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红树林是全球极为重要的生态与环境资源, 在储存有机碳、增加滩面高程及防御海洋灾害等方面富有成效。然而, 因高强度人类活动与海面上升作用, 世界沿海红树林潮滩出现大规模损失。基于此, 本文从红树林消能及泥沙捕集、红树林潮滩生物地貌行为, 以及红树林潮滩对风暴潮与海面上升的响应三个方面, 对红树林潮滩沉积动力研究进行分析与回顾, 提出红树林潮滩沉积动力研究的关键问题应着重于红树林潮滩波流联合动力的衰减与潮滩动力、沉积、地貌及植被的耦合过程。此外, 针对全球沿海红树林生境的差异, 还应从区域尺度加强红树林潮滩沉积过程与驱动机制的研究。  相似文献   

Geochemical processes in muddy and sandy tidal flat sediments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Different approaches, such as element analyses of the bulk sediment and of the fine sediment fraction (<63 μm), sequential extraction techniques, correlation coefficient, and enrichment factor calculations, clearly demonstrate the differences in geochemical behavior of a muddy and a sandy sediment on the same tidal flat in the Scheldt estuary (Belgium). The geochemical processes in combination with the relatively large transport mobility of dissolved compounds due to the tidal action in the sediment, created compound specific vertical distribution profiles.  相似文献   

王爱军  叶翔  陈坚 《海洋学报》2009,31(6):77-86
通过对"凤凰"台风的现场观测和沉积物样品的分析,结果表明,在台风影响下潮水淹没时间增长,增水达1.1 m;台风期间互花米草盐沼内流速变化较复杂,而且盐沼内部流速大于盐沼边缘的;台风期间盐沼边缘潮周期平均悬沙含量是台风前2 d的7倍;台风期间十分之一波高最大为1.54 m。滩面重复测量结果显示,台风登陆期间整个光滩滩面都发生了侵蚀,盐沼内部有部分地区发生侵蚀,侵蚀深度为4.5~5.5 cm,盐沼边缘的侵蚀深度仅为0.7 cm,侵蚀原因主要是植被在风浪作用下从根部折断,从而带走了滩面的沉积物;随着台风强度的减弱,整个滩面均接受悬沙沉降;台风带来的强降雨是影响滩面沉积物活动的重要因素。  相似文献   

长江口九段沙岸滩的短周期地貌动力过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2006年5~10月(洪季)长江口九段沙上沙两固定断面的逐月滩面高程测量及表层沉积物的粒度分析结果,尤其是应用"碧利斯"台风前后的实测水文地貌资料,结合同期表层悬沙浓度的逐日观测资料,开展了九段沙岸滩地貌动力过程及沉积物对台风响应的研究.结果显示,长江口九段沙上沙东南岸滩演变表现为"岸冲滩淤"的变化规律,即堤岸呈现冲蚀,潮滩在冲淤变化中总体趋于淤积.2006年"碧利斯"台风期间,九段沙上沙波高达2.56 m,增水1 m多,强浪伴随增水,导致滩面平均蚀低6.4 cm,最大蚀深为20.2 cm.台风作用造成滩面冲刷,沉积物粗化,台风过后滩面迅速回淤,粒径变细.这充分表明,暴风浪是引起九段沙上沙岸滩及其沉积物短期突变的重要动力因素.河口潮滩冲淤对流域水沙变化有较敏感响应,长江来水来沙变化是制约潮滩季节性冲淤演化的重要因子.岸滩短期变化主要原因在于波浪掀沙和潮流输沙的联合作用.由于潮流和潮位位相不一致,造成涨潮流携高含沙量水体上滩落淤,落潮流携低含沙量滩水归槽,涨潮输沙淤滩被波浪刷滩所掩盖,如此往复,潮滩淤积.最后分析了上沙抛石堤的护岸保滩作用及不足之处,并提出了加固措施.现有的上沙抛石堤能防御常浪冲刷,受台风浪袭击时仅能抵御堤岸蚀退,石堤自身的毁坏难以避免,需经常修护;在潮沟口应设涵洞;基于台风浪的巨大能量,抛石堤块石需增大增重.该研究结果可为河口湿地的保护和建设提供科学依据.  相似文献   

在详细分析滩涂湿地服务功能的基础之上,评估了上虞市世纪丘滩涂围垦前、后服务功能的效益及其变化。结果表明,滩涂围垦前,生态环境功能效益与社会经济功能效益分别占总效益的95%和5%,主要表现在提供生物栖息地与水文调节方面;滩涂围垦后,生态环境功能效益下降了63%,而社会经济功能效益则增加了30倍,主要表现在提供大量的动植物产品方面;此外,围垦后,其服务功能类型的多样性有所减少,但服务功能的总效益有所增加。  相似文献   

李鹏  杨世伦 《海洋与湖沼》2014,45(1):126-133
为研究潮间带和潮下带的水、沙、盐交换,于2006年6月25~28日(夏季大潮)和2006年12月29日~2007年1月4日(冬季中-大潮和小潮)在长江口九段沙一典型潮沟的固定点利用OBS-3A和ADP-XR进行了水深、浊度、盐度、流速流向剖面和回声强度观测。结果和结论为:(1)夏季大潮、冬季中-大潮、冬季小潮的潮周期垂向平均流速分别为26.5、15.9和8.4 cm/s,夏、冬季观测到的最大流速分别为84 cm/s和35 cm/s。(2)夏季盐度变化范围为0.65~4.91,平均盐度2.14;冬季盐度变化范围为3.5~10.3,中-大潮和小潮平均盐度分别为6.26和7.98。(3)高悬沙浓度出现在涨潮初期和部分落潮末期的低水位阶段;涨潮阶段的平均悬沙浓度是落潮阶段的1.11~7.0倍。(4)涨、落潮阶段的水体和盐输运量大体上趋于平衡;(5)无论是冬夏季或大小潮,潮沟在潮周期内的净输沙方向均指向陆,即落潮输沙量小于涨潮输沙量(平均小40%);平均每个潮周期的净输沙量为6102 kg,结合潮盆面积推算的潮周期沉积速率为0.0112 mm/tide,或8.2 mm/a。  相似文献   

The nearshore region of the German Bight is characterised by a large tidal flat area of 7500km2, which is a wedge of alluvial material lying in front of the coast. The elevation of a flat depends on the long-term water-level and currents. As a result of the rising water-level, the flats are migrating over an inclined Pleistocene basement. This migration depends on the balance of sedimentation versus erosion which is a function of water depth. Regular measurements of the water-level have been made since the middle of the 19th century. From the observations of the MHW it is estimated that the water-level has risen to approximately 30cm in the past hundred years. Recent investigations show that the change of the half-tide water-level is less than that of MHW. The increasing tidal range also changes the sedimentation processes over the tidal flats. The quantitative influence of the altered tidal range on the sedimentation and the morphology of the Wadden Sea is as important as that of the influence of mean water-level elevation. Changes in the elevation of the coastal plain caused by tectonic forces or subsidence cannot be determined. Extensive investigations were conducted to determine quantitatively the sedimentation processes which have taken place since 1936. The sediment budget of the Flackstrom basin (low macrotidal coast) is presented. With respect to the MHW datum plane, sedimentation of 20 × 106m3 has taken place in this area. This is equivalent to a mean silting-up of 30cm over the past 46 years, an average 0.7cm/year. The sedimentation process is dependent upon the mean elevation of the flat. Most of the sedimentation has taken place above the half-tide water-level. Therefore, the flanks of the flats have risen more than the tops and the sand-ridges, which certainly reflects the very small long-term water-level elevation change of only 3cm which occurred during the period investigated (1936 to 1982). Recent investigations of the present state show a relationship between the tidal range and the height of the main sedimentation-zone. Comparisons of the Flackstrom (tidal range approximately 3.40m) and parts of the Dutch Wadden Sea (tidal range approximately 1.80m) indicate that the main sedimentation-zone moves down-shore from half-tide water-level to mean-low-water with the decrease of the tidal range, due to differences in the general course of the hypsometric curves over the tidal flat areas.  相似文献   

A vertical transect with 4 km length was established for the macrofaunal survey on the Chokchon macrotidal flat in Kyeonggi Bay, Incheon, Korea, 1994. Tidal elevation (m) and sediment mean grain size (φ) were inversely predicted by the transfer functions from the faunal assemblages. Three methods: weighted average using optimum value (WA), tolerance weighted version of the weighted average (WAT ) and maximum likelihood calibration (MLC) were employed. Estimates of tidal elevation and mean grain size obtained by using the three different methods showed positively corresponding trends with the observations. The estimates of MLC were found to have the minimum value of sum of squares due to errors (SSE). When applied to the previous data (1990~1992), each of three inference models exhibited high predictive power. This result implied there are visible relationships between species composition and faunas’ critical environmental factors. Although a potential significance of the two major abiotic factors was re-affirmed, a weak tendency of biological interaction was detected from faunal distribution patterns across the flat. In comparison to the spatial and temporal patterns of the estimates, it was suggested that sediment characteristics were the primary factors regulating the distribution of macrofaunal assemblages, rather than tidal elevation, and the species composition may be sensitively determined by minute changes in substratum properties on a tidal flat.  相似文献   

为寻找有效判别潮滩沉积微相的磁学指标,以便将环境磁学更好地应用于河口古环境演变及海平面重建,本研究在九龙江口浒茂洲东部潮滩4个亚带:高潮滩、中潮滩、低潮滩和潮下带,采集23个次表层沉积物样品,进行粒度和磁性测量。结果显示,磁性参数χ、SIRM由陆向海增大且在低潮滩和潮下带呈现显著高值,反映潮滩亚铁磁性矿物的绝对含量由陆向海增加;参数组合χARMχARM/χ、χARM/SIRM在高、中潮滩呈现高值,低潮滩和潮下带呈现低值,反映细颗粒SP/SD亚铁磁性矿物富集于高、中潮滩,而粗颗粒PSD/MD铁磁性矿物富集于低潮滩和潮下带,揭示九龙江河口潮滩沉积动力对磁性矿物的分选作用。磁性参数组合χARM/χ、χARM/SIRM可作为九龙江口高潮滩和中潮滩的有效识别指标。  相似文献   

张斌  韩震 《海洋测绘》2022,42(1):55-59
以上海市南汇潮滩为研究区域,利用2017年高分一号(GF-1)卫星的遥感影像数据为数据源,提出了基于超像素的快速聚类算法(SFFCM)与水边线法相结合的SFF-W模型,用于对潮滩边界进行提取分析.通过目视解译提取的潮滩区域与水边线法、SFFCM模型和SFF-W模型所提取的结果进行对比分析.结果表明,SFF-W模型在提取...  相似文献   

针对潮滩研究中最重要的冲淤观测工作,本文对20多种可行的技术在点、线、面状观测分类的基础上进行了梳理.重点阐释每种观测技术的基本原理、适用性及技术间的异同点、发展路径,对其中新型的手段进一步分析了其质量指标、核心技术要点及在潮滩的实践应用情况.以此实现了对潮滩冲淤观测技术发展现状的整体认识.  相似文献   

我国海洋滩涂主要污染物的研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,海洋滩涂因其资源丰富且易开发,受到了越来越多的关注。然而,由于过度开发、环境污染及异常海况变动造成海洋滩涂生态正在恶化并日趋加剧。在介绍海洋滩涂主要污染物类型的基础上,本文对海洋滩涂沉积物中污染物的组成、来源、空间分布及污染水平进行概述,列举滩涂污染生态风险评估主要方法,剖析滩涂污染引发的主要问题,总结近年来滩涂治理的思路和措施,旨在为新型沿海滩涂管理及资源开发提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

潮滩泥沙的输运过程是河口近岸泥沙输运的重要组成部分,也是诊断潮滩侵蚀-淤积的重要动力指标,特别是在地貌演变过程显著的区域更具指示意义.本研究选择长江口崇明岛东北部潮滩,在2018年3月30日-4月10日进行三脚架多参数观测,获取了高分辨率的流速、含沙量等剖面数据,运用机制分解法分析了连续21个潮周期的泥沙输运过程.结果...  相似文献   

于2007年7月28日至8月14日期间对江苏大丰海岸中潮滩进行了连续半个月的大小潮周期沉积的现场观测与采样,对采集的沉积物样品在室内进行了粒度、沉积通量和质量磁化率等的测试,结果表明:研究区中潮滩沉积物颗粒的粗细、沉积通量等与潮汐的周期变化关系不明显,而与波浪之间有着较为密切的关系;从中潮滩的上部到中部,再到下部,沉积物颗粒由细变粗,沉积通量由低变高,质量磁化率由小变大。此外,研究区的中潮滩沉积物质量磁化率与粒径组分中的细砂和极细砂关系密切。本项研究结果为微观尺度上潮滩沉积差异的分析以及潮汐韵律层作为高分辨率测年工具的适用性评价提供了参考。  相似文献   

舟山群岛峡道潮滩动力沉积特性   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
潮滩研究是现代河口海岸学研究中一直受到重视的重要方面,自德国学者Hantzschel[1].  相似文献   

经验正交函 数(EOF)是用来处理原始数据、进行多元统计分析的一种方法。本文将原始距平矩阵分解为空间特征函数和相应的时间特征函数,并用前3个经验正交函数,即表示潮滩总体冲淤变化的第一特征函数,表示季节性冲淤变化的第二特征函数和表示偶然因素扰动引起冲淤变化的第三特征函数的线性组合来反映潮滩的变化,分析浙江瑞安淤泥质潮滩在建立丁坝后的演变规律。初步探讨了动力过程和地貌之间的关系,分析了淤泥质潮滩在丁坝工程影响下的时空变化特征与动力过程的关系;并对第二特征函数对应的动力过程进行详细阐述,结果显示波浪作用是影响浙江瑞安淤泥质潮滩季节性变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

长江河口南汇嘴潮滩近期演变分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
南汇嘴潮滩位于长江口和杭州湾的交汇地带,受长江口和杭州湾北岸两股潮流的控制,近年来由于低潮滩促淤围垦工程导致其水流和泥沙运移、沉积和地貌发生了显著的变化。根据近期水文泥沙观测资料及1993年、1998年、2003年、2005年的实测地形图资料,分析了南汇嘴潮滩近期演变特征。研究结果表明:1993-1998年为淤涨期;1998-2003年为冲淤调整期;2003-2005年呈现向外淤涨的趋势。而造成这一趋势的原因主要包括潮滩海洋动力作用、长江入海泥沙变化及近岸海岸工程建设等。  相似文献   

The combined tidal and wind driven flow and resulting sediment transport in the ocean over a flat bottom at intermediate water depth has been investigated, using a simple one dimensional two-equation turbulence closure model. This model has been verified against field measurements of a tidal flow in the Celtic Sea. The tidal velocity ellipses and the time series of the horizontal velocity components at given elevations above the bottom are well predicted through the water column although there are some deviations between the predicted and measured velocities near the bottom due to the uncertainty of the bottom roughness. For the combined tidal and wind driven flows the velocity profiles, turbulent kinetic energy profiles and surface particle trajectories are predicted for weak and strong winds. Furthermore, the bottom shear stress and the resulting bedload transport have been predicted; the parts of the particle trajectories in the close vicinity of the bottom where the bedload transport exists are displayed. Finally, the direction and magnitude of the surface drift, the depth-averaged mean velocity and the mean bedload transport are given, and the effect of the bottom roughness on the sea surface drift is investigated.  相似文献   

杨世伦  李鹏  郜昂  张经 《海洋学报》2006,28(5):56-63
于2004年8月17~24日在胶州湾北部红岛潮滩上用OBS-3A和ADP-XR观测了水深、浊度、水平和垂直流速、回声强度、波浪、盐度、水温等水文泥沙要素,同时采集了悬沙和底沙样品作粒度分析.结果和结论为:(1)潮流动力较弱,表层和近底层最大流速分别只有31和26cm/s;(2)弱潮流动力导致潮周期大部分时间的悬沙浓度小于30mg/dm3,但浅水阶段近底悬沙浓度为100~1000mg/dm3;浅水阶段的短暂高悬浮泥沙浓度和其余长淹没时段的低悬沙浓度共同构成悬沙浓度的“U”形潮周期过程线;(3)悬沙浓度的垂直成层分布主要发生在潮周期的深水阶段和平静天气;(4)由于潮流弱和风浪的干扰,悬沙浓度未呈现大小潮周期的变化规律;(5)水体盐度为23.6~29.5;(6)淹没期的温度(21.4~28.6℃)比出露期的(19.3~30.9℃)稳定,温度极高值出现在午后出露期,而极低值出现在凌晨出露期;(7)“浅水效应”是弱动力潮滩泥沙运动的重要特点.  相似文献   

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