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In this paper, we attempt to highlight the relevance of cutoff low systems (CoLs) to large-scale heavy precipitation events within the Alpine region which often lead to catastrophic flooding. The main results of this study are (1) a detailed climatology (1971–1999) of CoLs for the European region, (2) contribution of CoLs to extreme precipitation events in the European Alpine region, (3) identification of regions within the European Alps most affected by extreme precipitation caused by CoLs, and (4) identification of regions where presence of CoLs is related to extreme precipitation in the Alpine region. The findings of this paper suggest that CoLs have a significant correlation with extreme precipitation events and strongly influence the climate of the Alpine region. The total contribution of CoLs to large-scale heavy precipitation events ranges between 20 and 95 % and is most pronounced in the northern and eastern parts of the Alps. More than 80 % of the events occur in the summer season. The area around the Alps and West of Spain (over the Atlantic Ocean) is the most affected region. The location of the center of CoLs that affect the Alpine region most occur on the northern and southern sides of the Alpine ridge.  相似文献   

TRMM测雨雷达对1998年东亚降水季节性特征的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用热带测雨计划卫星上的测雨雷达得到的降水资料,对1998年东亚降水,特别是中国大陆东部、东海和南海的降水,进行了分析研究,并对比了热带降水研究结果。年统计结果表明,东亚地区层状云降水出现概率极高(比面积达83.7%),对流云降水的比面积仅占13.6%,然而两者对总降水量的贡献相当。结果还表明,暖对流云降水出现的比例和对总降水量的贡献很小。在季节尺度,对流云和层状云降水的比与两者的面积比成比例关系。除夏季外,测雨雷达降水量与GPCP降水量可比性好。研究结果还指出:在中纬度陆地和海洋上对流云和层状云的比降水量和比面积呈相反方向作季节性南北移动,这一活动与东亚季风变化一致;该地区降水的季节性变化还表现为降水垂直廓线的变化。除冬季外,南海地区降水垂直结构呈热带特征。CRAD分析表明,对流云降水的地面雨强变化大,尤其在陆地上,而层状云多表现为地面弱降水。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the recent progress in studies of the diurnal variation of precipitation over con- tiguous China. The main results are as follows. (1) The rainfall diurnal variation over contiguous China presents distinct regional features. In summer, precipitation peaks in the late afternoon over the south- ern inland China and northeastern China, while it peaks around midnight over southwestern China. In the upper and middle reaches of Yangtze River valley, precipitation occurs mostly in the early morning. Summer precipitation over the central eastern China (most regions of the Tibetan Plateau) has two diurnal peaks, i.e., one in the early morning (midnight) and the other in the late afternoon. (2) The rainfall diurnal variation experiences obvious seasonal and sub-seasonal evolutions. In cold seasons, the regional contrast of rainfall diurnal peaks decreases, with an early morning maximum over most of the southern China. Over the central eastern China, diurnal monsoon rainfall shows sub-seasonal variations with the movement of summer monsoon systems. The rainfall peak mainly occurs in the early morning (late afternoon) during the active (break) monsoon period. (3) Cloud properties and occurrence time of rainfall diurnal peaks are different for long- and short-duration rainfall events. Long-duration rainfall events are dominated by strat- iform precipitation, with the maximum surface rain rate and the highest profile occurring in the late night to early morning, while short-duration rainfall events are more related to convective precipitation, with the maximum surface rain rate and the highest profile occurring between the late afternoon and early night. (4) The rainfall diurnal variation is influenced by multi-scale mountain-valley and land-sea breezes as well as large-scale atmospheric circulation, and involves complicated formation and evolution of cloud and rainfall systems. The diurnal cycle of winds in the lower troposphere also contributes to the regional differences  相似文献   

中国大陆降水日变化研究进展   总被引:32,自引:4,他引:28  
文章概述了中国大陆降水日变化的最新研究成果,给出了中国大陆降水日变化的整体图像,指出目前数值模式模拟降水日变化的局限性,为及时了解和掌握降水日变化研究进展、开展相关科学研究和进行降水预报服务提供了有价值的科学依据和参考。现有研究表明:(1)中国大陆夏季降水日变化的区域特征明显。在夏季,东南和东北地区的降水日峰值主要集中在下午;西南地区多在午夜达到降水峰值;长江中上游地区的降水多出现在清晨;中东部地区清晨、午后双峰并存;青藏高原大部分地区是下午和午夜峰值并存。(2)降水日变化存在季节差异和季节内演变。冷季降水日峰值时刻的区域差异较暖季明显减小,在冷季南方大部分地区都表现为清晨峰值;中东部地区暖季降水日变化随季风雨带的南北进退表现出清晰的季节内演变,季风活跃(间断)期的日降水峰值多发生在清晨(下午)。(3)持续性降水和局地短时降水的云结构特性以及降水日峰值出现时间存在显著差异。持续性降水以层状云特性为主,地表降水和降水廓线的峰值大多位于午夜后至清晨;短时降水以对流降水为主,峰值时间则多出现在下午至午夜前。(4)降水日变化涉及不同尺度的山-谷风、海-陆风和大气环流的综合影响,涉及复杂的云雨形成和演变过程,对流层低层环流日变化对降水日变化的区域差异亦有重要影响。(5)目前数值模式对中国降水日变化的模拟能力有限,且模拟结果具有很强的模式依赖性,仅仅提高模式水平分辨率并不能总是达到改善模拟结果的目的,关键是要减少存在于降水相关的物理过程参数化方案中的不确定性问题。  相似文献   

This is the first attempt to merge highly accurate precipitation estimates from Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) with gap free satellite observations from Meteosat to develop a regional rainfall monitoring algorithm to estimate heavy rainfall over India and nearby oceanic regions. Rainfall signature is derived from Meteosat observations and is co-located against rainfall from GPM to establish a relationship between rainfall and signature for various rainy seasons. This relationship can be used to monitor rainfall over India and nearby oceanic regions. Performance of this technique was tested by applying it to monitor heavy precipitation over India. It is reported that our algorithm is able to detect heavy rainfall. It is also reported that present algorithm overestimates rainfall areal spread as compared to rain gauge based rainfall product. This deficiency may arise from various factors including uncertainty caused by use of different sensors from different platforms (difference in viewing geometry from MFG and GPM), poor relationship between warm rain (light rain) and IR brightness temperature, and weak characterization of orographic rain from IR signature. We validated hourly rainfall estimated from the present approach with independent observations from GPM. We also validated daily rainfall from this approach with rain gauge based product from India Meteorological Department (IMD). Present technique shows a Correlation Coefficient (CC) of 0.76, a bias of −2.72 mm, a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 10.82 mm, Probability of Detection (POD) of 0.74, False Alarm Ratio (FAR) of 0.34 and a Skill score of 0.36 with daily rainfall from rain gauge based product of IMD at 0.25° resolution. However, FAR reduces to 0.24 for heavy rainfall events. Validation results with rain gauge observations reveal that present technique outperforms available satellite based rainfall estimates for monitoring heavy rainfall over Indian region.  相似文献   

利用辽宁省291个国家气象观测站的降水资料,对2019年夏季(6-9月)8种模式降水预报及中央气象台格点降水预报进行了检验评估和比较,并采用消空方法进行晴雨预报技术研究。结果表明:2019年,EC模式具有最优的暴雨预报性能,而日本模式暴雨TS评分最高;中尺度模式对于局地性暴雨和短时强降水具有较好的预报潜力,性能较好的是GRAPES_MESO模式和睿图东北3 km模式;全球模式对24 h暴雨的预报频率比实况偏低30%,3 h强降水则偏低60%,中尺度模式对24 h暴雨的预报频率比实况偏高30%,3 h强降水则偏低20%。由于对小量级降水存在较多空报,各模式原始预报的晴雨预报大多呈现空报偏多的情况;使用小量级降水剔除的消空策略能够明显提高晴雨准确率,消空之后EC模式具有最优的晴雨预报性能。分别使用24 h和3 h累计降水量优化消空策略,发现分别取1.0 mm和0.8 mm的阈值进行消空可以使24 h晴雨准确率提高15.58%,3 h晴雨准确率提高10%-30%。  相似文献   

分辨率对区域气候极端事件模拟的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
汤剑平  赵鸣  苏炳凯 《气象学报》2006,64(4):432-442
利用NCAR MM5V3对1999年6月长江流域的极端异常降水事件进行了模拟,主要研究不同水平和垂直分辨率对极端区域气候事件模拟的影响。数值模拟试验表明:模式能够模拟出极端强降水的主要分布特征;水平分辨率的提高降低了模式模拟的强降水偏差,对逐日降水变化的模拟更加合理,而垂直分辨率的提高基本上也都减小了模拟的强降水过程的偏差,改善对强降水的模拟能力;模式水平、垂直分辨率的提高在一定程度上增强了对强降水过程的模拟能力。水平分辨率的提高能够改善模式对海平面气压的模拟,而垂直分辨率的提高可以改善模式模拟的地面气温和低层环流。分辨率对中层大气环流的影响不是很敏感。不同积云对流参数化方案模拟的对流降水比率随水平分辨率的变化是不同的,Grell方案对流降水比例随分辨率的提高而增加,而Kain-Fritsch方案的结果相反。  相似文献   

闽北汛期强降水中尺度特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示闽北暴雨的中尺度规律,利用1980~2005年南平市10县(市、区)气象站5~6月雨量大于等于50mm达到或超过3个站的43个暴雨过程129个暴雨日的逐时降水自记资料,分析了汛期暴雨日雨团和强雨团的时空分布、强度及持续时间、移动规律、雨团与影响系统的关系以及地形对雨团的产生、分布、移动等的影响等,得出闽北汛期强降水的中尺度若干特征,其结论可为预报人员在业务实践中提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

Urban areas are faced with mounting demands for managing waste and stormwater for a cleaner environment. Rainfall information is a critical component in efficient management of urban drainage systems. A major water quality impact affecting receiving waterbodies is the discharge of untreated waste and stormwater during precipitation, termed wet weather flow. Elimination or reduction of wet weather flow in metropolitan sewer districts is a major goal of environmental protection agencies and often requires considerable capital improvements. Design of these improvements requires accurate rainfall data in conjunction with monitored wastewater flow data. Characterizing the hydrologic/hydraulic performance of the sewer using distant rain gauges can cause oversizing and wasted expenditures. Advanced technology has improved our ability to measure accurately rainfall over large areas. Weather radar, when combined with rain gauge measurements, provides detailed information concerning rainfall intensities over specific watersheds. Knowing how much rain fell over contributing areas during specific periods aids in characterizing inflow and infiltration to sanitary and combined sewers, calibration of sewer system models, and in operation of predictive real-time control measures. Described herein is the design of a system for managing rainfall information for sewer system management, along with statistical analysis of 60 events from a large metropolitan sewer district. Analysis of the lower quartile rainfall events indicates that the expected average difference is 25.61%. Upper quartile rainfall events have an expected average difference of 17.25%. Rain gauge and radar accumulations are compared and evaluated in relation to specific needs of an urban application. Overall, the events analyzed agree to within ± 8% based on the median average difference between gauge and radar.  相似文献   

Summary.  Mesoscale convective precipitation systems in the Alpine region are studied by analyzing radar and rain gauge data. The data from weather radars in Austria, France, Germany, and Switzerland are combined into a composite. Availability of radar data restricts the study mainly to the northern part of the Alpine region. Mesoscale convective systems (MCS) occur often in this region and are comparable to large systems observed in the USA. Seven precipitation events lasting one to six days from the years 1992–1996 are examined in detail. They all moved west to east and showed no diurnal preference in formation or dissipation. They reach sizes of 2 − 6 · 104 km2. MCS with leading-line trailing-stratiform structure tended to be larger and more intense. A 25-year set of rain gauge data indicates that a giant MCS (covering more than 4 · 104 km2 with more than 30 mm/day) occurs every 6 years in the northern Alpine region. MCS occur more frequently in the southern Alpine region. Received February 25, 1999/Revised June 29, 1999  相似文献   

周燕  程明虎 《气象科技》2014,42(2):287-293
利用江淮地区20个代表站点雨量计连续30年(1980—2009年)的逐日降水资料,基于阈值方法原理对该地区降水特性进行了研究,主要讨论了月平均日降水量与阈值为0.1,1.0,5.0,10.0,24.0,48.0mm/d时降水日数占该月天数比例之间的关系。研究结果表明:各站点及江淮整体月平均日降水量与超过某一阈值降水日数占该月天数的比例之间存在着高度的线性相关关系,相关性随着阈值的不同而变化,在阈值为24.0mm/d时相关性最好,相关系数普遍超过0.97。低阈值时存在着非线性相关。阈值方法具有很多方面的应用,例如能更好地理解降水的形成机制;寻求更好的估测降水的算法;发展更优的数值预报模式的参数化方案;检验各种数值预报模式降水产品等。  相似文献   

湖南夏季降水日变化特征   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
戴泽军  宇如聪  陈昊明 《高原气象》2009,28(6):1463-1470
利用湖南96个测站13年的逐时自记降水资料, 分析了夏季(6~8月)降水日变化特征。结果表明, 湖南夏季降水日变化呈现显著的区域差异。湘东南降水量、 降水频次峰值主要出现在午后到傍晚, 而其它地区的降水峰值一般出现在清晨。进一步分析显示, 降水频次峰值出现时次分布更集中, 区域特征更鲜明。湘西北、 湘东南区域平均的累积降水量、 降水频次及降水强度的日变化在清晨和午后均呈双峰型特征。湘西北主(次)峰值出现的时间大致与湘东南次(主)峰值出现的时间对应。同时, 降水日变化与降水持续时间密切相关。持续5~10 h降水事件是持续1~4 h事件与持续10 h以上事件降水量峰值出现时间发生显著变化的过渡降水事件。持续1~4 h(10 h以上)的降水事件的极值降水始发时间为午后至傍晚(夜间)。在不同持续时间的降水事件中, 持续2 h降水的累积量最大。  相似文献   

华东地区夏季不同等级降水变化特征分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
白静漪  管兆勇 《气象科学》2014,34(4):365-372
采用华东地区78个气象站点逐日降水资料,根据日降水量的5个等级划分,应用线性趋势分析、相关分析等分析了不同等级降水频率和降水量的空间分布及其变化趋势。结果表明:(1)夏季不同等级降水频率在整个华东地区具有明显的地区差异,区域平均的降水频率由大到小依次为小雨、微量降水、中雨、大雨、暴雨。(2)平均的夏季总降水量呈南多北少的分布,各等级降水对总降水量的贡献率由大到小依次为暴雨、大雨、中雨、小雨,暴雨对夏季总降水量的贡献在某些年份可达50%以上。(3)区域平均的夏季降水日数呈下降趋势,但总降水量却有明显的增大趋势。(4)区域平均的某等级降水频率正异常时,华东地区各地该等级降水频率,亦多表现为正异常,尤其中雨以上等级降水频率异常符号在整个华东地区更为一致。(5)华东区域微量降水和小雨发生频率分别与其他等级降水存在显著的反相关关系,而中雨、大雨、暴雨三者发生频率之间无显著相关。  相似文献   

Summary In order to derive some statistical rainfall characteristics applicable to hydrology, data of continuous rainfall rate recordings of a Jardí gauge installed in Barcelona (Spain) have been converted to an hourly precipitation series. From these data, four useful distributions have been obtained and further compared with some theoretical models. It has been found that the duration of events is distributed exponentially. The duration of rainless intervals follow a generalized Pareto distribution, and the cumulative rainfall in the cumulative rain duration is beta distributed. Concerning the distribution of rain amounts, two models can be accepted, depending on the duration of the events. Comparison with a similar study carried out in Farnborough (United Kingdom) indicates that the events are shorter and that the amounts of rain collected in short events are larger in Barcelona.This work was supported by the DGICYT (Project NAT91-0596) and the CCE (Project PL 910104 Environment).With 7 Figures  相似文献   

The characteristics of raindrop size distribution(DSD) over the Tibetan Plateau and southern China are studied in this paper, using the DSD data from April to August 2014 collected by HSC-PS32 disdrometers in Nagqu and Yangjiang, comprising a total of 9430 and 6366 1-min raindrop spectra, respectively. The raindrop spectra, characteristics of parameter variations with rainfall rate, and the relationships between reflectivity factor(Z) and rainfall rate(R) are analyzed, as well as their DSD changes with precipitation type and rainfall rate. The results show that the average raindrop spectra appear to be one-peak curves, the number concentration for larger drops increase significantly with rainfall rate, and its value over southern China is much higher, especially in convective rain. Standardized Gamma distributions better describe DSD for larger drops, especially for convective rain in southern China. All three Gamma parameters for stratiform precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau are much higher, while its shape parameter(μ) and mass-weighted mean diameter(D_m), for convective precipitation, are less. In terms of parameter variation with rainfall rate, the normalized intercept parameter(N_w) over the Tibetan Plateau for stratiform rain increases with rainfall rate, which is opposite to the situation in convective rain. The μover the Tibetan Plateau for stratiform and convective precipitation types decreases with an increase in rainfall rate, which is opposite to the case for D m variation. In Z–R relationships, like "Z = AR~b", the coefficient A over the Tibetan Plateau is smaller, while its b is higher, when the rain type transfers from stratiform to convective ones. Furthermore, with an increase in rainfall rate, parameters A and b over southern China increase gradually, while A over the Tibetan Plateau decreases substantially, which differs from the findings of previous studies. In terms of geographic location and climate over the Tibetan Plateau and southern China, the precipitation in the pre-flood seasons is dominated by strong convective rain, while weak convective rain occurs frequently in northern Tibet with lower humidity and higher altitude.  相似文献   

2004年主汛期各数值预报模式定量降水预报评估   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
王雨 《应用气象学报》2006,17(3):316-324
随着数值预报技术的飞速发展, 模式定量降水预报已成为天气预报业务工作中的主要参考依据。本文对目前在国家气象中心应用的3个业务运行模式T213L31, HLAFS0.25, 华北中尺度模式MM5和德国模式及日本模式的降水预报产品进行了季节空间分布、区域时间序列演变及统计检验, 试图从空间、时间及统计方面对降水预报产品的预报性能进行综合评估。检验结果表明:目前的数值预报模式对短期时效内定量降水预报均具有一定的空间预报能力, 但强降水中心位置有一定的偏差; 从时间序列演变检验来看, 模式对区域强降水过程的发展趋势具有较强的预报能力, 但降水量预报与实况有一定的差距; 从累加统计评分检验结果来看, 模式短期时效的预报性能差别不大, 全球模式在小中雨预报方面有一定优势, 其中日本模式的综合预报性能最好, 大雨以上量级的预报则是国内的模式有一定的优势, 其中华北中尺度MM5模式, T213L31模式各有所长, 但均存在预报量和预报区偏大问题。  相似文献   

近30 a江苏夏季降水日变化的气候学特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于1980—2013年江苏省61站小时降水资料,分析了江苏省夏季降水日变化的特点及小时极端降水、不同级别雨日的日变化特征。结果表明,江苏省夏季降水日变化具有显著的双峰分布特征,然而江苏省北部和南部降水的主峰时段并不一致。从降水频次、累积降水量来看,江苏省北部降水以清晨至早上时段为主峰、午后至傍晚时段为次峰,南部降水与之相反。长持续性降水占夏季降水的2/3左右,且江苏北部占比多于南部,均为清晨至早上的单峰分布;短持续性降水占夏季降水的1/3,在江苏北部呈现出以午后至傍晚为主峰,清晨至早上为次峰的双峰分布,而在江苏南部呈现出以午后至傍晚的单峰分布特点。小时极端降水,阈值分布南低北高,虽然频次较少,但占夏季降水的40%左右。小时极端降水日变化的双峰分布和夏季总体降水分布类似,但主峰大都出现在午后至傍晚。不同级别雨日的日变化分布各有不同,但全省各区无显著差异。累积降水量贡献主要来自于暴雨和大雨。暴雨无论是从降水频次、累积降水量还是降水强度都呈现清晨至早上的单峰分布。  相似文献   

近50年西南地区秋雨监测指标的建立及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用西南地区四川、重庆、云南和贵州秋季降水量和日照时数资料,对西南地区秋雨极端天气气候事件的监测指标进行了探讨,最终定义连续5天以上日降水量大于等于0.1 mm,且日照时数小于等于0.1h的天气过程为1次秋雨事件.以此指标得出西南秋雨事件主要发生在四川盆地中南部、重庆西部、云南东北部和贵州北部等地区,秋雨最强中心平均每年发生华西秋雨事件可达1.6次以上,年平均秋雨日数大于11天.近50年西南秋雨强度呈波动下降趋势.结合NCEP/NCAR同期的位势高度场、水汽场以及风场资料对西南秋雨的成因分析表明:在秋雨强年,500 hPa高度场上极区气压偏高,中纬地区气压偏低,西风环流较弱,副高脊线易偏北,印缅槽较深.850hPa高度场上在西南秋雨较强的区域有一个明显的水汽汇,在风场上也有较强的来自孟加拉湾和印度洋水汽输送.垂直经圈环流和纬圈环流有明显的上升运动与之配置.  相似文献   

The present paper aims of computing climatology and trend analysis of occurrence and intensity of extreme events of precipitation in subregions of Northeast Brazil (NEB). We used daily rainfall data of 148 rain gauges collected from the hydrometeorological network managed by the National Water Agency during 1972 to 2002 and used quantiles technique in order to select rainfall events. Defining heavy rainfall events as those when at least one rain gauge recorded rainfall above the 95th percentile, normal rainfall was between the 45th and 55th percentiles, and weak rainfall events were under the 5th percentile. The Mann-Kendall nonparametric test was used to calculate the linear trend of the quantity and intensity of rainfall events. The NEB was divided in five subregions using the cluster analysis based on Euclidean distance and Ward’s method: Northern coast, Northern semiarid, Northwest, Southern semiarid, and Southern coast. The results suggest that the subregions are less influenced by El Niño and La Niña, and dry areas have higher variability, with the greatest number of intense events.  相似文献   

本文选取2014年6~9月西南区域模式产品的每日20 h (北京时)起报的00 h~24 h降水量、相关物理量及成都地区实况降水量。首先利用领域法建立高分辨率模式与稀疏站点对应关系,其次比较领域内的降水量分级传统技巧评分以及强降水(25mm以上)与模式物理量阈值进行概率分析,得出强降水物理量阈值,最后通过个例对模式物理量阈值进行检验。得出如下研究结论:降水量分级评分结果表明模式对成都地区有无降水预报总体效果较好;TS评分随着预报降水量级增大而减小,同时模式空报率高于漏报率;而暴雨及暴雨以上量级降水混合评分为11.6%,具有一定的参考性。强降水与模式物理量阈值概率分析表明模式对强降水有一定的预报能力,但量级、落区相对较差。两次降水个例物理量阈值均满足以暴雨、暴雨以上降水为主的条件。   相似文献   

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