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Simultaneous temperature fluctuations have been measured along directions both parallel and orthogonal to the wind direction in the atmospheric surface layer. Ensemble-averaged temperature distributions associated with the ramp-like feature observed in instantaneous temperature traces indicate that the average duration of the ramp is approximately independent of height. Application of Davenport's geometric similarity of coherence of temperature fluctuations yields approximate estimates for the spatial extent of the structure characterized by the ramp. The longitudinal extent is approximately 12 times the vertical extent and 17 times the lateral extent.  相似文献   

Surface-layer convection is investigated by analyzing multi-point measurements of temperature and velocity fluctuations at different sets of spatial points.The visual analysis of temperature and velocity fluctuations measured by sensors mounted on a mast of 36-m height clearly reveals the presence of large-scale convective cells (known as ramp structures) making large contributions to the heat transfer from the ground to lower atmosphere. The vertical temperature variability is described with the aid of empirical orthogonal functions derived from temperature covariance matrices for the heights of 1, 2, 5, 10, 18 and 36 m. Temporal-spatial correlation functions obtained allow estimates of a characteristic velocity scale, which may be interpreted as the downwind velocity of ramp structures.  相似文献   

Two-point, one-dimensional coherence in horizontally homogeneous atmospheric turbulence is studied, both by experiment and analysis. Measurements are carried out using horizontally spaced sensors with the separation perpendicular to the mean velocity. Two-dimensional spectral models and three-dimensional inertial-range spectral tensors are used in the coherence calculations. The one-dimensional coherence for both velocity and scalar fluctuations is found to roll off at a wavenumber much smaller than we would expect from the classical notion of eddy correlation. This is a consequence of the cancellation of Fourier components aliased from the direction of the sensor separation into the streamwise direction. However, the coherence for the three velocity components behaves somewhat differently, reflecting the relative orientations of the velocity component, sensor separation and the mean velocity. These features are well predicted by the calculation. The analysis is also extended to calculate the two-point scalar-vertical velocity cospectrum and the results are in good agreement with our experimental data. The ratio of two- to one-point cospectra decreases at slightly larger wavenumber than the two-point scalar coherence does.  相似文献   

Turbulence data from the planetary boundary layer (PBL) indicate the presence of deterministic turbulent structures. These structures often show up as asymmetric ramp patterns in measurements of the turbulent fluctuations of a scalar quantity in the atmospheric surface layer (ASL). The sign of the slope of the sharp upstream edge of such a triangular pattern depends on the thermal stability conditions of the ASL.The turbulent structures in the ASL have been tracked by a detection method which searches for rapid and strong fluctuations in a signal — the VITA (variable interval time averaging) technique. This detection method has previously been employed in laboratory boundary layers. The VITA detection method performs well in the ASL and reveals the presence of vertically coherent turbulent structures, which look similar to those in laboratory shear flows. At the moment that a sharp temperature interface appears, the horizontal alongwind velocity shows a sharp increase, along with a sudden decrease of vertical velocity, independent of the thermal stability conditions of the ASL. The fluctuating static pressure reveals a maximum at that moment. The vertical turbulent transports show a twin-peak character around the time that the sharp jumps in the temperature and the velocity signals appear.  相似文献   

We investigate the coherent structure of atmosphere turbulence over very large roughness within a fully rough, high Reynolds number turbulent flow. The horizontal distributions of coherent turbulence were determined by multipoint measurements of velocity fluctuations using sonic anemometers in a comprehensive outdoor scale model experiment for urban climate (COSMO). COSMO is made up of 512 cubical obstacles, each 1.5 m on a side, arranged in a rectangular pattern on a flat 50 m × 100 m concrete plate. A total of 15 sets of sonic anemometers were aligned horizontally within the logarithmic layer above this site. The velocity fluctuations observed in COSMO were decomposed into active and inactive contributions by applying a spatial-filtering method, and which used a simple moving average along the spanwise direction of the predominant flow as a filter function. The size of the filter should be between the sizes of the active and inactive fluctuations. This method potentially eliminates the considerable portion of low frequency modes included in the horizontal velocity fluctuation, while preserving well the Reynolds stress. The structural characteristics of the active turbulence were qualitatively similar to those measured over various surface configurations. Overall, the observed structures of the active turbulence are composed of very large streaks of low momentum fluid elongated in the streamwise direction with some sub-structures included in the streaks. The sub-structures were the main cause of the ejections, which accompany horizontal vortices. The active motion, including the streaky structures, did not reproduce the lower frequency peak of the bi-modal distribution of the horizontal velocity spectra, but reproduced the higher frequency mode that robustly follows inner-layer similarity (i.e. Monin–Obukhov similarity).  相似文献   

Measurements of the turbulent fluctuations of wind, temperature and humidity were made in the atmospheric surface layer. The statistics of the fluctuations were investigated in both the time and frequency domains. The vertical wind, temperature and smaller-scale horizontal wind fluctuations appear to obey the Monin-Obukhov similarity hypothesis. The humidity fluctuations were found to be governed by a humidity flux stability parameter rather than the normal Monin-Obukhov length.  相似文献   

Observations of water vapour fluctuations over arice field show vapour ramps. Coherent structuresare first revealed by the frequently occurring ramp pattern in the vapourtrace. Wavelet and pseudo-wavelet analysis techniques were used inconditional sampling, and more than 100 hr of data have been analyzedto determine coherent structure characteristics. The most probablecoherent structure duration was in the range 2–12 sec andthe duration range of the most effective coherent structures shows somedifference between heat and water vapour transfers. Coherent structurescontribute to the major part of the total flux.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations were performed of a neutrally-stratified turbulent flow within and above an ideal, horizontally- and vertically-homogeneous plant canopy. Three simulations were performed for shear-driven flows in small and large computational domains, and a pressure-driven flow in a small domain, to enable the nature of canopy turbulence unaffected by external conditions to be captured. The simulations reproduced quite realistic canopy turbulence characteristics, including typical ramp structures appearing in time traces of the scalar concentration near the canopy top. Then, the spatial structure of the organised turbulence that caused the scalar ramps was examined using conditional sampling of three-dimensional instantaneous fields, triggered by the occurrence of ramp structures. A wavelet transform was used for the detection of ramp structures in the time traces. The ensemble-averaged results illustrate that the scalar ramps are associated with the microfrontal structure in the scalar, the ejection-sweep structure in the streamwise and vertical velocities, a laterally divergent flow just around the ramp-detection point, and a positive, vertically-coherent pressure perturbation. These vertical structures were consistent with previous measurements made in fields or wind tunnels. However, the most striking feature is that the horizontal slice of the same structure revealed a streamwise-elongated region of high-speed streamwise velocity impacting on another elongated region of low-speed velocity. These elongated structures resemble the so-called streak structures that are commonly observed in near-wall shear layers. Since elongated structures of essentially similar spatial scales were observed in all of the runs, these streak structures appear to be inherent in near-canopy turbulence. Presumably, strong wind shear formed just above the canopy is involved in their formation. By synthesis of the ensemble-averaged and instantaneous results, the following processes were inferred for the development of scalar microfronts and their associated flow structures: (1) a distinct scalar microfront develops where a coherent downdraft associated with a high-speed streak penetrates into the region of a low-speed streak; (2) a stagnation in flow between two streaks of different velocities builds up a vertically-coherent high-pressure region there; (3) the pressure gradients around the high-pressure region work to reduce the longitudinal variations in streamwise velocity and to enhance the laterally-divergent flow and lifted updrafts downstream of the microfront; (4) as the coherent mother downdraft impinges on the canopy, canopy-scale eddies are formed near the canopy top in a similar manner as observed in conventional mixing-layer turbulence.  相似文献   

Experimentally obtained time coherence has traditionally been interpreted as streamwise one-dimensional spatial coherence through Taylor’s hypothesis. We calculate corrections to the highwavenumber part of the coherence to account for the errors caused by the deviation from Taylor’s hypothesis in high-intensity turbulent flows. The small-scale turbulence is assumed to be frozen and convected by a fluctuating convection velocity. Both Lumley’s two-term approximation and the Gaussian approximation are used in the calculations. In general, we find that the coherence for crossstream separations is significantly overestimated by the direct use of Taylor’s hypothesis, the error increasing with wavenumber; that for streamwise separations is underestimated. The analyses are compared with cross-stream coherence measurements in the atmospheric surface layer. Our results indicate that predictions from Lumley’s approximation yield better agreement with experimental data for cross-stream separations than those from the Gaussian model. Our study suggests that reliable measurement of two-point spatial coherence can be achieved only for scales not too small compared to the sensor separation.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis was performed on aircraft observations of a convective boundary layer (CBL) that developed over a thermally inhomogeneous, well-marked mesoscale land surface. The observations, part of the GAME-Siberia experiment, were recorded between April and June 2000 over the Lena River near Yakutsk City. A special integral parameter termed the ‘reduced depth of the CBL’ was used to scale the height of the mixed layer with variable depth. Analysis of wavelet cospectra and spectra facilitated the separation of fluxes and other variables into small-scale turbulent fluctuations (with scales less than the reduced depth of the CBL, approximately 2 km) and mesoscale fluctuations (up to 20 km). This separation approach allows for independent exploration of the scales. Analyses showed that vertical distributions obeyed different laws for small-scale fluxes and mesoscale fluxes (of sensible heat, water vapour, momentum and carbon dioxide) and for other variables (wind speed and air temperature fluctuations, coherence and degree of anisotropy). Vertical profiles of small-scale turbulent fluxes showed a strong decay that differed from generally accepted similarity models for the CBL. Vertical profiles of mesoscale fluxes and other variables clearly showed sharp inflections at the same relative (with respect to the reduced depth of the CBL) height of approximately 0.55 in the CBL. Conventional similarity models for sensible heat fluxes describe both small-scale turbulent and mesoscale flows. The present results suggest that mesoscale motions that reach up to the relative level of 0.55 could be initiated by thermal surface heterogeneity. Entrainment between the upper part of the CBL and the free atmosphere may cause mesoscale motions in that region of the CBL.  相似文献   

Measurements of the fluctuations of wind, temperature and humidity were made with an instrumented aircraft at altitudes from 30 to 300m above Lake Ontario. The variations of the standard deviations of these fluctuations are examined. By applying Monin-Obukhov similarity theory based on local fluxes, it is shown that the vertical velocity, temperature and humidity fluctuations scale with the local Monin-Obukhov length. In the limit of free convection, 1/3 and –1/3 power laws are approached with constants of 1.2, 1.2, and 0.8 for vertical velocity, temperature and humidity, respectively. The von Karman scale lengths increase with height but were much larger than those found by Taylor et al. (1970).  相似文献   

Turbulence measurements of the vertical velocity component were obtained by an instrumented aircraft under fair weather conditions in the St. Louis, Missouri, metropolitan area. Time series of vertical velocity fluctuations from horizontal flight segments made in the lower part of and near the middle of the convective boundary layer (CBL) over the urban area and surrounding region were subjected to various statistical and objective analyses. Higher order vertical velocity moments, and positive and negative velocity statistics, were computed. The horizontal dimensions of updrafts and downdrafts, and related properties of these turbulent eddies were derived by conditional sampling analysis. Emphasis is on a comparison of the results from urban and selected rural measurements from the lower part of the CBL.The vertical velocity probability density distribution for each segment was positively skewed and the mode was negative. The means and standard deviations of positive and negative velocity fluctuations were greater over the urban area. The urban vertical velocity variance was 50% greater than rural values, and power spectra revealed greater production of vertical turbulent energy in the urban area over a wide frequency range.The mean and maximum widths of downdrafts were generally larger than the corresponding values for updrafts. Differences between urban and rural eddy sizes were not statistically significant. The widths of the largest updraft and downdraft are comparable to the boundary-layer depth, Z i, and the mean value of the ratio of spectral peak wavelength to Z iwas about 1.3 and 1.1 for urban and rural areas, respectively. Convective similarity scaling parameters appeared to order both the urban and rural measurements.On assignment from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Dept. of Commerce.  相似文献   

Precise urban atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) wind tunnel simulations are essential for a wide variety of atmospheric studies in built-up environments including wind loading of structures and air pollutant dispersion. One of key issues in addressing these problems is a proper choice of simulation length scale. In this study, an urban ABL was reproduced in a boundary layer wind tunnel at different scales to study possible scale effects. Two full-depth simulations and one part-depth simulation were carried out using castellated barrier wall, vortex generators, and a fetch of roughness elements. Redesigned “Counihan” vortex generators were employed in the part-depth ABL simulation. A hot-wire anemometry system was used to measure mean velocity and velocity fluctuations. Experimental results are presented as mean velocity, turbulence intensity, Reynolds stress, integral length scale of turbulence, and power spectral density of velocity fluctuations. Results suggest that variations in length-scale factor do not influence the generated ABL models when using similarity criteria applied in this study. Part-depth ABL simulation compares well with two full-depth ABL simulations indicating the truncated vortex generators developed for this study can be successfully employed in urban ABL part-depth simulations.  相似文献   

The horizontal and vertical wind velocity fluctuations were measured using two sonic anemometers at a height of 135 cm above a snow surface under a transverse snow wave-forming condition. A snow-wave was formed when the wind at a height of 1 m blew at a speed of more than 7 m s−1 after an approximate accumulation of from 10 to 20 cm of new snow on a snowfield. For example, when a snow-wave had a wavelength of 10 m and a wave height of 15 to 20 cm, the measured horizontal and vertical velocity components showed that they had a frequency peak of 0.7 Hz in coherence and co-spectrum corresponding to this wavelength. The results suggest that wind turbulence and snow-wave formation interact with each other.  相似文献   

The horizontal and vertical wind velocity fluctuations were measured using two sonic anemometers at a height of 135 cm above a snow surface under a transverse snow wave-forming condition. A snow-wave was formed when the wind at a height of 1 m blew at a speed of more than 7 m s–1 after an approximate accumulation of from 10 to 20 cm of new snow on a snowfield. For example, when a snow-wave had a wavelength of 10 m and a wave height of 15 to 20 cm, the measured horizontal and vertical velocity components showed that they had a frequency peak of 0.7 Hz in coherence and co-spectrum corresponding to this wavelength. The results suggest that wind turbulence and snow-wave formation interact with each other.  相似文献   

Forested landscapes often exhibit large spatial variability in vertical and horizontal foliage distributions. This variability may affect canopy-atmosphere exchanges through its action on the development of turbulent structures. Here we investigate in neutral stratification the turbulent structures encountered in a maritime pine forest characterized by a high, dense foliated layer associated with a deep and sparse trunk space. Both stand and edge regions are considered. In situ measurements and the results of large-eddy simulations are used and analyzed together. In stand conditions, far from the edge, canopy-top structures appear strongly damped by the dense crown layer. Turbulent wind fluctuations within the trunk space, where the momentum flux vanishes, are closely related to these canopy-top structures through pressure diffusion. Consequently, autocorrelation and spectral analyses are not quite appropriate to characterize the vertical scale of coherent structures in this type of canopy, as pressure diffusion enhances the actual scale of structures. At frequencies higher than those associated with canopy-top structures, wind fluctuations related to wake structures developing behind tree stems are observed within the trunk space. They manifest themselves in wind velocity spectra as secondary peaks in the inertial subrange region, confirming the hypothesis of spectral short-cuts in vegetation canopies. In the edge region specific turbulent structures develop just below the crown layer, in addition to canopy-top structures. They are generated by the wind shear induced by the sub-canopy wind jet that forms at the edge. These structures provide a momentum exchange mechanism similar to that observed at the canopy top but in the opposite direction and with a lower magnitude. They may develop as in plane mixing-layer flows, with some perturbations induced by canopy-top structures. Wake structures are also observed within the trunk space in the edge region.  相似文献   

The probability density function for sensible heat flux was measured above a uniform dry lakebed (Owens lake) in Owens Valley, California. It was found that for moderately stable to near neutral atmospheric stability conditions, the probability density function exhibits well defined exponential tails. These exponential tails are consistent with many laboratory boundarylayer measurements and numerical simulations. A model for the sensible heat flux probability density function was developed and tested. A key assumption in the model derivation was the near Gaussian statistics of the vertical velocity and temperature fluctuations. This assumption was verified from time series measurements of temperature and vertical velocity. The parameters for the sensible heat flux probability density function model were also derived from mean meteorological and surface conditions using surface-layer similarity theory. It was found that the best agreement between modeled and measured sensible heat flux probability density function was at the tails. Finally, a relation between the intermittency parameter, the probability density function, and the mean meteorological conditions was derived. This relation rigorously links the intermittency parameter to mean meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

A novel dynamic mixing length (DML) subgrid-scale (SGS) model is proposed to improve the large-eddy simulations of the wind field and contaminant dispersion around a group of buildings. Wind field and contaminant dispersion in two kinds of building array geometries are simulated using the model, with wind-tunnel experimental data used to validate the model. The relative errors in the lateral profiles of the streamwise mean velocities behind the sixth row of the buildings of the staggered obstacle array and the aligned obstacle array at the half height of the building are 15 and 9%, respectively. The DML velocity fluctuations in the staggered and aligned obstacle arrays are in agreement with those of the experiment. The results indicate that the DML model can make a more accurate prediction of the mean velocity and velocity fluctuations. The DML model is highly suitable for the simulation of multi-scale turbulent flow in urban canyons, of high Reynolds number turbulent flow and of complex turbulent flow.  相似文献   

We utilized a Doppler lidar to measure integral scale and coherence of vertical velocity w in the daytime convective boundary layer (CBL). The high resolution 2 μm wavelength Doppler lidar developed by the NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory was used to detect the mean radial velocity of aerosol particles. It operated continuously in the zenith-pointing mode for several days in the summer 1996 during the “Lidars in Flat Terrain” experiment over level farmland in central Illinois. We calculated profiles of w integral scales in both the alongwind and vertical directions from about 390 m height to the CBL top. In the middle of the mixed layer we found, from the ratio of the w integral scale in the vertical to that in the horizontal direction, that the w eddies are squashed by a factor of about 0.65 as compared to what would be the case for isotropic turbulence. Furthermore, there is a significant decrease of the vertical integral scale with height. The integral scale profiles and vertical coherence show that vertical velocity fluctuations in the CBL have a predictable anisotropic structure. We found no significant tilt of the thermal structures with height in the middle part of the CBL.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

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