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Subglacial erosional forms are commonly found on bedrock substrates inside the Late Weichselian ice margin in County Donegal, northwest Ireland, and can be used to provide detailed information on subglacial processes and environments. The erosional forms occur on spatial scales from whalebacks (tens of metres in scale), to asymmetric and channelized bedrock-cut scours (tens of cm in scale) and striations (mm scale). Processes responsible for development of subglacial erosional forms occur along a continuum, from free meltwater existing as a laterally extensive sheet at the ice-bed interface, to abrasion by basal ice. Channelized bedrock-cut scours are particularly common in County Donegal, and show asymmetric and meandering thalwegs, U-shaped cross-profiles and steep lateral margins. Innermost parts of the scours are highly polished and have striations that follow thalweg direction. In places, bedrock surfaces are overlain by a delicate polish and thin calcite cement, and are buried beneath glacial till. Based on their morphology, the bedrock scours are interpreted as s-forms caused by high-pressure subglacial meltwater erosion. Striations within the scoured channels reflect periods of ice-bed coupling and subglacial abrasion. The range of features observed here was used to consider relationships between subglacial topography, hydraulic processes and ice-bed coupling. Precipitation of calcite cement took place in depressions on the bedrock surface by CO2 degassing. Infilling of depressions by glacial till formed a new type of 'sticky spot' related to spatial variations in subglacial water pressure. The temporal evolution of sticky spots reflects interactions within the subglacial environment between subglacial relief, hydraulic regime and ice-bed coupling.  相似文献   

Fundamental frequency map of site amplification at different sites in Doon valley, Uttarakhand, India is prepared from microtremor (ground ambient noise) using Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) technique. The fan deposited alluvium filled synclinal valley of Doon lies between Main Boundary Thrust (MFT) and Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) in the Himalayan active seismic belt and experienced many earthquakes in the past. The HVSR at different sites in the Doon valley ranges between the predominant frequencies 0.13 and 12.77 Hz. The HVSR in lower frequencies indicates that the site has either thick sediment covers or less compact rocks with fractures. Based on information on fundamental frequency and soft soil thickness, site classification map is generated. Results indicate that degree of compactness of rock types and presences of sediments vary significantly, which may play a major role in seismic hazard. The use of microtremor, therefore, constitutes an effective and inexpensive approach to site response and soft soil thickness estimation for preliminary microzonation.  相似文献   

The sedimentary infills of subglacially eroded bedrock troughs in the Alps are underexplored archives for the timing, extent and character of Pleistocene glaciations but may contain excellent records of the Quaternary landscape evolution over several glacial–interglacial cycles. The onset of sedimentation in these bedrock troughs is often reflected by diamicts and gravels directly overlying bedrock in the deepest basin segments. Subglacial or proglacial depositional environments have been proposed for these coarse‐grained basal units but their characteristics and origin remain controversial. This article presents results from drill cores that recovered a coarse‐grained basal unit in a major buried bedrock‐trough system in the Lower Glatt Valley, northern Switzerland. The excellent core recovery allowed a detailed study combining macroscopic, microscopic and geochemical methods and gives unprecedented insights into the transition from erosion to deposition in overdeepened bedrock troughs. These results show that the basal infill comprises diamicts, interpreted as subglacial tills, separated by thin sorted interbeds, originating from subglacial cavity deposition. The stacking of these units is interpreted to represent repeated switching between a coupled and decoupled ice–bed‐interface indicating an ever‐transforming mosaic of subglacial bed conditions. Decoupling in response to high basal water pressures is probably promoted by the confined subglacial hydraulic conditions resulting from the bedrock acting as aquitards, the narrow reverse sloping outlet and a large catchment area. While stratigraphic and lithological evidence suggests that erosion and the onset of basal sedimentation occurred during the same glaciation, different scenarios for the relative timing of infilling in relation to formation and glaciation of the bedrock trough are discussed. Overlying deltaic and glaciolacustrine sediments suggest deposition during subsequent deglaciation of the bedrock trough. The basal sediment characteristics are in agreement with previous reports in hydrogeological and seismic exploration and suggest the occurrence of similar basal successions in other subglacially overdeepened basins in the Alps and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Lewisian gneisses, Moinian and Dalradian sediments, and dolerites have been deformed and metamorphosed under Amphibolite Fades conditions. The metamorphic climax, with the growth of kyanite and staurolite, occurred after the cessation of the second deformational episode and before the onset of the third. Plagioclase growth ceased at or about the time of kyanite and staurolite nucleation. Metamorphic effects become less to the south and southeast while the most advanced stages occur around Inver. A single heat pulse appears to be not directly related to any structure.  相似文献   

Seismic hazard analysis of the northwest Himalayan belt was carried out by using extreme value theory (EVT). The rate of seismicity (a value) and recurrence intervals with the given earthquake magnitude (b value) was calculated from the observed data using Gutenberg–Richter Law. The statistical evaluation of 12,125 events from 1902 to 2017 shows the increasing trend in their inter-arrival times. The frequency–magnitude relation exhibits a linear downslope trend with negative slope of 0.8277 and positive intercept of 4.6977. The empirical results showed that the annual risk probability of high magnitude earthquake M?≥?7.7 in 50 years is 88% with recurrence period of 47 years, probability of M?≤?7.5 in 50 years is 97% with recurrence period of 27 years, and probability of M?≤?6.5 in 50 years is 100% with recurrence period of 4 years. Kashmir valley, located in the NW Himalaya, encompasses a peculiar tectonic and structural setup. The patterns of the present and historical seismicity records of the valley suggest a long-term strain accumulation along NNW and SSE extensions with the decline in the seismic gap, posing a potential threat of earthquakes in the future. The Kashmir valley is characterized by the typical lithological, tectono-geomorphic, geotechnical, hydrogeological and socioeconomic settings that augment the earthquake vulnerability associated with the seismicity of the region. The cumulative impact of the various influencing parameters therefore exacerbates the seismic hazard risk of the valley to future earthquake events.  相似文献   

The sediment fill of a silled bedrock valley in Western Norway has been investigated with respect to stratigraphy and infill history using a combination of mapping, georadar, seismic profiling and drilling. A small outlet glacier occupies the head of the valley that displays a stepwise down-valley profile and terminates in a lake at 29 m above sea-level. The valley is surrounded by high, steep bedrock slopes and is characterized by a series of filled basins each limited by sills of bedrock or moraine accumulations. Till, glacial outwash and/or rockslide deposits fill in the lower half of the two larger basins. (Fan) delta deposits fringed by the deposits of alluvial fans and colluvial cones dominate the upper fill of most basins. (Fan) delta deposits interfinger downstream with lake sediments in the larger basins and fluvial deposits comprise the top fill. The overall infill pattern was controlled by deglaciation as well as basin size and shape. An overall decreasing sediment supply following deglaciation is shown in the fill of a larger basin down-valley, whereas a recently increasing sediment supply during glacier growth is reflected primarily in an upstream basin. Only the lowermost basin was exposed to a sea-level drop from 75 m above sea-level to the present lake level associated with incision and river migration. This observation is in contrast to the basins above marine influence where incision has been limited due to fixed downstream sills resulting in insignificant erosion except for some fan-head entrenchment. It follows that the fills of these small valley basins display progradational and aggradational trends of deposition and paraglacial reworking has been limited. Additionally, the study demonstrates that georadar profiling, combined with other methods, is very useful for comprehensive investigation of valley basins.  相似文献   

Geomorphological evidence indicates that Donegal was formerly occupied by an ice dome that extended offshore to the west, northwest and north and was confluent with adjacent ice masses to the east and south. Erosive warm‐based ice over‐rode almost all the highest mountains, implying an ice‐divide altitude greater than 700 m. Only six peripheral summits escaped glacial modification, implying either that they remained above the ice surface as nunataks or supported a thin cover of protective cold‐based ice. Gibbsite, a pre‐last glacial weathering product, is preferentially represented on summits that escaped glacial modification. Cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages of 18.6 ± 1.4 to 15.9 ± 1.0 k yr for coastal sites confirm that Donegal ice extended offshore at the last glacial maximum. Reconstruction of the form of the Donegal ice dome suggests a former minimum ice thickness of ~500 m close to the present coastline in the west and northwest, and ~400 m near the coast of the Inishowen Peninsula in the north, with the ice extending at least 20 km across the adjacent shelf to the west and northwest. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A synthesis of environmental changes during the Devensian (Weichselian) Lateglacial period (14-9 ka BP) is presented for an area extending from Ireland in the west to northwest Germany in the east. Following a brief reference to the problems of chronology, the principal changes in geomorphology and soils, vegetation history and climate experienced in the region during the Late-glacial are described. Reconstructions of thermal variations during the Late-glacial period are attempted independently for Ireland, England and Wales, Scotland (Highlands and Islanads), north Belgium, The Netherlands and northwest Germany. The collective palaeotemperature data, based mainly uppoln pollen data but also in Britain and The Netherlands on coleopteran data using the ‘mutual climatic range’ approach, provide an overview of regional differences along an east-west transect in northwest Europe.  相似文献   

Subglacial and subaqueous sediments deposited near the margin of a Late-glacial ice-dammed lake near Achnasheen, northern Scotland, are described and interpreted. The subglacial sediments consist of deformation tills and glacitectonites derived from pre-existing glaciolacustrine deposits, and the subaqueous sediments consist of ice-proximal outwash and sediment flow deposits, and distal turbidites. Sediment was delivered from the glacier to the lake by two main processes: (1) subglacial till deformation, which fed debris flows at the grounding line; and (2) meltwater transport, which fed sediment-gravity flows on prograding outwash fans. Beyond the ice-marginal environment, deposition was from turbidity currents, ice-rafting and settling of suspended sediments. The exposures support the conclusion that the presence of a subglacial deforming layer can exert an important influence on sedimentation at the grounding lines of calving glaciers.  相似文献   

A selective leach based on extraction with potassium chlorate-hydrochloric acid was used to investigate distribution of sulphide-iron and copper associated with the JA and Valley Copper deposits. Results emphasize patterns related to sulphide, versus total metal, and are shown to be consistent with mineralogical zoning in the deposits.  相似文献   

The structural relationships of several intrusive sheets belonging to the extensive metadolerite suite of the Appin (lower) Dalradian rocks of the Creeslough area, northwest Donegal, Ireland have been examined. It is concluded that, relative to the regional chronology of deformation of the enclosing metasediments, sheet emplacement has occurred: pre-D2; syn-D2; between D2 and D3; and syn-D3. The height of activity came in the post-D2, pre-D3 interval and coincided with the peak of regional metamorphism in the area. These relationships in Donegal are compared with those of the pretectonic basic rocks of the southwest Highlands and models are discussed.  相似文献   

The structural relationships of several intrusive sheets belonging to the extensive metadolerite suite of the Appin (lower) Dalradian rocks of the Creeslough area, northwest Donegal, Ireland have been examined. It is concluded that, relative to the regional chronology of deformation of the enclosing metasediments, sheet emplacement has occurred: pre-D2; syn-D2; between D2 and D3; and syn-D3. The height of activity came in the post-D2, pre-D3 interval and coincided with the peak of regional metamorphism in the area. These relationships in Donegal are compared with those of the pretectonic basic rocks of the southwest Highlands and models are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the causes of debris flow, landslide, collapse, water and soil erosion and other mountain disasters in the high mountain-plateau transitional region in northwest Sichuan. Through analysis of geological structure, lithology, earthquakes, landforms, hydrologic regime, meteorological conditions and man-made factors, the authors conclude that the natural conditions of this region favor the formation of debris flow, landslides and other mountain disasters. Moreover, the irrational economic activities of humans such as destroying forest ecosystems stimulate the occurrence of mountain disasters.  相似文献   

Buried valleys are ancient river or stream valleys that predate the recent glaciation and since have been filled with glacial till and/or outwash. Outwash deposits are known to store and transmit large amounts of groundwater. In addition to their intrinsic hydraulic properties, their productivity depends on their hydraulic relationships with the adjacent bedrock formations. These relationships are examined using a steady-state three-dimensional groundwater flow model through a section of a buried valley in northeastern Ohio, USA. The flow domain was divided into five hydrostratigraphic units: low-conductivity (K) till, high-K outwash, and three bedrock units (Pottsville Formation, Cuyahoga Group and Berea Sandstone). The model input was prepared using the data from well logs and drilling reports of residential water wells. The model was calibrated using observed heads with mean residual head error of 0.3 m. The calibrated model was used to quantify flux between the buried valley and bedrock formations. Mass balance was calculated to within an error of 2–3 %. Mass balance of the buried valley layer indicates that it receives 1.6 Mm3/year (≈40 % of the total inflow) from the adjacent bedrock aquifers: Pottsville Formation contributes 0.96 Mm3/year (60 %) while the Berea Sandstone 0.64 Mm3/year (40 %).  相似文献   

The Leannan Fault of north-west Ireland is a sinistral strike-slip fault system which juxtaposes Dalradian metasediments of differing structural trends and metamorphic grades. It probably represents a south-west splay of the Great Glen Fault of Scotland. The recognition and tracing of the Foyle Synform across the fault zone, together with the correlation of regional Dalradian strike swings, lateral sedimentary facies variation and metamorphic grades, suggest a sinistral displacement of 34 km across the fault. Members of the Leannan Fault system displace a Lower Devonian (about 397 Ma) granite, but are overlain by Viséan (about 352 Ma) sandstones, thus constraining major late Caledonian sinistral motions to the Middle to Upper Devonian.  相似文献   

The rheology and hydro-mechanical interactions at the ice–bed interface form an important component of the glacier system, influencing glacier dynamics and the formation of till. We demonstrate that the sand-rich till at Briksdalsbreen in Norway, undergoes deformation throughout the year. On the bulk rheology scale, till deformation exhibits elastic behaviour during the winter, when water pressures are low; and linear viscous behaviour after a critical yield stress of 35 kPa, when water pressures are high during the spring and summer. On the clast and matrix scale, low water pressures, correspond with high case stress variability and till temperatures. Meltwater driven, stick-slip, glacier velocity increases were transmitted through a relatively strong till grain network, causing brittle deformation. Intermediate water pressures, during late summer were linked to intermediate case stress variability and high till temperatures associated with the heat generated from stick-slip motion. High water pressures in the till were associated with low case stress variability and low, meltwater controlled, till temperatures, and occurred in the spring and autumn. Once the till was saturated, the ductile till absorbed any stick-slip velocity increases. We discuss, with examples, the different till forming processes associated with these changing conditions, demonstrating that the resultant till will represent a complex amalgamation of all of these processes.  相似文献   

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