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Ecological security evaluation is an important way to identify the need for improvement in a watershed and to assess the degree of regional sustainable development. Using a driver–pressure–state–exposure–response model, a comprehensive system of ecological security indicators was developed, and it was demonstrated in a case study of the main ecological problems facing the Qinghai Lake Basin. Indicators of the status of the natural ecological environment, socioeconomic pressure, and the degree of environmental damage were chosen to develop the model, and comprehensively evaluated the basin’s ecological security in 2000, 2004, 2009, and 2013 to reveal changes in the ecological security in response to changing climate and land use. The overall ecological security of the basin improved from 2000 to 2013, with considerable restoration and reconstruction of the ecosystem. From 2000 to 2004, environmental deterioration increased slightly as a result of pollution caused by human activities, excess land reclamation for agriculture, land desertification, and grassland degeneration. However, the obvious effect of ecological protection policies, such as conversion of farmland into grassland and stall feeding of livestock instead of grazing, led to improvement of the ecological environment from 2004 to 2013. Ecological security in the basin increased with increasing precipitation during the study period.  相似文献   

Based on the pollen spectrum characteristics of 46 surface samples collected in the western Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang and a plant community quadrat survey, we analyzed the relationship between pollen assemblages and modern climate and vegetation distribution in the region. The results showed the surface pollen assemblages were consistent with the distribution of modern vegetation. Based on the results of cluster analysis, the study area could be divided into three pollen assemblage zones(mountain steppe zone, desert vegetation zone and typical desert zone). In general, pollen assemblage can roughly reflect the main characteristics of local vegetation, but there are significant differences in the percentage of some pollen types and the coverage of related plants. The pollen of Picea and Pinus in arbor plants, Ephedra in shrub plants, Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia in herb plants were high represented due to the influence of natural wind, water flow and their own pollen yield. While Rosaceae pollen in shrubs and Poaceae in herbs were less representative in a modern plant community with its own dominant species;The Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae(A/C)ratio can distinguish the desert zone from the mountain steppe zone, and could clearly reflect the aridity level. However, when using this indicator to reconstruct the climate environment, it is necessary to combine the characteristics of pollen assemblage and the influence of changes in vegetation composition and other factors to distinguish;Altitude, average annual precipitation, and average annual temperature all affect the distribution of surface pollen in the area. © 2022 The authors.  相似文献   

1IntroductionOnthenorthernmarginoftheNorthChinaplatformislocatedoneofthemostimportantAu Ag polymetallicore concentratedzones,wherethereareavarietyoforetypes .Soithasbeenat tractingeverincreasingattentionofmanygeologists (PeiRongfuetal.,1 998;ShenBaofengetal.,1 994 ;LuSongnianetal.,1 997;HuShouxietal.,1 994 ;ChenYuchuan ,1 999;ZhaiYushengetal.,1 999) .Manyscholarspresentedtheirresearchresultsinvariousaspects.How ever ,thesourceofore formingmaterialshaslongbeenafocusofdiscussion .Studieso…  相似文献   

Concentrations of As, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn in campus dust from kindergartens and elementary schools in Xi’an, China, were analyzed using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and heavy metal contamination levels were assessed based on the geoaccumulation index (I geo), enrichment factor (EF) and numero synthesis pollution index (NSPI). The results indicate that, in comparison with Shaanxi soil, dust samples have elevated metal concentrations as a whole, except for V, Mn, Ni, and As. The assessment results of I geo and EF indicate that V, Mn, Ni, and As in campus dust are uncontaminated, while Ba and Cr are uncontaminated to moderately contaminated, and Co, Cu, Pb, and Zn are moderately to strongly contaminated. The NSPI results show that most dust samples presented heavily contaminated by heavy metals. More attention should be paid to heavy metal contamination of campus dust from kindergartens and elementary schools of Xi’an.  相似文献   

The evolution of the geological structure in the Southern Argun’ Region is studied in terms of changing geodynamic conditions of the Proterozoic, Caledonian, and Variscan Tectonomagmatic Cycles, which also under Mesozoic tectonomagmatic activation led to the formation of latite igneous rocks enriched in Au, Cu–Mo, Pb–Zn–Ag, volcanic and plutonic complexes of the caldera structures with Mo–U, Pb–Zn, and fluorite ores, and rare-metal granites with a Sn–W–Li–Ta spectrum.  相似文献   

The paper is focused on the fundamental problem of influence of extraterrestrial factors on the Earth’s geologic and tectonic evolution. Extraterrestrial factors played a decisive role in the Earth’s genesis, the formation of the first Hadean continental crust, and the beginning of the Archean era. Their significant influence persisted in the later epochs: Even in the Phanerozoic, extraterrestrial factors might have had a considerable influence on the environment. The sialic cores of protocontinental crust (4.4-3.9 Ga) with first-generation greenstone zones (3.8-3.2 Ga) and the global system of granite-greenstone belts (3.1-2.7 Ga) formed in the rotation-plume regime, mainly in the subequatorial hot belt. The formation of these global structures was, to a large extent, influenced by asteroid impacts, which caused the impact-triggered genesis of mantle plumes. Dramatic changes in the subsequent geologic history began at 2.7-2.0 Ga; at 2.0 Ga they terminated with the Moon’s transition to an orbit similar to the present-day one (50 ± 3 Earth’s radii), accompanied by the abrupt slowdown of the Earth’s axial rotation, the termination of formation of the layer D", and the start of recent plate tectonics, which is accompanied by the plume tectonics.  相似文献   

Street vending faces uncertain state responses in contemporary Chinese cities, though it plays an important role in sustaining the livelihood of urban migrants. Building on the critical perspective that understands informality as a production of the state, this paper explores the nature of the regulation of street vending in Guangzhou since 1949. The state’s regulatory practices are characterized by what we call historical ambivalence and geographical ambivalence, which refer to the inconsistency in policies, which fluctuate between soft and hard approaches over time, and the mix of contradictory regulatory measures applied in different urban spaces, respectively. Ambivalence is generated because the state addresses street vending in ways that attain the overarching objective of urban policies. In particular, the exclusion of street vendors in present-day China is not historically natural but driven and sustained by the government’s pursuit of a good city image favorable for attracting capital in the context of intensifying inter-urban competition. The definition of informality is not a neutral classification. Rather, declaring when and to what extent an informal practice is tolerable depends on what the state desires in a specific historical circumstance.  相似文献   

Several important equilibrium Si isotope fractionation factors among minerals, organic molecules and the H4SiO4 solution are complemented to facilitate the explanation of the distributions of Si isotopes in Earth’s surface environments. The results reveal that, in comparison to aqueous H4SiO4, heavy Si isotopes will be significantly enriched in secondary silicate minerals. On the contrary, quadra-coordinated organosilicon complexes are enriched in light silicon isotope relative to the solution. The extent of 28Si-enrichment in hyper-coordinated organosilicon complexes was found to be the largest. In addition, the large kinetic isotope effect associated with the polymerization of monosilicic acid and dimer was calculated, and the results support the previous statement that highly 28Si-enrichment in the formation of amorphous quartz precursor contributes to the discrepancy between theoretical calculations and field observations. With the equilibrium Si isotope fractionation factors provided here, Si isotope distributions in many of Earth’s surface systems can be explained. For example, the change of bulk soil δ30Si can be predicted as a concave pattern with respect to the weathering degree, with the minimum value where allophane completely dissolves and the total amount of sesqui-oxides and poorly crystalline minerals reaches their maximum. When, under equilibrium conditions, the well-crystallized clays start to precipitate from the pore solutions, the bulk soil δ30Si will increase again and reach a constant value. Similarly, the precipitation of crystalline smectite and the dissolution of poorly crystalline kaolinite may explain the δ30Si variations in the ground water profile. The equilibrium Si isotope fractionations among the quadra-coordinated organosilicon complexes and the H4SiO4 solution may also shed light on the Si isotope distributions in the Si-accumulating plants.  相似文献   

The Penman?CMonteith (PM) method is the most recommended method for estimating reference evapotranspiration (ETo). The PM equation requires several parameters to be available, either measured or computed. Some of these parameters are conventionally calculated by some slightly sophisticated formulas, especially for handy calculations. This paper aimed to derive some simpler statistical equivalents to these formulas. Simplifications were performed to the formulas of the saturation vapor pressure e o[T], slope of vapor pressure (?), atmospheric pressure (P), the psychrometric constant (??), wind speed correction, the long-wave radiation, R nl; the sunset hour angle, ?? s; and the extraterrestrial radiation, R a. For the first five parameters, the parameter-independent factor was analyzed for its extremes, then fitted by interpolation to a simpler equivalent formula. The last three parameters were fitted to simpler form through data from the FAO-CLIMWAT database. Each of the simplified formulas was compared to the conventional one; some correlation indices were applied to validate the new formulas. The ETo was calculated for all stations in the CLIMWAT database by both simplified and conventional formulas. All the correlation results were excellent, with a minimum correlation coefficient of 0.9966. The simplified formulas were proven to be equivalent in performance, with almost no loss in accuracy but simpler in form and faster in execution in the online database applications.  相似文献   

Agricultural land use in much of Brong-Ahafo region, Ghana has been shifting from the production of food crops towards increased cashew nut cultivation in recent years. This article explores everyday, less visible, gendered and generational struggles over family farms in West Africa, based on qualitative, participatory research in a rural community that is becoming increasingly integrated into the global capitalist system. As a tree crop, cashew was regarded as an individual man’s property to be passed on to his wife and children rather than to extended family members, which differed from the communal land tenure arrangements governing food crop cultivation. The tendency for land, cash crops and income to be controlled by men, despite women’s and young people’s significant labour contributions to family farms, and for women to rely on food crop production for their main source of income and for household food security, means that women and girls are more likely to lose out when cashew plantations are expanded to the detriment of land for food crops. Intergenerational tensions emerged when young people felt that their parents and elders were neglecting their views and concerns. The research provides important insights into gendered and generational power relations regarding land access, property rights and intra-household decision-making processes. Greater dialogue between genders and generations may help to tackle unequal power relations and lead to shared decision-making processes that build the resilience of rural communities.  相似文献   

Several paleoseismic events are recorded in the Neogene Linqu Group, exposed in the Linqu area, Shandong Province, China. The events were interpreted on the basis of fieldwork and laboratory analysis, which showed the presence of seismites with plastically deformed soft-sediment deformation structures in the Shanwang Formation, and of seismic volcanic rocks in the Yaoshan Formation which show brittle deformation. The earthquake-triggered soft-sediment deformations in the seismites include load structures, ball-and-pillow structures, flame structures, pillow-like beds, boudinage structures, slump folds, syn-depositional faults, veins of liquefied sand, and dikes of liquefied sandy lime-mud. The seismic activity is also reflected in what might be called ‘brittle seismites'; these originated when, under the influence of seismic vibrations, semi-consolidated conglomerate was shattered. Moreover, volcanic activity is related to intense earthquakes that affected basalts intercalated with sand layers; these successions are known as ‘seismic volcanic rocks', which are characterized by veins of liquefied sand intruding the basalts. All above traces of paleoseismic activity were left from one single time span of 4 Ma with active seismicity that took place 14–10 Ma. This time span is known as ‘the Linqu Neogene Paleoseismic Active Period', which is divided into four paleoseismic episodes, which were responses to tectonic extension and basin rifting in this area. It even includes the activity of the Yishu Fault Zone during the Miocene and the Neogene. The ratios of trace elements in the seismites, w(La)/w(Sc) and w(La)/w(Th) are higher than the average value of the upper crust, but w(Th)/w(Sc) is lower; this is geochemical evidence for the basin rifting that resulted in a high sedimentation rate. The intense and frequent paleo-earthquakes are held responsible for the rapid burial of the Shanwang Biota. Secondary earthquake-induced processes(e.g. slumping of a lake shore and the strongly increased lacustrine sedimentation rate) contributed to the rapid burial of the biota.  相似文献   

In this paper, temporal dynamics of eco-environmental changes in coastal areas of China during 1981–2000 are investigated based on four key surface parameters including normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), thermal index, moisture index and surface broadband albedo derived from quantitative remote sensing techniques and meteorological data. Firstly, land surface temperature (LST) and land surface broadband albedo are retrieved by the split-window algorithms and high-order polynomial regression method, respectively, using NOAA/AVHRR series images. Then, moisture index and thermal index, indicators of climate and moisture conditions in the study area, are computed from meteorological data and LST using principal component analysis (PCA). Finally, long-term dynamics of these eco-environmental factors and the reasons responsible for these changes are analyzed further. The results show that during the years from 1981 to 2000, the study area experienced a gradual increase in annual NDVI and climate factors and a decrease in surface annual broadband albedo, which indicates that the coastal thermal and moisture conditions and the subsistence conditions of natural vegetation have changed to a considerable extent. According to the results, a warming and wetting tendency over the last two decades is obvious in the China’s coastal zone that are mainly due to land use changes as of growing urbanization, exhaust emissions from industries and transportations and, partly global climate change. Uncontrolled rapid development of the study area may be blamed for these negative changes as a major driving force. The positive feedback mechanisms between albedo, NDVI and climate factors also partly explain these changes. This study suggests that the method integrating biophysical parameters retrieved from remote sensed images and meteorologic data provides a novel and feasible way to monitor large scale eco-environmental changes.
Q. QinEmail:

刘师先 《中国地球化学学报》1992,11(2):178-192,T001
Granites are widespread in the Nanling region of Chian ,which were emplaced in different tectonic environments as a result of frequent and intense magmatic activity.Two evolution sequences have been distinguished:the extrusive-hypabyssal and plut onic-hypabyssal sequences.Different mecha-nisms governing the evolution,especially the differentiation, of the two sequences may account for the different mechanisms of uranium mineralization leading to the formation of various types ura-nium deposits in the Nanling region.  相似文献   

The present-day observable tectonic framework of the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) and high-pressure (HP) metamorphic belts in the Dabie-Sulu region was dominantly formed by an extensional process, mostly between 200 and 170 Ma, following the Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons. The framework that controls the present spatial distribution of UHP and HP metamorphic rocks in particular displays the typical features of a Cordilleran-type metamorphic core complex, in which at least four regional-scale, shallow-dipping detachment zones are recognized. Each of these detachment zones corresponds to a pressure gap of 0.5 to 2.0 GPa. The detachment zones separate the rocks exposed in the region into several petrotectonic units with different P-T conditions. The geometry and kinematics of both the detachment zones and the petrotectonic units show that the exhumation of UHP and HP metamorphic rocks in the Dabie-Sulu region was achieved, at least in part, by non-coaxial ductile flow in the mul  相似文献   

This article explores the relevance of spatial global legal pluralism—an emerging field at the interstices of geography, anthropology, and socio-legal studies—for research on the global land rush, and the study of land law and investment in particular. I argue that a focus on the spatial dimensions of law—coupled with attention to the interlegality, scalar politics, and spatio-temporalities of semi-autonomous law—offers important insights into the dynamic forces, actors, and stakes in the global land rush. In Myanmar, the prospects for peace—however tenuous—have led to an acceleration of land law development including the creation of ‘semi-autonomous land law’ by ethnic armed groups and activists in its borderlands. I discuss the ways in which such policies not only anticipate peace but seek to shape its political-economy over multiple spatio-temporalities. By recognizing both international human rights law and customary law, such ‘non-state’ laws bring these two scales into an intermediary legal jurisdiction, contributing to the sedimentation of Kawthoolei and Kachinland as political scales in their own right.  相似文献   

Political memories—which are crucial for establishing and maintaining ‘political capital’, based on individual and group positioning during past conflict and wars, but also in relation to presentday politics—are important when considering varied outcomes from negotiations and other interactions that occur in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in relation to large-scale economic land concessions. This paper continues to expand on the idea of political memories of past conflicts and wars by considering the concept in relation to the theoretical framework proposed by Hall et al. (2011) in their book Powers of Exclusion, which stresses the importance of interactions between regulation, force, the market and legitimation for understanding different types of exclusionary processes, especially those linked to land access. I argue that political memories are particularly relevant when it comes to legitimation, but that expanding the concept so as to include political memories is important. In relation to large-scale plantation, mining and hydropower dam concessions, I also stress the importance of political memories in (re)shaping understandings of landscapes, thus creating particular varieties of memory laden political landscapes, which too are constituted by the past but are also politically mobilized in the present.  相似文献   

We consider the correlation between seismicity, variations in the length of day, and geomagnetic jerks. We found that the jerks precede with in-phase variations in the number of strong earthquakes with М > 6.5 and the rate of the length of day in the range of periods of 5–8 years.  相似文献   

Based on the new data of isotopic ages and geochemical analyses, three types of Mesozoic granites have been identified for the Xiong'ershan-Waifangshan region in western Henan Province: high-Ba-SrⅠ-type granite emplaced in the early stage (~160 Ma),Ⅰ-type granite in the middle stage (~130 Ma) and anorogenic A-type granite in the late stage (~115 Ma). Geochemical characteristics of the high-Ba-SrⅠ-type granite suggest that it may have been generated from the thickened lower crust by partial melting with primary residues of amphibole and garnet. Gradual increase of negative Eu anomaly and Sr content variations reflect progressive shallowing of the source regions of these granites from the early to late stage. New 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of the early-stage Wuzhangshan granite (156.0±1.1 Ma, amphibole) and middle-stage Heyu granite (131.8±0.7 Ma, biotite) are indistinguishable from their SHRIMP U-Pb ages previous published, indicating a rapid uplift and erosion in this region. The representative anorogenic A-type granite, Taishanmiao pluton, was emplaced at~115 Ma. The evolution of the granites in this region reveals a tectonic regime change from post-collisional to anorogenic between~160 Ma and~115 Ma. The genesis of the early- and middle-stageⅠ-type granites could be linked to delamination of subducted lithosphere of the Qiniing orogenic belt, while the late-stage A-type granites represent the onset of extension and the end of orogenic process. In fact, along the Qiniing -Dabie-Sulu belt, the Mesozoic granitoids in western Henan, Dabieshan and Jiaodong regions are comparable on the basis of these temporal evolutionary stages and their initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios, which may suggest a similar geodynamic process related to the collision between the North China and Yangtze cratons.  相似文献   

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