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Determination of total chromium on two profiles and chromium III on four samples of equatorial Pacific Ocean water have been carried out using coprecipitation of chromium from sea water with hydrous iron oxides, followed by ion-exchange separation and isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Results for two Pacific profiles show increasing total chromium concentration from surface to 250 m. The Cr concentration appears to be different below 1,000 m, with nearly homogeneous concentrations for the first profile and regularly increasing Cr concentrations from 0.330 to 0.550 μg/l at 3,900 m for the second one. Results for Cr(III) show that trivalent species are dominant in these samples.  相似文献   

A study of the C/N ratios of particulate matter in the eastern part of the Gulf of Guinea demonstrated a statistically significant spatial variation in these ratios. The variation in the ratios ranged between 7.2 and 9.5 and were due in part to differences in the composition of the suspended organic matter and in part to its age and history. Young nutrient rich waters had low ratios (generally less than 7), whereas older waters often had ratios greater than 10. A relation between Chlorophyl a and the C/N ratio was also observed. The distribution of C/P ratios with depth showed a linear correlation with the vertical distribution of oxygen (r = 0.74). C/P values in the neighbourhood of 100 at the surface, increased with depth to around 300 at 1000 m.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(4):381-396
Macro- and micro-faunas are reported from six gravity cores collected at a mean depth of 150 m in the surficial deposits of the Kaiser sand bank in the Southern Western Channel Approaches. These are bivalves (mainly), gastropods, echinids, crustaceans and foraminifers. These fauna present a very rich association of numerous, well preserved species from various ecological settings. Such an association is commonly reported from the continental shelf of the last transgressive cycle. In addition, the sediment comprises two imported faunal associations. The first one corresponds to thanatocaenoses of Pliocene/lowermost Pleistocene and Weichselian age, reworked respectively from the underlying celtic incised valley fills and the Celtic Sand Banks. The absence of Quaternary fauna prior to the Weichselian suggests that the introduction of Pliocene sources occurred during the last climatic cycle. The second stage of importation took place after the last transgression in the Western Channel, and corresponds to the enrichment of the sediment in coastal fauna derived from western Brittany by the the predominant ebb tidal current. The variations of taxonomic diversity from core to core suggest a sediment transport around the bank that matches the one deduced from the study of tidal bedforms. At the present day, the wave action is highlighted by accumulation of species of the same shape, size and density inside storm beds. However, the survival within these beds of very small, juvenile shells indicate that each storm reworking was short in duration.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cadmium, lead and copper have been determined in the lower estuary of the St. Lawrence River during the summer of 1972 (from May to August). Seven sample stations distributed in the estuary have been studied. Analysis measurements have been made using atomic absorption spectrophotometry and are related to the soluble metals. The concentrations of cadmium are low and no important variations occur. Mean analysis of cadmium abundance gives a value of 1.05 μg/l. Similar variations are observed for copper and lead contents with a Cu/Pb ratio which is nearly equal to unity. Average concentrations for all the stations are 3.11 μg/l for copper and 3.48 μg/l for lead. Higher values are measured for copper and lead during the month of May and these are related to the fresh-water inflow arising from the thawing period. The lowest concentrations are observed during the months of June and July and are in correspondence with the spring period of intense primary production. The biologic-dynamic conditions affecting the concentrations of cadmium seem to be different from those affecting copper or lead contents (without considering pollution phenomena). The highest average values for copper and lead have been found on the south shore of the estuary. The values obtained in this work compared favourably with other results gathered in the neighbouring area.  相似文献   

The distribution of molecular nitrogen in the equatorial area of the eastern Atlantic is shown for a warm season (April) and a cold season (August) and interpreted in the light of the thermal field.The measured nitrogen always exceeds the solubility. The maximum supersaturations of nitrogen are always located in the layer with vertical nitrogen gradient, at the top of the thermocline. The extreme supersaturations occur more often in the warm season than in the cold season. They express either an eddy mixing (boundaries of the Equatorial undercurrent), or the advective transport of a water mass (salinity maximum of the South Atlantic subtropical water).


La distribution de l'azote moléculaire en zone équatoriale de l'Atlantique Est est présentée en saison chaude (avril) et en saison froide (août) et interprétée à la lumière du champ thermique.L'azote mesuré est toujours en excès sur la solubilité. Les sursaturations maximales d'azote sont toujours repérées dans la couche de gradient vertical d'azote, au sommet de la thermocline. Les sursaturations extrêmes paraissent être plus nombreuses en saison chaude qu'en saison froide. Elles traduisent soit un mélange turbulent (frontières du Sous Courant Equatorial) soit le transport advectif d'une eau type (maximum de salinité de l'Eau Subtropicale de l'Atlantique Sud). Mar. Chem., 11: 573–588.  相似文献   

Benthic oxygen profiles were acquired using microsensors over two seasonal cycles (December 2001, April and August 2002, January and May 2003) at two stations differently affected by shellfish farming activity in the Thau lagoon (French Mediterranean coast). This study was part of the Microbent-PNEC Program on the study of biogeochemical processes at the sediment–water interface in an eutrophicated environment. We explored seasonal and spatial heterogeneity as well as the biogeochemical drivers of oxygen uptake, such as in situ temperature, bottom water oxygenation and organic matter deposition. O2 consumption rates were determined by using a transport-reaction model. Maximum rates were reached in August and May and minimum rates in December, April or January. The effect of oyster farming on oxygen fluxes was clearly identified with higher diffusive oxygen uptake in the station inside the oyster parks (C5; 36.8 ± 18.5–87.7 ± 40.8 mmol m−2 d−1), compared with the station lying outside the oyster parks (C4; 8.6 ± 2.1–30.7 ± 8.3 mmol m−2 d−1). At C5, the large spatial heterogeneity was statistically concealing temporal variation, whereas a clear statistical difference between cold and warm periods appeared at C4. In these lagoon sediments, the seasonal dynamics of diffusive oxygen demand and consumption rates were mainly driven by seasonal temperature variation at both stations, as well as by seasonal organic matter delivery to the sediment at the station located outside the oyster parks. In the station located below the oyster parks, seasonal variation of organic matter deposition was dampened by oyster filtering activity. Seasonal temperature variation thus appeared as the major driver of oxygen dynamics in this station. Measurements of total O2 uptake rates indicated a significant fraction of microbial recycling and diffusive transport in oxygen uptake at the station located close to the oyster parks. In the open water site, fauna-mediated O2 transport prevailed in April 2002 (cold conditions), whereas the microbial recycling seemed to dominate in May 2003 (warm conditions).  相似文献   

A study has been made of the orientation of the spurs of the outer front of a barrier coral-reef tract in the Bay of Tuléar on the southwest coast of Madagascar. All types of coral reef tracts are present: outer or barrier reefs, lagoon reefs and coral banks. The orientation of the spurs was studied as a function of the direction of the swell crests which are either parallel or oblique to the alignment of the reef front of the “Grand Récif” which extends over 18 km. When the swell is oblique, the spurs are not, as is generally held, perpendicular to the crests of the swell. The orientation of the spurs is a resultant direction between the direction of the swell orthogonals and the direction of the slope of the outer reef flat. From aerial photographs one can determine the directions of the spurs and of the slope of the outer reef flat. It is easy to obtain the direction of the crests of the swell and then to construct the wave diagram. The morphological aspects and the distribution of the deposits on the inner flat of the coral reef tract depend on the orientation of the swell.


L'étude de l'orientation des éperons d'un front récifal externe a été réalisée dans la baie de Tuléar sur la côte sud-ouest de Madagascar. Dans ce secteur, tous les types d'édifices récifaux sont présents: récifs barrières externes, récifs de lagon et bancs coralliens. Nous avons étudié l'orientation des éperons en fonction de la direction de la houle qui est soit parallèle, soit oblique par rapport au front récifal du Grand Récif qui s'étend sur 18 km. Quand la houle est oblique, les éperons ne sont pas — comme on le dit généralement — perpendiculaires à la houle, mais leur orientation est une direction résultante entre la direction de propagation de la houle et celle de la pente du platier récifal au point considéré. Sur les photographies aériennes, on détermine la direction des éperons et celle de la pente. Une construction simple permet d'obtenir la direction de la crête des vagues et de construire le plan de vagues. Toute la morphologie et la répartition des dépôts du platier d'un édifice récifal sont sous la dépendance de l'orientation de la houle.  相似文献   

The evolution of hydrocarbons in sediments was studied from 1978 to 1980 at eight stations in the Ile Grande marshes (Brittany) polluted by the Amoco Cadiz oil spill. Generally, in 1980 (except for one heavily polluted site) the amounts of hydrocarbons were found to be far less important than in 1978 and sometimes biogenic hydrocarbons were found. In the superficial layer of the sediments biodegradation processes were generally important with the preferential degradation of n-alkanes. On the other hand, aromatic hydrocarbons seem not to have been altered after three years. Degradation of percolated hydrocarbons proceeds more slowly than in the surface layer. The number of degrading bacteria decreases when n-alkanes disappear.  相似文献   

Temperature, pH, total alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, silicate, nitrate, phosphate and the Mn, Fe and Al contents of suspended particulate matter (SPM) were measured in the Rimouski River estuary as functions of chlorinity during the period May—September 1980.At any given time, total alkalinity (TA) is conservative within the estuary with respect to chlorinity. However, the total alkalinity (TA) of the freshwater is related to river flow. This is attributed to dilution of the river water with bicarbonate-poor rainwater.Generally, pH follows the same pattern observed for TA in freshwater. Dissolved oxygen is usually more concentrated in freshwater and decreases linearly with increasing chlorinity. Freshwater is always saturated or supersaturated with respect to O2. Seasonal fluctuations are attributed to temperature variations.There is no evidence for removal of soluble silicate from the freshwater entering the sea. The concentration of silicate in the freshwater is strongly influenced by rainfall. Soil leaching, conditioned by high rainfall increases the concentration of soluble silicate in freshwater. Nitrate behaves similarly whereas phosphate is complicated by the presence of sewage.Analysis of the Mn, Fe and Al contained in the SPM indicates dilution of river-borne particles rich in Mn by others less rich in this element. A decrease in Mn content with increasing chlorinity and SPM concentration as well as increasing concentrations of SPM with increasing chlorinity indicate that the composition is controlled primarily by physical mixing of material from two sources rather than by chemical processes. Within the analytical precision the Fe/Al ratio does not vary with the chlorinity.  相似文献   

In this work we attempt to estimate the short- and long-term effects of the Amoco Cadiz oil spill on benthic microalgal populations (cyanophytes and diatoms) which, under natural conditions, live on upper layers of ‘schorres’ soils or of ‘slikke’ muds in the Ile Grande salt marsh system (Côtes du Nord, France). These populations were completely destroyed in 1978 in the oil-affected sites. Ubiquitous species settled fairly rapidly on intertidal polluted muds (tidal flat). The chlorophyll a content values reached 100 μg g−1 dry sediment, i.e. 1000 mg m−2 in 1980. Conversely, the salt marsh soils are still much less densely repopulated 3 years after the Amoco Cadiz grounding—especially when they are infrequently flooded (3 to 40 μg Chl.a g−1, i.e. 40 to 270 mg m−2). Some of these soils remain ten times less populated than reference stations.  相似文献   

Data collected during 7 years of seasonal surveys are used to investigate the distribution of phytoplankton biomass within the estuarine waters of the Strait of Georgia and Juan de Fuca Strait. Variability of the chlorophyll distribution is examined in relation to the density stratification, light availability and nutrient concentration. In the Strait of Georgia, both the horizontal and vertical distribution of chlorophyll are found to be linked to the presence of a near-surface layer of increased density stratification. Despite important year-to-year variability, the seasonal cycle of chlorophyll in the Strait of Georgia is dominated every year by relatively large near-surface concentrations in the spring that are linked to the seasonal increase in solar radiation onto the stratified near-surface layer. In the vertical, a sub-surface peak is observed around 10 m depth, corresponding to the depth of maximum water column stability. Nutrients within the euphotic zone are in general abundant, with the exception of the Strait of Georgia in summer where phytoplankton growth is potentially limited by low nitrate concentration near the surface. The depth of the euphotic zone is estimated along the thalweg of the estuary from transmissometer profiles. It appears to vary relatively little within the estuary from a minimum of 20 m in spring, near the mouth of the Fraser River, to an autumnal maximum of about 30 m in the northern Strait of Georgia. Finally, the estimated self-shading contribution to light attenuation is shown to be generally significant (5–10%) in the surface waters of the Strait of Georgia, during spring and summer, reaching values as high as 35% during the spring bloom.  相似文献   

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