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The principal features which distinguish the atmosphere on Venus from that of the Earth are the slow rotation of the planet, the large mass of the atmosphere, and the opacity of the atmosphere to long-wave radiation. The slow rotation of the planet gives rise, first of all, to nongeostrophuc dynamics (the atmosphere gas has a tendency to move along the pressure gradient), with the result that the region of the main influx of solar energy is located on one side of the planet, and the region of maximum cooling on the other. These considerations lead to a much simpler scheme of circulation than that in the Earth's atmosphere.The large mass of the atmosphere is the cause of a high thermal and mechanical inertia, which explains why the atmospheric circulation is asymmetrical relative to the solar-antisolar axis. The daily center of circulation is displaced to the second half of the Cytherean solar day, i.e., to the line of zero budget of thermal energy corresponding to a height of the Sun abobe the horizon of about 20°. The notions of cold and warm regions are very relative for Venus. While the horizontal temperature differences on the Earth may reach 100°, a mean horizontal temperature drop as small as 3° in the Cytherean atmosphere may be looked upon as an exceptional phenomenon. This high thermal homogeneity is due to a very large thermal inertia, with cooling at the poles never manifesting itself in the temperature fields obtained.The opacity of the Cytherean atmosphere to long-wave radiation results in vertical heat transfer by turbulence, mesoscale convection, and large-scale currents. This produces adiabatic stratification in the troposphere and a high temperature in the lower layers.These phenomena were studied in a general manner using two- and three-level models. Steps have recently been undertaken to investigate in greater detail the vertical structure of the troposphere on Venus using ten-level models. It appeared that the vertical dynamic structure of the troposphere is very much dependent on the distribution in height of the solar energy influx. In the greenhouse model, the entire atmosphere is affected by circulation. Pronounced velocity maxima are observed in the lower and upper layers. In a model with adsorption of solar radiation in the upper layer, the velocity is small in the lower layers, but it rapidly increases and changes its direction several times in the upper layers. The mean kinetic energy of the atmosphere proves to be two to three times smaller than in the greenhouse model.Attempts have been made in the calculations to find the principal modes of the statistical fluctuations. The results obtained show that atmospheric circulation may be represented by a global mean basic state following the rotation of the planet with deviations from that basic state which are indeterminate disturbances. The mean basic state exhibits a high degree of symmetry relative to the equator. On account of nonlinearity, the disturbances were observed in all the models independently of space and time resolution. This phenomenon appears to reflect the actual properties of the Cytherean atmosphere and has no bearing on the details of the numerical scheme.  相似文献   

L. Trafton 《Icarus》1984,58(2):312-324
Triton's seasons differ materially from those of Pluto owing to four important differences in the governing physics: First, the obliquity of Triton is significantly less than Pluto's obliquity. Second, Triton's inclined orbit precesses rapidly about Neptune so that a complicated seasonal variation in the latitude of the Sun occurs for Triton. Third, Neptune's orbit is much more circular than Pluto's orbit so that the sunlight intercepted by Triton's disk does not vary seasonally. Finally, Triton's atmosphere cannot be saturated at the lower latitudes so that the mass of the atmosphere is controlled by the temperature of the high-latitude ices or liquids (polar caps), as for CO2 on Mars. The consequences of Triton's entire surface being covered with volatile substances have been examined. It is found that the circularity of Neptune's orbit then implies that Triton would have hardly any seasonal variation at all in surface temperature or atmospheric bulk, in spite of the complicated precessional effects of Triton's orbit. The only seasonal effect would be the migration of surface ices and liquids. This scenario is ruled out because it implies a column CH4 abundance much higher than that observed and because it quickly depletes the lower latitudes of volatiles. It is concluded that Triton's most volatile surface substances are probably relegated to latitudes higher than 35° and probably form polar caps. The temperature of the polar caps should be nearly equal, even during midwinter/midsummer when the insolation of the summer pole is greatest. If the summer pole completely sublimates during one of the “major” summers, Triton's atmosphere may begin to freeze out over the winter caps. It is therefore expected that Triton's atmosphere undergoes large and complex seasonal variations. Triton is currently approaching a “maximum southern summer”, and over the remainder of this century, a dramatic increase in CH4 abundance above the current upper limit of 1 m-Am may be witnessed.  相似文献   

Atoms which escape Titan's atmosphere are unlikely to possess escape velocity from Saturn, and can orbit the planet until lost by ionization or collision with Titan. It is predicted that a toroidal ring of between ~1 and ~103 atoms or molecules cm?3 exists around Saturn at a distance of about 10 times the radius of the visible rings. This torus may be detectable from Earth-orbit and detection of nondetection of it may provide some information about the presence or absence of a Saturnian magnetic field, and the exospheric temperature and atmospheric escape rate of Titan. It is estimated that, if Titan has a large exosphere, ~97% or more of the escaping atoms can be recaptured by Titan, thereby decreasing the effective net atmospheric loss rate by up to two orders of magnitude. With such a reduction in atmospheric loss rates, it becomes more plausible to suggest that satellites previously thought too small to retain an atmosphere may have one. It is suggested that Saturn be examined by Lyman-α and other observations to search for the gaseous torus of Titan. If successful, these could then be extended to other satellites.The effect of a hypothetical Saturnian magnetosphere on the atmosphere of Titan is investigated. It is shown that, if Saturn has a magnetic field comparable to Jupiter's (~10 G at the planetary surface), the magnetospheric plasma can supply Titan with hydrogen at a rate comparable to the loss rates in some of the models of Trafton (1972) and Sagan (1973). A major part of the Saturnian ionospheric escape flux (~ 1027 photoelectrons sec?1) could perhaps be captured by Titan. At the upper limit, this rate of hydrogen input to the satellite could total ~0.1 atm pressure over the lifetime of the solar system, an amount comparable to estimates of the present atmospheric pressure of Titan.  相似文献   

The instantaneous structure of planetary exospheres is determined by the time history of energy dissipation, chemical, and transport processes operative during a prior time interval set by intrinsic atmospheric time scales. The complex combination of diurnal and magnetospheric activity modulations imposed on the Earth's upper atmosphere no doubt produce an equally complex response, especially in hydrogen, which escapes continuously at exospheric temperatures. Vidal-Madjar and Thomas (1978) have discussed some of the persistent large scale structure which is evident in satellite ultraviolet observations of hydrogen, noting in particular a depletion at high latitudes which is further discussed by Thomas and Vidal-Madjar (1978). The latter authors discussed various causes of the H density depletion, including local neutral temperature enhancements and enhanced escape rates due to polar wind H+ plasma flow or high latitude ion heating followed by charge exchange. We have reexamined the enhancement of neutral escape by plasma effects including the recently observed phenomenon of low altitude transverse ion acceleration. We find that, while significant fluxes of neutral H should be produced by this phenomenon in the auroral zone, this process is probably insufficient to account for the observed polar depletion. Instead, the recent exospheric temperature measurements from the Dynamics Explorer-2 spacecraft suggest that neutral heating in and near the high latitude cusp may be the major contributor to depleted atomic hydrogen densities at high latitudes.  相似文献   

According to recent simulations of the Earth’s thermosphere, the exospheric temperature is not expected to rise above 7000-8000 K even under extreme solar EUV conditions anticipated for the early Earth. Rather, when the solar EUV flux exceeds some critical value, the escaping flow of the bulk upper thermosphere starts cooling it due to adiabatic expansion, which results in a decrease of the exobase temperature. Under these extreme conditions, the exobase might have expanded above the magnetopause and the magnetosphere had not been able to protect the upper atmosphere against strong non-thermal erosion by the solar wind.This study shows that a nitrogen-rich terrestrial atmosphere with a present-day composition would have been removed within a few million years during the extreme EUV and solar wind conditions that are expected to have prevailed before the late heavy bombardment period ∼3.8 Ga ago. Our results suggest that a CO2 amount in the early nitrogen-rich terrestrial atmosphere of at least two orders of magnitude higher than the present-time level was needed to confine the upper atmosphere after the onset of the geodynamo within the shielding magnetosphere and thus might have protected it from complete destruction.  相似文献   

S.A. Stern  L. Trafton 《Icarus》1984,57(2):231-240
Cosmic abundance, vapor pressure, and molecular weight considerations restrict the likely gas candidates for Pluto's atmosphere to Ne, N2, CO, O2, and Ar, in addition to the already detected CH4. The vapor pressures and cosmic abundances of these gases indicate that all except Ne should be saturated in Pluto's atmosphere. The vapor pressure of Ne is so high that the existence of solid or liquid Ne on Pluto's surface is very unlikely; cosmic abundance arguments imply that Ne cannot attain saturation in Pluto's atmosphere. At both perihelion, N2 should dominate the saturated gases. CO2 should have the next highest mixing ratio, followed by O2 and Ar. CH4 should have the smallest mixing ratio. Because vapor pressures of these gases vary with temperature at diverse rates, the bulk and constituent mixing ratios of Pluto's atmosphere should vary with season. Between perihelion and aphelion, the column abundance of CH4 may change by a factor of 260 while that of N2 changes by only a factor of 52. The potential seasonal variation of Pluto's atmosphere was investigated by considering the behavior of these gases when individually mixed with CH4. The effects of diurnal and latitudinal variation of insolation and eclipses on the atmosphere also were investigated. Seasonal effects are shown to dominate. It was shown that the atmospheric bulk may not be a minimum near aphelion but rather at intermediate distances from the Sun during summer/winter inadequate ice deposits may allow the atmosphere to collapse by freezing out over winter latitudes. If the atmosphere does not collapse, its weight is sufficient to keep it distributed uniformly around Pluto's surface. In this case, the atmosphere tends to regulate the surface temperature to a seasonally dependent value which is uniform over the globe.Finally, the likely global circulation regimes for each model atmosphere as a function of temperature were investigated and it was concluded that if CH4, O2, or CO dominates the atmosphere, Pluto will exhibit cyclic variations between an axially symmetric circulation system at perihelion and a baroclinic wave regime at aphelion. However, if N2 dominates, as is likely, the wave regime should hold continuously. If the atmosphere collapses to a thin halo during summer/winter seasons, only a weak, symmetric circulation should occur.  相似文献   

Models of convection in Jupiter's interior are studied to test the hypothesis that internal heat balances the absorbed sunlight at each latitude. Such a balance requires that the ratio of total emitted heat to absorbed sunlight be above a critical value 4/π ≈ 1.27. The necessary horizontal heat transport then takes place in the interior instead of in the atmosphere. Regions of stable stratification can arise in the interior owing to the effects of solar heating and rotation. In such regions, upward heat transfer takes place on sloping surfaces, as in the Earth's atmosphere, provided there are horizontal temperature gradients. Potential temperature gradients are found to be small, and the time constant for the pattern to reach equilibrium is found to be short compared to the age of the solar system. It is suggested that Jupiter and Saturn owe their axisymmetric appearance to internal heat flow, which eliminates differential heating in the atmosphere that would otherwise drive meridional motions.  相似文献   

Satellites in almost circular paths experience appreciable drag throughout the entire orbit; the localised effect being intrinsically related to the global distribution of exospheric temperature. To normalise the density values derived from such orbits to a fixed temperature, an effective exospheric temperature is required. In this paper a “pseudo” exospheric temperature is determined analytically such that, by assuming the atmosphere is held constant at this temperature, the same perturbation in the semi-major axis is achieved as that by a satellite moving in an atmosphere exhibiting a realistic approximant to the measured diurnal variation in temperature. The theory is applied to data and densities derived from orbital analysis of Skylab 1 and the course of the semi-annual variation is retraced for 1974–1976.  相似文献   

Density measurements at 140, 160, 180 and 200km from the AE-C accelerometer experiment during 1974 are analyzed by least-squares multiple linear regression. The resulting empirical model is compared to the widely-used Jacchia (1971) model which is primarily based on satellite orbital decay data above 200 km. The semiannual and geomagnetic (Kp) variations derived from the AE-C data set are in good agreement with Jacchia's predictions. However, individual magnetic storm responses often exceed such average representations of the geomagnetic effect by more than a factor of two. The density is more variable with respect to the daily 10.7cm solar flux than Jacchia's model predicts. The regression analysis reveals a positive correlation with the absolute value of the geographic latitude. The statistical weakness of this latter effect reflects the transient, aperiodic nature of high-latitude heating events related to magnetic activity, which can only be properly analyzed on an individual basis. Finally, the sub-solar bulge effect enters the regression equation with about half the amplitude predicted by the Jacchia model at these heights.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(9):1069-1092
Mariner 10, the only spacecraft that ever passed close to Mercury, revealed several unexpected characteristics: an intrinsic magnetosphere, the highest mean density of any Solar System terrestrial planet and a very thin non-collisional atmosphere. Mercury's atmosphere is very poorly explored since only three atomic elements, H, He and O, were observed during the three flybys of Mariner 10. The measurements done by radio and solar occultations provided upper limits on the neutral and ion densities. These measurements pointed out the close connection between species in Mercury's exosphere and its surface, which is also the case for the Moon. Mariner 10 observations also characterized the vertical distributions and the day to night contrasts of Mercury's exosphere for its lightest components H and He (Broadfoot, A.L., et al., 1976. Mariner 10: Mercury atmosphere. Geophys. Res. Lett. 3, 577–580).More than a decade later, the first observation from a ground-based observatory of Mercury's sodium (Na) exospheric component was reported (Potter, A.E., Morgan, T.H., 1985. Discovery of sodium in the atmosphere of Mercury. Science 229, 651–653). Since then, potassium and more recently calcium have been identified in Mercury's exosphere. The bright Na resonant scattering emission has been often observed since 1985. This large set of observations is now the best source of information on Mercury's exospheric mechanisms of ejection, dynamics, sources and sinks. In particular, several of these observations provided evidence of prompt and delayed effects, both localized and global, for the very inhomogeneous Mercury's Na exosphere. These inhomogenities have been interpreted as the trace of Mercury's magnetosphere–solar wind interaction and have highlighted some of the main sources of exospheric material. Some of these features have been also interpreted as the trace of a global dayside to night side circulation of Mercury's exosphere and therefore have highlighted also the relation between exospheric production and upper surface composition.Hopefully, new sets of in situ measurements will be obtained within the next decade thanks to Messenger and Bepi-Colombo missions. Until then, ground-based observations and modelling will remain the only approaches to resolve questions on Mercury's exosphere. Mercury's exospheric composition and structure as they are presently known are described in this paper. The principal models for the main short and long times terms variations and local and global variations of Mercury's exosphere are described. The mechanisms of production and their characteristics are also given. Mercury's exosphere can also be seen as part of the coupled magnetosphere–upper surface–exosphere system and several of the links between these elements are essential to the interpretation of most of the ground-based observations. The relation between Mercury's planet composition and its exospheric composition is also considered, as is the global recycling, sources and sinks of Mercury's exosphere.  相似文献   

James B. Pollack 《Icarus》1979,37(3):479-553
In this paper, we review the observational data on climatic change for the terrestrial planets, discuss the basic factors that influence climate, and examine the manner in which these factors may have been responsible for some of the known changes. Emphasis is placed on trying to understand the similarities and differences in both the basic factors and their climatic impacts on Venus, the Earth, and Mars. Climatic changes have occurred on the Earth over a broad spectrum of time scales that range from the elevated temperatures of Pre-Cambrian times (~109 years ago), through the alternating glacial and interglacial epochs of the last few million years, to the small but significant decadal and centurial variations of the recent past. Evidence for climatic change on Mars is given by certain channel features, which suggest an early to intermediate aged epoch of warmer and wetter climate, and by layered polar deposits, which imply more recent periodic climate variations. No evidence for climatic change on Venus exists as yet, but comparison of its present climate state with that of outer terrestrial planets offers important clues on some of the mechanisms affecting climate. The important determinants of climate for a terrestrial planet include the Sun's output, astronomical perturbations of its orbital and axial characteristics, the gaseous and particulate content of its atmosphere, its land surface, volatile reservoirs, and its interior. All these factors appear to have played major roles in causing climatic changes on the terrestrial planets. Despite a lower solar luminosity in the past, the Earth and Mars have had warmer periods in their early history. In both cases, a more reducing atmosphere may have been the responsible agent through an enhanced greenhouse effect. In this paper, we present detailed calculations of the effect of atmospheric pressure and composition on the temperature state of Mars. We find that the higher temperature period is easier to explain with a reducing atmosphere than with the current fully oxidizing one. Both the very high surface temperature and massive atmosphere of Venus may be the result of the solar flux being a factor of two higher at its orbit than at the Earth's orbit. This difference may have led to a runaway greenhouse effect on Venus, i.e., the emplacement of volatiles entirely in the atmosphere rather than mostly in surface reservoirs. But if Venus formed with relatively little or no water, it may have always had an oxidizing atmosphere. In this case, a lower solar luminosity would have led to a moderate surface temperature in Venus' early history. Quasi-periodic variations in orbital eccentricity and axial obliquity may have contributed to the alternation between Pleistocene glacial and interglacial periods in the case of the Earth and to the formation of the layered polar deposits in the case of Mars. In this paper, we postulate that two mechanisms, acting jointly, account for the creation of the laminated terrain of Mars: dust particles serve as nucleation centers for the condensation of water vapor and carbon dioxide. The combined dust-H2O-CO2 particle is much larger and so has a much higher terminal velocity than either a dust-H2O or a plain dust particle. As a result, dust and water ice are preferentially deposited in the polar regions. In addition, we postulate that the obliquity variations are key drivers of the periodic layering because of their impact on both atmospheric pressure and polar surface temperature, which, in turn, influence the amounts of dust and water ice in the atmosphere. But eccentricity and precessional changes probably also play important roles in creating the polar layers. The drifting of continents on the Earth has caused substantial climatic changes on individual continents and may have helped to set the stage for the Pleistocene ice ages through a positioning of the continents near the poles. While continental drift apparently has not occurred on Mars, tectonic distortions of its lithosphere may, in some circumstances, cause an alteration in the mean value of that planet's obliquity, which would significantly impact its climate. Atmospheric aerosols can influemce climate through their radiative effects. In the case of the Earth, volcanic aerosols appear to have contributed to past climatic changes, while consideration needs to be given to the future impact of man-generated aerosols. In the case of Mars, the atmospheric temperature structure and thereby atmospheric dynamics are greatly altered by suspended dust particles. The sulfuric acid clouds of Venus play a major role in its heat balance. Cometary impacts may have added substantial quantities of water vapor and sulfur gases to Venus' atmosphere and thus have indirectly affected its cloud properties. Calculations presented in this paper indicate substantial changes in surface temperature accompany these compositional changes.  相似文献   

Systematic circulation systems within the thermosphere create major departures of composition of both major and minor species from diffusive equilibrium. For example, latitudinal gradients in the mixing ratios of major and minor species in recent empirical models of the Earth's thermosphere are inconsistent with changes of the thermal structure alone or with temporal or spatial changes of the turbopause altitude. A conservation equation describing the time rate of change of mean molecular weight is derived for a two-species gas, in the presence of molecular and turbulent diffusion and general global circulation. The equation is fully three-dimensional and time-dependent and is derived from a combination of the general diffusion equation and the time-dependent continuity equation. In the Earth's thermosphere, the two species are [O] the light species and [N2,O2] the heavy species and the approach is valid since the time constants of dissociation of [O2] and recombination of [O] are long compared with typical dynamical time constants. One of the major effects of allowing a wind-driven departure from diffusive equilibrium is that, at the solstice, the pole to pole exospheric temperature difference is increased by more than 50%, while the prevailing summer to winter meridional wind actually decreases. A conservation equation of this kind has general application to any planetary atmosphere which may be considered to be predominantly comprised of two species. Results for a three-dimensional, time-dependent thermospheric model for solstice conditions are presented for the conditions of solar heating only. The model results are compared with previous model results with composition fixed at pressure levels and with empirical temperature and composition models of MSIS.  相似文献   

Using Voyager results, we have made crude estimates of the rate at which Io loses volatiles by a variety of processes to the surrounding magnetosphere for both the current SO2-dominated atmosphere as well as hypothetical paleoatmospheres in which other gases, such as N2, may have been the dominant constituent. Loss rates are strongly influenced by the surface pressure on the night side, the relationship between the exobase and the Jovian magnetospheric boundary, the exospheric temperature, and the peak altitudes reached by volcanic plumes. Several mechanisms make significant contributions to the prodigious rate at which Io is currently losing volatiles. These include: interaction of the magnetospheric plasma with volcanic plume particles and the background atmosphere; sputtering of ices on the surface, if the nightside atmospheric pressure is low enough; and Jeans' escape of O, a dissociation product of SO2 gas. For paleoatmospheres, only the first two of these mechanisms would have been effective. However, they are capable of eliminating large amounts of N2 and other volatiles from Io over the satellite's lifetime. Io could have also lost large amounts of water over its lifetime due to the extensive recycling of water between its upper and lower crust, with the partial dissociation of water vapor in silicate magma chambers initiating this loss process. Significant amounts of water may also have been lost as a result of the interaction of the magnetospheric plasma with water ice particles in volcanic plumes. Once an SO2-dominated atmosphere becomes established, much water may have also been lost through the sputtering of surface water ice.  相似文献   

The atmospheric transmission window at 2.7 μm in Jupiter's atmosphere was observed at a spectral resolution of 0.1 cm?1 from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory. From analysis of the CH4 abundance (~80m-am) and the H2O abundance (<0.0125cm-am) it was determined that the penetration depth of solar flux at 2.7 μm is near the base of the NH3 cloud layer. The upper limit to H2O at 2.7 μm and other recent results suggest that photolytic reactions in Jupiter's lower troposphere may not be as significant as was previously thought. The search for H2S in Jupiter's atmosphere yielded an upper limit of ~0.1cm-am. The corresponding limit to the elemental abundance ratio [S]/[H] was ~1.7 × 10?8, about 10?3 times the solar value. Upon modeling the abundance and distribution of H2S in Jupiter's atmosphere it was concluded that, contrary to expectations, sulfur-bearing chromophores are not present in significant amounts in Jupiter's visible clouds. Rather, it appears that most of Jupiter's sulfur is locked up as NH4SH in a lower cloud layer. Alternatively, the global abundance of sulfur in Jupiter may be significantly depleted.  相似文献   

The Ultraviolet Spectrometer Experiment on the MARINER 10 spacecraft measured the hydrogen Lyman α emmission resonantly scattered in the Venus exosphere at several viewing aspects during the encounter period. Venus encounter occurred at 17:01 GMT on 5 February 1974. Exospheric emissions above the planet's limb were measured and were analyzed with a spherically symmetric, single scattering, two-temperature model. On the sunlit hemisphere the emission profile was represented by an exospheric hydrogen atmosphere with Tc = 275±50 K and nc = 1.5 × 105 cm?3 and a non-thermal contribution represented by TH = 1250±100 K with nH = 500±100 cm?3. The observations of the dark limb showed that the spherically symmetric model used for the sunlit hemisphere was inappropriate for the analysis of the antisolar hemisphere. The density of the non-thermal component had increased at low altitudes, < 12,000 km, and decreased at high altitudes, > 20,000 km, by comparison. We conclude that the non-thermal source is on the sunward side of the planet. Analysis of the dark limb crossing suggests that the exospheric temperature on the dark side is <125 K if the exospheric density remains constant over the planet; upper limits are discussed. An additional source of Lyman α emission, 70 ± 15 R, was detected on the dark side of the planet and is believed to be a planetary albedo in contrast to multiple scattering from the sunlit side. Our analysis of the MARINER 10 data is consistent when applied to the MARINER 5 data.  相似文献   

Helium concentrations in the Martian atmosphere are estimated assuming that the helium production on Mars, comparable to its production on Earth, via the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium, is in steady state equilibrium with its thermal escape. Although non-thermal losses would tend to reduce the estimated concentrations, these concentrations are not necessarily an upper limit since higher production rates and/or a possibly lower effective exospheric temperature over the solar activity cycle could increase them to even higher values. The computed helium concentration at the Martian exobase (200 km) is 8 × 106 atoms cm?3. Through the lower exosphere, the computed helium concentrations are 30–200 times greater than the Mariner-measured atomic hydrogen concentrations. It follows that helium may be the predominant constituent in the Martian lower exosphere and may well control the orbital lifetime of Mars-orbiting spacecraft. The estimated helium mixing ratio is greater at the Martian turbopause than at the terrestrial turbopause, and the helium column density in the lower Martian atmosphere may be comparable to that on Earth.  相似文献   

Michael H. Hart 《Icarus》1974,21(3):242-247
At the temperature of Pluto (~43°K) the only gas which would neither condense nor escape is neon. Since neon is cosmically abundant it is suggested that Pluto may have a fairly extensive atmosphere consisting of almost pure neon. The possibility that such an atmosphere exists is analyzed, along with the possibility that oceans of liquid neon may exist at the surface.A neon atmosphere would not produce any observable absorption lines. However, if it were very thick, then Rayleigh scattering would result in Pluto having a much higher albedo in the ultraviolet than in the visual, which is not observed to be the case. This enables us to set an upper limit on the mass of Pluto's atmosphere.  相似文献   

We analyzed 15 solar occultations observed by the Cassini UVIS instrument to constrain the density and temperature structure near the exobase of Saturn. We retrieved the density of H2 and thus the temperature at altitudes higher than 1900 km above the 1 bar level by analyzing the ionization continuum of H2 at wavelengths shorter than 804 Å. We find that the exospheric temperature ranges from 370 K to 540 K, with a typical uncertainty of less than 20 K. According to our data the temperature increases with latitude from the equator to the poles by 100–150 K. At similar latitudes, the temperature varies by 20–50 K at different times with no evidence for any systematic diurnal trend so far. Based on our data, the exobase of Saturn is 2700–3000 km above the 1 bar level and the thermal escape parameter near the exobase ranges from 260 to 340, implying that thermal escape from Saturn is firmly in the Jeans regime. The mixing ratio of H2 is close to unity at all altitudes below the exobase. We find that the pressure levels in the thermosphere deviate significantly from a simple spheroid predicted by potential theory. This is consistent with significant meridional temperature variations in the lower thermosphere. A global analysis of the temperature structure at different depths in the atmosphere is required to constrain both the shape and the deposition and redistribution of energy in the upper atmosphere further.  相似文献   

Thunderstorms in Jupiter’s atmosphere are likely to be prodigious generators of acoustic waves, as are thunderstorms in Earth’s atmosphere. Accordingly, we have used a numerical model to study the dissipation in Jupiter’s thermosphere of upward propagating acoustic waves. Model simulations are performed for a range of wave periods and horizontal wavelengths believed to characterize these acoustic waves. The possibility that the thermospheric waves observed by the Galileo Probe might be acoustic waves is also investigated. Whereas dissipating gravity waves can cool the upper thermosphere through the effects of sensible heat flux divergence, it is found that acoustic waves mainly heat the Jovian thermosphere through effects of molecular dissipation, sensible heat flux divergence, and Eulerian drift work. Only wave-induced pressure gradient work cools the atmosphere, an effect that operates at all altitudes. The sum of all effects is acoustic wave heating at all heights. Acoustic waves and gravity waves heat and cool the atmosphere in fundamentally different ways. Though the amplitudes and mechanical energy fluxes of acoustic waves are poorly constrained in Jupiter’s atmosphere, the calculations suggest that dissipating acoustic waves can locally heat the thermosphere at a significant rate, tens to a hundred Kelvins per day, and thereby account for the high temperatures of Jupiter’s upper atmosphere. It is unlikely that the waves detected by the Galileo Probe were acoustic waves; if they were, they would have heated Jupiter’s thermosphere at enormous rates.  相似文献   

Thermal equilibrium and hydrostatic equilibrium are mutually exclusive for any particular quantum state of an atmospheric constituent in a non-isothermal atmosphere. As a result, there is a flux of rotationally, vibrationally, and electronically excited atoms and molecules down the temperature gradient, balanced by an up-gradient transport of ground-state atoms and molecules, resulting in a net transport of excitation energy, but with no net mass transport. The energy flux is first formulated as a molecular process and applied to vibrationally excited molecular nitrogen and rotationally excited atomic oxygen in the Earth's lower thermosphere, then reformulated as a bulk process and applied to the Venusian atmosphere, where it is shown that the CO2 vibrational flux is a significant contribution to the total eddy energy flux in the 0–60 km region.  相似文献   

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