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Multichannel seismic data, containing high-amplitude reflections from Cenozoic sediments of the Bjørnøya Basin, southwestern Barents Sea, have been studied, inferring the existence of gas hydrate and free gas. The Cenozoic succession comprises Late Palaeocene and Early Eocene claystones and siltstones and locally also some sandstones overlain by Late Pleistocene glaciogenic sediments. The inferred gas hydrate and free gas accumulations are mainly located in the vicinity of larger faults which can be followed up to base Tertiary level, and which seem to have controlled the geographical distribution of the accumulations. Free gas accumulations are inferred to occur most frequently within the Late Palaeocene strata that occur below the gas hydrate stability zone, and indicate that relatively small gas leakages from deeper accumulations have dominated. Larger gas leakages have probably led to gas migration up into the gas hydrate stability zone and, together with the increasing thickness of the hydrate stability zone towards the north, control the distribution of the suspected gas hydrates. The inferred gas leakages are closely related to the Cenozoic evolution of the Barents Sea, and are probably caused by gas expansion due to the removal of up to 1 km of sediments from the Barents Sea shelf and/or reservoir tilting during the Late Cenozoic glaciations which affected this area.  相似文献   

天然气水合物BSR的识别与地震勘探频率   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张明  伍忠良 《海洋学报》2004,26(4):80-88
地震勘探是调查天然气水合物广泛使用而有效的方法,而BSR是水合物赋存的主要标志.通过对实际调查资料的分析对比,结合国外的调查研究成果,探讨了地震勘探频率在BSR识别中的影响和作用,提出了在我国海洋天然气水合物的地震调查中有利于BSR识别的合适的频率范围.  相似文献   

三维地震与海底地震勘探技术愈来愈广泛应用于海洋天然气水合物调查中.为了获取高品质的纵波、转换横波等地震信息,揭示天然气水合物地层的速度结构异常,地震震源是决定调查成功与否的关键技术之一.本文对激发频宽、输出、气泡效应等震源特性及组合技术进行了综合研究,设计了一种新型的GI枪点震源系统,并于2006-2009年期间在南海北部某海域进行一系列试验.试验效果的综合对比表明:震源优化技术的应用明显提高了地震纵波的地层穿透深度,并改善了海底地震仪(OBS)纵波及转换横波的接收效果.  相似文献   

Data from piston cores collected from Carolina Rise and Blake Ridge, and from many DSDP/ODP sites indicate that extreme 13C-depletion of methane and ΣCO2 occurs within the uppermost methanogenic zone of continental rise sediments. We infer that 13C-depleted methane is generated near the top of the methanogenic zone when carbon of 13C-depleted ΣCO2, produced by microbially-mediated anaerobic methane oxidation, is recycled back to methane through CO2 reduction. Interstitial water and gas samples were collected in 27 piston cores, 16 of which penetrated through the sulfate reduction zone into methane-bearing sediments of the Carolina Rise and Blake Ridge. Isotopic measurements (δ13CCH4, δ13CCO2, δDCH4, and δDH2O) indicate that this methane is microbial in origin, produced by microbially-mediated CO2 reduction. Methane samples form two distinct isotopic pools. (1) Methane from a seafloor seep site shows a mean δ13CCH4 value of − 69 ± 2%., mirroring values found at ≥ 160 mbsf from a nearby DSDP site. (2) Twenty, areally-separated sites (sample depth, 10 to 25 mbsf) have δ13CCH4 values ranging from −85 to −103%., and δ13CCO2 as negative as −48%.. The very low δ13C values from the methane and CO2 pools highlight the importance of carbon cycling within continental rise sediments at and near the sulfate-methane boundary.  相似文献   

针对天然气水合物钻探与取样难以解决的水合物矿体空间展布等问题,利用白云-荔湾凹陷高密度分析重新处理的三维地震资料,首先基于模糊数学的多属性融合技术对水合物分布进行刻画;再通过高分辨率速度场对浅层开展高分辨率宽频无井反演技术,提高了水合物层分辨率;最后,利用岩石物理方法及多种模型对水合物饱和度进行定量预测,实现了对5~6m厚水合物层的有效辨别,进而形成了一套适合于孔隙充填型的水合物矿藏目标识别评方法。结果表明:应用该技术可有效对荔湾3水合物富集区第四条带水合物空间刻画,揭示出该区水合物饱和度最高可超40%,同时薄层与厚层水合物具有明显互层分布特征,在水合物矿体刻画及饱和度预测基础上,进一步对该区实施了井位优选,该方法预测的水合物层与实际钻探H1和H2站位吻合较好。这些结果说明常规三维油气地震数据在经过宽频处理后可应用于高分辨率水合物勘探,节约经济成本,同时提高了常规地震在水合物勘探中精度与实用性。  相似文献   

Travel-time inversion is applied to seismic data to produce acoustic velocity images of the upper 800 m of the South Shetland margin (Antarctic Peninsula) in three different geological domains: (i) the continental shelf; (ii) the accretionary prism; (iii) the trench. The velocity in the continental shelf sediments is remarkably higher, up to 1000 m/s at 600–700 m below seafloor, than that of the other two geological domains, due to the sediment overcompaction and erosion induced by the wax and waning of a grounded ice sheet. Pre-stack depth migration was applied to the data in order to improve the seismic image and to test the quality of the velocity fields. Where the Bottom Simulating Reflector (BSR) is present, positive and negative velocity anomalies were found with respect to a reference empirical velocity profile. The 2D-velocity section was translated in gas hydrate and free gas distribution by using a theoretical approach. The analysis revealed that the BSR is mainly related to the presence of free gas below it. The free gas is distributed in the area with variable concentration and thickness, while the gas hydrate is quite uniformly distributed across the margin.  相似文献   

对“探宝号”调查船2001年8月在南海东北部陆坡及台湾南部恒春海脊海域采集的多道地震剖面资料进行了地震反射波数据分析、解释和研究,并对南海北部陆坡、陆隆及其东侧俯冲带等区域天然气水合物矿藏的成藏规律及分布特征作了初步的分析与探讨,结果表明:(1)南海东北部陆坡和台湾南部恒春海脊海域地震剖面上均显示有BSR,但两区域构造成因、形式和相关地质环境的不同造成了天然气水合物的成因及过程不同。(2)南海东北部陆坡区域的天然气水合物形成与该区广泛发育的断裂带、滑塌构造体及其所形成的压力场屏蔽环境有关,而台湾南部恒春海脊海域天然气水合物的形成则与马尼拉海沟俯冲带相关的逆冲推覆构造、增生楔及其所对应的海底流体疏导体系有关。(3)南海陆缘区域广泛发育有各种断裂带、滑塌构造体、泥底辟、俯冲带、增生楔等,且温压环境合适,是天然气水合物矿藏极有可能广泛分布的区域。  相似文献   

申志聪  王栋  贾永刚 《海洋工程》2019,37(4):107-116
以现有的南海神狐海域SH2钻孔资料为基础,建立起了与试采站位类似的"水合物层—游离气层"成藏模型,利用TOUGH+Hydrate数值模拟软件,对开采井内产气的来源问题做出了定量解释;分别使用直井和水平井降压开采方式,对"水合物层—游离气层"的储层进行了产气效率、储层开采程度方面的比较。结果表明:1)对研究工况,使用直井降压开采时,前100 d内井内气体有16%是直接来源于下部游离气层,且仍有很大部分游离气是向上迁移至水合物层中后产出,最终游离气层的贡献可达40%左右; 2)直井开采易生成二次水合物,而使用水平井开采时,游离气的向上迁移会带动更深层热液的向上运动,能在很大程度上提高水合物分解速率,并能够防止二次水合物的形成; 3)对研究工况中的"水合物层—游离气层"储层进行长期开采时,水平井降压开采更具应用前景。  相似文献   

在台西南盆地陆坡上进行了多波束测量,获取了海底地形数据和水体数据。对多波束数据进行处理,展示了多波束水体数据形成的声学水柱影像。研究表明:在台西南盆地天然气水合物富集区,多波束水柱影像异常,呈现羽状流特点,揭示了台西南盆地的天然气资源,多波束声呐系统为探测海底天然气水合物提供了精确高效的方法。  相似文献   

We present ecological and isotopic (δ18O and δ13C) data on benthic foraminifera sampled from 4 deep-sea stations in a pockmark field from the deep-water Niger delta (Gulf of Guinea, Equatorial Atlantic Ocean). In addition, a series of sedimentological and (bio)geochemical data are shown to back up foraminiferal observations. All stations are located within 1.2 km of each other, so prevailing oceanographic conditions can be assumed to be similar at each site. Two of the sites (GMMC-01 and GMMC-02) are located in a pockmark (named “pockmark A”) where current methane seepages were recorded by ROV observations. A third station (GMMC-03) is located in the topographic depression interpreted as a collapsed pockmark (named “pockmark B”). The fourth site (GMMC-04) is a reference station, without evidence of past or present seepages. Our observations show that degraded organic matter with low bio-availability is present at all stations with a preferential burial of organic compounds in topographic depressions (GMMC-03 station). Authigenic aragonite is abundant in surface sediments at stations GMMC-01 and -02. Its precipitation is likely related to high rates of methane oxidation during past seep events in episodically active pockmark A. In contrast, the absence of anaerobic methanotrophic Archaea (ANME) during the sampling period (November 2011) suggests that only moderate sulphide and methane oxidation take place close to the sediment–water interface. Compared to the reference site GMMC-04, living foraminifera at the collapsed and episodically active pockmarks show minor changes in terms of diversity, standing stocks and faunal composition. However, the δ13C signal of living and dead (but well-preserved) foraminiferal species (Ceratobulimina contraria, Melonis barleeanus, Uvigerina peregrina) is depleted in the episodically active pockmark A compared to the other stations. Overgrowth of authigenic carbonate on altered foraminifera generates an important shift to lower δ13C values. Dead faunas carry a complex time-averaged message, integrating taphonomic gains and losses related to the temporal variability of gas emission. They reveal major faunal differences that may be useful to detect gas hydrate seepages in different pockmark stages.  相似文献   

Highly concentrated gas hydrate deposits are likely to be associated with geological features that promote increased fluid flux through the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). We conduct conventional seismic processing techniques and full-waveform inversion methods on a multi-channel seismic line that was acquired over a 125 km transect of the southern Hikurangi Margin off the eastern coast of New Zealand’s North Island. Initial processing, employed with an emphasis on preservation of true amplitude information, was used to identify three sites where structures and stratal fabrics likely encourage focused fluid flow into and through the GHSZ. At two of the sites, Western Porangahau Trough and Eastern Porangahau Ridge, sub-vertical blanking zones occur in regions of intensely deformed sedimentary layering. It is interpreted that increased fluid flow occurs in these regions and that fluids may dissipate upwards and away from the deformed zone along layers that trend towards the seafloor. At Eastern Porangahau Ridge we also observe a coherent bottom simulating reflection (BSR) that increases markedly in intensity with proximity to the centre of the anticlinal ridge. 1D full-waveform inversions conducted at eight points along the BSR reveal much more pronounced low-velocity zones near the centre of the ridge, indicating a local increase in the flux of gas-charged fluids into the anticline. At another anticline, Western Porangahau Ridge, a dipping high-amplitude feature extends from the BSR upwards towards the seafloor within the regional GHSZ. 1D full-waveform inversions at this site reveal that the dipping feature is characterised by a high-velocity zone overlying a low-velocity zone, which we interpret as gas hydrates overlying free gas. These results support a previous interpretation that this high-amplitude feature represents a local “up-warping” of the base of hydrate stability in response to advective heat flow from upward migrating fluids. These three sites provide examples of geological frameworks that encourage prolific localised fluid flow into the hydrate system where it is likely that gas-charged fluids are converting to highly concentrated hydrate deposits.  相似文献   

南海天然气水合物(以下简称水合物)较多赋存于凹凸起伏的泥质地层中。针对实际倾斜水合物储层展开多分支井产能研究十分必要。以南海北部神狐海域X01站位实际地质参数和地形参数为依据,利用TOUGH+HYDRATE水合物产能预测软件和经过验证的建模新方法,建立了代表实际情况的倾斜泥质水合物储层模型,探讨了多分支井射孔程度对开采产能的影响,对比了位于储层不同构造位置(即构造低部位、倾斜部位和构造高部位)的多分支井的产能差异,确定了优势开采井型和最佳布井位置。结果表明,相比于仅水平分支射孔的多分支井,水平分支和垂直主井同时射孔的多分支井更利于水合物分解产气。但垂直主井的打开长度不宜过长,垂直主井与水平分支的打开长度比值介于0.5~1.0最利于提高气水产出比。泥质水合物储层的地层倾角影响多分支井的开采产能,将多分支井布设在储层构造低部位的水平位置更利于实现水合物长期高效开采。  相似文献   

2015~2016年在神狐新钻探区钻遇大量水合物岩心,证实南海北部神狐新钻探区具有较好的水合物成藏环境和勘探前景。结合2008~2009年该区采集的地震资料,我们对晚中新世以来细粒峡谷的沉积特征及其相应的水合物成藏模式进行了分析。通过对大量地震剖面进行解释,发现该区峡谷两侧的隆起上发育大量的滑塌体。本文通过岩心粒度分析,地震相识别分析和水合物测井响应分析等手段综合识别出对水合物成藏有控制作用的三种类型的滑塌体:原生滑塌体、峡谷切割滑塌体、和同生断裂滑塌体。结合沉积速率、流体流速分析和峡谷迁移等沉积学要素对滑塌体成因进行分析,认为峡谷切割滑塌体由于后期峡谷迁移对前期滑塌体切割形成的、同生断裂滑塌体是由于隆起区基底不平引起差异性沉降而形成的。不同类型的滑塌体发育位置不同:原生滑塌体常发育在隆起中坡度较缓的区域、峡谷切割成因滑塌体常发育在不定向迁移的峡谷两侧、同生断裂滑塌体常发育在隆起中坡度起伏较大的区域。三种类型滑塌及其相应的水合物成藏模式不同,其中原生滑塌体有利于水合物成藏,而另外两种类型的滑塌体由于其不能对自由气进行有效封堵而不利于水合物成藏。根据三种滑塌体对水合物成藏的响应指出在粗粒的含有孔虫粉砂岩储层上,覆盖细粒的泥岩对自由气进行封堵有利于水合物成藏,并且多层的泥岩覆盖是造成水合物稳定带中水合物多个分层成矿现象出现的原因。  相似文献   

沉积物孔隙水地球化学是天然气水合物勘探与研究的重要手段。为了探究珠江口盆地东南海域GMGS2-09钻孔的沉积物孔隙水地球化学特征及其对埋藏的天然气水合物的指示意义,我们在前人的研究和认知基础上,通过测试该钻孔沉积物孔隙水的氯离子含量、氢氧同位素和阳离子组成来识别天然气水合物的赋存层位。结果表明GMGS2-09钻孔在9~17、47以及100m处存在氯离子浓度的负异常耦合氧同位素的正异常,指示相应的天然气水合物赋存,其中9~17m层位指示结果与实际取样情况完全一致。此外,采用基于水合物晶格的排盐机理推导的经验公式计算显示水合物饱和度在浅表层(17m)最高约为50%,中间以及底层约为20%。  相似文献   

In the Shenhu area of the northern South China Sea (SCS), canyon systems and focused fluid flow systems increase the complexity of the gas hydrate distribution in the region. It also induces difficulties in predicting the hydrate reservoir characteristics and quantitatively evaluating reservoir parameters. In this study, several inversion methods have been executed to estimate the velocities of strata and gas hydrate concentrations along a profile in the Shenhu area. The seismic data were inverted to obtain the reflection coefficient of each stratum via a spectral inversion method. Stratigraphic horizons were then delineated by tracking the inverted reflectivities. Based on the results of spectral inversion, a low-frequency velocity field of the strata was constructed for acoustic impedance inversion. Using a new iterative algorithm for acoustic impedance inversion, reflection coefficients were converted into velocities, and the velocity variations of the strata along a 2D seismic line were then obtained. Subsequently, gas hydrate saturations at well SH2 were estimated via the shale-corrected resistivity method, the chloride ion concentration method and three different rock physics models. The results were then compared to determine the optimal rock physics model, and the modified Wood equation (MWE) was found to be appropriate for this area. Finally, the inverted velocities and MWE were used to predict the distribution and concentrations of gas hydrates along the seismic line. The estimated spatial distribution of gas hydrates is consistent with that from sonic logging and resistivity data at well SH2, and with the drilling results. Therefore, this method is applicable in areas with no well data, or with few wells, and provides an effective tool for predicting and evaluating gas hydrates using seismic data.  相似文献   

准确评估新西兰Hikurangi边缘Tuaheni滑坡复合体(TLC)区域的天然气水合物含量与储层分布对TLC慢滑移现象与产生机制的解释有重要作用。本文分析了IODP372航次U1517站位测井和取心数据,发现在局部地层纵波速度增加(>1.7 km/s)和电阻率升高(>1.5 Ω·m)的104~160 mbsf层段存在天然气水合物,其中112~114、130~145和150~160 mbsf层段饱和度相对较高。根据岩性划分了不同井段对应的矿物成分含量,用于纵波速度模型计算,并利用简化三相介质(STPE)和改进的Biot-Gassmann模型(BGTL)分别估算了104~160 mbsf层段的天然气水合物饱和度,平均饱和度分别为5.2%和6.0%,最高饱和度分别为22.7%和21.6%。同时,与阿尔奇公式估算的水合物饱和度比较,在104~160 mbsf层段3种方法估算的饱和度值随深度变化相似,天然气水合物平均饱和度相近(约6.0%),在130~145 mbsf层段的水合物平均饱和度最高(约8.5%)。本研究使用两种声速模型和更为精细的参数估算饱和度,其估算结果更为可靠,可为Tuaheni滑坡复合体慢滑移现象研究提供良好的基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

孟宪伟  张俊  夏鹏 《海洋学报》2014,36(2):33-39
深海,特别是天然气水合物区的沉积物-孔隙水体系中,Ba循环受到孔隙水中的硫酸盐(SO24-)和甲烷(CH4)之间的氧化还原反应的强烈制约。沉积物中"Ba峰"的存在体现了SO2-4亏损的长时间累积效应,并与海平面变化制约下的天然气水合物分解有关。南海北部陆坡ODP1146站钻孔上部深度185m沉积物中发育了4个"Ba峰",其中发育于深度约58m的"Ba峰"(F3)与当前SO2-4-CH4反应界面(SMI)深度一致,推断其他3个"Ba峰"(F1、F2和F4)对应的SMI深度分别约为24m、46m和84m。"Ba峰"最大峰值与沉积物Cl通量减小和冰期-间冰期转换带的对应性表明:在冰期,海平面大幅度降低诱发的浅水区(如东沙群岛附近)天然气水合物的分解持续释放了低盐度、高浓度CH4流体,其中部分流体迁移至ODP1146站所在的陆坡区沉积物中,导致了间隙水中SO2-4的持续亏损和自生Ba的长时间累积,结果在冰期-间冰期转换阶段形成显著的"Ba峰";同时,部分逸散于大气中的CH4加快了冰期的结束。在距今约50万年的冰期-间冰期旋回制约下的海平面周期性变化过程中,南海北部浅水区天然气水合物分解释放的低盐度和高浓度CH4流体也间歇地迁移至深水陆坡沉积区,导致了多个"Ba峰"的形成和沉积埋藏。"Ba峰"可以用于评价历史时期南海北部陆坡天然气水合物分解释放甲烷通量的变化。  相似文献   

Studying complex pore structures is the key to understanding the mechanism of shale gas accumulation. FIB-SEM (focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope) is the mainstream and effective instrument for imaging nanopores in gas shales. Based on this technology, 2D and 3D characteristics of shale samples from Lower Silurian Longmaxi formation in southern Sichuan Basin were investigated. 2D experimental results show that the pores in shale are nanometer-sized, and the structure of those nanopores can be classified into three types: organic pores, inorganic pores and micro fractures. Among the three types, organic pores are dominantly developed in the OM (organic matter) with three patterns such as continuous distributed OM, OM between clay minerals and OM between pyrite particles, and the size of organic pores range from 5 nm to 200 nm.Inveresly, inorganic pores and micro fractures are less developed in the Longmaxi shales. 3D digital rocks were reconstructed and segmented by 600 continuous images by FIB cutting and SEM imaging simultaneously. The pore size distribution and porosity can be calculated by this 3D digital core, showing that its average value is 32 nm and porosity is 3.62%.The 3D digital porosity is higher than its helium porosity, which can be regarded as one important parameter for evaluation of shale gas reserves. The 2D and 3D characterized results suggest that the nanometer-sized pores in organic matter take up the fundamental storage space for the Longmaxi shale. These characteristics have contributed to the preservation of shale gas in this complex tectonic area.  相似文献   

天然气水合物的分布在很大程度上受到含气流体运移的影响。南海北部陆坡区,尤其是珠江口盆地的白云凹陷,普遍存在流体渗漏的现象,暗示了水合物赋存的良好前景。神狐海域水合物钻探区内的高分辨率地震资料显示,区域内发育大量流体运移通道,在地震剖面上表现为不同形态的地震反射模糊带,根据其形态特征,可以划分为花冠状和穹顶状两大类模糊反射带。模糊反射带的存在意味着研究区内具有良好的含气流体运移条件,能够为甲烷气体的垂向运移提供通道。神狐海域水合物的钻探结果表明,水合物的分布与模糊反射带的分布范围具有良好的空间匹配关系,其中,花冠状地震反射模糊带侧翼部与中尺度正断层相连,促进了含气流体的侧向运移,顶部与可能的微裂隙相通,气体可向上运移至水合物稳定带,形成了水合物藏;而穹顶状地震反射模糊带顶部则通过疑似流体通道与海底沟通,这种结构极易形成气体逃逸而无法形成水合物。因此,不同形态特征的模糊反射带可能对水合物的分布具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡尖峰北盆地发育良好的气源及含气流体运聚疏导条件,具备较好的天然气水合物成藏潜力。为深入揭示尖峰北盆地水合物的成藏地质特征,基于高精度三维多道地震、浅地层剖面、多波束资料,深入分析了研究区深、浅部含气流体运聚疏导通道的地质、地球物理特征及对水合物成藏的控制作用。详细刻画了研究区深、浅部主要含气流体疏导通道的形态特征、发育规模、分布特点及对含气流体运聚的控制作用;重点剖析了深、浅部含气流体疏导通道组合特征及与水合物分布的耦合关系,最后结合水合物成藏地质条件,探讨了研究区水合物的成藏模式及影响因素。研究结果表明:尖峰北盆地的含气流体疏导通道主要以断裂型为主,亮点反射、反射空白带、BSR、声空白、声浑浊等含气流体运聚及水合物赋存指示标志多出现在沟源断层、古隆起伴生断层、多边形断层的顶部及邻近区域。以T3反射界面为界,其下伏沟源断层、古隆起伴生断层与上覆多边形断层构成的深、浅部含气流体疏导通道在垂向上相连通,沟通了深部气源层与浅层水合物稳定域,形成了“沟源断层—多边形断层”与“古隆起伴生断层—多边形断层”两种含气流体运移与水合物成藏模式。多边形断层的存在一方面促进了含气流体向浅层发生“中继疏导”,控制水合物富集成藏;另一方面,在多边形断层密集发育段,强烈的流体充注会引起局部温压平衡破坏和水合物分解、渗漏,导致“断续型”BSR的产生。浅层气体的渗漏和扩散可以持续作用至海底并对海底形态进行改造,导致海底滑塌、断裂、麻坑、丘状体等一系列海底微地貌的形成。  相似文献   

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