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宁强碳质球粒陨石含有大量聚集的球粒(13.7体积%)和非常低的难熔包体丰度(~2±1体积%),属于异常的CV球粒陨石(氧化亚群)。相对于典型的CV3球粒陨石,宁强具有低的难熔包体和较高橄榄石集合体(8.2体积%)及聚集的球粒丰度,相对于CV3氧化亚群,宁强具有较多的金属Fe-Ni及磁铁矿,高的磁铁矿(3.3体积%)/金属Fe-Ni(0.5体积%)比值(6.6),并有作为主要金属相的镍铁矿(Ni_3Fe),表明宁强球粒陨石类似于CV3氧化亚群。  相似文献   

庐江陨石的化学组成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
庐江陨石是一块落的球粒石陨石,本文详细介绍了庐江的化学全分析,铁物相,镍物相和微量元素分析方法,给出了庐江陨石的主要元素组成和微量元素组成特征。由此可以确定该陨石的化学群属于LL群。  相似文献   

本文运用INAA,RNAA和化学分析方法测定了新疆铁陨石不同部位样品中的微量元素含量,并根据其结果论证了铁陨石的化学分类方法及适用性,讨论了新疆铁陨石母体的元素分布规律、母体形成条件及其成因。  相似文献   

Amino acids have been separated from and identified in the Jilin meteorite No.Ⅰ and Ⅱ by gas-liquid chromatography. Eight kinds of amino acid, i.e., α-alanine,valine, glycine, isoleucine, β-alanine, leucine, proline, and threonine are observed in meteorite No. Ⅰ Ten varieties of amino acids including serine, hydroproline, lysine and etc. are noticed from meteorite No. Ⅱ. A brief diseussion is given to the origin of these acids.  相似文献   

Based on structural observations and the concentrations of Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Ga, Ge,As, Sb, Re, Ir and Au by neutron-activation analysis we have classified 14 Chinese iron meteorites. Thirteen are members of the large groups IAB, IIICD, IIICD,IIIAB and IVA.Leshan is an ungrouped iron meteorite that falls within the IIE field on some elementNi diagrams, but is distinctly outside this .fiel on plots of Cu, W, and Ir vs. Ni; it is very similar in Composition to Techado,another ungrouped iron. The high Cu content of Leshan is consistent with other evidence indicating that Cu is a valuable parameter for classifying, iron meteorites. IIICD Dongling appears not to be a new meteorite, but to be paired with Nantan; Dongling was recovered about 50 km from the location of the Nantan shower. Yungning is highly oxidized; we assign it to group LAB but cannot rule out IIICD. IVA-An Longchang has many characteristics of IVA irons, but has been remelted, prebably in a terrestrial setting, Five irons belong to group IVA, a remarkably large number. Three are identical in Composition, and we suspect that the two from Hubei, Guanghua and Huangling, are paired. Thus this set of 14 irons ineludes 12 independent fall.  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了枣阳和肇东两陨石的陨落情况,并对其化学成分、矿物组成、岩石学等研究进行初步报道。确定了枣阳陨石为H,球粒陨石,肇东陨石为L4球粒陨石。  相似文献   

东乌珠穆沁及渭源中铁陨石岩石学特征及其分类   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
毛艳华  陶克捷 《地球化学》1998,27(1):27-34,T002
对我国东乌珠穆沁及渭源2个中铁陨石的岩石学进行了研究,根据其硅酸盐基质的再结晶程度,我们将东乌珠穆沁陨石划分为类型I的中铁陨石,渭源陨石划分为类型Ⅲ的中铁陨石。东乌珠穆沁中铁陨石主要分布于细粒基质中的富斜方辉石碎屑及金属Fe-Ni组成,其硅酸盐质显示轻微的再结晶作用,渭源中铁陨石强烈风化并形成大量褐铁矿,该陨石主要由斜方辉石,斜长石组成,并有少量普通辉石,磷镁钙石,鳞石英及铁的氧化物;硅酸盐矿物广  相似文献   

本文运用INAA测定了6个中国普通球粒陨石磁性相21个元素和非磁相20个元素的含量。5个H群球粒陨石的组成没有显示出明显的差异,但其元素丰度明显地不同于另一个L群的肇东球粒陨石。相对于CI,磁性相中Ga归一化的元素丰度可以作为普通球粒陨石分群的指示剂。根据普通球粒陨石各相元素丰度建立的模式成分和组成与全岩分析结果一致。  相似文献   

1977年日本地震学会代表团访问了中国,日本代表团团长、东北大学理学部教授铃木次郎及本文作者之一、东北大学理学部教授胁田宏提议在陨石研究方面进行新的合作。中国科学院副院长吴有训教授和中国科学院贵阳地球化学研究所上述二位作者,对日方提出的新建议表示欢迎,并赠送了两块中国陨石——南丹铁陨石和安龙球粒陨石给日本的陨石研究小组。本文是中日两国在宇宙化学领域进行合作的第一篇论文。  相似文献   

Isoprenoid compounds in the Jilin meteorite are isolated and identified by a combined chromatography-mass spectrometry. In the chromatographic part of this instrumentation, the open glass capillary is coated with SE^30 carrier. Chromatographic and mass spectrometric evidence of the existance of pristane and phytane in the Jilin meteorite has been presented and the possible origin of these compounds briefly discussed  相似文献   

吉林陨石的岩石学、矿物学、化学组成及球粒结构的研究表明,陨石主要由橄榄石、古铜辉石、铁纹石、陨硫铁、斜长石及少量的铬铁矿、钛铁矿、斜古铜辉石、白磷钙矿及玻璃等近40种矿物组成。橄榄石(Fa18.7%)及古铜辉石(En81.8 Fs15.3 Wo2.9)的成分比较稳定。球粒比较发育,约占20%,但大多球粒的轮廓模糊,有的球粒与基质难以分辨,球粒结构类型多样,组成球粒和基质的矿物成分基本一致。按W.R.范施穆斯(VanSchmus)的分类,吉林陨石应属于H_5球粒陨石。根据同位素地质年龄的测定结果,吉  相似文献   

Mierospecimons of troilite from the Jilin meteorite No. Ⅰ, weighing only 200--500 micrograms, have been determined for S, Fe, Ni and Co. The sample is firstly decomposed by 6 N hydrochloric acid mixed with hydroxylanine hydrochloride at room tcmperature. Simultaneously, tellurium ions (To^4 ) are added to combine with divalent sulfur into TeS2. Excess tellurium is determined spectrophotometrieally. The sulfur content is indirectly obtained by substracting the excess tellurium from the total amount added. After extraction and separation, each of the other elements is colormetrically determined. The results are satisfactory.  相似文献   

Preliminary investigation was earried out on the Jilin meteorite for hydrocarbonand nitrogen-bearing organic compounds. It shows that the meteorite contains 68 ppm of soluble organic matter, among which the normal alkanes amount to 0.36---0.48 ppm,with carbon number distribution ranging from C17 to C31, and the aromatic hydrocarbons herein are mainly composed of polyalkyl-substituted less condensed rings. Purine derivatives and pyrimidine have also been found. A discussion is given as to the origin of these organic substanees.  相似文献   

Opaque minerals in the Jilin meteorite inelude kamacite, taenite troilite, chromite, ilmenite, schreibersite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and graphite.Five of the above-mentioned minerals have been discussed in more detail in terms of optical and physical properties, chemical composition, coexisting relationship, and the order of crystallization. It is indicated from this study that, with the exception of a small amount of Ni-Fe cbondrules, silicate minerals are the first to erystallize followed by chromite, ilmenite at the early stage of nebula condensation, while Ni-Fe phase in the matrix is considered to be of a more later erigin. At the late stage of nebula condensation troilite resulted from the reaction of Ni-Fe metal with residual H2S vapor. As indicated by the occurrence of coarse grained Ni-Fe metal, the recrystallization of troilite and the apparent Neumann lines in kamaeite, it is expected that opaque minerals in the Jilin metevrite have undergone different degrees of thermal and impact metamorphisms.  相似文献   

我国铁陨石研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结回顾了我国铁陨石研究的现状和特点,对比国际研究水平分析了不足和差距。近10年来,我国在单块体铁陨石元素面分布、分类参数、铁陨石母体成因、特殊构造集合体和大气剥蚀消融作用等方面取得了可喜的进展。  相似文献   

Glass and gas inclusions have been observed in olivine and other minerals in 30 doubly polished tin sections of Jilin meteorites, indicating that there must have been melting And condensation stages during the process of meteorite formation. Temperatures of formation have been determined by homogenization and quenching runs,giving 1050-200℃ and 502℃ for glass and gas inclusions respectively, Meanwhile,the fibrous radial crystals of pyroxene have been notieed to grow when heated over 800℃. These observations are in general agreement with the available experimental data and theoretical calculations regarding meteorite.  相似文献   

陨石氧同位素组成及其地学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了各类陨石氧同位素组成的特点,对陨石氧同位素组成的主要成因观点进行了评述,结合地球的原始物质组成,讨论了陨石氧同位素组成的地球科学意义。  相似文献   

对我国新近降落的九十普通球粒陨石进行了岩石学和矿物学的研究,在此基础上划分了9个球柱陨石的化学-岩石类型,它们是南通(H4)、枣阳(H5),肇东(L4),启东(L-LL5)、饶阳(L4)、射阳(L6)、广南(L6)、随州(L6)及导河(L4)球粒陨石。  相似文献   

1976年9月13日下午4时40分左右在贵州西部十八个县境内上空发现有明亮火球高速飞过和降落,并在清镇县卫城区找到两块石陨石。根据贵州省科委的指示和中国科学院贵阳地球化学研究所党委的决定,迅速组成了贵州西部陨石雨考察队,并分成11个调查组于9月15日到9月31日分赴各有关县进行现场调查,共调查了94个点,被访人数达744人(其中包括目睹者144人)。在调查过程中得到当地县、区和公社领导以及广  相似文献   

Iron meteorites from Nandan, Guangxi ; Wushike, Xinjiang; Shangdu, Hebei and Huangling, Hubei are investigated with a spark souree mass speetrometer for their Cr, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, Os and Ir contents. The accuracy of the results and the factors affecting it are discussed. It is preliminarily concluded,while textural evidences of these meteorites are also taken into account, that the Nandan, Wushike and Shangdu meteorites belong to IA, Ⅲ .4 and ⅢE groups respectively. The Ni, Ga and Ge contents in the Huangling iron meteorite come close to that of mesosiderites.  相似文献   

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