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U-Pb isotopic analyses have been determined on four size splits from an orthogneiss zircon population and on seven size and magnetic splits from a paragneiss zircon population from the Ceneri Zone, Southern Switzerland. The orthogneiss zircon results suggest that a severe isotopic disturbance occurred in this region between 400–450 m. y. ago which, besides initiating new zircon growth, almost completely reconstituted older zircon. The U-Pb systems of the orthogneiss zircons are nearly concordant, except the coarsest size split where some older lead is present.The paragneiss zircon U-Pb systems have Precambrian apparent ages and appear to be an old detrital zircon suite which has been severely isotopically disturbed by the same Caledonian event which affected the orthogneiss zircons. Zircon U-Pb data-points of paragneiss size-and-magnetic fractions are linearly correlated on a concordia plot. The age significance of this is not fully understood, however these results indicate that Precambrian crustal rocks, at least 1,500 m. y. old, contributed detritus to the original sediments of the Alpine gneisses.The gneissic rocks in Southern Switzerland have been postulated as a possible source or root zone for petrologically and chemically similar gneisses in the Silvretta Nappe to the north. The close similarity of zircon U-Pb systems of orth- and para-gneisses between the two regions supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

U-Pb isotopic analyses are reported for zircons of nine igneous rocks and high grade metamorphic paragneisses from the Silvretta nappe and the Gotthard massif, Switzerland.Following Silver and Deutsch (1961) the zircon populations isolated from six of these rocks were devided into series of size fractions with varying uranium content. An extensive Rb-Sr investigation has been made on some of these rock samples and their minerals (Arnold and Jäger, 1965: Gotthard massif, Grauert, 1966: Silvretta nappe). Rb-Sr measurements on biotites and mineral isochrons of individual gneiss samples yield ages which indicate the end of the Alpine and the Hercynian (=Variscan) metamorphism. Other measurements give mixed ages between these events. The U-Pb investigation of zircons, however, yield criteria for an even older event, 400 to 500 m.y. ago.The isotopic relationship indicates a strong episodic disturbance of the U-Pb systems in the paragneiss zircons with high losses of radiogenic lead. In a Concordia diagram the best fit lines to the data points of the paragneiss zircons from the Gotthard massif as well as from the Silvretta nappe trend both toward the data points of the orthogneiss zircons and intersect the Concordia at approximately 440 m.y. Rb-Sr analyses of the granitic orthogneisses from the Silvretta nappe (Flüela granite gneisses) gave a well defined isochron of 428 m.y. (=1.47×10–11y–1). This value agrees rather well with the age given by the intersection of the best fit lines to the paragneiss zircons with the Concordia.Considering the geological and petrographical observations we interpret this disturbance of the U-Pb systems in the paragneiss zircons as the result of an influence of regional high grade metamorphism and anatectic melting together with the formation of igneous rocks during the Caledonian petrogenesis.In the Silvretta the uranium rich zircons from the Flüela granite gneisses reflect a disturbance and lead loss probably during the Hercynian metamorphism. In the Gotthardmassif the zircons from a quartz diorite and an ultrabasic inclusion in this diorite, however, show no or only a slight influence of the later Hercynian and Alpine metamorphisms. The apparent ages of the zircons in the ultrabasic inclusion are nearly concordant (Pb206/U238: 448 m.y., Pb207/ U235: 452 m.y., Pb207/Pb206: 472 m.y.). There is in all orthogneiss zircons some evidence of older inhereted U-Pb components besides new zircon growth.If we assume an episodic model for the lead loss and a disturbance 450 m.y. ago the minimum primary age of the detrital zircon components in the paragneisses would be 1500 m.y.

Der eine von uns (B.G.) möchte den Herren Prof. Dr. M. Grünenfelder und Prof. Dr. P. Signer vom Labor für Geochronologie des Instituts für Kristallographie und Petrographie der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich seinen Dank für ihr Interesse und die großzügige Unterstützung bei der Durchführung dieser Arbeit aussprechen. Herr Prof. Dr. M. Grünenfelder und Herr Dr. R. Pidgeon haben ihn in die Arbeitsweise der U-Pb-Isotopenanalyse eingeführt. Herr Dr. V. Köppel sowie alle oben genannten Herren haben durch ihre wertvollen Ratschläge und kritischen Diskussionen diese Arbeit wesentlich gefördert. Ihnen und auch allen anderen Angehörigen des Labors für Geochronologie, die zum Gelingen der Arbeit beigetragen haben, sei herzlichst gedankt.

Herr Dr. L. Rybach hat in dankenswerter Weise von vier Zirkonfraktionen die Urankonzentration durch Gamma-Spektrometrie bestimmt.

Wir beide möchten Frau Prof. Dr. E. Jäger und Herrn Prof. Dr. E. Niggli vom Mineralogisch-Petrographischen Institut der Universität Bern für ihr wohlwollendes Interesse und die kritische Durchsicht des Manuskriptes danken.  相似文献   

The Lepontine Gneiss Complex of southern Switzerland and northern Italy is characterized by high-grade metamorphism and intensive deformation of Alpine age with migmatites prevalent in the area with the highest metamorphic grade. Petrological and structural observations are generally inconclusive but indicate in some places an Alpine age for the migmatite formation. To determine the time of migmatite formation a geochronologic study was undertaken in one of the best exposed areas, the Valle Bodengo, Italy. Rb-Sr whole-rock errorchrons of intrusive migmatite phases and of two rather homogeneous granitoid gneiss bodies yield apparent ages between 280 and 350 m.y. They suggest a Hercynian or older igneous history for these rocks. The U-Pb ages of the euhedral zircons are highly discordant, but they do point to the presence of zircon components more than 450 m.y. old. The concordia-intercept ages are incompatible with the Rb-Sr data and the low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of about 0.706. These low initial ratios suggest that either the bulk of the granitoid material is not much older than Hercynian, or older crustal material was isotopically homogenized on a regional scale with rocks that had low Rb/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratios (e.g. the lower crust or upper mantle) during a Hercynian metamorphism. Rb-Sr small-scale whole-rock isochrons and tie lines of adjacent, lithologically different rock phases give Alpine ages, the best isochron yielding 22 m.y. This coincides with concordant U-Pb ages of monazites of 23 to 24 m.y. Rb-Sr mineral isoohrons (muscovite, biotite, feldspars, apatite) give ages of 18–21 m.y. Our interpretation is that this age pattern resulted due to rapid cooling after the climax of the last phase of the Alpine metamorphism and we conclude that high-grade metamorphic conditions existed during the upper Oligocene or early Miocene. Other investigators have suggested that the Alpine metamorphism had a climax 35–40 m.y. ago and that the younger mineral ages are a result of simple continuous cooling due to uplift. Based on this study and other recent geochronological studies in the Lepotine Gneiss Complex we suggest that there had to be a thermal maximum at about 20–25 m.y. The example of Valle Bodengo demonstrates that the areal coincidence of the zone of highest-grade metamorphism with the occurrence of migmatites does not necessarily mean that metamorphism and migmatite formation were coeval and related to each other.  相似文献   

Summary Icart orthogneisses (Guernsey, Channel Islands) present, in spite of their petrographic homogeneity, Rb-Sr whole rock data strongly scattered between two reference isochrons at 2.55 and 1.91 b.y. We present a U-Pb zircon age of 2018±15m.y. (upper intersection on Concordia) which is probably close to the emplacement age of the whole massif. This age is so far the oldest obtained from a rock of igneous origin in the Hercynian belt of Western Europe.  相似文献   

New U-Pb zircon data from a segregation pegmatite in the granitic gneiss at Glenfinnan yield discordant points which appear to be aligned along a chord on a concordia diagram with upper and lower intersection ages of 1,517±30 Ma and 556±8 Ma, respectively. The results are similar to published U-Pb zircon data from the granitic gneiss but the lower intersection age does not correspond to concordant ages of 455±3 Ma obtained for monazites from the segregation pegmatite and from paragneiss which hosts the granitic gneiss. The apparent U-Pb zircon chord also gives no indication of a 1,030±50 Ma (large sample) Rb-Sr whole rock isochron age for the granitic gneiss (Brook et al. 1976). A traverse of adjacent 5–8 cm thick slabs in the paragneiss yields a Rb-Sr errochron of 455±60 Ma which also does not agree with the U-Pb zircon lower intersection age. The scale of this Sr whole rock diffusion (ca. 10 cm) is not at variance with existing thermal, temporal and experimental constraints.A two episodic loss model has been applied to the zircon data from the segregation pegmatite, to the previously published zircon data on the granitic gneiss and to new U-Pb zircon data on the host paragneiss. The first lead loss event, if assumed to be in Grenville time, was computed to be strongest in the granitic gneiss and segregation pegmatite. For the three suites of zircon considered, primary ages converge in the 1,700–1,800 Ma range with a final disturbance event at ca. 490 Ma, i.e., close to a plausible prograde stage of Caledonian metamorphism.The zircons in both the granitic gneiss and the paragneiss are believed to have been derived from the ubiquitous early Proterozoic shields bordering the North Atlantic. Furthermore the above model is consistent with the hypothesis that the zircons in the granitic gneiss were largely derived from the paragneiss. However, the U-Pb zircon data are not inconsistent with new Sr-isotopic evidence which suggests an additional, possibly deeper source with lower 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios.  相似文献   

The results of 63 new radiometric K-Ar and Rb-Sr measurements on metamorphic minerals from the internal units of the Western Alps show Hercynian, Permian, as well as three Alpine age groups. The first of the Alpine ages cover the period between 78 and 100 m.y. and refer to high pressure parageneses. The second group comprises K-Ar 39 to 50 m.y. ages; these values are affected by some inherited argon, as indicated by Rb-Sr measurements which point to 35–36±4–5 m.y., i.e. similar to the culmination of the Lepontine crystallization. The final group includes 15 to 30 m.y. ages. It is not yet clear which geologic processes have led to this isotope re-equilibration. Large amounts of inherited argon have been found in Alpine metamorphic minerals of the basement rocks.  相似文献   

Situated within the crystalline metamorphic complex of Champtoceaux NE of Nantes, the orthogneiss of La Picherais (near St Mars-du-Désert, Loire Atlantique, France) show relicts of a granulite facies paragenesis. Comparison with other granulitic rocks in the Hercynian fold-belt suggest possible ages ranging from Lower Proterozoic to Phanerozoic. The Rb-Sr whole rock method yields an errorchron of 570±110 m.y. for the Picherais orthogneiss, whereas the U-Pb zircon method indicates an upper intersection on Concordia at 1,880±120 m.y. and a lower intersection at 423±10 m.y. Several interpretations are possible for these data: the granite emplacement age was (1) 1,900 m.y. ago. (2) more likely Upper Proterozoic — Lower Palaeozoic. The zircons concordant at 1,900 m.y. were either present in the granitic magma at its time of origin or were introduced into the magma during emplacement. These zircons could be derived from sedimentary horizons such as found in the Lower Ordovician sandstones of the Armorican massif whose zircon age data are presented here.  相似文献   

 The highest grade of metamorphism and associated structural elements in orogenic belts may be inherited from earlier orogenic events. We illustrate this point using magmatic and metamorphic rocks from the southern steep belt of the Lepontine Gneiss Dome (Central Alps). The U-Pb zircon ages from an anatectic granite at Verampio and migmatites at Corcapolo and Lavertezzo yield 280–290 Ma, i.e., Hercynian ages. These ages indicate that the highest grade of metamorphism in several crystalline nappes of the Lepontine Gneiss Dome is pre-Alpine. Alpine metamorphism reached sufficiently high grade to reset the Rb-Sr and K-Ar systematics of mica and amphibole, but generally did not result in crustal melting, except in the steep belt to the north of the Insubric Line, where numerous 29 to 26 Ma old pegmatites and aplites had intruded syn- and post-kinematically into gneisses of the ductile Simplon Shear Zone. The emplacement age of these pegmatites gives a minimum estimate for the age of the Alpine metamorphic peak in the Monte Rosa nappe. The U-Pb titanite ages of 33 to 31 Ma from felsic porphyritic veins represent a minimum-age estimate for Alpine metamorphism in the Sesia Zone. A porphyric vein emplaced at 448±5 Ma (U-Pb monazite) demonstrates that there existed a consolidated Caledonian basement in the Sesia Zone. Received: 23 May 1995/Accepted: 12 October 1995  相似文献   

根据花岗岩类资料,分析了大别造山带自古生代以来的岩石隆升-剥露历史。认为北淮阳地块、大别地块西段及大悟地块的岩石隆升-剥露主要发生于侏罗纪之前,而大别地块东段在白垩纪之后还发生了强烈岩石隆升-剥露.本文指出,含超高压变质岩的大别地块东段自海西期以来的岩石隆升-剥露幅度达20km.这一深度的负荷压力与大陆碰撞过程中超过压和高应变条件的结合,有可能形成柯石英榴辉岩,但高压变质地体中的金刚石,更可能是早期慢源岩浆挟带到地壳中的捕虏晶。  相似文献   

Zircon ages from major lithologies of the Zentralgneis suggest that much of the Variscan magmatism in the Tauern Window is older than previously suggested. In the southeast Tauern Window a tonalite has been dated at 314±7 m.y. and a granodioritic biotite augen gneiss at 313±10 m.y. Two granodiorites from the Granatspitzkern yielded zircon data consistent with a similar age. These zircon data require re-interpretation of some previously published Rb-Sr whole rock ages and raise the possibility that Alpine metamorphism caused more widespread disturbance of Rb-Sr whole rocks than commonly supposed. Rb-Sr data on fabric-forming white micas from two banded gneisses give ages close to 220 m.y., indicating the foliation in these rocks is pre-Alpine and has not been greatly affected by Alpine recrystallisation.  相似文献   

祁连山东南段呈北西-南东向展布着加里东期中祁连造山带和拉脊山造山带, 其基底为前加里东变质岩系, 在该变质结晶基底岩系中发育着菱形网格状韧性剪切带, 共轭韧性剪切带面对缩短方向的夹角为104°~114°, 其最大主应力方位为SW210°左右.在中祁连地块金沙峡和化隆地块科却两处韧性剪切带中的糜棱岩化岩石, 获取变质矿物白云母40Ar-39Ar坪年龄分别为(405.1±2.4) Ma和(418.3±2.8) Ma.这一年代学结果不仅确定了加里东基底变质岩系中韧性剪切带是加里东造山作用过程中形成, 更重要的是通过对基底韧性剪切带中变质变形岩石的年代学研究, 精确地限定了祁连山东南段的早古生代火山盆地(或岛弧盆地)、拉脊山小洋盆关闭的构造年代.这为造山带构造演化过程中盆地关闭时间的确定开辟了新的途径.   相似文献   

U-Pb data on zircons from the largest mafic-ultramafic body (6×2 km) of the French Central Massif (Sauviat-sur-Vige) yield the following age results: Primary magmatic crystallization of the gabbroic and peridotitic protoliths took place in the Cambro-Ordovician (496±25/17 m.y.). Variable transformation under eclogite facies conditions was Hercynian (320±29/36 m.y.). The same age pattern, derived by U-Pb monazite analyses, was found also for the immediate country rocks, i.e. kyanite bearing, coarse-grained metagranites occurring to the W and N of the Sauviat massif. Due to the fact that there is no regional Hercynian high-grade metamorphism in this part of the French Central Massif (e.g. Duthou 1977; Bernard-Griffiths 1975), both mafic-ultramafic complex as well as immediate felsic country rocks must have been emplaced tectonically into pre-Hercynian (Acadian±Caledonian) crustal rocks. The cause for such a Hercynian tectonism is thought to be due to continent-continent collision of the Spanish with the Armorican plate. Preliminary U-Pb zircon results on one eclogite sample taken about 50 km S of the Sauviat complex indicate also an Early Palaeozoic age for the magmatic protolith and a Hercynian transformation into eclogite, combined with and/or followed by tectonic emplacement. However, opposite to the continental Sauviat massif, we are probably dealing here with oceanic material, possibly deposited in an Early Palaeozoic marginal sea basin. Thus, subduction and tectonic emplacement of oceanic crust into continental crust terminated in this area also in the Hercynian. Concerning U-Pb systematics of zircon and monazite the following conclusions can be drawn:
  1. U-Pb systems of primary magmatic zircons of mafic and ultramafic rocks are only weakly disturbed during static eclogite facies metamorphism (T>820° C; P> 15 kbar);
  2. New- and overgrowth of zircon during eclogite facies metamorphism seems to be the major cause for the degree of discordance;
  3. Amphibolitization of metagabbros and eclogites had no effect on the degree of discordance of zircon;
  4. U-Pb systems of monazites remained undisturbed during intense weathering of the mother rock.

断裂是塔中隆起带东段构造变形的主要方式,也是控制油气成藏与分布的重要因素,其形成机制和过程一直存有争议。文章从李四光教授构造体系理论出发,通过综合解析塔中隆起带东段断裂的几何学、运动学及动力学特征,探讨了塔里木盆地中央隆起带东部"帚状构造体系"形成的地球动力学模型。研究结果显示:塔里木盆地古生代以来受天山、西昆仑山和阿尔金山三大褶皱山系的影响,伴随盆地三个"伸展-聚敛"构造旋回的发展和演化;中央隆起带东段的塔中Ⅰ号断裂、塔中10号断裂、塔中Ⅱ号断裂和卡塔克南缘断裂等断裂于加里东早期产生,并于随后多次活动,它们在剖面上呈现"Y"字型结构,平面上向东南收敛、向西北撒开,和南侧的塘南断裂及车尔臣断裂共同构成"帚状构造"体系;加里东运动以来,该构造体系先后经历了张扭性(加里东早期)→压扭性(加里东中期)→张扭性(海西早起)→压扭性(海西晚期)两大应力场的转换,并于海西晚期基本定型,同时在其周邻地区产生北东、北东东向的次级的、低序次的断裂体系。   相似文献   

Three detrital, Proterozoic zircon suites extracted from siltstones progressively metamorphosed between chlorite- and staurolite-grade independently date the major Caledonian metamorphism within the gneiss dome of the Montagne Noire (Southern France). From this, the following conclusions concerning U-Pb systematics of zircons in low-, medium- and highgrade metamorphic rocks can be drawn:
  1. Temperatures of at most 350–400 °C are sufficient to open U-Pb systems of metamict zircons or domains within zircons.
  2. The observed open U-Pb system behaviour during metamorphism of the host rocks was found to be due to a low-temperature recrystallisation of highly radiation damaged zircon lattices, probably enhanced by high concentrations of fluid phases in the dehydrating rock volumes.
  3. Recrystallisation of metamict zircons under low temperatures causes maximum U-Pb ages for the thermal climax of metamorphism of medium-and high-grade metamorphic rocks, as annealing and accompaning closing of U-Pb systems took place before the maximum temperatures of metamorphism were reached.
  4. Low-temperature recrystallisation of old — generally Proterozoic—zircons can readily help to explain the fact that the numerous zircon suites from ancient shield areas yield “lower intercept ages” which are not correlated to any known geological event. Thus, either a weak thermal pulse, not necessarily registered by the mineral assemblage of the host rock, and/or elevated temperatures during burial in the crust might supply enough energy for a structural reordering and simultaneous lead loss of at least the most disordered lattice domains.
In contrast to the U-Pb zircon method, no unambiguous dating of the Caledonian main metamorphism was possible using the Rb-Sr whole-rock technique for phyllites and mica schists sampled in the same metamorphic profile from which the zircon samples were taken. The scatter of data points can best be explained by their rotation around a probable Caledonian isochron. This rotation very probably took place during the later Hercynian orogeny, not significantly affecting the slope of the least square regression line through the scattered data points.  相似文献   

The Peloritani Mountains are a fragment of an orogen variably attributed to the Alpine or Hercynian orogeny. On the basis of 39Ar-40Ar, U-Pb and Rb-Sr dating, the main metamorphism of the two medium–high grade metamorphic units, the Mela and Aspromonte Units, and most of the thrusting responsible for stacking the orogenic edifice are seen to be Hercynian. The main thrusting of the Aspromonte Unit over the lower grade units took place at 301±2 Ma. Brittle deformation during Tertiary reactivation of Hercynian thrust planes did not generate any rejuvenation of white micas in the studied sector. Our dataset shows a great complexity and we propose to unravel it by considering different levels of information. To first order, the Mela and Aspromonte Units differ in their metamorphic paths and their geochronological evolution. The Mela Unit shows generally younger ages (Carboniferous) than the Aspromonte Unit and, unlike the latter, was extensively retrogressed in greenschist facies. The Aspromonte Unit is itself geochronologically heterogeneous. Proterozoic ages are preserved both in titanite and in amphibole relics of one tectonic subunit; Devonian to Carboniferous amphibole ages are found in different other subunits; tertiary overprint is minor and spatially limited. We propose to consider the chronologically heterogeneous subunits as accreted pre-Hercynian terranes amalgamated late during the Hercynian orogeny. Micas in both units give scattered Mesozoic 39Ar-40Ar and Rb-Sr ages, with evidence for heterochemical mica generations. We interpret them as a result of widespread hydrothermal circulation event(s). Tertiary overprint is generally absent, with the exception of a small area near Messina where biotite and muscovite underwent a complex recrystallisation history in the interval between 48 and 61 Ma.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

甘肃张家川县闫家店金钴多金属矿位于北祁连加里东造山带东端,北祁连与华北地块接合部位,龙口峪石英闪长岩体外接触带。该区海西期、加里东期岩浆活动剧烈,侵入期次较多,近NW向韧性剪切带和NEE向脆性构造发育,各种热液蚀变分布广泛。通过对矿区地质特征、物化探特征以及岩石化学特征的描述,初步分析了区内多金属找矿潜力,进一步指出应重视NEE向断层破碎带的研究,并加强毕家沟岩株北接触带的深部找矿力度。  相似文献   

华夏地块显生宙的变质作用期次和特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
华夏地块主要存在四期变质作用。加里东期变质作用呈北东向展布于华夏的大部分地区,变质作用可达麻粒岩相,且麻粒岩断续分布平行于造山带,此期变质作用是在挤压造山构造背景下发生,很可能与扬子地块向冈瓦那大陆北缘聚合–碰撞,造成大陆边缘沉积物变形–变质有关。根据粤东梅县片麻岩和兴宁混合岩的LA–ICPMS锆石U–Pb定年以及邻区独居石U–Pb年代学的研究,海西的变质作用主要发生在260~280 Ma,年轻于欧洲典型的海西期造山时代。华夏地块的海西期变质作用分布局限,它们可能形成于拉张构造背景。印支期变质岩在华夏有较广泛的分布,西南端大容山—十万大山的印支期变质作用可达麻粒岩相,其他地区的变质作用具有中低压相系的特征,记录了造山后期伸展构造背景。LA–ICPMS锆石U–Pb定年指示华夏中部粤中地区的印支期变质作用发生在231~232 Ma。燕山期变质岩主要分布于东南沿海和台湾中央山脉,显示了双变质带的特点,表明与太平洋板块向东南沿海俯冲作用密切相关。从印支期到燕山期,变质带的方向发生了转变,说明影响华夏地块变质作用的构造域发生了改变。  相似文献   

Rb-Sr isotopic analyses of whole-rocks and biotite and U-Th-Pb analyses of zircon and monazite reveal regional metamorphic events for the Ordovician (Caledonian metamorphism) and the Carboniferous (Variscan=Hercynian orogeny), both accompanied by anatexis. The extent of the Caledonian and Variscan anatexis, however, cannot be evaluated, so far, because the field petrographic criteria are not sufficient to distinguish clearly between early and late Paleozoic anatexites. Evidence for a Precambrian metamorphism has not been found. Rb-Sr whole-rock isochrons obtained on leucosomes and melanosomes of partially molten paragneisses are interpreted as a minimum age of the second, early Variscan anatexis. The alternative explanation of the isochrons as a result of local Sr isotopic redistribution without a melt involved is considered less likely. Concordant and nearly concordant zircon ages (318–335 m.y.) of a coarse-grained granite and of diatexites are regarded as evidence for an intensive early Variscan granitization and palingenesis. Concordant zircon ages of diorite dykes, crosscutting the anatexites, establish a lower time limit of 309–312 m.y. for the Variscan anatexis. Rb-Sr ages of biotite (310-290 m.y.) indicate the end of the Variscan metamorphism. Estimates of the time of sedimentation or diagenesis based on Rb-Sr whole-rock analyses for some metasediment series in the north of the area yield maximum ages of 550 m.y., provided that Rb and Sr migration did not exceed substantially the extent of the outcrops (30–500 m) between the time of diagenesis and the Ordovician metamorphism. Otherwise, an upper limit of 2000–2300 m.y., which is the primary age of detrital zircon populations, can be established. Zircon populations of paragneisses and their anatectic derivatives were separated into size and shape fractions. From morphologic studies and U-Pb isotopic analyses, they were found to be composites of young concordant (318–325 m.y.) and old, highly discordant zircon components, with more than fifty per cent of young crystals in some anatexites. The apparent ages of the composites are 320–750 m.y. The U concentrations of the newly formed crystals can be higher, equal, or lower than those of the inherited zircon component. Some peculiarities in the concordia plot of the zircon data of paragneisses and migmatites (curved pattern; inversion of the generally observed systematics with respect to U concentration, grain size, degree of discordance) are interpreted as the result of polyepisodic disturbances of the inherited crystals in connection with new zircon growth. In the concordia diagram, the data points of the individual zircon grains containing inherited components appear to plot in band or wedgelike areas, and not on lines as the patterns of size fractions of the same zircon populations could pretend. Consequently, ages obtained by extrapolation of the regression curves to the concordia are not necessarily meaningful and require verification by other methods.  相似文献   

U-Pb isotopic analyses were made on detrital zircon populations from sandstones and quartzites of the pre-Permian basement in an attempt to shed light on the presedimentary history of the zircons and the age of their primary source rocks. Eight rock samples were collected from the Saxothuringian and Moldanubian parts of the Bohemian Massif, the western part of the Upper Austroalpine Nappes, and the Southern Alps. The heterogeneous populations were separated into fractions of different size, magnetic susceptibility, color, and shape. Because of their typically pitted surface all zircon grains from the sandstones and quartzites appear to be detrital. Only in three samples from the Alps—one from a contact metamorphic aureole—the zircons show surface recrystallization and minor new growth. With the exception of some euhedral crystals in the Saxothuringian quartzites all zircon fractions have highly discordant U-Pb ages. On a concordia diagram their data points scatter slightly around best-fit lines with upper intersections between 2000 and 2300 m.y. From this pattern the following conclusions are reached:
  1. A large proportion of the material of the metasedimentary basement rocks in the Bohemian Massif as well as in the Alps derives from one or more sources, about 2000 to 2300 m.y. old.
  2. The estimated proportion of detrital zircons with primary ages of 700 to 1500 m.y. is less than 10%.
  3. The existence of a regional high-grade metamorphism in the Bohemian Massif as well as in the Alps during 700 to 1500 m.y. can be excluded. From Rb-Sr isotopic data, a metamorphism for the time prior to 1500 m.y. is very unlikely.
The lower intersections of the best-fit lines with the concordia curve cannot be clearly correlated with an episodic disturbance of the U-Pb systems during weathering and sedimentation and/or during regional metamorphism. For the zircons of the Bohemian Massif a disturbing event, about 550 to 600 m.y. ago, is likely. Clear, euhedral, but nevertheless detrital zircons found among the zircon populations of two Saxothuringian quartzites (“Plattenquarzit” of the pre-Ordovician “Arzberger Serie” and Lower Ordovician “FrauenbachQuarzit”) crystallized most probably during the Upper Proterozoic and/or the Assyntian petrogenesis. The highly discordant age pattern of the detrital zircons from the Alps is likely to be the result of the Caledonian and/or Hercynian (=Variscan) metamorphism. Differences in concentration levels of common lead in detrital zircons and the problem of red zircons as indicators of Precambrian origin are discussed.  相似文献   

西藏康马片麻岩穹隆及其周围变质岩的主要特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
位于西藏康马县城北面的花岗片麻岩穹隆体,因其形态上类似一个侵入体,故早期的研究大都将其当作一个花岗岩体,其周围的变质岩则被认为是接触变质岩(周云生和张魁武,1981;张旗和李炤华,1981,涂光炽等,1981;李锦统等,1981)。目前,对穹隆体本身及其周围变质岩的性质和成因,仍然存在着争论。本文对康马片麻岩穹隆的性质及其成因机制进行了探讨,试图对认识拉轨岗日构造带的演化提供某些线索。  相似文献   

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