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Discharges of contaminated drill cuttings have caused appreciable ecological change of the benthos adjacent to many oil and gas platforms in the North Sea. Many platforms have large piles of cuttings lying beneath them and these probably present the greatest potential hazard to the environment during platform decommissioning and removal. There is, however, a lack of consensus on which aspects of drill cuttings are responsible for the adverse ecological effects. This hinders risk assessment of management options. Here we report data on the toxicity of sediments from around the North West Hutton platform to the amphipod Corophium volutator, the polychaete Arenicola marina and the Microtox" acute test system. Sediment was acutely toxic to Corophium out as far as 600 m from the platform. Sediment from 100 m from the platform remained acutely toxic to Corophium when 3% contaminated sediment was mixed with clean sediment. A 10% dilution of this sediment also inhibited Arenicola feeding almost completely. Sediment elutriates did not inhibit Microtox light output, but organics extracted by dichloromethane were very toxic. Fifteen minute EC50 values were as low as 0.25 mg ml(-1) and were strongly correlated with hydrocarbon concentrations. Metal concentrations in whole sediments were correlated with their toxicity to Corophium but the relationship was much weaker when data on dilutions were included. Except at sites immediately adjacent to the platform, metal concentrations were well below ERL values from the literature, so were too low to explain sediment toxicity. Toxicity of sediments to Corophium was closely correlated with their hydrocarbon content, even when tests on dilutions were included in the analysis. We conclude that hydrocarbons are the most significant cause of toxicity in these sediments contaminated with oil based drill cuttings and that polar organics, sulphide. ammonia and other water soluble substances are of much lower significance. Applying OSPAR guidelines to our data on the toxicity of cuttings pile material to Corophium data would give a maximum allowable concentration of 0.03% in clean sediments. The Microtox data indicate that sediments from deeper in the pile would require an even greater dilution than this.  相似文献   

Feng H. Lu 《Geo-Marine Letters》2008,28(5-6):339-349
Low-Mg calcite shells have been widely used to reconstruct the chemistry of ancient seawater. There is always a question: are the shells chemically pristine? This paper presents the isotope and elemental geochemistry of low-Mg calcite bivalve shells in late Miocene platform carbonates, SE Spain. The platform carbonates were extensively dolomitized, and limestone is restricted to older stratal units, and to units mainly in topographically higher and more landward strata. Low-Mg calcite oyster shells were completely dissolved out in the basinward dolomite, but are well preserved in the limestone. These shells appear to retain the original growth microstructures, based on hand samples. Under the microscope, however, dissolution and recrystallization, as well as pristine growth lines are all present. Sr isotopes in these shells range from that of normal Miocene seawater to radiogenic values. δ18O and δ13C values, and Mg, Sr, and Na concentrations in these shells are rather variable. The high end members are consistent with the typical values of modern/late Miocene normal-seawater low-Mg calcite shells, whereas the low end members are close to those of diagenetic calcite cements, which have low δ18O, δ13C, Sr and Na values, and radiogenic Sr. The Nijar shells were altered physically and chemically to different degrees by diagenesis, although these shells are consistent with some “criteria” of unalteration. The isotopic and trace-element data collected in altered and pristine (or less altered) portions coexisting in the same shells are clearly differentiable. Quantitative simulation of covariations of geochemical pairs indicates that solid mixing of unaltered and altered portions by sampling is consistent with the variations in isotopic and elemental data recorded in the Nijar shells. The geological significance of this study is that ancient fabric-retentive calcite shells may have been altered geochemically although they may appear pristine. Calcite shells that underwent intensive diagenesis should be examined rigorously under the microscope, coupled with investigations of multiple geochemical proxies to assess chemical alteration. Only the data of unaltered shells can be used to reconstruct the chemistry of ancient seawater.  相似文献   

Fishing firms sometimes give political support to marine conservation measures that seem contrary to their commercial interest. To explain this apparent paradox, an analysis is made of the stance taken by a New Zealand company in response to a proposed marine protected area in the Ross Sea. The firm defected from its industry’s opposition to the proposal, choosing to support the reserve. The analysis uses concepts from corporate political strategy to identify why such support might be forthcoming, and under what conditions. The article argues that a firm endorsing a conservation initiative in defiance of its industry intends to engineer a redistribution of profit and control within its global production network, regardless of any public benefit. While there was in this instance a public benefit in the form of potential environmental upgrading, the firm’s strategy risks compromising the effectiveness and impartiality of marine governance organizations.  相似文献   

Climate change has recently been a subject of increased attention in the shipping sector. Along with technical issues of GHG emissions reduction, a question of appropriate governance has been raised. The argument regarding the role of global, regional, and local policies in curbing shipping emissions is a part of a broader theoretical debate on forms of global governance. This paper examines the recent literature on polycentric climate governance and suggests principles for environmental regulation in shipping based on a polycentric approach.  相似文献   

A study of the distribution of the prism width inside the prismatic layer of Unio tumidus (Philipsson 1788, Diss Hist-Nat, Berling, Lundæ) from Lake Neuchâtel, Switzerland, has been conducted in order to determine whether or not this distribution is random. Measurements of 954 to 1,343 prism widths (depending on shell sample) have been made using a scanning electron microscope in backscattered electron mode. A white noise test has been applied to the distribution of prism sizes (i.e. width). It shows that there is no temporal cycle that could potentially influence their formation and growth. These results suggest that prism widths are randomly distributed, and related neither to external rings nor to environmental constraints.  相似文献   

Many Caribbean reefs have shifted from coral dominance to macroalgal dominance, often by brown algae such as Dictyota and Lobophora. However, the north side of Cayman Brac in the Cayman Islands is dominated seasonally by the green macroalga Microdictyon (percent cover of Microdictyon is 4% in the winter and ~40% of the reef in the summer), although it is absent from the south side of the island and the remainder of the country. Indeed, Microdictyon is rare in much of the Caribbean, so this situation on Cayman Brac provides an opportunity to investigate the conditions that facilitate its distribution and dominance. The impact of herbivory, competition, nutrient input and other abiotic conditions were examined as factors that could influence the distribution and dominance of Microdictyon. While herbivory or nutrient input are frequently found to be key drivers of benthic community composition on coral reefs, here consumption of Microdictyon by herbivores was low, and thus, the alga was not subject to strong top-down control by herbivory. So, in this case, neither herbivore abundance nor feeding preference appeared to influence the distribution of Microdictyon. Nutrient input was also similar to both sides of the island suggesting nutrients played little role in differential distribution. But, in a controlled transplant experiment where Microdictyon was protected from herbivory and competition, it experienced almost complete mortality (93.3%) when transplanted to the south side, compared to only 11.8% mortality on the north. The south side was exposed to the strongest wave action 92% of the days in our study and was on average a slight, but significant 0.2°C warmer. Thus, these data suggest physical forcing (i.e. wave exposure) is the most likely factor dictating Microdictyon distribution. Conversely, a combination of reduced herbivory and increased competitive strength may explain the seasonal dominance of Microdictyon on the north side of Cayman Brac. Microdictyon was a competitive inferior to the other common algae in winter but increased in competitive strength to equal other species in summer. These results add to the literature on Microdictyon and on the forces impacting benthic community structure of coral reefs.  相似文献   

The Sørkapp Basin (NW Barents Shelf) contains a comprehensive sedimentary succession that provides insight into regional tectonics and depositional development of the shelf from the Devonian to the Cretaceous. With its location east of the mid-Atlantic spreading ridge and south of Svalbard, the Basin serves as an important link between the offshore and onshore realms.This study subdivides this sparsely studied basin into six main seismic units (three Paleozoic and three Mesozoic). A metamorphic basement together with assumed Devonian sedimentary deposits form the foundation for a chiefly Carboniferous basin. The Basin forms a syncline with infill showing limited fault-influence. Overlying the early infill are Late Carboniferous deposits which show less lateral variation in thickness but also active growth on the few faults showing significant displacement. The overlying platform deposits of the latest Carboniferous and Permian show a change in depositional geometry, with onlapping deposits towards the east probably resulting from uplift of the Stappen High and regional flooding. Subsequent, particularly Late, Triassic sedimentation shows a more distinctly progradational pattern with a dominantly southeastern source for sediments. During this shallow shelf-filling stage, the Sørkapp Basin is sheltered by the Gardarbanken High, blocking the Early Triassic clinoform development. The High was transgressed in the Middle Triassic and the platform-edge progressively approached the present Svalbard coastline.The youngest Mesozoic unit forms a separate saucer-shaped depocenter west of the Sørkapp Basin, where deposits are truncated by the seafloor in a mid-basin position and across the Gardarbanken High. The depositional pattern for this succession correlates with the outcrop pattern of the Adventdalen Group implying a post Middle Jurassic to Cretaceous age. The Sørkapp Basin has been referred to as a Cretaceous feature based in this depocenter. However, the foundations are much older and the Cretaceous depression is located west of the deeper basin. Accordingly, we propose the informal term Sørkapp Depression for the Cretaceous basin.  相似文献   

Many macrofaunal species inhabiting exposed sandy beaches are dependent on the swash for their nutrition and migration and are highly adapted to the harsh physical conditions of the swash. The most important physical factors that determine the distribution and behaviour of swash related fauna, next to the swash itself, are sediment grain size and beach slope. Crucial swash parameters are swash period and swash velocity. Studying the influence of these factors on the animals in the field is often very difficult and it is almost impossible to identify which factor causes what effect. Crucial knowledge about the direct role of the swash itself is lacking. Therefore, a device that generates swash waves on an artificial beach under laboratory conditions was designed: the swash rig. In the swash rig, full and independent control on sediment grain size, beach slope, swash velocity and swash period is present. This will allow us to do a variety of experiments on the influence of each of these factors, independently or combined, on swash fauna. In one such experiment, Olivella semistriata – a dominant surfing gastropod on Ecuadorian sandy beaches – was placed in the swash rig during rising and falling tide and subjected – under constant conditions – to an equal wave regime. During falling tide, and in absence of any tidal cue, almost all specimens moved downshore, as they would in the field; hardly any specimens moved upshore. During upcoming tide, however, there was noticeable upward migration in the swash rig, and half of the runs showed a net upward migration. Contrary to the common understanding that the behaviour of sandy beach molluscs is entirely environmentally driven, this experiment hints at the presence of an endogenous circatidal clock, which is used to direct the tidal migration of the species.  相似文献   

The coast of Huelva is considered as a heavily contaminated area where the Tinto and Odiel rivers discharge after running through a metalliferous mining area in the Iberian Pyrite Belt and end in common estuary called Ría of Huelva. Lead is a highly toxic and widely distributed element in the aquatic environment; therefore there is a great interest in assessing the impact of this contaminant on aquatic organisms. To study the bioavailability and sources of lead, the bivalve species Chamelea gallina was collected from six sampling sites along the coast of Huelva. Besides the effect of this metal on the enzyme activity, delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALA-D) was determined in the whole tissue. Results show the inverse relationship between the lead concentration and the activity of ALA-D measured in whole tissues (r2=0.7). Individuals collected from the Ría of Huelva estuary had the highest levels of total lead concentrations and the lowest activity of ALA-D. Lead isotope analyses demonstrated the different sources of lead contamination and also confirmed the influence of Ría of Huelva on the metal input to the marine environment.  相似文献   

Intertidal blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, experience hypoxia reoxygenation during tidal emersion and resubmersion cycles, and this is often suggested to represent a major stress for the animals, especially for their respiratory tissues, the gills. We exposed mussels to experimental short and prolonged anoxia and subsequent reoxygenation and analyzed the respiratory response in excised gill tissue and the effects of treatment on reactive oxygen species (mainly ROS: superoxide anion, O2·− and hydrogen peroxide, H2O2), formation using live imaging techniques and confocal microscopy. Our aim was to understand if this “natural stress” would indeed produce oxidative damage and whether antioxidant defenses are induced under anoxia, to prevent oxidative damage during reoxygenation. Exposure to declining pO2 in the respiration chamber caused an increase of gill metabolic rate between 21 and 10 kPa, a pO2 range in which whole animal respiration is reported to be oxyregulating. Exposure of the animals to severe anoxia caused an onset of anaerobiosis (succinate accumulation) and shifted high and low critical pc values (pc1: onset of oxyregulation in gills, pc2: switch from oxyregulation to oxyconformity) to higher pO2. Concentrations of both ROS decreased strongly during anoxic exposure of the mussels and increased upon reoxygenation. This ROS burst induced lipid peroxidation in the mantle, but neither were protein carbonyl levels increased (oxidative damage in the protein fraction), nor did the tissue glutathione concentration change in the gills. Further, analysis of apoptosis markers indicated no induction of cell death in the gills. To our knowledge, this is the first paper that directly measures ROS formation during anoxia reoxygenation in mussels. We conclude that hypoxia tolerant intertidal mussels do not suffer major oxidative stress in gill and mantle tissues under these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Mangrove ecosystems are acknowledged as a significant carbon reservoir, with a potential key role as carbon sinks. Little however is known on sediment/soil capacity to store organic carbon and the impact of benthic fauna on soil organic carbon (SOC) stock in mangrove C-poor soils. This study aimed to investigate the effects of macrobenthos on SOC storage and dynamic in mangrove forest at Gazi Bay (Kenya). Although the relatively low amount of organic carbon (OC%) in these soils, they resulted in the presence of large ecosystem carbon stock comparable to other forest ecosystems. SOC at Gazi bay ranged from 3.6 kg m 2 in a Desert-like belt to 29.7 kg m 2 in the Rhizophora belt considering the depth soil interval from 0 cm to 80 cm. The high spatial heterogeneity in the distribution and amount of SOC seemed to be explained by different dominant crab species and their impact on the soil environment. A further major determinant was the presence, in the subsoil, of horizons rich in organic matter, whose dating pointed to their formation being associated with sea level rise over the Holocene. Dating and soil morphological characters proved to be an effective support to discuss links between the strategies developed by macrobenthos and soil ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Deep-sea benthic communities derive their energetic requirements from overlying surface water production, which is deposited at the seafloor as phytodetritus. Benthic invertebrates are the primary consumers of this food source, with deep-sea fish at the top of the trophic hierarchy. Recently, we demonstrated with the use of baited cameras that macrourid fish rapidly respond to and feed vigorously on large plant food falls mimicked by spinach (Jeffreys et al., 2010). Since higher plant remains are scarce in the deep-sea, with the exception of canyons, where terrestrial material has been observed, these results led us to ask if a more commonly documented plant material i.e. phytodetritus might form a food source for deep-sea fish and mobile scavenging megafauna. We simulated a phytodetritus dump at the seafloor in two contrasting environments (1) the NE Atlantic where carpets of phytodetritus have been previously observed and (2) the oligotrophic western Mediterranean, where the deposition of phytodetritus at the seafloor is a rare occurrence. We recorded the response of the scavenging fauna using an in situ benthic lander equipped with baited time-lapse cameras. In the NE Atlantic at 3000 m, abyssal macrourids and cusk-eels were observed ingesting the phytodetritus. The phytodetrital patch was significantly diminished within 2 h. Abundance estimates calculated from first arrival times of macrourids at the phytodetrital patch in the Atlantic corresponded with abundance estimates from video-transect indicating that fish were attracted to the scent of phytodetrital bait. In contrast to this, in the western Mediterranean at 2800 m a single macrourid was observed investigating the phytodetrital patch but did not feed from it. The phytodetrital patch was significantly diminished within 6.5 h as a result of mainly invertebrate activity. At 1900 m, Lepidion lepidion was observed near the lander and the bait, but did not feed. The phytodetrital patch remained intact until the end of the experiment. In the deployments in the Mediterranean abundance estimates from first arrival times at the bait, corrected for their body size, were lower than estimates obtained from video-transects and trawl catches. This suggests that the Mediterranean fish were not readily attracted to this food source. In contrast, invertebrates in the Balearic Sea were observed ingesting the phytodetritus bait despite the rare occurrence of phytodetritus dumps in the Mediterranean. Stable isotope values of the fish at both study sites, set within the context of the benthic food web, did not demonstrate a strong trophic link to phytodetritus. Fatty acid profiles of these fish indicated a strong link between their lipid pool and primary producers i.e. phytoplankton, which may be attributed to trophic transfer. The usefulness of fatty acid biomarkers in ascertaining deep-sea fish diets is discussed. Our study suggests that the abyssal grenadier C. armatus on the Atlantic Iberian margin is attracted to phytodetritus. However the exact contribution of this food source to the diet of macrourids in this area remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Evaluation of natural resource management policies often is made difficult by lack of robust or long-term data on the resource. In the absence of empirical data, natural resource policy evaluation may rely on expert or stakeholder perception of success as a proxy, particularly in the context of policies that depend on multi-stakeholder engagement or negotiated rulemaking. However, few formal evaluations have compared empirical ecological outcomes with stakeholder perception. This study compares stakeholder perceptions of policy outcomes with ecological outcomes from a long-term, ecological dataset as part of the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act's Take Reduction Planning process. Structural Equation Models revealed that stakeholder perceptions were significantly and positively related to positive ecological outcomes. Also, perceived success and ecological performance rankings of the Take Reduction Plans were comparable for three of the five plans examined. This analysis suggests that for this particular policy instrument, stakeholder perception aligns well with ecological outcomes, and this positive relationship is likely the result of a commitment and support for stakeholder education and engagement. However, even within a single policy analysis, there was variability suggesting that the relationship between stakeholder perceptions and policy outcomes must continue to be evaluated. This study suggests that stakeholder perception can be an accurate reflection of ecological outcomes, but not necessarily a predictor of them.  相似文献   

Habitat variability is one of the factors influencing species richness within estuarine systems, and a loss of habitat can result in a restructuring of the estuarine ichthyofaunal assemblage, particularly if these conditions persist over long time periods. The potential effects of the loss of extensive submerged macrophyte beds (Ruppia cirrhosa and Potamogeton pectinatus) on an estuarine fish assemblage were investigated through an analysis of a long-term seine net catch dataset from the temporarily open/closed East Kleinemonde Estuary, South Africa. Catch data for a 12-year period, encompassing six years of macrophyte presence and six years of macrophyte senescence, indicated that the loss of this habitat did not influence species richness but changes in the relative abundance of certain species were evident. A shift in dominance from vegetation-associated species to those associated with sandy environments (e.g. members of the family Mugilidae) was observed. However, species wholly dependent on macrophytes such as the critically endangered estuarine pipefish Syngnathus watermeyeri were only recorded during years when macrophyte beds were present, while vegetation-associated species such as the sparid Rhabdosargus holubi persisted at lower levels of relative abundance. The reduced abundance of all vegetation-associated fish species during years of macrophyte senescence was probably reflective of declining food resources resulting from the loss of macrophyte beds and/or increased vulnerability to predation. Submerged beds of aquatic plants are therefore important habitats within temporarily open/closed estuaries, South Africa’s dominant estuary type.  相似文献   

The failure of the command and control approach to fisheries management has encouraged governments to look for new ways of balancing the requirement to conserve fish stocks and yet maintain a flow of benefits that will meet economic and social targets. In the quest to establish a system for sustaining production in the Common Pond, the European Union (EU) has begun to investigate alternatives to the current management system. This research paper examines the problems associated with the current management regime operating in the EU in the light of alternatives for managing the fisheries. The research seeks to establish whether, given the serious problems confronting the EU's fishing industries, fishermen would be prepared to accept change and offer their ideas and support to develop an alternative management system. The research draws on the opinions of fishermen from Shetland and discusses the findings gained from interviewing key informants in conjunction with the results of an opinion survey of skippers and boat owners.  相似文献   

Humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae found off west South Africa (WSA) are known to display an atypical migration that may include temporary residency and feeding during spring and summer. At a regional scale there is uncertainty about how these whales relate to the greater West African Breeding Stock B as a whole, with evidence both for and against its division into two substocks. A database containing sighting information of humpback whales intercepted by boat in the WSA region from 1983 to 2008 was compiled. It included a total of 1 820 identification images of ventral tail flukes and lateral views of dorsal fins. After systematic within- and between-year matching of images of usable quality, it yielded 154 different individuals identified by tail flukes (TF), 230 by left dorsal fins (LDF), and 237 by right dorsal fins (RDF). Microsatellite (MS) matching of 216 skin biopsies yielded 156 individuals. By linking all possible sightings of the same individuals using all available identification features, the periodicity and seasonality of 281 individual whales were examined. In all, 60 whales were resighted on different days of which 44 were between different calendar years. The most resightings for one individual was 11 times, seen in six different years, and the longest interval between first and last sightings was about 18 years. A resighting rate of 15.6% of whales at intervals of a year or more indicates long-term fidelity to the region. Shorter intervals of 1–6 months between sequential sightings in the same year may suggest temporary residency. The TF image collection from WSA was compared to TF collections from four other regions, namely Gabon, Cabinda (Angola), Namibia and the Antarctic Humpback Whale Catalogue (AHWC). Three matches were detected between WSA (in late spring or summer) and Gabon (in winter), confirming direct movement between these regions. The capture–recapture data of four different identification features (TF, RDF, LDF and MS) from six successive subsets of data from periods with the highest collection effort (2001–2007) were used to calculate the number of whales that utilise the region, using both closed- and open-population models. Dorsal fins have never been used to estimate abundance for humpback whales, so the different identification features were evaluated for potential biases. This revealed 9–14% incidence of missed matches (false negatives) when using dorsal fins that would result in an overestimate, whereas variation in individual fluke-up behaviour may lower estimates by as much as 57–66% due to heterogeneity of individual capture probability. Taking into consideration the small dataset and low number of recaptures, the most consistent and precise results were obtained from a fully time-dependent version of the Jolly-Seber open-population model, with annual survival fixed at 0.96, using the MS dataset. This suggests that the WSA feeding assemblage during the months of spring and summer (September–March) of the study period numbered about 500 animals. The relationship of these whales to those (perhaps strictly migratory) that may occur in other seasons of the year, and their links to possible migratory routes and other feeding or breeding areas, remain uncertain.  相似文献   

The Ebro catchment, the largest river basin in Spain, includes various heavily industrialized areas. Among these is the Flix site, where a chemical plant has been operating since the beginning of the 20th century. This extended operational period, together with the construction of a dam next to the factory around 1960, resulted in the accumulation of large amounts of heavily polluted sediments in the adjacent riverbed, many of which are contaminated by mercury. Pollutants from Flix are carried downstream by the Ebro River to its delta. In order to assess the transfer of mercury to the complex river estuary ecosystem, we studied the ecology of the tern community living there as these birds segregate into a range of habitats. For this purpose, first we used stable isotope analysis (SIA) (δ34S, δ13C, δ15N) of eggs to determine the trophic ecology and habitat partitioning of several tern species (Common, Sandwich, Little, Gull-Billed and Whiskered Tern) breeding sympatrically, in order to link their foraging ecology with habitat types. Next we measured mercury concentrations in eggs to monitor the input of this metal into the diverse habitats. With the exception of the Little Tern, the other terns used a restricted habitat range in the Ebro Delta, as shown by C and S isotopes; the Gull-Billed and Whiskered Tern foraged in freshwater habitats, while the Common and Sandwich Tern used marine habitats. This restricted feeding behavior of the Gull-Billed and Common Tern contrasts with previous reports in other breeding sites. The Little Tern, which showed a wide range of isotopic values, was found to be an opportunistic forager but fed mainly in saltpans, a feeding habitat not reported previously for this species in this area. We found that mercury concentrations are related to foraging habitat and diet, and are unexpectedly higher in species feeding on demersal prey in marine habitats and also higher in birds feeding in saltpans than in those feeding in freshwater habitats. The mercury concentrations found in the Little and Common Tern eggs sampled in “Punta de la Banya” may be sufficiently high to endanger breeding success.  相似文献   

Various international treaty bodies and non-governmental organisations continuously urge States to establish a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (ABNJ). Although this goal is far from being reached, the OSPAR Convention may serve as an example illustrating the efforts made on a regional level for the North-East Atlantic. However, these efforts to effectively protect the marine environment are subject to limitations under the Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Likewise, the OSPAR Convention itself restricts the scope of such protected areas. The OSPAR Convention does not adequately cover all human uses of the oceans that may interfere with a protected area, and it lacks opportunities for internationalised enforcement measures. Consequently, the responsibility for effective conservation measures under the OSPAR model ultimately remains with individual Contracting Parties, i.e. their commitment to set stricter standards and to agree on their enforcement. Nevertheless, ‘soft’ obligations such as reporting duties are suitable for collecting data on the need for protection and utilisation of the MPAs. Additionally, cooperation with regional fisheries management bodies allows for better protection of the living resources in these areas. Finally, OSPAR MPAs can draw attention to particularly vulnerable ecosystems and promote conservation standards and measures such as those developed under the auspices of the FAO.  相似文献   

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