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Elastic scattering and excitation transfer collision cross-sections in O(1S)-O(3P) collisions are calculated. These cross-sections are needed in determining the degree of thermalization of the O(1S) atoms in the nighttime thermosphere. A formula is given for the rate coefficient for the production of an O(1S) atom with a specific energy in collisions involving an O(1S) atom of a given initial energy and the ground state O(3P) atoms of a thermal gas. Effective elastic scattering and excitation transfer cross-sections are defined and calculated to be 1.71 × 10?15 cm2 and 6.67 × 10?16 cm2 respectively at a relative collision energy of 0.41 eV.  相似文献   

The results of recent laboratory experiments suggest that the reaction N+ + O2 → NO+ + O(1S) is the principal source of O(1S) in aurora. A negligible time delay between auroral ionization and O(1S) production is associated with this indirect process, which is a necessary condition for a viable mechanism. The 5577A?3914A? volume emission rate ratio associated with this production source remains constant with altitude. The problems encountered by the currently accepted source of O(1S), the reaction of N2(A3Σ) molecules with atomic oxygen are explored, and the contributions of this and other reactions to the auroral green line emission are reevaluated.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory measurements of the deactivation rate constants for O(1S) have suggested that the dominant production mechanism for the green line in the nightglow is a two-step process. A similar mechanism involving energy transfer from an excited state of molecular oxygen is considered as a potential source of the OI (5577 Å) emission in the aurora. It is shown that the mechanism, O2 + e → O21 + e O21 + O → O2 + O(1S), is consistent with auroral observations; the intermediate excited state has been tentatively identified as the O2(c1?u) state. For the proposed energy transfer mechanism to be the primary source of the auroral green line, the peak electron impact cross-section for O21 production must be approximately 2 × 10?17 cm2.  相似文献   

We have measured the linewidths of the NI multiplets [2p2 3p4D0?2p23s4P, λ8691 A?; 2p2 3p4P0 ?2p23s4P, λ8212 A?; 2p2 3s4P?2p34S0, λ1200 A?] produced in the dissociative excitation of N2 by energy electrons. The infrared transitions excite the N(4P) resonance state by cascade and they account for > 50% of the total N(4P) cross section at 100 eV. Both the i.r. and v.u.v. lines are found to be highly Doppler broadened ( ~ 25 times the thermal Doppler line width). These results indicate that dissociative excitation of N2 produces N (4P) atoms with sufficient kinetic energy so that the λ1200 A? resonance radiation [2p2 3s4P ?2p34S0] emitted by these excited atoms would be optically thin in the Earth's upper atmosphere. We also found that the line strength ratios for the resolved components of the λ1200 A? triplet excited by dissociative excitation differ from those predicted by the multiplicities of the states involved and used in current entrapment models; the intensity ratios also vary with the energy of the incident electron. These developments introduce new complications into the analysis of the terrestrial ultraviolet dayglow.  相似文献   

It is proposed that energy transfer from excited O2 contributes to the production of O(1S) in aurora. An analysis is presented of the OI5577 Å emission in an IBC II+ aurora between 90 and 130 km. The volume emission rate of the emission at these altitudes is consistent with the production rate of O(1S) by energy transfer to O(3P) from N2 in the A3Σ2+ state and O2 in the A3Σu+, C3Δc1Σu? states, the N2A state being populated by direct electron impact excitation and BA cascade and the excited O2 states by direct excitation. Above the peak emission altitude (~105 km), energy transfer from N2A is the predominant production mechanism for O(1S). Below it, the contribution from quenching of the O2 states becomes significant.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory measurements have shown that N(2P) atoms, and thus probably hot N(2D) atoms, will recombine with atomic oxygen via an associative ionization process at the gas kinetic rate. While the reaction is endothermic, it has been suggested that this has interesting implications for the upper atmosphere in that N(2D) atoms in the tail of the velocity distribution could provide an additional source of NO+ through the reverse of the dissociative recombination reaction
NO+ + e ? N(2D) +O
. It has also been suggested that this process might account for the difference between a laboratory determination of the rate coefficient and that determined from the Atmospheric Explorer Satellite data. In this paper we investigate further the likelihood of the associative ionization of N(2D) and O playing a significant role in the normal ionosphere, in the light of several recent relevant studies. We conclude that the associative ionization process is not an important factor and that a more probable cause for disagreements in the various determinations of the recombination coefficient, is the difference in excited states of the ions in the various experiments.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of photometric measurements of the NI (λ = 520nm),OI(λ = 630nm)and other emissions made at Nord, where the invariant latitude is Λ = 80°4. The time variations of the intensities are interpreted in the following way by comparison with simultaneous ground based or satellite measurements.The N(2D) atoms formed in the dayside cleft are carried by the neutral wind in a plume across the polar cap, so that the ratio of λ(630 nm) to λ(520 nm) intensities decreases along the plume with increasing distance from the source region.In the polar cap, but outside the plume region, 630 nm emission is produced by electron impact of polar rain and by substorms that reach high latitudes. Ionization produced at the same time, especially by the substorms, will produce further 630 nm emission through dissociative recombination. In any case, the region outside the plume may be regarded as a source region, with a high value of the ratio I(630)I(520). This explains in part the diurnal variations, since this ratio is depressed as Nord crosses the dayside plume.The electron energy along the oval increases progressively from the dayside to the nightside. The intensity ratio increases with increasing electron energy because N(2D) is quenched more rapidly than O(1D). Thus the ratio rises progressively from noon to midnight.An effect of the interplanetary magnetic field is superimposed on this pattern : as its North-South component Bz increases, the oval contracts so that Nord becomes nearer from the cleft source and the intensity ratio increases on the dayside. The inverse effect is also observed. On the nightside, negative Bz is associated with substorms that produce poleward expansions of the poleward oval boundary, that brings more energetic precipitation to Nord. This causes the intensity ratio to increase with decreasing Bz in a way that is opposite to that for the dayside.  相似文献   

The line shape of the non-thermal O(1D) 6300 Å emission is calculated using the two population model of Schmitt, Abreu and Hays (Planet. Space Sci.29, 1095, 1981). The calculated line shapes simulate observations made from a space platform at different zenith angles and altitudes. The non-thermal line shapes observed at zenith angles other than the local vertical have been obtained by using the Addition theorem for spherical harmonics of a Legendre polynomial expansion of the non-thermal population distribution function.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1986,34(11):1143-1145
The rate coefficient for the quenching ofO(1D) by O(3P) has recently been calculated by Yee et al. (1985). Their results indicate that quenching by atomic oxygen should not be ignored in the analysis of the 6300 Å emission airglow. Data obtained by the Visible Airglow Experiment (VAE) on board the AE satellites have been reanalyzed to determine the quenching rate of O(1D) by atomic oxygen. The results of this analysis are presented.  相似文献   

Translationally hot O(3P) atoms are produced in the atmosphere of Earth by photolysis of O2 and O3 and quenching of O(1D). A rigorous kinetic theory analysis of this problem is developed and compared with the approach previously employed by Logan and McElroy [Planet. Space Sci.25, 117 (1977)]. It is shown that the kinetic theory employed by the previous workers is somewhat deficient. With the line-of-centers cross-section, the rates of reactions of the translationally hot O(3P) atoms with other atmospheric gases are calculated and found to be in some instances many orders of magnitude larger than the equilibrium rates. Though the non-equilibrium reaction rates with O(3P) are substantially increased, they are still not competitive with the corresponding reaction rates with O(1D).  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of stratospheric ozone has been simultaneously measured by means of five different instruments carried on the same balloon payload. The launches were performed from Gap during the intercomparison campaign conducted in June 1981 in southern France. Data obtained between altitudes of 20 and 40 km are compared and discussed. Vertical profiles deduced from Electrochemical Concentration Cell sondes launched from the same location by small balloons and from short Umkehr measurements made at Mt Chiran (France) are also included in this comparison. Systematic differences of the order of 20% between ozone profiles deduced from solar u.v. absorption and in situ techniques are found.  相似文献   

The intensity distribution of the OH Meinel bands in the airglow has been derived from the minor constituent profiles of Moreels et al. (1977). It has been shown that there is good agreement between the observed and calculated intensity distribution for excitation through the hydrogen-ozone reaction and quenching of the excited state by reaction with atomic oxygen and through vibrational relaxation. The rate constants for vibrational relaxation have been derived and are found to be vibrational level dependent; for the ν = 7 level, the peak value, the rate constant is 5.8 × 10?12cm3s?1.  相似文献   

A major loss process for the metastable species, O+(2D), in the thermosphere is quenching by electrons
O+(2D) + e → O+(4S) + e
.To date no laboratory measurement exists for the rate coefficient of this reaction. Thermospheric models involving this process have thus depended on a theoretically calculated value for the rate coefficient and its variation with electron temperature. Earlier studies of the O+(2D) ion based on the Atmosphere Explorer data gathered near solar minimum, could not quantify this process. However, Atmosphere Explorer measurements made during 1978 exhibit electron densities that are significantly enhanced over those occurring in 1974, due to the large increases that have occurred in the solar extreme ultraviolet flux. Under such conditions, for altitudes ? 280 km, the electron quenching process becomes the major loss mechanism for O+(2D), and the chemistry of the N+2 ion, from which the O+(2D) density is deduced, simplifies to well determined processes. We are thus able to use the in situ satellite measurements made during 1978 to derive the electron quenching rate coefficient. The results confirm the absolute magnitude of the theoretical calculation of the rate coefficient, given by the analytical expression k(Te) = 7.8 × 10?8 (Te/300)?0.5cm3s?1. There is an indication of a stronger temperature dependence, but the agreement is within the error of measurement.  相似文献   

Measurements of the twilight enhancement of airglow emission from O+(2P) near 7325 Å reveal major changes which accompany geomagnetic activity, no significant distance between evening and morning and an increase in brightness paralleling the approach to solar maximum. The principal source for O+(2P) is direct photoionization from O(3P) but at low solar activity there appears to be a contribution from another source in early twilight which may be local photoelectron ionization into O+(2P). The geomagnetic and solar effects appear to reflect changes in the O and N2 density in the thermosphere; ground based twilight measurements of O+ emissions thus provide a simple means for monitoring thermospheric structure from 300 km to ~ 500 km at solar minimum and to ~600 km at solar maximum.  相似文献   

The vertical profile of H2SO4 vapor is calculated using current atmospheric and thermodynamic data. The atmospheric data include the H2O profiles observed at 70-112 km by the SOIR solar occultations, the SPICAV-UV profiles of the haze extinction at 220 nm, the VeRa temperature profiles, and a typical profile of eddy diffusion. The thermodynamic data are the saturated vapor pressures of H2O and H2SO4 and chemical potentials of these species in sulfuric acid solutions. The calculated concentration of sulfuric acid in the cloud droplets varies from 85% at 70 km to a minimum of 70% at 90 km and then gradually increasing to 90-100% at 110 km. The H2SO4 vapor mixing ratio is ∼10−12 at 70 and 110 km with a deep minimum of 3 × 10−18 at 88 km. The H2O-H2SO4 system matches the local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions up to 87 km. The column photolysis rate of H2SO4 is 1.6 × 105 cm−2 s−1 at 70 km and 23 cm−2 s−1 at 90 km. The calculated abundance of H2SO4 vapor at 90-110 km and its photolysis rate are smaller than those presented in the recent model by Zhang et al. (Zhang, X., Liang, M.C., Montmessin, F., Bertaux, J.L., Parkinson, C., Yung, Y.L. [2010]. Nat. Geosci. 3, 834-837) by factors of 106 and 109, respectively. Assumptions of 100% sulfuric acid, local thermodynamic equilibrium, too warm atmosphere, supersaturation of H2SO4 (impossible for a source of SOX), and cross sections for H2SO4·H2O (impossible above the pure H2SO4) are the main reasons of this huge difference. Significant differences and contradictions between the SPICAV-UV, SOIR, and ground-based submillimeter observations of SOX at 70-110 km are briefly discussed and some weaknesses are outlined. The possible source of high altitude SOX on Venus remains unclear and probably does not exist.  相似文献   

A simultaneous night-time observation of NO3 and 03 has been made by means of a balloon-borne spectrophotometer pointing at the rising planet Venus. The spectrum recorded between 642 and 672 nm makes it possible to determine the NO3 and O3 absorptions in the 662 nm band and the Chappuis bands, respectively. The NO3 vertical distribution is deduced, and is found to reach a peak of (3.4 ± 0.4) 107 molecules cm?3at 35 km. Such an observational result can be interpreted in terms of a theoretical profile deduced from a one-dimension time-dependant photochemical model which takes account of the night-time stratospheric NO2, NO3 and N2O5 constituents and the latest kinetic and photochemical data for the rate constants.  相似文献   

We made polarimetric observations of comet Hale–Bopp covering awide phase angle range, from 18.8 to 47°. At certain phase angles the heliocentricdistance of the comet was less than 1 AU during its pre and post perihelion passages. Oneof the important findings, based on the data in the visual bands, is the higher polarizationwith stronger wavelength dependence compared to comet Halley, indicating the presenceof much finer grains in comet Hale–Bopp. It may also be noted that comet Hale–Bopphas shown highest degree of polarization known so far for any comet and hence fallsin the class of high polarization comets. Polarimetric observations were made of cometC/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)using narrow band (IHW) filters 4845 Å and 7000 Åand broad bands filters BVR during November 23–26, 2001 when the phase angle rangedfrom 15 to 22°. Some of the results based on these observations are presented anddiscussed.  相似文献   

An investigation of the spatial extent of aurorae was undertaken from College, Alaska, by the ground based Lockheed two channel (5577 and 4278 Å) image intensifier TV system and with a multichannel boresighted tilting filter photometer. The measurements indicate that even on clear nights the extinction due to scattering in the 4278 Å is significant unless the measurements are taken at small zenith angles. To confirm the results and to avoid the low altitude scattering problem, measurements were made on a quite arc with the Lockheed 6 channel tilting filter zenith photometer during the NASA CV 990 expedition. These results show that in the cases observed there was no significant difference between the latitude profiles of O(5577) and N2+(4278) emissions.  相似文献   

Svoreň  J.  Komžík  R.  Neslušan  L.  Živňovský  J. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,78(1-3):149-154
Photometric observations of comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) carried out at the Stará Lesná Observatory since February to April 1997 are analyzed and discussed. Emission band fluxes and continuum fluxes are presented, from which the total numbers of molecules in the columns of the coma encircled by diaphragms are calculated. The production rates are estimated from the conventional Haser model. We found that the photometric exponent of dust contribution two months prior perihelion was n = 5.2. The photometric exponent n of the cometary magnitude solely to the C2 emission alone equals 3.3 and that of CN equals 2.5. These values can be explained by a fact that the maximums of production rates of the gases were reached between March 2and 12 and not at the perihelion as it is valid for dust. These results are compared with the values of 1P/Halley (1986 III) under the similar conditions, obtained with the same method and instrument. C/Hale-Bopp exhibited 4.1 times more molecules radiating the CN-emission than 1P/Halley in the same column of the coma. The continuum flux of C/Hale-Bopp was also very strong. The ratios (to 1P/Halley) are 94:1 (Cont. 484.5) and 74:1 (Cont. 365.0). The cometary colour was the same as that of the Sun. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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