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Biomarker and n-alkane compound specific stable carbon isotope analyses (CSIA) were carried out on 58 crude oil samples from shallow water and deepwater fields of the Niger Delta in order to predict the depositional environment and organic matter characteristics of their potential source rocks. Using a source organofacies prediction approach from oil geochemistry, the presence in the western deepwater oils relatively abundant C27 steranes, C30 24-n-propyl cholestane, low oleanane index, relatively low pr/ph ratios, gammacerane, and positive to nearly flat C12–C30 n-alkane compound specific stable carbon isotope profiles, suggests that the source facies that expelled these oils contain significant marine derived organic matter deposited under sub-oxic and stratified water column conditions. This contrasts with the terrigenous organic matter dominated source rocks accepted for shallow water Niger Delta oils. Oils in the shallow water accumulations can be separated into terrigenous and mixed marine-terrigenous families. The terrigenous family indicates expulsion from source rock(s) containing overwhelmingly higher plant source organic matter (average oleanane index = 0.48, high C29 steranes) as well as having negative sloping n-alkane isotope profiles. Oxic source depositional conditions (pr/ph > 2.5) and non-stratified conditions (absence to low gammacerane content) are inferred for the terrigenous family. The mixed marine-terrigenous family has biomarker properties that are a combination of the deepwater and terrigenous shallow water oils. Bitumen extracts of the sub-delta Late Cretaceous Araromi Formation shale in the Dahomey Basin are comparable both molecularly and isotopically to the studied western deepwater oil set, but with an over all poor geochemical correlation. This poor geochemical match between Araromi shale and the western deepwater oils does not downgrade the potential of sub-delta Cretaceous source rock contribution to the regional oil charge in the deepwater Niger Delta.  相似文献   

南黄海盆地二叠系烃源岩孢粉相特征及其形成环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以沉积环境控制烃源岩发育理论为指导,应用孢粉相分析方法,以南黄海盆地二叠系大隆组、龙潭组和栖霞组烃源岩层段为研究对象,对典型钻井剖面的孢粉及沉积有机屑进行系统的分析。根据沉积有机屑的丰度特征和组分类型,探讨三套烃源岩的形成环境,初步评价其生烃潜力。研究结果表明,利用孢粉相分析方法,可以有效地对高成熟海相烃源岩的生烃潜力和形成环境进行客观评价:栖霞组为缺氧远陆架沉积环境,以无定形有机质为主,水体分层缺氧,是烃源岩形成的有利环境;大隆组为缺氧和少氧的陆架环境,也较有利于烃源岩的形成,生烃潜力较栖霞组差;龙潭组煤质型有机质较为丰富,为充氧的陆架区,以陆源输入为主,沉积区水体较浅,含氧量高,不利于富氢烃源岩的形成。  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - A suite of crude oil samples, that had not been previously characterized geochemically, was collected from two oil fields in the southwest Niger Delta Nigeria. The saturate...  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical analyses were carried out on groundwater samples collected from 20 producing wells in different parts of the Eastern Niger Delta. Results show that the concentrations of the major cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and anions (Cl, SO 4 2– , HCO 3 ) are below the World Health Organization (WHO) standards set for domestic purposes. The occurrence of slightly saline water in certain areas is attributed to local hydrogeological processes occurring in the area. On the basis of the analytical results, two hydrogeochemical facies are delineated. These are calcium-magnesium-chloride-sulfate-bicarbonate (Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4-HCO3) and calcium-sodium-chloride-sulfatebicarbonate (Ca-Na-Cl-SO4-HCO3) to the west and east of the study area, respectively.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - Tricyclic and tetracyclic terpanes are important constituents of crude oil and source rock extracts. However, they have not been reported in the Offshore Niger Delta Basin,...  相似文献   

The impact of petroleum hydrocarbons on the floor of a mangrove system located on one of the intertidal lands behind the barrier islands of Niger Delta basin of southern Nigeria was evaluated following the Obiafu-14 oil spillage. The area covered by the oil spill was delimited by reconnaissance and soils were sampled by grid method from the bottom and middle slopes of oil-affected and unaffected (control) sites. Soil samples were later brought to the laboratory where total hydrocarbon content was determined by extraction and spectrophotometric techniques. A lower pH range of 4.28–4.36 in the oil impacted soils meant that the site was more acidic; a higher moisture content of 33.34% and lower electrical conductivity (EC) of 31.75μS/cm in the affected area presupposed oxygen deprivation and lower salt content respectively. On the strength of the baseline data on the study area and evidence from the uncontaminated, geographically similar control site, it can be said that the Obiafu-14 oil spillage had severely contaminated the affected mangrove floor. This is corroborated by a total extractable hydrocarbon content of 6.32×103 ± 344 mg/kg (no overlap in Standard Error at 95% Confidence Limit), and the abysmal degradation of the mangrove system at the site. Although soils of the mangrove floor under consideration may well be of limited cultivation value on account of the people’s dual occupation in fishing and farming, the presence of such levels of petroleum hydrocarbons at the study site might hamper agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

This study uses 3D seismic reflection dataset to investigate the time-integrated growth and degradation of fault-propagation folds and associated slump deposits in the deepwater Niger Delta. The results of the analysis showed that slump deposits are sourced almost entirely from the degradation of growing fold crests—resulting in the development of seaward-facing scarps on the forelimbs of these folds. The scarps develop parallel to fold axes and have dips that range between 4° SW and 20° SW. The constant presence of fan-shaped slump deposits downdip of these scarps suggests a direct relationship to fold crest degradation. Moreover, the spatio-temporal distribution of the slumps also shows a direct relationship with the heights of seabed scarps along the strike of growing folds. Slumps have short run-out distances (generally less than 5 km); however, they also travel long distances downslope (up to 10 km) across growing structures by exploiting relay areas between growing scarps.  相似文献   

Flaring of associated gas from oil exploitation has several consequences on the environment. This study explores the spatial variability effects of gas flaring on the growth and development of cassava (Manihot esculenta), waterleaf (Talinum triangulare), and pepper (Piper spp.) crops commonly cultivated in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Data was collected on soil and atmospheric temperature and moisture at a 20-m interval, starting at 40 m from the flare point to a distance of 140 m. Lengths and widths of crop leaves, height of crop plants and cassava yields were measured at the specified distances. The amino acid, ascorbic acid, starch, and sugar constituents of the cassava yields were determined. The results suggest that a spatial gradient exists in the effects of gas flares on crop development. Retardation in crop development manifests in decreased dimensions of leaf lengths and widths of cassava and pepper crops closer to the gas flare point. Statistical analysis also confirms that cassava yields are higher at locations further away from the flare point. In addition, the amount of starch and ascorbic acid in cassava decreased when the plant is grown closer to the gas flare. High temperatures around the gas flare appear to be the most likely cause of this retardation. The waterleaf crop, on the other hand, appears to thrive better around the gas flare point.  相似文献   

关于尼日尔三角洲盆地陆坡深水区的逆冲构造,其逆冲背景下的构造演化阶段及古地貌变迁特征,是一个需要深入研究的问题。以尼日尔三角洲盆地某深水研究区为例,基于三维地震资料解释,识别了3个关键界面和4种构造样式,将新生界划分为3个超层序,进一步分析了SSQ_1超层序内部的泥岩滑脱面;厘定了中新统逆冲构造的演化阶段,并分析了不同阶段内的地貌特征。形成于构造活动期的超层序(SSQ_3)可进一步划分为3个三级层序,自下而上依次由逆冲断层、泥底辟和披覆沉积所主控,对应3个不同的构造演化阶段:①逆冲断层主控阶段。在重力滑脱作用下,逆冲断层沿不同深度滑脱面发育,所产生的位移差导致构造变换带内地层受到剪切应力而发育撕裂断层,其走向与逆冲断层近垂直;剪切破裂面的存在使地层抗应力强度大幅降低,在地层超压作用下,构造变换带内沿撕裂断层发育泥底辟褶皱;顺陆坡倾向搬运的重力流沉积物受到逆冲相关褶皱阻挡而发生沉积,导致重力流岩性圈闭集中分布于逆冲断层上盘的地貌低部位。②泥底辟主控阶段。在差异负荷作用下,塑性超压泥岩向逆冲相关褶皱与撕裂断层相关褶皱核部集中,形成大型滑脱褶皱;泥岩的塑性变形主要发生在由不同深度滑脱面所限定的地层单元内;滑脱褶皱的存在使其两侧形成了沿陆坡倾向展布的地貌低部位,并成为重力流储层发育的有利场所。③构造平静阶段。构造活动明显减弱,在填平补齐作用下地貌逐渐趋于平缓。  相似文献   

This is an assessment of the degree of effects of discharged produced water in river and sediments of the Bonny estuary, Niger Delta. It involved seasonal analyses of twenty-two (22) water and thirty-four (34) sediment samples from the Bonny River. The physicochemical properties (i.e., hydrocarbon content, heavy metals, and other inorganic constituents) of the water samples were examined, while the sediments were inspected for heavy metals and organic hydrocarbon constituents that may have been sourced from the discharged produced water. In addition, the principal component and cluster analyses, index of geoaccumulation, and pollution load index plots were utilized to deduce the degree of pollution, source, and distribution of these contaminants. From the results of the analyses, the Bonny seawater is contaminated with nitrate, phosphates, nickel, ammonia, and phenols in dry season, whereas nitrate, sulfate, phosphate, total nitrogen, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), and heavy metals—zinc and lead—are observed in the rainy (wet) season. Similarly, the sediments are contaminated with benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, TPH, phenols, and heavy metals in both seasons. Considering the outcomes of these analyses, it is evident that the composition and quality of seawater and sediments of the Bonny estuary have been strongly influenced by produced water discharges in the area.  相似文献   

东尼日尔盆地是中西非裂谷系中典型的中—新生代裂谷盆地。Tenere坳陷位于盆地西北部,包括西部凹陷、东Ⅰ凹陷和东Ⅱ凹陷。对Saha-1井上白垩统岩屑样品的分析揭示,干酪根显微组分以不发荧光或弱荧光的无定形体为主,岩石抽提物中C29甾烷优势明显,说明该井上白垩统泥岩有机质输入以陆源植物为主。岩石热解分析表明上白垩统Yogou组泥岩大多数为中等—好烃源岩,有机质以Ⅱ2-Ⅲ型为主,Donga组泥岩大部分为差—中等烃源岩,以Ⅲ型为主;岩石热解峰温指示烃源岩成熟门限深度为2300 m左右。生烃史模拟显示,Saha-1井Yogou组泥岩尚未开始生烃,Donga组在白垩纪末期开始生烃,下部已进入生气阶段。综合研究认为Tenere坳陷的西部凹陷勘探潜力较大,而东Ⅰ凹陷和东Ⅱ凹陷潜力有限。  相似文献   

强制海退体系域由于可发育优质的储集层而备受石油地质学者关注,但关于强制海退体系域中烃源岩的研究仍然十分缺乏。根据岩性录井、测井曲线和地球化学分析数据,以尼日尔Termit盆地为例探讨强制海退体系域中烃了源岩的类型及其识别特征和地球化学特征,并通过改进的ΔlogR方法建立烃源岩总有机碳(TOC)含量测井预测模型,初步分析了不同类型烃源岩的发育特征和质量差异。结果表明:强制海退体系域中可以发育煤/炭质泥岩、滨岸泥岩、三角洲泥岩和滨外陆棚泥岩4种烃源岩,其中滨外陆棚泥岩发育于强制海退体系域的底部,而煤/炭质泥岩以薄层状伴生于盆地边缘附近滨岸沼泽相和三角洲相。基础地球化学数据表明滨岸泥岩主要为Ⅱ2型干酪根的好-极好烃源岩,三角洲泥岩为非均质性强烈的差-好烃源岩,而滨外陆棚泥岩整体为Ⅲ型干酪根的差-中等烃源岩。应用lgRt交会图求取ΔlogR值,建立TOC测井预测计算模型,计算了其他井的TOC预测曲线,结果表明Termit盆地强制海退体系域中的泥岩基本为好-极好烃源岩,不同构造区块中差别不大,其中滨岸泥岩为主要的烃源岩类型,累计厚度大且生烃潜力高。从强制海退体系域的演化过程及Termit盆地实例研究来看,强制海退体系域中在一定条件下可以发育优质烃源岩,滨岸泥岩可能是其主要的烃源岩类型。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地东南缘烃源岩演化与油气成因复杂,采用岩石热解、色谱-质谱、碳同位素等有机地球化学分析技术,对该区二叠系芦草沟组烃源岩地球化学及其成烃演化特征进行了详细调查。结果表明,不同成熟度的二叠系芦草沟组烃源岩有机质丰度和有机类型差异显著,烃源岩有机碳、生油潜量(S1+S2)分布范围分别为0.43%~12.89%(均值2.84%)、0.52~77.24 mg/g,烃源岩质量可从低熟时的“极好”级别降低至高成熟时的“中等-差”级别(Rc≈0.54%~1.93%);有机质类型可从低熟时的Ⅰ-Ⅱ1型变化为高成熟时的Ⅱ2-Ⅲ,指示对高-过成熟烃源岩的有机质类型与生烃潜能评价需要进行评价参数的适当恢复。二叠系芦草沟组烃源岩生物标志物特征显著:姥鲛烷相对于植烷有微弱优势,Pr/Ph值分布范围为0.92~1.81(均值1.22),指示弱还原的湖相沉积环境;C27-、C28-、C29-规则甾烷呈斜直线型分布;C28-规则甾烷丰度偏高(C28/C29-规则甾烷均值为0.96)、升藿烷系列丰度偏低、伽马蜡烷发育,反映二叠系芦草沟组烃源岩咸化和/或水体分层的原始沉积环境。油-油、油-源对比表明,芦草沟组原油主要来自芦草沟组烃源岩。烃源岩地质地球化学分析表明,深浅层不同成熟度芦草沟组烃源岩均有发育,该区具有较好的生烃物质基础,具有寻找不同埋深油气藏的重要勘探前景。  相似文献   

The Niger Delta question represents one of the most intractable sources of political destabilization, constitutes a profound threat to national security, and economic development of the Nigerian state. Therefore, the study of the intricate dynamics among multinational oil corporations, the Nigerian State, and insurgent militias illuminates the root causes, societal schisms and the political economy of resource induced conflicts in Africa’s major oil producing nation state. This case study illustrates and explicates the “paradox of plenty”, the “resource curse”, the “shadow state syndrome”, and the debilitating effects of petroleum politics in Nigeria. Economic exploitation of the region’s vast crude oil reserves by multinationals and government authorities is juxtaposed with the specter of environmental devastation, excruciating poverty, and recurrent rule of impunity. National elite contestations concerning the legalities of resource control, internecine squabbles over revenue allocation formulas and derivation principles have been compounded by incessant disruptions of crude oil pipelines, necessitating drastic reduction in the country’s petroleum output and revenues derived from the global economy. Due to the multi-layered dimensions of the effects of crude oil, guns, profits, and geo-territorial instability, the protracted problems of the Niger Delta thus, provides us with pertinent analytical and contextual frameworks for the study of the dynamics, volatility and transparency issues in global extractive industries. In the muddled rivers and creeks of the Niger Delta, characterized by regional destabilization, there has emerged a clandestine economy of protection syndicates, marked exponential increase in kidnappings and targeting of expatriate workers, as well as state sponsored military reprisals against self-styled insurgents, warlords, and militia movements.  相似文献   

Geochemical evaluation of the distribution of heavy metals in soils of Port Harcourt and its environs in the Niger Delta region is presented in respect of anthropogenic factor and index of geoaccumulation. Sixteen (16) soil samples were collected from two horizons (0-10 cm and 100 cm) from the various grids and analyzed. The geo-chemical analyses showed the vertical and horizontal distributions of heavy metals. The results showed the ranges of the metals determined as follows: Pb (6.86-2.49)×10-6, with an average of 4.63×10-6; Cd (0.05-0.00)×10-6, with an average of 0.02×10-6, As (0.01-0.00)×10-6, with an average of 0.00×10-6. Cu (15.36-10.80) ×10-6, with an average of 13.36×10-6, and V (1.36-0.20)×10-6, with an average of 0.94×10-6. Quantification of the degree of pollution was carried out using anthropogenic factor (AF) and index of geoaccumulation (Igeo). The Igeo values of 0.06, 0.02 and 0.00 for Pb, Cd and As, respectively indicate low-level contamination while Zn (1.14) and V (1.40) show me-dium-level contamination. The sources of contamination are attributed to urbanized anthropogenic activities. The majority of the samples analyzed show that the AF values are less than 1 with the exception of vanadium (V) whose AF values range from 2.73 to 13.60×10-6. Vanadium is more enriched than As, Cd, Pb, and Cu. The order of degrees of anthropogenic contamination and index of geoaccumulation in the soil is V >Zn >Pb >Cu >Cd >AS. Metals were retained near the top soil and their concentrations in the deepest horizons were lower and normal for uncontaminated soils. Metal concentrations in the top soil horizons were significantly related to distance from the industrial and hu-man activities.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地中部气田奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层中既有煤型气又有腐泥型气。煤型气的来源为上古生界煤系源岩已无争议,但对腐泥型气的来源则存在着源自石炭系和奥陶系自生自储两种不同观点。研究了奥陶系碳酸盐岩中的有机显微组成特征,从有机岩石学角度将其细分为三个显微组分组、六种显微组分,其中的碳沥青组对于碳酸盐岩生烃潜力的评价及认识天然气来源具有指示意义。奥陶系岩石中沥青的成因与赋存状况的分析表明,奥陶系储层中的碳沥青主要为液态烃热演化的产物,奥陶系碳酸盐岩具有生烃潜力。同位素特征分析亦表明上、下古生界储层中天然气的同位素组成存在较大差异。认为腐泥型天然气来自奥陶系碳酸盐岩本身。  相似文献   

运用镜质组反射率、袍子体荧光参数、生物标志物参数详细研究了三塘湖盆地中生界烃源岩的有机质热演化特征及演化阶段。研究表明镜质组反射率是该区有机质热汪化最可靠听成熟度参数,孢子体荧光参数是重要的热演化指标,生物标志物参数是有效的热演化指标。三塘湖盆地有机质总体热演化水平较低,且在横向和纵向上存在明显的差异。该区的有机质热演化具有明显的阶段性,运用成熟度参数将其划分为未成熟和成熟两个阶段。  相似文献   

于水  程涛  陈莹 《地球科学》2012,37(4):763-770
尼日尔三角洲盆地深水沉积研究是目前世界油气勘探的热点问题之一.通过对三维地震资料、岩心及测井曲线分析,揭示了尼日尔三角洲盆地南部地区新近系深水沉积体系特征.基于不同属性的层序界面识别,研究区划分出SQ1-SQ6共6个三级层序,并建立层序地层格架,进而总结出研究区深水沉积模式.研究区除堆积正常半深海-深海泥岩外,还广泛发育海底扇沉积,海底扇由浊积水道和海底扇朵体组成,其中水道分支少、弯度大,外部形态类似曲流河;朵体平面上成朵叶状分布,可以划分为末端朵体和决口扇朵体.研究区新近系地层自下向上由老到新,相对海平面先下降再上升,SQ1-SQ4层序以海底扇朵体沉积为主,SQ5-SQ6层序以浊积水道沉积为主.   相似文献   

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