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刘小驰  吴元保  汪晶  彭敏  焦文放 《岩石学报》2009,25(9):2209-2223
西大别浒湾高压变质带是研究秦岭-大别-苏鲁造山带演化的关键区域.本文对该变质带熊店和学河两地的两个榴辉岩样品进行了LA-(MC)-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年、微量元素分析及Hf同位素测定.熊店榴辉岩岩浆锆石得到的年龄为406±14Ma,具有高的εHf(t)值(εHf(t)=11.3±1.3),年轻的亏损地幔模式年龄(tDM=578±52Ma),其来源可能为亏损地幔,进而说明它们的原岩可能为古特提斯洋壳物质;学河榴辉岩岩浆锆石的年龄为703±8Ma,具有略低的εHf(t)值(εHf(t)=4.11±0.94),较老的亏损地幔模式年龄(tDM=1105±37Ma),其原岩可能为扬子克拉通新元古代裂谷岩浆作用产生的新生陆壳物质.这些结果表明浒湾地区存在原岩形成于新元古代和志留纪两个时期的榴辉岩.熊店榴辉岩中变质锆石的微量元素特征与岩浆锆石类似,可能为完全重结晶成因锆石,其206Ph/238U加权平均年龄为316±1Ma,代表了洋壳榴辉岩榴辉岩相峰期变质的最早时间.学河榴辉岩变质锆石以低Th/U、Nb/Ta比值为特征,其REE组成模式为不明显的Eu负异常,HREE呈平坦型.这些特征反映了这些锆石形成时出现了较大数量的石榴子石与金红石,而缺乏长石.根据锆石Ti温度计计算学河榴辉岩变质锆石形成的温度范围是704~741℃,与榴辉岩相变质温度一致.它们对应的206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为312±3Ma,可作为浒湾变质带榴辉岩相峰期变质年龄,这一结果表明浒湾变质带陆壳成因榴辉岩存在石炭纪榴辉岩相变质事件.空间上相近的古生代洋壳和新元古代陆壳具有相同的榴辉岩相变质年龄表明,浒湾变质带的洋壳和陆壳榴辉岩可能存在石炭纪的耦合俯冲作用.  相似文献   

Migmatites are predominant in the North Qinling (NQ) orogen, but their formation ages are poorly constrained. This paper presents a combined study of cathodoluminescence imaging, U–Pb age, trace element and Hf isotopes of zircon in migmatites from the NQ unit. In the migmatites, most zircon grains occur as new, homogeneous crystals, while some are present as overgrowth rims around inherited cores. Morphological and trace element features suggest that the zircon crystals are metamorphic and formed during partial melting. The inherited cores have oscillatory zoning and yield U–Pb ages of c. 900 Ma, representing their protolith ages. The early Neoproterozoic protoliths probably formed in an active continental margin, being a response to the assembly of the supercontinent Rodinia. The migmatite zircon yields Hf model ages of 1911 ± 20 to 990 ± 22 Ma, indicating that the protoliths were derived from reworking of Palaeoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic crustal materials. The anatexis zircon yields formation ages ranging from 455 ± 5 to 420 ± 4 Ma, with a peak at c. 435 Ma. Combined with previous results, we suggest that the migmatization of the NQ terrane occurred at c. 455–400 Ma. The migmatization was c. 50 Ma later than the c. 490 Ma ultra‐high‐P (UHP) metamorphism, indicating that they occurred in two independent tectonic events. By contrast, the migmatization was coeval with the granulite facies metamorphism and the granitic magmatism in the NQ unit, which collectively argue for their formation due to the northward subduction of the Shangdan Ocean. UHP rocks were distributed mainly along the northern margin and occasionally in the inner part of the NQ unit, indicating that they were exhumed along the northern edge and detached from the basement by the subsequent migmatization process.  相似文献   

The crustal structure of the Dabie orogen was reconstructed by a combined study of U–Pb ages, Hf and O isotope compositions of zircons from granitic gneiss from North Dabie, the largest lithotectonic unit in the orogen. The results were deciphered from metamorphic history to protolith origin with respect to continental subduction and exhumation. Zircon U–Pb dating provides consistent ages of 751 ± 7 Ma for protolith crystallization, and two group ages of 213 ± 4 to 245 ± 17 Ma and 126 ± 4 to 131 ± 36 Ma for regional metamorphism. Majority of zircon Hf isotope analyses displays negative εHf(t) values of − 5.1 to − 2.9 with crust Hf model ages of 1.84 to 1.99 Ga, indicating protolith origin from reworking of middle Paleoproterozoic crust. The remaining analyses exhibit positive εHf(t) values of 5.3 to 14.5 with mantle Hf model ages of 0.74 to 1.11 Ga, suggesting prompt reworking of Late Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic juvenile crust. Zircon O isotope analyses yield δ18O values of − 3.26 to 2.79‰, indicating differential involvement of meteoric water in protolith magma by remelting of hydrothermally altered low δ18O rocks. North Dabie shares the same age of Neoproterozoic low δ18O protolith with Central Dabie experiencing the Triassic UHP metamorphism, but it was significantly reworked at Early Cretaceous in association with contemporaneous magma emplacement. The Rodinia breakup at about 750 Ma would lead to not only the reworking of juvenile crust in an active rift zone for bimodal protolith of Central Dabie, but also reworking of ancient crust in an arc-continent collision zone for the North Dabie protolith. The spatial difference in the metamorphic age (Triassic vs. Cretaceous) between the northern and southern parts of North Dabie suggests intra-crustal detachment during the continental subduction. Furthermore, the Dabie orogen would have a three-layer structure prior to the Early Cretaceous magmatism: Central Dabie in the upper, North Dabie in the middle, and the source region of Cretaceous magmas in the lower.  相似文献   

While recycling of subducted oceanic crust is widely proposed to be associated with oceanic island, island arc, and subduction-related adakite magmatism, it is less clear whether recycling of subducted continental crust takes place in continental collision belts. A combined study of zircon U–Pb dating, major and minor element geochemistry, and O isotopes in Early Cretaceous post-collisional granitoids from the Dabie orogen in China demonstrates that they may have been generated by partial melting of subducted continental crust. The post-collisional granitoids from the Dabie orogen comprise hornblende-bearing intermediate rocks and hornblende-free granitic rocks. These granitoids are characterized by fractionated REE patterns with low HREE contents and negative HFSE anomalies (Nb, Ta and Ti). Although zircon U–Pb dating gives consistent ages of 120 to 130 Ma for magma crystallization, occurrence of inherited cores is identified by CL imaging and SHRIMP U–Pb dating; some zircon grains yield ages of 739 to 749 Ma and 214 to 249 Ma, in agreement with Neoproterozoic protolith ages of UHP metaigneous rocks and a Triassic tectono-metamorphic event in the Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt, respectively. The granitoids have relatively homogeneous zircon δ18O values from 4.14‰ to 6.11‰ with an average of 5.10‰ ± 0.42‰ (n = 28) similar to normal mantle zircon. Systematically low zircon δ18O values for most of the coeval mafic–ultramafic rocks and intruded country rocks preclude an AFC process of mafic magma or mixing between mafic and felsic magma as potential mechanisms for the petrogenesis of the granitoids. Along with zircon U–Pb ages and element results, it is inferred that the granitic rocks were probably derived from partial melting of intermediate lower crust and the intermediate rocks were generated by amphibole-dehydration melting of mafic rocks in the thickened lower crust, coupled with fractional crystallization during magma emplacement. The post-collisional granitoids in the Dabie orogen are interpreted to originate from recycling of the subducted Yangtze continental crust that was thickened by the Triassic continent–continent collision. Partial melting of orogenic lithospheric keel is suggested to have generated the bimodal igneous rocks with the similar crustal heritage. Crustal thinning by post-collisional detachment postdated the onset of bimodal magmatism that was initiated by a thermal pulse related to mantle superwelling in Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The Hongshan quartz monzonite porphyry is one of the Yanshanian intrusions in the southern part of the Yudun Arc. Detailed zircon U–Pb data of four samples yielded ages of 78.8–80.7 Ma, indicating that the Hongshan intrusion was emplaced during the late stage of Late Cretaceous. The Hongshan intrusion shows shoshonitic and high‐K calc‐alkaline, with A/CNK = 0.64–1.14. The rocks show an obvious fractionation between light and heavy rare‐earth elements (average [La/Yb]N = 38.85), with negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.60–0.87), enrichment in large‐ion lithophile elements (Rb, Th, U and K) and depletion in high field‐strength elements (Nb, Ta and P). Rocks have high Sr and low Y content which are characteristics of adakitic rocks, suggesting magma derivation from thickened lower crust. In order to evaluate the nature of the source region, Hf isotope data of zircons were acquired through LA‐MC‐ICPMS. The negative and variable εHf(t) values demonstrate that the Hongshan intrusion was derived from ancient crust, without mantle‐derived components and is significantly different from the Triassic intrusions in the southern part of the Yudun Arc. The three Yanshanian intrusions in Hongshan, Relin and Tongchangou are remarkably similar in terms of geochronology, geochemistry and Hf isotopes. We therefore infer that these intrusions had the same magmatic source and we correlate the tectonics with northward subduction of Tethys underneath the Asian continent. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Metatexite and diatexite migmatites are widely distributed within the upper amphibolite and granulite facies zones of the Higo low‐P/high‐T metamorphic terrane. Here, we report data from an outcrop in the highest grade part of the granulite facies zone, in which diatexite occurs as a 3 m thick layer between 2 m thick layers of stromatic‐structured metatexite within pelitic gneiss. The migmatites and gneiss contain the same peak mineral assemblage of biotite + plagioclase + quartz + garnet + K‐feldspar with retrograde chlorite ± muscovite and some accessory minerals of ilmenite ± rutile ± titanite + apatite + zircon + monazite ± pyrite ± zinc sulphide ± calcite. Calculated metamorphic P–T conditions are 800–900 °C and 9–12 kbar. Zircon in the diatexite forms elongate euhedral crystals with oscillatory zoning, but no core–rim structure. Zircon from the gneiss and metatexite forms euhedral–subhedral grains comprising inherited cores overgrown by thin rims. The overgrowth rims in the metatexite have lower Th/U ratios than zircon in the diatexite and yield a 206Pb/238U age of 116.0 ± 1.6 Ma, which is older than the 110.1 ± 0.6 Ma 206Pb/238U age derived from zircon in the diatexite. Zircon from the diatexite has variable REE contents with convex upward patterns and flat normalized HREE, whereas the overgrowth rims in the metatexite and gneiss have steep HREE‐enriched patterns; however, both types have similar positive Ce and negative Eu anomalies. 176Hf/177Hf ratios in the overgrowth rims from the metatexite are more variable and generally lower than values from zircon in the diatexite. Based on U–Pb ages, trace element and Hf isotope data, the zircon rims in the metatexite are interpreted to have crystallized from a locally derived melt, following partial dissolution of inherited protolith zircon during anatexis, whereas the zircon in the diatexite is interpreted to have crystallized from a melt that included an externally derived component. By integrating zircon and petrographic data for the migmatites and pelitic gneiss, the metatexite migmatite is interpreted to have formed by in situ partial melting in which the melt did not migrate from the source, whereas the diatexite migmatite included an externally derived juvenile component. The Cretaceous high‐temperature metamorphism of the Higo metamorphic terrane is interpreted to reflect emplacement of mantle‐derived basalts under a volcanic arc along the eastern margin of the Eurasian continent and advection of heat via hybrid silicic melts from the lower crust. Post‐peak crystallization of anatectic melts in a high‐T region at mid‐crustal depths occurred in the interval c. 116–110 Ma, as indicated by the difference in zircon ages from the metatexite and diatexite migmatites.  相似文献   

The Ross orogen of Antarctica is an extensive (>3000 km‐long) belt of deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary rocks and granitoid batholiths, which formed during convergence and subduction of palaeo‐Pacific lithosphere beneath East Gondwana in the Neoproterozoic–early Palaeozoic. Despite its prominent role in Gondwanan convergent tectonics, and a well‐established magmatic record, relatively little is known about the metamorphic rocks in the Ross orogen. A combination of garnet Lu–Hf and monazite U–Pb (measured by laser‐ablation split‐stream ICP‐MS) geochronology reveals a protracted metamorphic history of metapelites and garnet amphibolites from a major segment of the orogen. Additionally, direct dating of a common rock‐forming mineral (garnet) and accessory mineral (monazite) allows us to test assumptions that are commonly used when linking accessory mineral geochronology to rock‐forming mineral reactions. Petrography, mineral zoning, thermobarometry and pseudosection modelling reveal a Barrovian‐style prograde path, reaching temperatures of ~610–680 °C. Despite near‐complete diffusional resetting of garnet major element zoning, the garnet retains strong rare earth element zoning and preserves Lu–Hf dates that range from c. 616–572 Ma. Conversely, monazite in the rocks was extensively recrystallized, with concordant dates that span from c. 610–500 Ma, and retain only vestigial cores. Monazite cores yield dates that overlap with the garnet Lu–Hf dates and typically have low‐Y and heavy rare earth element (HREE) concentrations, corroborating interpretations of low‐Y and low‐HREE monazite domains as records of synchronous garnet growth. However, ratios of REE concentrations in garnet and monazite do not consistently match previously reported partition coefficients for the REE between these two minerals. High‐Y monazite inclusions within pristine, crack‐free garnet yield U–Pb dates significantly younger than the Lu–Hf dates for the same samples, indicating recrystallization of monazite within garnet. The recrystallization of high‐Y and high‐HREE monazite domains over >50 Ma likely records either punctuated thermal pulses or prolonged residence at relatively high temperatures (up to ~610–680 °C) driving monazite recrystallization. One c. 616 Ma garnet Lu–Hf date and several c. 610–600 Ma monazite U–Pb dates are tentatively interpreted as records of the onset of tectonism metamorphism in the Ross orogeny, with a more robust constraint from the other Lu–Hf dates (c. 588–572 Ma) and numerous c. 590–570 Ma monazite U–Pb dates. The data are consistent with a tectonic model that involves shortening and thickening prior to widespread magmatism in the vicinity of the study area. The early tectonic history of the Ross orogen, recorded in metamorphic rocks, was broadly synchronous with Gondwana‐wide collisional Pan‐African orogenies.  相似文献   

The South Altyn continental block is an important geological unit of the Altyn Tagh orogenic belt, in which numerous Neoproterozoic granitoids crop out. Granitoids are mainly located in the Paxialayidang–Yaganbuyang area and can provide indispensable information on the dynamics of Rodinia supercontinent aggregation during the Neoproterozoic. Therefore, the study of granitoids can help us understand the formation and evolutionary history of the Altyn Tagh orogenic belt. In this work, we investigated the Yaganbuyang granitic pluton through petrography, geochemistry, zircon U–Pb chronology, and Hf isotope approaches. We obtained the following conclusions:(1) Yaganbuyang granitoids mainly consist of two-mica granite and granodiorite. Geochemical data suggested that these granitoids are peraluminous calc–alkaline or high-K calc–alkaline granite types. Zircon U–Pb data yielded ages of 939±7.1 Ma for granodiorite and ~954 Ma for granitoids, respectively.(2) The εHf(t) values of two–mica granite and granodiorite are in the range of-3.93 to +5.30 and-8.64 to +5.19, respectively. The Hf model ages(TDM2) of two-mica granite and granodiorite range from 1.59–.05 Ga and 1.62–2.35 Ga, respectively, indicating that the parental magma of these materials is derived from ancient crust with a portion of juvenile crust.(3) Granitoids formed in a collisional orogen setting, which may be a response to Rodinia supercontinent convergence during the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

The Yangchang granite‐hosted Mo deposit is typical of the Xilamulun metallogenic belt, which is one of the important Mo–Pb–Zn–Ag producers in China. A combination of major and trace element, Sr, Nd and Pb isotope, and zircon U–Pb age data are reported for the Yangchang batholith to constrain its petrogenesis and Mo mineralization. Zircon LA‐ICPMS U–Pb dating yields mean ages of 138 ± 2 and 132 ± 2 Ma for monzogranite and granite porphyry, respectively. The monzogranites and granite porphyries are calc‐alkaline with K2O/Na2O ratios of 0.75–0.92 and 1.75–4.42, respectively. They are all enriched in large‐ion lithophile elements (LILEs) and depleted in high‐field‐strength elements (HFSEs) with negative Nb and Ta anomalies in primitive‐mantle‐normalized trace element diagrams. The monzogranites have relatively high Sr (380–499 ppm) and Y (14–18 ppm) concentrations, and the granite porphyries have lower Sr (31–71 ppm) and Y (5–11 ppm) concentrations than those of monzogranites. The monzogranites and granite porphyries have relatively low initial Sr isotope ratios of 0.704573–0.705627 and 0.704281, respectively, and similar 206Pb/204Pb ratios of 18.75–18.98 and 18.48–18.71, respectively. In contrast, the εNd(t) value (−3.7) of granite porphyry is lower than those of monzogranites (−1.5 to −2.7) with Nd model ages of about 1.0 Ga. These geochemical features suggest that the monzogranite and granite porphyries were derived from juvenile crustal rocks related to subduction of the Paleo‐Pacific plate under east China. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

SHRIMP U–Pb dating and laser ablation ICP‐MS trace element analyses of zircon from four eclogite samples from the north‐western Dabie Mountains, central China, provide evidence for two eclogite facies metamorphic events. Three samples from the Huwan shear zone yield indistinguishable late Carboniferous metamorphic ages of 312 ± 5, 307 ± 4 and 311 ± 17 Ma, with a mean age of 309 ± 3 Ma. One sample from the Hong'an Group, 1 km south of the shear zone yields a late Triassic age of 232 ± 10 Ma, similar to the age of ultra‐high pressure (UHP) metamorphism in the east Qinling–Dabie orogenic belt. REE and other trace element compositions of the zircon from two of the Huwan samples indicate metamorphic zircon growth in the presence of garnet but not plagioclase, namely in the eclogite facies, an interpretation supported by the presence of garnet, omphacite and phengite inclusions. Zircon also grew during later retrogression. Zircon cores from the Huwan shear zone have Ordovician to Devonian (440–350 Ma) ages, flat to steep heavy‐REE patterns, negative Eu anomalies, and in some cases plagioclase inclusions, indicative of derivation from North China Block igneous and low pressure metamorphic source rocks. Cores from Hong'an Group zircon are Neoproterozoic (780–610 Ma), consistent with derivation from the South China Block. In the western Dabie Mountains, the first stage of the collision between the North and South China Blocks took place in the Carboniferous along a suture north of the Huwan shear zone. The major Triassic continent–continent collision occurred along a suture at the southern boundary of the shear zone. The first collision produced local eclogite facies metamorphism in the Huwan shear zone. The second produced widespread eclogite facies metamorphism throughout the Dabie Mountains–Sulu terrane and a lower grade overprint in the shear zone.  相似文献   

The Weiquan Ag-polymetallic deposit is located on the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and in the western segment of the Aqishan-Yamansu arc belt in East Tianshan,northwestern China. Its orebodies, controlled by faults, occur in the lower Carboniferous volcanosedimentary rocks of the Yamansu Formation as irregular veins and lenses. Four stages of mineralization have been recognized on the basis of mineral assemblages, ore fabrics, and crosscutting relationships among the ore veins. Stage I is the skarn stage(garnet + pyroxene), Stage Ⅱ is the retrograde alteration stage(epidote + chlorite + magnetite ± hematite 士 actinolite ± quartz),Stage Ⅲ is the sulfide stage(Ag and Bi minerals + pyrite + chalcopyrite + galena + sphalerite + quartz ± calcite ± tetrahedrite),and Stage IV is the carbonate stage(quartz + calcite ± pyrite). Skarnization,silicification, carbonatization,epidotization,chloritization, sericitization, and actinolitization are the principal types of hydrothermal alteration. LAICP-MS U-Pb dating yielded ages of 326.5±4.5 and 298.5±1.5 Ma for zircons from the tuff and diorite porphyry, respectively. Given that the tuff is wall rock and that the orebodies are cut by a late diorite porphyry dike, the ages of the tuff and the diorite porphyry provide lower and upper time limits on the age of ore formation. The δ~(13)C values of the calcite samples range from-2.5‰ to 2.3‰, the δ~(18)O_(H2 O) and δD_(VSMOW) values of the sulfide stage(Stage Ⅲ) vary from 1.1‰ to 5.2‰ and-111.7‰ to-66.1‰, respectively,and the δ~(13)C, δ~(18)O_(H2 O) and δD_(V-SMOW) values of calcite in one Stage IV sample are 1.5‰,-0.3‰, and-115.6‰, respectively. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen isotopic compositions indicate that the ore-forming fluids evolved gradually from magmatic to meteoric sources. The δ~(34)S_(V-CDT) values of the sulfides have a large range from-6.9‰ to 1.4‰, with an average of-2.2‰, indicating a magmatic source, possibly with sedimentary contributions. The ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb, and ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb ratios of the sulfides are 17.9848-18.2785,15.5188-15.6536, and 37.8125-38.4650, respectively, and one whole-rock sample at Weiquan yields~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb, and ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb ratios of 18.2060, 15.5674, and 38.0511,respectively. Lead isotopic systems suggest that the ore-forming materials of the Weiquan deposit were derived from a mixed source involving mantle and crustal components. Based on geological features, zircon U-Pb dating, and C-H-OS-Pb isotopic data, it can be concluded that the Weiquan polymetallic deposit is a skarn type that formed in a tectonic setting spanning a period from subduction to post-collision. The ore materials were sourced from magmatic ore-forming fluids that mixed with components derived from host rocks during their ascent, and a gradual mixing with meteoric water took place in the later stages.  相似文献   

Migmatite gneisses are widespread in the Dabie orogen, but their formation ages are poorly constrained. Eight samples of migmatite, including leucosome, melanosome, and banded gneiss, were selected for U–Pb dating and Hf isotope analysis. Most metamorphic zircon occurs as overgrowths around inherited igneous cores or as newly grown grains. Morphological and internal structure features suggest that their growth is associated with partial melting. According to the Hf isotope ratio relationships between metamorphic zircon and inherited cores, three formation mechanisms for metamorphic zircon can be determined, which are dissolution–reprecipitation of pre‐existing zircon, breakdown of Zr‐bearing phase other than zircon in a closed system and crystallization from externally derived Zr‐bearing melt. Four samples contain magmatic zircon cores, yielding upper intercept U–Pb ages of 807 ± 35–768 ± 12 Ma suggesting that the protoliths of the migmatites are Neoproterozoic in age. The migmatite zircon yields weighted mean two‐stage Hf model ages of 2513 ± 97–894 ± 54 Ma, indicating reworking of both juvenile and ancient crustal materials at the time of their protolith formation. The metamorphic zircons give U–Pb ages of 145 ± 2–120 ± 2 Ma. The oldest age indicates that partial melting commenced prior to 145 Ma, which also constrains the onset of extensional tectonism in this region to pre‐145 Ma. The youngest age of 120 Ma was obtained from an undeformed granitic vein, indicating that deformation in this area was complete at this time. Two major episodes of partial melting were dated at 139 ± 1 and 123 ± 1Ma. The first episode of partial melting is obviously older than the timing of post‐collision magmatism, corresponding to regional extension. The second episode of partial melting is coeval with the widespread post‐collision magmatism, indicating the gravitational collapse and delamination of the orogenic lithospheric keel of the Dabie orogen, which were possibly triggered by the uprising of the Cretaceous mid‐Pacific superplume.  相似文献   

The Huaheitan molybdenum deposit in the Beishan area of northwest China consists of quartz‐sulfide veins. Orebodies occur in the contact zone of the Huaniushan granite. LA‐ICPMS U–Pb zircon dating constrains the crystallization of the granite at 225.6 ± 2.2 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 4.5). Re–Os dating of five molybdenite samples yield model ages ranging from 223.2 ± 3.5 Ma to 228.6 ± 3.4 Ma, with an average of 225.2 ± 2.4 Ma. The U–Pb and Re–Os ages are identical within the error, suggesting that the granite and related Huaheitan molybdenum deposit formed in the Late Triassic. Our new data, combined with published geochronological results from the other molybdenum deposits in this region, imply that intensive magmatism and Mo mineralization occurred during 240 Ma to 220 Ma throughout the Beishan area.  相似文献   

Garnet–clinopyroxene ultra‐high‐pressure (UHP) rocks from the northern Bohemian Massif contain zircon with micro‐diamond inclusions. Trace element concentrations, oxygen and hafnium isotopic composition and U–Pb age of distinct textural domains in zircon characterize their growth conditions and temporal evolution. Diamond‐bearing zircon mantle domains with relicts of oscillatory zoning have uniform Th/U ratios (~0.1–0.2), high‐Ti contents (110–190 ppm, corresponding to temperatures of at least 1100 °C), and some (two of 17 mantle analyses) preserve steep heavy rare earth element (HREE) patterns with YbN/GdN = 10–11, with a weak negative Eu anomaly. These signatures are consistent with crystallization from a melt under UHP/ultra‐high‐temperature (UHT) conditions. Some of the bright‐cathodoluminscence (CL) rims preserve Th/U and Ti values characteristic of the zircon mantles, but others show elevated Th/U ratios of ~0.3–0.4 and lower Ti contents (20–40 ppm; only 13 ppm in a rare low‐CL outer rim). As they feature flat HREE patterns and negative Eu anomalies and commonly make embayments and truncate the mantle zoning, we suggest that they have formed through recrystallization in the solid state during exhumation of the rock, when both garnet and plagioclase were stable. The three zircon domains, that is, cores, mantles and rims, yield U–Pb concordia ages of 340.9 ± 1.5, 340.3 ± 1.5 and 341.2 ± 3.4 Ma respectively. When linked to the previously reconstructed P–T path of the rock, the error limits of the zircon mantle and rim ages constrain the exhumation of the rocks from depth of ~140 km (UHP) to ~80 km (HP) to a minimum rate of 1.5 cm yr?1. The zircon cores are heterogeneous in terms of Th/U ratio (below 0.1 but also above 0.2) and REE characteristics, and their εHf values scatter between ?15.7 and +4.8 with similar values for individual domains within a single zircon grain suggesting a very localized control on hafnium isotope composition on a grain scale. The non‐equilibrated εHf values as well as a large range of the Hf‐depleted mantle model ages possibly reflect the presence of a heterogeneous population of old zircon. Consequently, the uniform and young 238U/206Pb ages may represent (near‐)complete resetting of the U–Pb geochronometer during the UHP–UHT event at c. 340 Ma through dissolution–reprecipitation process. In contrast to Hf, the oxygen isotope composition of zircon is homogeneous, ranging between 7.8‰ and 9.6‰ VSMOW, reflecting a source containing upper crustal material and homogenization at UHP–UHT conditions. Our study documents that continental crust was subducted to mantle depths at c. 340 Ma during the Variscan orogeny and was subsequently very rapidly exhumed, implying that the sequence of events was faster than can be resolved by the secondary ion mass spectrometry technique.  相似文献   

LA‐ICP‐MS U–Pb detrital zircon studies typically analyse 50–200 grains per sample, with the consequent risk that minor but geologically important age components (e.g., the youngest detrital zircon population) are not detected, and higher abundance age components are misrepresented, rendering quantitative comparisons between samples impossible. This study undertook rapid U–Pb LA‐ICP‐MS analyses (8 s per 18–47 μm diameter spot including baseline and ablation) of zircon, apatite, rutile and titanite using an aerosol rapid introduction system (ARIS). As the ARIS resolves individual single pulses at fast sampling rates, spot analyses require a high repetition rate (> 50 Hz) so the signal does not return to baseline and mass sweep times (> 80 ms) that span several laser pulses (i.e., major undersampling of the signal). All rapid U–Pb spot analyses employed 250–300 pulses, repetition rates of 53–65 Hz (total ablation times of 4.1–5.7 s) and low fluence (1.75–2.5 J cm?2), resulting in pit depths of ca. 15 μm. Zircon, apatite, rutile and titanite reference material data yield an accuracy and precision (2s) of < 1% for pre‐Cenozoic reference materials and < 2% for younger reference materials. We present a detrital zircon data set from a Neoproterozoic tillite where > 1000 grains were analysed in < 3 h with a precision and accuracy comparable to conventional LA‐ICP‐MS analytical protocols, demonstrating the rapid acquisition of huge detrital data sets.  相似文献   

The Koktokay No. 3 pegmatite is the largest Li–Be–Nb–Ta–Cs pegmatitic rare‐metal deposit of the Chinese Altai orogenic belt, and is famous for its concentric ring zonation pattern (nine internal zones). However, the formation age and evolution time span have been controversial. Here, we present the results of LA‐ICP–MS zircon U–Pb dating and muscovite 40Ar–39Ar dating. Four groups of zircon U–Pb ages (~210 Ma, ~193–198 Ma, ~186–187 Ma and ~172 Ma) for Zones II, V, VI, VII, and VIII, and a weighed mean 206Pb/238U age of 965 ± 11 Ma for Zone IV are identified. Also, Zones II, IV, and VI have muscovite 40Ar–39Ar plateau ages of 179.7 ± 1.1 Ma, 182.1 ± 1.0 Ma, and 181.8 ± 1.1 Ma, respectively. Considering previous U–Pb age studies (Zones I, V, and VII), the ages of emplacement, Li mineralization peak, hydrothermal stage of the No. 3 pegmatite are in ranges of 193–198 Ma, 184–187 Ma and 172–175 Ma, with weighted mean 206Pb–238U ages of 194.8 ± 2.3 Ma, 186.6 ± 1.3 Ma and 173.1 ± 3.9 Ma, respectively. The No. 3 pegmatite formed in the early Jurassic. The results of xenocrysts suggest that there is another pegmatite forming event of around 210 Ma in the mining district and the old zircon U–Pb ages imply that Neoproterozoic crustal rocks pertain to sources of the No. 3 pegmatite. Including the previous muscovite 40Ar–39Ar age studies (Zones I and V), a cooling age range of 177–182 Ma is considered as the time of hydrothermal stage and end of formation. The evolution process of the No. 3 pegmatite lasted 16 Ma. Therein, the magmatic stage continued for 9–11 Myr and the magmatic–hydrothermal transition and hydrothermal stages were sustained at 5–7 Ma. These time spans are long because of huge scale, cupola shape, large formation depth, and complex internal zoning patterns and formation processes. Considering some pegmatite dikes in the Chinese Altai, there is an early Jurassic pegmatite forming event.  相似文献   

The Lakange porphyry Cu–Mo deposit within the Gangdese metallogenic belt of Tibet is located in the southern–central part of the eastern Lhasa block, in the Tibetan Tethyan tectonic domain. This deposit is one of the largest identified by a joint Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau geological survey project undertaken in recent years. Here, we present the results of the systematic logging of drillholes and provide new petrological, zircon U–Pb age, and molybdenite Re–Os age data for the deposit. The ore‐bearing porphyritic granodiorite contains elevated concentrations of silica and alkali elements but low concentrations of MgO and CaO. It is metaluminous to weakly peraluminous and has A/CNK values of 0.90–1.01. The samples contain low total REE concentrations and show light REE/heavy REE (LREE/HREE) ratios of 17.51–19.77 and (La/Yb)N values of 29.65–41.05. The intrusion is enriched in the large‐ion lithophile elements (LILE) and depleted in the HREE and high field‐strength elements (HFSE). The ore‐bearing porphyritic granodiorite yielded a Miocene zircon U–Pb crystallization age of 13.58 ± 0.42 Ma, whereas the mineralization within the Lakange deposit yielded Miocene molybdenite Re–Os ages of 13.20 ± 0.20 and 13.64 ± 0.21, with a weighted mean of 13.38 ± 0.15 Ma and an isochron age of 13.12 ± 0.44 Ma. This indicates that the crystallization and mineralization of the Lakange porphyry were contemporaneous. The ore‐bearing porphyritic granodiorite yielded zircon εHf(t) values between ?3.99 and 4.49 (mean, ?0.14) and two‐stage model ages between 1349 and 808 Myr (mean, 1103 Myr). The molybdenite within the deposit contains 343.6–835.7 ppm Re (mean, 557.8 ppm). These data indicate that the mineralized porphyritic granodiorite within the Lakange deposit is adakitic and formed from parental magmas derived mainly from juvenile crustal material that partly mixed with older continental crust during the evolution of the magmas. The Lakange porphyry Cu–Mo deposit and numerous associated porphyry–skarn deposits in the eastern Gangdese porphyry copper belt (17–13 Ma) formed in an extensional tectonic setting during the India–Asia continental collision.  相似文献   

The Qichun granitoids exposed in the Dabie Orogen of China are composed of two types of rocks: porphyritic monzogranite (with variable schistosity) and syenogranite (without schistosity). The two types show large differences in geochemical characteristics. The porphyritic monzogranite is characterized by high Al2O3 content (15.73%), relatively high CaO (2.46%) and Na2O contents (Na2O/K2O=1.27), strong depletion in HREE and strong fractionation between LREE and HREE ((La/Yb)N=46.8), similar to some high Al2O3 Archaean TTG gneisses. Conversely, the syenogranite is characterized by relatively low Al2O3 (14.05%) and CaO (0.82%) contents, and higher K2O than Na2O (Na2O/K2O=0.81). The degree of fractionation between LREE and HREE is minor. The U–Pb SHRIMP zircon age of the porphyritic monzogranite is 841±15 and 824±27 Ma for the syenogranite. These ages are similar to the protolith emplacement ages of granitic gneisses in the Dabie Orogenic Belt. The existence of weakly to unmetamorphosed granitoids in the Dabie Orogen shows that the granitoids were situated in the back part of the subducted plate during collision and subduction between the Yangtze and the North China cratons, and may represent outcrops of the Yangtze basement.  相似文献   

The Yangla copper deposit (Cu reserves: 1.2 Mt) in the Jinshajiang–Lancangjiang–Nujiang region in China is spatially associated with the Linong granitoid. Zircon U–Pb dating shows the granitoid formed at 234.1 ± 1.2 to 235.6 ± 1.2 Ma, and the KT2 ore body of the deposit yields a molybdenite Re–Os model age of 230.9 ± 3.2 Ma. The ages of mineralization and crystallization of the granitoid are identical within the measurement uncertainties, suggesting the Yangla deposit is genitically related to the Indosinian Linong granitoid.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic porphyry assemblage in the Jinduicheng area is a special molybdenum area in China, the Mo deposits, including the Jinduicheng, Balipo, Shijiawan, Huanglongpu, are distributed. The emplacement age and geochemical features of the granites in the Jinduicheng area can provide essential information for the exploration and development of the porphyry molybdenum deposit. In this study, we report LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb age and zircon Hf isotopic compositions of granite porphyries from the Jinduicheng area, and provide insights on the petrogensis and source characteristics of the granites. The results show that the zircon U–Pb ages of the Jinduicheng granite porphyry (143±1 Ma) and the Balipo granite (154±1 Ma), agree well with the Re–Os ages of molybdenite in the Jinduicheng molybdenum polymetallic deposit (139±3 Ma) and the Balipo molybdenum polymetallic deposit (156±2 Ma), indicating that the emplacement of granite porphyries occurred between Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. Zircons granite from the Jinduicheng area give the εHf(t) values mainly ranging from ?10 to ?16, and ?20 to ?24, respectively, corresponding to two–stage model ages (tDM2: mainly focused on 1.86–2.0 Ga, and 2.2–2.6 Ga, respectively) of zircons of the granite from the Jinduicheng values. The ore–forming materials are mainly derived from crust, with minor mantle substances. Zircons of the granite from the Balipo area give εHf(t) values ranging from ?18 to ?20, ?28 to ?38, and ?42 to ?44, respectively, corresponding to two–stage model ages (tDM2: mainly focused on 1.88–3.0 Ga, and 3.2–3.90 Ga, respectively). the εHf(t) values of the Jinduicheng porphyry more than that of the Balipo porphyry, and two–stage model ages (tDM2) less than that of the Balipo porphyry, shows that he source of the porphyries originated from ancient lower crustal materials in the Jinduicheng area, and mixed younger components, more younger components contributed for the source of the Jinduicheng porphyry.  相似文献   

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