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本文主要立足于我国地震多发、震灾严重的国情,着眼于经济社会快速发展和社会公众对地震安全信息服务提出的新要求,探讨把防震减灾工作成果转化为公共服务产品,实现从被动救灾到主动救灾的创新和转变。以地震安全公共服务为目标,以地理信息技术为手段,为国家防震减灾信息化建设提供先进的关键技术支撑,不断提高地震行业应对地震灾害的基础信息保障能力,更好地发挥地震行业中各个业务技术系统的功能,使防震减灾成果更好、持续地为社会提供服务,最大限度减轻地震灾害损失。  相似文献   

当今世界所有工业发展国家关于安全以及居民、地区、国民经济工程设施对人为灾害和自然灾害的防护问题,已成为没有地理和民族界限的最重要的社会经济、人口学和生态研究问题。因此,建立与地震安全性保障有关的国家科技课题是极为重要的。  相似文献   

我国农村民居地震安全工作推进现状及国外经验   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文考虑农村民居地震安全工作推进方式的差异,对日美、拉丁美洲以及亚非部分国家的民居地震安全进行了简单综述,并对其特点和社会背景进行了简单分析。通过横向比较,得到了关于我国在推进农村民居地震安全工作时可以采取的一些方式;提出主要应该考虑的一些问题。  相似文献   

水库地震安全问题分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
通过分析水库周围社会及大坝安全的地震影响、世界水库的发展情况、目前对水库地震安全的认识及其研究技术,认为水库周围的地震威胁有天然地震和水库诱发地震两类,表现为对水库大坝及其附属工程和库区社会均产生影响,因此水库地震安全主要由大坝地震安全、大坝附属工程地震安全和库区社会安全构成。随着水库大坝建设速度的不断加快和大型水库的不断增加,尤其是复杂地质构造区水库建设的增多,有必要在对大坝地震安全进行研究的基础上,重视水库地震安全的研究。  相似文献   

以“推进国家安全体系和能力现代化”的总体国家安全观作为指导思想,把“安全第一、预防为主”“建立大安全大应急框架”作为新时代新征程防震减灾工作的根本方向和根本遵循,运用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的世界观和方法论,总结中国当前地震预警工作发展现状,并深刻分析了新时代新征程地震预警工作面临的机遇和挑战,探索了未来新时代新征程地震预警机制建设的新思路、新方法。  相似文献   

地震烈度速报和地震预警事关人民群众生命财产安全、社会和谐和国家安全,是一项复杂的系统工程。甘肃省地震烈度速报和预警工程项目的内容是对本省地震烈度速报和地震预警台网进行加密和升级,形成地震烈度速报与预警观测网络和紧急地震信息服务网络,向社会公众和政府部门及时提供紧急地震信息服务。其目的是提高甘肃省地震烈度速报台网提供的地震速报信息的准确性和时效性,进一步提升甘肃省防震减灾服务能力,为科学地震预警提供依据。  相似文献   

据苏联《土库曼火花报》1980年2月12日报道:在地震方面,已查明所有最危险的地区,并对其进行了研究。把这些地区标在地震区划图上。这种图作为将来开拓国家用地拟定计划的基础,同时也作为如加强建筑设计防护措施研究的基础。然而,现在正在进行更详细的居民点的区划工作。这项工作对安全部署城市和乡村的建筑物是必要的。  相似文献   

当今世界所有工业发展国家关于安全以及居民、地区、国民经济工程设施对人为灾害和自然灾害的防护问题,已成为没有地理和民族界限的最重要的社会经济、人口学和生态研究问题。因此,建立与地震安全性保障有关的国家科技课题是极为重要的。在哈萨克斯坦,研究人员拓展了地震监测系统构思,在其基础上制定了优先问题的计划:——研究地震危险性评定的方法学和编制不同比例尺的地震区划图以作为进行建设和合理利用土地的标准文件。——研究地震发生地点、强度和时间预报的方法,建立地震活动性和地震预报的地震监测系统。——研究监测的方法学,对有…  相似文献   

地震调查研究推动本部是以减轻地震灾害,构筑安全、放心社会、一元化推动地震调查研究的机构。在科学技术基本计划(2006年3月28日内阁会议决定)中,通过将科学技术在地震等自然灾害研究中的应用,在安全、放心等方面实现高品质生活的国家作为今后科学技术政策的重要理念之  相似文献   

关于下一代地震区划图编制原则与关键技术的初步探讨   总被引:22,自引:10,他引:12  
本文在回顾我国四代地震区划编图原则的基础上,结合对未来我国社会经济发展状况和国家地震安全政策变化的分析,同时对国际上地震区划研究进展与编图工作的现状了解,探讨了下一代地震区划编图的基本原则,提出了与之相关的基本科学技术问题,对第五代地震区划图的编制提出了初步的建议。  相似文献   

In this study, we determined fnax from near- field accelerograms of the Lushan earthquake of April 20, 2013 through spectra analysis. The result shows that the values of fmax derived from five different seismography stations are very close though these stations roughly span about 100 km along the strike. This implies that the cause offmax is mainly the seismic source process rather than the site effect. Moreover, according to the source-cause model of Papageorgiou and Aki (Bull Seism Soc Am 73:693-722, 1983), we infer that the cohesive zone width of the rupture of the Lushan earthquake is about 204 with an uncertainty of 13 m. We also find that there is a significant bulge between 30 and 45 Hz in the amplitude spectra of accel- erograms of stations 51YAL and 51QLY, and we confirm that it is due to seismic waves' reverberation of the sedi- mentary soil layer beneath these stations.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一款位移触发远震警报器的制作方法与使用情况,由此提高了速报地震的报警率,有效减少了台站在地震速报中的晚报、漏报现象。  相似文献   

On April 20, 2013, an earthquake with mag- nitude 7.0 occurred in the southwest of the Longmenshan fault system in and around Lushan County, Sichuan Province, China. This devastating earthquake killed hun- dreds of people, injured 10 thousand others, and collapsed countless buildings. In order to analyze the potential risk of this big earthquake, we calculate the co- and post-seismic surface deformation and gravity changes of this event. In this work, a multilayered crustal model is designed, and the elastic dislocation theory is utilized to calculate the co- and post-seismic deformations and gravity changes. During the process, a rupture model obtained by seismic waveform inversion (Liu et al. Sci China Earth Sci 56(7): 1187-1192, 2013) is applied. The time-dependent relaxation results show that the influences on Lushan and its surrounding areas caused by the Ms7.0 Lushan earthquake will last as long as 10 years. The maximum horizontal displacement, vertical uplift, and settlement are about 5 cm, 21.24 cm, and 0.16 m, respectively; the maximal positive and nega- tive values of gravity changes are 45 and -0.47 μGal, respectively. These results may be applied to evaluate the long-term potential risk caused by this earthquake and to provide necessary information for post-earthquake reconstruction.  相似文献   

We process the standard 30 s, static GPS data and the 1 s, high-rate GPS (HRGPS) data provided by the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China with GAMIT/GLOBK software package, and obtain the co- seismic displacements of near field and far field, and the epoch-by-epoch time series of HRGPS during Lushan earthquake. GPS data from about 20 sites in Sichuan province, which located between 40 and 450 km from the epicenter, are analyzed so as to study the characteristics of the static displacements and the dynamic crustal defor- mations, with periods ranging from several minutes to over a month. The result shows that: the static displacements caused by Lushan earthquake are limited to several centi- meters; the nearest station SCTQ at 43 km from the epi- center has the largest static displacement of about 2 cm, while the other stations generally have insignificant dis- placements of less than 5 mm. the stations in the east ofSichuan-Yunnan region shifts 5-10 mm toward the southwest, and the stations in the middle-west of Sichuan Basin moves indistinctively 1-2 mm toward the northwest; station SCTQ has the largest kinematic displacement of about 4 and 3 cm peak-to-peak on the north and east component, respectively, and is much greater than the static permanent displacement; for the stations located at a distance greater than 150 km from the epicenter, the kinematic motions are generally insignificant; exception- ally, station SCNC and station SCSN in central Sichuan Basin have significant kinematic motions although they are more than 200 km away from the epicenter.  相似文献   

Using the results of aftershock relocation, inversion on seismic waves and InSAR results, and surface rupture displacements obtained by geological survey after the earthquake, this paper constructs a fault model of the Yushu Ms7. 1 earthquake. Based on rectangular dislocation theory in an elastic-viscoelastic layered medium, we have simulated the co- seismic deformation and gravity change with gravitational effect considered. The pictures show that the absolute gravity measuring point is beside the extremum of coseismic gravity change, and the numerical value reaches 25.02 x 10-Sm. s-2. After a discussion about the gravity changes before the earthquake and the coherence consistency between two FG-5 absolute gravimeters, we think that the measured value 27.2 × 10^-8 m· s^-2 at Yushu station is coseismic gravity change. It's coincident with the simulation results based on dislocation theory. Therefore it is a good tool to test the near-field changes found by dislocation theory.  相似文献   

The earthquake occurred in Lushan County on 20 April, 2013 caused heavy casualty and economic loss. In order to understand how the seismic energy propagates during this earthquake and how it causes the seismic haz- ard, we simulated the strong ground motions from a rep- resentative kinematic source model by Zhang et al. (Chin J Geophys 56(4):1408-1411, 2013) for this earthquake. To include the topographic effects, we used the curved grids finite difference method by Zhang and Chen (Geophys J Int 167(1):337-353, 2006), Zhang et al. (Geophys J Int 190(1):358-378, 2012) to implement the simulations. Our results indicated that the majority of seismic energy con- centrated in the epicentral area and the vicinal Sichuan Basin, causing the XI and VII degree intensity. Due to the strong topographic effects of the mountain, the seismic intensity in the border area across the northeastern of Boxing County to the Lushan County also reached IX degree. Moreover, the strong influence of topography caused the amplifications of ground shaking at the moun- tain ridge, which is easy to cause landslides. These results are quite similar to those observed in the Wenchuan earthquake of 2008 occurred also in a strong topographic mountain area.  相似文献   

1调查经过1933年8月25日大约在下午2时半,四川茂县之北叠溪,忽然发生大地震,即时间附近群山崩倒,叠溪城全部毁灭,岷江断流。叠溪周围30里内,属于强烈地震区,在这一范围内,任何房屋庐舍,全部破坏,群山崖壁,全部崩坍。在叠溪圆径百里之内,所有道路都被破坏,不能通行。邮电线路,全部不通。当时只知茂汶  相似文献   

Centroid depth of earthquakes is essential for seismic hazard mitigation. But, various studies provided different solutions for the centroid depth of the damaging 2013 Lushan earthquake, thus hindering further studies of the earthquake processes. To resolve its centroid depth and assess the uncertainties, we apply the teleseismic cut and paste method to invert for centroid depth with teleseismic body waves in the epicentral distance of 300-90~. We performed the inversion for P waves only as well the case of both P and SH waves and found that both cases lead to depth solutions with difference less than 0.5 km. We also investigated the effects on depth inversion from azimuth gap of seismic stations, source duration, and comer fre- quency of filter. These various tests show that even azi- muthal distribution of seismic stations is helpful for accurate depth inversion. It is also found that estimate of centroid depth is sensitive to source duration. Moreover, the depth is biased to larger values when corner frequency of low-pass filter is very low. The uncertainty in the velocity model can also generate some error in the depth estimation (- 1.0 km).With all the above factors consid- ered, the centroid depth of Lushan earthquake is proposed to be around 12 km, with uncertainty about 2 km.  相似文献   

汶川8.0级特大地震汉源县震害特点与烈度异常成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在汉源县地震灾害调查的基础上,通过收集前人在该区已取得的成果资料,采用综合分析、类比等方法,对汉源县地震烈度异常区震害及造成异常的原因进行了分析探讨。汉源县建筑物破坏形式以水平地震作用造成的“X”型剪切破坏为主,竖向地震造成的破坏较少。地震波传播路径、场地土层条件和地形地貌条件三者的耦合是造成汉源县烈度异常的主要原因,其中场地土层中占优势厚度的砾石层是造成场地地震波放大的主要内因。本文取得的初步结论为更加深入地科学研究本区地震烈度异常的原因提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Based on faults surveying and research data in the Tianjin offshore areas, through studying tectonic structure, Quaternary activity, deep structure, stress and strain fields and seismicity in the Tianjin offshore areas, the activity and tectonic features of the faults are determined synthetically. Using seismo-geological data, and the historical and modern seismicity data, the frequency-magnitude relationship model normalized by 500a is established and based on the relationship between the upper limit of maximum magnitude Mu and at/b, the maximum magnitudes of the sea section of the Haihe river fault and the Haiyi fault are calculated. Then Poisson probability model is adopted and the quantitative parameters, such as the maximum magnitude, occurrence probability, recurrence cycle of the faults in the south Tianjin offshore areas in the coming 50 - 200a, are calculated.  相似文献   

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