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In order to measure the density of rocks in the Phlacgraean and Vesuvius edifices, appropriately chosen indirect methods, based on a strict relationship between gravity and density, enabled useful data to be obtained. The data can be related to the particular lithological formations of the above volcanic complexes.  相似文献   

Petrological and geochemical data on dredged samples from five submarine volcanos northwest of Samoa indicate that three of these volcanos belong to the Samoan volcanic province (Field, Lalla Rookh, and Combe banks), and two belong to separate magmatic zones (Wallis Islands and Alexa Bank). The Samoan volcanic province increases in age westward and both shield-building tholeiitic and alkalic lavas (Combe Bank) and strongly undersaturated (post-erosional?) melilitites or nephelinites and ankaramites (Field and Lalla Rookh banks) are present. The age progression and petrochemical character of these rocks is consistent with a fixed hotspot beneath eastern Samoa. Slightly askew from this trend is Alexa Bank where dredged lavas are ocean-island tholeiites; however, its radiometric age and compositional characteristics apparently preclude its association with Samoa by a fixed-hotspot model. Dredged volcanic rocks from near the Wallis Islands are geochemically, petrologically, and temporally different from Samoan volcanism, but are similar in these respects to Quaternary volcanism in Rotuma and Fiji and may be related to plate reorganization accompanying opening of the North Fiji Basin.  相似文献   

1) Petrochemical studies of volcanic rocks shows that alkaline rocks of continents and oceans are different genetically in spite of their mineralogical and chemical similarity. 2) Oceanic rocks develop according to the following type: tholeiitic basalt — olivine basalt — alkaline rocks. 3) Continental alkaline rocks are derivatives of initially alkaline basalts and are connected by gradual transitions with calc-alkaline rocks of island arcs. 4) The source of all volcanic rocks is the upper mantle. Therefore the existence of two main types of rocks — oceanic and continental — reflects basic heterogeneities in composition and structure of the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Ceboruco is a major composite volcano at the western end of the Mexican Volcanic Belt, near the junction between the North American and Pacific plates. The volcano is built from successive eruptions of andesite lavas and pyroclastic rocks, and major eruptions during its history have resulted in the formation of two concentric calderas. The youngest volcanic activity has included the extrusion of dacites within the inner caldera and a voluminous flank eruption of andesite during 1870–72. Fumarolic activity persists to the present day. Chemical analyses show that the lavas are of cale-alkaline type and rangs from andesite (SiO2=58–61%) to acid dacite (SiO2=68%) in composition. The rate of increase of K2O relative to SiO is greater than that in volcanic rocks from the Mexican Volcanic Belt as a whole. This indicates that simple models based on the application of such relationships may not be adequate to explain the petrogenesis of calc-alkaline lavas.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes the geochemical and petrogenetic aspects of an investigation of late Tertiary to Recent volcanic rocks in the Amboseli area of southern Kenya. A study of chemical variations in the Amboseli and Kilimanjaro lavas distinguishes a mildly alkaline series (alkali olivine basalts, trachybasalts/trachyandesites, trachytes, rhomb porphyries and phonolites) from a strongly alkaline series embracing subordinate nephelinitic, phonolitic and tephritic lavas. The two series probably evolved independently from a source in the mantle. A comparison of Kilimanjaro with other East African volcanoes shows that the focus of strongly alkaline volcanicity moved from eastern Uganda and western Kenya to northern Tanzania at the end of Miocene times. The Pliocene to Recent centres near the Kenya-Tanzania border show evidence of decreasing alkalinity from a western zone of nephelinite-phonolite volcanoes to an eastern region in which central volcanoes are characterized by the association of strongly and mildly alkaline suites.  相似文献   

The volcanic centre of Monte Seda Oro, N. W. Sardinia, representative of a Cenozoic calc-alkaline andesitic suite of rocks is composed of a variety of rocks ranging from high alumina basalts to dacites. The minerals of basaltic, andesitic and dacitic rocks show only limited variation in chemical composition. The geochemical data suggest that the various rock-types are related by a crystal-liquid fractionation. Least-squate numerical calculations, using major element data, support the derivation of andesites with SiO3 content ranging from 53.8 to 59.0% from basalts having about 48.7% of SiO2 by low pressure crystal fractionation of the phenocryst phases present in these rocks. However, the origin of dacites cannot be readily explained by this mechanism.  相似文献   

More than two hundred new analyses of basaltic rocks from the Canary Islands are presented. The available data show that the earlier successions have similar variation trends throughout the archipelago; these trends represent all the intermediate types between basic differentiates (oceanites, ankaramites) and more salic differentiates (trachy-basalts, hawaiites). In the more recent volcanic series, the study shows that there is a magmatic diversification with different variation trends in the Eastern than in the Central Canary Islands. In the latter the alkaline character becomes stronger in the successive periods of volcanic activity which have been established in each island. In the Eastern islands the basaltic evolution is, on the contrary, towards basaltic rocks with tholeiitic affinities.  相似文献   

A summary of the available data on the peralkaline rocks of S. Pietro and S. Antioco islands, together with, new chemical analyses and some preliminary K-Ar ages are reported. Peralkaline rocks occur as ignimbrites, lava flows and domes usually deeply affected by hydrothermal alteration. Pantelleritic varieties are found within the dominantly comenditic association, which display K2O contents higher than Na2O ones. K-Ar data indicate that these peralkaline rocks have a middle Miocene age (? 15 m.y.). They occur in close field association with coheval andesitic and subalkaline acid volcanics belonging to the final products of the Tertiary calc-alkaline volcanic cicle of Sardinia.  相似文献   

Surveys of near-event seismic activity were made at two principal locations in the Cascade Range in Oregon during the summers of 1969 and 1970. A tripartite array of ultrasensitive high frequency seismometers was deployed about 7.5 km north of the Mt. Hood summit with one of the 1-km legs oriented broadside to the dormant volcano. Seismometers were emplaced over olivine andesite flows associated with the Pinnacle, one of the parasitic cones formed on the flanks of the strato-volcano. During 16 days of operation on the north slope, 53 near events were recorded, most of which originated within the upper crust and were associated with the north-south trending zone of the Cascade Range. Event magnitudes for these near events range from ?1.7 to +1.8 and determination of b-values in the Gutenberg-Richter relationship was ?0.80, indicating a probable tectonic mechanism for the shocks. During the late summer of 1970, a four-station array was operated at Crater Lake Park about 13 km south-southwest of the caldera rim. In addition, an ultraportable outlier station was operated at two locations north of the caldera that resulted from the collapse of ancient Mt. Mazama some 6,600 years ago. Only a limited number of near events with S-P intervals of 4 sec or less were detected at Crater Lake; a larger number were recorded with S-P intervals longer than 4 sec. Event epicenters for the Crater Lake area are broadly distributed in azimuth, indicating the complex structure underlying the Cascade Range in southern Oregon. Crater Lake is located astride the broad upwarp of crystalline pre-Cenozoic rocks believed to extend northeast from the Klamath Mountains to the Ochoco Uplift of central Oregon. Major regional structural trends are also shown by the north-south trending belts of the Cascade volcanoes, probably related to deep fracture zones, and by the northeast-trending shear zones that exist in the Basin and Range province to the southeast of Crater Lake. Regional gravity and aeromagnetic surveys indicate that Crater Lake lies at the intersection of these zones that probably provided the conduits for the rise of magma that ultimately led to the collapse of Mt. Mazma and the formation of Crater Lake. Epicenters for near events recorded at this juncture do not reflect these linear trends and, indeed, a generally smaller incidence of near-event activity was recorded at Crater Lake than was recorded at Mt. Hood. Magnitudes for Crater Lake events with S-P intervals of 4 sec or more range from +0.25 to +2.19, and an examination of the relationship between cumulative frequency and magnitude for these events yields a b-value in the Gutenberg-Richter relationship of ?1.16, indicating the events at Crater Lake, like those detected at Mt. Hood, are associated with tectonic rather than volcanic sources. Events for which depth determinations were made show these sources to be within the crust, occurring in the upper 10 km of the earth’s crust. The relatively low incidence of small magnitude near events within the Oregon Cascade Range shows the aseismicity of the mountain chain which is consistent with the low incidence of earthquakes of a magnitude of 4.5 or greater detected for the volcanic range. The volcanoes of the Cascade Range in Oregon are dormant, and only small numbers of shocks are now being generated, probably from isostatic adjustments within the crust. The Cascade volcanic range, which once was a seismically active island are chain associated with subduction zones off the northwestern coast of America, has moved into a passive phase in which most seismic activity in western Oregon now occurs along the ridge and fracture zones offshore and within the Willamette Downwarp west of the dormant chain.  相似文献   

The 10-km diameter Mule Creek caldera is the youngest felsic eruptive center in the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field of southwestern New Mexico. The caldera forms a topographic basin surrounded by a raised rim. The caldera wall is well displayed on the south and west sides of the structure where it dips 20–30 degrees toward the center of the basin. Mudflow breccia fills the caldera and is banked up against the caldera wall. Post-caldera porphyritic quartz latite domes and flows crop out along the ring-fracture zone. The caldera is superimposed upon an older volcanic complex of flow-banded rhyolite and porphyritic andesite lava. The Mule Creek caldera probably originated by explosive eruption of about 10 km3 of pumice and ash, in part preserved in the matrix of the mudflow breccia. Periods of explosive volcanism during the deposition of mudflow breccia are documented by tuffaceous beds interbedded with the breccia. A thin rhyolite ash-flow sheet originated in the caldera and overlies the mudflow breccia. The youngest felsic rocks around the caldera are (1) domes and flows of crystal-rich porphyritic quartz latite of variable mineralogy, interpreted as a defluidized magma, and (2) widespread crystal-poor, flow-banded rhyolite, dated at 18.6 m.y., which is not directly related to the caldera sequence. The Mule Creek caldera and other volcanic features farther south represent the only documented overlap of felsic volcanism with early stages of Basin-Range tectonism in the Mogollon-Datil field.  相似文献   

Tanna, one of the southernmost islands of the New Hebrides volcanic arc, is made of Late Pliocene to Recent island arc tholeiitic basalts and andesites, with SiO2 contents ranging from 45 to 57%. These lavas are highly porphyritic (30–50% in volume): phenocrysts of plagioclase are the most abundant, together with olivine and clinopyroxene. The groundmass contain plagioclase, augite, olivine, magnetite and glass; pigeonite, tridymite, sanidine and, rarely, biotite may also occur. The olivines and clinopyroxenes show an iron enrichment from the cores of phenocrysts to their rims and the groundmass crystals, but their compositional variations are not correlated with the Mg/Fe ratio of bulk host rocks, the most Fe-rich compositions being found in Mg-rich lavas. Plagioclase compositions range from An95 to An60 in the basalts and An60 to An50 in the andesites, but, within each group, they are not correlated with SiO2 or Na2O contents of host lavas. Consequently, the bulk major element compositions of Tanna volcanic rocks cannot be considered as primarily controlled by crystal separation from successive liquids. The oxyde-SiO2 variations diagrams, and the modal compositions and mineral chemistry show that crystal accumulation is the predominant mechanism accounting for bulk rock compositions. However, this does not exclude fractional crystallization: the variation of the calculated groundmass mineralogy strongly suggest the occurrence of crystal removal mainly clinopyroxene and magnetite.  相似文献   

The temperature of the Crater Lake of the active volcano Ruapelm has been recorded by Temperature Telemetry Buoys, to determine if lake temperature is correlated with volcanic activity. These buoys had to be specially designed to cope with the unfavourable environment of Crater Lake. A buoy contains a thermistor to measure the lake temperature, and a radio transmitter to transmit a short signal every few minutes, the interval between signals being a function of temperature. The temperature records obtained from these buoys show that the temperature near the lake surface can vary considerably within a few hours. Some of these variations appear to be caused by disturbances in convective heat transfer occurring in the lake. The occurrence of these short term temperature variations means that there is no simple relation between Crater Lake temperatures and the volcanic activity of Ruapehu. Some rapid increases in temperature followed volcanic earthquakes, but one of the biggest increases in temperature occurred just before a group of earthquakes upder the lake.  相似文献   

Six new analyses of young basaltic rocks from the Bayuda field show the predominant rock types to be strongly undersaturated basanites and nepheline trachybasalts. Both types are believed to represent magmas of deep-seated origin. Similar rocks are widely distributed in north-east Africa but mildly alkaline to tholeiitic basalts were erupted along the eastern margin of the continent in early and late Cainozoic times, whereas along the Tripoli-Tibesti zone to the west mildly alkaline basalts were probably confined to the early Tertiary. The Tripoli-Tibesti zone was one of uplift and strongly tensional tectonics in the late Mesozoic and early Cainozoic, and at this time may have been a line of potential lithospheric rifting, but a period of quiescence followed and resurgence of activity in the late Cainozoic produced weaker tensional structures and more strongly alkaline basic magmas. The region between these two main zones of activity was characterized throughout by intermittent alkaline volcanicity and weak tectonism. Neverthless, fracture zones which apparently controlled the volcanicity are beginning to be recognized in this area. It is argued that African volcanic activity is related to linear, rather than circumscribed, areas of mantle activity. Possible connections with epeirogenic movements within the Alpine orogenic belt appear to have been neglected in the debate on the causes of African igneous activity.  相似文献   

Pumiceous pyroclastic products are present as flows and falls at several stages of the evolution of the southern Guadeloupe volcanic island. An understanding of this volcanism had to rely on detailed petrochemical data of these products to complement similar data for effusive rocks so as to yield complete stratigraphical coverage. On the other hand most pumiceous rocks are more or less conspicuousily banded suggesting that mixing phenomena occurred to different degrees in their genesis. Three major classes of pumiceous products are found: (1) the Axial Chain deposits (2.0–0.5 My) are characterized by An90, 75-55 + En55 + Wo42En37 + Usp35-37 ± Fo68 ± Hble, SiO2 60%, SiO2/Th 35.6, and La/Th 3.9. Banded samples have components that differ in evolution indices by about 50%; (2) the Bouillante Chaine pyroclastics (0.3–0.1 My) consist of scattered deposits with variable mineralogical and geochemical compositions that seem to have erupted from a number of small eruptive centers. Qz-dacitic pumice is common with An90, 70-45 + En66-56 + Usp32-38 + Ilm94 + Hble ± Wo40-42En40-42, SiO2 62%, SiO2/Th 22.9, and La/Th >4. Mixed pumice samples have highly contrasted evolution indices differing by up to 120%; (3) the Pintade pumice flows and falls correspond to the major pyroclastic event (approx. 10 km3) in the southern Basse Terre area. They are characterized by An85-70 + En66-56 + Usp32-37 ± Wo42En42, SiO2/Th 18.7-22?6, and La/Th 3.0-4.0. Banded pumice lumps are scarce and show slight compositional contrasts; differences in evolution indices do not exceed 38%. Axial and Bouillante chain pyroclastics and Grande Découverte volcano pumice respectively, form two different families in trace element plots. Minor elements in pyroxenes also are distinctive. These trends are similar to those obtained for effusive rocks and define comagmatic series. Major and trace element data for the separated components of inhomogeneous pumice in each formation always plot in the corresponding series. These chemical discriminants can be used to attribute samples of unknown provenance to a given volcanic ensemble. An inverse relationship between differences in evolution indices in inhomegeneous pumice and the volume of any single eruptive sequence is noted. This is an indication that pumiceous pyroclastic rocks were erupted from a zoned magma chamber. We favor an interpretation where zonation is produced by influx of less envolved magma in superficial differentiated chambers which is a direct cause for eruption.  相似文献   

Tertiary volcanic rocks of Carriacou occupy two-thirds of the island. The volcanics include volcaniclastics, lava flows and dome lavas and range in composition from basalts to andesites. Carriacou basalts fall into two petrographic types (a) clinopyroxene-plagioclase-phyric basalts and (b) olivine microphyric basalts; the latter having higher MgO and lower Al2O3 than the clinopyroxene basalts. Both types are unusually rich in mafic minerals compared with Lesser Antilles basalts in general, although similar types have been reported from the nearby island of Grenada. The potash to silica ratios are relatively high and confirm the similarity between Carriacou and Grenada basalts and the differences between these basalts and basalts from other islands of the Lesser Antilles. The basaltic andesites and andesites from Carriacou correspond closely in mineralogical and chemical composition with typical andesites found elsewhere in the Lesser Antilles. The geochemistry of the volcanics shows that the olivine microphyric basalts display tholeiitic affinities whereas the clinopyroxeneplagioclase-phyric basalt, basaltic andesites and andesites are calcalkaline. The compositional gradation in both the geochemistry and mineralogy of these volcanics suggests that fractional crystallization played an important role in the derivation of the various magma.  相似文献   

Preliminary data on major elements, Cs, Ba, Rb, Pb, Sr, REE, Y, Th, U, Zr, Ht, Sn, Nb, W, Mo, Cr, V, Sc, Ni, Co and Cu contents for eight samples coming from the Upper Cretaceous volcanic belt of the Pontic Chain (Northern Turkey) are reported. SiO, versus K2O relationship shows that the analyzed samples belong to the calc-alkaline and shoshonite series. The calc-alkaline rocks appear to represent two distinct magma types one close in composition to typical island are calc-alkaline magmas and one with high incompatible elements concentration and tractionated heavy REE patterns which suggest a genesis by partial melting at high pressure with a garnet bearing residue. Shoshonitic rocks show Na2O/K2O close to one, high incompatible elements concentration, and TiO2%. Al2O3%, Ni and Co contents, Ni/Co and V/Ni ratios and REE patterns similar to typical island are andesites which suggest for these rocks similar genetical processes as the island are calc-alkaline magmas.  相似文献   

Greenrocks are very common in the Tananao Schist of eastern Taiwan where the known fossils are of Permian in age. Fourty-four greenrock samples were chemically analysed and their magma types studied. The chemical composition of the greenrocks have marked variation common in volcanic rock series. The greater parts of the greenrocks belong to basalt and a smaller portion to basaltic andesite (SiO2 53 %–58 %). They are probably isochemical with their original igneous rocks except for volatile components. No striking Fe-enrichment exists in a MgO-ΣFeO-(Na2O=K2O) diagram. Based on (Na2O=K2O)-Al2O3-SiO2 diagrams afterKuno (1960), the parent magma of the rocks mostly belong to the high-alumina basalt series and only a few to alkali olivine basalt series. The high-alumina basalt can be looked upon as having an incipient trend for the calc-alkaline or the hypersthene series ofKuno (1959). The average K/Rb ratio of 460, the average TiO2 percentage of 1.5 %, and low K2O of around 0.5 % seem to warrant a conclusion that the basaltic rocks were poured out in the upper Paleozoic eugeosyncline on an embryonic continental crust. Considering the rock association of amphibolite plus serpentine (dismembered ophiolite), meta-graywacke, metachert, crystalline limestone, metaarkose, and metabasites in the Tananao Schist, the most probable site for the eugeosyncline may been an extensional trough near the fragmented paleo-Asiatic margin.  相似文献   

The rhyodactic O’Leary Porphyry which forms the Pleistocene (0.233±0.37 m.y.) volcanic domes of O’Leary Peak and Darton Dome in the San Francisco Volcanic Field (northern Arizona, U.S.A.) contains sanidine phenocrysts with oligoclase mantles (rapakivi texture). Rapakivi texture occurs worldwide in silicic rocks of many ages and has been attributed to various igneous and metamorphic processes. The O’Leary Porphyry contains both mantled and unmantled sanidine (both are Or63–69 Ab30–36An1), oligoclase and quartz phenocrysts, labradorite (An53Ab45Or2) and kaersutite xenocrysts and andesite xenoliths. The compositional range of oligoclase is the same (An11–26Ab70–80Orr–10) for the rapakivi mantles, the oligoclase phenocrysts, and the oligoclase crystals poikilitic within sanidines. Most mantles are discontinuous. The sanidine appears to have been resorbed prior to mantling. Experimental melting studies on the O’Leary Prophyry show that, for a 15 wgt.% water system, plagioclase crystallized prior to sanidine and quartz crystallized last. The O’Leary Porphyry, although inhomogeneous, plots on a Q-Or-Ab-An diagram well within the plagioclase stability field. Poikilitic plagioclases within sanidines further support crystallization of plagioclase prior to sanidine in the O’Leary Porphyry. Exsolution of a ternary feldspar to form a plagioclase mantle is the most commonly accepted igneous theory of rapakivi texture formation but has been eliminated as the origin of the O’Leary Porphyry rapakivi. Petrologic models by Tuttle and Bowen and by Stewart are rejected for the O’Leary rapakivi because of inconsistencies with the O’Leary occurrences. Two theories are viable for the O’Leary rapakivi texture. First, is a decrease in water vapor pressure which would enlarge the plagioclase stability field possibility causing mantling of metastable sanidines. The second and preferred theory is that of an addition of sodium and calcium by basification (chemical assimilation without melting) of the xenoliths within the O’Leary Porphyry. This would move the bulk composition of the melt into the plagioclase field possibly resulting in crystallization of plagioclase on sanidine crystals. Diffusion of sodium and calcium from the xenoliths to sanidine would result in mantling only those crystals near to the xenoliths. Later, convection would result in distribution throughout the melt of rapakivi, unmantled sanidines, and xenolithic kaersutite as is seen in the porphyry. Basic xenoliths are extremely common in rapakivi-bearing rocks. Those within the O’Leary Porphyry are andesitic and show resorption, and in some areas of O’Leary Peak itself, have been drawn out into schlieren.  相似文献   

The Witu Islands are Quaternary volcanoes that overlie the deepest (about 300–580 km) part of the New Britain Benioff zone. The islands are about 100 km south of the transcurrent-divergent plate boundary that crosses the Bismarck Sea, and they surmount the southeastern end of the Willaumez-Manus Rise. The rocks are olivine- and quartz-normative tholeiitic basalts, low- and high-SiO2 andesites, dacites, and rhyolites. Alkaline rocks that overlie the deep (greater than 300 km) parts of other Benioff zones have not been found in the Witu Islands. Compared to the Witu Islands rocks, those with similar SiO2 contents from New Britain volcanoes that overlie progressively shallower parts of the Benioff zone to the south, are, for example, generally poorer in Na+K, Ti, and P, and higher in Ca and Al. There are similar progressive changes in trace-element abundances, but Zr and Nb contents are distinctly richer in Witu Islands rocks.87Sr/86Sr values range between 0.70311 and 0.7038, which are typical for rocks from New Britain as a whole and from other island arcs in the southwest Pacific. Two143Nd/144Nd values of 0.512211 and 0.512271, taken together with the Sr isotopic results, define a source region equivalent to those for oceanic-island basalts; there is no evidence for sea-water contamination of the sources. Perhaps the most striking feature of the Witu Islands rocks is their compositional diversity. Basalts range from olivine tholeiites similar to marginal-basin basalts from other areas, to quartz tholeiites similar in most respects to those typical of island arcs, and to incompatible-element-enriched tholeiites that are close to silica-undersaturation. Andesites on Unea Island have a strong island-arc signature, but the andesites, dacites, and rhyolite of Garove Island have some features that may be more in common with the silica-oversaturated rocks of oceanic areas. The mineralogy of Witu Islands basalts is characterised by phenocrysts of olivine (Fo89-54), plagioclase (An90-55) and Ca-augite. Cr-Al-rich spinels and aluminous magnetites are present as inclusions in some olivine phenocrysts. Groundmass fayalite, alkali feldspar, and dacitic to rhyolitic glasses high in K/Na are found in a few samples. In contrast to basalts from volcanoes above the shallower parts of the New Britain Benioff zone, those of the Witu Islands are characterised by rarity of low-Ca pyroxene, as phenocrysts or in the groundmass. Rocks richer in SiO2 are characterised by the presence of orthopyroxene phenocrysts and lesser amounts of olivine. Hydrous minerals appear to be absent. Groundmass Fe-Ti oxides define crystallisation temperatures (about 800–1050°C) and oxygen fugacities (fO2) corresponding to those of the Ni-NiO buffer, but up to two fO2 log units above it. The suite as a whole is phenocryst-poor compared to most New Britain volcanic rocks. A significant degree of mantle heterogeneity is inferred by the chemical variability of the Witu Islands rocks. However, there are no compelling reasons in support of the interpretation that source heterogeneity is due to the effect of a slab-derived component. The cause of the heterogeneity is unclear, but may be due to mantle differentiation processes related to an anomalous tectonic setting.  相似文献   

Talat  Ahmad  Kabita C.  Longjam  Baishali  Fouzdar  Mike J.  Bickle  Hazel J.  Chapman 《Island Arc》2009,18(1):155-174
The Sakoli Mobile Belt comprises bimodal volcanic rocks that include metabasalt, rhyolite, tuffs, and epiclastic rocks with metapelites, quartzite, arkose, conglomerate, and banded iron formation (BIF). Mafic volcanic rocks are tholeiitic to quartz‐tholeiitic with normative quartz and hypersthene. SiO2 shows a large compositional gap between the basic and acidic volcanics, depicting their bimodal nature. Both the volcanics have distinct geochemical trends but display some similarity in terms of enriched light rare earth element–large ion lithophile element characteristics with positive anomalies for U, Pb, and Th and distinct negative anomalies for Nb, P, and Ti. These characteristics are typical of continental rift volcanism. Both the volcanic rocks show strong negative Sr and Eu anomalies indicating fractionation of plagioclases and K‐feldspars, respectively. The high Fe/Mg ratios for the basic rocks indicate their evolved nature. Whole rock Sm–Nd isochrons for the acidic volcanic rocks indicate an age of crystallization for these volcanic rocks at about 1675 ± 180 Ma (initial 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51017 ± 0.00017, mean square weighted deviate [MSWD] = 1.6). The εNdt (t = 2000 Ma) varies between ?0.19 and +2.22 for the basic volcanic rock and between ?2.85 and ?4.29 for the acidic volcanic rocks. Depleted mantle model ages vary from 2000 to 2275 Ma for the basic and from 2426 to 2777 Ma for the acidic volcanic rocks, respectively. These model ages indicate that protoliths for the acidic volcanic rocks probably had a much longer crustal residence time. Predominantly basaltic magma erupted during the deposition of the Dhabetekri Formation and part of it pooled at crustal or shallower subcrustal levels that probably triggered partial melting to generate the acidic magma. The influence of basic magma on the genesis of acidic magma is indicated by the higher Ni and Cr abundance at the observed silica levels of the acidic magma. A subsequent pulse of basic magma, which became crustally contaminated, erupted as minor component along with the dominantly acidic volcanics during the deposition of the Bhiwapur Formation.  相似文献   

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