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Economic transformation in post-socialist eastern Germany revealed inherent inequalities in development opportunities, which had been disguised during the socialist ancien régime. Using local examples from the two contrasting Länder of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Saxony, this paper explores how market forces not only exposed these differences, but further entrenched them at the regional and local scales. Local economies demonstrate the differential development very clearly, exposing the significance of regional economic context and raisons d'être of local economic structures. This is genuine locational advantages vis-à-vis activities imposed through ideology rather than economy-driven decrees by the old GDR regime. Many of these state-decreed activities lacked local, and regional, embeddedness, rendering the respective local economies most vulnerable to market operation. They will continue to rely on state support. The problems were exacerbated in those localities lacking support from a regional economy, as in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Conversely, market-favoured, economically attractive regions, like Saxony, generally help localities develop their new economic roles, including those with few indigenous advantages. These fundamental differences in opportunities, illustrated here for six cities, are reflected in local policy-making, especially the role of localness and utilization of local identity.  相似文献   

After unification in 1990 the German government was faced with the task of modernizing the economies of the five new Länder. This process has focused on service sector expansion, particularly the growth of consumer services, which were underdeveloped in the German Democratic Republic. This paper presents a preliminary survey of the impact of the political transition on the structure, organization and spatial pattern of retail services. The new retail sector is characterized by channels of distribution imported from West Germany, uneven development of retail services, and the survival of artefacts from the retail system of the socialist era. Close convergence with levels of retail provision in the old Länder has not been achieved and the changing nature of economic, legislative and political conditions render further expansion problematic. The introduction of legislation to regulate retail growth, the increasingly contested nature of retail change and the complex politics surrounding economic redevelopment in eastern Germany will influence the nature and extent of future retail development.  相似文献   

Events in eastern Germany since 1989 pose major challenges for geographical interpretation. This paper examines the spatial impacts of the post-unification economic and social upheavals in the new Länder. Using unemployment rates as a key indicator of regional differentiation, spatial variability within the new Länder is examined in terms of two fundamental dimensions. First, the relationship with former patterns of economic specialization is explored, and secondly, the effects of basic geographical properties such as settlement structure, location and peripherality. Prominent regional polarities are described, notably between major agglomeration cores and rural residuals, and between ‘bridgehead’ locations and less-accessible districts. Within this context the paper then identifies some ‘green shoots’ of recovery and new growth. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of incorporating sub-regional variations into any new framework of regional policy.  相似文献   

Coming from a socio-cultural geography perspective this paper sets out to question the ‘essentiality’ of East/West German differences, often said to persist in Germany despite (re)unification, by analysing the way in which they are socially constructed in German television reports and films today. Particular emphasis is placed upon the social and spatial positioning of the TV producers, of those represented, and of the audience. It is suggested that television representations such as those analysed in the paper effect a marginalization of East Germans and East Germany that can be partially resisted on the basis of contradictions ‘within’ and ‘outside’ filmic texts.  相似文献   

本文阐述了“京津冀协同发展规划纲要”对首都北京的定位具有重大意义。在我国,只有首都北京才能建设成为全球性“流”的最大节点之一,全球经济影响与支配中心之一。首都北京的国家最高级的金融商贸中心地位,也是国家经济和安全的重要支柱。首都北京的定位和实现其定位是国家的千年大计,是其他任何大城市所不能替代的。对其高端金融商贸区需要科学规划,本文对此提出了若干建议。天津滨海新区由于功能定位不妥和过大规模的开发,导致了严重的浪费,教训值得认真总结。  相似文献   

The unification of Germany has led to claims for the restitution of more than 2.47 million pieces of property confiscated under the auspices of either the Third Reich or the East German government. The legal and administrative taks of restitution is a huge challenge for the new Germany, with far-reaching implications for the country's social and economic fabric. This paper examines the nature and scale of restitution claims and how they are being settled across the five new German states (Bundesländer) and Berlin. It reveals a picture of considerable progress overall, but with substantial regional variations.  相似文献   

This study examines interspecific differences in the architecture and field characteristics of the burrow systems of Brants' whistling rat, Parotomys brantsii, and Littledale's whistling rat, Parotomys littledalei. The two rodents are endemic to the arid west region of southern Africa. Both build complex burrow systems with numerous nest chambers and associated interconnecting tunnels, as well as a number of entrances. Burrow systems of P. littledalei are restricted to areas of good plant cover, whilst many P. brantsii burrows are situated in open locations with only limited plant cover. Further, the burrows of P. brantsii cover a much larger area than those of P. littledalei, with many more entrances. As P. brantsii feed predominantly within the boundaries of their burrows and not in the open veld, their burrow systems effectively serve as a predator refuge, into which this diurnal rodent can quickly run in the event of danger. Thus, by building large multi-holed burrow systems, P. brantsii have become independent of the protection offered by bush cover and can exist within relatively open areas within their distributional range. On the other hand, the reduced number of entrances to P. littledalei burrow systems may largely restrict this species to areas with adequate cover, including coastal and riverine bush, with which it is often associated.  相似文献   

In the Solway Firth — Morecambe Bay region of Great Britain there is evidence for heightened hillslope instability during the late Holocene (after 3000 cal. BP). Little or no hillslope geomorphic activity has been identified occurring during the early Holocene, but there is abundant evidence for late Holocene hillslope erosion (gullying) and associated alluvial fan and valley floor deposition. Interpretation of the regional radiocarbon chronology available from organic matter buried beneath alluvial fan units suggests much of this geomorphic activity can be attributed to four phases of more extensive gullying identified after 2500–2200, 1300–1000, 1000–800 and 500 cal. BP. Both climate and human impact models can be evoked to explain the crossing of geomorphic thresholds: and palaeoecological data on climatic change (bog surface wetness) and human impact (pollen), together with archaeological and documentary evidence of landscape history, provide a context for addressing the causes of late Holocene geomorphic instability. High magnitude storm events are the primary agent responsible for gully incision, but neither such events nor cooler/wetter climatic episodes appear to have produced gully systems in the region before 3000 cal. BP. Increased gullying after 2500–2200 cal. BP coincides with population expansion during Iron Age and Romano-British times. The widespread and extensive gullying after 1300–1000 cal. BP and after 1000–800 cal. BP coincides with periods of population expansion and a growing rural economy identified during Norse times, 9–10th centuries AD, and during the Medieval Period, 12–13th centuries AD. These periods were separated by a downturn associated with the ‘harrying of the north’ AD 1069 to 1070. The gullying episode after 500 cal. BP also coincides with increased anthropogenic pressure on the uplands, with population growth and agricultural expansion after AD 1500 following 150 years of malaise caused by livestock and human (the Black Death) plagues, poor harvests and conflicts on the Scottish/English border. The increased susceptibility to erosion of gullies is a response to increased anthropogenic pressure on upland hillslopes during the late Holocene, and the role of this pressure appears crucial in priming hillslopes before subsequent major storm events. In particular, the cycles of expansion and contraction in both population and agriculture appear to have affected the susceptibility of the upland landscape to erosion, and the hillslope gullying record in the region, therefore, contributes to understanding of the timing and spatial pattern of human exploitation of the upland landscape.  相似文献   

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