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Changes in groundwater tables brought about by sea level increases in the Delaware River Basin (near Philadelphia) about 2,500 years B.P., initiated wetland development at the Princeton-Jefferson Branch of the Woodbury Creek marshes. Continual increases in sea level pushed groundwater tables further upward, and by approximately 800 years B.P., groundwater tables had risen to the upper limits for woody vegetation at the site. By the time European settlers arrived in the late 1600s nontidal sedge marshes dominated the site. Upon arriving colonists began manipulating the hydrology of the Delaware River Basin by constructing dams and dikes for flood control. Soon many areas were cut off from direct contact with the river. During the next one and one-half centuries sea level continued to rise, and because of channelization of the Delaware River the tidal range doubled. During the early 1900s flood control structures began to fail allowing tidal waters to periodically inundate these protected sites. At that time the site was dominated by a Quercus-Castanea swamp forest with hummocks of Cyperaceae interspersed throughout. In 1940 the dike surrounding the Princeton-Jefferson marsh collapsed and the site was immediately inundated with tidal waters on a regular basis. Within a short period of time tidal freshwater marsh developed and has continued to the present day. It is clear from this investigation that changes in hydrology brought about by cultural modifications have been directly responsible for the ontogeny of this tidal marsh. The influence cultural impacts have had on wetland development at the Princeton-Jefferson marsh suggest that it may be necessary to reevaluate the extent humans have modified the development and structure of the present day upper Delaware River estuary. Although the ability to discern historic vegetation zonation patterns is limited, these marshes can record individual events that have shaped these wetlands through time. Due to differences in the structure of the plant community, rates of decomposition, and processes of accretion, Redfield’s model (1972) of tidal salt marsh development does not apply to the Princeton-Jefferson marsh. Along a submerging coast, the development of tidal freshwater marsh in many estuaries may be necessary for the establishment of brackish and salt marshes by creating and maintaining a suitable habitat for the eventual colonization of more salt-tolerant plant species. The roles these wetlands have played in the development of the estuaries has been underestimated in the past.  相似文献   

Ombrogenic Atlantic salt marshes are defined as areas of halophytic, terrestrial vegetation which are periodically flooded by the tide and have a predominant underlying organic substrate comprising of wood and/or Sphagnum peat that formed under freshwater conditions. The objective of this study was to determine to what extent salt marsh plant ecology and, specifically, vegetation composition and zonation relate to this underlying substrate of organic matter (peat). A vegetation survey was carried out on nine salt marshes, three on peat substrate and two on sand, mud and sand/mud, respectively. In parallel, key edaphic variables were measured including pH, conductivity, organic content, moisture content and nutrients: ammonium, nitrate and phosphorus. Salt marshes on peat substrate are distinct. Ammonium content was twice the maximum reported in other salt marsh studies, while the vegetation composition of salt marshes on peat substrate was significantly different from that of other salt marshes. Salt marshes on peat substrate were found to be higher in species diversity and richness and characterised by a predominantly forb and rush community. However, some common salt marsh species, such as Atriplex portulacoides and Spartina anglica were absent from salt marshes on peat. Ordination analysis revealed that zonation was primarily associated with conductivity on peat substrates. In contrast, moisture plays a greater role in zonation within non-peat salt marshes. The findings confirm that the high organic matter content of ombrogenic Atlantic salt marshes is associated with distinct vegetation composition.  相似文献   

In light of widespread coastal eutrophication, identifying which nutrients limit vegetation and the community consequences when limitation is relaxed is critical to maintaining the health of estuarine marshes. Studies in temperate salt marshes have generally identified nitrogen (N) as the primary limiting nutrient for marsh vegetation, but the limiting nutrient in low salinity tidal marshes is unknown. I use a 3-yr nutrient addition experiment in mid elevation,Spartina patens dominated marshes that vary in salinity along two estuaries in southern Maine to examine variation in nutrient effects. Nutrient limitation shifted across estuarine salinity gradients; salt and brackish marsh vegetation was N limited, while oligohaline marsh vegetation was co-limited by N and phosphorus (P). Plant tissue analysis ofS. patens showed plants in the highest salinity marshes had the greatest percent N, despite N limitation, suggesting that N limitation in salt marshes is partially driven by a high demand for N to aid in salinity tolerance. Fertilization had little effect on species composition in monospecificS. patents stands of salt and brackish marshes, but N+P treatments in species-rich oligohaline marshes significantly altered community composition, favoring dominance by high aboveground producing plants. Eutrophication by both N and P has the potential to greatly reduce the characteristic high diversity of oligohaline marshes. Inputs of both nutrients in coastal watersheds must be managed to protect the diversity and functioning of the full range of estuarine marshes.  相似文献   

Two to three thousand years ago, the fringing tidal salt marsh wetlands (including brackish and freshwater marsh) of the Delaware coastal zone were three to four times wider than at present. Observed variations in rates of marsh surface aggradation suggest that some areas are undergoing inundation whereas many other areas are undergoing aggradation at rates greater than sea-level rise as measured by a local tidal gauge (average 33 cm/ century based on a 70-year record) and may be undergoing floral succession. Accompanying these sedimentary processes are coastal erosion rates up to 6.9 m/yr along the Delaware estuary, up to 2.8 m/yr along the Delaware Atlantic coast, and ranging from 0.1 m/yr to 0.6 m/yr along the Delaware Atlantic coastal lagoons. Human development has destroyed nearly 9% of Delaware's fringing salt marshes between 1938 and 1975. The rapidly growing trend toward hardening the edge of the adjacent landward uplands leads us to the conclusion that much of the fringing salt marsh of Delaware will disappear over the next two to three centuries with only small remnants declining to extinction ca. 1500–1700 years into the future. Impacts on the State of Delaware, comprised of 13% fringing salt marshes 1/4 century ago, will be profound in terms of destruction of a large segment of the Atlantic coastal or eastern North American migratory bird flyway, and an eventual forced accommodation of the inhabitants of Delaware to these naturally ongoing geological processes.  相似文献   

The rapid spread ofPhragmites australis in the coastal marshes of the Northeastern United States has been dramatic and noteworthy in that this native species appears to have gained competitive advantage across a broad range of habitats, from tidal salt marshes to freshwater wetlands. Concomitant with the spread has been a variety of human activities associated with coastal development as well as the displacement of nativeP. australis with aggressive European genotypes. This paper reviews the impacts caused by pure stands ofP. australis on the structure and functions of tidal marshes. To assess the determinants ofP. australis expansion, the physiological tolerance and competitive abilities of this species were examined using a field experiment.P. australis was planted in open tubes paired withSpartina alterniflora, Spartina patens, Juncus gerardii, Lythrum salicaria, andTypha angustifolia in low, medium, and high elevations at mesohaline (14‰), intermediate (18‰), and salt (23‰) marsh locations. Assessment of the physiological tolerance ofP. australis to conditions in tidal brackish and salt marshes indicated this plant is well suited to colonize creek banks as well as upper marsh edges. The competitive ability ofP. australis indicated it was a robust competitor relative to typical salt marsh plants. These results were not surprising since they agreed with field observations by other researchers and fit within current competition models throught to structure plant distribution within tidal marshes. Aspects ofP. australis expansion indicate superior competitive abilities based on attributes that fall outside the typical salt marsh or plant competition models. The alignment of some attributes with human impacts to coastal marshes provides a partial explanation of how this plant competes so well. To curb the spread of this invasive genotype, careful attention needs to be paid to human activities that affect certain marsh functions. Current infestations in tidal marshes should serve as a sentinel to indicate where human actions are likely promoting the invasion (e.g., through hydrologic impacts) and improved management is needed to sustain native plant assemblages (e.g., prohibit filling along margins).  相似文献   

Destruction of tidal wetlands has led to a growing interest in the restoration and creation of new wetland habitat. However, while natural stands of vegetation have been successfully duplicated, less is understood about the establishment of faunal communities in created or restored tidal marshes. Infauna, which may form an important link between detrital production and commercially important finfish and decapods, have received limited attention in vegetated marsh habitats. We examined the infauna, changes in vegetation composition, and selected physical parameters in created marshes of different ages. Infauna were sampled using standard core sampling techniques. Vegetation composition and changes in relative abundance were observed using plot-point techniques. Vegetation plots indicated ongoing replacement ofSpartina alterniflora bySchoenoplectus robustus, a pattern supported by comparisons of vegetation at one of the sites to that reported in a previous study. Infauna exhibited significant differences between sites of different ages, with the intermediate-age site having intermediate densities for several taxa. These results suggest that both infauna and vegetation in created marshes undergo long-term change (ongoing after 10–20 yr), with both the plant and infaunal communities having qualitatively similar overall species composition to natural marsh areas.  相似文献   

The restoration of a 20 ha tidal marsh, impounded for 32, yr, in Stonington, Connecticut was studied to document vegetation change 10 yr after the reintroduction of tidal flushing. These data were then compared to a 1976 survey of the same marsh when it was in its freshest state and dominanted byTypha angustifolia. Currently,T. angustifolia remains vigorous only along the upland borders and in the upper reaches of the valley marsh. Live coverage ofT. angustifolia has declined from 74% to 16% and surviving stands are mostly stunted and depauperate. Other brackish species have also been adversely effected, except forPhragmites australis which has increased. In contrast, the salt marsh speciesSpartina alterniflora has dramatically expanded, from <1% to 45% cover over the last decade. Locally, high marsh species have also become established, covering another 20% of the marsh.  相似文献   

Tidal salt marsh is a key defense against, yet is especially vulnerable to, the effects of accelerated sea level rise. To determine whether salt marshes in southern New England will be stable given increasing inundation over the coming decades, we examined current loss patterns, inundation-productivity feedbacks, and sustaining processes. A multi-decadal analysis of salt marsh aerial extent using historic imagery and maps revealed that salt marsh vegetation loss is both widespread and accelerating, with vegetation loss rates over the past four decades summing to 17.3 %. Landward retreat of the marsh edge, widening and headward expansion of tidal channel networks, loss of marsh islands, and the development and enlargement of interior depressions found on the marsh platform contributed to vegetation loss. Inundation due to sea level rise is strongly suggested as a primary driver: vegetation loss rates were significantly negatively correlated with marsh elevation (r 2?=?0.96; p?=?0.0038), with marshes situated below mean high water (MHW) experiencing greater declines than marshes sitting well above MHW. Growth experiments with Spartina alterniflora, the Atlantic salt marsh ecosystem dominant, across a range of elevations and inundation regimes further established that greater inundation decreases belowground biomass production of S. alterniflora and, thus, negatively impacts organic matter accumulation. These results suggest that southern New England salt marshes are already experiencing deterioration and fragmentation in response to sea level rise and may not be stable as tidal flooding increases in the future.  相似文献   

Marsh creation has come into increasing use as a measure to mitigate loss of valuable wetlands. However, few programs have addressed the functional ecological equivalence of man-made marshes and their natural counterparts. This study addresses structural and functional interactions in a man-made and two natural marshes. This was done by integrating substrate characteristics and marsh utilization by organisms of two trophic levels. Sediment properties, infaunal community composition, andFundulus heteroclitus marsh utilization were compared for a man-madeSpartina salt marsh (between ages 1 to 3 yr) in Dills Creek, North Carolina, and adjacent natural marshes to the east and west. East natural marsh and planted marsh sediment grain-size distributions were more similar to each other than to the west natural marsh due to shared drainage systems, but sediment organic content of the planted marsh was much lower than in either natural marsh. This difference was reflected in macrofaunal composition. Natural marsh sediments were inhabited primarily by subsurface, deposit-feeding oligochaetes whereas planted marsh sediments were dominated by the tube-building, surface-deposit feeding polychaetesStreblospio benedicti andManayunkia aestuarina. Infaunal differences were mirrored inFundulus diets. Natural marsh diets contained more detritus and insects, because oligochaetes, though abundant, were relatively inaccessible. Polychaetes and algae were major constituents of the planted marshFundulus diet. Though naturalmarsh fish may acquire a potentially less nutritive, detritus-based diet relative to the higher animal protein diet of the planted marsh fish,Fundulus abundances were markedly lower in the planted marsh than in the natural marshes, indicating fewer fish were being supported. LowerSpartina stem densities in the planted marsh may have provided inadequate protection from predation or insufficient spawning sites for the fundulids. After three years, the planted marsh remained functionally distinct from the adjacent natural marshes. Mitigation success at Dills Creek could have been improved by increasing tidal flushing, thereby enhancing, access to marine organisms and by mulching withSpartina wrack to increase sediment organic-matter content and porosity. Results from this study indicate that salt marshes should not be treated as a replaceable resource in the short term. The extreme spatial and temporal variability inherent to salt marshes make it virtually impossible to exactly replace a marsh by planting one on another site.  相似文献   

Salt pools are water-filled depressions common to north-temperate salt marshes. In Wells, ME, USA, cores reveal a unique salt pool signature consisting of water-saturated dark-gray mud often containing fragments of Ruppia maritima. Cores through pool sediment reenter salt marsh peat, not tidal flat sediment, demonstrating that most pools are of secondary origin. A principal component analysis of attribute data collected from 119 pools defines three distinct pool types: those with (1) surrounding high-marsh vegetation and thick heavily undercut banks (40% of the variance), (2) surrounding low-marsh vegetation and thicker slightly undercut banks (18% of the variance), and (3) surrounding low-marsh vegetation and less thick moderately undercut banks, containing R. maritima and a surficial drainage (15% of the variance). Cores and spatiotemporal analyses of aerial photographs between 1962 and 2003 reveal dramatic salt marsh surface dynamism suggesting that salt pools influence the geomorphological evolution of coastal marshes.  相似文献   

Aerial photographs and GIS analysis were used to map the distribution of tidal marsh vegetation along the salinity gradients of the estuaries of the Altamaha and Satilla Rivers in coastal Georgia. Vegetation maps were constructed from 1993 U.S. Geological Survey Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quads, 1∶77,000-scale color infrared photographs taken in 1974 and 1∶24,000-scale black and white photographs taken in 1953, Changes between years were identified using a GIS overlay analysis. Four vegetation classifications were identified and groundtruthed with field surveys: salt marsh (areas containing primarilySpartina alterniflora), brackish marsh (Spartina cynosuroides andS. alterniflora), Juncus (Juncus roemerianus), and fresh marsh (Zizania aquatica, Zizaniopsis miliacae, and others). There was no evidence for an upstream shift in marsh vegetation along the longitudinal axis of either estuary over the time frame of this analysis, which implies there has not been a long-term increase in salinity. Although the inland extent of each marsh zone was further upstream in the Satilla than the Altamaha, they corresponded to similar average high tide salinities in each estuary: areas classified as salt marsh occurred from the mouth up to where average high tide salinity in the water was approximately 15 psu;Juncus ranged from 21 to 1 psu; brackish marsh ranged from 15 to 1 psu; and fresh marsh was upstream of 1 psu. Approximately 63% of the 6,786 ha of tidal marsh vegetation mapped in the Altamaha and 75% of the 10,220 ha mapped in the Satilla remained the same in all 3 yr.Juncus was the dominant classification in the intermediate regions of both estuaries, and shifts between areas classified asJuncus and either brackish or salt marsh constituted the primary vegetation change between 1953 and 1993 (87% of the changes observed in the Altamaha and 95% of those in the Satilla). This analysis suggests that the broad distribution of tidal marsh vegetation along these two estuaries is driven by salinity, but that at the local scale these are dynamic systems with a larger number of factors affecting the frequently changing borders of vegetation patches.  相似文献   

Flax Pond is a small (0.5 km2) salt marsh on the north shore of Long Island, New York. Two 1 m2 plots within each of the following environments were covered with a marker layer of either brick dust or aluminum glitter: 1) bare mud flats; 2) areas newly colonized by Spartina alterniflora; and 3) high intertidal. S. alterniflora peat surfaces. Monthly cores revealed the amount of sediment that accumulated since placement of the marker. Accretion rates from October, 1974 to February, 1976 were as follows: bare mud flats ?20.5 to 45.5 mm/yr; recently vegetated mud flats ?9.5 to 37.0 mm/yr; and high intertidal peat surfaces ?2.0 to 4.25 mm/yr. Sedimentation rates decrease with increasing elevation because of the reduced tidal submergence time and decreased height of the overlying water column. In areas of low elevation, ice and storms cause either erosion or a reduced rate of accretion during the winter months. The average mud accretion rate over the past 173 years is 3.4 mm/yr. Differences between the short-term rate and the long-term rate indicate substantial annual variation in the accumulation of mud in salt marshes. Short-term rates of peat accretion are similar to long-term estimates, indicating that rates of peat accretion are relatively constant over long intervals.  相似文献   

Fishes and invertebrate macrofauna (nekton) were sampled biweekly (July through October 1985) from the surface of tidal freshwater marshes. Samples were collected with flume nets at three different stream orders (orders 2, 3 and 4+) along a marsh stream order gradient. Twenty-five species of fishes (5,610 individuals, 17.072 kg preserved wet weight) representing 13 families, and three species of invertebrates (19,570 individuals, 13.026 kg preserved wet weight) were collected. The most abundant species were grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio), mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus), banded killifish (F. diaphanus), inland silversides (Menidia beryllina), and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Invertebrate catches (mostly grass shrimp and blue crabs) were not significantly different among stations. Total numbers of fishes were significantly greater at both headwater (order 2) and main creek (order 3) stations than river (order 4+) stations, but catches of headwater and main creek stations were not significantly different. The relationship between marsh stream order and fish abundance may partly be related to the distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) within marsh tidal creeks. Submerged aquatic vegetation decreases in abundance with increasing stream order. Some species may use SAV as a refuge from predators or as a foraging area during low tide when the marsh surface is inaccessible. The presence of SAV in tidal creeks may enhance the habitat value of adjacent marshes.  相似文献   

At a marsh on the hanging wall of the Seattle fault, fossil brackish water diatom and plant seed assemblages show that the marsh lay near sea level between 7500 and 1000 cal yr B.P. This marsh is uniquely situated for recording environmental changes associated with past earthquakes on the Seattle fault. Since 7500 cal yr B.P., changes in fossil diatoms and seeds record several rapid environmental changes. In the earliest of these, brackish conditions changed to freshwater 6900 cal yr B.P., possibly because of coseismic uplift or beach berm accretion. If coseismic uplift produced the freshening 6900 cal yr B.P., that uplift probably did not exceed 2 m. During another event about 1700 cal yr B.P., brackish plant and diatom assemblages changed rapidly to a tidal flat assemblage because of either tectonic subsidence or berm erosion. The site then remained a tideflat until the most recent event, when an abrupt shift from tideflat diatoms to freshwater taxa resulted from 7 m of uplift during an earthquake on the Seattle fault 1000 cal yr B.P. Regardless of the earlier events, no Seattle fault earthquake similar to the one 1000 cal yr B.P. occurred at any other time in the past 7500 years.  相似文献   

Aboveground live standing crop of giant cutgrass (Zizaniopsis miliacea) populations in similar freshwater tidal and impounded nontidal marshes were almost identical (peaking at 1,039 g per m2 in each). The mortality, however, was greater in the tidal marsh resulting in significantly (95% level) greater annual production of aboveground cutgrass in the tidal (1,530±103 g per m2 per yr) than the impounded (1,172±88 g per m2 per yr) marsh, a 31% difference which we consider to be a measure of tidal subsidy. Belowground production also was found to average higher in the tidal marsh, but estimates were not as satisfactory as the aboveground results due to sampling difficulties. Combined annual above and belowground net production comes to an estimated 2,048 ±101 g per m2 per yr for the tidal and 1,481±219 for the impounded cutgrass marsh. The potential of freshwater tidal marshes for tertiary treatment of wastes is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The literature often holds that, in salt marshes, surface elevation mediates the depth, duration, and frequency of submergence, thereby constituting the fundamental factor of plant species distribution and most other environmental variables. However, such an elevation-centered view has not been fully tested in a temporal sense; it is still unclear whether elevation is also a significant control on the rate of changes in species composition over time. In the Skallingen salt marsh of the Danish Wadden Sea, this question was evaluated along two elevation gradients where distinct physical and ecological processes operate: a gradient across a marsh platform and the other across creek bars. The rate of vegetation dynamics was measured as the Euclidean distance between two positions of the same plot, each representing two different points in time, in a two-dimensional diagram produced by nonmetric multidimensional scaling. Results showed that the rate of vegetation dynamics did not show any significant relationships with surface elevation across either marsh platform or tidal creeks (R 2 less than 0.04). This suggests that, other than elevation, some biological factors, such as the presence of keystone species and the initial species composition, control patterns of vegetation change in the marsh. This logic leads to a point that hydrological effects (e.g., inundation frequency and duration), often represented by surface elevation, are not necessarily overriding factors of rates of changes in species composition in backbarrier marshes like Skallingen. The conventional elevation-centered perspective may be an oversimplification of the biological and environmental variability of salt marshes.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in aboveground plant biomass, cover, and frequency were monitored in Sweet Hall Marsh, a tidal freshwater marsh located on the Pamunkey River, Virginia, during the 1974 growing season.Peltandra virginica accumulated the most biomass, 423.40 g per m2, followed byLeersia oryzoides at 67.75 g per m2. Annual net community production was estimated to be 775.74 g per m2 by using a multiple-harvest technique. Comparisons with other studies revealed that production was somewhat low for tidal freshwater marshes but mostly higher than production in Virginia brackish and saline wetlands. Measurements revealed an annual succession of plant species from spring to fall. The pattern observed was early dominance byPeltandra followed by a rise in importance ofPolygonum spp.,Impatients capensis andLeersia.  相似文献   

Three coastal salt marshes were surveyed independently by two teams of biologists to determine the upper limit of marsh. Distribution of species and species assemblages were related to surveyed elevations for South Beach marsh, Yaquina River estuary; Drift Creek marsh, Alsea River estuary; and Bandon marsh, Coquille River estuary. A transition zone between marsh and upland was identified by strong dominance ofPotentilla pacifica and the presence ofAchillea millefolium, Angelica lucida, Aster subspicatus, Oenanthe sarmentosa, Trifolium wormskjoldii, andVicia gigantea. Mean elevation of the lower boundary of the transition zone was 1.38 m above National Geodetic Vertical Datum (N.G.V.D.) and the upper boundary of the transition zone was 1.54 m above N. G. V. D. Relation of the upper limit of marsh to tidal datums varied with marsh. Mean elevation of the upper and lower limit of the transition zone was 0.58 m above MHW and 0.36 m above MHW, respectively. The two teams of biologists using the same biological criteria for defining the upper limit of marsh, independently agreed on the elevational position of the upper limit of marsh. Additional research and testing of the definition of the upper limit of marsh is warranted.  相似文献   

In southern New England, salt marshes are exceptionally vulnerable to the impacts of accelerated sea level rise. Regional rates of sea level rise have been as much as 50 % greater than the global average over past decades, a more than fourfold increase over late Holocene background values. In addition, coastal development blocks many potential marsh migration routes, and compensatory mechanisms relying on positive feedbacks between inundation and sediment deposition are insufficient to counter inundation increases in extreme low-turbidity tidal waters. Accordingly, multiple lines of evidence suggest that marsh submergence is occurring in southern New England. A combination of monitoring data, field re-surveys, radiometric dating, and analysis of peat composition have established that, beginning in the early and mid-twentieth century, the dominant low-marsh plant, Spartina alterniflora, has encroached upward in tidal marshes, and typical high-marsh plants, including Juncus gerardii and Spartina patens, have declined, providing strong evidence that vegetation changes are being driven, at least in part, by higher water levels. Additionally, aerial and satellite imagery show shoreline retreat, widening and headward extension of channels, and new and expanded interior depressions. Papers in this special section highlight changes in marsh-building processes, patterns of vegetation loss, and shifts in species composition. The final papers turn to strategies for minimizing and coping with marsh loss by managing adaptively and planning for landward marsh migration. It is hoped that this collection offers lessons that will be of use to researchers and managers on coasts where relative sea level is not yet rising as fast as in southern New England.  相似文献   

Heavy rainfall in 1978 and 1980 caused flooding of southern California salt marshes. Examination of three marshes demonstrated a broad range of freshwater effects which correlated with the degree of change in soil salinity. At Tijuana Estuary (1980), a short-term reduction in the salinity of normally hypersaline soils was followed by a 40% increase in the August biomass of Spartina foliosa. At Los Penasquitos Lagoon (1978), a longer period of brackish water influence was followed by a 160% increase in August biomass of Salicornia virginica. At the San Diego River (1980), flood flows were augmented by major reservoir discharge. Continuous freshwater flow leached most of the marsh soil salts and caused replacement of halophytes by freshwater marsh species. The first two cases probably fell within the normal range of flooding events, even though the hydrology of both watersheds has been modified. The vegetation response was functional; productivity increased but there was no major change in species composition. As expected, vegetation rapidly returned to preflood conditions. However, the long-term freshwater flow in the Dan Diego River was unnatural. Floral composition changed as soils were leached of salts. Recovery following the return of saline soils has been slow because many native halophytes are not good colonizers. The system's resilience is limited, and modification of natural stream discharge can cause permanent changes in coastal wetlands.  相似文献   

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