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Germination inhibition of zoospores of the aquatic, brown algal macrophyte Ecklonia radiata was employed to assess the toxicity of sewage effluents under short to long term exposure and under modified salinity conditions. The rate of germination inhibition was determined for exposure times between 2 and 48 h in salinity modified and unmodified regimes and under reduced salinity conditions alone. The results indicated that rate of germination inhibition increased with duration of exposure to sewage effluents and to salinity reduction alone, and that response to the effluents may be enhanced under conditions of reduced salinity. Whilst the effect of primary treated effluent was primarily that of toxicity, secondary treated effluent effects appeared to be primarily that of reduced salinity although at a greater rate than would be expected for salinity reduction alone. The assay is suggested to provide a mechanism for monitoring sewage effluent quality and to monitor potential impacts of sewage effluent discharge on kelp communities in southern Australia.  相似文献   

The review focuses on the use of primary producers as a biological tool for evaluating the impact of damage by human activity (eutrophication, toxicity) on the aquatic environment. Studies are discussed following a reductionist approach by using algal bioassays (Selenastrum capricornutum). Variations of algal growth potential (AGP) within watersheds show the impact of human activities such as agriculture and urbanization, on water quality. The study of variation of the AGP in time allowed the investigation of the effect of abiotic (temperature, flow rate) and biotic factors (indigenous primary production) on the concentration of nutrients potentially available to phytoplankton. Seasonal changes of the AGP have further shown the impact of non-point (runoff) or point sources (sewage effluents) on the aquatic system. A staggered relationship was observed between AGP values and chlorophyll a content of indigenous phytoplankton. Values obtained in the laboratory by means of this type of approach would therefore appear to be transferably to natural systems. S. capricornutum was also used to identify toxic characteristics of substances (in pure form or used in formulations) and effluents released into the environment. It was shown that the user of bioassays should use care when evaluating results from tests requiring pretreatment such as storage, autoclaving and filtration. Cautious interpretation is also recommended in order to distinguish between effects of growth-limiting essential elements and the presence of toxic substances. In general it appears from this review that the AGP provides helpful information for a sound management of the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Cyanophyta was the dominant algal group in the effluents of Mathura Oil Refinery and its relative abundance decreased with the removal of pollutants; the composition of this group, however, never decreased below 60%. Some members of Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta were also recorded. Among the blue greens, Oscillatoria was the most abundant genus throughout and this is a reflection of the marked capability of this organism to withstand oil pollution. The diversity (d) of the algal community increased owing to the removal of oils and phenols in effluent treatment ponds. No marked seasonal variation in the abundance of various algal taxa and diversity was apparent. Even slight changes in the concentration of oil and phenol from 5.1 to 1.2 mg/l and 1.56 to 0.20 mg/l, respectively, resulted in an appreciable increase in diversity. The study reveals that algal community structural parameters like relative abundance and diversity could be, irrespective of the time of sampling, effectively used for monitoring the quality of effluents in oil refineries.  相似文献   

In many coastal cities around the world, marine outfalls are used for disposal of partially treated wastewater effluent. The combined use of land-based treatment and marine discharge can be a cost-effective and environmentally acceptable sewage strategy. Before 2001, screened sewage was discharged into Victoria Harbour through many small outfalls. After 2001, the Hong Kong Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) was implemented to improve the water quality in Victoria Harbour and surrounding waters. Stage I of HATS involved the construction of a 24 km long deep tunnel sewerage system to collect sewage from the densely populated urban areas of Hong Kong to a centralized sewage treatment plant at Stonecutters Island. A sewage flow of 1.4 million m3 d−1 receives Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT) followed by discharge via a 1.2 km long outfall 2 km west of the harbor. The ecosystem recovery in Victoria Harbour and the environmental response to sewage abatement after the implementation of HATS was studied using a 21-year data set from long term monthly water quality monitoring. Overall, the pollution control scheme has achieved the intended objectives. The sewage abatement has resulted in improved water quality in terms of a significant reduction in nutrients and an increase in bottom DO levels. Furthermore, due to the efficient tidal mixing and flushing, the impact of the HATS discharge on water quality in the vicinity of the outfall location is relatively limited. However, Chl a concentrations have not been reduced in Victoria Harbour where algal growth is limited by hydrodynamic mixing and water clarity rather than nutrient concentrations. Phosphorus removal in the summer is suggested to reduce the risk of algal blooms in the more weakly-flushed and stratified southern waters, while nutrient removal is less important in other seasons due to the pronounced role played by hydrodynamic mixing. The need for disinfection of the effluent to reduce bacterial (E. coli) concentrations to acceptable levels is also confirmed and has recently been implemented.  相似文献   

We investigated the presence and fate of 16 antibiotics belonging to seven groups (β-lactams, fluoroquinolones, macrolides, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, trimethoprim and amphenicols) in effluents of sewage plants and receiving waters in Hong Kong. Cefalexin, amoxicillin, ofloxacin and erythromycin-H2O were ubiquitous in sea water throughout Victoria Harbour, indicating continuous discharge to the environment. This is one of the few studies reporting the frequent occurrence of cefalexin and amoxicillin in sewage effluents and sea water (170-5070 and 64-1670 ng/L in sewage; 6.1-493 and 0.64-76 ng/L in sea water, respectively). Mass flows from seven sewage plants discharged an estimated total of 14.4 kg/day to the Harbour. Typhoon shelters also appeared to play an important role as sources of antibiotics, as evidenced by elevated concentrations within their boundaries. Mass balance estimations suggested significant quantities of antibiotics are discharged to the Harbour without passage through treatment plants.  相似文献   

Nitrate levels in the ground water of the Central Valley of Costa Rica have increased in relation to the past. Previous studies determined that the unseweved sanitation systems in the recharge areas are the main source of nitrogen. Calculations are made in this study to estimate the maximum population density allowable without improved sewage systems in order to keep the nitrogen levels in ground water below the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Results were achieved employing a mass balance that involved the concentration and rate of domestic effluents and the flow rate in the aquifer, as well as an estimation of the effects caused by the agricultural activity. It was concluded that, in general terms, the population density must not exceed 45 inhabitants per hectare. Otherwise, sewage systems and treatment plants are necessary. These conclusions provide a basis for urban growth planning, which will protect ground water quality. The method used in this case should apply to similar situations.  相似文献   

Present study has continued the investigation on distribution of mercury in estuarine sediments of Patos Lagoon which began whilst assessing the after-effect of enormous accidental discharge of sulfuric acid into the estuary. An attempt to evaluate the contribution of anthropogenic effluents on mercury pollution in sediments was undertaken. The effluents from Rio Grande City sewages were categorized into four groups based on their sources. Comparison of mercury concentrations from those, indicated that domestic effluent was prevalent. Apparent geographic controls of effluent locations enriched in mercury on zones of polluted estuarine sediments were also revealed. Insufficient control on waste collecting and absence of sewage treatment are considered the principal causes of mercury pollution in estuarine sediments.  相似文献   

Using the Taw Estuary as an example, data routinely collected by the Environment Agency for England and Wales over the period 1990-2004 were interrogated to identify the drivers of excessive algal growth. The estuary was highly productive with chlorophyll concentrations regularly exceeding 100 μg L−1, mostly during periods of low freshwater input from the River Taw when estuarine water residence times were longest. However, algal growth in mid estuary was often inhibited by ammonia inputs from the adjacent sewage treatment works. The reported approach demonstrates the value of applying conventional statistical analyses in a structured way to existing monitoring data and is recommended as a useful tool for the rapid assessment of eutrophication. However, future estuarine monitoring should include the collection of dissolved organic nutrient data and targeted high temporal resolution data because the drivers of eutrophication are complex and often very specific to a particular estuary.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,65(12):2671-2680
Microalgal blooms can result from anthropogenic nutrient loadings in coastal ecosystems. However, differentiating sources of nutrients remains a challenge. The response of phytoplankton and benthic microalgae (BMA) to nutrient loads was compared across tropical tidal creeks with and without secondary treated sewage. Primary productivity in the water column was limited by nitrogen availability in absence of sewage, with nitrogen saturation in the presence of sewage. Phytoplankton primary productivity rates and chlorophyll a concentrations increased in response to sewage, and there was a greater response than for BMA. There was no change in algal pigment proportions within the phytoplankton or BMA communities. Concentrations of the sewage marker, coprostanol, were higher near sewage discharge points decreasing downstream, correlating with a decline in nutrient concentrations. This suggests that sewage was the main source of nitrogen and phosphorus. This study highlights the scale and type of response of algal communities to sewage nutrients.  相似文献   

Localized pollution of coral reef areas is occurring at Aqaba, Red Sea, as a result of sewage discharge, and as a result of spillage of phosphate dust during loading of phosphate mineral onto ships. The rate of death of colonies of the coral Stylophora pistillata was found to be 4–5 times as great in the polluted area as in a control area. Coral damage in the control area is generally caused by grazing or by extreme low tide, but the cause of coral death in the polluted area was not readily apparent. The growth of algae, both on the damaged corals, and on glass slides placed out in the reef, was greatly stimulated in the polluted area, but it appeared that such algal growth was not the direct cause of coral death. Corals in the polluted area may be under stress because of reduced light intensity, inhibition of calcification by excess phosphate, and increased sediment load. It was found that in the polluted area there was a greater weight of sediment settling on the glass slides for a given weight of algae. But in addition, since algal growth was faster in the polluted area, the sediment load was increased by the sediment trapping capacity of the enhanced algal growth. Thus it is suggested that increased algal growth stimulated by increased nutrient concentrations may be important in greatly increasing the sediment load experienced by corals.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can be used as tracers of long-term integrated flow of comtaminants in the sea. They have been used to map the distribution of effluents from sewage outfalls on the southern Greek coast.  相似文献   

While NTA or iron may stimulate phytoplankton photosynthesis on a short-term basis in the mesotrophic Lake of Lucerne, they impede this process in the eutrophic Greifensee. After a few days, however, this reaction tapers off. It is therefore highly unlikely that iron enters into play as a growth-limiting factor; the iron which inevitably gets into lakes through wastewater treatment plant effluents as a result of tertiary treatment (precipitation with Fe3+) will not have a long-term stimulating effect on plankton production. Both iron-through adsorption-and NTA-through chelation—reduce the supply of free ions of various metals, especially copper. Since, on the one hand, these free ions are needed for plankton growth and, on the other, have a toxic effect even in small quantities (μg/l), the medium can, through addition of iron or NTA, be disintoxicated or the trace metals limited, with corresponding increase or curtailment of algal production. The different patterns for the two lakes examined can be explained by the influence of the natural organic materials, found in each particular lake, on the free ions.  相似文献   

The algae were cultivated in an outdoor cultivation unit in waste water from sewage treatment plant processing city sewage and largescale hoggery effluent. The cultivation area (2m2) had a slant of 3% and the suspension layer thickness was about 5 cm. The total suspension volume in the cultivation device was 150 I. Mass balance served us for derivation of formulas for the average rate of algal biomass production and for the extent of nutrient removal from waste water. Experiments showed a considerable effect of dilution rate on individual parameters in these formulas. The removal of nitrogen and phosphorus is optimal at a dilution rate of 0.3 day?1 whereas optimum biomass production lies at about 0.1 day?1. The nitrogen and phosphorus yield coefficient Y (g biomass/g element) are practically identical, both of them depending on dilution rate. The effect of the dilution rate on other characteristics of the effluent water has not yet been unambiguously proved. The results are shown of bacteriological and mycological examinations, in addition, of the chemical analysis of resulting algal biomass.  相似文献   

A general survey of the various polluted environs e.g., (i) The cement factory, (ii) The aluminium factory; (iii) The fertilizer factory; (iv) Dairy waste, and (v) Township sewage, has been made with a view to studying the distribution, dominance and diversity of algal communities growing therein. This study has revealed that the algal community structure along with physico-chemical factors can be best used for the assessment of water pollution. Oscillatoria has been found dominant in all those polluted environs containing a high amount of nitrogen and phosphorus, thereby indicating that this alga is tolerant to organic pollution. However, a sparse vegetation of algae as recorded in other situations is indicative of either a poor nutrient status of the habitat or the presence of some growth inhibitory substances.  相似文献   

Alkylbenzenes, molecular markers of sewage, were measured in 34 green mussels collected from India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Philippines together with blue mussels collected from Tokyo Bay, Japan. Linear alkylbenzene (LAB) concentrations in South and South East Asian countries ranged from 10 to 1640 ng-∑LAB/g-dry tissue. In some populous cities, LAB concentrations were similar or higher than those found in northern Tokyo Bay which is heavily impacted by sewage effluents. I/E ratios (a ratio of internal to external isomers of LABs) in the South and South East Asian countries (1–3) were much lower than those in Tokyo Bay (3–8), indicating sewage discharged in the coastal zone is poorly treated (e.g., raw sewage and/or primary effluents). Alkylbenzenes with branched alkyl chains, tetrapropylene-based alkylbenzenes, were also detected in mussels from Indonesia and Philippines. This “tell-tale” sign indicates that poorly degradable detergents are still in use in this area, although they have long been phased-out in many industrialized countries.  相似文献   

At the present time there are approximately 160 million gallons per day of municipal sewage being discharged into the waters off the southeastern coast of Florida. Present in these sewage effluents are human pathogenic viruses whose fate in marine waters is not completely understood. Virus surveillance in waters receiving domestic wastewater discharge has concentrated on estuarine areas where water quality and depth are significantly different from the deep marine outfalls. Using the membrane filter adsorption technique, viruses were detected in the vicinity of deep marine outfalls discharging both raw and chlorinated, secondarily treated sewage.  相似文献   

The occurrence and concentration of the fuel additive methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) were measured in dry weather runoff, municipal wastewater and industrial effluents, and coastal receiving waters in southern California. Combined, refineries and sewage treatment plants release approximately 214 kg day(-1) of MTBE into the marine environment, with Santa Monica Bay receiving most (98%) of this discharge. Dry weather urban runoff was analysed for samples collected from 25 streams and rivers, and accounted for less than 0.5% of the mass of MTBE discharged to coastal waters. Receiving water samples were collected from 23 stations in Santa Monica Bay, Los Angeles Harbour and Mission Bay or San Diego Bay. MTBE was detected at low concentrations near effluent discharges, however there was no evidence of baywide MTBE contamination related to these outfalls. Marinas and areas used intensively for recreational boating had the highest average MTBE concentration (8.8 microg l(-1)). Surface water contamination was most widespread in San Diego Bay and Mission Bay, areas with no refinery or sewage treatment plant inputs.  相似文献   

夏季滇池和入滇河流氮、磷污染特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为探讨滇池入湖河流水体营养盐空间分布特征及其对滇池水体富营养化的影响,2014年7月采集了入滇4类典型河流(城市纳污型河流、城乡结合型河流、农田型河流、村镇型河流)及滇池水样,分析其氮、磷浓度.结果表明:4条入湖河流总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、硝态氮和氨氮污染均较严重;河流水体中TN、TP平均浓度大小为:农田型河流(大河)村镇型河流(柴河)城乡结合型河流(宝象河)城市纳污型河流(盘龙江),其中农田型河流(大河)水体TN、TP污染最为严重;在夏季,4条入湖河流水体中TN、TP浓度从上游向下游增加趋势比较明显,表明氮、磷沿河流不断富集;氮磷比分析表明,夏季河流输入氮、磷营养盐有利于藻类的生长,并且滇池浮游植物生长主要受TN浓度限制;夏季滇池南部入湖河流水体的TN、TP浓度高于北部入湖河流,该特征与滇池水体中TN、TP污染分布状况相反,推测滇池北部富营养化的主要影响因素是内源释放.因此,在今后的滇池水体富营养化研究中,应对滇池内源释放进行深入研究.  相似文献   

In 1995, Sydney Water Corporation undertook an ecological and human health risk assessment for 10 sewage treatment plants (STPs) that discharge primary (6 STPs) and secondary (4 STPs) treated effluents into coastal waters in the Sydney and Illawarra regions, NSW, Australia. A program of toxicity testing of effluent from the 10 STPs was undertaken to determine the toxic effects of the effluents and as a weight-of-evidence study for the risk assessment.

Three types of bioassays were used to test multiple samples of effluent from each STP. Tests used were the sea urchin (Heliocidaris tuberculata) fertilization and larval development bioassays and the amphipod (Allorchestes compressa) survival bioassay.

Comparing between STPs, primary treated effluent was slightly more toxic than secondary treated effluent for all three tests. The highest toxicity was recorded for those STPs that use primary treatment and discharge to the shoreline. Comparing between tests, the sea urchin fertilization bioassay was slightly more sensitive than the sea urchin larval development bioassay, with the amphipod survival bioassay being the least sensitive.

This paper will describe the results of this toxicity testing program and discuss the application of the study results as weight-of-evidence for the risk assessment study.  相似文献   

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