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Abstract   Detrital composition and major element geochemistry of Jurassic sandstones in the south Hefei Basin, central China, show their provenance to be the Dabie Mountains, whose tectonic attributes are closely related to continent–island arc complexes. It was found that a provenance change, from recycled orogen signatures and mixed orogenic sandstones to arc orogen, occurs from the lower Middle Jurassic to the Upper Jurassic (the Zhougongshan Formation). Dissected magmatic arc sources were gradually exposed in the Dabie Mountains due to intensive exhumation during the Late Jurassic, particularly after the Fenghuangtai depositional phase. Furthermore, it can be infered that the magmatic arc was initially present in both the Early Paleozoic and the Triassic, according to isotopic dating studies in previously published reports. δ13C–δ18O tracing between existing marbles of different strata in the Dabie block and marble gravels of the Fenghuangtai Formation in the Hefei Basin indicate that partial lithostratigraphic units for the Jurassic provenances have entirely disappeared from the Dabie block; therefore, it is impossible to reconstruct integral orogenic processes from studies on the remaining Dabie block alone. These findings, together with basin-fill sequences, also suggest that the Hefei Basin was mainly subjected to compressive mechanical regimes rather than extensional regimes in the Jurassic, which resulted in reverse-grading clastic depositional sequences, and is probably related to the northward intracontinental deep subduction of the Yangtze Plate. Regional exhumation properties and a tectonic model of the Late Mesozoic Dabie orogenesis are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

For the Triassic continental collision, subduction and orogenesis in the Dabie-Sulu belt, a lot of data on petrology, geochemistry and chronology have been published[1]. However, so far no depositional records on the Triassic syn-collisional orogenesis of…  相似文献   

The Mesozoic high-K granitic intrusions from the eastern Dabie Mountains, Central China, can be divided into three superunits namely the Yaohe, Penghe and Huangbai superunits. The Yaohe superunit is compositionally dominated by quartz monzonite extending as a band in NW direction which is differently foliated, contains numerous dioritic enclaves and has been dated as 174 Ma. The Penghe superunit, widely distributed in the field, varies in composition but is dominated by quartz monzonitic and granitic rocks, which is massive in structure, has well developed with dioritic enclaves and is aged in 125-127 Ma. The Huangbai superunit is mainly composed of granitic composition which is massive in structure, rarely contains dioritic enclaves and is aged in 120-111 Ma. These three superunits of granitic intrusions can also be clearly distinguished in geochemistry. They have recorded an orogenic process of the Dabie Mountains from the end of regional metamorphism to the overprinting of the circum-Pacific tectonic regime.  相似文献   

Previous studies of weathering generally started with geochemistry[1—8] and mineralogy[9—12], and have been focused on chemical weathering rates[1—3], removability-enrichment of elements[3—6] during chemical weathering, and the age of weathering profi…  相似文献   

A broadband seismic array of 7 stations was set up in the western Dabie Mountains (31°20′-31°50′N, 114°30′-115°E). Teleseismic events from May 2001 to November 2001 were collected and analyzed by radial receiver function to determine the S-wave velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle. The crustal thickness is 32-38 km beneath the array. The crust-mantle boundary appears as a gently north-dipping velocity discontinuity, but turns to be a velocity gradient beneath a station near the Qiliping shea...  相似文献   

The occurrence of ultrahigh pressure (UHP) minerals, such as coesite and diamond in crustal rocks in orogenic belts suggests that a huge amount of continental crust can be subducted to man-tle depth during the continental-continental collision[1—6]. This…  相似文献   

A model involving buoyancy, wedging and thermal doming is postulated to explain the differential exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks in the Dabie Mountains, China, with an emphasis on the exhumation of the UHP rocks from the base of the crust to the upper crust by opposite wedging of the North China Block (NCB). The Yangtze Block was subducted northward under the NCB and Northern Dabie microblock, forming UHP metamorphic rocks in the Triassic (240–220 Ma). After delamination of the subduction wedge, the UHP rocks were exhumed rapidly to the base of the crust by buoyancy (220–200 Ma). Subsequently, when the left-lateral Tan–Lu transform fault began to be activated, continuous north–south compression and uplifting of the orogen forced the NCB to be subducted southward under the Dabie Orogen (`opposite subduction'). Opposite subduction and wedging of the North China continental crust is responsible for the rapid exhumation of the UHP and South Dabie Block units during the Early Jurassic, at ca 200–180 Ma at a rate of ∼ 3.0 mm/year. The UHP eclogite suffered retrograde metamorphism to greenschist facies. Rapid exhumation of the North Dabie Block (NDB) occurred during 135–120 Ma because of thermal doming and granitoid formation during extension of continental margin of the Eurasia. Amphibolite facies rocks from NDB suffered retrograde metamorphism to greenschist facies. Different unit(s) and terrane(s) were welded together by granites and the wedging ceased. Since 120–110 Ma, slow uplift of the entire Dabie terrane is caused by gravitational equilibrium.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution map of 65 mid-large gold-deposits hosted in the granite-greenstone terrains of the North China Craton is first drawn. These gold deposits mainly concentrate in the Mesozoic remobilized Yinshan-Yan-shan-Liaoning-Jilin intracontinental collisional orogenic belt, the northern Qinling and the Jiaodong Mesozoic collisional orogenic belts, and the Mesozoic intracontinental fault-magmatic belts developed along the Taihangshan and the Tan-Lu faults; their mineralizing time is predominantly Jurassic-Cretaceous, i. e. the Yanshanian. The metallogenic geodynamic background is exactly the compression-to-extension transition regime during continental collision. The results are partly from the project entitled “The main types of gold mineralizations in China and their metallogenic model” (89-El) supported by the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry of China, and projects “Geology and metallogenesis of the main type gold deposits in East Chinan” (Grant No. 9488010) and “Study on ore-forming fluids of the Wangfeng gold deposit, Xinjiang” supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49672119).  相似文献   

Mesozoic basin evolution and tectonic mechanism in Yanshan, China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Mesozoic basins in Yanshan, China underwent several important tectonic transformations, including changes from a pre-Late Triassic marginal cratonic basin to a Late Triassic-Late Jurassic flexural basin and then to a late Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rift basin. In response to two violent intraplate deformation at Late Triassic and Late Jurassic, coarse fluvial depositional systems in Xingshikou and Tuchengzi Formations were deposited in front of thrust belts. Controlled by transform and extension faulting, fan deltas and lacustrine systems were deposited in Early Cretaceous basins. The composition of clastic debris in Late Triassic and Late Jurassic flexural basins respectively represents unroofing processes from Proterozoic to Archean and from early deposited, overlying pyroclastic rocks to basement rocks in provenance areas. Restored protobasins were gradually migrated toward nearly NEE to EW-trending from Early Jurassic to early Late Jurassic. The Early Cretaceous basins with a NNE-trending crossed over early-formed basins. The Early-Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous basins were respectively controlled by different tectonic mechanisms.  相似文献   

The protoliths of mafic-ultramafic plutons in the northern Dabie Mts. (NDM) (Hubei) include pyroxenite and gabbro. The zircon U-Pb dating for a gabbro suggests that emplacement of mafic magma took place in the post-collisional setting at the age of 122.9(0.6 Ma. It is difficult to obtain a reliable Sm-Nd isochron age, due to disequilibrium of the Sm-Nd isotopic system. Two hornblende 40Ar/39Ar ages of 116.1(1.1 Ma and 106.6(0.8 Ma may record cooling of metamorphism in the mafic-ultramafic plutons in Hubei below 500(C. The hornblende 40Ar/39Ar ages for the mafic-ultramafic rocks in Hubei are evidently 15-25 Ma younger than those for the same rocks in Anhui, indicating that there is a diversity of the cooling rates for the mafic-ultramafic rocks in Hubei and Anhui. The difference in their cooling rates may be controlled by the north-dipping normal faults in the NDM. The intense metamorphism occurring in the mafic-ultramafic rocks in Hubei may result from the Yanshanian magmatic reheating and thermal fluid action induced by the Cretaceous migmatization. The geochemical similarity of these mafic-ultramafic rocks wherever in Hubei and Anhui may be attributed to the same tectonic setting via an identical genetic mechanism.  相似文献   

The Nanling Mountain is an important Mesozoic orogenic belt in the south of China, its E-W-trending granites and adjacent sedimentary basins form a dis-tinctive basin-mountain landform. The Nanxiong basin and the Zhuguang granite, both located in the northern Nanling belt, make up a typical basin-mountain sys-tem. Since the 1970s, a systematical research on gran-ites and their deposit ores was carried out, from that the two main viewpoints were proposed[1—5], including (1) the polyphase gr…  相似文献   

Investigations on the oxygen and carbon isotope compositions from the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP)-metamorphosed Shuanghe marbles, that occur as a member of a UHP slab, show that the δ18 O values range from +11.1% to+20.5% SMOW, and δ13 C from+1.0% to+5.7% PDB, respectively. The variations in isotope compositions show a centimeter scale of homogeneity and a heterogeneity of regional scale larger than 1 meter. In contrast to the eclogite marbles from Norway, the Shuanghe marbles have inherited the carbon isotope compositions from their sedimentary precursor. The δ13C shows positive correlation to the content of dolomite. The depletion in18O, compared with the pmtolithic carbonate strata, might result from three possible geological processes: 1) exchanging oxygen isotope with meteoric water before the UHP metamorphism, 2) decarbonation during the UHP metamorphism, and 3) exchanging oxygen isotope with country gneiss at local scale during retrograde metamorphism. It seems that the advection of fluid in the orogenic belt was very limited during subduction and exhumation of UHP rocks. Project supported by a U. S. -China cooperative project led by Prof. Cong Bolin of the Institute of Geology. Chinese Acade-my of Sciences, and Prof. J. G. Liou of the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University and by the National Natural Science Foundation of china (Grant No. 49794042). Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZ951-A1-401r, and National Science Foundation (Grant No. EAR-95-26700).  相似文献   

Strain analyses for the Shuanghe pluton show that the main strain planes suffered distinct deformation. The main strain value (XZ) is up to 1.59-2.18, and the value of Flinn index (K) ranges from 0.11 to 0.82. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements reveal that the orientations of the magnetic foliation and lineation gently dip SE, consistent with the macroscopic foliation of the pluton. The value of anisotropy degree (P) ranges from 1.109 to 1.639, and the shape parameter (7) from 0.079 to 0.534. These studies prove that the pluton was deformed under strong compression. Quartz c-axis textures, defined by monoclinic or triclinic asymmetry, usually developed the high maxima paralleling the b-axis, which is defined by the developed in the high-ultrahigh pressure rocks (UHP) which were captured in the pluton or country rocks. It is concluded that the Shuanghe pluton emplaced under regional compression slightly after the formation of UHP, and it is characterized by synkinematic granitic deformation.  相似文献   

Regional architecture of geochronology and differential cooling pattern show that the Dabie orogen underwent a thermal doming extension during 140-85 Ma. This extension resulted in widespread re-melting of the Dabie basement, intense volcanic activities in North Huaiyang and the formation of fault-controlled depressions in the Hefei basin. This thermal doming extension can be further divided into two consecutive evolving stages, i.e. the intensifying stage (140-105 Ma) and the declining stage (105-85 Ma). In the first stage (140-105 Ma), the thermal doming mainly was concentrated in the Dabie block, and to a less degree, in the Hongan block. The thermal doming structure of the Dabie block is configured with Macheng-Yuexi thermal axis, Yuexi/Luotian thermal cores and their downslide flanks. The orientation of thermal axis is dominantly parallel to the strike of orogen, and UHP/HP units together with metamorphic rocks of North Huaiyang constitute the downslide flanks. The Yuexi core differs from the Luotian core in both the intensity and the shaping time. To some extent, the Hongan block can be regarded as part of downslide systems of the Dabie doming structure. The doming process is characterized by thermal-center's migration along the Macheng-Yuexi thermal axis; consequently, it is speculated to be attributed to the convective removal of thickened orogenic root, which is a process characterized by intermittance, migration, large-scale and differentiation. During the declining stage (105-85 Ma), the dome- shaped figure still structurally existed in the Dabie orogen, but orogenic units cooled remarkably slow and magmatic activities stagnated gradually. Study on the thermal doming of Dabieshan Mountains can thus provide detailed constraints on the major tectonic problems such as the UHP/HP exhumation model, the boundary between North Dabie and South Dabie, and the orogenesis mechanism.  相似文献   

Regional architecture of geochronology and differential cooling pattern show that the Dabie orogen underwent a thermal doming extension during 140–85 Ma. This extension resulted in widespread re-melting of the Dabie basement, intense volcanic activities in North Huaiyang and the formation of fault-controlled depressions in the Hefei basin. This thermal doming extension can be further divided into two consecutive evolving stages, i.e. the intensifying stage (140–105 Ma) and the declining stage (105–85 Ma). In the first stage (140–105 Ma), the thermal doming mainly was concentrated in the Dabie block, and to a less degree, in the Hongan block. The thermal doming structure of the Dabie block is configured with Macheng-Yuexi thermal axis, Yuexi/Luotian thermal cores and their downslide flanks. The orientation of thermal axis is dominantly parallel to the strike of orogen, and UHP/HP units together with metamorphic rocks of North Huaiyang constitute the downslide flanks. The Yuexi core differs from the Luotian core in both the intensity and the shaping time. To some extent, the Hongan block can be regarded as part of downslide systems of the Dabie doming structure. The doming process is characterized by thermal-center’s migration along the Macheng-Yuexi thermal axis; consequently, it is speculated to be attributed to the convective removal of thickened orogenic root, which is a process characterized by intermittance, mi gration, large-scale and differentiation. During the declining stage (105–85 Ma), the dome-shaped figure still structurally existed in the Dabie orogen, but orogenic units cooled remarkably slow and magmatic activities stagnated gradually. Study on the thermal doming of Dabieshan Mountains can thus provide detailed constraints on the major tectonic problems such as the UHP/HP exhumation model, the boundary between North Dabie and South Dabie, and the orogenesis mechanism.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of apatite and zircon fission track (FT), the FT age distribution and the peck-ages of the Mesozoic tectonic events in the southwest margin of the Ordos Basin (OB) were discussed. (1) The early event mainly occurred at 213-194 Ma with a peck-age of 205 Ma, and corresponded to the tectonic uplift and the mega-clastic deposit in the southwest OB during the Late Triassic. (2) The middle event included at least two episodes. One was at 165-141 Ma with a peck-age of 150 Ma, and the other was at 115-113 Ma with a peck-age of 114 Ma, corresponding to the over-thrusting and the mega- clastic deposits in the southwest OB during the Late Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous. (3) The late event mainly demonstrated the regional uplifting and included at least two episodes. One was at 100-81 Ma with a peck-age of 90 Ma, and the other was at 66-59 Ma with a peck-age of 63 Ma. Additionally, the relationship analysis of the tectonic event and the mineralizing chronology revealed that the extreme environment of the peck-age event and the subsequent moderate activity could be the key factors of the multiple resources coupling and coexistence in the OB.  相似文献   

Abstract Pseudotachylytes are present along the Dahezhen shear zone in the Qinling–Dabie Shan collisional orogenic belt, central China. Two types of pseudotachylyte vein are documented in the shear zone: cataclasite‐related pseudotachylyte (C‐Pt) and mylonite‐related pseudotachylyte (M‐Pt). M‐Pt is associated with mylonite‐development and is overprinted by C‐Pt. All of the quartz and most of the feldspar porphyroclasts within the M‐Pt are plastically deformed, but not in the C‐Pt. Dynamically recrystallized fine‐grained quartz and feldspar bands are oriented subparallel to the mylonite and M‐Pt foliation, and partially surround the porphyroclasts. Our results suggest that the M‐Pt formed cyclically in the ductile region at estimated conditions of 400–650°C and 400–800 MPa due to propagation of seismic fracturing associated with the thrusting‐related rapid exhumation of the ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic complex in the brittle regime down to a greater depth than the base of the seismogenic zone. The M‐Pt and mylonite formed in the Dahezhen shear zone at estimated conditions of 400–650°C and 400–800 MPa. The coexistence of C‐Pt and M‐Pt in the same shear zone suggests that repeated seismic slips occurred in both the brittle and ductile portions of the crust during the thrusting‐related rapid exhumation of the ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic complex.  相似文献   

The Junggar Basin is one of the largest and most petroliferous superimposed petroleum basins in China. The central depression area has become the frontier field for petroleum exploration. The characteristics of potential source rocks and reservoir sandstones, and the pressure regime in the central Junggar Basin were studied. Permian shales are dominated by hydrogen-rich, oil-prone algal organic matter, and Jurassic mudstones are dominated by hydrogen-poor, higher-plant derived organic matter. These source rocks are widespread and have been mature for hydrocarbon generation, suggesting good to excellent exploration potential, both for crude oils and for natural gases. The deeply buried Jurassic sandstones usually have low porosity and permeability. However, sandstones beneath the Jurassic/Cretaceous unconformity display relatively high porosity and permeability, suggesting that meteoric water leaching had improved the quality of the sandstones. Overpressure developed over much of the central Junggar Basin. The overpressured rocks are characterized by slightly increased interval transit time, low sandstone permeability, increased organic matter maturity, and high relative hydrocarbon-gas contents. Mudstones in the overpressured system have quite the same clay mineral compositions as mudstones in the lower part of the normally pressured system. Overpressure generation in the central Junggar Basin is best to be explained as the result of hydrocarbon generation and fluid retention in low-permeability rocks. Petroleum generated from Permian and Jurassic source rocks could migrate laterally through preferential petroleum migration pathways and accumulated in structural traps or lithological traps in the overpressured system, or migrate vertically through faults/hydraulic fractures into the overlying, normally pressured system and accumulate in structural or lithological traps. Therefore, commercial petroleum reservoirs could be potentially found in both the overpressured system, and in the normally pressured system.  相似文献   

The protoliths of mafic-ultramafic plutons in the northern Dabie Mts. (NDM) (Hubei) include pyroxenite and gabbro. The zircon U-Pb dating for a gabbro suggests that emplacement of mafic magma took place in the post-collisional setting at the age of 122.9±0.6 Ma. It is difficult to obtain a reliable Sm-Nd isochron age, due to disequilibrium of the Sm-Nd isotopic system. Two hornblende40Ar/39Ar ages of 116.1±1.1 Ma and 106.6±0.8 Ma may record cooling of metamorphism in the mafic-ultramafic plutons in Hubei below 500°C. The hornblende40Ar/39Ar ages for the mafic-ultramafic rocks in Hubei are evidently 15–25 Ma younger than those for the same rocks in Anhui, indicating that there is a diversity of the cooling rates for the mafic-ultramafic rocks in Hubei and Anhui. The difference in their cooling rates may be controlled by the north-dipping normal faults in the NDM. The intense metamorphism occurring in the mafic-ultramafic rocks in Hubei may result from the Yanshanian magmatic reheating and thermal fluid action induced by the Cretaceous migmatization. The geochemical similarity of these mafic-ultramafic rocks wherever in Hubei and Anhui may be attributed to the same tectonic setting via an identical genetic mechanism.  相似文献   

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