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PPP/PPP-RTK新进展与北斗/GNSS PPP定位性能比较   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
张小红  胡家欢  任晓东 《测绘学报》1957,49(9):1084-1100
首先简要回顾了精密单点定位(PPP)技术在最近几年的发展现状,重点总结了高采样率钟差实时快速估计、多系统组合PPP模糊度固定、多频GNSS PPP模型及其模糊度固定、PPP快速初始化、PPP-RTK等若干热点方向的最新研究进展。在此基础上,利用目前四大卫星导航系统(GPS、GLONASS、Galileo、北斗)最新的实际观测数据,全面比较分析了各系统及多系统组合PPP定位性能,重点给出了北斗二号+北斗三号PPP浮点解和固定解的定位精度、收敛时间和首次固定时间。结果表明:我国北斗导航卫星系统已经可以实现与其他导航卫星系统基本相当的PPP定位性能。北斗二号+北斗三号组合PPP的收敛时间/首次固定时间20~30 min;静态解的东、北、天方向定位精度在毫米到厘米级;动态解水平方向约5 cm,高程方向约7 cm;多系统组合可显著提高PPP定位精度、收敛时间和首次固定时间:固定解定位精度比浮点解在东、北、天方向分别提升了14.8%、12.0%和12.8%;相比单GPS,多系统组合PPP浮点解的收敛时间和固定解首次固定时间分别缩短了36.5%和40.4%。  相似文献   

首先简要回顾了精密单点定位(PPP)技术在最近几年的发展现状,重点总结了高采样率钟差实时快速估计、多系统组合PPP模糊度固定、多频GNSS PPP模型及其模糊度固定、PPP快速初始化、PPP-RTK等若干热点方向的最新研究进展。在此基础上,利用目前四大卫星导航系统(GPS、GLONASS、Galileo、北斗)最新的实际观测数据,全面比较分析了各系统及多系统组合PPP定位性能,重点给出了北斗二号+北斗三号PPP浮点解和固定解的定位精度、收敛时间和首次固定时间。结果表明:我国北斗导航卫星系统已经可以实现与其他导航卫星系统基本相当的PPP定位性能。北斗二号+北斗三号组合PPP的收敛时间/首次固定时间20~30 min;静态解的东、北、天方向定位精度在毫米到厘米级;动态解水平方向约5 cm,高程方向约7 cm;多系统组合可显著提高PPP定位精度、收敛时间和首次固定时间:固定解定位精度比浮点解在东、北、天方向分别提升了14.8%、12.0%和12.8%;相比单GPS,多系统组合PPP浮点解的收敛时间和固定解首次固定时间分别缩短了36.5%和40.4%。  相似文献   

文中在GPS精密单点定位(PPP)理论与方法的基础上,给出了多系统组合的精密单点定位技术观测模型,采用GPS、GLONASS、GALILEO、BDS 四大卫星导航定位系统的实测数据,研究并分析了四系统组合PPP的定位性能。结果表明,多系统PPP精度较单系统有很大提高,GPS+GLONASS+GALILEO+BDS四系统组合动态PPP在三个方向平均偏差约为0.7 cm、0.6 cm和1.7 cm,收敛时间为15~20 min左右,并且多系统PPP在截止高度角增大时,依然有充足的卫星数量,当截止高度角达到30°时,依然能达到cm级定位精度,对机载动态数据进行PPP解算结果显示,四系统组合解算的结果与利用GrafMov的解算结果符合得最好,优于其他双系统和单系统PPP的精度。   相似文献   

针对基于机载动态场景下的实测数据,使用开源的PRIDE PPP-AR软件,采用伪距和载波相位观测值构建双频的消电离层组合(IF)进行了动态精密单点定位(PPP)实验,并对比了单北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)以及BDS/GNSS在进行机载大动态PPP定位方面的性能.结果表明:多系统组合在卫星数、卫星几何构型以及位置精度衰减因子(PDOP)等方面均优于单系统,且对比单GPS而言,平面(东(E)、北(N)、高程(U))方向的定位精度分别提升了10%和12%;此外将开源软件PRIDE PPP-AR的解算结果与商业软件WayPoint进行了对比,结果表明前者的定位精度在E和U方向分别提升了46%和36%,N方向提升最多,提升了近2倍,因而PRIDE PPP-AR具备更高的动态解算精度与可靠性.  相似文献   

精密单点定位技术(Precise Point Positioning,PPP)被广泛应用于高精度导航与位置服务、大地测量、低轨卫星精密定轨、航空摄影测量、GPS地震学等领域.随着我国北斗系统(BDS)的完全部署,其为GNSS系统发展带来了新的机遇和挑战.对GPS、GLONASS的PPP静态、动态事后解算研究已经比较成熟,但实时北斗PPP还处于研究发展阶段,实时北斗PPP的应用场景还不多,针对这一问题,本文旨在对单频北斗实时PPP进行研究.基于BDS系统,本文建立了单频北斗PPP模型,并基于车载动态测试实验,验证本文提出模型的正确性,并得出北斗单频PPP可以实现车道级定位,为北斗的实时应用推广做出一定的探索.  相似文献   

提出了将电离层改正量作为虚拟观测值,参数估计随机模型顾及电离层改正量先验信息的高精度单频单点定位新方法,并推导出该方法的数学模型。实测数据解算定位结果表明,新方法能够实现中国高、中、低纬区域的无初始化高精度单频单点定位,其平面精度为0.1~0.2 m,高程精度为0.3~0.5 m。  相似文献   

针对实时GNSS单频定位中电离层延迟改正问题,本文采用可用于实时GNSS单频定位的几种电离层模型对电离层延迟进行改正并分析其对GNSS单频单点定位性能的影响。其中,对单频SPP的电离层延迟采用模型直接进行改正,采用Klobuchar模型、CODE的预报产品c1pg、原国家测绘地理信息局的实时球谐电离层产品cosong和CODE事后产品codg计算的电离层精度依次提高;采用不同电离层模型作为电离层估计的先验约束进行单频PPP定位。结果表明:采用精度较好的电离层产品作为先验约束可加快单频PPP收敛。  相似文献   

针对GNSS多系统组合进行PPP定位的问题,推导了GNSS观测值统一表达式;进而给出了基于UofC模型的多系统组合PPP的函数模型和随机模型;最后采用6个IGS观测站24 h观测数据对7种组合模型的PPP进行解算,并从收敛率、收敛速度和定位精度等方面进行了统计分析。实验结果表明,当观测时长为60 min时,GPS/GLONASS/BDS组合PPP收敛性能最好,收敛率为91.7%,平均收敛时间为16.1 min;而BDS PPP收敛性能最差,收敛率仅为32.7%,平均收敛时间为38.4 min。可见,多系统组合有利于提高精密单点定位的解算性能。对于定位精度,在观测时长较短时(如0.5 h),GPS/GLONASS/BDS组合PPP整体上具有最优的定位精度,(N,E)方向偏差和标准差分别为(0.3,0.5)cm和(1.9,4.3)cm;短时间内对流层参数与垂直方向的强相关性,将致使U方向精度较差。  相似文献   

随着全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)的发展和移动通信技术的进步,用户对位置服务(LBS)提出了更高的要求. 本文采用市面上常见的两部Android智能手机采集GNSS数据,对Android智能手机伪距单点定位(SPP)和单频精密单点定位(PPP)算法进行研究,分析了在不同条件下智能手机的SPP、单频PPP定位性能. 结果表明:在使用多普勒平滑伪距和信噪比随机模型的基础上,Android智能手机GPS单系统的SPP定位精度可达3 m,GPS、Galileo、GLONASS、北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)四系统定位精度可达亚米级. 在单频PPP静态定位中,在GPS单系统下,定位精度仅能达到米级,且收敛时间较长;在GPS、Galileo、GLONASS、BDS四系统下,定位精度可达亚米级,且平面方向可在40 min内收敛. 在单频PPP动态定位中,手机的定位精度仅能达到米级.   相似文献   

描述了高阶电离层误差对精密单点定位(precise point positioning,PPP)的影响公式,并通过实验分析了该误差对PPP静动态定位的影响。数值结果表明,改正电离层高阶项误差可以mm级提高PPP静动态定位精度和缩短动态定位的收敛时间。  相似文献   

Differential ionospheric slant delays are obtained from a quiet-time, three-dimensional ionospheric electron density model, called the TaiWan Ionosphere Model (TWIM), to be used in code-based differential GPS positioning. The code observations are acquired from nine continuously operating GPS stations around Taiwan whose baseline ranged from 19 to 340 km. Daily 24-hour epoch-per-epoch positioning obtained for 70 most geomagnetic quiet days (2008–2010) for each of the 72 baselines. The performance of TWIM has been compared with the standard operational Klobuchar model (KLB) used by typical single-frequency receivers and the IGS global ionospheric model (GIM). Generally, TWIM performed well in reducing the differential ionospheric delay especially for long baselines and different levels of low solar activity. It has a much better performance compared to the operational KLB model. TWIM also performed similarly with GIM, though GIM has the best performance overall. GIM has the best ionospheric gradient estimates among the three models whose differential ionospheric delay-to-horizontal error ratio is more than 0.25. This is followed closely by TWIM with about 0.20. KLB only has a ratio of <0.10. The similarity of the performance of TWIM and GIM demonstrates the feasibility of TWIM in correcting for differential ionospheric delays in the C/A code pseudorange that is caused by electron density gradients in the ionosphere. It can provide decimeter-to-centimeter level accuracy in differential GPS positioning for single-frequency receivers during geomagnetic quiet conditions across all seasons and different levels of low solar activities.  相似文献   

Ionospheric delays can be efficiently eliminated from single-frequency data using a combination of carrier phases and code ranges. Unfortunately, GPS and GLONASS ranges are relatively noisy which can limit the use of the positioning method. Nevertheless, position standard deviations are in the range of 6–8 cm (horizontal) and 7–9 cm (3d) obtained from diurnal data batches from selected IGS reference stations can be further reduced to 2–3 cm (3d) for weekly smoothed averages. GPS data sets collected in Ghana (Africa) reveal a typical level of 10 cm of deviation that must be anticipated under average conditions. Looking at the future of GNSS, the European Galileo system will, in contrast to GPS, provide the broadband signal E5 that is by far less affected by multipath thus providing rather precise range measurements. Simulated processing runs featuring both high ionospheric and tropospheric delay variations show a 3d position precision of 4 cm even for a data batch as short as just 1 h, whereas GPS L1/Galileo E1 performance is close to 13 cm for the same data set.  相似文献   

GNSS精密单点定位技术及应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张小红  李星星  李盼 《测绘学报》2017,46(10):1399-1407
综合分析讨论了GNSS精密单点定位(PPP)技术及应用的最新进展。重点对GNSS精密单点定位实数解、固定解、实时精密单点定位、PPP-RTK和多频多系统精密单点定位等5个方面的核心关键技术和实现方法进行了总结和讨论。结合PPP技术的特点和优势,论述了PPP在低轨卫星定轨、地震、对流层和电离层等方面的典型应用。针对多频多系统GNSS的最新发展动态,展望了PPP技术今后的发展趋势,并指出了精密单点定位技术和推广应用还有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

When using predicted total electron content (TEC) products to generate preliminary real-time global ionospheric maps (GIMs), validation of these ionospheric predicted products is essential. In this study, we evaluate the accuracy of five predicted GIMs, provided by the international GNSS service (IGS), over continental and oceanic regions during the period from September 2009 to September 2015. Over continental regions, the GPS TEC data collected from 41 IGS continuous tracking stations are used as a reference data set. Over oceanic regions, the TEC data from the JASON altimeter are used for comparison. An initial performance comparison between the IGS combined final GIM product and the predicted GIMs is also included in this study. The evaluation results show that the predicted GIMs produced by CODE outperform the other predicted GIMs for all three validation results. The accuracy of the 1-day predicted GIMs, produced by the IGS associate analysis centers (IAACs), is higher than that of the 2-day predicted GIMs. Compared to the 2-day UPC predicted GIMs, the 2-day ESA predicted GIMs are observed to have slightly worse performances over ocean regions and better positioning performances over continental regions.  相似文献   

基于GNSS的电离层模型研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在利用全球导航卫星系统GNSS进行精密定位和导航时,电离层延迟误差是影响其精度和准确度的主要误差源之一,故对电离层模型研究至关重要。本文将电离层模型分成了经典电离层模型和现代电离层模型,并对经典电离层模型进行了比较,重点介绍了目前全世界电离层模型的研究热点、存在问题及研究方向。  相似文献   

With the increasing number of precise navigation and positioning applications using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), higher order ionospheric effects and their correction become more and more important. Whereas the first-order error can be completely eliminated by a linear combination of dual- frequency measurements, the second- and third-order residual effects remain uncorrected in this approach. To quantify the second-order residual effect, a simple formula has been derived for GNSS users in Germany. Our proposed correction algorithm reduces the second-order effects to a residual error of fractions of 1 mm up to 2 mm at a vertical total electron content level of 1018 electrons/m2 (100 TECU), depending on satellite azimuth and elevation angles. The correction formula can be implemented in real-time applications as it does not require the knowledge of the geomagnetic field or the electron density distribution in the ionosphere along the signal path. It is expected that the correction will enable more accurate positioning using the line-of-sight carrier-phase measurements.  相似文献   

层析模型在GNSS探测电离层中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋廷臣  王秀萍 《测绘科学》2009,34(6):102-104,130
在利用全球导航卫星系统GNSS(GPS、GLONASS、Galileo等卫星定位系统)进行精密定位和导航时,电离层延迟误差是影响其精度和准确度的主要误差源之一,故对电离层模型研究至关重要。本文介绍了传统电离层模型的缺点,重点阐述了不同的电离层层析方法,同时分析了现在电离层层析方法所存在的主要问题,最后介绍了目前全世界电离层层析模型的研究展望。  相似文献   

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