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We present analytical formulas to estimate the variation of achieved deflection for an Earth-impacting asteroid following a continuous tangential low-thrust deflection strategy. Relatively simple analytical expressions are obtained with the aid of asymptotic theory and the use of Peláez orbital elements set, an approach that is particularly suitable to the asteroid deflection problem and is not limited to small eccentricities. The accuracy of the proposed formulas is evaluated numerically showing negligible error for both early and late deflection campaigns. The results will be of aid in planning future low-thrust asteroid deflection missions.  相似文献   

The two-body problem is a twelfth-order time-invariant dynamic system, and therefore has eleven mutually-independent time-independent integrals, here referred to as motion constants. Some of these motion constants are related to the ten mutually-independent algebraic integrals of the n-body problem, whereas some are particular to the two-body problem. The problem can be decomposed into mass-center and relative-motion subsystems, each being sixth-order and each having five mutually-independent motion constants. This paper presents solutions for the eleventh motion constant, which relates the behavior of the two subsystems. The complete set of mutually-independent motion constants describes the shape of the state-space trajectories. The use of the eleventh motion constant is demonstrated in computing a solution to a two-point boundary-value problem.  相似文献   

An approximate semi-analytic solution of a two-body problem with drag is presented. The solution describesnon-lifting orbital motion in a central, inverse-square gravitational field. Drag deceleration is a non-linear function of velocity relative to a rotating atmosphere due to dynamic pressure and velocity-dependent drag coefficient. Neglected are aerodynamic lift, gravitational perturbations of the inverse-square field, and kinematic accelerations due to coordinate frame rotation at earth angular rate. With these simplifications, it is shown that (i) orbital motion occurs in an earth-fixed invariable plane defined by the radius and relative velocity vectors, and (ii) the simplified equations of motion are autonomous and independent of central angle measured in the invariable plane. Consequently, reduction of the differential equations from sixth to second-order is possible. Solutions for the radial and circumferential components of relative velocity are reduced to quadratures with respect to radial distance. Since the independent variable is radial distance, the solutions are singular at zero radial velocity (e. g., for circular orbits). General atmospheric density and drag coefficient models may be used to evaluate the velocity quadratures. The central angle and time variables are recovered from two additional quadratures involving the velocity quadratures. Theoretical results are compared with numerical simulation results.Presently affiliated with AVCO Systems Division, Wilmington, MA 01887, U.S.A.  相似文献   

An analytic solution to the two-body problem with a specific drag model is obtained. The model treats drag as a force proportional to the vector velocity and inversely proportional to the square of the distance to the center of attraction. The solution is expressed in terms of known functions and is of a simple and compact form. The time-of-flight is expressed as a quadrature in the ‘true anomaly’.  相似文献   

We perform the bifurcation analysis of the Kepler problem on and . An analog of the Delaunay variables is introduced. We investigate the motion of a point mass in the field of a Newtonian center moving along a geodesic on and (the restricted two-body problem). For the case of a small curvature, the pericenter shift is computed using the perturbation theory. We also present the results of numerical analysis based on an analogy with the motion of a rigid body.  相似文献   

The main theorems of the theory of averaging are formulated for slowly varying standard systems and we show that it is possible to extend the class of perturbation problems where averaging might be used. The application of the averaging method to the perturbed two-body problem is possible but involves many technical difficulties which in the case of the two-body problem with variable mass are avoided by deriving new and more suitable equations for these perturbation problems. Application of the averaging method to these perturbation problems yields asymptotic approximations which are valid on a long time-scale. It is shown by comparison with results obtained earlier that in the case of the two-body problem with slow decrease of mass the averaging method cannot be applied if the initial conditions are nearly parabolic. In studying the two-body problem with quick decrease of mass it is shown that the new formulation of the perturbation problem can be used to obtain matched asymptotic approximations.  相似文献   

We consider the two-body problem on surfaces of constant nonzero curvature and classify the relative equilibria and their stability. On the hyperbolic plane, for each \(q>0\) we show there are two relative equilibria where the masses are separated by a distance q. One of these is geometrically of elliptic type and the other of hyperbolic type. The hyperbolic ones are always unstable, while the elliptic ones are stable when sufficiently close, but unstable when far apart. On the sphere of positive curvature, if the masses are different, there is a unique relative equilibrium (RE) for every angular separation except \(\pi /2\). When the angle is acute, the RE is elliptic, and when it is obtuse the RE can be either elliptic or linearly unstable. We show using a KAM argument that the acute ones are almost always nonlinearly stable. If the masses are equal, there are two families of relative equilibria: one where the masses are at equal angles with the axis of rotation (‘isosceles RE’) and the other when the two masses subtend a right angle at the centre of the sphere. The isosceles RE are elliptic if the angle subtended by the particles is acute and is unstable if it is obtuse. At \(\pi /2\), the two families meet and a pitchfork bifurcation takes place. Right-angled RE are elliptic away from the bifurcation point. In each of the two geometric settings, we use a global reduction to eliminate the group of symmetries and analyse the resulting reduced equations which live on a five-dimensional phase space and possess one Casimir function.  相似文献   

A complex exponential solution has been derived which unifies the elliptic and hyperbolic trajectories into a single set of equations and provides an exact, analytical solution to the unperturbed, Keplerian two-body problem. The formulation eliminates singularities associated with the elliptic and hyperbolic trajectories that arise from these orbits. Using this complex exponential solution formulation, a variation of parameters formulation for the perturbed two-body problem has been derived. In this paper, we present the analytical formulation of the complex exponential solution, numerical simulations, a comparison with classical solution methods, and highlight the benefits of this approach compared with the classical developments. Previously presented as AAS 07-136 at the 17th AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting Sedona, Arizona, AAS 08-206 and AAS 08-230 at the 18th AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting Galveston, Texas.  相似文献   

The motion of a satellite subject to an inverse-square gravitational force of attraction and a perturbation due to the Earth's oblateness as theJ 2 term is analyzed, and a uniform, analytic solution correct to first-order inJ 2, is obtained using a noncanonical approach. The basis for the solution is the transformation and uncoupling of the differential equations for the model. The resulting solution is expressed in terms of elementary functions of the independent variable (the ‘true anomaly’), and is of a compact and simple form. Numerical results are comparable to existing solutions.  相似文献   

We consider the conservative two-body problem with a constant total mass, but with variable individual masses. The problem is shown to be completely integrable for any mass variation law. The Keplerian motion known for the classical two-body problem with constant masses remains valid for the relative motion of the bodies. The absolute motions of the bodies depend on the center-of-mass motion. Hitherto unknown quadratures that depend on the mass variation law were derived for the integrals of motion of the center of mass. We consider some of the laws that are of interest in studying the motion of close binary stars with mass transfer.  相似文献   

The almost constant-speed motion of a mass acted upon by a Newtonian attraction and a resisting force is treated. The equation of orbit is derived for a specific type of resistance which covers the familiar case of Danby's drag(=r –2) whilst the vector invariants are obtained by direct operation on the vector form of the equation of motion.  相似文献   

A transformation of the differential equations of motion of the two-body problem in the spherical coordinates to oscillator form is derived. It is shown that the independent variable transformation dt/ds=r2 is a transformation which makes the oscillator form possible.  相似文献   


Given the interest in future space missions devoted to the exploration of key moons in the solar system and that may involve libration point orbits, an efficient design strategy for transfers between moons is introduced that leverages the dynamics in these multi-body systems. The moon-to-moon analytical transfer (MMAT) method is introduced, comprised of a general methodology for transfer design between the vicinities of the moons in any given system within the context of the circular restricted three-body problem, useful regardless of the orbital planes in which the moons reside. A simplified model enables analytical constraints to efficiently determine the feasibility of a transfer between two different moons moving in the vicinity of a common planet. In particular, connections between the periodic orbits of such two different moons are achieved. The strategy is applicable for any type of direct transfers that satisfy the analytical constraints. Case studies are presented for the Jovian and Uranian systems. The transition of the transfers into higher-fidelity ephemeris models confirms the validity of the MMAT method as a fast tool to provide possible transfer options between two consecutive moons.


The Kepler problem including radiation pressure and drag is treated. The equation of the orbit is derived and the scalar and vector integrals of motion are obtained by direct operation on the vector form of the equation of motion.  相似文献   

The present work is concerned with the two-body problem with varying mass in case of isotropic mass loss from both components of the binary systems. The law of mass variation used gives rise to a perturbed Keplerian problem depending on two small parameters. The problem is treated analytically in the Hamiltonian frame-work and the equations of motion are integrated using the Lie series developed and applied, separately by Delva (1984) and Hanslmeier (1984). A second order theory of the two bodies eject mass is constructed, returning the terms of the rate of change of mass up to second order in the small parameters of the problem.  相似文献   

The motion has been studied of a particle in a gravitational field perturbed by radiation pressure. By combining the formulation in the physical space variables with the KS variables we obtained explicit evidence for the existence of a surface of stable circular orbits with centers on an axis through the primary body. Furthermore, the effects of a sharp shadow on the two-dimensional unstable parabolic orbits were investigated. It was found that they do not survive the introduction of a shadow.  相似文献   

The test-particle motion in the centrally symmetric gravitational field can be described by the equation in the form appropriate for a nonlinear oscillator — the nonlinear terms being due to the nonrelativistic effects. This enables us to apply to this equation the well-known asymptotic methods of the theory of nonlinear oscillations. Typical nonlinear oscillation phenomena arising from the action of external forces are shown to take place. The form of equations and the main results remain valid in the problem of two bodies of comparable mass in the post-Newtonian approximation.  相似文献   

On the planar motion in the full two-body problem with inertial symmetry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Relative motion of binary asteroids, modeled as the full two-body planar problem, is studied, taking into account the shape and mass distribution of the bodies. Using the Lagrangian approach, the equations governing the motion are derived. The resulting system of four equations is nonlinear and coupled. These equations are solved numerically. In the particular case where the bodies have inertial symmetry, these equations can be reduced to a single equation, with small nonlinearity. The method of multiple scales is used to obtain a first-order solution for the reduced nonlinear equation. The solution is shown to be sufficient when compared with the numerical solution. Numerical results are provided for different example cases, including truncated-cone-shaped and peanut-shaped bodies.  相似文献   

Assigning to the equivalent gravitational parameter of a two-body dynamic system, a periodic change of a small amplitude B and arbitrary frequency and phase, the behaviour of an elliptic-type orbit is studied. The first order (in B) perturbations of the orbital elements are determined by using Delaunay's canonical variables. According to the value of the ratio between oscillation frequency and dynamic frequency, three cases (non-resonant (NR), quasi-resonant (QR), and resonant (R) ones) are pointed out. The solution of motion equations shows that only in the QR and R cases there are elements (argument of pericentre and mean anomaly) affected by secular perturbations. The solutions are valid over prediction times of order of pericentre and mean anomaly) affected by secular perturbations. The solutions are valid over prediction times of order B−1 in the NR case and B−1/2 in the QR and R cases.  相似文献   

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