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Agrigan is the tallest (965 m a.s.l.) and largest (44 km2) of the volcanoes of the northern Mariana Islands. Its slopes are asymmetric to the east; a small caldera (4 km2) dominates the interior. The volcanic edifice has been disrupted along three sets of faults: 1) exterior slump faults, 2) radial faults, and 3) interior faults related to caldera-collapse. The rocks of the volcano are characterized by porphyritic clinopyroxene-olivine-plagioclase basalts and subordinate andesites. Cumulate xenoliths composed of Fo81, An95 and diopside are common in the basalts. Development of the volcano began with 3–4 km of submarine growth. The earliest recognizable flows are the result of fissural Hawaiian- and Strombolian-type eruptions. These were followed by the eruption of more viscous lavas from above the present summit. Flank eruptions of basalt and andesite preceded voluminous outpourings of andesitic pyroclastics contemporaneous with caldera-collapse. Subsequent magmatic resurgence is localized along a N10E rift zone. Violent ejection of lapilli and ash occurred in 1917.  相似文献   

Surveys of near-event seismic activity were made at two principal locations in the Cascade Range in Oregon during the summers of 1969 and 1970. A tripartite array of ultrasensitive high frequency seismometers was deployed about 7.5 km north of the Mt. Hood summit with one of the 1-km legs oriented broadside to the dormant volcano. Seismometers were emplaced over olivine andesite flows associated with the Pinnacle, one of the parasitic cones formed on the flanks of the strato-volcano. During 16 days of operation on the north slope, 53 near events were recorded, most of which originated within the upper crust and were associated with the north-south trending zone of the Cascade Range. Event magnitudes for these near events range from ?1.7 to +1.8 and determination of b-values in the Gutenberg-Richter relationship was ?0.80, indicating a probable tectonic mechanism for the shocks. During the late summer of 1970, a four-station array was operated at Crater Lake Park about 13 km south-southwest of the caldera rim. In addition, an ultraportable outlier station was operated at two locations north of the caldera that resulted from the collapse of ancient Mt. Mazama some 6,600 years ago. Only a limited number of near events with S-P intervals of 4 sec or less were detected at Crater Lake; a larger number were recorded with S-P intervals longer than 4 sec. Event epicenters for the Crater Lake area are broadly distributed in azimuth, indicating the complex structure underlying the Cascade Range in southern Oregon. Crater Lake is located astride the broad upwarp of crystalline pre-Cenozoic rocks believed to extend northeast from the Klamath Mountains to the Ochoco Uplift of central Oregon. Major regional structural trends are also shown by the north-south trending belts of the Cascade volcanoes, probably related to deep fracture zones, and by the northeast-trending shear zones that exist in the Basin and Range province to the southeast of Crater Lake. Regional gravity and aeromagnetic surveys indicate that Crater Lake lies at the intersection of these zones that probably provided the conduits for the rise of magma that ultimately led to the collapse of Mt. Mazma and the formation of Crater Lake. Epicenters for near events recorded at this juncture do not reflect these linear trends and, indeed, a generally smaller incidence of near-event activity was recorded at Crater Lake than was recorded at Mt. Hood. Magnitudes for Crater Lake events with S-P intervals of 4 sec or more range from +0.25 to +2.19, and an examination of the relationship between cumulative frequency and magnitude for these events yields a b-value in the Gutenberg-Richter relationship of ?1.16, indicating the events at Crater Lake, like those detected at Mt. Hood, are associated with tectonic rather than volcanic sources. Events for which depth determinations were made show these sources to be within the crust, occurring in the upper 10 km of the earth’s crust. The relatively low incidence of small magnitude near events within the Oregon Cascade Range shows the aseismicity of the mountain chain which is consistent with the low incidence of earthquakes of a magnitude of 4.5 or greater detected for the volcanic range. The volcanoes of the Cascade Range in Oregon are dormant, and only small numbers of shocks are now being generated, probably from isostatic adjustments within the crust. The Cascade volcanic range, which once was a seismically active island are chain associated with subduction zones off the northwestern coast of America, has moved into a passive phase in which most seismic activity in western Oregon now occurs along the ridge and fracture zones offshore and within the Willamette Downwarp west of the dormant chain.  相似文献   

Study of Tertiary volcanic rocks from Mt. Tamborine in S. E. Queensland, Australia, suggests that some basalts from the large Tweed vent are intermediate in character between true tholeiites and well documented alkaline basalts of the Australian Tertiary province. Geochemical evidence and comparison with synthetic systems suggests that the transitional lavas are derived by continuous fractional crystallization during the ascent of a parent magma produced by substantial partial melting of the upper mantle at moderate depths and pressures. Alkaline basalts that underlie the transitional basalts are the result of relatively rapid, intermittent extrusion of magma generated by a smaller degree of partial melting of the upper mantle. This interpretation resolves the difficulties posed by an apparent inversion of the usual stratigraphic relationship of tholeiites capped by alkali basalts, and is in accord with recent seismic studies of the continental margin of eastern Australia.  相似文献   

Petrological and geochemical data on dredged samples from five submarine volcanos northwest of Samoa indicate that three of these volcanos belong to the Samoan volcanic province (Field, Lalla Rookh, and Combe banks), and two belong to separate magmatic zones (Wallis Islands and Alexa Bank). The Samoan volcanic province increases in age westward and both shield-building tholeiitic and alkalic lavas (Combe Bank) and strongly undersaturated (post-erosional?) melilitites or nephelinites and ankaramites (Field and Lalla Rookh banks) are present. The age progression and petrochemical character of these rocks is consistent with a fixed hotspot beneath eastern Samoa. Slightly askew from this trend is Alexa Bank where dredged lavas are ocean-island tholeiites; however, its radiometric age and compositional characteristics apparently preclude its association with Samoa by a fixed-hotspot model. Dredged volcanic rocks from near the Wallis Islands are geochemically, petrologically, and temporally different from Samoan volcanism, but are similar in these respects to Quaternary volcanism in Rotuma and Fiji and may be related to plate reorganization accompanying opening of the North Fiji Basin.  相似文献   

In autumn of 1966 on the northern slope of Kliuchevskoy volcano a chain of new adventive craters broke out at the height of about 2200 m. Eighty-four hours before the beginning of the eruption a swarm of preliminary volcanic earthquakes had appeared. The number of preliminary shocks was 457 with total energy of 4 × 1017 erg. With the beginning of the lava flow the earthquakes stopped and a continuous volcanic tremor appeared. The total energy of volcanic tremor amounts to 1016 erg. During the eruption numerous explosive earthquakes with the energy of 1015–1016 erg were recorded and besides the microbarograph of the Volcanostation recorded 393 explosions with an energy more than 1013 erg and their total energy was equal to 1017 erg. All together it has been formed 8 explosive craters and the lowest 9th crater was effusive. The slag cone was formed round this effusive crater, the lava effusion of basaltic-andesite composition (52,5% SiO2) tooke place from the lava boccas at the cone base and from the crater. The lava flow covered a distance of 10 km along the valley of the Sopochnoy river and descended to a height of about 800 m. The lava flow velocity at the outflow reached 800 m/hr, the lava temperature was 1050°C. The effused lava volume amounts to 0.1 km3. The eruption stopped on December 25–26, 1966.  相似文献   

We determined 2D group velocity distribution of Rayleigh waves at periods of 20-150 s in the Antarctic region using a tomographic inversion technique. The data are recorded by both permanent networks and temporary arrays. In East Antarctica the velocities are high at periods of 90-150 s, suggesting that the root of East Antarctica is very deep. The velocities in West Antarctica are low at all periods, which may be related to the volcanic activity and the West Antarctic Rift System. Low velocity anomalies appear at periods of 40-140 s along the Southeastern Indian Ridge and the western part of the Pacific Antarctic Ridge. The velocities are only slightly low around the Atlantic Indian Ridge, Southwestern Indian Ridge, and the eastern part of the Pacific Antarctic Ridge, where the spreading rates are small. Around two hotspots, the Mount Erebus and Balleny Islands, the velocity is low at periods of 50-150 s.  相似文献   

Neutron activation analysis of the Taal volcanic ash revealed the presence of unusual amount of scandium in the volcanic ash as compared to the standard basalt BCR-1. The BCR-1 value for Fe/Sc is 2760 while that of Taal ash is about 2649. It is suggested that the eruption was probably characterized by the ejection of scandium-rich materials. Scandium may be used as supplementary evidence in evaluating an impending future Taal volcanic activity.  相似文献   

The 10-km diameter Mule Creek caldera is the youngest felsic eruptive center in the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field of southwestern New Mexico. The caldera forms a topographic basin surrounded by a raised rim. The caldera wall is well displayed on the south and west sides of the structure where it dips 20–30 degrees toward the center of the basin. Mudflow breccia fills the caldera and is banked up against the caldera wall. Post-caldera porphyritic quartz latite domes and flows crop out along the ring-fracture zone. The caldera is superimposed upon an older volcanic complex of flow-banded rhyolite and porphyritic andesite lava. The Mule Creek caldera probably originated by explosive eruption of about 10 km3 of pumice and ash, in part preserved in the matrix of the mudflow breccia. Periods of explosive volcanism during the deposition of mudflow breccia are documented by tuffaceous beds interbedded with the breccia. A thin rhyolite ash-flow sheet originated in the caldera and overlies the mudflow breccia. The youngest felsic rocks around the caldera are (1) domes and flows of crystal-rich porphyritic quartz latite of variable mineralogy, interpreted as a defluidized magma, and (2) widespread crystal-poor, flow-banded rhyolite, dated at 18.6 m.y., which is not directly related to the caldera sequence. The Mule Creek caldera and other volcanic features farther south represent the only documented overlap of felsic volcanism with early stages of Basin-Range tectonism in the Mogollon-Datil field.  相似文献   

Six new analyses of young basaltic rocks from the Bayuda field show the predominant rock types to be strongly undersaturated basanites and nepheline trachybasalts. Both types are believed to represent magmas of deep-seated origin. Similar rocks are widely distributed in north-east Africa but mildly alkaline to tholeiitic basalts were erupted along the eastern margin of the continent in early and late Cainozoic times, whereas along the Tripoli-Tibesti zone to the west mildly alkaline basalts were probably confined to the early Tertiary. The Tripoli-Tibesti zone was one of uplift and strongly tensional tectonics in the late Mesozoic and early Cainozoic, and at this time may have been a line of potential lithospheric rifting, but a period of quiescence followed and resurgence of activity in the late Cainozoic produced weaker tensional structures and more strongly alkaline basic magmas. The region between these two main zones of activity was characterized throughout by intermittent alkaline volcanicity and weak tectonism. Neverthless, fracture zones which apparently controlled the volcanicity are beginning to be recognized in this area. It is argued that African volcanic activity is related to linear, rather than circumscribed, areas of mantle activity. Possible connections with epeirogenic movements within the Alpine orogenic belt appear to have been neglected in the debate on the causes of African igneous activity.  相似文献   

The active Karthala volcano is found on Grande Comore, the most westerly of four volcanic islands comprising the Comores Archipelago, between northern Madagascar and Mozambique. The caldera, roughly elliptical in outline, is 4 km long and 3 km wide, with outer walls around 100 m high. It is dominated by a large central pit crater, Chahale, which is 1300 m long, 800 m wide, and 300 m deep. A smaller cylindrical pit crater 250 m in diameter and 30 m deep, Changomeni, is found one km north of Chahale. The vertical walls of both pit craters show excellent sections of the ponded flows which form the caldera floor, and the minor faults and intrusions which affected these flows. The youngest lava on the island was produced on July 12th, 1965, as single aa basalt flow emitted from a fissure halfway between the two pit craters. Small fumaroles are still active on this flow, as well as in the pit craters and at several small cinder cones in the caldera. Alignment of pyroclastic cones and fissure eruptions forms a radial pattern centering on Chahale pit crater, suggesting that these radial fissures are locally controlled. Location of the caldera at the intersection of two regional fissure systems implies that its location is controlled by regional stresses. The present size and form of the caldera is a result of the coalescence of at least four smaller calderas. Although the visible walls of these smaller calderas do not show any outward dip, the theoretical considerations ofRobson andBarr (1964), if applicable, require that at depth these are outward-dipping ring dyke type of fractures.  相似文献   

Ceboruco is a major composite volcano at the western end of the Mexican Volcanic Belt, near the junction between the North American and Pacific plates. The volcano is built from successive eruptions of andesite lavas and pyroclastic rocks, and major eruptions during its history have resulted in the formation of two concentric calderas. The youngest volcanic activity has included the extrusion of dacites within the inner caldera and a voluminous flank eruption of andesite during 1870–72. Fumarolic activity persists to the present day. Chemical analyses show that the lavas are of cale-alkaline type and rangs from andesite (SiO2=58–61%) to acid dacite (SiO2=68%) in composition. The rate of increase of K2O relative to SiO is greater than that in volcanic rocks from the Mexican Volcanic Belt as a whole. This indicates that simple models based on the application of such relationships may not be adequate to explain the petrogenesis of calc-alkaline lavas.  相似文献   

The 26 s peak in the ambient seismic noise spectrum is persistently excited and observed at stations globally. Using noise cross-correlation functions (NCFs), the location suggests that the source could be situated in the Gulf of Guinea and Fiji Basin. However, the Fiji Basin was proposed to be the mirror site (near antipode) of the Gulf of Guinea source instead of an independent source, assuming that the surface waves more efficiently propagate along the major-arc paths of oceanic movements. To investigate the propagation of the Rayleigh waves along continental and oceanic paths, we analyzed the surface wave data recorded from an earthquake near the Gulf of Guinea and found that Rayleigh waves travel along continental minor-arc paths more efficiently than along oceanic major-arc paths. We then located the source in the western Pacific Ocean from group velocities measured with earthquake data by using the travel time misfit in NCFs after calibration and concluded that the source is in the Vanuatu Islands. Moreover, the temporal variation of the 26 s microseismic peak observed in the western Pacific seismic stations is very different from that in stations near the Gulf of Guinea, which suggests that they are excited by independent sources. Therefore, the Vanuatu source should be an independent microseismic source. As it is close to volcanoes in the Vanuatu islands, the Pacific 26 s microseismic source might be excited by magmatic processes, which are also responsible for very-long-period volcanic tremors.  相似文献   

The simultaneous eruption of Mt. Pelée, Martinique and Soufrière, St. Vincent are regarded as the first recognized examples of Pelean-type and St. Vincent-type pyroclastic eruptions. Both produced nuées ardentes, the former usually laterally directed because of the presence of a dome and the latter vertically directed from an open crater. Both volcanoes have subsequently erupted for a second time this century. The 1902–05 and 1929–32 eruptions of Mt. Pelée produced andesite lava of almost identical composition and mineralogy. Both contain two generations of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, Fe-Ti oxide, corroded brown amphibole and olivine rimmed by pyroxene. In contrast, the Soufrière material is more basic in composition varying from basaltic andesite to basalt in 1902–03 and basaltic andesite in 1971–72. The Soufrière material contains two generations of plagioclase (with those of 1971–72 having additional zones of labradorite), clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, olivine and Fe-Ti oxide. The pyroclastic deposits are strikingly different, those from the Pelean-type eruption are termed «block and ash deposits» being characterised by poorly vesicular lava blocks up to 7 m in diameter, while the St. Vincent-type eruption produced «scoria and ash deposits» containing vesicular ropey blocks or bombs no larger than 1 m in diameter. The differences in styles of eruption are attributed to differences in viscosity and mechanism of eruption of the magmas. Stratigraphic studies of Mt. Pelée reveal that the volcano has produced basaltic andesite scoria and ash deposits from St. Vincent-type eruptions. It is concluded that the recent eruptions of Pelée tapped a deep level magma during both eruptions releasing magma of similar composition, while the 1971 Soufrière magma is thought to be a remnant of the 1903 basaltic magma which remained at a high level within the volcano where it underwent enrichment in plagioclase and loss of olivine and oxide.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the analytical procedure for an automatic fitting of gravity and magnetic anomalies are discussed. An example of application relative to the Campania volcanic district near Naples, Italy, is reported. Gravity anomalies in that area mainly reflect the depth to the carbonate basement rocks. A small gravity high over Vesuvius may indicate buried volcanic layers. Magnetic anomalies near L. Patria and Castel Volturno are interpreted to be caused by buried intrusive rocks of higher susceptibility. Computer models of subsurface rock units with appropriate densities and susceptibilities have been generated to match the observed anomalies.  相似文献   

The Mt Cameroon volcano is the highest and most active volcano of the Cameroon Volcanic Line. Little geological information is available for improving the understanding of the structure of this large volcanic system and its relationship to regional tectonics. After reviewing the tectonic evolution of the region, the analysis of a Digital Elevation Model and results from a field campaign dedicated to mapping geological structures in the summit area and at the SE base of Mt Cameroon are presented. Mt Cameroon is a lava-dominated volcano with long steep (over 30°) flanks. It is elongate parallel to its well defined rift zone. The summit plateau is bordered by 10 m high cliffs formed by summit subsidence along normal faults. Geological profiles were measured along rivers cutting through a topographic step at the SE base of Mt Cameroon. This step is associated with deformed Miocene sediments from the Douala basin that are overlain by volcanic products. Weak sediments of this area are deformed by 050°–060° and 020°–030° trending asymmetrical folds verging toward the SE, and thrusts faults related to the spreading of the volcano over its mechanically weak substratum. Combined remote sensing and field observations suggest that spreading is accommodated by summit subsidence and flanks sliding. Both slow spreading movements and catastrophic collapses of the steep flanks are interpreted to result from complex interactions between the growing edifice, repeated dyke intrusions, the weak sedimentary substratum and tectonic structures.  相似文献   

On November 4, 1975 in the evening, an eruption took place at Mt. Stromboli. On the following day lava flowed on the Sciara del Fuoco downward to the sea, accompanied by an intense explosive activity at the crater plane. Direct observations on the volcanic activity were carried out since November 6 while a seismic survey was made from Nov. 7 to 12. The total volume of the lava outpoured during this period of activity that lasted 21 days, was estimated to be about 104 m3. This paper reports the results of direct observations, and of the petrological, radioactive disequilibria and seismic activity studies performed for this eruption. The eruption was preceded by an insignificant change of seismic activity, which was monitored by a seismic station located about 2 km East of the crater. A shallow seismicity was strietly related to crater explosions accompanying the eruptive phenomenon. Radioactive disequilibria showed a lack of disequilibrium between228Ra and232Th explainable in terms of a fast rising of magma in the conduit. Chemical analyses of lava samples and deep seismic sounding data indicate a correspondence between the depth (10–15 km) at which crystallization pressure of phenocrysts occurs and a low velocity laver.  相似文献   

Mt. Erebus, a 3,794-meter-high active polygenetic stratovolcano, is composed of voluminous anorthoclase-phyric tephriphonolite and phonolite lavas overlying unknown volumes of poorly exposed, less differentiated lavas. The older basanite to phonotephrite lavas crop out on Fang Ridge, an eroded remnant of a proto-Erebus volcano and at other isolated locations on the flanks of the Mt. Erebus edifice. Anorthoclase feldspars in the phonolitic lavas are large (~10 cm), abundant (~30–40%) and contain numerous melt inclusions. Although excess argon is known to exist within the melt inclusions, rigorous sample preparation was used to remove the majority of the contaminant. Twenty-five sample sites were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method (using 20 anorthoclase, 5 plagioclase and 9 groundmass concentrates) to examine the eruptive history of the volcano. Cape Barne, the oldest site, is 1,311±16 ka and represents the first of three stages of eruptive activity on the Mt. Erebus edifice. It shows a transition from sub-aqueous to sub-aerial volcanism that may mark the initiation of proto-Erebus eruptive activity. It is inferred that a further ~300 ky of basanitic/phonotephritic volcanism built a low, broad platform shield volcano. Cessation of the shield-building phase is marked by eruptions at Fang Ridge at ~1,000 ka. The termination of proto-Erebus eruptive activity is marked by the stratigraphically highest flow at Fang Ridge (758±20 ka). Younger lavas (~550–250 ka) on a modern-Erebus edifice are characterized by phonotephrites, tephriphonolites and trachytes. Plagioclase-phyric phonotephrite from coastal and flank flows yield ages between 531±38 and 368±18 ka. The initiation of anorthoclase tephriphonolite occurred in the southwest sector of the volcano at and around Turks Head (243±10 ka). A short pulse of effusive activity marked by crustal contamination occurred ~160 ka as indicated by at least two trachytic flows (157±6 and 166±10 ka). Most anorthoclase-phyric lavas, characteristic of Mt. Erebus, are less than 250 ka. All Mt. Erebus flows between about 250 and 90 ka are anorthoclase tephriphonolite in composition.Editorial responsibility: J. Donelly-Nolan  相似文献   

The 2.1 b.y. old Rooiberg Felsite roofs and is intruded by the mafic layered rocks and granites of the Bushveld Complex. The felsite unit, which locally exceeds 5 km in thickness and may represent an originally erupted volume of more than 300,000 km3, is dominated by rhyolitic to dacitic lavas with minor pyroclastic and sedimentary rock types. Volcanic rocks of more mafic composition occur towards the base of the sequence. The Rooiberg episode essentially terminated the volcanic activity in the Transvaal basin and heralded the emplacement of the Bushveld Complex. Despite the close spatial and temporal relationships between the Rooiberg Felsite and the Bushveld Complex, the precise nature of the petrogenetic link is obscure. Chemical analyses of felsite have been variously interpreted to suggest cyclic differentiation along a comagmatic trend or to demonstrate anomalous enrichment in SiO2. Several characteristics delineate the Rooiberg Felsite as a possibly unique occurrence of rhyolitic magmatism, notably the immense volume of the unit, the marked preponderance of lavas over pyroclastic types, and the unusually great thickness and lateral extent of the flows. The thesis that the Rooiberg Felsite represents a shock-produced, meteorite-impact melt cannot be supported on the available evidence.  相似文献   

Tanna, one of the southernmost islands of the New Hebrides volcanic arc, is made of Late Pliocene to Recent island arc tholeiitic basalts and andesites, with SiO2 contents ranging from 45 to 57%. These lavas are highly porphyritic (30–50% in volume): phenocrysts of plagioclase are the most abundant, together with olivine and clinopyroxene. The groundmass contain plagioclase, augite, olivine, magnetite and glass; pigeonite, tridymite, sanidine and, rarely, biotite may also occur. The olivines and clinopyroxenes show an iron enrichment from the cores of phenocrysts to their rims and the groundmass crystals, but their compositional variations are not correlated with the Mg/Fe ratio of bulk host rocks, the most Fe-rich compositions being found in Mg-rich lavas. Plagioclase compositions range from An95 to An60 in the basalts and An60 to An50 in the andesites, but, within each group, they are not correlated with SiO2 or Na2O contents of host lavas. Consequently, the bulk major element compositions of Tanna volcanic rocks cannot be considered as primarily controlled by crystal separation from successive liquids. The oxyde-SiO2 variations diagrams, and the modal compositions and mineral chemistry show that crystal accumulation is the predominant mechanism accounting for bulk rock compositions. However, this does not exclude fractional crystallization: the variation of the calculated groundmass mineralogy strongly suggest the occurrence of crystal removal mainly clinopyroxene and magnetite.  相似文献   

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