the dayside are in the region of sunward-convecting field lines. A model is proposed to explain the equatorward and poleward movement of the dayside oval in terms of a dayside current system which is intensified by a southward movement of the IMF vector. According to this model, the Pedersen component of the ionospheric current is connected with the magnetopause boundary layer via field-aligned current (FAC) sheets. Enhanced current intensity, corresponding to southward auroral shift, is consistent with increased energy extraction from the solar wind. In this way the observed association of DP2 current system variations and auroral oval expansion/contraction is explained as an effect of a global, ‘direct’ response of the electromagnetic state of the magnetosphere due to the influence of the solar wind magnetic field. Estimates of electric field, current, and the rate of Joule heat dissipation in the polar cap ionosphere are obtained from the model.  相似文献   

An analytic investigation is made of rays from a source in a magneto-ionic medium for which the magnetic field H and the electron density vary, in a Cartesian co-ordinate system Oxyz, with x alone. The case Hz = 0 is considered in some detail. It is shown that rays in the xy-plane may be focused, and that interference can occur. The geomagnetic field is then represented by a model for which Hy is proportional to x, and the magnetic field lines are parabolas. Observations and theories of magnetospheric chorus, in particular of the gap near one-half the equatorial electron gyrofrequency, are discussed in relation to this model.  相似文献   

We study the interplanetary features and concomitant geomagnetic activity of the two high-speed streams (HSSs) selected by the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) campaign participants: 20 March to 16 April 2008 in Carrington rotation (CR) 2068. This interval was chosen to perform a comprehensive study of HSSs and their geoeffectiveness during this ??deep?? solar minimum. The two HSSs within the interval were characterized by fast solar-wind speeds (peak values >?600 km?s?1) containing large-amplitude Alfvénic fluctuations, as is typical of HSSs during normal solar minima. However, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) magnitude [B o] was exceptionally low (??3??C?5 nT) during these HSSs, leading to lower than usual IMF B z values. The first HSS (HSS1) had favorable IMF polarity for geomagnetic activity (negative during northern Spring). The average AE and Dst for the HSS1 proper (HSS1P) were +?258 nT and ??21 nT, respectively. The second HSS (HSS2) had a positive sector IMF polarity, one that is less favorable for geomagnetic activity. The AE and Dst index averages were +?188 nT and ??7 nT, both lower than corresponding numbers for the first event, as expected. The HSS1P geomagnetic activity is comparable to, and the HSS2P geomagnetic activity lower than, corresponding observations for the previous minimum (1996). Both events?? geomagnetic activities are lower than HSS events previously studied in the declining phase (in 2003). In general, V sw was faster for the HSSs in 2008 compared to 1996. The southward IMF B z was lower in the former. The product of these two parameters [V sw and IMF B z ] comprises the solar-wind electric field, which is most directly associated with the energy input into the magnetosphere during the HSS intervals. Thus the combined effects led to the solar wind energy input in 2008 being slightly less than that in 1996. A detailed analysis of magnetic-field variances and Alfvénicity is performed to explore the characteristics of Alfvén waves (a central element in the geoeffectiveness of HSSs) during the WHI. The B z variances in the proto-CIR (PCIR) were ???30 nT2 and <?10 nT2 in the high speed streams proper.  相似文献   

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