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Mesozoic Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) are expressions of major physical oceanographic changes at times of perturbation of the global carbon cycle. A northern Tethyan record of OAE2 is preserved in expanded Cenomanian–Turonian pelagic limestone sections (Seewen Formation) in Eastern Switzerland. The new carbonate carbon‐isotope stratigraphy extracted from these limestones demonstrates that the OAE2 is condensed in all the studied successions and only the onset of the δ13C excursion (5.0‰) is present. The condensed interval is characterized by dissolution features, which are filled by a glauconite quartz sandstone. This bed is overlain by a well‐sorted sandstone with intercalated limestone pebbles (Götzis Member), which can be compared with palimpsest sands forming today along current‐swept shelves. The wide distribution of this thin sandstone layer within OAE2 indicates that an intense, erosive, east‐west trending shelf current was active during the highest sea level and most extreme carbon‐cycle perturbation of the OAE2.  相似文献   

Hättestrand, M. & Robertsson, A.‐M. 2010: Weichselian interstadials at Riipiharju, northern Sweden – interpretation of vegetation and climate from fossil and modern pollen records. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00129.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. The most complete records of Weichselian ice‐free conditions in northern Sweden have been retrieved from kettleholes in the Riipiharju esker. In an earlier study, the Riipiharju I core was described as containing two Weichselian interstadials and Riipiharju was chosen as type site for the second Weichselian interstadial in northern Sweden. Here, we present a palynological investigation of two new sediment cores (Riipiharju II and III) retrieved from Riipiharju. Together, the new cores comprise a late cold part of the first Weichselian interstadial recorded in northeastern Sweden (Tärendö I, earlier correlated with Peräpohjola in Finland) as well as a long sequence of the second Weichselian interstadial (Tärendö II, earlier named Tärendö). The results indicate that the climate during deposition of the Tärendö II sequence was more variable than earlier suggested. According to the present interpretation it was relatively warm in the early part of Tärendö II; thereafter a long cold phase persisted, and finally the climate was warmer again in the late part of Tärendö II. The warm phases are characterized by Betula‐dominant pollen assemblages, while the cold phase is characterized by high percentages of Artemisia and Gramineae pollen. Since there is still no firm chronology established of the interstadials in northeastern Sweden, two possible correlations are discussed; either Tärendö I and II are correlated with Brörup (MIS 5c) and Odderade (MIS 5a), or, perhaps more likely, they are correlated with Odderade and early Middle Weichselian (MIS 3) time.  相似文献   

In this study, we synthesized the fossil pollen data from 10 lake sediments and 2 land cores to integrate the alteration of forest covered areas in northern Taiwan with changes in humidity and temperature over the last 2000 years. The abundance of arboreal pollen, fern spores and Tsuga pollen in the pollen and spore assemblages were used as indicators. Our results suggested that the climate in northern Taiwan was stably cool and dry during 2000–1000 cal. yr BP, but changed to wet and warm during 1000–500 cal. yr BP, which corresponded to the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). In addition, an increased density and dispersal of Tsuga pollen corresponding to 500–200 cal. yr BP was observed, which corresponded to the Little Ice Age (LIA). In recent years, a decline in Tsuga pollen density and increased fern spore density has been observed, which indicates an increase in temperature associated with elevated rainfall. Based on the synthesized data set, we conducted GIS mapping of such changes in the north of Taiwan over time. The results revealed that the temporal and spatial climate changes could be inferred from the palynological GIS mapping method, and that the fluctuations in temperature over time matched well with the global climate events, including MWP, LIA and recent warming.  相似文献   

The sediment core NP05‐71GC, retrieved from 360 m water depth south of Kvitøya, northwestern Barents Sea, was investigated for the distribution of benthic and planktic foraminifera, stable isotopes and sedimentological parameters to reconstruct palaeoceanographic changes and the growth and retreat of the Svalbard–Barents Sea Ice Sheet during the last ~16 000 years. The purpose is to gain better insight into the timing and variability of ocean circulation, climatic changes and ice‐sheet behaviour during the deglaciation and the Holocene. The results show that glaciomarine sedimentation commenced c. 16 000 a BP, indicating that the ice sheet had retreated from its maximum position at the shelf edge around Svalbard before that time. A strong subsurface influx of Atlantic‐derived bottom water occurred from 14 600 a BP during the Bølling and Allerød interstadials and lasted until the onset of the Younger Dryas cooling. In the Younger Dryas cold interval, the sea surface was covered by near‐permanent sea ice. The early Holocene, 11 700–11 000 a BP, was influenced by meltwater, followed by a strong inflow of highly saline and chilled Atlantic Water until c. 8600 a BP. From 8600 to 7600 a BP, faunal and isotopic evidence indicates cooling and a weaker flow of the Atlantic Water followed by a stronger influence of Atlantic Water until c. 6000 a BP. Thereafter, the environment generally deteriorated. Our results imply that (i) the deglaciation occurred earlier in this area than previously thought, and (ii) the Younger Dryas ice sheet was smaller than indicated by previous reconstructions.  相似文献   

The Last Termination (19 000–11 000 a BP) with its rapid and distinct climate shifts provides a perfect laboratory to study the nature and regional impact of climate variability. The sedimentary succession from the ancient lake at Hässeldala Port in southern Sweden with its distinct Lateglacial/early Holocene stratigraphy (>14.1–9.5 cal. ka BP) is one of the few chronologically well‐constrained, multi‐proxy sites in Europe that capture a variety of local and regional climatic and environmental signals. Here we present Hässeldala's multi‐proxy records (lithology, geochemistry, pollen, diatoms, chironomids, biomarkers, hydrogen isotopes) in a refined age model and place the observed changes in lake status, catchment vegetation, summer temperatures and hydroclimate in a wider regional context. Reconstructed mean July temperatures increased between c. 14.1 and c. 13.1 cal. ka BP and subsequently declined. This latter cooling coincided with drier hydroclimatic conditions that were probably associated with a freshening of the Nordic Seas and started a few hundred years before the onset of Greenland Stadial 1 (c. 12.9 cal. ka BP). Our proxies suggest a further shift towards colder and drier conditions as late as c. 12.7 cal. ka BP, which was followed by the establishment of a stadial climate regime (c. 12.5–11.8 cal. ka BP). The onset of warmer and wetter conditions preceded the Holocene warming over Greenland by c. 200 years. Hässeldala's proxies thus highlight the complexity of environmental and hydrological responses across abrupt climate transitions in northern Europe.  相似文献   

Palaeoecological studies carried out in the Chilean Lake District and Chilotan Archipelago (41°–43°S) record full-glacial and late-glacial pollen assemblages beginning just after 21000 and beetle assemblages after 18000, both sets extending until 10000 14C yr BP. Pollen records indicate that Subantarctic Parkland, the vegetation of the early millennia of record, changed after about 14000 yr BP to become open woodland and later North Patagonian Evergreen Forest. Assemblages of plants and beetles, responding more or less in unison to a strong rise in temperature (≥ 6°C), behaved in accord at around 14000 until 13000–12500 yr BP, the beetle fauna displaying a marked increase in obligate forest types. During full-glacial conditions (17400–16100 and 15300 and 14400 yr BP) and in the late-glacial interval (after about 13000 yr BP), however, climate evidently coerced populations dissimilarly, the pollen sequence showing an increase in plant taxa indicative of colder climate, whereas the beetle fauna underwent little or no variation. Contrasting climate modes implied by plants and beetles may be attributed to differential responses to apparent low-order temperature changes (≤ 2–3°C).  相似文献   

Throughout the last 1.1 million years repeated glaciations have modified the southern Fennoscandian landscape and the neighbouring continental shelf into their present form. The glacigenic erosion products derived from the Fennoscandian landmasses were transported to the northern North Sea and the SE Nordic Seas continental margin. The prominent sub‐marine Norwegian Channel trough, along the south coast of Norway, was the main transport route for the erosion products between 1.1 and 0.0 Ma. Most of these erosion products were deposited in the North Sea Fan, which reaches a maximum thickness of 1500 m and has nearly 40 000 km3 of sediments. About 90% of the North Sea Fan sediments have been deposited during the last 500 000 years, in a time period when fast‐moving ice streams occupied the Norwegian Channel during each glacial stage. Back‐stripping the sediment volumes in the northern North Sea and SE Nordic Seas sink areas, including the North Sea Fan, to their assumed Fennoscandian source area gives an average vertical erosion of 164 m for the 1.1–0.0 Ma time period. The average 1.1–0.0 Ma erosion rate in the Fennoscandian source area is estimated to be 0.15 mm a?1. We suggest, however, that large variations in erosion rates have existed through time and that the most intense Fennoscandian landscape denudation occurred during the time period of repeated shelf edge ice advances, namely from Marine Isotope Stage 12 (c. 0.5 Ma) onwards.  相似文献   

Cryoturbated organic beds and channel fills, intercalated with sandy and gravelly fluvial units, have been studied in an opencast brown‐coal mine near Nochten (Niederlausitz), eastern Germany. The fluvial–aeolian sequence covers parts of the Early, Pleni‐ and Late‐glacial. The detailed chronology is based on 11 radiocarbon and 12 OSL dates, covering the period between ca. 100 kyr and 11 kyr BP. Basal peat deposits are correlated with an Early Weichselian interstadial. During this period boreal forests were present and minimum mean summer temperatures were > 13°C. Early Pleniglacial deposits are absent. The Middle and Late Pleniglacial environments were treeless and different types of tundra vegetation can be recognised. Minimum mean summer temperatures varied between 10 and 15°C. Vegetation and climate is reconstructed in detail for the periods around 34–38 kyr BP and 24–25 kyr BP. Around 34–38 ka, a mixture between a low shrub tundra and a cottongrass tussock–subshrub tundra was present. The botanical and sedimentological data suggest that from the Middle to the Late Pleniglacial, the climate became more continental, aridity and wind strength increased, and the role of a protecting winter snow cover decreased. A sedge–grass–moss tundra dominated around 24 and 25 kyr BP. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Tepexpan Palaeoindian skeleton was discovered in 1947 close to the former Lake Texcoco margin, in the Basin of Mexico. The find has been the object of considerable interest and discussion over the last 60 years regarding its real age and archaeological interpretation. Here we report new AMS radiocarbon dates associated with the sedimentary succession at Tepexpan with ages between 19,110 ± 90 and 612 ± 22 14C years BP and a new uranium-series date for the skeleton with an age of 4700 ± 200 years BP that indicates a mid Holocene age. The sedimentary succession was studied in detail using: stable isotopes, diatoms, organic geochemistry and tephrochronology. The multi-proxy evidence suggests large changes around the margins of Lake Texcoco in terms of the balance between aquatic and terrestrial plants, C3 and C4 plants, saline, alkaline and freshwater conditions, volcanic activity, marginal reworking of lake sediments and input from the drainage basin through the late Pleistocene–late Holocene. These changes had large impacts on the prehistoric human populations living by the lake shores since the late Pleistocene in the Basin of Mexico.  相似文献   

The occurrence of pollen and macrofossils of larch in Eemian deposits in northern Finland indicates that this species must have grown in the area during the last interglacial. Lark spread to Finland from the east, its date of arrival being deducible from the general vegetational succession. It probably did not grow in central or southern Finland during the interglacial, but is thought to have extended fairly far south in Sweden and Noway along the Fennoscandian mountain range. The Lark pollen found at the upper boundary of the interglacial deposits at Margreteberg and Stenberget in southern Sweden may suggest that it did reach southern Sweden by the very end of the Eemian, but it cannot be said for certain whethcr this pollen represents an influx of Larix from the north or from Central Europe.  相似文献   

The Rautuvaara section in northern Finnish Lapland has been widely considered as the stratotype for the northern Fennoscandian late Middle and Late Pleistocene. It exposes four till units interbedded with sorted sediments resting on Precambrian bedrock. In order to shed light on the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) history and palaeoenvironmental evolution in northern Fennoscandia through time, a chronostratigraphical study was carried out at the Rautuvaara site. The succession was studied using sedimentological methods and different sand‐rich units between till units were dated using the Optical Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) method. The results obtained indicate that the whole sediment succession at Rautuvaara was deposited during the Weichselian Stage and there is no indication of older deposits. The SIS advanced across Finnish Lapland to adjacent areas to the east at least once during the Early Weichselian, twice during the Middle Weichselian (~MIS 4 and MIS 3) and once during the Late Weichselian substages. Glaciolacustrine sediments interbedded between the till units indicate that a glacial lake repeatedly existed after each deglacial phase. The results also suggest that there were two ice‐free intervals in northern Fennoscandia during the Middle Weichselian close to the SIS glaciation centre.  相似文献   

A continuous pollen record from the last glacial period to 100 B.P. was obtained from an ice core drilled in 1977 near the top of the Agassiz Ice Cap. Pollen concentrations are low ( c . 15–173 grains/100 I) through-out the core and exotic pollen grains (from distant sources) dominate over regional pollen grains (from Ellesmere Island). The very low concentrations during the Wisconsinan glacial period and the early Holocene are attributed to the increased distance of potential sources as most of northern North America was ice-covered or supported tundra vegetation. An increase of exotic grains (mainly birch and alder) at c . 7,600 B.P. corresponds to the period of alder migration into the Low Arctic regions. The subsequent fluctuations of exotic pollen, especially the increase at c . 3,100 B.P., are unexplained at present. Regional pollen concentrations start to increase at c . 6,100 B.P. and a maximum concentration is reached at c . 3,100 B.P. The pollen record suggests that plant migration into northern Ellesmere was limited until 6,100 B.P., then increased gradually and continued to do so for about 1,000 years after the climate had started to deteriorate at about 4,000 B.P.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary vegetation of northern Isla de Chiloé is inferred from palynological analysis of a section in the Río Negro drainage (42°03′S, 73°50′W). At ca. 30,500 yr B.P., maxima of Astelia and Donatia occurred, suggesting wetland development. From that time until ca. 27,000 yr B.P., steppe indicators such as Compositae/Gramineae dominated, suggesting drier conditions. After 27,000 yr B.P., the moorland shrub Dacrydium gradually increased, reaching a maximum by 18,000 yr B.P. At this time Astelia increased again, suggesting development of cushion bog during cold and wet conditions. The glacial-postglacial transition is characterized by a marked change from peaty sediments to clays, a decrease in the cushion bog flora, and the prevalence of Gramineae/ Compositae and swamp taxa. This vegetation prevailed until ca.7000 yr B.P. when forest taxa became dominant. The floristic pattern inferred from the pollen spectra of the Rio Negro section suggests that the late Pleistocene vegetation of Chiloé resembled modern Magellanic Moorland vegetation (52°–56°lat S). Based on climatic conditions presently associated with Magellanic Moorland, its occurrence in Chiloé at low elevations during the late Pleistocene implies a decrease in average temperature of at least 4°C and an increase in annual precipitation of at least 1500 mm.  相似文献   

Comparison of aerial photos, maps and triangulation data reveal that in the last 40 yr a part of the Thessaloniki coastal plain, a delta formed in the last 2500 yr, subsided at a rate of up to 10 cm/yr. As a consequence the sea invaded up to 2 km inland; precious land in the suburbs of the city was lost, while a village and major industrial plants are in risk of flooding. Part of the land was reclaimed thanks to barriers, pumping and artificial raising of the land surface. Yet, the situation is unstable and flooding is not unusual. Ground water withdrawal for the needs of the Thessaloniki metropolitan complex has initially been regarded as the cause of the subsidence. However, the lack of correlation in space and in time between fluctuations of piezometric levels, topographic changes and pumping indicates that the observed subsidence should be regarded as the cumulative effect of several factors, including consolidation of near-surface sediments due to the decline of the piezometric level and the partial abandonment of the delta, oxidation of peat soils in the vadose zone, synsedimentary deformation (faulting and flow) and loading-induced consolidation of deeper sediments.  相似文献   

Velichko, A. A., Novenko, E. Y., Pisareva, V. V., Zelikson, E. M., Boettger, T. & Junge, F. W. 2005 (May): Vegetation and climate changes during the Eemian interglacial in Central and Eastern Europe: comparative analysis of pollen data. Boreas , Vol. 34, pp. 207–219. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
The article discusses pollen data from Central and Eastern Europe and provides insight into the climate and vegetation dynamics throughout the Eemian interglacial (including preceding and succeeding transitional phases). Three sections with high resolution pollen records are presented. Comparison of the data indicates that the range of climatic and environmental changes increased from west to east, whereas the main phases of vegetation development appear to have been similar throughout the latitudinal belt. At the interglacial optimum, the vegetation in both Central and Eastern Europe was essentially homogeneous. An abrupt change marks the Saalian/Eemian boundary (transition from OIS 6 to OIS 5e), where environmental fluctuations were similar to those detected at the transition from the Weichselian to the Holocene (Allerød and Dryas 3). Transition from the Eemian to the Weichselian was gradual in the western part of the transect, with forest persisting. In the east, fluctuations of climate and vegetation were more dramatic; forest deteriorated and was replaced by cold open landscapes.  相似文献   

A new high‐resolution Last Interglacial pollen record from the Tenaghi Philippon peatland, northeast Greece, documents variability in forest composition and cover, which we attribute to changes in temperature and moisture availability. The declining stage of the interglacial was marked by a stepwise decrease in temperate tree populations and culminated in the complete collapse of forest at the onset of the ensuing stadial. The coincidence of the onset of the stepwise declining trend with the increased prominence of North Atlantic ice‐rafting events suggests that ecological thresholds in southern Europe were only crossed once ice rafting events intensified, and implies that changes in North Atlantic ocean circulation were an important contributing factor to the declining temperate forest cover in southern Europe. Our results provide evidence for intra‐interglacial variability in the low mid latitudes and suggest a coupling between the high northern latitudes and the northeast Mediterranean during this interval. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is a widely used tree species in European dendroclimatology studies due to its common distribution across much of the continent. Almost all studies find radial growth strongly related to summer temperature, a result reflecting site selection at high elevation/latitude environments where trees grow at their ecophysiological limits. Due to the amount of attention spent on these sites there is a geographical and seasonal bias in temperature reconstructions based upon tree‐ring proxies in Europe. To overcome the limited availability of tree‐ring data in temperate lowlands, we present a northern Poland ring‐width chronology developed from living and historic Scots pine material with a strong common growth signal going back to AD 1200. Investigations into climate‐growth relationships found year‐to‐year ring‐width variability to be more strongly correlated to cold season temperature (November to April) prior to the growing season than summer temperatures during tree‐ring formation. Based on this relationship it was possible to reconstruct cold season temperature conditions for the last 810 years. Spatial field correlations with gridded instrumental records indicated that the reconstruction provides relevant cold season temperature information across the land regions bordering the North Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea, lowlands and uplands of western and central Europe, and the eastern and central interior of Russia. Despite an unsuccessful attempt to find a stationary relationship with the North Atlantic Oscillation, comparisons with several cold season temperature reconstructions confirmed the long‐term connection between our reconstructed temperature series for northern Poland and the wider area.  相似文献   

The size, age and dynamics of Pleistocene glaciers, especially ice sheets that periodically covered the northern seaboard of Eurasia, are crucial for understanding the evolution of arctic climates, sea‐level changes, the biota and tectonism. General ideas on the glacial history of the vast areas of northern Russia between 48° and 148°E, beyond the limits of the Fennoscandian glaciation, have considerably changed during the last two decades. The change towards modern views may even be considered as a paradigm shift from the conventional wisdom of the previous half‐century. The transformation of the main landmarks of late Quaternary glacial history started in the 1970s and accelerated after 1993 as a result of international collaboration in the Russian Arctic. A wealth of new sedimentological, geomorphic and stratigraphic data has recently accumulated for the sedimentary record of the last 200 ka. This information, together with data collected from native geological surveys, has been synthesized in the form of digital maps of ice limits based on key stratigraphic sites. The results have been published as contributions to the international programs QUEEN and APEX and also as parts of global compilations. These publications give general overviews of the Eurasian glacial history, but some important modern data are reported only in the Russian literature and therefore are hardly known to the international community. In this paper I will first consider the background material on the non‐Scandinavian glaciations and then follow this with a review of the modern results obtained in the course of international cooperation. The outcome is inevitably influenced (or biased) by my long‐term experience in studying the Pleistocene of northern Russia. I will not discuss here the extreme northeast of Siberia (western Beringia), as this is a distinct topic partly overviewed in recent publications.  相似文献   

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