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The till-covered clay and silt deposits at Mertuanoja, Pohjanmaa (Ostrobothnia), western Finland, have been investigated in great detail. The Eemian interglacial environment is reconstructed here on the basis of pollen, diatom and dinoflagellate analyses. The pollen stratigraphy shows an interglacial vegetational succession reflecting stable climatic conditions typical of the Eemian Stage in the Pohjanmaa area. The initial Betula forests were followed by Pinus-Betula forests with Quercus. The next successional phase was dominated by Betula, Pinus and Alnus; temperate deciduous trees and Corylus also grew in the area. Later, Picea advanced and temperate deciduous trees declined. Some Corylus was, however, still present and thermophilous Osmunda thrived in wet places. The diatom record indicates that the sediments were deposited first in a freshwater basin, then in the Eemian Baltic Sea, and finally in a freshwater basin once more. The presence of dinoflagellates demonstrates that the Eemian Baltic Sea, when at its maximum extent, was connected to the Atlantic Ocean, which brought northern cool-temperate surface waters to Finland as far north as Mertuanoja. Mertuanoja is the first interglacial site at which numerous dinoflagellate cysts were encountered in Finnish Quaternary sediments.  相似文献   

The till-covered organic sediments at Leveäiemi, Swedish Lapland have been reinvestigated by pollen analysis in order to gather more detailed information on vegetation history and climatic conditions during the interglacial period represented at this site. A partly different picture of the vegetation succession has arisen compared to earlier studies and results. The organic sequence is still correlated with the Eemian, but the forests were probably more open during the initial and later parts of the interglaciation than suggested earlier. This is based on the higher values of Juniperus pollen noted, and a continuous curve for Populous pollen during the PAZ representing the later part of the interglaciation. Comparisons are made with other sites in northern Sweden, Finland and northern Norway, and the possibilities of separating Eeinian deposits from those formed during the Holsteinian interglaciation are discussed.  相似文献   

A complete interglacial cycle, named the Fjøsangerian and correlated with the Eemian by means of its pollen stratigraphy, is found in marine sediments just above the present day sea level outside Bergen, western Norway. At the base of the section there are two basal tills of assumed Saalian ( sensu lato ) age in which the mineralogy and geochemistry indicate local provenance. Above occur beds of marine silt, sand and gravel, deposited at water depths of between 10 and 50 m. The terrestrial pollen and the marine foraminifera and molluscs indicate a cold-warm-cold sequence with parallel development of the atmospheric and sea surface temperatures. In both environments the flora/fauna indicate an interglacial climatic optimum at least as warm as that during the Holocene. The high relative sea level during the Eemian (at least 30 m above sea level) requires younger neotectonic uplift. The uppermost marine beds are partly glaciomarine silts, as indicated by their mineralogy, drop stones and fauna, and partly interstadial gravels. The pollen indicates an open vegetation throughout these upper beds, and the correlation of the described interstadial with Early Weichselian interstadials elsewhere is essentially unknown. The section is capped by an Early Weichselian basal till containing redeposited fossils, sediments, and weathering products. Several clastic dikes injected from the glacier sole penetrate the till and the interglacial sediments. Radiocarbon dates on wood and shells gave infinite ages. Amino acid epimerization ratios in molluscs support the inferred Eemian age of the deposit. The Fjøsangerian is correlated with the Eemian and deep sea oxygen isotope stage 5e; other possible correlations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Several till-covered organic deposits, principally lake gyttja, in Finnish Lapland have been correlated with the last (i.e. Eemian) interglacial on the basis of their lithostratigraphic position and pollen stratigraphy. Most of the sequences are short, but together with three longer sequences from Finnish Lapland and one from Swedish Lapland (Leveäniemi) they provide a complete picture of Eemian vegetational and climatic development. The Tepsankumpu site was revisited, and the till-covered thick freshwater gyttja deposit was studied in detail for pollen in order to search for signals of rapid climatic fluctuations postulated for the earlier part of the Eemian on the basis of Greenland ice core studies. The Eemian pollen stratigraphy in Finnish Lapland closely resembles the Holocene pollen stratigraphy of the area. The abundance of spruce and alder pollen suggests, however, more northerly limits for forest vegetation zones during the Eemian than during the Holocene. Oak also grew closer to Lapland, indicating a wanner climate than during the Holocene climatic optimum. The Tepsankumpu pollen stratigraphy indicates climatic stability over the entire time-span it covers, i.e. the major part of the interglacial. This finding is in conflict with results from Greenland GRIP ice core studies and interpretations of some Continental European Eemian pollen diagrams.  相似文献   

Marine ash zones from the last interglacial period have been described from cores from the North Atlantic and an ash zone from the middle part of the interglacial has been observed in connection with a major cooling event. Here we present evidence for a coeval ash zone in a terrestrial site on the Faroe Islands. The investigated sediments are correlated with the upper part of oxygen isotope stage 5e and the beginning of stage 5d. The Eemian climatic optimum is represented in the lower part of the sequence close to the first occurrence of the ash zone. A tephra-based correlation suggests that the climatic optimum was synchronous with the marine record from the Norwegian Sea, but several thousand years later than in Eemian sections of west central Europe. However, many questions on the chronological relationship between the Eemian and oxygen isotope stage 5e still remain to be answered.  相似文献   

Robertsson, A.-M., Svedlund, J.-O., Andrén, T. & Sundh, M. 1997 (September): Pleistocene stratigraphy in the Dellen region, central Sweden. Boreas, Vol. 26, pp. 237–260. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483. The Pleistocene stratigraphy in the Dellen region, central Sweden was studied using field observations made during mapping of Quaternary deposits and fabric analyses in excavated sections. The lithostratigraphy was also studied by seismic refraction measurements, analyses of grain-size distribution and organic carbon content. Biostratigraphical methods applied were pollen and diatom analyses. A general outline of the Pleistocene stratigraphy in the area is presented. Three different till beds are identified, the lowermost suggested to have been deposited during the Saalian glaciation and the other two during the Weichselian glaciation. According to the interpretation of the stratigraphy, it is questioned whether the first Weichselian ice sheet did in fact reach the Dellen area. A clayey sediment sequence at Norra Sannas accumulated during an interglacial, probably the Eemian. Most of the interglacial vegetation succession is reflected in the identified pollen flora. An initial phase with a light-demanding forest of Belula and Pinus was followed by immigration of Alnus, Picea and scattered occurrences of Corylus. A freshwater diatom flora was identified dominated by plankton taxa, e.g. Aulacoseira italica, A. distans and Cyclotella spp. In the lower part of the sequence a brackish-marine flora was registered, representing accumulation in a bay of the Eemian Sea. Fine-grained sediments at the Sundson and Vastansjd sites are interpreted as rebedded Eemian sediments according to the pollen flora. An (Early Weichselian) interstadial age is suggested for sediments found at Bjuraker. Dating by the 14C- and OSL methods was carried out on the interglacial and interstadial sediments, respectively. The ages range from approximately 19000 to 92000 BP. Correlation of interglacial vegetation history with central Finland and other areas is discussed.  相似文献   

The coastal cliff section at Kås Hoved in northern Denmark represents one of the largest exposures of marine interglacial deposits in Europe. High‐resolution analyses of sediments, foraminifera, ostracods, and stable isotopes (oxygen and carbon) in glacial‐interglacial marine sediments from this section, as well as from two adjacent boreholes, are the basis for an interpretation of marine environmental and climatic change through the Late Elsterian‐Holsteinian glacial‐interglacial cycle. The overlying glacial deposits show two ice advances during the Saalian and Weichselian glaciations. The assemblages in the initial glacier‐proximal part of the marine Late Elsterian succession reveal fluctuations in the inflow of sediment‐loaded meltwater to the area. This is followed by faunal indication of glacier‐distal, open marine conditions, coinciding with a gradual climatic change from arctic to subarctic environments. Continuous marine sedimentation during the glacial‐interglacial transition is presumably a result of a large‐scale isostatic subsidence caused by the preceding extended Elsterian glaciation. The similarity of the climatic signature of the interglacial Holsteinian and Holocene assemblages in this region indicates that the Atlantic Ocean circulation was similar during these two interglacials, whereas Eemian interglacial assemblages indicate a comparatively high water temperature associated with an enhanced North Atlantic Current. The foraminiferal zones are correlated with other Elsterian‐Holsteinian sites in Denmark, as well as those in the type area for the Holsteinian interglacial in northern Germany and the southern North Sea. Correlation of the NW European Holsteinian succession with the marine isotope stages MIS 7, 9 or 11 is still unresolved.  相似文献   

Isotopic and cladoceran investigations of Eemian (MIS 5e) lake sediments from Imbramowice, SW Poland, allow us to reconstruct the environmental conditions, especially changes of water level and trophic status, during the early and middle Eemian Interglaciation. We analyzed the sediments from 6.5 to 11.0 m depth in a core provided by Mamakowa (1989). The upper 6.5 m had insufficient carbonates and cladoceran contents for analyses. The analyzed section consists of sandy and organic silts at the bottom, followed by gyttja characterized by increasing CaCO3 content. Measured δ18O values oscillate from ca. - 9 to - 4‰ and δ13C from - 3.5 to above + 6‰. Based on stable isotope analyses of carbonates, we define and characterize eight isotopic horizons (Is). We identify 26 taxa of subfossil Cladocera and seven zones (CLZ) of faunal development. Probably the greatest depth of the lake occurred with pollen zone E2; shallowing then took place. During pollen zones E2-E3, gradual warming is observed and expressed through a positive trend in both δ18O and δ13C values. Pollen zone E4 is characterized by frequent changes of water level. During the Eemian Interglaciation, excluding the initial phase of lake evolution, the lake was meso-eutrophic and eutrophic with high phytoplankton productivity.  相似文献   

A peat layer beneath two till beds was found at Seitevare in Swedish Lapland. The pollen flora layer indicates deposition during the later part of the Eemian Interglacial. The vegetation consisted of open forests predominated by pine and birch, mixed with alder and spruce. The sedimentation took place in a small oligotrophic-dystrophic water basin with a pH about 5, according to the diatom flora. In an adjacent section, silty sediments with pollen indicating interstadial vegetation (birches, herbs) are covered by one till bed. These sediments are tentatively correlated with the Peräpohjola Interstadial in northern Finland and north-eastern Sweden. The lithostratigraphy indicates one pre-Eemian and probably three Weichselian glacial advances.  相似文献   

A new investigation of the coastal cliff section at Mommark in southern Denmark has revealed a complete Eemian interglacial sequence for the first time in the southwestern Baltic area. Environmental changes through the lacustrine and marine interglacial deposits are discussed on the basis of foraminiferal assemblages and stable isotope composition as well as ostracods. In general, the assemblages indicate relatively high temperatures throughout the Eemian, and the Lusitanian foraminiferal species Pseudoeponides falsobeccarii Rouvillois has been reported for the first time from the Eemian of northwest Europe. A floating chronology of the deposits is based on a previously published correlation of the local pollen stratigraphy with annually laminated sequences in northern Germany. An initial early Eemian lacustrine phase, with ostracodal indication of deposition in a large freshwater lake, lasted until c. 300 years after the beginning of the interglacial, i.e. to the transition between the regional pollen zones E2 and E3. After that, marine conditions persisted almost throughout the interglacial, and the Cyprina Clay was deposited. The foraminiferal and ostracodal assemblages indicate that relatively deep water prevailed in the area until c. 6000 years after the beginning of the interglacial. However, both the foraminiferal assemblages and the oxygen isotope results show that a trend from relatively high salinity to lower salinity conditions had begun already at about 4000 years. After c. 6000 years the fauna indicates a gradual change to shallower water and further reduction in salinity, the latter also being reflected by a general decrease in the oxygen isotope values. The marine deposition ended at c. 10 600 years after the beginning of the Eemian, i.e. within the topmost part of pollen zone E7. This was succeeded by a late Eemian and early Weichselian freshwater phase.  相似文献   

Quantitative climate reconstructions from pollen typically rely on empirical relationships between pollen abundances or assemblages and climate, such as the modern analogue technique. However, these techniques may be problematic when applied to fossil sequences, as they cannot separate anthropogenic from climatic influence on pollen assemblages. Here, we reconstruct Mid‐ to Late Holocene summer aridity in the Middle Atlas, Morocco, using stable carbon isotope analysis of isolated fossil Cedrus pollen. This approach is based on well‐documented plant physiological responses to moisture stress and is therefore independent of vegetation composition. We find that there has been a general long‐term trend of increasing summer aridity in the region during the last 5000 years to the present day. The gradual decline of Cedrus atlantica forest in the Late Holocene follows this aridity trend. Additionally, we show how isolating a specific pollen type for carbon isotope analysis yields a robust climate signal, versus using pollen concentrates or bulk sediment. Our findings indicate that climate has become drier in the region and confirms the Mid‐ to Late Holocene aridification trend observed more widely in the western Mediterranean, using a novel proxy for this region with good potential for wider application in other environments.  相似文献   

Knudsen, K. L., Jiang, H., Kristensen, P., Gibbard, P. L. & Haila, H. 2011: Early Last Interglacial palaeoenvironments in the western Baltic Sea: benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes and diatom‐based sea‐surface salinity. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00206.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Stable isotopes from benthic foraminifera, combined with diatom assemblage analysis and diatom‐based sea‐surface salinity reconstructions, are used for the interpretation of changes in bottom‐ and surface‐water conditions through the early Eemian at Ristinge Klint in the western Baltic Sea. Correlation of the sediments with the Eemian Stage is based on a previously published pollen analysis that indicates that they represent pollen zones E2–E5 and span ~3400 years. An initial brackish‐water phase, initiated c. 300 years after the beginning of the interglacial, is characterized by a rapid increase in sea‐surface and sea‐bottom salinity, followed by a major increase at c. 650 years, which is related to the opening of the Danish Straits to the western Baltic. The diatoms allow estimation of the maximum sea‐surface salinity in the time interval of c. 650–1250 years. After that, slightly reduced salinity is estimated for the interval of c. 1250–2600 years (with minimum values at c. 1600–2200 years). This may be related to a period of high precipitation/humidity and thus increased freshwater run‐off from land. Together with a continuous increase in the water depth, this may have contributed to the gradual development of a stratified water column after c. 1600 years. The stratification was, however, particularly pronounced between c. 2600 and 3400 years, a period with particularly high sea‐surface temperature, as well as bottom‐water salinity, and thus a maximum influence of Atlantic water masses. The freshwater run‐off from land may have been reduced as a result of particularly high summer temperatures during the climatic optimum.  相似文献   

The interpretation of the pollen records from lake sediments is always hampered by a lack of information relating to different pollen production, transportation, deposition, and preservation. It is important to understand the modern process of pollen sedimentation and its climatic implications. This paper presents results from a palynological study on 61 surface sediments samples from Bosten Lake, the largest inland freshwater lake in China. Our results suggest that Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia dominate the modern pollen assemblages and have stable percentages at most sites of the lake basin except for the estuary area. Pollen Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae ratio is about 0.5, indicating the dry climate of the region. Principle Components Analysis (PCA) of pollen data can identify the pollen samples as several ecological groups from different parts of the lake. Pollen transportation dynamics and the mixing effect of lake currents and waves on pollen deposition have affected the pollen assemblages. The distribution of Typha pollen seems to be affected by the location where the parent plants grow. Picea pollen has higher percentages at estuary area, suggesting fluvial transport. Pollen concentration has high values at the central part of the lake basin due to the sedimentation focusing process effect. Our results suggest that the pollen assemblages of the sediment core from the central part of the lake can potentially record the regional vegetation history.  相似文献   

Zhou, W., Yu, S.‐Y., Burr, G. S., Kukla, G. J., Jull, A. J. T., Xian, F., Xiao, J., Colman, S. M., Yu, H., Liu, Z. & Kong, X. 2010: Postglacial changes in the Asian summer monsoon system: a pollen record from the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 528–539. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00150.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A new pollen record constrained by 32 AMS radiocarbon dates from the Hongyuan peatland in the Zoige Basin reveals the long‐term dynamics of an alpine wetland ecosystem on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau over the last 13 500 years. Changes in pollen assemblages and influxes suggest that local vegetation has experienced three distinct stages, from alpine coniferous forest–meadow (13 500–11 500 cal. a BP), through alpine coniferous forest (11 500–3000 cal. a BP), back to alpine coniferous forest–meadow (3000 cal. a BP–present). This record reflects an ecosystem response along a transition zone where the South Asian and East Asian monsoon systems may have had different palaeoclimatic influences. A comparison of this record with other pollen records across the Tibetan Plateau shows common features with regard to large‐scale Holocene climatic changes, but highlights a pattern of regional temporal and spatial variability that depends on the topography and position relative to the South Asian and East Asian monsoon fronts.  相似文献   

The marine Quaternary of Vendsyssel has been studied in a series of new boreholes in the area, and the climatic development is discussed on the basis of foraminiferal assemblages and stable isotopes. The foraminiferal zones are correlated with previously published records from northern Denmark, and the spatial local and regional distribution is discussed in details based on the new evidence. The new data show that the marine sedimentation in Vendsyssel was not continuous from the Late Saalian to the Middle Weichselian, as previously thought. For example, there is indication of a hiatus at our key site, Åsted Vest in the central part of Vendsyssel, at the transition between regional foraminiferal zones N4 and N3, i.e. at the Late Saalian (MIS 6) – Eemian (MIS 5e) transition. The hitherto most complete Early Weichselian succession (zone N2) in Vendsyssel is presented from Åsted Vest. Deposits from the Early Weichselian sea‐level lowstands (MIS 5d and 5b) may, however, be missing in parts of the area. Two major breaks in the marine deposition during the Middle Weichselian represent glacial advances into northern Denmark. The first event occurred just after deposition of the regional foraminiferal zone N2 (late MIS 4), and the second event in the middle part of zone N1 (early MIS 3). Zone N1 is succeeded by a series of non‐marine units deposited during the sea‐level lowstand of the Weichselian maximum glaciation (late MIS 3 and MIS 2), including deeply incised tunnel valleys, which have been refilled with non‐marine sediments during the Late Weichselian. Vendsyssel was inundated by the sea again during the Late Weichselian, at c. 18 kyr BP. Subsequently, the marine conditions were gradually changed by forced regression caused by local isostatic uplift, and around the Weichselian–Holocene transition most of Vendsyssel was above sea level. A continuous deposition across the Late Weichselian–Holocene boundary only occurred at relatively deep sites such as Skagen. The environmental and climatic indications for Vendsyssel are in accordance with the global sea‐level curve, and the Quaternary record is correlated with the oxygen isotope record from the NorthGRIP ice core, as well as the marine isotope stages.  相似文献   

Sequence developments in rift basins are considered to be influenced largely by tectonics and to a lesser extent by eustatic sea‐level and climate. Studies indicate that in passive margin basins, climate can mask the effects of tectonics and eustasy by modulating the sediment supply. It is, however, less understood how the sedimentary sequence in rift basins might respond to strong climatic fluctuations where tectonic pulses generate rapid accommodation space. Here a case study has been provided to assess the effect of climate vis à vis sea‐level and tectonics on sequence development in the Cambay rift basin, western India, during the Early Palaeogene (Late Palaeocene to Early Eocene) super greenhouse globe. Facies analysis of this shale–lignite sequence suggests deposition in a lagoon/bay, developed over the Deccan Trap basement. Detailed sequence stratigraphic analysis using basin‐wide representative composite sections, marker lignite seam, event bed and high‐resolution carbon isotope (δ13C) chemostratigraphy suggest an overall transgressive motif. Among the three prominent Early Eocene eustatic highstands, only the one at ca 53·7 Ma is expressed by the thickest coal accumulation throughout the basin. Expression of the other sequence stratigraphic surfaces is subdued and can be due to the overall finer grain size of the sediment or local variation in the subsidence rate at different fault‐controlled mini‐basins. Enigmatic presence of a maximum flooding surface coinciding with the 53·7 Ma climate event (Eocene Thermal Maximum 2), manifested by negative carbon isotope excursion, indicates possible influence of climate over and above tectonics in developing the rift sequence. Qualitative rainfall variation assessed using the magnitude of the carbon isotope excursion and pollen abundance show that a relatively dry/low precipitation climatic phase during the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 hindered the siliclastic supply to the basin. Thus, it has been inferred that climate‐induced high siliciclastic supply possibly enhanced the autocyclic reorganization and hindered the development of the key sequence stratigraphic surfaces across the basin during climate extremes.  相似文献   

Velichko, A. A., Novenko, E. Y., Pisareva, V. V., Zelikson, E. M., Boettger, T. & Junge, F. W. 2005 (May): Vegetation and climate changes during the Eemian interglacial in Central and Eastern Europe: comparative analysis of pollen data. Boreas , Vol. 34, pp. 207–219. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
The article discusses pollen data from Central and Eastern Europe and provides insight into the climate and vegetation dynamics throughout the Eemian interglacial (including preceding and succeeding transitional phases). Three sections with high resolution pollen records are presented. Comparison of the data indicates that the range of climatic and environmental changes increased from west to east, whereas the main phases of vegetation development appear to have been similar throughout the latitudinal belt. At the interglacial optimum, the vegetation in both Central and Eastern Europe was essentially homogeneous. An abrupt change marks the Saalian/Eemian boundary (transition from OIS 6 to OIS 5e), where environmental fluctuations were similar to those detected at the transition from the Weichselian to the Holocene (Allerød and Dryas 3). Transition from the Eemian to the Weichselian was gradual in the western part of the transect, with forest persisting. In the east, fluctuations of climate and vegetation were more dramatic; forest deteriorated and was replaced by cold open landscapes.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal faunas suggesting interglacial climatic conditions are present in several shallow drillings in the North Sea and in northern Jutland. Denmark. The interglacial deposits in six of the cores arc correlated by means of isoleucine epimerization, paleomagnetic data and environmental inferences. Four episodes of interglacial circulation are recorded in sediments of Brunhes age and one warm episode is found just below the Brunhes Matuyama boundary. The Holocene and Eemian faunas of the North Sea are richer in species and individuals and contain more thermophilous species than the older interglacial faunas. However. a much more northern distribution of Bulimina marginata in sediments of Eemian age suggests that oceanic circulation was different during this period than during the Holocene. Sediments of the three other Brunhes interglacials (the Holsteinian, the Norwegian Trench and the Devils Hole Interglacial) and the Leerdam Interglacial record periods of relatively cooler conditions and possibly reduced inflow of Atlantic water.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地发育了一套完整的古近纪—新近纪河湖相沉积地层,选择在其北缘大红沟剖面采集沉积物样品进行孢粉鉴定分析。根据孢粉组合特征划分出14个孢粉组合带,揭示了该地区古近纪到新近纪的植被、气候变化历史。结果显示:该地区古近纪—新近纪植被代表一种北亚热带常绿阔叶林→暖温带、温带落叶阔叶针叶林→温带针阔叶混交林→山体针叶林→干旱草原荒漠的植被生态景观演变过程。通过对柴达木盆地大红沟剖面植被面貌分析,推断古近纪—新近纪期间研究区气候存在多次冷暖干湿变化,呈现出由暖湿向冷干发展的趋势。11~9 Ma低温干燥的特征与中新世中期全球气候适宜期趋势不一致,可能是盆地构造运动导致的区域特殊性。  相似文献   

At Grobern (51°52'N, 12°6'E, altitude 94–98 m a.s.l., 50km north of Leipzig), a succession of lacustrine sediments has yielded a fossil coleopterous fauna permitting the reconstruction of climatic conditions through out the Eemian/Early Weichselian transition. In accord with other indicators, the Coleoptera show that this period was characterized by three major climatic oscillations during which the thermal climate fluctuated between conditions of arctic severity and more temperate conditions. During the cold episodes, the beetle faunas were dominated by species which today have exclusively northern or even Asiatic ranges. In the intervening warm periods these cold-adapted species were absent and the faunas included temperate species some of which are tree-dependent. Quantitative palaeotemperature estimates using the Mutual Climatic Range method, show that the mean July temperatures during the relatively colder intervals were 5°C to 6°C lower than during the warmer periods, but the depression of winter temperatures during the colder periods was much greater than this. Because different species of Coleoptera have different thresholds of temperature tolerance, their indications of climatic change do not always coincide with the changes in the lithology or pollen.  相似文献   

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