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Although it has been suggested that structural adjustment policies have slowed Third World urban growth and have stimulated a spatial deconcentration of economic activity, this paper argues that African cities continue to grow and mainly through peri-urban development. This investment comes mainly from domestic sources and migrants' remittances, and tends to be in consumption rather than production. Reasons include cultural factors, lack of confidence in the national economy and in the state's long-term economic objectives, an increasing demand for housing, improvements in intraurban transport, and a desire to spread investment risk among a range of alternatives including housing.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):318-344
Havana and Kingston are two cities in crisis. Havana is plagued by severe shortages of food, fuel, and other basic imports, and by widespread building deterioration. Kingston has extensive poverty, high unemployment, increasing crime, and deteriorating roads, buses, and working-class housing. Despite the problematic conditions found in both cities, recent coverage of them by major U.S. newspapers differs in extent, content, and underlying message. Heavy coverage of the crisis in Havana describes a desperate population in a decrepit city, and attributes the crisis to the failures of Castro and communism. The media less thoroughly and less urgently cover the crisis in Kingston, and what problems they do report are not traced to the political economic system or to political leadership. Despite these reporting inconsistencies, the media's presentation of the world is very influential. As this paper demonstrates, fully deconstructing news media images requires that they be systematically compared to those generated by empirically informed geographical research. Such comparisons also contribute to a broader research project aimed at exposing and contesting the social construction of place.  相似文献   

中国地级市房地产开发与人居环境耦合发展空间格局   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国房地产业历经近30年的发展,主要集中于经济较活跃、环境较适宜、基础设施与公共服务较完善、人居环境较适宜的城市,房地产开发的地域差异逐渐突出。科学适度的房地产开发能为人们提供良好的人居环境,而过度的房地产开发则会抑制人居环境质量的提升。基于房地产开发与人居环境耦合发展视角,建立了中国城市房地产开发与人居环境耦合度评价指标体系,运用耦合协调度模型和耦合发展度模型,对286个地级市单元的房地产开发进行空间格局分析。结果显示:① 中国地级单元城市房地产开发与人居环境整体协调度处于磨合阶段,虽未达到协调水平,但相互作用与影响力较强,其中协调度最高的为南京市;② 房地产开发与人居环境整体发展度处于较低水平,且空间分布非常不均衡,耦合发展度最高的为深圳市;③ 基于耦合协调度和发展度可将中国地级行政单元划分为9个类型,政府应根据不同类型采取差别化的房地产开发调控政策。  相似文献   

Since the early 1980s, most Sub-Saharan African countries have resorted to structural adjustment programs to reform their ailing economies. Adjustment, however, may provide a convenient means for governments of the adjusting economies and international capital to meet their current economic and political interests, usually by sacrificing the physical environment, with huge environmental costs for the adjusting country. This paper uses Ghana's forestry sector, which has been characterized by a dramatic increase in woodexports since adjustment, to demonstrate a direct link between adjustment and environmental destruction. Ghana's dramatic increase in wood exports, involving a rapid and extensive deforestation, results from the government's need to meet its increasing external debt service obligations, and is exacerbated by the series of massive local currency devaluation required under adjustment “to get prices right.” The systematic reduction in government revenue from devaluation to amortize the increasing debts, keeps the government and indebted wood processing firms on a treadmill of export-based extraction/deforestation.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):270-280
Since 1979, when the new government came to power in Iran, there have been fundamental structural changes in Iranian society. The focus of this essay is on the pronounced redistribution of population, which has taken place largely as a result of the new Iranian government's policy favoring rural-urban migration. The government's justification for the redistribution has been that there is a need for the deprived lower classes in rural areas to receive a better deal within Iranian society. Mr. A. Khosrosphahi, government official in the area of Housing and Urban Development has publicly stated on many occasions that migrants who wish to live in the Tehran metropolitan area will be provided with housing facilities, including parcels of urban land and housing loans. This has caused a mass migration of rural settlers to the cities. In order to examine different aspects of how this redistribution has occurred, it will be useful to study in detail what has taken place in one city affected by the changes. The city of Kermanshah will be considered here as such a case study.  相似文献   

This paper reviews labor planning and population policies in Noril'sk, a mining and metallurgical settlement in northern Siberia. When the settlement was established in 1935, planners were lacking in ideas about how to recruit workers to staff the mines and smelters and how to retain the labor force once it was in place. From 1935-79, planners followed a forced labor policy dependent upon the labor of prisoners. However, this solution was not adequate for meeting the manpower needs of an economy undergoing rapid technological sophistication. Northern wage increments were introduced after 1945 to recruit skilled workers from other regions. These increments built up over a 4-year period to a maximum of 80% of base pay. A special cost of living bonus was also awarded. Although these inducements facilitated labor recruitment, labor retention remained a major problem. Surveys indicated that workers would prefer improvements in housing and social services to further wage increases. Thus, policy was directed at the housing shortages, poor medical care, and inadequate child care facilities in Noril'sk. Such improvements facilitated labor retention but also contributed to overpopulation. The population doubled between 1956-80, exceeding 180,000 in the latter year. In the early 1980s, selective measures toward population control were implemented to ensure maintenance of living standards (e.g., encouragement of older workers to leave the area upon retirement, more careful screening of recruits). The goal is to stabilize city size at around 250,000. The Noril'sk case illustrates that quality of life investments can alleviate labor retention problems even in the harshest physical environments. Recent policies have advocated productivity-enriching technologies that do not require increments in the labor force.  相似文献   

广州市保障房住区居住环境品质及其制度影响因素研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
魏宗财  甄峰  秦萧 《地理科学》2020,40(1):89-96
为应对住房市场化改革带来的严峻的住房担负问题,中央政府推行了大规模建设保障房的政策,但政策实施成效,特别是保障房住区的居住环境品质状况,仍有待进一步探究。于2015年对广州11处保障房住区居民的问卷调查和访谈,并基于与城市工作POI核密度的分析结果匹配发现,保障房住区在空间和社会双重孤立的区位很大程度上造成了其不宜人的居住环境,难以与低收入居民的实际需求相匹配。既有的行政管理体制、政府职能部门间低效的沟通、不稳定的土地来源成为阻碍保障房供应和住区居住环境品质提升的重要制度因素。  相似文献   

The relationships between poverty, population growth and government policy in the creation of poor sanitary environments in low income residential areas are discussed. In recent years, the implementation of structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries has had the effect of shrinking the formal/modern sectors and expanding the informal sector. While small scale informal sector activities have dominated Cape Coast's economic base for a long time, the contraction of the formal sector resulting from structural adjustment conditionalities has engendered a disproportionate growth of the informal sector. This paper examines the environmental implications on an urban economy (Cape Coast) dominated by informal sector activities. It shows how the low pay associated with available employment reduces the ability of the municipal authority to promote urban development especially environmental health on the basis of taxes alone.  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,发展中的伊朗经济依然暴露出失业、基础薄弱、对外依赖严重、政府负担重、贫富差距大等问题。引起这些问题的原因来自伊朗国内外,涉及政治、宗教等诸多领域。只有改革宗教和政治体制,革新生产关系,调整经济结构,才能真正发展生产力,实现经济社会的和谐持续发展,使伊朗成为真正的地区大国、强国。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(1):54-77
Since 1987, the Chinese government has begun to liberalize its approach to land markets, allowing for the development of commercial residential housing and sparking greater distinctions in housing quality. At the same time, there have been growing income differentials among Beijing's residents. This paper discusses how Beijing's new urban affluent have begun to take advantage of greater housing choices. It reports on a survey conducted in 1997 that uncovers the occupational characteristics, consumption patterns, housing characteristics, and residential locations of affluent residents. The results indicate that Beijing's new urban affluent are beginning to share some of the consumption features of middle-class Westerners. At the same time, social segregation is still nascent in Beijing. There is now only a sprinkling of affluent neighborhoods in the city, and a slight majority of wealthier respondents continue to live in public housing. Moreover, few are able to afford detached single-family housing or a private automobile. The continuation of current trends could both deepen and broaden social segregation in Beijing, as class divisions come to be manifested in separate neighborhoods. [Key words: socialist cities, affluence, Beijing, housing, social stratification.]  相似文献   

摘 要:以广州3个大型保障房社区为例,对保障房社区、居民居住意愿及其影响因素进行了定量研究,并对当前保障房社区建设提出了建议。研究发现,广州保障房社区呈现居民受教育水平低、就业率低、贫困比例高、家庭规模大等问题,总体上保障房社区居民的居住意愿较高。在影响因素上,研究发现,保障房周边公共服务设施对社区居住意愿的影响最为显著,且社区交往、社区环境和住房质量等亦具有正向效应,而居住时间则具有负效应。随着中国保障房建设的加速,提高保障房社区的居住满意度,促进社区的社会融合与发展,对地区的发展具有重要意义  相似文献   

2000-2010年广州市居住空间结构演变及机制分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
周春山  罗仁泽  代丹丹 《地理研究》2015,34(6):1109-1124
首先运用因子生态分析方法对广州市2010年的居住空间结构与居住人口特征进行分析,提取出6个主因子并划分为9类居住区,得出广州市居住空间具有明显的分异性。然后与2000年的居住空间结构进行比较,归纳出广州市居住空间演变具有历史延续性、市场及政策因素影响突出、空间拓展与城市发展同步、整体居住空间呈现“圈层+扇形”融合发展等特征。根据不同的空间层次特征,概括出四种演变模式:中心区稳定发展模式、近郊区商品房拓展模式、远郊区糅合发展模式和特定区保障房镶嵌模式。探讨了广州市居住空间结构的演变机制,包括历史发展惯性、房地产发展带动、住房保障影响、城市规划引导等四个方面。最后结合国内其他大城市相关研究推导出转型期中国大城市的居住空间结构。  相似文献   

周素红  程璐萍  吴志东 《地理研究》2010,29(10):1735-1745
从居住-就业区位选择角度出发,以广州市典型保障性住房社区(棠下小区、同德小区)为案例,研究保障性住房居民的居住-就业选择特征及其空间匹配性的群体差异和影响机制。经过十多年的发展,研究小区发生明显的居住人群过滤现象,出现大量转售和转租情况,形成保障性住房、商品房、转租房、原单位房的住户结构。保障性住房住户和商品房住户的居住与就业地的空间关系变化较大,其空间不匹配问题突出,但二者在形成机制上存在较大差异。前者主要因保障性住房供应的政策性因素,使其住户的区位选择与主要就业场所不匹配而引发的,属于被动迁移型空间不匹配现象;后者主要是购买转售的保障性住房的住户,为获取保障性住房的政策性福利而通过市场方式选择远离其就业场所空间而引发的,属于主动选择型空间不匹配现象。私人转租房住户和原单位房住户的居住-就业空间匹配性良好。保障性住房的转租和转售在一定程度上产生了政策性福利的再分配,存在一定的不公平性;同时,居住-就业空间不匹配对相关居民的生活质量也带来一定的影响。因此,需要进一步研究保障性住房合理的空间布局方案和实施途径,优化城市空间结构,在考虑社会公平的前提下尽量解决各类群体的居住与就业问题。  相似文献   

麻学锋  刘雨婧 《地理研究》2016,35(10):1983-1998
在旅游业绩效内涵及相关理论研究基础上,界定旅游业内部绩效概念及其特征,从产业生成周期视角,评价和探讨旅游业内部绩效及其影响机制。采用1989-2013年张家界旅游相关数据,结合小波分析、耦合—协调模型和路径分析等研究方法,研究发现:① 出现期,张家界旅游处于投入阶段,产业结构极度失调,高度化上下波动,内部绩效均值为1.199;② 生成期,旅游经济快速增长,结构合理性中度失调,高度化周期波动,内部绩效均值为6.265,经济绩效表现较好;③ 发展期,旅游经济绩效经历了三次下降,产业结构优质协调,高度化在调整中稳步前进,内部绩效均值为47.885,结构绩效表现较好;④ 影响机制:总体来说,经济水平、交通、旅游总需求社会固定资产和政府支出是主要影响因子,但不同阶段作用机理有所差异。研究对张家界旅游业理性发展及可持续发展具有一定科学指导意义。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This geography of women's work in the less‐developed world is set in Tarija, Bolivia, a small city that has been dramatically changed by economic crisis and structural‐adjustment programs. Explored is the spatial component of women's economic activities in a low‐income barrio following the imposition of structural‐adjustment programs in the 1980s and 1990s. Women who pursue employment away from home must rely on other women. In particular, households that include more than one woman who is capable of handling important daily chores are more likely to have a woman engaged in income‐generating activities away from the home and the neighborhood. Women at home make it possible for other women to extend their economic activity into the broader community. These findings are important because they draw attention to women's reliance on other women, how women use space, and how they are constrained by spatial factors as they negotiate their daily lives.  相似文献   

北京市景观可达性与住宅价格空间关联   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城市居民对住宅环境要求的不断提高,城市景观对城市住宅价格分异影响日趋显著。分析景观对住宅价格分异格局的影响,可为城市住宅空间结构的规划提供依据,为规划与管理部门提供决策参考。以北京城区二手房小区为样本,基于ArcGIS空间分析方法和特征价格模型,探讨景观因素对北京市住宅价格空间分异格局的影响。以主流房地产交易网站二手商品房报价资料为基础数据,共采集到2012 年1 月北京市城六区有效住宅小区样本3174 个,对住宅样点进行空间化处理,并建立住宅空间信息数据库。运用密度分析、空间插值等方法,分析北京市住宅空间分布特征与价格空间分异格局。核密度分布图显示:北京市住宅空间分布呈现显著的向心化与离心化并存现象,总体上以天安门为中心向周边呈衰减趋势,在地铁转换站点形成了多个集聚次中心。在此基础上,从住宅属性、交通因素、区位特征等方面选择主要解释变量,构建地理加权回归模型,对住宅价格影响因素进行分析,重点探讨景观可达性(如绿地、水景、山景等)与住宅价格的关联。结果表明:次中心与住宅价格关联最为显著,绿地、水景、山景与住宅价格存在一定程度关联。其中,山景和高绿化率对住宅价格增效明显;由于水质较差,北京城六区内河流与住宅价格存在负相关;污水处理以及丧葬场所等污染源与住宅价格也存在显著负相关。远离污染源、靠近宜人景观、低容积率、高绿化率是居民选择住宅的需求。  相似文献   

李郇  符文颖 《地理研究》2010,29(7):1269-1280
Hedonic价格模型在西方发达国家是分析住房市场的常用工具,具有较高的针对性和实时性,并且是衡量外部性的定量科学方法。通过2005年、2006年和2007年三个独立的时间截面数据,建立广州住宅市场的Hedonic模型,揭示了广州居民住宅偏好随时间变化的方向和程度及发生变化的原因,并重点衡量了城市政府的基础设施投资在住宅市场中的资本化程度。结果显示广州居民对于中心区位、良好的交通通达性、大规模的小区和水景景观具有持续上升的偏好,而对于城市政府来说,在地铁建设、景观改造、教育质量提升等方面的长期性公共投资,反映在住宅市场中,即是对此不断增长的住房偏好,并通过模型也对这种投资效用的程度进行了较准确的定量测算。  相似文献   

Si-ming Li 《Urban geography》2017,38(5):752-770

Homeownership attainment is often seen as the first step in climbing the housing ladder and the building of wealth through acquisition of housing equity. While a number of authors have examined the issue of homeownership switch in China under market transition, the present paper is probably the first study on the extent of housing improvement in conjunction with and after the attainment of homeownership. Based on a household survey conducted in 2010, the study shows that ownership attainment in Guangzhou is generally accompanied by marked housing improvements, and subsequent moves bring further but percentage-wise much smaller improvements. While institution-related factors such as nature of work unit and occupational status might continue to be important, their effects on housing improvements are likely to be felt mainly through the income variable. But hukou status remains significant. More specifically, former peasants on the urban–rural fringe with claim to landownership rights have benefited most from the market-oriented land and housing reform.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):227-242
Political terrorism is endemic in many large cities of Latin America and the Caribbean. From 1976 to the present, and particularly in 1979–1982, armed conflict between and within the two major political parties in Jamaica has profoundly affected residential location patterns of the urban poor. The Kingston Urban Region (population 719,000) has experienced dramatic movements in residential location. Between 1970 and 1985, out of a total exodus of 63,000 people from deteriorating war zones in the inner-city ghettos, at least 35,000 can be attributed directly to political terrorism. Such terrorism has also led to loss of housing and places of employment, overcrowding of other ghettos that have been spared or less seriously damaged, and a massive movement to locations up to 50 kilometers distant from the city center, in many cases to shanty and squatter settlements. The conflict has followed the exodus to the shanty towns, which are decreasingly secure and increasingly politicized. Transportation costs for some shanty town dwellers have reached as high as 44% of takehome pay. It is illogical that large areas of empty, blighted wasteland should exist within a kilometer of downtown while tens of thousands spend an ever increasing portion of their low incomes on commuting.  相似文献   

While transportation infrastructure can increase housing price by improving accessibility to opportunities, it generates environmental health risks, such as noise and air pollution, which may have negative effects on housing price. However, the combined effects of accessibility and environmental health risk on housing price have not been well examined in the literature, especially in the auto-oriented urban context of the United States. In this study, we use assessed housing value data and the hedonic model to examine the single-family housing market's reaction to accessibility and environment health risks in Salt Lake County, a growing metropolitan area in Utah experiencing significant air pollution. Three regression models are employed with the consideration of spatial effects: ordinary least squares (OLS), spatial lag regression (SLR), and hierarchical linear modeling (HLM, or multilevel modeling/MLM). By controlling for the influences of structural attributes and socioeconomic conditions, we find that the negative impacts (traffic noise and air pollution) of transportation systems on single-family housing prices are greater than the positive impact (accessibility). Single-family residents in Salt Lake County are willing to pay more to reduce environmental health risks than to get better accessibility. These findings are different from what have been found in some dense and compact urban areas in the literature. These findings suggest that people's willingness to pay for minimizing environmental health risks varies across different urban contexts.  相似文献   

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