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袁丽平  解三平  孙宇  刘志伟  陈杰  郭虎 《地质通报》2017,36(8):1334-1342
云南现代真蕨类植物资源丰富,蕨类植物多样性的地史起源,必须从化石记录入手。在云南临沧上中新统邦卖组植物化石采集中发现了槲蕨属1块不育叶和2块腐殖叶的新材料,这些标本为修订Drynaria propinqua Wen et al.,2013,以及揭示该种不育叶和腐殖叶的特征提供了新的材料。通过与槲蕨属国内外报道的化石种和现生种的详细比较,将其重新定名为Drynaria cf.propinqua。Drynaria cf.propinqua的发现,表明云南临沧晚中新世的气候与现今中国西南地区温暖湿润的气候类似,这些附生植物的生活习性表明,临沧地区复杂分层的森林生态系统至少在晚中新世已经确立。  相似文献   

It is now generally accepted that the Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a [OAE 1a] correlates with the lower part of the Leupoldina cabri planktonic foraminiferal Zone. Its calibration against the standard ammonite scale, however, seems to be more problematic. This is due, in part, to the fact that ammonites are scarce and/or of little diagnostic value from a biochronological viewpoint in the lower Aptian pelagic successions where the black shale horizons are better developed.We have been able to characterize OAE 1a geochemically in the relatively shallow water deposits of the eastern Iberian Chain (Maestrat Basin, eastern Spain), where ammonite faunas are rich. The interval corresponding to this event is dominated by the genera Roloboceras and Megatyloceras, accompanied by Deshayesites forbesi and Deshayesites gr. euglyphus/spathi. This assemblage is characteristic of the middle/upper part of the Deshayesites weissi Zone. The first occurrence of the species Deshayesites deshayesi (d'Orbigny), which marks the base of the overlying zone, takes place in our sections some metres above the OAE 1a interval.In the historical stratotype region of Cassis-La Bédoule (southern Provence Basin, southeastern France), the OAE 1a interval is also characterized by the presence of Roloboceras and Megatyloceras. Nevertheless, it has usually been correlated with the D. deshayesi Zone. In our opinion, this discrepancy is due to divergences in the taxonomic assignments of the deshayesitids present in these beds. In fact, the specimens attributed by French authors [Ropolo, P., Conte, G., Gonnet, R., Masse, J.P., Moullade, M., 2000. Les faunes d'Ammonites du Barrémien supérieur/Aptien inférieur (Bédoulien) dans la région stratotypique de Cassis-La Bédoule (SE France): état des connaissances et propositions pour une zonation par Ammonites du Bédoulien-type. Géologie Méditerranéenne 25, 167–175; Ropolo, P., Moullade, M., Gonnet, R., Conte, G., Tronchetti, G., 2006. The Deshayesitidae Stoyanov, 1949 (Ammonoidea) of the Aptian historical stratotype region at Cassis-La Bédoule (SE France), Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology Memoir 2006/01, 1–46.] to D. deshayesi and D. dechyi can be reinterpreted as belonging to D. forbesi.Following this reinterpretation, the Roloboceras beds (equivalent of OAE 1a) of Cassis-La Bédoule would also correspond to the D. weissi Zone. This age is additionally corroborated by data from southern England [Casey, R., 1961a. The stratigraphical palaeontology of the Lower Greensand. Palaeontology 3, 487–621; Casey, R., 1961b. A Monograph of the Ammonoidea of the Lower Greensand, part III. Palaeontographical Society, London, pp. 119–216], and by our recent observations in Le Teil (Ardèche Platform, southeastern France), where the Roloboceras faunas are also associated with Deshayesites consobrinus and Deshayesites gr. euglyphus, taxa that are characteristic of the D. weissi Zone.  相似文献   

Au Chiapas, sud-est du Mexique, la Formation Angostura d'âge Maastrichtien est riche en grands formanifères benthiques et en algues dasycladacées. Parmi celles-ci, nous avons reconnu une nouvelle forme, Neogyroporella? servaisi n. sp., qui se caractérise par un seul ordre de ramifications disposées en verticille et de type vésiculifère.In the State of Chiapas (SE Mexico), the Maastrichtian Angostura Formation is very rich in large benthic foraminifera and Dasycladaceae. We describe a new species. Neogyroporella? servaisi n. sp., which is characterized by having primary branches arranged in whorls of a vesicular type.  相似文献   

New Mesozoic Mesopsychidae(Mecoptera)from Northeastern China   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
<正>The Mesozoic family Mesopsychidae Tillyard,1917 presently consists of seven described genera and 13 species from the mid-Triassic to the Early Cretaceous of Australia,South Africa and Eurasia.In the present paper one new genus and three new species of fossil mesopsychids are described that add significant distributional and stratigraphic extensions to the family.This finding documents the first formal record of fossil Mesopsychidae in China.Both Lichnomesopsyche gloriae gen.et sp.nov.and L.daohugouensis gen.et sp.nov. were found from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia,whereas Vitimopsyche kozlovi sp. nov.,of mid Early Cretaceous age,was collected from the Jehol Biota of northern Hebei Province.This new,well-preserved material from China reveals complete and previously unknown body features,including head, antennae,mouthparts,legs and abdomen.The delicate and long proboscides of these new taxa indicate that they were feeding on externally exposed,nutrient-rich fluids of gymnospermous ovulate fructifications,and incapable of piercing surface epidermis-attributable principally to the absence of stylets.These proboscides originated, perhaps multiply,among basal Mecoptera and are functionally and structurally convergent with equivalent mouthparts borne by fossil and extant Diptera,Lepidoptera,Neuroptera and Coleoptera.  相似文献   

During the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, Bison was widely dispersed across North America and occupied most regions not covered by ice sheets. A dietary study on Bison paleopopulations from Alaska, New Mexico, Florida, and Texas was performed using two methods that relate dental wear patterns to diet, mesowear analysis and microwear analysis. These data were compared to a mixed sample of extant Bison from the North American central plains, extant wood Bison from Alberta (Canada) and a variety of other modern ungulates. Mesowear relates macroscopic molar facet shape to levels of dietary abrasion. The mesowear signature observed on fossil Bison differs significantly from the hyper-abrasive grazing diet of extant Bison. Tooth microwear examines wear on the surface of enamel at a microscopic scale. The microwear signal of fossil samples resembles to modern Bison, but the fossil samples show a greater diversity of features, suggesting that fossil Bison populations regularly consumed food items that are texturally inconsistent with the short-grass diet typical of modern plains Bison. Mesowear and microwear signals of fossil Bison samples most closely resemble a variety of typical mixed feeding ungulates, all with diets that are substantially less abrasive than what is typical for modern plains Bison. Furthermore, statistical tests suggest significant differences between the microwear signatures of the fossil samples, thus revealing geographic variability in Pleistocene Bison diets. This study reveals that fossils are of value in developing an understanding of the dietary breadth and ecological versatility of species that, in recent times, are rare, endangered, and occupy only a small remnant of their former ranges.  相似文献   

The first ammonite discovered at the base of the Ghomrassène Member of the Tataouine Formation belongs to a species of Pachyerymnoceras from the Latest Callovian (Solidum Zone) of the Arabian province. The underlying Krechem el Miit Member is also dated Late Callovian, with a fauna of Pachyerymnoceras from the Lower Athleta Zone in Algeria. The associated faunas (echinids, brachiopods) are the same, as well as the faunas of the overlying Ksar Haddada Member, which is dated also Late Callovian, referring to the brachiopods faunal succession in Saudi Arabia. Correlations with other areas in Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Middle East underline the same sedimentary evolution during a second-order transgressive half-cycle. To cite this article: R. Enay et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1157–1167.


La première ammonite découverte à la base du membre Ghomrassène de la formation Tataouine est un Pachyerymnoceras de la partie supérieure du Callovien supérieur (Zone à Solidum) de la province arabique. Le membre Krechem el Miit sous-jacent est aussi daté du Callovien supérieur par des Pachyerymnoceras connus dans la partie inférieure de la Zone à Athleta en Algérie. La faune associée (échinides, brachiopodes) est la même que celle du membre Ksar Haddada sus-jacent, daté également du Callovien supérieur par référence à la succession des brachiopodes en Arabie Saoudite. Les corrélations avec les autres régions de Tunisie, l'Arabie Saoudite et le Moyen-Orient mettent en évidence une même évolution sédimentaire au cours d'un demi-cycle transgressif de deuxième ordre. Pour citer cet article : R. Enay et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1157–1167.  相似文献   

La découverte de nouveaux gisements dans le Sud de la France révèle la persistance, dans le Cénomanien, d'Embergerella cruciata, Atopochara restricta et A. brevicellis (Clavatoraceae). Une parenté entre les genres Embergerella (Barrémien-Cénomanien) et Septorella (Maastrichtien) est envisagée sur la base d'une nouvelle interprétation de la structure de l'utricule. Pour la première fois, des représentants de la famille des Characeae sont décrits dans le Cénomanien: Peckisphaera revesti n. sp. et le Turonien: Mesochara fusiformis n. sp. Indications biostratigraphiques: dans l'état actuel des connaissances sur les flores de Charophytes du Crétacé moyen, seul le Cénomanien est bien caractérisé, par A. multivolvis à laquelle s'ajoute maintenant une nouvelle association de quatre espèces; l'Albien et le Turonien, pour lesquels des précisions sont apportées, restent toutefois encore mal individualisés.The discovery of new localities in the South of France shows that Embergerella cruciata, Atopochara restricta and A. brevicellis (Clavatoraceae) continued into the Cenomanian. A relationship between the genera Embergerella (Barremian-Cenomanian) and Septorella (Maastrichtian) is suggested on the basis of a new interpretation of the structure of the utricle. Representatives of the family Characeae are described for the first time, Peckisphaera revesti n. sp. in the Cenomanian and Mesochara fusiformis n. sp. in the Turonian. Biostratigraphic information: in the present state of knowledge of Middle Cretaceous Charophyte floras, only the Cenomanian is well characterized, by A. multivolvis to which is now added a new association of four species. Although new information is presented on the Albian and Turonian, they are still inadequately understood.  相似文献   

Four genera and one indeterminate genus (total eight species) of fossil rhinoceroses (Mammalia; Perissodactyla; Rhinocerotidae) are recognized from the Neogene of central Myanmar. In the early Miocene, most area of central Myanmar were under the shallow marine condition, and no rhinocerotid remain has been documented yet. During the middle to late Miocene, the rhinocerotid remains are commonly found and are represented by “Diceratheriumnaricum, Brachypotherium perimense, Brachypotherium fatehjangense and an indeterminate rhinocerotid. In the latest Miocene, these archaic rhinoceroses became extinct. In the late Neogene, the extant genera, Rhinoceros (late Miocene to Pleistocene) and Dicerorhinus (Plio-Pleistocene) first appeared in Myanmar. They appear to have dispersed to the Island Southeast Asia from the continental Asia during the early Pleistocene to middle Pleistocene when the eustatic sea level became low remarkably.  相似文献   

Parmi les Bivalves, les groupes dont les coquilles ont une assez forte teneur en calcite, se retrouvent très fréquemment dans les dépôts du Crétacé. En général, il s'agit de Ptériomorphes, et au Crétacé moyen particulièrement d'huîtres (Ostreacea), de peignes (Pectinidés s.l.), de Spondylidés, de limes (Limidés), de plicatules et d'Anomidés.Le rapport présenté ici reprend assez complètement les Limidés et les Pectinidés d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Texas; pour les huîtres une sélection a été faite en essayant d'y inclure des espèces utilisées en stratigraphie. Je me suis basée uniquement sur des examplaires étudiés personnellement. Certains ont été récoltés sur le terrain, mais la majeure partie a étéétudiée dans les collections de nombreux musées d'Europe et d'Amérique du Nord—les énumérer serait fastidieux et la liste n'en est pas incluse. Cependant l'objectivité scientifique m'oblige à préciser que les données pour le domaine tempéré d'Europe et pour la Téthys du Texas sont plus nombreuses que celles obtenues pour le domaine mésogéen d'Europe et d'Afrique du Nord; surtout, dans une partie des collections téthysiennes que j'ai pu étudier les indications stratigraphiques manquaient de précision; ceci pourrait expliquer certaines anomalies dans les résultats.Les subdivisions stratigraphiques utilisées sont celles présentées pour le WG9 du MCE.Au Crétacé moyen les Ptériomorphes se différencient partiellement entre les domaines téthysien et tempéré-boréal. De l'Albien au Turonien les dépôts présumés boréaux sont relativement rares; ils se retrouvent cependant à Bornholm, en U.R.S.S., et dans certains dépôts du Cénomanien supérieur du bassin anglo-parisien (Plenus marls) comme il a été démontré par Jefferies (1962).Les Ptériomorphes les mieux connus se trouvent dans le domaine tempéré. La diversité des faciès et les adaptations à ces faciès par les groupes étudiés, peuvent expliquer le grand nombre d'espèces reconnues (une liste des faunes est donnée).Among the Pelecypods, the groups with rich calcite shells are abundant in the Cretaceous deposits. In general, they belong to the Pteriomorphia and, especially in the middle Cretaceous, to oysters (Ostreacea), Pectinids s.l., Spondylacea, Limacea, Plicatula and Anomiacea.This report resumes the study of Limacea and Pectinids of Europe, North Africa and Texas. From among the oysters a selection has been made, trying to include species with a stratigraphical use. I have based my work only on specimens studied personally. Some of them were collected in the field, but most were studied in the collections of numerous European and North American Museums. I cannot enumerate all these forms, and the list is not included. Nevertheless, for scientific objectivity it must be specified that the data from the European temperate realm and from the Tethyan Texas are more abundant than those from the European and North African mesogean realms. Above all, a part of the Tethyan collections studied shows a lack of stratigraphical precision, which could explain some anomalies in the results.Stratigraphical subdivisions used are those of the WG 9 of the MCE.During the middle Cretaceous the Pteriomorphia are differentiated between the Tethyan and the temperate-boreal realms. From Albian to Turonian, the presumed boreal deposits are relatively rare; they still exist in Bornholm, the U.S.S.R. and in some upper Cenomanian deposits from the anglo-Paris Basin (Plenus marls), as was proved by Jefferies (1962).The well known Pteriomorphia are in the temperate realm. The variety of the facies and the adaptations to these facies for the groups studied can explain the great number of recognized species (a list of the fauna is given).  相似文献   

<正>A new fossil chironomid,Tanytarsus serafini,found in Baltic amber is described and illustrated based on adult males.The new species and similar extant species of the genus Tanytarsus van der Wulp are compared. Due to several distinct characters of wing,legs and hypopygium,a new species group for Tanytarsus serafini is proposed,and its diagnostic features are evaluated.  相似文献   

Using orbital imaging radar, we have detected a large number of circular structures in the southwestern Egyptian desert, covering more than 4500 km2 close to the Gilf Kebir plateau in sandstones of Upper Cretaceous. Fieldwork confirmed that it is a new impact crater field: 13 craters from 20 m to 1 km in diameter were studied. The impact origin is confirmed by the observation of shock-related structures, such as shatter cones and planar fractures in quartz grains of breccia. Considering the extension of the crater field, it was possibly created by several meteorites that broke up when entering the atmosphere. To cite this article: P. Paillou et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).


À partir d'images satellites issues de systèmes radar, nous avons détecté un grand nombre de structures circulaires dans le Sud-Ouest du désert égyptien, s'étendant sur plus de 4500 km2 à l'est du plateau du Gilf Kebir, dans des grès du Crétacé supérieur. Une étude sur le terrain a permis de vérifier qu'il s'agit d'un champ d'impacts météoritiques jusque là inconnu : 13 structures, d'un diamètre compris entre 20 m et 1 km, ont été reconnues comme cratères d'impact. La présence d'un grand nombre de cônes de percussion et de brèches dans lesquelles des quartz choqués à structures planaires ont été observés confirment l'hypothèse de l'impact. Considérant l'extension du champ d'impact, il a probablement été créé par plusieurs météorites qui se sont fragmentées dans l'atmosphère terrestre. Pour citer cet article : P. Paillou et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

The first fossil Carabidae from Burmese amber is described as new to science, Oodes kachinensis Liu n. sp., based on a single individual preserved in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. This species is placed in the extant tribe Oodini as supported by several characters: one supraorbital seta at each side of vertex, interval 9 very narrow, stria 8 very deep, epipleuron plica presented, antennomeres 1–3 glabrous and 4–11 densely pubescent. This new species has surprising long legs, indicating most probably it was living on the bank of puddle.  相似文献   

The Hamadan area is characterised by various metamorphic rocks where the slates yielded Jurassic fossils. The entire column, representing the Mesozoic from at least the Jurassic to the Mid-Cretaceous, has been affected by tectono-metamorphic events and the emplacement of Late Cretaceous granitic rocks. A timing of these events is based on the 40K–40Ar ages carried mainly on separated amphiboles, biotites and muscovites, and interpreted as the ages of their isotopic closure. Results are ranging between 91 and 70 Ma. To cite this article: A. Baharifar et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).


La région de Hamadan expose des roches métamorphiques dont les termes les moins transformés contiennent des fossiles jurassiques. Au cours du Crétacé supérieur, elle a été affectée par un événement tectono-métamorphique régional et elle a été le siège d'une activité plutonique. Les résultats des datations 40K–40Ar des amphiboles et des micas séparés des roches métamorphiques et plutoniques qui s'étagent entre 91 et 70 Ma montrent l'importance de ces événements et leur étalement au cours du Crétacé supérieur. Pour citer cet article : A. Baharifar et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

Bien que la durée stratigraphique de la plupart des Bryozoaires crétacés ne soit pas exacterment connue, beaucoup d'espèces caractérisent assez bien les différents étages. Au Crétacé inférieur, dont la faune bryozoologique est plus pauvre que celle du Crétacé supérieur, ce sont les Cyclostomata qui dominent encore, comme au Jurassique. A l'Aptien, citons Chisma, mais aussi Ceata, Meliceritites et Laterocavea apparus au Barrémien. La faune de l'Albien, un peu appauvrie et peu connue, n'a fourni que quelques genres nouveaux encroûtants de Cheilostomata anasca (Rhammatopora, Wilbertopora).Au Cénomanien commence l'explosion des Bryozoaires. Les Cheilostomata les plus anciennes, les Cribrimorpha, les genres “Biflustra”, Cellarinidra, Quadricellaria, Onychocella, “Rhagasostoma”, Stichomicropora, Aechmella et un grand nombre de Cyclostomata (Crisisina, Heterocrisina, Fascipora, Spirentalophora, Marssoniella, Amphimarssoniella, Umbrellina, Exidmonea, Corymbopora, Desmopora, Discocytis, Supercytis, Truncatulipora, etc.) apparaissent. Le Turonien est caractérisé par les genres Cyclostomes (Reticrisina, Bicavea, Homoeosolen), les Cheilostomes (Tylopora, Euritina, Fusicellaria, Reptolunulites) et par de nombreuses Cribrimorpha.Onychocella nerei et Membranipora perincerta sont caractéristiques du Coniacien où l'on trouve aussi les Lunulites et Pavolunulites. Le Coniacien, plus riche en espéces que le Turonien, contient de très nombreux genres et espèces qui se poursuivent dans les étages plus élevés (Santonien-Maastrichtien).This paper deals with the distribution and stratigraphic value of Mid-Cretaceous Bryozoa (Aptian-Coniacian). Research on Cretaceous bryozoa has been neglected during the last decades and knowledge of the stratigraphical range of many Upper Cretaceous genera and species is based mainly on the personal experience of the present author. Accordingly, the range of most species is not exactly known, and the results of these investigations are only preliminary. Many cyclostomate genera (such as Stomatopora, Proboscina, Diastopora, Berenicea and Entalophora) lack easy identifiable specific characteristics, and all the other genera which can be recognized only by their rare ovicells (gonozoids) (such as Plagioecia, Diaperoecia, Microecia, Mecynoecia, Spiropora, Heteropora or Ceriopora, Reptomulticava, Lichenopora and many others) are not particularly suitable as guide-fossils. On the other hand, many characteristic new species have not yet been described.The bryozoa of the Lower Cretaceous are similar to those of the Jurassic. Both are characterized by the absolute predominance of the Cyclostomata and a few very rare primitive Cheilostomata belonging to the encrusting membranimorph Anasca.The Barremo-Aptian fauna, known mainly from England (Faringdon, Berkshire) and eastern and southern France, is characterized by the first Eleidae (Meliceritidae) with Meliceritites and Foricula, the first Ceidae, Clausidae and Horneridae with Siphodictyum and Laterocavea, Chisma furcillatum is known only from the Aptian. Cheilostomata are rare and are represented solely by encrusting membranimorph genera (Rhammotopora, “Membranipora”). The poor Albian bryozoan fauna, although similar to that of the Aptian, is characterized by the appearance of primitive uniserial cheilostomate genera such as (?) Pyriporopsis, Charixa and the genus Wilbertopora. Erect precenomanian Cheilostomata are not known. Albian Bryozoa are little-known and relatively rare.Within the Cenomanian (the plenus-zone included) many new cyclostomate genera Fascipora, Umbrellina, Siphoniotyphlus, Crisisina, Heterocrisina, Discofascigera, Corymbopora, Marssoniella, Amphimarssoniella, Discocytis, Discotruncatulipora, Truncatulipora, Desmepora, Exidmonea, Meliceritella and numerous cheilostomate genera besides “Membranipora” mainly Aechmella, Onychocella, Stichomicropora and several cribrimorphs appear for the first time. The Cenomanian is also characterized by the first erect cheilostomate species such as Onychocella, “Biflustra” or “Vincularia” and the oldest articulated or radicelled cheilostomes (Cellarinidra, Quadricellaria).During the Turonian (excluding the plenus-zone), which is less abundant in Bryozoa than the Cenomanian, the cheilostomes increase (common genera are Onychocella, Euritina, “Rhagasostoma”, bilamellar membranimorphs and cribrimorphs, mainly Rhabdopora) and the first primitive Lunulitidae (Reptolunulites) occur. Among the cyclostomes, represented by numerous species of Meliceritites, Semielea, Foricula, Truncatulipora, Clausa, Petalopora, Heteropora and the first representatives of Homoesolen, Reticrisina, Tervia and Bicavea appear.Within the Coniacian, rich faunas are known from France and England. Although the Cyclostomata are still dominant until the Santonian, considerable progress in the evolution of the Cheilostomata was made mainly by the development of the onychocellids, the erect membranimorphs and the radiation of the different cribrimorph families and genera. The oldest free-living Lunulitidae with Lunulites and Pavolunulites are recorded from the Coniacian. Among the Cyclostomata, the appearance of the genera Diplosolen, Clypeina, Crisina, Filicrisina, Sulcocava, Ditaxia, Pachyteichopora and Cytis is noteworthy. The Coniacian bryozoan fauna is closely related to that of the Santonian and has clearly an Upper Cretaceous character.I refer to the text for comments on single species which may be supposed to be useful as guide-fossils for the Aptian-Coniacian stages.  相似文献   

Cupressinocladus Seward is a fossil genus of conifers and conifer fossils with reproductive organs are very rare. In general, it is difficult to understand the natural affinities with other conifers. In this paper, a new species, Cupressinocladus guyangensis P.H. Jin et B.N. Sun sp. nov., is reported based on branches with immature female cones from the Lower Cretaceous Guyang Formation of the Guyang Basin in Inner Mongolia, northern China. The foliage shoots are decussate. Leaves are decussate, imbricate, scale-like, weakly dimorphic, and bear longitudinal glands on the abaxial view. Stomata complexes are haplocheilic, monocyclic, irregularly arranged, and spread along the leaf margin. Immature female cones are subglobose with 6–8 cone scales, and three subglobose ovules arranged in a row at the base of the cone scales. Moreover, we performed cluster analysis using a statistics and machine learning toolbox for 23 fossils and extant species based on 16 morphological characters. The result implies that the new species bears a close resemblance to the extant Cupressus funebris Endl. and might have nearest systematic affinities to it.  相似文献   

A new polypore fungus beetle is described and illustrated, under the name of Thescelostrophus cretaceus gen. et sp. nov., representing the first documented occurrence of the tribe Eustrophini. The well-preserved specimen was collected from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian, ca. 99 Ma) amber near the Hukawng Valley of northern Myanmar. This fossil species can be assigned to the extant subfamily Eustrophinae based on its elongate oval and strongly narrowed posteriorly body, simple and narrow tarsi, and somewhat clubbed antennomeres. The comparison among the extinct and extant eustrophines supports the previous hypothesis that antennal morphology of early eustrophines was very diverse. Additionally, an overall similarity between Thescelostrophus and extant eustrophines suggests a potential fungivory of this fossil species. Morphological characters preserved in the Burmese amber highlight the diversity of tetratomids during the Late Mesozoic and provide data for future phylogenetic studies of Tetratomidae.  相似文献   

Critical loads of acidity represent the maximum acceptable atmospheric deposition for an ecosystem type. Two hundred and forty-one ecosystem types have been defined in France using pedologic, geologic and vegetation data. Weathering rate plays the most important part in soil buffering capacity, but for poor weatherable soils, non-marine atmospheric deposition represents up to 80% of base-cation inputs. Base-cation vegetation uptake decreases significantly the buffering capacity in case of high-productivity forests. Ecosystems combining low weathering rate and low non-marine base-cation deposition with high biomass productivity are the most sensitive to acidification. To cite this article: D. Moncoulon et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).


Les charges critiques d'acidité représentent le dépôt atmosphérique maximal admissible pour un écosystème. Deux cent quarante et un types d'écosystèmes ont été définis en France à partir de données pédologiques, géologiques et de végétation. L'altération joue un rôle prépondérant contre l'acidification, mais pour les sols faiblement altérables, les dépôts atmosphériques non marins peuvent représenter jusqu'à 80 % des apports de cations basiques. Le prélèvement de cations par la végétation contribue significativement à diminuer le pouvoir tampon des sols pour les forêts à forte productivité. Les écosystèmes combinant faible altération et faibles dépôts de cations non marins ainsi qu'une forte productivité sont les plus sensibles à l'acidification. Pour citer cet article : D. Moncoulon et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

中国南方泥盆系发现颗石藻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
颗石藻作为一种超微远洋浮游生物,出现于侏罗纪里阿斯世(Lias),繁盛于晚白垩世至第三纪。最近又有所进展。哈克(Hag,1981)面告,最老的颗石藻出现于石炭纪和二叠纪。本文所报道之颗石藻发现于晚泥盆世,是截至目前为止最老的颗石藻化石。 颗石藻演化迅速,分布广泛,形态特征明显,而且数量众多,对划分对比海相地层有一定的意义。本文只对研究区所采标本的颗石藻进行鉴定、描述和分类。  相似文献   

A new fossil soldier beetle Myamalycocerus vitalii gen. et sp. nov., is described and illustrated from an inclusion in Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber (Myanmar). It differs from all extant genera that have elytra adorned with small striae by possessing raised punctation, very probably an ancient character as it is absent among current species. It differs from the fossil Ornatomalthinus Poinar et Fanti, by the long elytra and relief points which are less raised and more numerous. This new genus appears vaguely related (not necessarily phylogenetically) to the current genus Lycocerus Gorham.  相似文献   

Stable isotope compositions (18O and 2H), determined for underground and surface waters from the watershed of a hill reservoir and downstream from the reservoir, suggest that (i) the reservoir water, which is more or less evaporated, represents a mixture between surface waters (rainfall, runoff) and the upstream alluvial groundwater meteoric in origin; (ii) the downstream alluvial groundwater have a stable isotope composition of a previously infiltrated reservoir water. The 18O isotope enrichment modelling of the mixed reservoir water shows that an input flux of 50 m3 day−1 is balanced by an output flux of 300 m3 day−1 when the reservoir water level is above 4.5 m, and by an output flux of 170 m3 day−1 when water levels are lower. The contribution of hill reservoirs to local groundwater movements must be considered in any regional scale hydrological investigations of areas that contain hill reservoirs. To cite this article: O. Grünberger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).


La composition isotopique (18O et 2H) d'eaux souterraines et superficielles, déterminée pour le bassin versant d'une retenue collinaire et sa partie aval, suggère (i) que l'eau de la retenue, qui est plus ou moins évaporée, représente un mélange entre les eaux de surface (pluie, ruissellement) et la nappe alluviale amont d'origine météorique et (ii) que la nappe alluviale aval a la composition isotopique d'une eau de la retenue anciennement infiltrée. La modélisation de l'enrichissement en isotope 18O pour l'eau mélangée de la retenue montre qu'un flux entrant de 50 m3 j−1 est compensé par un flux sortant de 300 m3 j−1, lorsque le niveau d'eau de la retenue est supérieur à 4,5 m, et par un flux sortant de 170 m3 j−1 en dessous. La contribution des lacs collinaires aux écoulements souterrains doit être prise en compte pour de futures études hydrologiques à l'échelle régionale. Pour citer cet article : O. Grünberger et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

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