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南大巴山前陆冲断带自北向南发育了根带、中带和锋带三条构造带。通过对处于中带的木瓜口-明月乡、城口-龙田乡两段剖面地质考察,结果表明该剖面叠瓦断层带经历了七期运动:三期NE-SW向的前展式逆冲运动,一期SE-NW右旋剪切运动,一期EW逆冲右旋运动,一期NE-SW向的左旋走滑运动及NE-SW向的正断运动,同时受到NW-SE的右旋剪切作用。结合前人年代学研究结果,初步探讨了剖面的变形机制,研究结果对南大巴山前陆褶断带的构造格架、矿产形成及油气分布远景研究均有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

Integration of on-land and offshore geomorphological and structural investigations coupled to extensive radiometric dating of co-seismically uplifted Holocene beaches allows characterization of the geometry, kinematics and seismotectonics of the Scilla Fault, which borders the eastern side of the Messina Strait in Calabria, Southern Italy. This region has been struck by destructive historical earthquakes, but knowledge of geologically-based source parameters for active faults is relatively poor, particularly for those running mostly offshore, as the Scilla Fault does. The  30 km-long normal fault may be divided into three segments of  10 km individual length, with the central and southern segments split in at least two strands. The central and northern segments are submerged, and in this area marine geophysical data indicate a youthful morphology and locally evidence for active faulting. The on-land strand of the western segment displaces marine terraces of the last interglacial (124 to 83 ka), but seismic reflection profiles suggest a full Quaternary activity. Structural data collected on bedrock faults exposed along the on-land segment provide evidence for normal slip and  NW-SE extension, which is consistent with focal mechanisms of large earthquakes and GPS velocity fields in the region. Detailed mapping of raised Holocene marine deposits exposed at the coastline straddling of the northern and central segments supplies evidence for two co-seismic displacements at  1.9 and  3.5 ka, and a possible previous event at  5 ka. Co-seismic displacements show a consistent site value and pattern of along-strike variation, suggestive of characteristic-type behaviour for the fault. The  1.5–2.0 m average co-seismic slips during these events document Me  6.9–7.0 earthquakes with  1.6–1.7 ka recurrence time. Because hanging-wall subsidence cannot be included into slip magnitude computation, these slips reflect footwall uplift, and represent minimum average estimates. The palaeoseismological record based on the palaeo-shorelines suggests that the last rupture on the Scilla Fault during the February 6, 1783 Mw = 5.9–6.3 earthquake was at the expected time but it may have not entirely released the loaded stress since the last great event at  1.9 ka. Comparison of the estimated co-seismic extension rate based on the Holocene shoreline record with available GPS velocities indicates that the Scilla Fault accounts for at least  15–20% of the contemporary geodetic extension across the Messina Strait.  相似文献   

胡惟  朱光  宋利宏  严乐佳  刘备 《地学前缘》2013,20(4):137-150
郯庐断裂带渤海段也称为营潍断裂带。文中利用一系列地震剖面,对营潍断裂带第四纪活断层的几何学特征、活动方式与时间、应力场及活动性进行了综合分析,探讨其第四纪活动规律。结果表明,该断裂带第四纪以来活动广泛而强烈,基本上继承了新近纪的断裂格局,由东、西两支主干断裂构成,各自呈左阶雁列式展布。其主干断裂在第四系内陡立的断面、常见的第四系背斜构造及区域上NEESWW向挤压应力状态,皆表明该断裂带第四纪以来呈逆右行平移活动。大量的地震剖面揭示,该断裂带渤中地区为全新世活断层,而潍北-莱州湾和辽东湾地区呈现为全新世、晚更新世与第四纪活断层相间出现的现象。地震分布表明,该断裂带近代在中段渤中地区活动性最强,而南、北段活动性较弱。  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂中段(阿克塞—芒崖段)的早期断层作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对于阿尔金断裂带中段阿克塞-芒崖地区开展的宏观构造分析、显微构造解析,并结合温压测定与测年分析,证明阿尔金断裂带的早期变形演化是一种韧性走滑剪切变形作用过程,沿断裂带形成了糜棱岩与糜棱状岩石。由变形构造、岩石组构和应变型式判别出与走滑断层作用相伴的中部地壳层次花状构造的存在。构成中部层次花状构造的岩石中同构造变形成因多硅白云母的出现说明韧性变形期间特殊的高围压条件(达0.43GPa),而白色云母(白云母和绢云母)与绿泥石组合指示了较低的温压条件(t:270-350℃;p:0.05-0.43GPa)。断裂带中的异常p/t变化主要归咎于高剪切应力引起的剪切加热与超压效应。依据同变形期矿物(白色云母)^40Ar-^39Ar记年初步证实早期韧性剪切变形发生于早白垩世(91-89Ma)。  相似文献   

秦岭地区城口—房县断裂带变形特征及ESR定年   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
秦岭城口—房县断裂带是秦岭造山带和扬子板块的分界断裂带, 平面上呈向南西突出的弧形, 构成大巴山弧。断裂带的宏观构造组合显示了断裂带由北向南强烈逆冲, 断层岩的宏观特征和显微构造特征表明断裂带以浅层脆性变形为特点, 对断层岩的有限应变测量得出岩石发生了中等到较弱的变形。由断裂带石英脉电子自旋共振 (ESR)定年,测得 11个石英脉的年龄集中在 3个年龄段(240~230Ma, 165~130Ma, 70~60Ma), 其中 7个样品的年龄集中在 165~130Ma之间, 由此推断断裂带活动于中晚侏罗世(165~130Ma)达到其构造变形最强烈时期。  相似文献   

钟宁  杨镇  张献兵  丁莹莹  吴瑞安  王炀  郭长宝  李海兵 《地质论评》2022,68(4):2022082022-2022082022
活动断裂带常是大地震的发震构造,并诱发地质灾害,产生黏滑位错和蠕滑变形,并形成断裂破碎带,进而对城市和工程安全直接造成威胁。因此,厘定活动断裂的空间几何展布、活动性对工程地质研究和防灾减灾具有重要的指导意义。通过遥感解译、错断地貌、槽探和14C测年,对怒江断裂带邦达断裂中段的发育分布特征与活动性进行了调查研究。结果表明:邦达断裂中段在1457±51 a BP/1598±47 a BP 发生过古地震事件,为引发中强地震的全新世活动断裂。断裂活动主要受控于川滇菱形块体的南向逃逸挤出和印度板块NEE向直接挤压作用,表现为走滑兼有逆冲分量的高角度活动断裂。该研究为了解怒江断裂带邦达断裂中段活动性和工程抗震设防提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5-6):231-238
Reprocessing and interpretation of the petroleum seismic profile 81SE5b, located between the Luberon Massif and the Arc Basin, have provided new data on the Pyrenean and Alpine thrusting in western Provence. Among the principal results, it is shown that a) the repetition of the Mesozoic succession observed in the Eguilles1 borehole is due to a north-dipping south-verging thrust, and b) the Trévaresse and Aix-Eguilles thrusts are deep structures rooted in the Triassic at a depth of between 7 and 8 km.

The implication of this new knowledge on the seismotectonic model of western Provence is that the front of the Alpine deformation between the Aix-en-Provence and Salon-Cavaillon fault systems, which acted as lateral ramps, lies some 7 km farther south near the northern limb of the Arc syncline. In addition, it is seen that the Alpine-Provence thrusts, considered as still active (having given rise to the 1909 earthquake with an epicentral intensity of VIII-IX), are not shallow reverse faults but correspond to major tectonic structures affecting the full thickness of the Meso-Cenozoic cover.  相似文献   

The South Middle Atlas front constitutes a northeast-trending shear zone, located north of the Neogene Missour basin and east of the Taza Guercif basin. This paper analyses the Southern Middle Atlas Fault Zone (SMAFZ) deformation since the Pliocene. The set of structures observed suggests that reverse and thrust faulting along the central part of the SMAFZ are combined with left-lateral slip along N–S striking faults of its south-western termination and right-lateral faulting along E–NE striking faults of the east–northeast termination. Thrusts and oblique thrust-related anticlines of the two lateral ramps partly accommodate north-west directed motion of the African plate. The Thrusts probably resulted from rejuvenation of Jurassic normal faults; they were active during the Upper Miocene–Pliocene and the Pleistocene. The geometries of positive inversion structures and buttressing effects are clearly dependent on the geometry and sedimentology of the original basin-controlling fault system and on the presence of a décollement level. Field mapping is integrated with Landsat imagery and a digital elevation model to investigate the morphotectonic evolution of the south-eastern range front of the Middle Atlas. Geomorphological features provide significant information on the processes that govern lateral propagation of active anticlines. Both suggest that the deformation front may have been active since Pliocene.  相似文献   

Kalahari dry ‘fossil’ valleys (mekgacha) have been little used in palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, partly because the origins and functions of the valleys are a subject of debate, and partly because they contain few datable sediments. In the Middle Kalahari the valleys are endoreic, and, following a decline in ground-water tables owing to human interference over the past 150 years, rarely contain water. Evidence from three sites suggests that the valleys contained standing water between 15000 and 12000 yr BP, and that the main Okwa-Mmone system flowed into palaeolake Makgadikgadi at 920 m a.s.l. during this period. The Southern Kalahari contains the exoreic Molopo network which is hydrologically more active, being prone to surface flows in response to extreme rainfall events. The spring—fed Kuruman valley has two terraces, the lower composed of a series of flood deposits of late Holocene age. The flood of February 1988 provides a useful analogue for the conditions under which these deposits were formed, and of the temporal regime of the Kuruman River. Comparison with adjacent sites suggests that evidence put forward to indicate cycles of climatic amelioration in the last 4000 yr may, in part, represents the effect of extreme precipitation events. Historical floods show a strong correlation to Southern Oscillation high-phase (cold event) episodes, suggesting possibilities for extension of the Southern Oscillation record through palaeoflood studies.  相似文献   

The island of Lampedusa lies on the northern edge of the African continental shelf, but during some Quaternary marine lowstands it was joined to the African continent. The study and dating of the aeolian, alluvial, detrital sediments, calcareous crusts and speleothems have established that the climatic–environmental variations recorded on the island can be related chronologically to those known for northern Libya, Tunisia and the Italian peninsula. During the Last Glacial Maximum, phases of Saharan dust accumulation on Lampedusa occurred, and were coeval with dust accumulation in crater lakes and on high mountains in central‐southern Italy, and with phases of glacial advance in the Apennines and in the Alps. During the late Holocene, accumulation of Saharan dust on Lampedusa occurred but there was little accumulation of dust on the northern side of the Mediterranean Sea. With the new data from Lampedusa, it is possible to envisage two different scenarios of atmospheric circulation relating to the Last Glacial Maximum and to the late Holocene. During the Last Glacial Maximum, southerly atmospheric circulation brought rainfall to the southern slopes of the Alps and to the Apennines. During the late Holocene, a prevalent westerly atmospheric circulation became established in the northern Mediterranean. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Middle–Late Pleistocene alluvial and lacustrine succession of Valeriano Creek (southeastern Alpine foothills, 190 m a.s.l.) documents the environmental evolution of the piedmont plain before the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The sedimentary record was investigated by multidisciplinary stratigraphical and sedimentological studies coupled with petrographic and palaeobotanical analysis. A chronology has been provided by luminescence, radiocarbon dating and pollen biochronology. The succession developed at the valley mouth of a small catchment and is confined in the piedmont plain by the alluvial fans of major rivers. The oldest deposits were formed during a cold phase during the late Middle Pleistocene. This part of the piedmont plain was generally stable until Termination II, when it was trenched more than 15 m deep by watercourses. The infilling succession of the trench, mostly by low‐energy alluvial sediments interbedded with mire and peat deposits, documents, for the first time on the southern side of the Alps, the relationships between fluvial activity, vegetation and climate change at the foothills piedmont plain during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5. The stadial–interstadial climate forcing implies a local reorganisation of fluvial dynamics and of forest composition, although substantial plant cover persisted even during cooler stadials. In accordance with coeval alluvial and speleothem records from the northern side of the Alps, this environmental evolution supports a very restricted Alpine glaciation of the main fluvial catchments of the southeastern Alps during MIS 5a–d. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

秦岭南缘青川断裂新生代变形特征及其走滑运动学转换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青川断裂作为秦岭构造带南部边界断层,新生代以来受到印度-欧亚大陆碰撞产生的远场效应,发生了强烈的走滑复活,调节了青藏高原隆升和向东扩展。本文基于错断地貌测量与断裂带脆性变形的野外调查,建立了该断裂新生代2期走滑运动历史,并讨论了走滑运动学转换的大地构造意义。沿断裂带河流水系偏移地貌分析发现,主要河流的Ⅳ级支流沿断裂发生一致的右旋偏移,指示断裂右旋位错量在200~800 m;河流阶地的右旋位错量在49~62 m。野外调查发现,青川断裂发育5~100 m宽的断裂破裂带,主要由断层泥、磨砾岩、断层透镜体等组成,S-C组构发育,磨砾石旋转定向排列。断裂破碎带运动学指向记录了青川断裂2期脆性走滑变形:早期为左旋走滑活动、晚期为右旋走滑活动。结合断裂带东端汉中盆地地层时代和秦岭山地隆升时代,我们推断晚期右旋走滑运动主要发生在上新世以来,调节了碧口地块的向东挤出;而早期左旋走滑运动则很可能是对古近纪晚期青藏高原隆升和扩展的响应。  相似文献   

Middle Pleistocene to Holocene sediment variations observed in a 26 metre long core taken during a cruise of the RV Marion Dufresne are presented. Core MD992202 was retrieved from the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank and provides an excellent example for sedimentation processes in a mid‐slope depositional environment. The sediment composition indicates sea‐level related deposition processes for the past 375 000 years (marine isotope stages 1 to 11). The sediments consist of: (i) periplatform ooze (fine‐grained particles of shallow‐water and pelagic origin) with moderate variations in carbonate content, carbonate mineralogy and grain‐size; and (ii) coarser intervals with cemented debris consisting of massive, poorly sorted, mud‐supported or clast‐supported deposits with an increased high‐magnesium calcite content. During interglacial stages (marine isotope stages 1, 5, 7, 9 and 11) periplatform oozes (i) are characterized by higher aragonite contents, finer grain‐size and higher organic contents, whereas during glacial stages (marine isotope stages 2 to 4, 6, 8 and 10), increased low‐magnesium and high‐magnesium calcite values, coarser grain‐size and lower organic contents are recorded. These glacial to interglacial differences in mineralogy, grain‐size distribution and organic content clearly show the impact of climatically controlled sea‐level fluctuations on the sedimentation patterns of the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank. The coarser deposits (ii) occur mainly at the transitions from glacial to interglacial and interglacial to glacial stages, and are interpreted as redeposition events, indicating a direct link between sediment properties (changes in mineralogy, grain‐size distribution, variations in organic contents) and sea‐level fluctuations. Changes in hydrostatic pressure and the wave base position during sea‐level changes are proposed to have triggered these large‐scale sediment redepositions.  相似文献   

Zazo  C.  Dabrio  C.J.  Borja  F.  Goy  J.L.  Lezine  A.M.  Lario  J.  Polo  M.D.  Hoyos  M.  Boersma  J.R. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1998,77(3-4):209-224
The stratigraphic relationships, genesis and chronology, including radiocarbon dating, of the Quaternary sandy deposits forming the El Asperillo cliffs (Huelva) were studied with special emphasis on the influence of neotectonic activity, sea-level changes and climate upon the evolution of the coastal zone. The E-W trending normal fault of Torre del Loro separates two tectonic blocks. The oldest deposits occur in the upthrown block. They are Early to Middle Pleistocene fluviatile deposits, probably Late Pleistocene shallow-marine deposits along an E-W trending shoreline, and Late Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian sands deposited under prevailing southerly winds. Three Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian units accumulated in the downthrown block. Of these, Unit 1, is separated from the overlying Unit 2 by a supersurface that represents the end of the Last Interglacial. Accumulation of Unit 2 took place during the Last Glacial under more arid conditions than Unit 1. The supersurface separating Units 2 and 3 was formed between the Last Glacial maximum at 18 000 14C yr BP and ca. 14 000 14C yr BP, the latter age corresponding to an acceleration of the rise of sea level. Unit 3 records wet conditions. The supersurface separating Units 3 and 4 fossilised the fault and the two fault blocks. Units 4 (deposited before the 4th millennium BC), 5 (> 2700 14C yr BP to 16th century) and 6 (16th century to present) record relatively arid conditions. Prevailing wind directions changed with time from W (Units 2–4) to WSW (Unit 5) and SW (Unit 6).  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-2):53-69
Modern convergent zones at tropical latitudes are characterized by subduction of carbonate sediment. Although carbonate response to deformation is different from clay, they are commonly treated as having a similar rheology. This approximation, though, is inadequate since carbonate behavior is complicated by cementation and pressure solution. Our goal, here, is to focus on the deformation of carbonate sediment in the footwall of a major fossil thrust zone and compare it with a possible scenario in a modern environment. The focus area is the Monti Sibillini Thrust, in the Umbria-Marche sector of the Northern Apennines where the pelagic, Late Eocene-Oligocene carbonates of the Scaglia Cinerea Formation are underthrusted beneath the late Cretaceous-Middle Eocene Scaglia Rossa Formation.

The data collected during this meso-structural study allowed for an interpretation of the temporal and spatial relationships between the observed deformation structures (S-C deformation bands, shear veins and stylolites). These results allow the development of a dynamic model for the deformation. The proposed model explains the observed features through cycles of fluid-pressure build up, hydraulic fracturing, and consecutive collapse, producing pressure-solution and stylolitization.  相似文献   

In the Western Alps, some recent scarps were previously interpreted as surface ruptures of tectonic reverse and normal faults that agree with microseismicity and GPS measurements. Our analysis shows that in fact there are hundreds of recent scarps, up to 30 m high and 2.1 km long, with only pure normal motions. They share the same characteristics as typical sackung scarps. The scarps are mainly uphill facing, parallel to the ridge crests and the contour lines. They are relatively short (less than 2.1 km) with respect to tectonic fault ruptures, and organized in swarms. They cut screes and relict rock glaciers with a slow (commonly 1 mm/year) average slip rate. In the Aiguilles Grives massif these sackung scarps clearly express the gravitational toppling of sub-vertical bedding planes in hard rocks. In contrast, the Belledonne Outer Crystalline Massif exhibits scarps that stem from the gravitational reactivation of conjugate tectonic faults. The recent faults extend to about 1600 m beneath the Rognier ridge crest, but are always above the valley floor. The main scarp swarm is 9.2 km long and constitutes the largest sackung ever described in the Western Alps. 10Be dating of a scarp and offset surfaces shows that > 4 m slip may have occurred rapidly (in less than 3800 years) sometimes between the end of the glaciation and 8800 ± 1900 years ago. This dating, together with the location of some faults far from the deep glacial valleys, suggests that sagging might have been triggered by strong earthquakes during a post-glacial period of probably enhanced seismicity. The Belledonne and Synclinal Median faults (just beneath the Rognier sackung) could have been the sources of this seismicity.  相似文献   


The Karasu Rift (Antakya province, SE Turkey) has developed between east-dipping, NNE-striking faults of the Karasu fault zone, which define the western margin of the rift and westdipping, N-S to N20°-30°E-striking faults of Dead Sea Transform fault zone (DST) in the central part and eastern margin of the rift. The strand of the Karasu fault zone that bounds the basin from west forms a linkage zone between the DST and the East Anatolian fault zone (EAFZ). The greater vertical offset on the western margin faults relative to the eastern ones indicates asymmetrical evolution of the rift as implied by the higher escarpments and accumulation of extensive, thick alluvial fans on the western margins of the rift. The thickness of the Quaternary sedimentary fill is more than 465 m, with clastic sediments intercalated with basaltic lavas. The Quaternary alkali basaltic volcanism accompanied fluvial to lacustrine sedimentation between 1.57 ± 0.08 and 0.05 ± 0.03 Ma. The faults are left-lateral oblique-slip faults as indicated by left-stepping faulting patterns, slip-lineation data and left-laterally offset lava flows and stream channels along the Karasu fault zone. At Hacilar village, an offset lava flow, dated to 0.08 ± 0.06 Ma, indicates a rate of leftlateral oblique slip of approximately 4.1 mm?year?1. Overall, the Karasu Rift is an asymmetrical transtensional basin, which has developed between seismically active splays of the left-lateral DST and the left-lateral oblique-slip Karasu fault zone during the neotectonic period. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

In southern Turkey ongoing differential impingement of Arabia into the weak Anatolian collisional collage resulting from subduction of the Neotethyan Ocean has produced one of the most complex crustal interactions along the Alpine–Himalayan Orogen. Several major transforms with disputed motions, including the northward extension of the Dead Sea Fault Zone (DSFZ), meet in this region. To evaluate neotectonic motion on the Amanos and East Hatay fault zones considered to be northward extensions of the DSFZ, the palaeomagnetism of volcanic fields in the Karasu Rift between these faults has been studied. Remanence carriers are low-Ti magnetites and all except 5 of 51 basalt lavas have normal polarity. Morphological, polarity and K–Ar evidence show that rift formation occurred largely during the Brunhes chron with volcanism concentrated at 0.66–0.35 Ma and a subsidiary episode at 0.25–0.05. Forty-four units of normal polarity yield a mean of D/I=8.8°/54.7° with inclination identical to the present-day field and declination rotated clockwise by 8.8±4.0°. Within the 15-km-wide Hassa sector of the Karasu Rift, the volcanic activity is concentrated between the Amanos and East Hatay faults, both with left lateral motions, which have rotated blocks bounded by NW–SE cross faults in a clockwise sense as the Arabian Block has moved northwestwards. An average lava age of 0.5 Ma yields a minimum cumulative slip rate on the system bounding faults of 0.46 cm/year according with the rate deduced from the Africa–Arabia Euler vector and reduced rates of slip on the southern extension of the DSFZ during Plio-Quaternary times. Estimates deduced from offsets of dated lavas flows and morphological features on the Amanos Fault Zone [Tectonophysics 344 (2002) 207] are lower (0.09–0.18 cm/year) probably because they are limited to surface fault breaks and do not embrace the seismogenic crust.Results of this study suggest that most strike slip on the DSFZ is taken up by the Amanos–East Hatay–Afrin fault array in southern Turkey. Comparable estimates of Quaternary slip rate are identified on other faults meeting at an unstable FFF junction (DSFZ, East Anatolian Fault Zone, Karatas Fault Zone). A deceleration in slip rate across the DSFZ and its northward continuation during Plio-Quaternary times correlates with reorganization of the tectonic regime during the last 1–3 Ma including tectonic escape within Anatolia, establishment of the North and East Anatolian Fault Zones bounding the Anatolian collage in mid–late Pliocene times, a contemporaneous transition from transpression to transtension and concentration of all basaltic magmatism in this region within the last 1 Ma.  相似文献   

赵静  刘杰  任金卫  江在森  闫伟  岳冲 《地球学报》2019,40(1):186-198
为研究2008年汶川地震和2013年芦山地震前地壳形变特征,本文利用1999—2015年四期GPS速度场和1990—2017年跨断层短水准资料,对跨断层GPS速度剖面、GPS应变率场、断层闭锁程度和滑动亏损、跨断层年均垂直变化速率等进行了分析讨论,总结了汶川和芦山地震前后龙门山断裂带三维地壳变形演化特征。结果表明,汶川地震前龙门山断裂带中、北段处于强闭锁状态、断层面应力应变积累水平很高,而龙门山断裂带西南段闭锁较弱、变形速率明显高于中北段、依然可以积累应力应变,汶川地震震源位于闭锁相对弱的部位,这可能是导致汶川地震自初始破裂点沿龙门山断裂带向北东方向单侧破裂,而震中西南方向断层并没有发生破裂的原因之一。汶川地震的发生引起龙门山断裂带西南段应力应变积累速率加快、断层闭锁程度增强、闭锁面积增大,这在一定程度上促进了芦山地震的发生,而芦山地震震源位于汶川地震前强闭锁和弱闭锁的高梯度过渡部位。因为芦山地震只释放了龙门山断裂带西南段有限的应变能,并没有显著缓解该段的地震危险性,所以汶川和芦山地震之间的地震空段以及芦山地震西南方向的地震空段,依然需要持续关注。此外,本文还收集和对比分析了多次6~9级地震前地壳变形特征,同样显示地震成核于闭锁高梯度带区域而非完全闭锁区域内部,并且随着震级升高闭锁断层面的长度也在增大,这一现象还需在高分辨率形变数据的帮助下进行深入研究和分析。  相似文献   

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