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《Journal of Geodynamics》2007,43(1):87-100
The petrology and geochemistry of Icelandic basalts have been studied for more than a century. The results reveal that the Holocene basalts belong to three magma series: two sub-alkaline series (tholeiitic and transitional alkaline) and an alkali one. The alkali and the transitional basalts, which occupy the off-rift volcanic zones, are enriched in incompatible trace elements compared to the tholeiites, and have more radiogenic Sr, Pb and He isotope compositions. Compared to the tholeiites, they are most likely formed by partial melting of a lithologically heterogeneous mantle with higher proportions of melts derived from recycled oceanic crust in the form of garnet pyroxenites compared to the tholeiites. The tholeiitic basalts characterise the mid-Atlantic rift zone that transects the island, and their most enriched compositions and highest primordial (least radiogenic) He isotope signature are observed close to the centre of the presumed mantle plume. High-MgO basalts are found scattered along the rift zone and probably represent partial melting of refractory mantle already depleted of initial water-rich melts. Higher mantle temperature in the centre of the Iceland mantle plume explains the combination of higher magma productivity and diluted signatures of garnet pyroxenites in basalts from Central Iceland. A crustal component, derived from altered basalts, is evident in evolved tholeiites and indeed in most basalts; however, distinguishing between contamination by the present hydrothermally altered crust, and melting of recycled oceanic crust, remains non-trivial. Constraints from radiogenic isotope ratios suggest the presence of three principal mantle components beneath Iceland: a depleted upper mantle source, enriched mantle plume, and recycled oceanic crust.The study of glass inclusions in primitive phenocrysts is still in its infancy but already shows results unattainable by other methods. Such studies reveal the existence of mantle melts with highly variable compositions, such as calcium-rich melts and a low-18O mantle component, probably recycled oceanic crust. Future high-resolution seismic studies may help to identify and reveal the relative proportions of different lithologies in the mantle.  相似文献   

Sangay (5230 m), the southernmost active volcano of the Andean Northern Volcanic Zone (NVZ), sits 130 km above a >32-Ma-old slab, close to a major tear that separates two distinct subducting oceanic crusts. Southwards, Quaternary volcanism is absent along a 1600-km-long segment of the Andes. Three successive edifices of decreasing volume have formed the Sangay volcanic complex during the last 500 ka. Two former cones (Sangay I and II) have been largely destroyed by sector collapses that resulted in large debris avalanches that flowed out upon the Amazon plain. Sangay III, being constructed within the last avalanche amphitheater, has been active at least since 14 ka BP. Only the largest eruptions with unusually high Plinian columns are likely to represent a major hazard for the inhabited areas located 30 to 100 km west of the volcano. However, given the volcano's relief and unbuttressed eastern side, a future collapse must be considered, that would seriously affect an area of present-day colonization in the Amazon plain, 30 km east of the summit. Andesites greatly predominate at Sangay, there being few dacites and basalts. In order to explain the unusual characteristics of the Sangay suite—highest content of incompatible elements (except Y and HREE) of any NVZ suite, low Y and HREE values in the andesites and dacites, and high Nb/La of the only basalt found—a preliminary five-step model is proposed: (1) an enriched mantle (in comparison with an MORB source), or maybe a variably enriched mantle, at the site of the Sangay, prior to Quaternary volcanism; (2) metasomatism of this mantle by important volumes of slab-derived fluids enriched in soluble incompatible elements, due to the subduction of major oceanic fracture zones; (3) partial melting of this metasomatized mantle and generation of primitive basaltic melts with Nb/La values typical of the NVZ, which are parental to the entire Sangay suite but apparently never reach the surface and subordinate production of high Nb/La basaltic melts, maybe by lower degrees of melting at the periphery of the main site of magma formation, that only infrequently reach the surface; (4) AFC processes at the base of a 50-km-thick crust, where parental melts pond and fractionate while assimilating remelts of similar basaltic material previously underplated, producing andesites with low Y and HREE contents, due to garnet stability at this depth; (5) low-pressure fractionation and mixing processes higher in the crust. Both an enriched mantle under Sangay prior to volcanism and an important slab-derived input of fluids enriched in soluble incompatible elements, two parameters certainly related to the unique setting of the volcano at the southern termination of the NVZ, apparently account for the exceptionally high contents of incompatible elements of the Sangay suite. In addition, the low Cr/Ni values of the entire suite—another unique characteristic of the NVZ—also requires unusual fractionation processes involving Cr-spinel and/or clinopyroxene, either in the upper mantle or at the base of the crust.  相似文献   

根据《科学》杂志(Science)(2012年5月25日)公布的有关火山地震机理研究的最新进展,火山地震与火山岩浆房内的晶体生长有关.火山岩浆房内晶体的生长如树木年轮一样自中心向外扩展,与此同时保存了有关火山喷发的关键信息.  相似文献   

Mount Drum is one of the youngest volcanoes in the subduction-related Wrangell volcanic field (80×200 km) of southcentral Alaska. It lies at the northwest end of a series of large, andesite-dominated shield volcanoes that show a northwesterly progression of age from 26 Ma near the Alaska-Yukon border to about 0.2 Ma at Mount Drum. The volcano was constructed between 750 and 250 ka during at least two cycles of cone building and ring-dome emplacement and was partially destroyed by violent explosive activity probably after 250 ka. Cone lavas range from basaltic andesite to dacite in composition; ring-domes are dacite to rhyolite. The last constructional activity occurred in the vicinity of Snider Peak, on the south flank of the volcano, where extensive dacite flows and a dacite dome erupted at about 250 ka. The climactic explosive eruption, that destroyed the top and a part of the south flank of the volcano, produced more than 7 km3 of proximal hot and cold avalanche deposits and distal mudflows. The Mount Drum rocks have medium-K, calc-alkaline affinities and are generally plagioclase phyric. Silica contents range from 55.8 to 74.0 wt%, with a compositional gap between 66.8 and 72.8 wt%. All the rocks are enriched in alkali elements and depleted in Ta relative to the LREE, typical of volcanic arc rocks, but have higher MgO contents at a given SiO2, than typical orogenic medium-K andesites. Strontium-isotope ratios vary from 0.70292 to 0.70353. The compositional range of Mount Drum lavas is best explained by a combination of diverse parental magmas, magma mixing, and fractionation. The small, but significant, range in 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the basaltic andesites and the wide range of incompatible-element ratios exhibited by the basaltic andesites and andesites suggests the presence of compositionally diverse parent magmas. The lavas show abundant petrographic evidence of magma mixing, such as bimodal phenocryst size, resorbed phenocrysts, reaction rims, and disequilibrium mineral assemblages. In addition, some dacites and andesites contain Mg and Ni-rich olivines and/or have high MgO, Cr, Ni, Co, and Sc contents that are not in equilibrium with the host rock and indicate mixing between basalt or cumulate material and more evolved magmas. Incompatible element variations suggest that fractionation is responsible for some of the compositional range between basaltic andesite and dacite, but the rhyolites have K, Ba, Th, and Rb contents that are too low for the magmas to be generated by fractionation of the intermediate rocks. Limited Sr-isotope data support the possibility that the rhyolites may be partial melts of underlying volcanic rocks. Received March 13, 1993/Accepted September 10, 1993  相似文献   

The geology, petrology, and petrogenesis of Saba Island, Lesser Antilles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Saba is the northernmost volcano along the Lesser Antilles island-arc chain. The Lesser Antilles arc results from the west-northwest subduction of the Atlantic lithosphere beneath the Caribbean Plate. Sediment thickness along the trench decreases northward away from sediment sources on the continent of South America. We focused our attention on Saba precisely because it is the furthest away from documented geochemical effects in the southern arc volcanics of the large sediment thicknesses — normally attributed to both source or upper level contamination (i.e. assimilation).Field mapping, petrology, mineralogy, K–Ar dating, and geochemical analyses (major and trace element) indicate a complex history of magma petrogenesis including crystal fractionation, magma mixing, and, surprisingly, crustal assimilation. This is the first time assimilation has been documented in the northern section of the Lesser Antilles arc. Magma mixing shows up in the field as banded pumice and petrographically and mineralogically as complex zoning in phenocrysts (such as reverse zoning in plagioclase), disequilibrium mineral assemblages (e.g. quartz and olivine), and disequilibrium between minerals and whole-rock compositions (e.g. forsterite content of olivine). Mass-balance modeling of major and trace elements support our contention that crystal fractionation (including amphibole) played an important role in magma evolution. However, various geochemical trends can only be explained by assimilation-fractional crystallization based on the fact that the trends of various trace elements and trace-element ratios vary with increasing silica. Finally, we could find no evidence of sediment source contamination in the most mafic rocks. It may exist but is overprinted by the later assimilation effects.  相似文献   

The 227 ka Yellow Trachytic Tuff (YTT) of the Roccamonfina volcano is a multiunit ash-, pumice-, scoria- and lithic-ignimbrite with a proximal sandwave surge deposit. The YTT has an estimated volume of 0.42 km3. It erupted in the northern, subsided sector of the volcano from Gli Stagli caldera, and was channelled down ravines northward between the limestone range of M.Cesima and M. Camino that bounds the depression. Up to 5 YTT units occur close to the outer part of the northern rim of Gli Stagli. The basal four units are separated by lithic-rich marker layers which are inferred to result from gravity segregation followed by shearing. The first three units are consolidated by chabazite cementation, the fourth one is not consolidated. The uppermost unit is altered. One or two units characterize the YTT deposits in medial to distal zones. Here, the unconsolidated unit underlies the consolidated one. Absence of markers precludes correlation with proximal stratigraphy. The YTT is poorly sorted and, except the surge deposit and the altered faciés which are very fine-grained, has moderate median diameter typical of pyroclastic flows. Matrix, pumice, and scoria clasts are poorly vesicular. Matrix shards are equant, blocky-shaped, hydrated, and range from non-vesicular to vesicular. These features suggest that magma-water interaction played a role in the YTT eruption process, with some magmatic fragmentation.The complex near-Gli Stagli-rim YTT sequence could record the arrival of successive flows from the source vent, or also form by interaction of one or two flows with the caldera rim. In both cases, the absence of basal Plinian deposits in YTT units suggests that the eruptions were low pyroclastic fountains. The YTT distribution was controlled by interaction with the northern rim of Gli Stagli caldera and with the limestone range that bounds the northern depression. The near-rim stratigraphy shows the complete record of the eruption, whereas the medial to distal sequences provide only the initial pyroclastic flow possibly with the final flow spilling over the caldera rim. The proximal surge episode probably resulted from higher velocity of a later pyroclastic flow due to steeper slope of the volcano in that locality.  相似文献   

El Misti is a 5822 m strato volcano in southern Peru. The mineralogy of the fumaroles is essentially sulfur, anhydrite, gypsum and ralstonite which are precipitated by acid vapors at 100°C–125°C. There are 2 to 6 parts per thousand chloride concentrations and several parts per million sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc concentrations in the condensed vapors. Elemental ratios indicate near complete leaching of the wall rock by the vapors. Arsenic and selenium are contaminants of the sulfur but are absent from the other minerals. Both the gypsum and anhydrite contain strontium and lead and show no tendency to fractionate these metals. The anhydrite alone contains significant thallium and bismuth. Bromine, strontium, thallium and lead are present in the ralstonite. The average δ D and δ O18 ratios from the fumarolic condensates are ?31.4 ‰ and +4.8 ‰ respectively. A marine contaminated heavy water source at depth is indicated as the parent water for the vapors.  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions were determined for hydrothermal quartz, calcite, and siderite from core samples of the Newberry 2 drill hole, Oregon. The δ15O values for these minerals decrease with increasing temperatures. The values indicate that these hydrothermal minerals precipitated in isotopic equilibrium with water currently present in the reservoirs. The δ18O values of quartz and calcite from the andesite and basalt flows (700–932 m) have isotopic values which require that the equilibrated water δ18O values increase slightly (− 11.3 to −9.2‰) with increasing measured temperatures (150–265°C). The lithic tuffs and brecciated lava flows (300–700 m) contain widespread siderite. Calculated oxygen isotopic compositions of waters in equilibrium with siderite generally increase with increasing temperatures (76–100°C). The δ18O values of siderite probably result from precipitation in water produced by mixing various amounts of the deep hydrothermal water (− 10.5 ‰) with meteoric water (− 15.5 ‰) recharged within the caldera. The δ13C values of calcite and siderite decrease with increasing temperatures and show that these minerals precipitated in isotopic equilibrium with CO2 of about −8 ‰.The δ18O values of weakly altered (<5% alteration of plagioclase) whole-rock samples decrease with increasing temperatures above 100°C, indicating that exchange between water and rock is kinetically controlled. The water/rock mass ratios decrease with decreasing temperatures. The δ18O values of rocks from the bottom of Newberry 2 show about 40% isotopic exchange with the reservoir water.The calculated δ18O and δD values of bottom hole water determined from the fluid produced during the 20 hour flow test are −10.2 and −109‰, respectively. The δD value of the hydrothermal water indicates recharge from outside the caldera.  相似文献   

The Yaojiazhuang ultramafic-syenitic complex is one of the representative Triassic alkaline plutons on the northern margin of the North China Craton(NCC).Based on detailed study of the zircon U-Pb age,petrological,mineralogical,and geochemical data of the complex,the characteristics of the magmas system,the petrogenesis of different rock types,and the nature of the mantle source were discussed to provide new constraints on the origin and tectonic setting of the Triassic alkaline belt.Cumulus ultramafic rocks,clinopyroxene-syenites and syenites are the main rock types of the complex.The zircons from the syenites yielded a U-Pb age of 209 Ma.Diopside-augite,biotite,and sanidine-orthoclase are the major minerals,with subordinate apatite and magnetite.Rocks from the complex are enriched in large ion lithophile elements(LILE)and light rare earth elements(LREE),depleted in high field strength elements(HFSE)and heavy rare earth elements(HREE),and the initial 87Sr/86Sr ranges from 0.7057 to 0.7061 and ε Nd(t)from-9.4 to-11.4.Mineralogy and geochemical data demonstrate that the parent magma of the complex is SiO2-undersaturated ultrapotassic alkaline-peralkaline,and is characterized by high CaO content and fluid compositions(P2O5,CO2,H2O),and by high oxygen fugacity and high temperature.The complex was originated from a phlogopite-clinopyroxenite-rich lithospheric mantle source in the garnet-stable area(> 80 km)that had previously been metasomatized by melts/fluids from altered oceanic crust.The parent magma has been contaminated by little ancient TTG gneisses during magma emplacement.The development of the Yaojiazhuang complex indicates that the northern margin of the NCC has entered into an extensively extensional regime in the Late Triassic.  相似文献   

The size, shape, and magmatic history of the most recently discovered shield volcano in the Hawaiian Islands, Mahukona, have been controversial. Mahukona corresponds to what was thought to be a gap in the paired sequence (Loa and Kea trends) of younger Hawaiian volcanoes (<4?Ma). Here, we present the results of marine expeditions to Mahukona where new bathymetry, sidescan sonar, gravity data, and lava samples were collected to address these controversies. Modeling of bathymetric and gravity data indicate that Mahukona is one of the smallest Hawaiian volcanoes (~6,000?km3) and that its magmatic system was not focused in a long-lived central reservoir like most other Hawaiian volcanoes. This lack of a long-lived magmatic reservoir is reflected by the absence of a central residual gravity high and the random distribution of cones on Mahukona Volcano. Our reconstructed subsidence history for Mahukona suggests it grew to at least ~270?m below sea level but probably did not form an island. New 40Ar–39Ar plateau ages range from 350 to 654?ka providing temporal constraints for Mahukona’s post-shield and shield stages of volcanism, which ended prematurely. Mahukona post-shield lavas have high 3He/4He ratios (16–21?Ra), which have not been observed in post-shield lavas from other Hawaiian volcanoes. Lava compositions range widely at Mahukona, including Pb isotopic values that straddle the boundary between Kea and Loa sequences of volcanoes. The compositional diversity of Mahukona lavas may be related to its relatively small size (less extensive melting) and the absence of a central magma reservoir where magmas would have been homogenized.  相似文献   

Emuruangogolak is a Quaternary basalitrachyte volcano situated in the Suguta graben of the northern Kenva rift, and probably erupted last early in this century. Following the construction of an early trachytic shield volcano, two episodes of caldera collapse occurred. each preceded by explosive pvroclastic activity. Post-calelera volcanism consisted of alternating phases of basalt and trachyte eruption. The basic lavas are high-Ti ferrobasalts of a mildly alkaline ‘transitional’ composition and the trachytes are peralkaline and oversaturated. A distinct compositional bimodality exists and no rocks in the range 49–59°. SiO, have been found. Major and trace element analyses suggest that the trachytes are genetically related to the basalts. Associations of almost identical lavas occur in Ethiopia. Pantelleria and the Azores but with the presence of intermediate terms Fractional crystallization is the mechanism currently preferred to account for the origin of the trachytes. The ‘Daly gap’ may be a consequence of a crystallization process which limits the volume of intermediate magma available at any time. In addition, the physical properties and spatial distribution of the different magmas probably discriminate against the cruption of lavas of intermediate composition.  相似文献   

The densely populated metropolitan area of Quito is located on the slopes of the active Guagua Pichincha volcano at only 10 km from the crater. Recently, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sponsored a project for the mitigation of volcanic hazard in this area. The geochemical study carried out as part of this project was aimed at constructing a geochemical model of the zone for use in volcanic surveillance.According to this geochemical model, a hydrothermal aquifer (T = 200–240°C), fed both by meteoric waters and by fluids released by a magma body, lies at shallow levels beneath Guagua Pichincha crater. The crater fumaroles are essentially fed by steam boiled off from the hydrothermal aquifer. The high flow rate fumaroles located in the dome area show significant SO2 contents, which suggest a relatively high contribution of magmatic fluids in the zone of the aquifer feeding them. The absence of SO2 in the fumarolic discharges near the southern crater wall indicates instead that the magmatic fluids dissolve entirely into the aquifer here. The hot springs located at the western end of the crater represent the lateral discharge of the hydrothermal aquifer.On the basis of this model, it is likely that an increment in the flux of both the magmatic fluids and the heat from a magma body produces an increase, albeit small, of the pressure-temperature conditions of the hydrothermal system and consequent changes in flow rate and fluid chemistry of the fumarolic vents. In particular, total sulphur and possibly hydrochloric acid may increase in all the vents and sulphur dioxide may appear in other fumarolic discharges. The varying thermodynamic conditions in the hydrothermal aquifer can be evaluated on the basis of the equilibria among carbon species and hydrogen. Only minor delayed changes are expected in the physical-chemical characteristics of the springs located at the western end of the crater.  相似文献   

Detailed geologic mapping and radiocarbon dating of tholeiitic basalts covering about 275 km2 on the lower east rift zone (LERZ) and adjoining flanks of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, show that at least 112 separate eruptions have occurred during the past 2360 years. Eruptive products include spatter ramparts and cones, a shield, two extensive lithic-rich tuff deposits, aa and pahoehoe flows, and three littoral cones. Areal coverage, number of eruptions and average dormant interval estimates in years for the five age groups assigned are: (I) historic, i.e. A D 1790 and younger: 25%, 5, 42.75; (II) 200–400 years old: 50%, 15, 14.3: (III) 400–750 years old: 20%, 54, 6.6; (IV) 750–1500 years old: 5%, 37, 20.8; (V) 1500–3000 years old: <1%, 1, unknown. At least 4.5–6 km3 of tholeiitic basalt have been erupted from the LERZ during the past 1500 years. Estimated volumes of the exposed products of individual eruptions range from a few tens of cubic meters for older units in small kipukas to as much as 0.4 km3 for the heiheiahulu shield. The average dormant interval has been about 13.6 years during the past 1500 years. The most recent eruption occurred in 1961, and the area may be overdue for its next eruption. However, eruptive activity will not resume on the LERZ until either the dike feeding the current eruption on the middle east rift zone extends farther down rift, or a new dike, unrelated to the current eruption, extends into the LERZ.  相似文献   

The Handkerchief Mesa mixed magma complex is one of several late Cenozoic volcanic complexes in the southeastern San Juan Mountains characterized by mingling and limited mixing of basalt and rhyodacite. Stratigraphy in the dissected vent complex at Handkerchief Mesa records three phases of volcanism, the first and third displaying evidence for coeruption of mafic and silicic magmas. Phases 1 and 2 erupted silicic pyroclastics and basaltic lava flows, respectively. Phase-3 eruptions were dominated by rhyodacite lava flows, rhyodacite dikes, and abundant mingled and mixed hybrid lavas.Pre- and syneruptive basalt-rhyodacite mixing of phase-3 eruptions is shown by: (1) inclusions of quenched basalt in rhyodacite; (2) partially disaggregated basalt inclusions in mixed hybrids and rhyodacites; (3) interfingering lenses of mixed hybrid lavas and rhyodacite. Whole-rock major- and trace-element analyses support a two-component mixing model whereby intermediate hybrids are produced by mixing of basalt and rhyodacite (up to 30% basalt: 70% rhyodacite). Disequilibrium phenocryst textures and mineral compositions are consistent with multistage mixing culminating in an eruptive mixing event. Protracted mixing along a boundary zone at the base of a rhyodacite magma chamber may be responsible for stabilizing Fe-rich olivine phenocrysts in some hybrids.Basalt-rhyodacite mixing is inhibited by rapid crystallization in the basalt shortly after inclusion within the lower temperature melt. The degree to which mechanical dispersion and blending ensues is a critical function of the initial temperature contrast (ΔTi) between the two magmas. Thermal models, simulating the conductive cooling histories for basalt spheres in rhyodacite reservoirs, suggest that at large ΔTi's (> 200°) rapid cooling of the inclusion leads to disequilibrium crystallization with concomitant depression of equilibrium solidi, grain boundary wetting by residual liquids, and limited disaggregation of the inclusion imposed by movement of the host. For small ΔTi's (< 100°) temperatures within the inclusion can be maintained above the solidus for prolonged time periods, enhancing the possibility of producing homogeneous mixed hybrids through mechanical blending and diffusion. Both mechanisms operated at Handkerchief Mesa and contributed to the range of observed textures and compositions.  相似文献   

Abstract High‐ to ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic (HP–UHPM) rocks crop out over 150 km along an east–west axis in the Kokchetav Massif of northern Kazakhstan. They are disposed within the Massif as a 2 km thick, subhorizontal pile of sheet‐like nappes, predominantly composed of interlayered pelitic and psammitic schists and gneisses, amphibolite and orthogneiss, with discontinuous boudins and lenses of eclogite, dolomitic marble, whiteschist and garnet pyroxenite. On the basis of predominating lithologies, we subdivided the nappe group into four north‐dipping, fault‐bounded orogen‐parallel units (I–IV, from base to top). Constituent metabasic rocks exhibit a systematic progression of metamorphic grades, from high‐pressure amphibolite through quartz–eclogite and coesite–eclogite to diamond–eclogite facies. Coesite, diamond and other mineral inclusions within zircon offer the best means by which to clarify the regional extent of UHPM, as they are effectively sequestered from the effects of fluids during retrogression. Inclusion distribution and conventional geothermobarometric determinations demonstrate that the highest grade metamorphic rocks (Unit II: T = 780–1000°C, P = 37–60 kbar) are restricted to a medial position within the nappe group, and metamorphic grade decreases towards both the top (Unit III: T = 730–750°C, P = 11–14 kbar; Unit IV: T = 530°C, P = 7.5–9 kbar) and bottom (Unit I: T = 570–680°C; P = 7–13.5 kbar). Metamorphic zonal boundaries and internal structural fabrics are subhorizontal, and the latter exhibit opposing senses of shear at the bottom (top‐to‐the‐north) and top (top‐to‐the‐south) of the pile. The orogen‐scale architecture of the massif is sandwich‐like, with the HP–UHPM nappe group juxtaposed across large‐scale subhorizontal faults, against underlying low P–T metapelites (Daulet Suite) at the base, and overlying feebly metamorphosed clastic and carbonate rocks (Unit V). The available structural and petrologic data strongly suggest that the HP–UHPM rocks were extruded as a sequence of thin sheets, from a root zone in the south toward the foreland in the north, and juxtaposed into the adjacent lower‐grade units at shallow crustal levels of around 10 km. The nappe pile suffered considerable differential internal displacements, as the 2 km thick sequence contains rocks exhumed from depths of up to 200 km in the core, and around 30–40 km at the margins. Consequently, wedge extrusion, perhaps triggered by slab‐breakoff, is the most likely tectonic mechanism to exhume the Kokchetav HP–UHPM rocks.  相似文献   

We present the initial results of a quantitative investigation of the volatile geochemistry of Deception Island, an active volcano situated near the spreading axis of a Quaternary ensialic marginal basin (Bransfield Strait, northern Antarctic Peninsula). Fluorine contents in Deception Island magmas (112–461 ppm) are comparable with lavas from a range of tectonic environments but F-K2O relationships most closely compare with continental flood basalts and lavas from island arcs and some marginal basins. Boron contents are high (4.3–16.3 ppm) and the values overlap with those of arc lavas; they provide strong support for the presence of a mantle source component derived from the slab subducted at the coeval trench (by melting at the slab/wedge interface and/or during slab dehydration). Both F and B acted incompatibly in Deception Island magmas but there is significant variation in incompatible-element ratios such as K/F, K/B, P/F, P/B, which strongly suggests that the magmatic system was open to some or all of these elements during differentation. The variations in these ratios also provide evidence for the presence of at least two stages in the magmatic evolution of the volcano. During pre-caldera times, mafic magma was emplaced into the upper crust where it evolved and may have reacted with the crustal envelope, thus changing the contents of some or all of the elements F, B, K and P and their inter-element ratios. A later, large influx of hot, mafic magma into the chamber may have been responsible for a major eruption that ultimately led to the formation of the caldera. K/F, K/B, etc, ratios in the magma chamber were “reset” and subsequently continued to change, possibly by further crustal interaction during melt evolution in post-caldera times.  相似文献   

Experiments specifically devoted to problems of oversaturated peralkaline rocks have been primarily concerned with quartz + feldspar + liquid equilibria, and the determination of the low temperature liquids in the feldspar primary phase region. The results are brought together, and compared with natural compositions, by recalculating and plotting in the system Na2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2 (molecular). The minimum zone in the peralkaline quartz-feldspar cotectic is the synthetic analogue of most comendites and many pantellerites. Peralkaline trachytes and trachytic pantellerites appear to be the natural equivalents of synthetic low temperature liquids in the feldspar primary phase region, but the more peralkaline liquids cannot be a simple evolutionary series controlled only by feldspar fractionation. Experiments have yet to reveal the relating process (or processes) for the series pantelleritic trachyte to pantellerite. Feldspars separating from low temperature synthetic and natural liquids are usually Or35 ±5 i.e. equivalent to the composition range of the thermal minimum between the anorthoclase and sanidine solid solution loops in the alkali feldspar join. Such liquids may therefore be envisaged as the locus of compositions in the peralkaline system that are in equilibrium with alkali feldspar at the minimum in the solid solution series. Such feldspar, when it separates from the vast majority of peralkaline liquids is fractionating K2O and Al2O3, making the residual liquids more peralkaline and more sodic. Development of the peralkaline condition in natural liquids is commonly ascribed to the « plagioclase effect », but this creates its own dilemma by seeming to be effective only in liquids which are already distinctively alkaline. Furthermore it can only work in a low pressure regime. Examination of the high pressure melting curves of possible mantle minerals shows that acmitic pyroxenes have the lowest melting, in either hydrous or anhydrous conditions, especially at low partial pressures of oxygen. This provides a simple source control by which liquids will either be intrinsically peralkaline (if the melt volume is small) or inherit the potential for low pressure operation of the « plagioclase effect » (most basic magmas). Alkali transfer is well-attested in solid ? vapour experiments and in natural examples of metasomatic aureoles. The mobility of alkalis (and iron) must figure in any realistic scheme of peralkaline petrogenesis. This points up the need for experiments designed to meet the challenge ofopen system magmatism.  相似文献   

 Analysis of the petrochemical characters of the 1669 Etnean lavas shows that they can be grouped into two sets: SET1 lavas were erupted from 11 to 20 March and are more primitive in composition than SET2, erupted later until the end of activity. Both sets may be interpreted as the result of crystallization under different conditions of two primary magmas which are compositionally slightly distinct and which fractionate different volumetric proportions of minerals. To explain why more mafic lavas (SET1) were erupted earlier than more acid ones (SET2), we argue that new deeper magma rose up into a reservoir where residing magma was fractionating. Density calculations demonstrate that new magma is less dense and may originate a plume, rapidly rising through the residing magma which is cooler and more volatile-depleted than the new magma. Calculations of uprise velocity assuming laminar flow are consistent with this hypothesis. Received: 20 November 1995 / Accepted: 2 August 1996  相似文献   

本文在借鉴徐深气田以往地质建模成功经验基础上,针对徐深气田B区块火山体规模小、横向变化快、开发井少、认识程度较低的实际,密切结合火山岩成因特点,探索性地提出体控地质建模的新思路,即以地震反射特征和地震属性特征为依据,结合钻井、测井资料,井震结合从三维空间上精细识别和刻画火山岩体,通过利用神经网络算法建立多种地震属性与测井参数的定量关系,实现了火山岩体内部多种地质属性的定量表征,建立的三维可视化地质模型比较真实地反映了火山机构及其内部属性空间发育和分布特征.  相似文献   

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