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This paper provides a geographical context and overview of the critical steps leading to German unification on 3 October 1990. It examines the extent to which the whole process was typical of the sequence of events in other states that have been partitioned and have subsequently reunited, with particular reference to the so-called Wende in East Germany. This was a spontaneous, popular movement for internal reform which, spurred on in late 1989 by the impending collapse of the East German government and its protector, the Soviet Union, became a rallying point for German unification.  相似文献   

"The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of the post-unification East to West transfer of the German population on levels of spatial concentration and deconcentration in Eastern and Western Germany. Using 1991 internal migration data, it was found that German East-to-West migration served to deconcentrate regional population in the West, but concentrate population in the East. Regional variations in German East-to-West migration during 1991 can be explained by the availability of employment and housing, a distance-minimisation effect, and the location of relatives and friends."  相似文献   

国家的统一问题一直是关乎区域稳定发展、民族复兴乃至世界和平的大事,然而在地理学领域系统讨论该命题的研究尚不多见。事实上,地理学拥有比政治学和法学更为综合的理论分析体系,尤其是随着政治地理学的快速崛起,从地理学视角解析国家统一的发生机理和影响机制已经日渐成熟。本文从国家主权学说、地缘政治学、后殖民主义、新帝国主义等理论出发,试图构建“国家统一地理学”的分析框架,将国家统一分解为地缘政治重构、经济一体化和文化认同重建3个不同的阶段;并通过东西德国统一的案例分析,深入诠释了德国统一过程中政治版图和地缘格局变化,德国统一后漫长的经济一体化和原西德资本主义的野蛮扩张,以及由于长时间受到不同文化帝国主义渗透带来的民族身份认同分歧问题。德国案例很好地展示了从地理学视角探讨国家统一问题的优越性,同时德国的案例分析可为其他国家的统一问题提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   


GEOVIEW, an integrated system, uses relational database technology and a graphics package (Graphical Kernel System) to offer a flexible environment in which to develop applications of geographical information systems (GIS). It has facilities to represent data in different spatial data structures. Data are stored and retrieved efficiently by using variable length raw data. The unified representation offers the benefit of storing entities in a single relation and eases the process of overlaying different entities. GEOVIEW also provides a mechanism for tailoring user interfaces to suit the needs of different applications by means of a facility to generate macros and menus.

Processing requirements for GIS applications can be supported by using tools provided by relational database technology and by graphics packages. High-level language interfaces which can process dynamic statements and bind dynamic variables are needed to develop an efficient database interface module. A graphics segment facility is essential to provide editing functions and to maximize the use of the local processing power of graphics workstations in the graphics interface module. Further improvements in performance can be made by using the array fetch facility and linear keys for spatial searching.  相似文献   

德国是近代自然地理学的发源地,也是人文地理学的故乡。近代德国地理学不仅助推了德国社会经济的发展,还为世界各国地理学的发展奠定了理论基础,推动了地理学的科学化、系统化与全球化。本文运用文献计量法综述国内外1975—2019年关于近代德国地理学的539篇文献,从年度载文量、研究者国别、研究方向和研究方法四方面入手,突出时间顺序与空间差异,系统梳理与凝练近代德国地理学家的理论与重要贡献,结果表明:近代德国自然地理学与人文地理学的经典理论,尤其是地质地貌、地学革命,以及区域、景观与环境三大学派、区位理论、地缘政治等领域对人类做出了卓越的贡献,近代德国地理学的理论与研究方法值得我们借鉴与思考。  相似文献   

Restrictions in the USA on registered sex offenders (RSOs) are examined from the spatial aspects. The long history of various restrictions imposed by government, particularly local ones, is covered in the introduction. Spatial aspects, such as delineation of zones from which certain activities or certain people are excluded is the focus. Then the nature of restrictions on RSOs is considered at the state, county and municipal level. Typical of restrictions are that RSOs are prohibited from moving into residence within a prescribed distance of certain features in a community. The distances are typically 1,000 feet but are quite variable. Typical proscribed venues are schools, parks and day care centers, but there can be many others such as bus stops. Spatial aspects of these restrictions, such as how offender locations are geocoded and represented and how proscribed venues are delineated is analyzed. Specific details and theoretical concerns related to the many problematic issues with RSO restrictions is presented. In particular questions of their constitutionality and efficacy are raised. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of RSO restrictions for the discipline of geography in general and for the evolution of increasingly precise methods of spatial analysis in particular.  相似文献   


In an attempt to apply the tools and concepts of geography to the study of higher education in the United States, some pertinent findings of the 1970 census are summarized and the spatial distribution of certain aspects of the two-year public colleges is explored. Three ratios calculated from the 1973 listing of junior colleges and from census data are mapped: average enrollment per public two-year college, ratio of public two-year colleges to population, and percentage of the population enrolled in such colleges. The maps appear to express a regionality in community college development; the need for more regional studies is emphasized and questions raised. A major conclusion is that the very states that already have the most community colleges are the ones in which continued growth in number of colleges is most likely.  相似文献   

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