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The paper presents a review of the success and failure of the practical results from summer drought and flood forecasts and seasonal precipitation forecasts in the period from 1976 to 1985. An analysis is made on the anomaly of the general circulation winch gives rise to summer precipitation and drought-flood occurrences in the country. It is proposed that the subtropical high over the West Pacific, the South Asia high and middle-latitude westerlies are the major synoptical regimes producing summer weather in China. The analysis focuses on the features of low-frequency oscillation and abnormality of the West Pacific sub-tropical high in the monthly 500 hPa mean charts, and on their interactions with the sea temperature of the North Pacific and the Equatorial Pacific. The result shows that there exist quasi-cycles of 3-4 years, 11 years and 19 years or so in the subtropical high with the feature of strong persistence and seasonal changes. There is a rather good correlation between the behaviour of the subtropical high and changes in the cold current area in the East Pacific, and especially during the El Nino period, there is an ob-vious coupling with abnormal changes of the intensity of the subtropical high. Analysis is also made on the effect of the thermal condition of the Tibetan Plateau, the Northern Hemisphere westerly circulation and the astronomical factors on the West Pacific subtropical high, the South Asia high and precipitation in the rainy season in China.  相似文献   

The paper presents a review of the success and failure of the practical results from summer drought and flood forecasts and seasonal precipitation forecasts in the period from 1976 to 1985. An analysis is made on the anomaly of the general circulation wihch gives rise to summer precipitation and drought-flood occurrences in the country. It is proposed that the subtropical high over the West Pacific, the South Asia high and middle-latitude westerlies are the major synoptical regimes producing summer weather in China. The analysis focuses on the features of low-frequency oscillation and abnormality of the West Pacific subtropical high in the monthly 500 hPa mean charts, and on their interactions with the sea temperature of the North Pacific and the Equatorial Pacific. The result shows that there exist quasi-cycles of 3-4 years, 11 years and 19 years or so in the subtropical high with the feature of strong persistence and seasonal changes. There is a rather good correlation between the behaviour of the sub  相似文献   

The NCAR community climate model was run for 20 years and the simulated East Asianclimate was analyzed and checked against the observation data.It is found that the large-scalefeatures of the East Asia climate were simulated pretty well by the model,though there are stillsome discrepancies between the model output and the observation.The simulated geopotentialheight,wind and temperature fields are very close to the observations.The large scale systemssuch as subtropical high.Mongolia high,Indian low which have important influence on the EastAsia monsoon also simulated pretty well.It is also found that the moisture field is not simulated sowell as those fields mentioned above.The simulated precipitation is rather different from theobservations.These suggest that some physical processes in the CCM2 need to be improved.  相似文献   

Since the early or late onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSM) has a large impact on summer monsoon rainfall in East Asia, the mechanism and process of early or late onset of the SCSM are an worthy issue to study. In this paper, the results analyzed by using the observed data show that the onset date and process of the SCSM are closely associated with the thermal state of the tropical western Pacific in spring. When the tropical western Pacific is in a warming state in spring, the western Pacific subtropical high shifts eastward, and twin cyclones are early caused over the Bay of Bengal and Sumatra before the SCSM onset. In this case, the cyclonic circulation located over the Bay of Bengal can be early intensified and become into a strong trough. Thus, the westerly flow and convective activity can be intensified over Sumatra, the Indo-China Peninsula and the South China Sea (SCS) in mid-May. This leads to early onset of the SCSM. In contrast, when the tropical western Pacific is in a cooling state, the western Pacific subtropical high anomalously shifts westward, the twin cyclones located over the equatorial eastern Indian Ocean and Sumatra are weakened, and the twin anomaly anticyclones appear over these regions from late April to mid-May. Thus, the westerly flow and convective activity cannot be early intensified over the Indo-China Peninsula and the SCS. Only when the western Pacific subtropical high moves eastward, the weak trough located over the Bay of Bengal can be intensified and become into a strong trough, the strong southwesterly wind and convective activity can be intensified over the Indo-China Peninsula and the SCS in late May. Thus, this leads to late onset of the SCSM. Moreover, in this paper, the influencing mechanism of the thermal state of the tropical western Pacific on the SCSM onset is discussed further from the Walker circulation anomalies in the different thermal states of the tropical western Pacific.  相似文献   

Diagnostic study on two intraseasonal progressive and retrogressive progress of anomalous subtropical high in western Pacific is carried out with the aid of daily 2.5°× 2.5° grid point data of ECMWF inJuly and August of 1980 and 1983. It is revealed that the anomalous progression and retrosression ofthis high is intraseasonally teleconnected with that in the eastern Pacific, shown as low-ftequency wavespropagating westward along a latitudinal wave train across the northern Pacific i the same oscillatory displacement of eastern subtropical high is again triggered off by the variation of convergent sink of uppertropospheric divergent wind field in eastern Pacific, being resulted from anomalous heating from monsoon area in South Asia through trade wind zone in the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

A coupled regional air-sea model is developed by using the regional climate model (P-σ RCM)and the regional ocean model (POM),which is used to simulate East Asian monsoon and oceanicelements in East Asian coastal waters.The simulated surface layer oceanic elements are basicallyconsistent with the reality and can reflect the interaction between the monsoon and the surfacelayer currents.The great difference with the reality is “cold drift” of the simulated surfacetemperature.The coupled model has certain ability to simulate the atmosphere geopotential heightfields,precipitation and low-level southwest wind from May to August in 1998.It can display theprocess of summer monsoon onset during the third dekad of May and the evolution features afterthe onset.The differences between the simulation results of the coupled model and that of thesingle P-a RCM are shown mainly in the low-level atmosphere and the model internal regions.  相似文献   

In order to study the spatial structure and dynamical mechanism of extreme precipitation in East Asia, a corresponding climate network is constructed by employing the method of event synchronization. It is found that the area of East Asian summer extreme precipitation can be separated into two regions: one with high area-weighted connectivity receiving heavy precipitation mostly during the active phase of the East Asian Summer Monsoon(EASM),and another one with low area-weighted connectivity receiving heavy precipitation during both the active and the retreating phase of the EASM. Besides, a new way for the prediction of extreme precipitation is also developed by constructing a directed climate networks. The simulation accuracy in East Asia is 58% with a 0-day lead, and the prediction accuracy is 21% and average 12% with a 1-day and an n-day(2≤n≤10) lead, respectively. Compared to the normal EASM year, the prediction accuracy is low in weak years and high in strong years, which is relevant to the differences of correlations and extreme precipitation rates in different EASM situations. Recognizing and indentifying these effects is good for understanding and predicting extreme precipitation in East Asia.  相似文献   

Based on the routine rainfall data on the Tibetan Plateau and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data,the rela- tionship between the eastern Tibetan Plateau rainfall and the southward/northward shift of West Pacific subtropical high in summer of 1993/1994 is studied.The results show that:the West Pacific subtropi- cal high is abnormally located to more southern latitude and the high ridge is mainly the quasi-biweekly southward/northward oscillation in its processes of northward shift from May to August in 1993;but it is ab- normally located to more northern latitude and the high ridge is obviously 30-60-day southward/northward oscillation in its processes of northward shift from May to August in 1994.At the same time,it is found that the changes of the eastern Tibetan Plateau rainfall active/break have the similar characteristics of the high ridge southward/northward oscillation.Therefore,the southward/northward shift of the West Pacific subtropical high in summer may be related to the changes of eastern Tibetan Plateau rainfall active/break.  相似文献   

In this paper, a close relationship between the intraseasonal variation of subtropical high over East Asia and the convective activities around the South China Sea and the Philippines is analysed from OLR data.This relationship is studied by using the theory of wave propagating in a slowly varying medium and by using a quasi-geoslrophic, linear, spherical model and the IAP-GCM, respectively. The results show that when the SST is warming around the western tropical Pacific or the Philippines, the convective activities are intensified around the Philippines. As a consequence, the subtropical high will be intensified over East Asia. The computed results also show that when the anomaly of convective activities are caused around the Philippines, a teleconnection pattern of circulation anomalies will be caused over South Asia, East Asia and North America.  相似文献   

In this paper, a newly established "South China Regional Short Range Climate Prediction Model System" is introduced and its performance is analyzed in real case simulation. It shows that the system has a good performance and suitable for short range climate modeling. The model simulates well the monthly mean, pentad mean and daily field, pentad mean and daily field and can depict more details than coarse resolution analyses. Weather systems and information can pass into and out of the model domain through lateral boundaries without notable damping. Almost all of the weather and climate changes can be reflected in the simulation, in which both the changing tendencies, amplitudes, speeds, and phases are consistent with the real cases. The simulated precipitation is much close to the observed one, both in the extent, position and in the intensity of rainfall. In addition, some smaller precipitation centers could also be reflected in the simulation.  相似文献   

This study introduces a new global climate model--the Integrated Climate Model (ICM)--developed for the seasonal prediction of East Asian-western North Pacific (EA-WNP) climate by the Center for Monsoon System Research at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (CMSR, IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences. ICM integrates ECHAM5 and NEMO2.3 as its atmospheric and oceanic components, respectively, using OASIS3 as the coupler. The simulation skill of ICM is evaluated here, including the simulated climatology, interannual variation, and the influence of E1 Nifio as one of the most important factors on EA-WNP climate. ICM successfully reproduces the distribution of sea surface temperature (SST) and precipitation without climate shift, the seasonal cycle of equatorial Pacific SST, and the precipitation and circulation of East Asian summer monsoon. The most prominent biases of ICM are the excessive cold tongue and unrealistic westward phase propagation of equatorial Pacific SST. The main interannual variation of the tropical Pacific SST and EA-WNP climate E1 Nifio and the East Asia-Pacific Pattern--are also well simulated in ICM, with realistic spatial pattern and period. The simulated E1 Nifio has significant impact on EA-WNP climate, as in other models. The assessment shows ICM should be a reliable model for the seasonal prediction of EA-WNP climate.  相似文献   

A coupled regional air-sea model is developed by using the regional climate model (P-σ RCM) and the regional ocean model (POM),which is used to simulate East Asian monsoon and oceanic elements in East Asian coastal waters.The simulated surface layer oceanic elements are basically consistent with the reality and can reflect the interaction between the monsoon and the surface layer currents.The great difference with the reality is "cold drift" of the simulated surface temperature.The coupled model has certain ability to simulate the atmosphere geopotential height fields,precipitation and low-level southwest wind from May to August in 1998.It can display the process of summer monsoon onset during the third dekad of May and the evolution features after the onset.The differences between the simulation results of the coupled model and that of the single P-σ RCM are shown mainly in the low-level atmosphere and the model internal regions.  相似文献   

The ability of a climate model to reproduce the climatic characters of the South Asia High (SAH) is assessed by analyzing the 110-yr output of a Flexible Coupled GCM, version 0 (FGCM-0). Comparing the results of FGCM-0 with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the major findings show that FGCM-0 has better results in simulation of the geopotential height field at 100 hPa, and reproduces fairly the main atmospheric circulation centers. However, there are still some differences in the simulated results compared with the reanalysis data. The coupled model also successfully reproduces the mean seasonal variation of the SAH, that is, it moves from the Pacific Ocean to the Asian continent, remaining over the Tibetan Plateau from winter to summer, and then withdraws from the Tibetan Plateau to the Pacific Ocean from summer to winter. However, such observed relationships between the SAH positions and the summer precipitation patterns cannot be fairly reproduced in the FGCM-0.  相似文献   

This study introduces a new global climate model—the Integrated Climate Model(ICM)—developed for the seasonal prediction of East Asian–western North Pacific(EA–WNP) climate by the Center for Monsoon System Research at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics(CMSR, IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences. ICM integrates ECHAM5 and NEMO2.3 as its atmospheric and oceanic components, respectively, using OASIS3 as the coupler. The simulation skill of ICM is evaluated here, including the simulated climatology, interannual variation, and the influence of El Nińo as one of the most important factors on EA–WNP climate. ICM successfully reproduces the distribution of sea surface temperature(SST) and precipitation without climate shift, the seasonal cycle of equatorial Pacific SST, and the precipitation and circulation of East Asian summer monsoon. The most prominent biases of ICM are the excessive cold tongue and unrealistic westward phase propagation of equatorial Pacific SST. The main interannual variation of the tropical Pacific SST and EA–WNP climate—El Nińo and the East Asia–Pacific Pattern—are also well simulated in ICM, with realistic spatial pattern and period. The simulated El Nińo has significant impact on EA–WNP climate, as in other models. The assessment shows ICM should be a reliable model for the seasonal prediction of EA–WNP climate.  相似文献   

The seasonal variations of the Asian monsoon were explored by applying the atmospheric general circulation model R42L9 that was developed recently at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (LASG/IAP/CAS). The 20-yr (1979-1998) simulation was done using the prescribed 20-yr monthly SST and sea-ice data as required by Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP)Ⅱ in the model. The monthly precipitation and monsoon circulations were analyzed and compared with the observations to validate the model‘s performance in simulating the climatological mean and seasonal variations of the Asian monsoon. The results show that the model can capture the main features of the spatial distribution and the temporal evolution of precipitation in the Indian and East Asian monsoon areas. The model also reproduced the basic patterns of monsoon circulation. However, some biases exis tin this model. The simulation of the heating over the Tibetan Plateau in summer was too strong. The overestimated heating caused a stronger East Asian monsoon and a weaker Indian monsoon than the observations. In the circulation fields, the South Asia high was stronger and located over the Tibetan Plateau. The western Pacific subtropical high was extended westward, which is in accordance with the observational results when the heating over the Tibetan Plateau is stronger. Consequently, the simulated rainfall around this area and in northwest China was heavier than in observations, but in the Indian monsoon area and west Pacific the rainfall was somewhat deficient.  相似文献   

The Influence of ENSO on the Summer Climate Change in China and Its Mechanism   总被引:130,自引:17,他引:130  
The influence of ENSO on the summer climate change in China and its mechanism from the observed data is discussed. It is discovered that in the developing stage of ENSO, the SST in the western tropical Pacific is colder in summer, the convective activities may be weak around the South China Sea and the Philippines. As a consequence, the subtropical high shifted southward. Therefore, a drought may be caused in the Indo-China peninsula and in the South China. Moreover, in midsummer the subtropical high is weak over the Yangtze River valley and Huaihe River valley, and the flood may be caused in the area from the Yangtze River valley to Huaihe River valley. On the contrary, in the decaying stage of ENSO. the convective activities may be strong around the Philippines, and the subtropical high shifted northward, a drought may be caused in the Yangtze River valley and Huaihe River valley.  相似文献   

Response of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) rainfall to external forcing(insolation,volcanic aerosol,and greenhouse gases) is investigated by analysis of a millennium simulation with the coupled climate model ECHO-G.The model reproduces reasonably realistic present-day EASM climatology.The simulated precipitation variation in East Asia over the last millennium compares favorably with the observed and proxy data.It is found that the features and sensitivity of the forced response depend on latitude.On...  相似文献   

The effects of the physical process ensemble technique on simulation of summer precipitation over China have been studied by using a p-σregional climate model with 9 vertical levels(pσ-RCM9).The results show that there are obvious differences among simulations of summer precipitation over China from different individual ensemble members.The simulated precipitation over China is sensitive to different cumulus convection,radiative transfer,and land surface process parameterizations.These differences lead to large uncertainties in the simulation results.The standard deviation of the simulated summer precipitation departure percentage over West China is larger than that over East China,signifying that the simulated precipitation over East China has higher reliability and consistency than that over West China.The Talagr and diagram shows that the ensemble system has reasonable dispersion in the simulated summer mean precipitation over East China.The summer ensemble mean precipitation over East China evaluated by various indices is better than most single simulations.The physical process ensemble technique reduces the uncertainties of the model physics in precipitation and improves the simulation results as a whole.Further, adopting the optimized ensemble mean method can obviously improve the performance of the pσ-RCM9 model in simulation of summer precipitation over East China.  相似文献   

Based on yearly precipitation and Φ20 evaporation pan data during 1951 to 1999 of 295 stations,the aridity index is calculated in this paper.According to the aridity index,the climatic regions in China are divided into three types:the arid zone,the semi-arid zone and the humid zone. Isoline 0.20 is the boundary between arid and semi-arid zones.Isoline 0.50 is the boundary between semi-arid and humid zones.The fluctuations of dry and wet climate boundaries are very substantial,have greatly regional difference,and have the features of the whole shifting along the same direction and of the opposite moving along the contrary direction over the past 50 years.The semi-arid zone is a transitional zone between humid and arid zones,a border belt of monsoon,and a susceptible zone of environmental evolution in China. In the period of the late 1960s to the early 1970s,remarkable change had occurred for dry and wet climate in China.It manifests significantly that climate is from wetter into drought in most regions of northern China.Moreover,drought has an increasing trend.The fluctuations of climatic boundaries and the dry and wet variations in climate have substantial inter-decadal features. The main factors affecting the dry and wet climate boundary fluctuations and the dry and wet variations of climate in China are East Asian summer monsoon,Indian Monsoon,plateau monsoon in the Tibetan Plateau,westerly circulation,and West Pacific subtropical high.The different types of circulations and the strong and weak combinations of these circulations result in the regional differences of dry and wet climate changes in China.Inter-decadal variations of the dry and wet climate boundary fluctuations and of the arid and humid climate result from the inter-decadal changes of East Asian summer monsoon,Indian Monsoon,plateau monsoon,westerly circulation, and West Pacific subtropical high.The anomalous general atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere during the late 1960s to the early 1970s is the causes of arid and humid climate remarkable change in China.  相似文献   

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