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我国第四纪滨海相地下卤水研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原盐生产,自古以来一靠海水晒制海盐,二靠内陆湖盐、矿盐、为首的是海盐,80年代我国经济大发展,盐化工工业对原盐需求量日益增多。海岸滩涂水产养殖与海盐生产争用滩地,给“海滩晒盐”发展带来限制。“七五”期间我国原盐供需矛盾越来越大,山东莱州湾沿岸高浓度地下卤水开发,为盐业发展找到了新的卤源,为我国北方海盐生产开辟了一条新途径。  相似文献   

中国盐矿开发的历史回顾与前瞻   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国盐矿资源丰富,广布全国各地区。池盐和井盐开发有几千年历史,在世界盐矿史上创造过许多先进技术。按产出类型划分盐矿化工区有:盐湖化工区、岩盐化工区、井盐化工区和海盐化工区。认真汲取国内外盐矿产业化成功经验,组建新型的产业化集团,将对盐化工业的发展大有碑益。  相似文献   

盐是关系国计民生的重要物资,既是人类生活的必需品,又是氯碱基础化工原料。本文以地质学与经济学相结合的观点,通过对四川岩盐资源优势、开发利用现状、技术经济条件、川盐需求预测及开发利用前景等的分析,提出了四川岩盐开发的战略对策和建议,对促进四川岩盐资源开发和经济发展具有重要意义,并为四川地矿、盐业、化工等部门制定规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

自贡市盐业地质钻井大队,在资中县城西南17公里处威远背斜东端的双河矿区黑卤普查工作中,于1978年8月资2井中首次发现了岩盐。继后于1980年又在资3井发现花花盐。但因资2井未直接获取岩盐矿心,故一直未予以报导。笔者通过对已获资料的整理,认为在该区发现的岩盐是肯定存在的,且对岩盐体特征有些认识。现报导如下:  相似文献   

四川自流井发现高品质的卤水闻名于世的四川自贡是我国重要的卤化工基地,为社会作出过重大贡献。由于长年开采,卤水淡化等原因,至60年代后期,自流井黄、黑卤水位大幅度下降,卤水产量骤减,卤源频临枯竭,严重的制约了自贡卤化工的发展。最近四川盐业地质钻井大队在...  相似文献   

盐既是化学工业的基础原料,又是人们生活的必需品,直接关系到国计民生,在国民经济和社会发展中有着十分重要的作用。河南省岩盐资源丰富、区位优势明显,如何合理开发,引导制盐及盐化工快速协调发展,使其为振兴河南经济,促进中部崛起服务,是盐业发展中亟待解决的问题。为此,本文笔者就河南盐矿开发建设问题做一些探讨,以抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地西部古盐岩同位素地球化学与成钾预测研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国钾盐资源紧缺,寻找优质大型钾盐矿床一直是国家资源普查的重要目标这一。塔里木盆地在其地史发展过程中,曾与广海相通,多期海水的侵入和间断,以及适宜的构造、古地里环境具备成钾的基本地质条件,因此一直被列为我国寻找古钾矿的重点地区。为了更准备地判断其成盐的海陆相特征,即成盐物质的主要来源,以及岩盐沉积之前的古卤水蒸发浓缩阶段,预测更有前景的成钾远景区,论文选择了蒸发岩沉积序列中的石膏及石盐矿物,分别分析了其硫同位素及氯同位素分布特征。结果表明,非还原环境下沉积的石膏硫同位素可以准确判断盐岩沉积的海相、陆相和海陆交互沉积特征,氯同位素可以判断岩盐的沉积阶段。应用这两个同位素新指标分析,塔里木盆地西部喀什次级构造凹陷晚白垩世盐岩沉积接近海相沉积类型,而且岩盐沉积阶段较晚,是一最有利成钾远景区。  相似文献   

清江盆地岩盐矿床是我国东南地区中新生代的一个重要盐矿。该盐矿的矿石矿物主要为石盐,其次为钙芒硝和硬石膏,在这三种盐矿物中均含有较丰富的流体包裹体,但其流体包裹体的类型,成分、数量、大小和分布等特征都存在差异。就一般而言,研究盐矿物中的流体懈裹体对发展岩盐矿床地质理论和指导开采以及处置核废物都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

清江盆地岩盐矿床是我国东南地区中新生代的一个重要盐矿。该盐矿的矿石矿物主要为石盐,其次为钙芒硝和硬石膏,在这三种盐矿物中均含有较丰富的流体包裹体,但其流体包裹体的类型,成分、数量、大小和分布等特征都存在差异。就一般而言,研究盐矿物中的流体包裹体对发展岩盐矿床地质理论和指导开采以及处置核废物都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

地球物理测井在岩盐矿勘探中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了准确判断某矿区岩盐层位,满足储量计算的要求,在岩盐矿勘探中采用了地球物理测井方法,实践证明,测井方法能够准确划分岩性,弥补钻探取芯不足.结合岩盐样化验结果,利用回归分析理论可求取岩盐品位与放射性强度的关系,并进行岩盐工业品位预测,结果表明利用回归分析预测岩盐工业品位是可行的,预测结果可以满足野外生产需要,为岩盐勘探提供了有用信息.  相似文献   

我国是世界上钾肥消耗最大的国家之一,已探明的钾盐资源储量仅占全球资源储量的2%左右,钾盐资源相当贫乏,供需矛盾十分突出。因此,目前在加强钾盐矿普查的同时开展非水溶性钾矿资源的开发利用研究,是解决我国钾肥短缺的有效途径。根据国内对含钾岩石的研究,通过对省内含钾岩石岩石化学资料的收集、整理与分析研究,初步总结了省内含钾岩石的分布特征,将含钾岩石划分为岩浆岩型和沉积岩型两类,并对钾含量较高的岩石的分布进行了概略性研究,初步探讨了找矿前景,提出了可供勘查的矿化潜力较大的地区。  相似文献   

世界磷矿储量近695亿t(2019年),但分布不均,磷矿储量最为丰富的北非地区集中了全球80%以上的磷矿资源.该区域的摩洛哥和西撒哈拉是世界磷矿资源最为丰富的国家,2019年其磷矿储量达500亿t,占世界的近72%.目前世界上主要利用的磷矿类型为沉积型磷块岩矿,其最主要的成矿时代为震旦—寒武纪和中生代—新生代,前者以中...  相似文献   

Shale gas production has gradually achieved high and stable output, which makes it possible to make up for the shortage of oil and gas energy as an alternative energy source. Shale reservoir is compact, with well-developed nano-pore, and has the characteristics of adsorption and desorption, diffusion and slippage. At the same time, there are a large number of natural cracks, bedding and foliation. Hydraulic fractures expand irregularly after volume fracturing in horizontal wells. The whole system has multi-field coupling and cross-scale flow effects. Productivity prediction of shale gas is difficult and uncertain, which restricts the efficient development and evaluation of shale reservoirs. In this paper, the development status of productivity numerical models for shale gas horizontal wells is reviewed in consideration of the multi-scale transport characteristics of shale gas. These models include dual media capacity models, multiple media capacity models, and complex seam productivity models. It is considered that the dual medium and multi-media productivity models weaken the large permeable flow area and channel provided by the complex seam network system after shale reservoir lamination, and cannot comprehensively characterize the full-scale coupled transport characteristics of shale gas. The numerical model for productivity prediction of shale gas horizontal wells based on complex fracture network provides a multi-scale flow embedded fracture network system, which solves the problem of systematic flow without losing the ability to accurately characterize each scale flow. It is necessary to obtain the complex fracture network morphological characterization which conforms to reservoir geological characteristics, rock mechanical behavior and fluid-solid coupling mechanism. Fracture network characterization is the key to the productivity prediction of shale gas horizontal wells.  相似文献   

张永康 《江苏地质》1996,20(3):129-136
江苏优质矿产主要有五大类:即粘土类矿产,建材类矿产,化工原料矿产,冶金辅助原料矿产,特种用途矿产。江苏矿产资源的开发应注重开源,开优,开新和开外相结合的原则。适当加大地质工作投入,实施好全省矿产资源勘查工程,力争实现矿产资源的重大突破。大力开发优势矿产资源,提高全省非金属矿开发利用水平,形成一批非金属矿产原材料基地。依靠科技进步,开发新产品,新矿种,振兴矿业经济。  相似文献   

天然气:21世纪我国国民经济新的增长点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“天然气-21世纪的能源”已成为全人类的共识,新气田的不断发现,储量的不断增长和新的跨国输气管线的建成以及贸易范围的扩大加速了天然气工业的全球化和全球天然气化的进程,以煤为主的中国能源工业面对这难得的国际经济环境和国外已经充分开发利用的天然气技术系统以及国内日益高涨的需求呼声,审时夺势,顺应潮流,适时调整了能源战略,加大了天然气勘探力度,不断摸清了资源家底,使储量和产能大幅度增长,并陆续启动了基础设施建设项目,我国天然气孕育着大开发,大发展的喜人前景,可以预料,天然气工业将成为21世纪我国国民经济新的增长点。  相似文献   

多途径解决我国钾盐资源紧缺的对策探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
探讨了钾盐矿产的应用,钾盐矿产在世界及我国的分布状况,提出了解决我国钾盐矿产资源紧缺问题的途径。  相似文献   

陈履安 《贵州地质》2011,28(3):237-240
针对当前有些拥有不溶性含钾岩石的地区,仍然积极推动含钾岩石的工业提钾生产钾肥的现状,本着科学决策、民主决策的精神,本文通过国内外含钾岩石研发的历史与现状,以及钾盐肥料产业的快速发展态势和市场分析,认为在今后一个相当长时间内,开发含钾岩石工业生产钾肥不是解决我国钾肥资源短缺的可行途径。把含钾岩石作为钾肥原料、工业生产可溶...  相似文献   

Water resources management is an important driver in social and economic development. Water shortage is one of the most critical issues threatening human welfare, public health, and ecosystems. This issue has turned into a major challenge in many river basins all around the world due to the imbalance in water supply and demand. Use of simulation models can be effective tools in providing water managers with scientifically supported decisions in dealing with complex and uncertain water resource systems. System dynamics approach serves as a management tool and may play an important role in understanding the cause–effect in water resources systems. In the present study, system dynamics approach was applied to simulate management strategies dealing with Tehran metropolitan water resources systems. In the developed model, the trend of water storage in the next 30-year period and the effectiveness of water supply strategies were simulated. The results showed that, despite the growing shortage of the water resources, optimal use of existing resources under appropriate strategies could reduce water deficit within the next 30 years.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1062-1088
Kazakhstan, the second-largest oil-producing former Soviet republic, accounts for 5 to 6 percent of total Soviet output in recent years. With over 15 billion barrels of proven and probable reserves, it has attracted some capital from major international oil companies and has been in the forefront of their “rush” into the region. Kazakhstan has signed contracts with more than 40 foreign companies from 17 different countries, including several mega-deals. Output has declined over the past two years (by 13.5%, from 26.6 million tons in 1991 to 23.0 million tons in 1993), mainly because of the ongoing economic and political changes set in motion after the demise of the USSR, and principally due to problems involving Kazakhstan's trade relations with Russia. Output continues to be restricted because of the lack of an independent pipeline route to the world market. Kazakhstan's main oil-producing areas are concentrated in the North Caspian Basin. Early production in the area was from suprasalt Permian and Cretaceous rocks, in structural traps originating from salt tectonism. More recently, significant discoveries such as Tengiz and Karachaganak have been made in subsalt upper Paleozoic rocks. The greatest hydrocarbon potential is in the infrasalt Paleozoic deposits; the suprasalt deposits tend to have smaller reserves, and the deeper, lower Paleozoic sediments appear to have the least potential. Other areas of established or potential hydrocarbon accumulation include the older producing areas on the Mangyshlak-Buzachi peninsula, which still account for most of Kazakhstan's hydrocarbon production; the Turgay syneclise, which is the location of the Kumkol field and the unexploited Kushmurun basin; and the Zaysan basin in eastern Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

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