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5月13日,温县政府组织国土、公安、城管、建委、环保、工商、广电、财政、发改委、地税、监察、电力等部门,组成联合执法队伍,重拳整治死灰复燃的砖瓦窑.当天,彻底摧毁10个死灰复燃的砖瓦窑.  相似文献   

近年来,荥阳市国土资源局以科学发展观为统揽,以争创学习型、创新型、服务型、节约型、廉洁型机关为载体,恪守“保护资源、保障发展、维护权益、服务社会”的工作职责,转变观念,勇于创新,建立健全了学习、工作、督查、考评、绩效考核等制度和规定。  相似文献   

衡阳县自古物华天宝,人杰地灵,据县志记载,历史上境内矿产资源主要有瓷泥、陶土、重晶石及矿化物、石灰石、煤、铅锌、黄金、绿柱石以及钒、钨、钼、铌、铀、砷、磷、食盐、石膏等,近年来,又相继开发了关市铁矿和井头镇花岗石。衡阳县的矿产资源具有以下特点:①品种少、储量小。有开发记录的主要品种仅17种,且储量较低,比如金兰镇石荷岭金砂矿,  相似文献   

《广东海洋大学学报》由广东海洋大学主办,双月刊,主要刊登海洋、水产科学基础理论,水产生物遗传育种、水产养殖与增殖、水产动物营养与饲料、水产病害防治,海洋渔业、渔船、渔业机械与仪器,海洋、水产生物资源高质化加工利用、水产食品质量安全、海洋生物医药开发,海洋气候变化、海洋气象过程、海洋资源开发、海洋环境保护、海洋动力过程,船舶工程、海洋工程、海岸工程,滨海农业等领域的学术论文。  相似文献   

6月30日,国土资源部部长、党组书记、国家土地总督察徐绍史在浙江省委常委、常务副省长陈敏尔,省政府副秘书长冯波声,省国土资源厅厅长楼小东及衢州市、龙游县领导孙建国、尚清、徐旭、毛建民、方健忠、叶浩平、金夏萍等陪同下,考察调研了龙游县国土资源管理工作,对该县按照城乡统筹的要求,主动服务,开源节流,在服务经济社会发展上积极探索走出一条节约、集约利用  相似文献   

近年来,长沙市国土资源局围绕国土资源管理工作,以业务主流程信息化为核心,按照"以需求为导向,以应用促发展"的方针,从业务办卷、公文办理、网上报批、网上挂牌、数据变更、行政监督、执法监察、内部管理、服务评价等方面着手,狠抓国土资源电子政务建设,取得明显成效.  相似文献   

广西陆路边境线长1020公里,共有百色市、崇左市、防城港市3市管辖的凭祥市、那坡县、靖西县、宁明县、大新县、龙州县、防城区、东兴市8个县(区、市)与越南接壤,国土面积17961平方公里,2010年统计总人口约250万人,占广西总人口的5%,是一个集"老、少、边、山、穷"为一体的地区.  相似文献   

泰安市地处鲁中山区,地形地质条件较复杂,是山东省崩塌、滑坡、泥石流地质灾害的多发区,在强降雨条件下,地质灾害频繁发生,制约了当地社会经济的发展。本文通过对研究区崩塌、滑坡、泥石流发育现状、地质灾害特征进行统计分析,从地貌特征、岩土体特征、地质构造、降水、植被、人类工程活动等方面,深入阐述了崩塌、滑坡、泥石流与地质环境条件的关系,按照"以防为主、防治结合、科学减灾"的原则,结合泰安市崩塌、滑坡、泥石流发育特点,有针对性的提出防治对策措施,为研究区防灾减灾工作提供理论和技术依据。  相似文献   

沁阳市位于河南省西北部太行山南麓,区域总面积623.5平方公里,其中山区面积158.2平方公里,占区域总面积的25.4%.本区矿产在种类上以非金属矿产为主,已发现的矿种有煤、铁矾土、铝土矿、耐火粘土、高岭土、石灰岩、白云岩、方解石、水晶、铜等数十种,矿产地百余处.资源分布具有地域特点,铁矾土、铝土矿、耐火粘土、高岭土、石灰岩、白云岩、煤等矿产主要分布于北部中低山区,具有埋层浅,易开采的特点.  相似文献   

红石林颂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红石林国家地质公园地处湖南省古丈县,园内万顷石林,姿态万方,色彩善变,融红、秀、峻、奇、生、绝、古、神于一体,如梦如幻.中国地质科学院原院长赵逊教授曾对它这样评价:红色石林,天下奇绝.  相似文献   

Based on the hydrographic data in austral summer during the 22nd Antarctic Expedition of China(2005/2006),some features can be found about the northern margin of Emery ice shelf as follows.The heat content in the surface layer(0-50 m) at the eastern end and the western end of the ice-shelf margin is much higher than that at the middle.The upper mixing-layer depth and the seasonal thermocline depth at the middle of the ice-shelf northern margin are much shallower than those at the both ends.However there is much less difference between the middle and the ends in the bottom layer.The remote sensing photos show that the inhomogeneity in the surface-layer water is closely related to the spatial distribution of the floes and polynia in the area.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rDNA of 8 strains of cultivable bacteria isolated from Arctic sea-ice was studied.The results showed that strain BJ1 belonged to genus Planococcus,which was a genus of low mole percent G C gram-positive bacteria;strain BJ6 belonged to genus Burkholderia of β-proteobacteria and the rest 6 strain all belonged to γ-proteobacteria,of which strain BJ8 was a species of Pseudoalteromonas,strain BJ2-BJ5 and BJ7 were members of genus Psychrobacter.Phylogenetic analysis also indicated that bacteria of genus Psychrobacter of the isolates formed a relatively independent phylogenetic cluster in comparison with other bacteria belonged to genus Psychrobacter.  相似文献   

正1 Aims and Scope Advances in Polar Science(APS)is an international,peer-reviewed journal jointly sponsored by the Polar Research Institute of China and the Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration.APS is a comprchensive academic journal dedicated to presentation of multi-disciplinary achievements in Arctic and Antarctic expeditions and research.Its primary purpose is to publish achievements in fundamental research,applied  相似文献   

<正>AIMS AND SCOPE(Editorial Policy)The Journal of Mountain Science(JMS)is devoted to mountains and their surrounding lowlands-ecoregions of particular global importance,with a particular emphasis on the important highlands/mountains in the world,such as the Tibetan Plateau,the Himalayas,the Alps,the Andes,the Rockies and many other mountain ranges of our planet.  相似文献   

<正>The Journal of Mountain Science(JMS),founded in2004,is an international English-language journal on mountain sciences.JMS is supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS),sponsored by the Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,CAS,published by Science Press China,and distributed by Springer exclusively throughout the world(excluding Mainland China).The JMS is published bimonthly,fulltexted in SpringerLink and CNKI,indexed/abstracted by  相似文献   

Using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis monthly 500 hPa height data on a 2.5 latitude-longitude grid and 1°×1° sea ice data,the polar vortex area,intensity index and arctic sea ice area index are calculated respectively,and the meridional distribution,period variation and the abrupts in the long range trend are analyzed to study their relationship.The results show that the meridional distribution of sea ice and polar vortex h-ave distinctive difference,the relative positions of them are different in the eastern and western hemispheres,and exept they have periods of 4 months,quasi half year,quasi year,4-5 years and 10 years commonly,and each of them has its own respective variation as well.The sea ice area is decreasing apparently since 1980's,so is the polar vortex area,but their abrupt changge time are different totally.The area of sea ice and polar vortex has prominent positive correlation,but the relationship of sea ice intensity,polar vortex intensity,polar vortex area is complicated.  相似文献   

The ability of cell to modulate the fluidity of plasma membrane was crucial to the survival of microorganism at low temperature. Plasma membrane proteins, fatty acids and carotenoids profiles of Antarctic psychrophilc yeast Rhodotorula sp. NJ298 were investigated at -3 ℃, 0 ℃ and 8 ℃. The results showed that plasma membrane protein content was greater at -3 ℃ than that at 8 ℃, and a unique membrane polypeptide composition with an apparent molecular mass of 94.7 kDa was newly synthesized with SDS-PAGE analysis; GC analysis showed that the main changes of fatty acids were the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids (C18∶ 1 and C18∶ 2) and shorter chain saturated fatty acid (C10∶ 0) increased along with the decrease of the culture temperature from 8 ℃ to -3 ℃; HPLC analysis indicated that astaxanthin was the major functional carotenoids of the plasma membrane, percentage of which increased from 54.6±1.5% at 8 ℃ to 81.9±2.1% at -3 ℃. However the fluidity of plasma membrane which was determined by measuring fluorescence anisotropy was similar at -3 ℃, 0 ℃ and 8 ℃. Hence these changes in plasma membrane's characteristics were involved in the cellular cold-adaptation by which NJ298 could maintain normal plasma membrane fluidity at near-freezing temperature.  相似文献   

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