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在我们全面完成“十五”目标,满怀信心跨入“十一五”的时候,我局2006年工作会暨“十五”表彰会今天开幕了。这次会议将总结2005年和“十五”时期的主要工作,讨论“十一五”发展规划,部署今年的工作。下面,我代表局党组作工作报告。 相似文献
同志们:这次会议就要结束了,我对会议作一个简要总结。昨天上午,建设部会同人事部对全国建设系统先进集体、劳动模范、先进工作者和精神文明建设先进单位、先进工作者进行了表彰;光焘同志、保兴同志和姚兵同志分别就全国建设工作、建设系统精神文明建设工作和 相似文献
我队“十一五”的发展目标是到“十一五”末各项经济指标在2005年的基础上翻一番。2006年的目标是在去年考核的基础上按30%的增速向前发展,全年实现产值3.2亿元,增加值2850万元,利润665万元。 相似文献
一、切实抓好党的十七大精神的学习贯彻 当前,要把学习宣传贯彻十七大精神作为首要的政冶任务,在全系统迅速兴起学习班宣传贯彻的热潮.重点抓好各级领导干部的学习,充分发挥理论学习中心组的带头示范作用.通过举办培训班、研讨班等形式,分层次、分专题组织干部职工进行学习研讨,深刻领会十七大的主题,把握十七在报告中的新思想、新观点、新论断,把思想统一到十七大部署和要求上来,把学习教育成果转化为推动精神文明建设和党风廉政建设的实际效果.组织开展中国特色社会主义理论体系的学习研讨,重点引导干部职工全面把握科学发展观的内涵、精神实质和根本要求,增强用科学发展观指导实践、推动工作的自觉性. 相似文献
强化地质资料编研开发,为实现地质找矿新突破提供信息支撑 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
地质资料开发利用被国家列为新时期地质工作的六大任务之一,足见其重要性。分析认为,地质资料具有科学性、经济性、社会性、原始记录性、历史再现性等多重属性,是地质资源信息的宝库,包含着巨大的经济社会价值。提出以下4点:①开展综合编研,以集成新的复合型地质资料;②开展有用信息的筛选提取,以放大和增强找矿信息;③开展多元信息叠加研究,以进行成矿预测;④再审视、再利用、回头看,以寻找新矿种、新资源等的地质资料编研开发途径,并列举了一些典型实例。还分析了河南省地质资料工作中存在的突出问题,提出了加强地质资料编研开发的若干措施和建议。 相似文献
结合TBM施工隧道岩石耐磨性试验和岩石力学强度试验,获得岩石的耐磨值与各力学强度值;采用回归分析方法建立了岩石耐磨性与岩石各力学强度指标之间的相关关系数学模型。研究结果表明,岩石耐磨值与抗压强度、抗拉强度、粘聚力、点荷载强度呈指数函数关系,与内摩擦角呈对数函数关系,两者之间呈正相关关系。 相似文献
A Field Study of How Wind Waves and Currents May Contribute to the Deterioration of Saltmarsh Fringe
Deltaic landscapes, such as the Mississippi River Delta, are sites of extensive conversion of wetlands to open water, where increased fetch may contribute to erosion of marsh edges, increasing wetland loss. A field experiment conducted during a storm passage tested this process through the observations of wave orbital and current velocities in the fringe zone of a deteriorating saltmarsh in Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana. Incident waves seaward of the marsh edge and wave orbital and current velocities immediate landward of the marsh edge were measured. Through a dimensional analysis, it shows that the current and orbital velocities in the marsh fringe were controlled by the incident waves, inundation depth, submergence ratio, and vegetation density. Similarly, it is shown that the longshore currents in the inundated saltmarsh fringe depended on the local wave-induced momentum flux, vegetation submergence, and vegetation density in the fringe zone. The cross-shore current showed the presence of a return flow in the lower region of the velocity profile. A high correlation between the current direction and the local flow-wave energy ratio as well as the vegetation submergence and density is found, indicating the important role of surface waves in the fringe flow landward of an inundated wetland under storm conditions. The field observations shed light on the potential ecological consequences of increased wave activities in coastal saltmarsh wetlands owing to subsidence, sea level rise, limited sediment supply, increases in wind fetch, and storm intensity. 相似文献
文章主要根据浙江省已经完成的农业地质环境调查成果,按照地质环境监测的基本思想,从监测目标任务、监测网络建设、监测信息系统等方面,对构建浙江省农业地质环境监测网络提出了初步设想,并提出了农业地质环境监测网络建设的几个关键问题,以供探讨。 相似文献
Sudhakar M. Rao 《Engineering Geology》1995,40(3-4):215-221
The presence of allophane minerals imparts special engineering features to the volcanic ash soils. This study examines the reasons for the allophanic soils exhibiting unusual shear strength properties in comparison to sedimentary clays. The theories of residual shear strength developed for natural soils and artificial soil mixtures and the unusual surface charge properties of the allophane particle are invoked to explain the high shear strength values of these residual soils. The lack of any reasonable correlation between ′ (effective stress-strength parameter) and plasticity index values for allophanic soils is explained on the basis of the unusual structure of the allophane particle. The reasons as to why natural soil slopes in allophanic soil areas (example, Dominica, West Indies) are stable at much steeper angles than natural slopes in sedimentary clay deposits (London clay areas) are explained in light of the hypothesis developed in this study. 相似文献
Gravelly beach ridges, which are formed solely by swash processes, may accurately reflect past wave conditions. The thickness (or height) of a gravelly beach ridge approximately equals the height of wave inundation, which is the sum of the surge and wave run‐up. Their ancient counterparts, if well‐preserved and identified, can be used to estimate palaeowave conditions, which can later be converted to palaeowind intensities based on wind–wave relationships. A technique is described for estimating the palaeowind speed in this paper, which is referred to as the gravelly beach‐ridge thickness technique. By comparing these estimates with instrumental wind records obtained at a modern lake, Qinghai Lake in north‐western China, the beach‐ridge thickness technique is shown to be useful for estimating the average wind speed (V avg). When applying this method to ancient fetch‐limited basins, five parameters are necessary: (i) the thickness of the isolated gravelly beach ridge; (ii) the average depth of the water body; (iii) the palaeofetch; (iv) the angle between the palaeowind direction and the normal to the shoreline; and (v) the particle size. This technique was applied to an ancient example in the Eocene Dongying Depression, located in eastern China. The results indicate that the average wind speed of the northern wind ranged between 2·27 m sec−1 and 8·36 m sec−1 from 45·0 Ma to 42·0 Ma, and displayed a generally decreasing trend that included early strengthening followed by weakening and later strengthening during this period. The beach‐ridge thickness technique provides a new perspective on delineating palaeowind conditions and can be applied to ancient fetch‐limited basins with gravelly beach ridges worldwide. Generally, if a water body is sufficiently large (fetch exceeding 40 km), deep (average depth exceeding 10 m) and waves (or winds) are determined to approach the shoreline with high angles (angle of incidence <35°), then the calculation errors will be small to negligible. 相似文献
针对重庆地区的微风化砂岩,完成了1、3、6、10、15次的干湿循环,对循环后的试件(饱水状态)进行了单轴抗压和劈裂试验。试验结果表明,干湿循环对砂岩造成了不可逆的渐进性损伤,在15次循环后,单轴抗压强度损失达20.73%,抗拉强度达51.96%,弹性模量达33.79%,三者与循环次数之间有良好的对数关系。在干湿循环过程中,砂岩的强度损伤会出现拐点,这取决于水对砂岩的侵蚀程度。 相似文献