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Blooms of the brown tide organismAureccoccus anophagefferens have recurred in the coastal bays in New Jersey since 1995 and in the coastal bays of Long Island since 1985. Intracellular viral-like particles (VLPs) were documented during 1999–2000 brown tide blooms in Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey, but it was not determined whether cells were infected during the termination of the bloom. The objective of this study was to determine if VLPs infected and lysed natural populations ofA. anophagefferens in coastal bays of New Jersey and New York in 2002 with the same frequency as in 1999–2000 and especially at the termination of the bloom. Our results confirmed that the highest percentage (37.5%) of VLP-infected cells occurred at the termination of the brown tide bloom in New Jersey in 2002. Intracellular VLPs were present throughout the bloom event. The percentage of visibly infected cells was higher at the beginning of the bloom than during the peak of the bloom. The intracellular VLPs in natural populations ofA. anophagefferens were consistent in size and shape (approximately 140 nm in diameter) and comparable to those in previous studies. Concentrated viral isolates, prepared from waters during brown tide blooms in New York and New Jersey in 2002, infected healthy laboratoryA. anophagefferens cultures in vitro. The viral isolates associated with the highest laboratory viral activity (lysis positive) were concentrated from water samples having the highest viral and bacteria concentrations. The intracellular viruses in these virally infected laboratory cultures ofA. anophagefferens were similar in size and shape to those found in natural populations. The successful isolation of a virus specific toA. anophagefferens from a brown tide bloom in the field, the similarity of ultrastructure of VLPs infecting both natural populations and laboratory infected cultures, and the pattern of VLP infection during bloom activity in combination with the observed high percentage of VLP-infected cells during bloom termination, supports, the hypothesis that viruses may be a major source of mortality for brown tide blooms in regional coastal bays of New Jersey and New York.  相似文献   

Brown tides caused by the harmful algaAureococcus anophagefferens abruptly appeared in some coastal embayments of the northeastern United States (Rhode Island, New York) in 1985. Since then, brown tides have vanished from some bays, chronically reoccurred in others, and recently have exhibited an apparent southern expansion into new regions (e.g., New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia). Brown tides have also recently been detected across the Atlantic Ocean in South Africa. Although blooms ofA. anophagefferens have no known direct, negative effects on human health, they are considered harmful because of their detrimental effects on estuarine organisms, such as suspension feeders (scallops and hard clams) and submerged aquatic vegetation. The selective effect of blooms on pelagic grazers (zooplankton and shellfish) is likely to affect food webs and biodiversity within affected ecosystems. Recent findings indicate brown tides occur in shallow estuaries with long residence times and high salinities (> 25‰). These estuarine characteristics may foster the accumulation of algal biomass and a nutrient environment (high dissolved organic matter and low dissolved in organic nitrogen) as well as a low light regime that encourages rapid cellular growth ofA. anophagefferens. A lack of sufficient grazing control by benthic and pelagic suspension feeders during the initiation phase of blooms is also implicated in brown tide development.  相似文献   

The Laguna Madre has experienced a persistent bloom ofAureoumbra lagunensis for over eight years. The persistence of this bloom may be due in part to the often hypersaline conditions in Laguna Madre (40–60 psu) that favor the growth ofA. lagunensis. Above-normal rainfall in the fall of 1997 reduced the salinities in Baffin Bay from >40 to<20 psu.A. lagunensis cell densities dropped from>106 cells ml−1 in July 1997 to c. 200 cells ml−1 in January 1998. During this time of low brown tide density, phytoplankton biomass generally remained high and the Laguna Madre experienced successive blooms of diatoms (Rhizosolenia spp.) and cyanobacteria. Hypersaline conditions returned in 1998 and brown tide densities increased to>0.5 × 106 cells ml−1 by summer. The extraordinary persistence of the brown tide and the unusual sequence of intense blooms may be related in part to the reduction of zooplankton populations. Microzooplankton populations declined following the above-normal rain in the fall of 1997; populations did not recover until fall 1998. Copepod populations also declined sharply and remained low in Laguna Madre, but recovered by summer 1998 in Baffin Bay. Dilution experiments indicated that microzooplankton grazing and phytoplankton growth were usually balanced when measured during our cruises. The rapid recovery of theA. lagunensis bloom suggests that this alga may be a more resilient component of the Laguna Madre flora than previously suspected.  相似文献   

运用谱分析原理,对广西北海市海潮及受海潮影响的滨海含水层地下水位时间序列进行分析,求出海潮和观测孔水位变化的周期及地下水位滞后于海潮的时间,分析水位滞后时间与离海岸的垂直距离之间的关系。结果表明,北海市海潮和海岸带地下水位有约344.82h(14.37d)的长周期变化和约24.7h、12.5h的短周期波动,距海岸2175、2350、2375m的3个观测孔地下水位对海潮的滞后时间分别为5.5、6.25和7h,滞后时间随离海岸的距离增大大体上呈线性增加。  相似文献   

We assessed the presence and quantified the intracellular virus-like particles (VLPs) in natural populations ofAureococcus anophagefferens during the 1999–2000 brown tide blooms that occurred in New Jersey coastal waters. From displayed a wide range of ultrastructural changes from apparently healthy cells to those showing late stages of production of VLPs. VLP-infected cells usually had an electron dense plasma membrane and lacked the typical exocellular polysaccharide layer (EPS). The VLPs were similar in size (c. 140 nm) and morphology to those initially reported in natural populations ofA. anophagefferens and to brown tide viruses (BtVs) which were previously isolated and inoculated into laboratory cultures ofA. anophagefferens. VLP-infectedA. anophagefferens were found consistently throughout the brown tide blooms in both years in Little Egg Harbor. Percentages of VLP-infected cells were 8.1% at the beginning of a bloom, which decreased to less than 2% at the height of the blooms during both years, and increased at the end of the 2000 bloom to 2.5%. While these percentages appear low, the estimated VLP infection rate ofA. anophagefferens cells, which ranged from 0.83%–50% of the standing population, is comparable to other studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the concentration levels of heavy metals in different species of the main three marine algal divisions from the Gulf of Aden coastal waters, Yemen. The divisions included Chlorophyta—green plants (Halimeda tuna, Rhizoclonium kochiamum, Caldophora koiei, Enteromorpha compressa, and Caulerpa racemosa species), Phaeophyta—brown seaweeds (Padina boryana, Turbinaria elatensis, Sargassum binderi, Cystoseira myrica, and Sargassum boveanum species), and Rhodophyta—red seaweeds (Hypnea cornuta, Champia parvula, Galaxaura marginate, Laurencia paniculata, Gracilaria foliifere, and species). The heavy metals, which included cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), Iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and vanadium (V) were measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAs). The concentrations of heavy metals in all algal species are in the order of Fe >> Cu > Mn > Cr > Zn > Ni > Pb > Cd > V > Co. The results also showed that the uptake of heavy metals by different marine algal divisions was in the order of Chlorophyta > Phaeophyta > Rhodophyta. These heavy metals were several order of magnitude higher than the concentrations of the same metals in seawater. This indicates that marine alga progressively uptake heavy metals from seawater.  相似文献   

滨海城市河流常常遭受暴雨和潮汐顶托双重影响导致洪涝灾害,需要重视雨潮遭遇联合分布模拟与设计。以深圳市西乡河为例,采用年最大值法(AM)和超定量序列法(POT)两种选样方法,基于Copula方法模拟24 h暴雨遭遇日高潮位的联合分布特征,对比雨潮遭遇传统重现期和二次重现期差异,根据同频法和权函数法反推计算雨潮设计组合值。结果表明:雨潮边缘分布最优模型均为广义正态分布(GNO),不同选样方法雨量分布模型参数差异明显。雨潮之间呈现较弱的正相依性,Archimedean Copulas均能较好地模拟雨潮遭遇联合分布特征,最优模型为Gumbel-Hougaard Copula。同频法反推雨潮设计组合值,二次重现期雨量和潮位均大于传统联合重现期,POT选样的潮位大于AM。权函数法选出的雨潮设计组合值,偏重于较高的潮位,雨量设计值较小。当明确了选样方法、联合分布模型和重现期类型,给定联合重现期的雨潮设计组合值是个此消彼长的过程,若选择较大的雨量设计值,则潮位值变小,反之亦然。从防洪潮设计安全角度考虑,POT选样方法及二次重现期设计更为安全。  相似文献   

Records of massive fish kills and paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in Europe and North America go back to the 17th century. But, it was not until the 1940s when the relationship between PSP, red tide and toxic dinoflagellateGonyaulax was established. Recent records show that PSP and related poisons caused by toxic dinoflagellates in coastal waters and estuaries, are a world-wide problem. Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) and neurotoxic poisoning (NSP), believed earlier as bacterial or viral infections are now shown to be caused by other toxic dinoflagellates such asDinophysis. The shellfish most often involved in the poisoning are mussels and clams. Other dinoflagellates,Gyrodinium, occasionally cause massive fish kills in vast coastal areas, resulting in fishery and economic losses.Factors promoting toxic dinoflagellate bloom development and PSP/DSP outbreaks are not fully understood. In previous studies, temperature was considered as the principal factor influencing dinoflagellate blooming. Recent studies showed that other factors such as salinity, sunlight, freshwater runoff and water stability are also important. Pollution from land drainage and sewage discharge in inshore waters were also implicated.Current knowledge indicates that although chemical and biotic factors are important forin-situ growth of dinoflagellate cells, convergence by thermal and tidal fronts is essential for cell accumulation and bloom development. Advances in physical oceanographic research, modelling and remote sensing enabled the detection of fronts and bordering eddies with high precision. There is a potential for an increased use of these technological advances in predicting and monitoring the bloom development.The present paper overviews the history and distribution of toxic dinoflagellates, and the physical factors influencing bloom development and PSP/DSP outbreaks. Future research needs to improve the predictability and control of this world-wide hazard are also discussed.  相似文献   

Records of massive fish kills and paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in Europe and North America go back to the 17th century. But, it was not until the 1940s when the relationship between PSP, red tide and toxic dinoflagellateGonyaulax was established. Recent records show that PSP and related poisons caused by toxic dinoflagellates in coastal waters and estuaries, are a world-wide problem. Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) and neurotoxic poisoning (NSP), believed earlier as bacterial or viral infections are now shown to be caused by other toxic dinoflagellates such asDinophysis. The shellfish most often involved in the poisoning are mussels and clams. Other dinoflagellates,Gyrodinium, occasionally cause massive fish kills in vast coastal areas, resulting in fishery and economic losses. Factors promoting toxic dinoflagellate bloom development and PSP/DSP outbreaks are not fully understood. In previous studies, temperature was considered as the principal factor influencing dinoflagellate blooming. Recent studies showed that other factors such as salinity, sunlight, freshwater runoff and water stability are also important. Pollution from land drainage and sewage discharge in inshore waters were also implicated. Current knowledge indicates that although chemical and biotic factors are important forin-situ growth of dinoflagellate cells, convergence by thermal and tidal fronts is essential for cell accumulation and bloom development. Advances in physical oceanographic research, modelling and remote sensing enabled the detection of fronts and bordering eddies with high precision. There is a potential for an increased use of these technological advances in predicting and monitoring the bloom development. The present paper overviews the history and distribution of toxic dinoflagellates, and the physical factors influencing bloom development and PSP/DSP outbreaks. Future research needs to improve the predictability and control of this world-wide hazard are also discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to establish the distributions of trace metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and inorganic nutrients (PO4 and H4SiO4) in the water column of the small, relatively pristine Peconic River estuary. We were also able to examine the effects of a harmful microalgal bloom, known as the brown tide, which occurred in the area during our study. Because river inflow to the Peconic estuary is restricted by a small dam at the head of the estuary, direct evaluation of the relative importance of riverine inputs on estuarine metal distributions was possible. The simultaneous analyses of geochemical carrier metals (Al, Fe, and Mn), an indicator of sewage (Ag), and other ancillary parameters (e.g., suspended particulate matter, dissolved O2, chlorophylla) were used to describe the major processes controlling metal concentrations in the dissolved phase. The trace metal distributions indicated two distinct biogeochemical regimes within the estuary: an anthropogenically perturbed region with high metal levels (e.g., Ag, 165 pM; Cu, 51 nM; Zn, 57 nM) at the head (Flanders Bay), and a larger outer region with relatively low metal concentrations. The very similar distributions of some metals (e.g., Mn, Ni) in the Peconic estuary compared to those in estuaries having much higher river flow demonstrated the dominant role of internal processes (e.g., diagenetic remobilization) in controlling these metal patterns. An inverse relationship between dissolved Fe and DOC with cell counts of the brown tide microalgaeAureococcus anophagefferens in our field study suggested a close association with the bloom, although a similar relationship was observed between dissolved Al and brown tide cell counts, implying that removal of Fe could be due to particle scavenging rather than biological uptake.  相似文献   

There is a growing need for cyberinfrastructure to support science-based decision making in management of natural resources. In particular, our motivation was to aid the development of cyberinfrastructure for Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (IEAs) for marine ecosystems. The IEA process involves analysis of natural and socio-economic information based on diverse and disparate sources of data, requiring collaboration among scientists of many disciplines and communication with other stakeholders. Here we describe our bottom-up approach to developing cyberinfrastructure through a collaborative process engaging a small group of domain and computer scientists and software engineers. We report on a use case evaluated for an Ecosystem Status Report, a multi-disciplinary report inclusive of Earth, life, and social sciences, for the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem. Ultimately, we focused on sharing workflows as a component of the cyberinfrastructure to facilitate collaboration and reproducibility. We developed and deployed a software environment to generate a portion of the Report, retaining traceability of derived datasets including indicators of climate forcing, physical pressures, and ecosystem states. Our solution for sharing workflows and delivering reproducible documents includes IPython (now Jupyter) Notebooks. We describe technical and social challenges that we encountered in the use case and the importance of training to aid the adoption of best practices and new technologies by domain scientists. We consider the larger challenges for developing end-to-end cyberinfrastructure that engages other participants and stakeholders in the IEA process.  相似文献   

We review the post-glacial climate variability along the East Antarctic coastline using terrestrial and shallow marine geological records and compare these reconstructions with data from elsewhere. Nearly all East Antarctic records show a near-synchronous Early Holocene climate optimum (11.5–9 ka BP), coinciding with the deglaciation of currently ice-free regions and the optimum recorded in Antarctic ice and marine sediment cores. Shallow marine and coastal terrestrial climate anomalies appear to be out of phase after the Early Holocene warm period, and show complex regional patterns, but an overall trend of cooling in the terrestrial records. A Mid to Late Holocene warm period is present in many East Antarctic lake and shallow coastal marine records. Although there are some differences in the regional timing of this warm period, it typically occurs somewhere between 4.7 and 1 ka BP, which overlaps with a similar optimum found in Antarctic Peninsula terrestrial records. The differences in the timing of these sometimes abrupt warm events in different records and regions points to a number of mechanisms that we have yet to identify. Nearly all records show a neoglacial cooling from 2 ka BP onwards. There is no evidence along the East Antarctic coastline for an equivalent to the Northern Hemisphere Medieval Warm Period and there is only weak circumstantial evidence in a few places for a cool event crudely equivalent in time to the Northern Hemisphere's Little Ice Age. There is a need for well-dated, high resolution climate records in coastal East Antarctica and particularly in Terre Adélie, Dronning Maud Land and Enderby Land to fully understand the regional climate anomalies, the disparity between marine and terrestrial records, and to determine the significance of the heterogeneous temperature trends being measured in the Antarctic today.  相似文献   

Conclusions As developing countries expand both agricultural and industrial activities over the coming decade, sensitive management of the limited available freshwater resources will become increasingly important. If their supplies consist solely of ground water, then some water deficit countries could end up by mining a non-renewable resource as it takes many thousands of years to replenish deep fossil groundwater stocks. Conservation and careful husbandry of existing stocks must therefore be carried out if the growing human populations of arid lands are to be protected from famine and poverty.The arid zones may provide more than sufficient food in a sustainable system despite the harsh natural conditions. In arid areas rainfall is low, biological cycling is limited by low soil moisture and evapotranspiration is high. The absence of leaching by infiltration results in a large active pool of nutrients and the addition of water by irrigation allows this potential fertility to be realised. Given the high insolation of desert lands and a man-made continuous water supply it is possible to obtain 2–4 crop harvest a year. However, the success of any future development is ultimately in the hands of the governments who control the management of water resources.Until recently pollution of the sea was relatively localised. It has now become a problem globally around coasts and even affects the open ocean. Enclosed and semi-enclosed seas are most vulnerable to degradation of their ecosystems and the Golf region has proved to be no exception to this, sensitivity exacerbated by weak currents and political instability leading to increasing oil pollution.The pollution in the Gulf is at its most harmful in the biologically diverse and productive areas around coastlines where pollution tends to concentrate and where human welfare is also most at risk. The outbreak of cholera and other waterborne disease in Iraq immediately following the Gulf war highlights the exceptional reliance people throughout the Gulf States must place of fresh water supplies. Continuing political instability in the region and its associated environmental damage will not, therefore, only threaten wildlife or fisheries but may threaten human welfare as water supplies are limited or decline in quality and industry, agriculture and health all suffer the consequences.  相似文献   

The average nitrate flux of the lower Mississippi River increased 3.3-fold between 1954–1967 and 1983–2000. During the same time period, the average nitrate concentration increased 2.3-fold while the average discharge increased 40%. Partitioning of the observed trend in nitrate flux among the two flux components, nitrate concentration and discharge, revealed that about 80% of the observed increase in flux could be explained by the increase in nitrate concentration. This indicates that a historical increase in the anthropogenic nutrient inputs has had a far greater impact on the lower Mississippi River nitrate flux than a change in climate. The influence of climatic factors on nitrate flux has been significant and may further increase as a result of global climate change. This argument is supported by two lines of evidence. The residual component of nitrate flux, obtained by removing a trend from the time series, is controlled primarily by the variability in discharge, i.e., climatic factors. Also, there is a highly significant relationship between discharge and nitrate concentration at the low end of the discharge spectrum (<13,000 m3 s?1). The differences in nitrate flux between flood and drought years are significantly larger than the variations in discharge. This makes the Mississippi River nitrate flux potentially sensitive to future changes in the frequency of extreme climatic events. Because of the importance of nitrate for the productivity of coastal phytoplankton, future climate change would likely have important implications for coastal marine eutrophication and hypoxia.  相似文献   

Analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in selected finfish and shellfish from the estuarine and coastal marine waters of New Jersey reveals variable levels of contamination in different regions of the state. Monitoring surveys conducted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection during the last two decades indicate that biota from the northeast region are the most severely contaminated with PCBs. Early monitoring in the 1970s showed that as much as 75% of the finfish and 50% of the shellfish analyzed for Aroclor 1254—the most persistent and toxic mixture of PCBs—contained detectable levels of PCB in their edible flesh. The American eel (Anguilla rostrata), bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix), striped bass (Morone saxatilis), white catfish (Ictalurus catus), white perch (M. americana), and blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) exhibited high PCB levels in 1981–1982, generally approaching or exceeding the United States Food and Drug Administration action level of 2 ppm fresh weight for these organisms. PCB contamination in finfish and shellfish collected during survey periods of 1986–1987 and 1988–1991 was consistent with the previous years' data showing the northeast region of the state to be the most severely contaminated. Despite decreases in contaminant levels in some species (e.g., striped bass) and regions, results of the most recent survey confirm widespread occurrences of PCBs above background levels in the edible portions of various species from many areas of New Jersey.  相似文献   

Karen A. Merritt  Aria Amirbahman   《Earth》2009,96(1-2):54-66
Considerable recent research has focused on methylmercury (MeHg) cycling within estuarine and coastal marine environments. Because MeHg represents a potent neurotoxin that may magnify in marine foodwebs, it is important to understand the mechanisms and environmental variables that drive or constrain methylation dynamics in these environments. This critical review article explores the mechanisms hypothesized to influence aqueous phase and sediment solid phase MeHg concentrations and depth-specific inorganic Hg (II) (Hgi) methylation rates (MMR) within estuarine and coastal marine environments, and discusses issues of terminology or methodology that complicate mechanism-oriented interpretation of field and laboratory data. Mechanisms discussed in this review article include: 1) the metabolic activity of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), the microbial group thought to dominate mercury methylation in these environments; 2) the role that Hgi concentration and/or speciation play in defining depth-specific Hgi methylation rates; and 3) the depth-dependent balance between MeHg production and consumption within the sedimentary environment. As discussed in this critical review article, the hypothesis of SRB community control on the Hgi methylation rate in estuarine and coastal marine environments is broadly supported by the literature. Although Hgi speciation, as a function of porewater inorganic sulfide and/or dissolved organic matter concentration and/or pH, may also play a role in observed variations in MMR, the nature and function of the controlling ligand(s) has not yet been adequately defined. Furthermore, although it is generally recognized that the processes responsible for MeHg production and consumption overlap spatially and/or kinetically in the sedimentary environment, and likely dictate the extent to which MeHg accumulates in the aqueous and/or sediment solid phase, this conceptual interpretation requires refinement, and would benefit greatly from the application of kinetic modeling.  相似文献   

In order to provide new data on the neotectonics and geodynamic properties of western Syria, studies of marine terraces have been carried out. The most attention was paid to the lower terraces in the range of 3–5 to 30–35 m above sea level, because they have more complete distributions along the shore. The lower terraces were examined along the coastal area from Tartus to Latakia, and along the carbonate cliff on Arwad Island. Seven 230Th/U dates for these terraces are in the range of 85–130 ka, suggesting the age interval of the last interglacial (MIS 5). New dates on the lower terraces provide a basis for stratigraphical and geomorphological interpretation as well as neotectonic reconstruction. According to the geomorphological data and lithological composition of those terraces, two main uplifted blocks can be established. One coincides with the Latakia block, and another corresponds to the western margin of the Banias volcanic plateau. These blocks are divided by a subsided structure corresponding to the Nahr el Kebir graben. The amplitude of neotectonic uplifting in the Latakia and Banias blocks reaches 15–20 m for the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

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