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This article offers a re-interpretation of the geographical pivot of history by setting it in the context of the international relations and strategic debates of the early twentieth century, and by engaging with the historiography of British foreign policy during the Edwardian period. The overall argument is that the prospective effort of Mackinder does not appear as merely speculative but is in fact rather well grounded in the fundamentals of British foreign policy and more directly relevant than hitherto assumed. Identifying a trend towards a shift in the equilibrium between land power and sea power, Mackinder emphasized – and perhaps over-emphasized – a Russian threat to British interests but considered that Germany alone only posed a minor threat. Such analysis seems to be remarkably in tune with British geopolitical culture around 1904, and with the ideas of the British Prime Minister Arthur Balfour. The way in which Mackinder further stressed that a combination of the two main continental powers would represent a major peril for Britain has hitherto been treated rather dismissively. This article however shows how twice during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–5 Wilhelm II attempted to bring such an alliance about. This article attempts to reassess the actual impact of the geographical pivot of history and more broadly of Mackinder's thought, usually considered minimal, on British foreign policy before 1914. Finally, a number of issues that seem to deserve further attention are suggested, in particular that of the influence exerted by Mackinder before 1914, and that of the genesis of Mackinder's conception of the 'pivot zone' or 'heartland'.  相似文献   

Since the end of the Soviet Union, many foreign policy intellectuals have peculiarly identified the Republic of Uzbekistan as the locus of Mackinder's 1904 'pivot' designation. A century on from his original 'Geographical pivot of history' lecture, this paper examines the work of a Russian, an Uzbek, and an American who use Mackinder to understand contemporary Uzbekistani geopolitical orientations, in particular with reference to the USA. Drawing on critical work on the history of geopolitics, it highlights that whilst these texts claim objectivity, they betray political and subjective foreign policy choices. It suggests that whilst the revival of interest in Mackinder testifies to the continued attraction of his ideas, this has, with rare exceptions, been based upon a superficial reading of both his work and the body of secondary literature, and that this raises both disciplinary and ethical concerns.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that, although Mackinder never mentions New Zealand in his influential 1904 paper and despite the absence of a formal Kiwi geopolitical tradition, 'The geographical pivot of history' provides a useful framework with which to approach New Zealand geopolitics. The argument uses two Mackinderian ideas to suggest three phases in New Zealand's security relationships during the Mackinder century. First, New Zealand's commitment to Mackinder's 'pivot area' notion of 'imperial defence' and 'collective security' characterized its dependent security phase. Between 1973 and 1990/91 there was a transitional security phase towards Mackinder's second 'global interconnectedness' idea. Third, this shift led to a current interdependent security phase which is characterized by the recognition that New Zealand's security relationships, despite its geographic isolation, are mutually dependent on political, economic, and military events around the world. The impact of 11 September 2001 and the consequent 'war on terror' are also considered. The paper concludes by suggesting that New Zealand's post-conflict reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq point to the continuing relevance of Mackinder's 'The geographical pivot of history' to New Zealand geopolitics.  相似文献   

Mackinder's 1904 'geographical pivot of history' concept, subsequently developed into his famous 'Eurasian heartland thesis', marginalizes South America, yet his ideas have attracted considerable interest there, including interpretations (and fantasies) of a 'South American heartland'. This paper examines the reception of Mackinder's ideas in Latin American geopolitics and how his heartland thesis was adapted for the South American context. It traces the roots of this adaptation in earlier South American geopolitical writing, and examines these ideas of counter-insurgency policies and global geopolitical strategies, analysing their relationship to military and anticommunist perspectives.  相似文献   

Beyond Germany, Leo Waibel (1888–1951) built a distinguished reputation for his work in Africa and the Americas. Today he is remembered especially in Brazil, where he boosted the development of geography as a research discipline in the years 1946–1950. During his tenure of the chair in geography at Bonn (1929–1937), Waibel's main research preoccupation became the role of the tropics in the world economy. In early 1937, he sought research leave to make an extended field trip to Brazil. Stripped on political grounds in the same year of his chair, Waibel came to the United States, where he became the only geographer to receive help from the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars. He would eventually serve as one of the very limited core staff on President Franklin Roosevelt's “M” Project on migration and settlement. This paper reconstructs the context of his work in the United States, clarifying especially the nature of his collaborations with Isaiah Bowman, widely regarded at the time as the leading geographer within the United States. Waibel's correspondence from the United States, and later from Brazil, reveals an international career marked by contradictions.  相似文献   

我国西部边境旅游开发研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
实施西部大开发是党中央的重大战略决策,旅游业是西部大开发的突破口。西部边境省区普遍拥有把旅游业建成支柱产业的资源条件,具备形成优势产业的基本条件。本文客观分析了西部边境旅游开发现状,提出了西部边境旅游开发的基本思路、开发模式和主要措施。  相似文献   

贸易与环境关系是理解人地关系的重要方面,是“人—地”相互作用复杂性与不确定性的集中体现。国际贸易环境效应研究旨在探究自由贸易和环境保护之间的互补或互斥关系,由此催生了一系列具有关联性和竞争性的理论假说。本文结合全球化过程中全球联系强化、地方力量崛起和国家力量变革等特征,分别从全球联系、国家力量和地方发展3个层面梳理了现有贸易环境效应理论假说和实证研究,指出贸易环境效应是贸易过程(流量变化)与贸易影响(存量累积)共同作用下的结果。建立在比较优势基础上的存量因素包括经济增长、环境规制与地理区位,而贸易与投资一体化的特征则揭示了产业内贸易的重要性。由此,本文发现既有研究更多地建立在比较优势的基础上探讨全球与国家层面的贸易环境效应,表现出“自上而下”的特征,强调环境规制的作用。同时,也存在局限于南北国家关系、对地方化特征关注较少、对贸易政策与环境规制协调机制的理解有待深化等不足。据此,本文提出全球地方化进程中的区域发展分析将为贸易环境效应研究提供有益补充,其作用为:①实现对贸易引致的区域不均衡性的考量;②满足产业内与产业间贸易并存的分析需要;③为协调环境规制与贸易政策提供合宜的尺度。  相似文献   

西北太平洋: 21世纪的地理--政治枢纽   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
20世纪初,英国著名地理学家麦金德在其名著《历史的地理枢纽》一书中,通过对地理大发现以后世界政治地图,尤其是欧洲政治地图变化的分析,提出了“大陆腹地”的概念,并把中、东欧地区称为国际政治的“枢纽”地区。二战以后,美、英等西方国家正是基于麦金德的这一思路,把围堵“枢纽”地区作为其全球战略的重中之重,拉开了长达半个世纪的“冷战”帷幕。冷战结束以后,世界政治地理格局发生了重大变化,西北太平洋地区以其重要的地理位置、蓬勃发展的经济和急剧增长的军备,成为国际地缘政治中新的“枢纽”地区。本文从政治军事地理角度对这一问题进行了初步研究,供关心西北太平洋地区局势的同仁参考。  相似文献   

The article suggests Jobberns’ view of geopolitics ultimately rested on the work of British geographer Sir Halford Mackinder overlain by the writing of American political geographers. Jobberns’ geopolitical thinking was, however, also strongly informed by his being a Freemason. WWII, as the overshadowing external event of Jobberns’ early years at Canterbury, amplified his interest in geopolitics both as a way of understanding the world and, at a time when geography was not universally accepted as a university discipline, as a means of promoting to a wider public the utility of a geographical perspective on world affairs.  相似文献   

庞加欣  王灵桂 《热带地理》2019,39(6):911-918
韩国“新北方政策”与“一带一路”倡议的对接合作为中韩两国带来了重要发展机遇。文章主要探讨韩国“新北方政策”的内涵及其与“一带一路”倡议对接的进展、机遇与挑战,得出双方对接的合作机遇主要在政策沟通、设施联通、贸易投资和资金融通4个方面,同时也存在着制度性风险、地缘风险和投资合作风险的三大挑战。在具体对接过程中,产业、金融、物流3个领域可能成为突破口。  相似文献   

建设海南自由贸易港是党中央在新时代深化改革、扩大开放的一项战略举措。论文基于列斐伏尔的空间三元辩证法,结合海南自由贸易港建设的主要内容及其空间生产的特征,构建“资本—权力—战略”三维逻辑框架,以解析海南自由贸易港建设的空间生产逻辑:从资本逻辑看,海南自由贸易港具有资本空间化与空间资本化特征,在流动空间的作用下,其资本三级循环过程有利于推动海南自由贸易港建设国际旅游消费中心和开放型经济新高地;从权力逻辑看,海南自由贸易港构建了制度空间,能形成对政府权力的规训,推动海南建设全面深化改革开放试验区、国家生态文明试验区;从战略逻辑看,海南自由贸易港是新时代背景下“新国家空间”的一种形态,表征了国家重大战略服务保障基地、南海海洋命运共同体、全球治理中国方案等战略意义。论文运用空间生产框架从理论层面分析海南自由贸易港的地理学逻辑,能增进人们对中国改革开放实践的理解,对进一步深化改革和扩大开放具有参考价值。  相似文献   

发展中国家开发不发达地区的经验及借鉴   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对印度、越南、泰国、马来西亚、巴西等国开发不发达地区成功经验的分析,结合我国西北地区的干旱环境与开发历史悠久的特点,提出了发展西北地区要从以下几个方面入手:(1)国家对西北地区应实行福利政策,东部对西部部应实行“补偿”政策;(2)进一步完善农村市场体系;(3)建议在西安建立我国第三家证券交易中心;(4)建立“河西走廓自由贸易区”;(5)实施“生态恢复工程”。  相似文献   

魏瑾瑞  张雯馨 《地理科学》2019,39(9):1425-1433
以辽宁自贸试验区为研究对象,基于多边、双边与单边开放的演变逻辑,将11个自贸试验区作为整体系统性地考察自贸试验区的宏观经济联系,从而定位和识别辽宁自贸试验区的差异化发展路径。研究表明,尽管自贸试验区城市尚未表现出较强的整体群网络,但是以上海为核心的自贸试验区体系已基本形成。根据核心-中间-边缘层模型,辽宁自贸试验区处于边缘层,与上海、广东、浙江(核心层)和天津(中间层)等沿海自贸试验区存在较强的直接经济联系,并且在制度的复制与推广方面存在诸多借鉴。  相似文献   

本文将边境效应划分为狭义与广义两类,认为广义边境效应包括正负两层效应且随贸易自由化进程动态演进。通过边境省区占相邻两国贸易的比重这一反映边境效应的指数,并对自由贸易进程中的中越边境云南(滇)与广西(桂)两省区2004~2009年对越进出口月度时间序列计量分析,发现边境效应的演进在省际间具有稳定的互动关系,包括力度不同的相互促进与竞争等关联,文章同时探讨边境效应的内外成因,提出以区域合作及协调发展提升边境正效应的沿边开放策略。  相似文献   

地理学思想变革的案例剖析:哈维的学术转型   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
叶超  蔡运龙 《地理学报》2012,67(1):122-131
大卫·哈维的学术转型是当代西方地理学发展的一个重要现象,也是地理学思想创新的一个典型案例.本文聚焦于哈维空间观的转型,通过解析哈维学术转型的代表论著,认为哈维关于空间的认识论立场主要经历了以实证主义相对空间观为主的“多维”空间观、“社会过程一空间形式”统一体、历史一地理唯物主义空间体系三个阶段.这三个阶段基本对应于他作为实证主义、激进主义、马克思主义地理学代表人物的历史.导致哈维学术转型的原因主要是剧变的社会政治环境、其个人禀赋和志趣、工作环境、地理学学科发展状况等.哈维的学术转型对中国地理学理论和方法创新具有重要借鉴意义,启示我们正确对待逻辑实证主义地理学;直面现实社会重大问题,洞察其深层次原因并建树理论;以“独立之精神,自由之思想”为学术研究和社会发展做出应有的贡献.  相似文献   

In spite of many proposals, Australia has no national freshwater research centre. Thus the passing in the Senate of Ralph Jacobi's private member's bill for an Institute of Freshwater Studies in 1982 was unusual. His driving force was the need to overcome State boundaries and for research to inform policy and management of water resources. It gained widespread support, and not just from the parliamentary Labor Party, but was strongly opposed by the Fraser government, State and federal water bureaucracies, and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). The election of 1983 prevented further discussion in parliament, but the proposal was part of the Labor Party platform taken to the election. An Interim Council set up to investigate whether or not such an institute should be established, but with narrow terms of reference very different from those in Jacobi's bill, sided with the large water bureaucracies and CSIRO, in spite of majority support for an institute. An institute was rejected and the government accepted the recommendation. Jacobi's proposal failed primarily because of a fear of independent advice by many in the bureaucracies, a potential loss of power and influence, and inter-governmental rivalries. The status quo remained; the bigger picture is still unseen.  相似文献   

广珠澳铁路建设与澳门发展方向研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
徐君亮 《热带地理》1995,15(2):97-102
本文分析了广珠澳门铁路建设的自然和经济可行性,认为近代澳门的国际贸易中心地位为香港所取代的主要原因是:缺乏深水港口;没有中国大陆联网的铁路。  相似文献   

1.Biographical information GuoDong Cheng, born on 11 July, 1943, in Shanghai, China, received his Bachelor of Science in 1965, from the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology at Beijing Geology College (now China University of Geosciences).In the same year, he started his research career at the Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology, Geocryology, and Desert Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).  相似文献   

西部边境旅游开发的策略研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
谢莉 《热带地理》2005,25(2):181-184
边境旅游是我国旅游业的一个重要组成部分,也是一种非常有潜力的旅游形式。在实施西部大开发战略的宏观背景下,加快两部边境旅游的发展,对推动西部旅游业的发展,振兴西部边境地区社会经济文化事业,促进我国的对外开放以及国际经贸合作的发展都具有重要意义。文中分析了西部边境旅游开发的优势条件,提出了西部边境旅游开发的战略措施。  相似文献   

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) was established in 1995 and represents a third chapter in the Mekong Project's organizational history. The MRC's predecessors – the Mekong Committee (1957–78) and the Interim Mekong Committee (1978–95) – operated under difficult circumstances, yet made many contributions to transboundary river basin planning and international diplomacy. The MRC's 2001 Work Programme represents a shift in Mekong basin planning from the era of the Mekong Committee. This shift is largely embodied by a change from a project–oriented focus to an emphasis on better management and preservation of existing resources. The MRC is in a position to help address the related issues of population growth, environmental preservation and regional security. In doing so, the MRC will benefit from the programmes and international collaboration established by its predecessors.  相似文献   

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