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Coexisting fine-grained (0.1–20 μm) authigenic silicate minerals separated from altered tuffs in Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene lacustrine deposits were characterized petrographically and using X-ray powder diffraction. The authigenic minerals are dominated by clinoptilolite, erionite, phillipsite, K-feldspar, silica, calcite, smectite, and randomly interstratified illite/smectite. Minor accessories of opal-CT, cristobalite, and barite are present with the major alteration minerals. Authigenic minerals from altered tuffs were dated using the K/Ar method to evaluate the utility of these minerals for determining the time of alteration in low-temperature diagenetic environments. The eruption ages of some of these zeolite-rich tuffs were determined using the 40Ar/39Ar method on single sanidine and plagioclase minerals. The K/Ar isotopic ages of the fine-grained K-feldspar show minimal variation compared with results from the clinoptilolite separates. The isotopic ages from the authigenic K-feldspar (15-13.8 Ma) and some of the zeolites (16.-6.7 Ma) are similar to the eruption ages of the tuffs and indicate early alteration. Despite their open-framework structure, zeolites apparently can retain part or all of their radiogenic argon under favorable conditions (e.g., saturated environment). How much of the radiogenic argon is retained is estimated from the isotopic ages of other coexisting secondary minerals that are commonly dated by the K/Ar method. Although zeolite isotopic ages should be interpreted with caution, they may be useful to constrain temporal relations of low-temperature diagenetic processes when used in conjunction with other dateable minerals.  相似文献   

Palagonite is an hydrated and often altered glass usually associated with sub-aqueous basaltic volcanites. It is commonly considered as an alteration product of normal basaltic glass (sideromelane) with which it is associated in hyaloclastites. Existing information on the diffusion rates of water in natural glasses suggests, however, that the hydration which causes the formation of palagonite takes place at relatively high temperature, that is mainly during effusion and cooling of the lava under water. It is also suggested that generally palagonite is not formed in nature to any great extent from the alteration of sideromelane. Palagonite appears to devitrify much faster than normal unhydrated glass of the same composition. This fact may explain some previously unclear data on the occurrence of volcanic glasses on the floor of the oceans; namely, the existence of totally devitrified glasses in some recent sediments and the finding of unaltered glass in older deposits.  相似文献   

Carbonatite-alkalic rocks occur in the form of dykes and small volcanic plugs in the area, with major central type volcanic activity restricted to Amba Dongar. The trappean flows of Blanford and Bose are identified as plagioclasecalcite rocks. An attempt is made to explain the origin of these rocks which are extensively cut by dykes of alkaline rocks, carbonatites and dolerites. By far the dominant lavas are «fissure phonolites» (Wright, 1963) and tinguaites. The chemical analyses of these rocks show that the magma is mainly of continental sodic alkaline suite, probably turning sodi-potassic, a suggestion drawn from the occurrence of lamprophyres and pseudoleucite tinguaites, and the higher potassium contents of some rocks. Bagh sediments are mainly represented by sandstones which show mild contact effects with carbonatite, especially in the south.  相似文献   

Molar ratios of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca were measured in two species of ostracod shells preserved in the upper core (15-55 m) of the Heqing Basin in Yunnan Province, southwest China. By correlating the molar ratios between Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca and comparing them with Sr concentrations of the sediments, we suggested that: (1) the molar Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratio variations in respective ostracod primo re- flected the changes in its ambient water composition and ecology; (2) the molar Sr/Ca ratios responded better to the salinity change linearly than Mg/Ca without aragonite precipitation in the system, and otherwise there was no linear relation between them; and (3) the molar Sr/Ca ratios were mainly con- trolled by salinity and authigenic carbonate precipitation, whereas the molar Mg/Ca ratios were related to both salinity and temperature. In fact, the rate of ostracod growth owing to temperature controls the fluctuation of Mg/Ca in shells. Here, more attentions should be paid to the constraint of authigenic mineral precipitation processes on the trace elements in ostracod shells and to the correlation between these trace elements in biogenic carbonates and compositions of the sediments in systems and in fu- ture in vitro experiments.  相似文献   

The Qinling orogen is a typical composite orogen for understanding multi-stages of magmatism and orogenic processes. Many studies have been carried out on the magmatic rocks in the Qinling orogen but their petrogenesis is still controversial. This paper presents a review of all granitoid rocks based on previous and new studies of geochronology and geochemistry. Four distinct periods of granitoid magmatism, Neoproterozoic(979–711 Ma), Paleozoic(507–400 Ma), Early Mesozoic(250–185 Ma) and Late Mesozoic(160–100 Ma), have been recognized from the Qinling orogen according to zircon U-Pb ages, intrusion associations and deformation, as well as regional geology. The Neoproterozoic granitic rocks consist of three stages at 979–911, 894–815 and 759–711 Ma, respectively, corresponding to strongly deformed S-type, weakly deformed I-type and A-type granitoids. They can be interpreted as magmatic occurrences in syn-collisional, post-collisional and extensional settings, respectively, in response to old continental terranes of the Neoproterozoic tectonomagmatic events in the old continents of China, such as South China and Tarim cratons. Although this continental terrane would be involved in the Phanerozoic Qinling orogeny, the Neoproterozoic magmatic rocks are not the products of the Qinling orogenic processes. The Paleozoic magmatic rocks can be classified into three stages at 507–470, 460–422 and 415–400 Ma, respectively. The first-stage magmatism is temporally associated with ultra-high pressure metamorphism in the North Qinling terrane. These magmatic rocks are interpreted as magmatic occurrences in subductional, syn-collisional and post-collisional settings, respectively. The Early Mesozoic magmatic rocks occur in two stages at 252–185 and 225–200 Ma, respectively. The first-stage granitoids are mainly represented by I-type quartz diorites and granodiorites, and the second stage by granodiorites and monzogranites with the I- to A-type characteristics and some with rapakivi textures. Their emplacement ages and geochemical parameters such as A/CNK, K2O/Na2 O ratios and εNd(t) values do not show any polarity change in perpendicular to subduction/collision zone. Therefore, all these Early Mesozoic granitoids are unlikely the product of continental subduction as some researchers suggested. Instead, they are plausibly related to the subduction of the Mianlue Ocean and the subsequent collision between the South China Craton and the South Qinling terrane. The Late Mesozoic granitoids were emplaced mainly at two stages of 160–130 and 120–100 Ma, and characterized by the evolution from I- to I-A- and A-type granitoids. These characteristics are consistent with the granitoid magmatic evolution from contractional to extensional settings during the Jurassic/Cretaceous in eastern China. Accordingly, the Late Mesozoic granitoid rocks in the Qinling orogen probably have a similar petrogenetic mechanism to those of the huge magmatic belt along the western Pacific margin, i.e., intra-continent magmatism related to a far-field effect of the subduction of Paleo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

The thermoelectric power (T.E.P.) or Seebeck effect of minerals is best characterized by the fact that a great many of the Earth's important minerals are semiconducting oxides. Outside the very active research area concerned with oxide semiconductors there have been few determinations of the T.E.P. of minerals, let alone their P, T-dependence. Most minerals have low electrical conductivities and relatively high thermal conductivities, and despite very high Seebeck voltages, are thus generally rather inefficient T.E.P. generators. Measurements of the T.E.P. tie in well with studies of the electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, optical absorption, and diffusion. They provide significant information on the charge carrier concentrations, type of conduction mechanism, band structure, and phonon scattering.Junctions capable of generating T.E.P. include those between materials of different chemical composition, different content and concentration of impurities and defects, different crystal structure or orientation, different states of stress and strain, and reactive junctions or chains of junctions. Considering the local balance of flux of heat and other forms of energy through any of the conduction channels we may visualize as traversing the minerals in the mantle, surely, the conduction channels must involve all of the different types of heterogeneous junctions between minerals. We are, therefore, interested to investigate to what extent, in channels or media subjected to gradients of temperature, electric potential, concentration of chemical constituents and stress or strain, the heat flux density is not identical with the total energy flux density. Measurements of the Seebeck coefficient (S = dE/dT) and preliminary interpretations are discussed with reference to: (1) a simple oxide relative to Pt (corundum); (2) a complex oxide relative to Pt (garnet, almandite); (3) a couple formed of two oxides (corundum-almandite); (4) a couple formed of two minerals with different orientations (quartza-quartzc), and two minerals of different impurity and defect concentrations (quartz-amethyst); and (5) a chain of reactive junctions analogous to oxidation potentials (iron-magnetite, hematite, iron).  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that major nominally anhydrous minerals in the Earth’s mantle, such as olivine, pyroxene and garnet, can incorporate considerable amounts of water as structurally bound hydroxyl. Even a small amount of water is present in mantle minerals, it can strongly affect a number of physical properties, including density, sound velocity, melting temperature, and electrical conductivities. The presence of water can also influence the dynamic behavior, lead to lateral velocity heterogeneities, and affect the material circulation of the Earth’s deep interior. In particular, seismic studies have reported the existence of low-velocity zones in various locations of the Earth’s upper mantle and transition zone, which has been expected to be associated with the presence of water in the region. In the past two decades, the effect of water on the elasticity and sound velocities of minerals at relevant pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions of the Earth’s mantle attracted extensive interests. Combining the high P-T experimental and theoretical mineralogical results with seismic observations provides crucial constraints on the distribution of water in the Earth’s mantle. In this study, we summarize recent experimental and theoretical mineral physics results on how water affects the elasticity and sound velocity of nominally anhydrous minerals in the Earth’s mantle, which aims to provide new insights into the effect of hydration on the density and velocity profile of the Earth’s mantle, which are of particular importance in understanding of water distribution in the region.  相似文献   

Origin of andesite and its bearing on the Island arc structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hypothesis that andesite magmas originate from basalt magmas through fractionation is supported for the following reasons: 1) A close association of andesite and dacite with basalt in many volcanoes and a complete gradation in chemistry and mineralogy throughout this suite. 2) Formation of andesite magmas from basalt magmas by differentiation in situ of some intrusive and extrusive bodies. 3) Agreement between the calculated compositions of solid materials to be subtracted from basalt magmas to yield andesite magmas and the observed mineralogy of phenocrysts in these rocks. 4) Higher alkali contents in andesite and dacite associated with high-alumina basalt than in those associated with tholeiite. 5) A complete gradation from the high iron concentration trend of basalt magma fractionation (Skaergaard) to the low or noniron concentration trend (the calc-alkali series) which can be ascribed to the difference of the stage of magnetite crystallization. 6) Similarity between the orogenic rock suite and plateau basalts in the preferential eruption of magmas of middle fractionation stage, givin rise to the great volume of andesite in the orogenic belts and iron-rich basalt in the plateau lavas. Petrological and seismic refraction studies suggest that a great volume of gabbroic materials are present in the lower crust underneath the volcanic belts as a complementary material for the andesite lavas. The island arc structure would develop by repeated eruption of andesite on the surface and by thickening of the oceanic crust underneath the arc due to the addition of gabbroic materials. The suitable portion of the lower crust may be subjected to partial melting to produce granitic magma in the later stage of development of the arc, successively changing it to a part of the adjacent continent.  相似文献   

Dust collected from snow samples on the Arctic pack ice approximately 500 km north of Alaska indicate lower fallout rates than previously reported for Arctic stations 1400 km to the east (3.3 and 14 μg/cm2 yr, respectively). Either the lower frequency of southerly (off-shore) near surface winds at our sample sites off Alaska or the unknown influx of dust with upper level air masses could account for the difference in dust fallout. Irregardless, the airborne dust contribution to Arctic deep-sea sediments north of Alaska amounts to 1% or less. A consideration of the clay mineralogy and biogenous components of Arctic dust favors a global or distant source for most of the dust, especially the less than 2 μm fraction. No obvious industrial components were detected in the dust.  相似文献   

Summary The results of recent extensive studies on the low field hysteresis in basalts from India and East Africa and the memory phenomenon observed in some of the rocks have been found to have a direct bearing on the various parameters such asQ n,Q tn, stability by the A.C. field technique etc. which are of great importance in rock-magnetism. It has been found that rocks having low Curie temperature (it c ) and not exhibiting memory phenomenon are ideally suited for palaeomagnetic studies. Also, rocks having relatively higher it c often exhibit memory phenomenon, given inconsistent NRM directions and show an irregular behaviour on A.C. field cleaning. In using the latter rock types for palaeomagnetic work one has to take a number of precautions which are clearly brought out by the studies described in this paper.  相似文献   

The anaerobic oxidation of methane(AOM) has strongly developed at Core A, Site 79 of the middle Okinawa Trough, East China Sea, and a large amount of authigenic pyrite is preserved in the surface sediment. In this study, we analyze the characteristics of the authigenic pyrite and its sulfur isotopic values. The authigenic pyrite is stripy and tubular, and there were foraminifera compartments filled with pyrite. The pyrite is extracted using chromium reduction, and the values of ? 34 S are found to lie between ?41.20‰ and 8.92‰ V-CDT. The bulk pyrite tends to be more enriched in 34 S with increasing depth. Particularly, the ? 34 S value of the pyrite lies between ?32.73‰ and ?41.20‰ V-CDT above 278 cmbsf, but it quickly increases below this depth(?21.49‰–8.92‰ V-CDT). At the same time, the total sulfur content of the pyrite shows an abrupt increase above 100 cmbsf but is otherwise stable between 1.04% and 0.55% below 100 cmbsf. The stable and negative values of ? 34 S and the decreasing values of total sulfur above 278 cmbsf indicate reduced AOM activities in 17.18–5.3 ka. In addition, the increasing ? 34 S and pyrite content indicate strong AOM development and methane seep below 278 cmbsf in 18.8–17.18 ka. In particular, the highest positive value of ? 34 S occurring in 18.78 ka indicates the most intense AOM activity. The shallow sulfate-methane interface(SMI) and high methane flux below marine sediments also strongly support this activity.  相似文献   

利用1958~2001年共44年的ECMWF资料及参数化方法,计算了对流层顶上、下3 km气层间的臭氧含量及其吸收太阳辐射加热率的时空分布.结果表明: (1) 臭氧分布的空间梯度从赤道指向两极,而加热率则是分别由高纬和低纬指向副热带,这样的经向梯度可能是驱动对流层顶结构变化的一种重要因素;两者空间分布的季节变化显著,但其对应关系并不完全一致,1月和4月的空间结构与7月和10月的相反,随季节调整具有突变现象;东亚及青藏高原是季节变化相对稳定的区域.(2) 在热带对流层顶控制区加热率与臭氧含量呈正相关,而极地对流层顶控制区各季节有所不同,还与太阳赤纬变化相关联;各纬度间加热率季节变化的位相和变率都存在差异,但南半球相对较为一致,最大距平为±2×10-4 K·d-1,北半球则较复杂,最大正距平为4×1010-4 K·d-1;两半球的季节周期位相趋于相反.(3) 除赤道外,臭氧距平的季节变化位相超前于加热率距平2~3月,并且发生在季节变化的调整期;最大距平出现在南极的8月大于0.4 DU,3~4月则小于-0.2 DU,而北极为±0.2 DU.(4) 臭氧含量和加热率的年际与年代际演变关系对应一致,并具有多尺度的结构特征;但两半球及赤道的时空演变差异明显,30° S~30° N间副热带控制区的加热率变幅剧烈,最大距平为±2.5×10-4 K·d-1,高纬和两极的变幅在不同演变期各不相同;臭氧的变幅结构与之相反,北极的最大距平分别大于0.25 DU和小于-0.35 DU.(5) 20世纪70年代以前及70年代中期,两半球的正负距平具有相反的演变结构,而90年代是负距平演变最剧烈的时期.  相似文献   

Authigenic carbonates were sampled in methane-enriched piston core sediments collected from gas venting sites on the western continental slope of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea. Multidisciplinary investigations on these carbonates, including the scanning electronic microscope (SEM) observations and mineralogical-geochemical compositions, were carried out to identify the carbon and oxygen sources and the forming mechanism of these carbonates. The authigenic carbonates from the study area correspond to semi-consolidated, compact concretions or nodules ranging from 2 to 9 cm in size. X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analyses showed that most of the sampled carbonate concretions were composed of almost purely authigenic high-Mg calcite (10.7–14.3 mol% MgCO3). Characteristically, microbial structures such as filaments and rods, which were probably associated with the authigenic minerals, were abundantly observed within the carbonate matrix. The carbonates were strongly depleted in δ13C (−33.85‰ to −39.53‰ Peedee Belemnite (PDB)) and were enriched in δ18O (5.16–5.60‰ PDB), indicating that the primary source of carbon is mainly derived from the anaerobic oxidation of methane. Such methane probably originated from the destabilization of the underlying gas hydrates as strongly supporting from the enriched 18O levels. Furthermore, the strongly depleted δ13C values (−60.7‰ to −61.6‰ PDB) of the sediment void gases demonstrate that the majority of the gas venting at the Ulleung Basin is microbial methane by CO2 reduction. This study provides another example for the formation mechanism of methane-derived authigenic carbonates associated with gas-hydrate decomposition in gas-seeping pockmark environments.  相似文献   

《Advances in water resources》2007,30(6-7):1571-1582
It has been widely observed in field experiments that the apparent rate of bacterial attachment, particularly as parameterized by the collision efficiency in filtration-based models, decreases with transport distance (i.e., exhibits scale-dependency). This effect has previously been attributed to microbial heterogeneity; that is, variability in cell–surface properties within a single monoclonal population. We demonstrate that this effect could also be interpreted as a field-scale manifestation of local-scale correlation between physical heterogeneity (hydraulic conductivity variability) and reaction heterogeneity (attachment rate coefficient variability). A field-scale model of bacterial transport developed for the South Oyster field research site located near Oyster, Virginia, and observations from field experiments performed at that site, are used as the basis for this study. Three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations of bacterial transport were performed under four alternative scenarios: (1) homogeneous hydraulic conductivity (K) and attachment rate coefficient (Kf); (2) heterogeneous K, homogeneous Kf; (3) heterogeneous K and Kf with local correlation based on empirical and theoretical relationships; and (4) heterogeneous K and Kf without local correlation. The results of the 3D simulations were analyzed using 1D model approximations following conventional methods of field data analysis. An apparent decrease with transport distance of effective collision efficiency was observed only in the case where the local properties were both heterogeneous and correlated. This effect was observed despite the fact that the local collision efficiency was specified as a constant in the 3D model, and can therefore be interpreted as a scale effect associated with the local correlated heterogeneity as manifested at the field scale.  相似文献   

王玮  周祖翼  于鹏 《地球物理学报》2005,48(6):1375-1383
对常用的Waples、Middleton及Easy%Ro模型,通过蒙特卡罗方法,得到了相应的简化模型.所有简化模型均表明镜质体反射率(Ro)主要受控于最高温度(Tmax),并且与最高温度附近的温度变化率(Hr)有关.通过对简化模型的比较发现:(1)相对于Easy%Ro模型而言,Waples、Middleton模型对Hr的变化更为敏感;(2)总的来讲,达到相同的Ro值Middleton模型需要的温度最高,Easy%Ro模型其次,Waples模型需要的温度最低.在一定条件下,根据简化模型,利用实测的lnRo-H数据可以求取地层经历的最高温度及相应的地温梯度、热流和时间.实例分析表明岩石热导率等数据的准确性直接影响Ro解释的结果,但这种影响容易分析,而Hr的不确定性则导致多解性.  相似文献   

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