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The geographical distribution of coal particles that fell during nine years to the sea bottom from the open sea coal terminal off Hadera, Israel, shows a consistent northerly transport path, and it is inconceivable that the sand at that location would move in an opposite direction. Semicircular, current-scoured moats associated with small mounds found at the edge of the continental shelf off Ashdod and Haifa, Israel, also suggest a general northward-directed sediment transport. The northward sediment flow on the Israeli continental shelf inferred from this evidence therefore supports the model of Emery and Neev about general sand transport patterns along the Israeli coastline and continental shelf.  相似文献   

In order to assess the possible environmental impact of oily cuttings discharged during oil exploration activities, we studied the benthic foraminiferal faunas in a five-station, 4-km-long sampling transect around a cuttings disposal site at about 670 m depth offshore Angola (W Africa), where drilling activities started 1.5 years before sampling. Living (Rose Bengal stained) and dead foraminiferal faunas were sampled in March 2006. The faunal patterns mirror the spatial distribution of hydrocarbons, which are dispersed into a southeastern direction. Four different areas can be distinguished on the basis of the investigated faunal parameters (density, diversity and species composition of the living fauna, and comparison with subrecent dead faunas). The fauna at station S31, 300 m SE of the oil cuttings disposal site, appears to be clearly impacted: the faunal density and diversity are maximal, but evenness is minimal. Taxa sensitive to organic enrichment, such as Uvigerina peregrina, Cancris auriculus and Cribrostomoides subglobosus, have largely disappeared, whereas the low-oxygen-resistant taxon Chilostomella oolina and opportunistic buliminids and bolivinids attain relatively high densities. At station S32, 500 m SE of the disposal site, environmental impact is still perceptible. The faunal density is slightly increased, and U. peregrina, apparently the most sensitive species, is still almost absent. The faunas found at 1 and 1.8 km SE of the disposal site are apparently no longer impacted by the drill mud disposal. Faunal density and diversity are low, and the faunal composition is typical for a mesotrophic to eutrophic upper slope environment. Finally, Station S35, 2 km NW of the disposal site, contains an intermediate fauna, where both the low-oxygen-resistant C. oolina and the more sensitive taxa (U. peregrina, C. auriculus and C. subglobosus) are present. All taxa live close to the sediment–water interface here, indicating a reduced oxygen penetration into the sediment. Since the hydrocarbon concentration is low at this station, it appears that the faunal characteristics are the consequence of a slightly different environmental setting, and not due to a contamination with drill cuttings. Our data underline the large potential of benthic foraminifera as bio-indicators of anthropogenic enrichment in open marine settings, such as caused by the disposal of oily drill cuttings. The foraminiferal faunas react essentially by a density increase of a number of tolerant and/or opportunistic taxa, and a progressive disappearance of more sensitive taxa in the most impacted area. Rather surprisingly, large-sized taxa appear to be more sensitive than small-sized foraminiferal taxa.  相似文献   

Hornblende is the least stable, and most diagnostic, mineral of the sediment blanketing the continental shelf off Georgia, U.S.A. Recent work by others has shown that the probable sources of hornblende-rich sands on the shelf are the Savannah and Altamaha Rivers, both of which originate in the southern Appalachian piedmont. Rivers with drainage basins confined to the coastal plain carry stable, low-hornblende heavy-mineral assemblages and contribute sediment to the shelf only during episodes of regression or transgression. Distribution of hornblende on the continental shelf reveals the importance of the Altamaha and Savannah Rivers, especially the Savannah, as sources of sediment. It is postulated that original point concentrations of hornblende-rich sand associated with Late Pleistocene deltas or estuaries of the Savannah River have been modified by southwest currents, possibly during winter storms. The resulting configuration is a series of northeast-trending, linear high-hornblende anomalies. The origin of the hornblende-distribution anomalies probably is identical to the origin of linear shoals that also trend northeast across the continental shelf.  相似文献   

粤东陆架区夏季的上升流   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
洪启明  李立 《台湾海峡》1991,10(3):271-277
本文根据水温、盐度和溶解氧含量等要素的历史资料分析了南海北部粤东陆架区夏季的上升流现象。结果表明,上升运动的深层高盐、低温冷水使该海区夏季中、下层及近岸水温下降,盐度上升,溶解氧含量相对减少。上升流中心位于广东汕头外海,中心附近上升流明显强化,本海域上升流存在空间上的不一致性和明显的年度间变化。  相似文献   

The three-dimensional circulation on the continental shelf off northern California in the wind events and shelf transport (WEST) experiment region during summer 2001 is studied using the primitive equation regional ocean modeling system (ROMS). The simulations are performed with realistic topography and initial stratification in a limited-area domain with a high-resolution grid. Forcing consists of measured wind-stress and heat flux values obtained from a WEST surface buoy. The general response shows a southward coastal upwelling jet of up to and a weakening or reversal of currents inshore of the jet when upwelling winds relax. Model results are compared to WEST moored velocity and temperature measurements at five locations, to CODAR surface current observations between Pt. Reyes and Bodega Bay, and to hydrographic measurements along shipboard survey lines. The model performs reasonably well, with the highest depth-averaged velocity correlation (0.81) at the inshore mooring (40 m water depth) and lowest correlation (0.68) at the mid-depth mooring (90 m depth). The model shows generally stronger velocities than those observed, especially at the inshore moorings, and a lack in complete reversal of southward velocities observed when upwelling winds relax. The comparison of surface velocities with CODAR measurements shows good agreement of the mean and the dominant mode of variability. The hydrography compares closely at the southern and northern edges of the survey region (correlation coefficients between 0.90 and 0.97), with weaker correlations at the three interior survey lines (correlation coefficients between 0.44 and 0.76). Mean model fields over the summer upwelling period show slight coastal jet separation off Pt. Arena and significant separation off Pt. Reyes. The cape regions also experience relatively strong bottom velocities and nonlinearity in the surface flow. Across-shelf velocity sections examined along the shelf reveal a double jet structure that appears just north of Bodega Bay and shows the offshore jet strengthening to the south. We examine the dynamics during an upwelling and subsequent relaxation event in May 2001 in which the WEST measurements show evidence of a strong flow response. The alongshelf variability in the upwelling and relaxation response introduced by Pt. Reyes is evident. Analysis of term balances from the depth-averaged momentum equations helps to clarify the event dynamics in different regions over the shelf. A clear pattern in the nonlinear advection term is due to the spatial acceleration of the southward jet around the capes of Pt. Arena and Pt. Reyes during upwelling. Results from a three-dimensional Lagrangian analysis of water parcel displacement show significant southward displacement in the coastal jet region, including a strong signal from the double jet. Alongshelf variability in parcel displacements and upwelling source waters due to the presence of Pt. Arena and Pt. Reyes is also apparent from the Lagrangian fields. A cyclonic eddy-like recirculation feature offshore of Pt. Arena prior to the upwelling event causes large patches of onshore-displaced parcels. Additionally, across-shelf variability in the response of water parcels along the D line includes decreased vertical displacement and increased alongshelf displacement in the offshore direction.  相似文献   

We discussed the detailed current structures over the continental shelf off the San'in Coast in June 1988 and June 1989, using ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler) data, which were taken by the quadrireciprocal method (Katoh, 1988) for removing tidal currents from observed currents. In waters northwest of Hagi (Yamaguchi Pref.) and Hamada (Shimane Pref.), two mainly northeastward current cores were observed on each of transects. The offshore current core is baroclinic in relation to the bottom cold water with temperature below 10°C, and has velocities mostly between 0.5 and 0.8kt (26 and 41 cm s–1) at 20 m depth. The onshore current core, which is barotropic, has velocities between 0.3 and 0.5 kt (15 and 26 cm s–1) at 20 m depth. In waters northwest of Izumo (Shimane Pref.), where the width of the continental shelf is narrow, it is difficult to distinguish between the two current cores, because the offshore core tends to join the onshore one. Estimating the magnitude of each term in the diurnally averaged equation of motion for about 3.3 nautical miles (6.1 km), we found that the orders of the inertia term and the gradient of tidal stress were 10–4 cm s–2, and the order of the Coriolis force was 10–3 cm s–2. Near the bottom northwest of Hagi and Hamada, two bands of countercurrents were found; one was slightly offshore of the intersection between the continental shelf and permanent thermocline, and the other was in the water colder than 5°C ridging on the continental shelf.  相似文献   

Total magnetic intensity and bathymetric surveys were carried out in the offshore area of Ratnagiri on the western continental shelf of India and an isomagnetic anomalies map at a contour interval of 50 nT was prepared which reveals N-S trends of magnetic anomalies. Two-dimensional model and spectral studies of these anomalies were carried out, and subsurface models of the geology in the area have been derived from anomalies at a number of places. The results suggest that the anomalies occur over a magnetic crystalline basement at a depth of 1–1.2 km which is similar (in magnetization) to onshore basalts of northwest India. These anomalies are believed to be an expression of a considerable thickness (around 1.7 km) of basalt, underlain by sediments. Identification of these basalts in offshore areas along the northwestern continental shelf of India would support (1) the idea that the onshore Deccan basalts of western India and the rhyolitic tuffs at the Laccadive ridge system (DSDP Site 210) are related to the same volcanic events, and (2) subsequent downfaulting of onshore Deccan basalts into the Arabian Sea and submergence below the Tertiary sediments.  相似文献   

The interstitial water composition ( , alkalinity, Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr2+, Na+, K+) and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) were determined for the muddy sediments of the continental shelf off the Gironde Estuary (France), in the area where the sediment represents the deposit of the muddy suspension of the river. In comparison with seawater concentrations, the pore waters below 10 cm depth, show depletions of and Ca2+ and below a 30 cm depth show depletions of Mg2+. Inversely, the upper 10 cm an enrichment of Ca2+ concentration, and an increase of K+ concentration to a 40 cm depth. High values of are observed at the top 4 cm. Alkalinity enrichment is observed along the length of the core. Applying the alkalinity models for the sediment below a 10 cm depth demonstrates generally that calculated alkalinities are higher than the measured ones. Ca2+ dissolution occurs at the first 10 cm and authigenic carbonate precipitation starts beneath that level. Mg2+ depletion is accompanied by bicarbonate loss. This proves that Mg2+ depletion is due to a Mg-silicate reaction. The result of the CEC does not confirm the Mg2+ uptake by clay minerals in exchangeable site, under reducing conditions. Diffusion and bioturbation play an important role in the pore water concentration at the top of the core.  相似文献   

Hurricane Diana was stalled over the continental shelf of central North Carolina on 11–13 September 1984 in the vicinity of a previously studied epifaunal community (30 m depth). Two research cruises following the hurricane used still camera and TV transects to obtain data which allowed an evaluation of stormrelated effects on taxa of algae, sponges, corals, echinoderms and fish. Analysis of 35-mm slides suggested no effects attributable to the hurricane except observations of damaged coral heads and dead mussels. Analysis of television transects indicated no storm related changes from the previous study in frequency of occurrence of large epibenthic taxa. Hurricane damage was much less than anticipated and it is hypothesized that these coral reef-type communities are adapted to or structured by strong bottom currents generated by the frequent passage of gales and that the passage of hurricanes causes little additional stress.  相似文献   

Sixteen rock samples were collected from the continental shelf and slope between Napier and Cape Turnagain, southern Hawkes Bay, most coming from offshore anticlinal ridges. Nine of the samples have a foraminiferal fauna of Upper Miocene and Pliocene age. The remainder cannot be dated, but most are probably of similar age. The foraminiferal. faunas are considered to have lived at depths ranging down to at least 1600 m deeper than the depth from which they were collected. Thus, the post‐depositional history of the samples includes tectonic uplift of similar magnitude since Upper Tertiary times. Because most of the samples arc very fine grained, unlike Recent sediments from ridges, it is suggested that the present regime of folding is largely post‐Pliocene in age.  相似文献   

Data collected on a cruise in January 2008, using a laser optical plankton counter, conductivity–temperature–depth sensors, and a lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler, was used to study the mesoscale distribution and advection of overwintering Calanus finmarchicus in its deep water winter habitat off the shelf of northern Norway. The overwintering animals were generally located immediately below the Atlantic Water (AW) in Arctic Intermediate Water (AIW), in the 600–1200 m depth range. The depth of the interface between AW and AIW varied considerably in the area and this was clearly reflected in the C. finmarchicus distribution. Maximum abundance varied from about 80 ind m?3 to more than 200 ind m?3 at the different stations. Current measurements showed the richness of mesoscazle eddies, with speeds exceeding 70 cm s?1 at the surface and rapidly decreasing with depth. In the main overwintering layer the eddy features were also clearly seen, but with speeds generally below 20 cm s?1. C. finmarchicus were found in the whole survey area, but they were not homogeneously distributed. Advection of the copepods resulted in relatively high local rates of change in overwintering C. finmarchicus abundance with mean value of 8% per day in the area. It is clear that mesoscale physical processes greatly contribute to the variability in the abundance of overwintering C. finmarchicus off the shelf of northern Norway. The collected data are also a valuable addition to the generally sparse datasets on the C. finmarchicus winter distribution and the role of the Lofoten basin in the large scale system is also discussed.  相似文献   

Satellite imagery and offshore magnetic data were analysed to correlate regional tectonic elements on the inner continental shelf off Konkan and the adjacent Deccan plateau. Three statistically important lineament trends—N-S, WNW-ESE and ENE-WSW—that prevail on land are correlatable well with the offshore trends. This positive correlation suggests simultaneous deformation. The major magnetic lineament observed off Jaigad Bay, west coast of India, may be the extension of onshore lineaments. The correlation of both the offshore and onshore trends indicates that the fracture pattern of the crystalline basement has also controlled the offshore structural pattern.  相似文献   

In the course of two regional side-scan sonar surveys on the continental shelf off southern Vietnam after the winter monsoon seasons of 2003 and 2004, and covering a total distance of over 1,000 km, the widespread occurrence of large and very large subaqueous dunes was discovered. On the basis of their size, shape, depth of occurrence and orientation, the dunes were grouped into five spatially distinct regions. In each case, a different height/wavelength relationship is observed. With the exception of region no. 3 where dune dimensions follow the mean global trend, the dimensions in the other regions lie below the mean global trend. The most plausible explanation for this is sediment starvation and/or insufficient time for the larger dunes to fully adjust to changing flow conditions. A good correlation is observed between average dune height in each region and water depth, although this is not the case for dune length. The orientation of the dunes corresponds to the direction of the current pattern induced by the regional winter monsoon winds (NE to SW and S). The generally well-developed asymmetrical shapes and the large size of the dunes suggest that the wind-induced currents are strong enough to reactivate most of the dunes during the winter monsoon season, a conclusion supported also by theoretical calculations of critical current velocities. The largest dunes, which seem to have reached their maximum sizes for the local water depths, may not be reactivated regularly but rather only by exceptionally strong episodic flows.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected to delineate the distribution of contaminants along the central California coast. Sampling included a variety of Canyons and shelf/slope areas to evaluate contaminant transport patterns and potential delivery to Canyons and the continental slope to a depth of 1200 m. Sediments were collected and analyzed for organic contaminants using standard techniques of the NOAA National Status and Trends Program (NS&T). DDT is distributed on the shelf within a zone of fine-grained sediments between Half Moon and Monterey Bays. DDT was found at higher concentrations in Ascension, A?o Nuevo, and Monterey/Soquel Canyons than in Pioneer and Carmel Canyons, the Gulf of the Farallones, or the continental slope. The Monterey Bay watershed appears to be the primary source of DDT. In contrast, PAHs and PCBs on the shelf appear to be derived primarily from San Francisco Bay. DDT appears to be delivered to the deep ocean via the Canyons more than from cross-shelf sediment transport. Sediment budget estimates for the continental shelf north of Monterey Bay need further refinement and more data to account for the movement of material from Monterey Bay onto the shelf.  相似文献   

15 ka以来罗斯海陆架岩心沉积学记录及古海洋学意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文对取自罗斯海陆架的JB04岩心沉积物进行AMS14C测年、粒度、有机碳等测试,结合沉积物粒度组分因子分析,研究该岩心的沉积学记录,探讨其古海洋学意义。结果显示:JB04岩心沉积物的底部年龄为15 ka;沉积物粒度组分因子分析提取出3个环境敏感粒级,分别代表正常冰海沉积、低能海洋沉积和高能海洋沉积;综合沉积物岩相及沉积物组成特征,可以将岩心分为4段,从底部到顶部依次为主要受冰盖刮蚀影响的冰盖下沉积、属低能海洋环境的冰架下沉积、属高能海洋环境的冰架前缘沉积和主要受冰山影响的季节性海冰区沉积。该岩心的沉积地质记录及其古海洋学研究对全面认识罗斯海的海洋环境演变具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

东海陆架HY126EA1孔有孔虫壳体的氧、碳同位素记录   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
东海陆架HY126EA1孔有孔虫壳体氧同位素组成具有明显的阶段性变化.通过与深海氧同位素组成曲线对比,可将氧同位素组成变化分为5期,分别对应着冰消期、末次冰期极盛期、末次冰期间冰段、末次冰期初期和末次间冰期.碳同位素组成的变化与氧同位素组成的变化基本一致.δ18O和δ13C的相关性在不同气候期存在明显差异,主要受陆源水和海水交换复杂程度的控制.  相似文献   

Sediment distribution patterns on the Galicia-Minho continental shelf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sedimentological and bathymetric study of the Minho-Galicia Shelf shows a strong contrast between a southern shelf region with a thin partially relict cover of sands and gravel, and a northern region where fine-grained sediments predominate. This contrast is explained through differences in the sediment supply, the oceanographic environment (storms and ocean currents) and the morphology of the shelf which results from its underlying tectonic framework.Most sediment is supplied to the Galicia-Minho Shelf by river discharges onto the Minho Shelf, particularly that from the Douro River. In the northern part of the shelf the Galician Rías act as sediment traps rather than sediment suppliers. The bulk of the sediment washes out of the rivers during episodic storm events. While most of the coarse sediments remain deposited close to the coast, the fine-grained material is exported to the outer areas of the shelf. Subsequently, coarse sediments close to the coast are transported southwards by the littoral drift. Whereas the fine-grained material is frequently resuspended through the action of the large swells who influence reaches deep into the water. This frequent resuspension has a long-term sorting effect on the sediments. Furthermore, resuspended sediments on the middle and outer regions of the shelf are transported northwards by a poleward flowing bottom current.As a consequence of the differential transport of coarse sediments to the south, and of the fine-grained sediments to the north, the outer reaches of the Minho Shelf are relatively poor in recent sediments. In many areas relict sediments as well as features associated with ancient coastlines and river mouths, still appear as seabed features. In contrast, the northern regions of the shelf are covered by a thin veneer of fine-grained material that smooth other most of these fossil features.The fine-grained sediment fractions (mostly very fine sands to coarse silts) are deposited in two large mud patches, the Douro and the Galicia Mud Patches, which are situated at water depths of around 100–120 m. These two mud patches are both controlled by the local hydrodynamics and morphology. The Beiral de Viana, to the west of the Douro Mud Patch is a plateau, up to 20 m high lying parallel to the shelf-break and is a morphological expression of an underlying horst system. This plateau acts as a barrier that prevents the drift of some of the fine-grained material to the west, out over the shelf-break and the continental slope. The Galicia Mud Patch is situated on the eastern part of the Galician Shelf to the north of the Douro Mud Patch. It is situated near the extension of the Porto–Tomar fault, which results in the shelf being usually steep in this region, down to a depth of about 100 m. West of this area the slope is much more gentle. Northward transport of the sediment is strongly reduced by the E–W trending outcrops of plutonic and metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Although the size distribution of larvae and early juveniles of the saury Scomberesox saurus scombroides in continental shelf waters off the Cape Province, South Africa, is consistent with a south-north passive dispersal by known currents, the size of late juveniles and adults increases from north-west to south-east. Occurrence of these stages is highly seasonal: they are found in summer off the Western Cape and mainly from late summer to winter in Algoa Bay in the Eastern Cape, possibly reflecting longitudinal migration. Large numbers of late juveniles and adults are often found downstream of upwelling plumes off the Western Cape when warmer waters lie close inshore. They are sometimes taken in purse-seines in association with adult round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi and pilchard Sardinops ocellatus. Important predators of late juvenile and adult saury are fast-moving, surface-feeding species: yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares, Cape gannet Morus capensis and Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea. Cape gannets consume an estimated 2 277–6 044 tons of saury annually in South African waters. Predator diets provide important time-series of occurrence, abundance and length-frequency distributions of late juvenile and adult saury.  相似文献   

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