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In this paper, we study the variations of group galaxy properties according to the assembly history in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 (SDSS-DR6) selected groups. Using mock SDSS group catalogues, we find two suitable indicators of group formation time: (i) the isolation of the group, defined as the distance to the nearest neighbour in terms of its virial radius and (ii) the concentration, measured as the group inner density calculated using the fifth nearest bright galaxy to the group centre. Groups within narrow ranges of mass in the mock catalogue show increasing group age with isolation and concentration. However, in the observational data the stellar age, as indicated by the spectral type, only shows a correlation with concentration.
We study groups of similar mass and different assembly history, finding important differences in their galaxy population. Particularly, in high-mass SDSS groups, the number of members, mass-to-light ratios, red galaxy fractions and the magnitude difference between the brightest and second-brightest group galaxies, show different trends as a function of isolation and concentration, even when it is expected that the latter two quantities correlate with group age. Conversely, low-mass SDSS groups appear to be less sensitive to their assembly history.
The correlations detected in the SDSS are not consistent with the trends measured in the mock catalogues. However, discrepancies can be explained in terms of the disagreement found in the age-isolation trends, suggesting that the model might be overestimating the effects of environment. We discuss how the modelling of the cold gas in satellite galaxies could be responsible for this problem. These results can be used to improve our understanding of the evolution of galaxies in high-density environments.  相似文献   

We describe some of the first X-ray detections of groups of galaxies at high redshifts  ( z ∼0.4)  , based on the UK deep X-ray survey of McHardy et al. Combined with other deep ROSAT X-ray surveys with nearly complete optical identifications, we investigate the X-ray evolution of these systems. We find no evidence for evolution of the X-ray luminosity function up to   z =0.5  at the low luminosities of groups of galaxies and poor clusters  ( L X≳1042.5 erg s-1)  , although the small sample size precludes very accurate measurements. This result confirms and extends to lower luminosities current results based on surveys at brighter X-ray fluxes. The evolution of the X-ray luminosity function of these low-luminosity systems is more sensitive to the thermal history of the intragroup medium (IGM) than to cosmological parameters. Energy injection into the IGM (from, for example, supernovae or active galactic nuclei winds) is required to explain the X-ray properties of nearby groups. The observed lack of evolution suggests that the energy injection occurred at redshifts   z >0.5  .  相似文献   

We estimate the distribution of intrinsic shapes of APM galaxy clusters from the distribution of their apparent shapes. We measure the projected cluster ellipticities using two alternative methods. The first method is based on moments of the discrete galaxy distribution while the second is based on moments of the smoothed galaxy distribution. We study the performance of both methods using Monte Carlo cluster simulations covering the range of APM cluster distances and including a random distribution of background galaxies. We find that the first method suffers from severe systematic biases, whereas the second is more reliable. After excluding clusters dominated by substructure and quantifying the systematic biases in our estimated shape parameters, we recover a corrected distribution of projected ellipticities. We use the non-parametric kernel method to estimate the smooth apparent ellipticity distribution, and numerically invert a set of integral equations to recover the corresponding distribution of intrinsic ellipticities under the assumption that the clusters are either oblate or prolate spheroids. The prolate spheroidal model fits the APM cluster data best.  相似文献   

X-ray observations of galaxy clusters have shown that the intra-cluster gas has iron abundances of about one-third of the solar value. These observations also show that part (if not all) of the intra-cluster gas metals was produced within the member galaxies. We present a systematic analysis of 20 galaxy clusters to explore the connection between the iron mass and the total luminosity of early- and late-type galaxies, and of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs). From our results, the intra-cluster medium (ICM) iron mass seems to correlate better with the luminosity of the BCGs than with that of the red and blue galaxy populations. As the BCGs cannot produce alone the observed amount of iron, we suggest that ram-pressure plus tidal stripping acts together to enhance, at the same time, the BCG luminosities and the iron mass in the ICM. Through the analysis of the iron yield, we have also estimated that SN Ia are responsible for more than 50 per cent of the total iron in the ICM. This result corroborates the fact that ram-pressure contributes to the gas removal from galaxies to the ICM, being very efficient for clusters in the temperature range  2 < kT (keV) < 10  .  相似文献   

The redshift evolution of the galaxy cluster temperature function is a powerful probe of cosmology. However, its determination requires the measurement of redshifts for all clusters in a catalogue, which is likely to prove challenging for large catalogues expected from XMM-Newton , which may contain of the order of 2000 clusters with measurable temperatures, distributed around the sky. In this paper we study the apparent cluster temperature, which can be obtained without cluster redshifts. We show that the apparent temperature function itself is of limited use in constraining cosmology, and so concentrate our focus on studying how apparent temperatures can be combined with other X-ray information to constrain the cluster redshift. We also briefly study the circumstances under which the non-thermal spectral features can provide redshift information.  相似文献   

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