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The rift zone??s relief, the spreading kinematics, and the experimental modeling of the Knipovich Ridge??s formation were analyzed. Its rift zone is formed in a transtension environment. Faulting is predominant in its northern part, while strike-slip is characteristic for the south. A system of short extension basins connected by deep strike-slip U-shaped troughs is observed in the south. A system of volcanic rises connected by short shallow basins is observed in the north. The rift valley is V-shaped. According to the experimental modeling data, these extension kinematics provide the formation of short extension basins connected by strike-slips and transtension faults. Their length and orientation depend on the spreading obliquity of each segment.  相似文献   

Petrological-geochemical data were obtained for intrusive rocks (gabbroids) recovered on the eastern flank of the Knipovich Ridge by deep-sea site 344 (DSDP, Leg 238). It was found that these rocks are similar to basalts and basaltic glasses studied in the adjacent sections of the ridge rift zone [7, 8]. This indicates that the intrusive rocks and erupted lavas are comagmatic. The gabbroids, basalts, and their quenched glasses were derived by differentiation in different-depth chambers and feeder channels. The petrochemical features of the gabbros and basalts (low Fe content, oxidized magnetic minerals) caused their weak magnetic properties. Owing to the multidirectional movements of the oceanic blocks, the bodies of the intrusive and effusive rocks their lost strict linearity and produced the mosaic anomalous magnetic field of the Knipovich Ridge.  相似文献   

Marine Geophysical Research - The Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar and Marine Research, the University of Bergen and Hokkaido University acquired new seismic refraction data along a transect from...  相似文献   

A combined ocean bottom seismometer, multichannel seismic reflection and gravity study has been carried out along the spreading direction of the Knipovich Ridge over a topographic high that defines a segment center. The youngest parts of the crust in the immediate vicinity of the ridge reveal fractured Oceanic Layer 2 and thermally expanded and possibly serpentinized Oceanic Layer 3. The mature part of the crust has normal thickness and seismic velocities with no significant crustal thickness and seismic velocity variations. Mature Oceanic Layer 2 is in addition broken into several rotated fault blocks. Comparison with a profile acquired ~40 km north of the segment center reveals significant differences. Along this profile, reported earlier, periods of slower spreading led to generation of thin crust with a high P-wave velocity (Vp), composed of a mixture of gabbro and serpentinized mantle, while periods of faster spreading led to generation of more normal gabbroic crust. For the profile across the segment center no clear relation exists between spreading rate and crustal thickness and seismic velocity. In this study we have found that higher magmatism may lead to generation of oceanic crust with normal thickness even at ultra-slow spreading rates.  相似文献   

The ultra-slow, asymmetrically-spreading Knipovich Ridge is the northernmost part of the Mid Atlantic ridge system. In the autumn of 2002 a combined ocean-bottom seismometer multichannel seismic (OBS/MCS) and gravity survey along the spreading direction of the Knipovich Ridge was carried out. The main objective of the study was to gain an insight into the crustal structure and composition of what is assumed to be an amagmatic segment of oceanic crust. P-wave velocity and Vp/Vs models were built and complemented by a gravity model. The 190 km long transect reveals a much more complex crustal structure than anticipated. The magmatic crust is thinner than the global average of 7.1 ± 1.0 km. The young fractured portion of Oceanic Layer 2 has low seismic velocities while the older part has normal seismic velocities and is broken into several rotated fault blocks seen as thickness variations of Layer 2. The youngest part of Oceanic Layer 3 is also dominated by low velocities, indicative of fracturing, seawater circulation and thermal expansion. The remaining portion of Layer 3 exhibits inverse variations in thickness and seismic velocity. This is explained by a sequence of periods of faster spreading (estimated to be up to 8 mm/year from interpretation of magnetic anomalies) when more normal gabbroic crust was being generated and periods of slower spreading (5.5 mm/year) when amagmatic stretching and serpentinization of the upper mantle occurred, and crust composed of mixed gabbro and serpentinized mantle was generated. The volumetric changes and upward fluid migration, associated with the process of serpentinization in this part of the crust, caused disruption to the overlying sedimentary layers.  相似文献   

Bathymetric, hydro-acoustic, seismic, submersible, and gravity data are used to investigate the active tectonics of the eastern Blanco Transform Fault Zone (BTFZ). The eastern BTFZ is dominated by the 150 km long transform-parallel Blanco Ridge (BR) which is a right-lateral strike-slip fault bordered to the east and west by the Gorda and Cascadia Depressions. Acoustic locations, fault-parameter information, and slip vector estimates of 43 earthquakes (M w3.8) that occurred along the eastern BTFZ over the last 5 years reveal that the Blanco Ridge is a high-angle right-lateral strike-slip fault, with a small component of dip-slip motion, where the Juan de Fuca plate is the hanging wall relative to the Pacific plate. Furthermore, the Cascadia and Gorda basins are undergoing normal faulting with extension predominantly oblique to the transform trend. Seafloor submersible observations agree with previous hypotheses that the active transform fault trace is the elongate basin that runs the length of the BR summit. Brecciated and undeformed basalt, diabase, and gabbro samples were collected at the four submersible survey sites along the Blanco Ridge. These petrologic samples indicate the Blanco Ridge is composed of an ocean crustal sequence that has been uplifted and highly fractured. The petrologic samples also appear to show an increase in elevation of the crustal section from east to west along the Blanco Ridge, with gabbros exposed at a shallower depth farther west along the southern (Pacific plate side) BR ridge flank. Further supporting evidence for BR uplift exists in the seismic reflection profiles across the BR showing uplift of turbidite sequences along the north and south ridge base, and gravity and magnetics profiles that indicate possible basement uplift and a low-density zone centered on the ridge's Pacific plate side. The BR formation mechanism preferred here is first, uplift achieved partially through strike-slip motion (with a small dip-slip component). Second, seawater penetration along the fault into the lower crust upper mantle, which then enhanced formation and intrusion of a mantle-derived serpentinized-peridotite diapir into the shallow ocean crust, causing further uplift along the fault.  相似文献   

Tidal sand bars and tidal sand ridges are extensively developed in the macrotidal Gulf of Khambhat, offshore western India. The inner and outer regions of the gulf are characterised by the development distinct tidal sand bodies with discrete geometries and dimensions. The outer gulf ridges are long, narrow, curvilinear and several metres high (∼20 m). They are asymmetric in cross-section and migratory in nature, forming ‘ribbon’ like sand bodies separated by tidal channels. Active dunes on these ridges indicate the presence of sand and their orientation parallel to palaeo-shorelines supports a tidal origin. In contrast to the outer gulf tidal sand ridges, sand bars associated with macrotidal estuaries flanking the Gulf of Khambhat typically have an elongate to diamond shape and are only hundreds of metres in width and a few kilometres length. These tidal sand bars occur in the estuary mouths and within the tidally influenced fluvial reaches of the rivers flowing into the gulf. The height of these sand bars is in the range ∼1–3 m. Due to high tidal ranges and bi-directional flow the sand bars do not develop significant height and are formed between the mutually evasive ebb and flow channels. Their bi-directional foresets and the presence of abundant mud drapes associated with the dunes within in-channel sand bars indicate a tidal origin.The Gulf of Khambhat acquired the present configuration in the last few thousand years since the Pleistocene sea-level lowstand (last glacial maximum, ∼18 ka) when the entire continental shelf was subaerially exposed and rivers down-cut into the coastal plain. With increasing sea-level rise, the exposed shelf was drowned, flooding parts of the Modern western Indian peninsula, and large tidal sand ridges formed in the outer gulf. After the fall of sea-level at 2 ka the gulf acquired the Modern configuration with multiple estuaries on both coastlines, rivers supplied the embayment with sandy sediment, and tidal sand bars formed in the Modern estuaries.Quantitative data gathered from the Modern Gulf of Khambhat indicates that for the P50 case, a vertical drill hole will encounter tidal sand bodies (ridges and bars combined) of approximate dimensions 1700 m long, 470 m wide and 1.5 m high, with a spacing of 400 m. In subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs, where data is sparse and only limited amount of core is available, this quantitative dataset can be useful to constrain subsurface geocellular models. Also, the overall geometry, distribution and aspect ratio of the tidal sand ridges and tidal sand bars can be used to identify ancient counterparts through seismic geomorphology or in core.  相似文献   

At 11°N latitude, the Mid-Atlantic ridge is offset 300 km by the Vema fracture zone. Between the ridge offset, the fracture consists of an elongate, parallelogram-shaped trough bordered on the north and south by narrow, high walls. The W-E trending valley floor is segmented by basement ridges and troughs which trend W10°N and are deeply buried by sediment. Uniform high heat flow characterizes the valley area. Seismically inactive valleys south of the Vema fracture, also trending W10°N, are interpreted as relict fracture zones. We explain the high heat flow and the shape of the Vema fracture as the results of secondary sea-floor spreading produced by a reorientation of the direction of sea-floor spreading from W10°N to west-east. This reorientation probably began approximately 10 million years ago. Rapid filling of the fracture valley by turbidites from the Demerara Abyssal plain took place during the last million years.The large amount of differential uplift in the Vema fracture is not explained by the reorientation model. Since the spreading rate across the valley is small compared to that across the ridge crest, we suggest that it takes place by intrusion of very thin dikes that cool rapidly and hence have high viscosity. Upwelling in the fracture valley will thus result in cosiderable loss of hydraulic head, according to models by Sleep and Biehler (1970), and recovery of the lost head could produce valley walls higher than the adjacent ridge crest. We further postulate that the spreading takes place along the edges of the fracture zone rather than in the center. This would account for the uniform distribution of heat flow along the fracture valley and for the lack of disturbance of the valley fill. As a consequence, a median ridge should form in the center, where head loss is compensated in the older crust; such a median ridge may be present. The width of the valley should be a function of the angle and time of reorientation, and of the spreading rate; the width so obtained for the Vema fracture is in accordance with the observed width. If this model is correct, the narrowness of the valley walls implies a thin lithosphere of very limited horizontal strength.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to focus on the role of the European Community (EC) in the management of the coastal zones of the Mediterranean. The EC performs this role at two levels of involvement: with respect to its Mediterranean member states and through the Euro-Mediterranean co-operation, in co-ordination with international and regional initiatives, such as those of the United Nations (Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)) and the World Bank. According to this, the coastal policy of the EC is considered with special attention to past and current developments, and the main policy objectives and instruments are discussed. This review is followed by a brief analysis of the EC Mediterranean coastal zone: the general use and development patterns, the main pressures bearing upon it, and its definition from a legal and administrative perspective. An evaluation of the role of the EC in the Mediterranean context then follows, with particular reference to the ongoing developments of the Euro-Mediterranean co-operation within MAP and the Barcelona Convention system. On this basis, conclusions are drawn on the need to improve the EC Mediterranean coastal policy through a strengthened integration between the various EC sectoral policies, and between these policies and the policies of the member states, and through an optimised co-ordination with MAP.  相似文献   

A four-year investigation of surf zone sedimentation at Presque Isle, Pennsylvania, was undertaken in preparation for the design of a segmented breakwater system. Sediment transport calculations were based on hind-cast annual wave power statistics and “calibrated” by known accretion rates at the downdrift spit terminus. 30,000 m3 of sediment reaches the peninsula annually from updrift beaches. The transport volume increases downdrift due to shoreface erosion and retreat of the peninsular neck. At the most exposed point on Presque Isle (the lighthouse) the annual transport is 209,000 m3. East of the lighthouse is a zone of net shoreface accretion as the longshore transport rate progressively decreases.

The downdrift variation in sediment supply, combined with increasing refraction and attenuation of the dominant westerly storm waves produce a systematic change in prevailing surf zone morphology. Storms produce a major longshore bar and trough along the exposed peninsular neck. The wave energy during non-storm periods is too low to significantly alter the bar which consequently becomes a permanent feature. The broad shoreface and reduced wave energy level east of the lighthouse produce a morphology characterized by large crescentic outer bars, transverse bars, and megacusps along the beach. At the sheltered and rapidly prograding eastern spit terminus the prevalent beach morphology is that of a ridge and runnel system in front of a megacuspate shore.

The morphodynamic surf zone model developed for oceanic beaches in Australia is used as a basis for interpretation of shoreface morphologic variability at Presque Isle. In spite of interference by major shoreline stabilization structures, and differences between oceanic and lake wave spectra, the nearshore bar field at Presque Isle does closely correspond to the Australian model.  相似文献   

为了揭示高邮凹陷南断阶许庄—竹墩地区复杂断裂系统的成因、演化与油气成藏的关系,通过对不整合面地层剥蚀量计算、构造演化剖面分析等方法,系统地总结了许庄—竹墩地区断层的发育演化规律。吴堡运动和三垛运动时期是断裂活动最强烈的时期,许庄—竹墩地区的地层受到较强的剥蚀作用。本区主要断层的发育顺序依次为真①断层、纪③断层、真②’断层和真③断层,同一断层在不同的地质时期和平面上的不同位置,发育强度有明显的差异性。断层的活动一方面形成了一系列的断块圈闭,另一方面是油气垂向运移的主要通道,因此在本区形成了一系列的断块圈闭油藏。  相似文献   

Sustainability Science invokes a co-produced approach to research between researchers and managers, involving a shared participatory, policy-centred process. The COREPOINT project which was developed with the principles of Sustainability Science in mind, provides evidence of the effectiveness and challenges involved in the knowledge transfer process between research centres and local government officials involved in coastal research and management. The Expert Couplet Nodes (ECN) embedded within the project aimed to ensure that a paradigm shift in attitude and behaviour towards traditional science and management practices took place. A comparison of the ECN process in two study sites in Ireland provided an opportunity to review the process and outcomes of the collaborative enquiry arrangements by referring to a suite of Sustainability Science principles developed during the project. In doing so, this paper demonstrates how the ECN approach built capacity for improved coastal management and how Sustainability Science has a key role to play in Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). However, weaknesses in the ECN approach also showed that greater innovation from the ICZM community of researchers, policy makers and practitioners is of critical importance to the roll out of Sustainability Science as a societal solution in the transition towards sustainability. This requires capacity building to deal with the complexity of coastal socio-ecological systems.  相似文献   

Structural, mass-wasting and sedimentation processes along an active dextral shear zone beneath the Gulf of Saros and the NE Aegean Sea were investigated on the basis of new high-resolution swath bathymetric data and multi-channel seismics. A long history of dextral shearing operating since the Pliocene culminated in the formation of a NE-SW-trending, ca. 800-m-deep basin (the so-called inner basin) in this region, which is bordered by a broad shelf along its northern and eastern sides and a narrow shelf at the southern side. The western extension of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (the Ganos Fault) cuts the eastern shelf along a narrow deformation zone, and ends sharply at the toe of the slope, where the strain is taken up by two NE-SW-oriented fault zones. These two fault zones cut the basin floor along its central axis and generate a new, Riedel-type pull-apart basin (the so-called inner depression). According to the bathymetric and seismic data, these basin boundary fault zones are very recent features. The northern boundary of the inner depression is a through-going fault comprising several NE-SW- and E-W-oriented, overlapping fault segments. The southern boundary fault zone, on the other hand, consists of spectacular en-echelon fault systems aligned in NE–SW and WNW–ESE directions. These en-echelon faults accommodate both dextral and vertical motions, thereby generating block rotations along their horizontal axis. As the basin margins retreat, the basin widens continuously by mass-wasting of the slopes of the inner basin. The mass-wasting, triggered by active tectonics, occurs by intense landsliding and channel erosion. The eroded material is transported into the deep basin, where it is deposited in a series of deep-sea fans and slumps. The high sedimentation rate is reflected in an over 1,500-m-thick basin fill which has accumulated in Pliocene–Quaternary times.  相似文献   

有效弹性厚度(Te)表示岩石圈抵抗变形的能力,其大小主要取决于岩石圈内部的温度结构和地壳物质组成。作为全球最长的海岭之一,东经九十度海岭(NER)来源与形成过程一直是国内外科学家研究的热点,然而受到该地区复杂构造活动的影响,研究者对海岭的形成过程仍缺乏清晰认识。本文从Te的角度出发,通过空间褶积方法计算了沿着NER不同位置处Te的空间分布特征。计算结果表明,整个海岭的Te主要在0~35 km之间变化,表现为北(8°N~1°N)高(平均值为20 km)、中(1°N~15°S)低(平均值在5 km以下)、南(15°S~30°S)高(平均值为30 km),变化趋势与凯尔盖朗热点的3期岩浆活动相对应。Te的变化反映了NER形成过程中东南印度洋脊与热点的相对位置的调整,说明NER是凯尔盖朗热点、印度洋板块扩张与东南印度洋洋中脊迁移三者共同作用的结果。最后,结合Te的结果与ROYER板块重构的结果,本文提出了NER形成过程的模式。  相似文献   

莱州湾沿岸是中国海(咸)水入侵典型区域之一,受多次海侵海退事件影响,形成了复杂的地下含水系统。为探究其地下水系统水化学特征及演化规律,对比分析白浪河地区内地下水的水化学特征及主要离子的变化规律,研究了不同分区的水化学演化过程。结果表明,内陆的咸水主要由淡水/卤水混合形成,滨海的咸水主要由淡水/海水混合形成。现存卤水在形成过程中发生了淡水的混入,水岩相互作用和阳离子交换在一定程度上改变了卤水的水化学组成。矿物饱和指数结果表明,不同分区的地下水体中,方解石和白云石基本处于饱和状态,岩盐均未达到饱和状态,石膏仅在卤水中达到饱和状态。从陆到海,地下水系统中发生的阳离子交换过程不同,淡水区和微咸水区浅层的地下水主要是水中的Ca2+与含水介质吸附的Na+交换,而其他分区的阳离子交换过程与之相反。  相似文献   

曹妃甸地区潮间带演变的遥感监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用美国Landsat系列卫星、中巴卫星CBERS及中国HJ-1卫星1981-2011年7个时相的遥感数据及潮汐潮位资料,应用"相同潮位对比法",分析研究了曹妃甸地区潮间带的空间分布特征和潮滩动态演变趋势。结果表明:近三十年来,受潮滩围垦、填海造陆等人类活动的影响,潮间带形态发生了很大变化,潮间带上边界逐渐向海推进,最大推进距离达3 km左右,使得上部潮滩面积不断减少;同时,受输沙量减少、风浪冲刷、沉降作用及海平面上升等因素的综合影响,潮滩下部整体上处于侵蚀状态,西部滩面侵蚀较轻,东部滩面侵蚀较严重。另外,在该区大规模开发建设期间,潮滩的平衡状态被破坏,部分岸段出现了潮滩暂时淤高的现象。  相似文献   

Bowers Swell is a newly discovered bathymetric feature which is up to 90 m high, between 12 and 20 km wide, and which extends arcuately about 400 km along the northern and eastern sides of Bowers Ridge. The swell was first revealed on GLORIA sonographs and subsequently mapped on seismic reflection and 3.5 kHz bathymetric profiles. These geophysical data show that the swell caps an arcuate anticlinal ridge, which is composed of deformed strata in an ancient trench on the northern and eastern sides of Bowers Ridge. The trench fill beneath the swell is actively deforming, as shown by faulting of the sea floor and by thinning of the strata across the crest of the swell. Thinning and faulting of the trench strata preclude an origin for the swell by simple sediment draping over an older basement high. We considered several models for the origin of Bowers Swell, including folding and uplift of the underlying trench sediment during the interaction between the Pacific plate beneath the Aleutian Ridge and a remnant oceanic slab beneath Bowers Ridge. However, such plate motions should generate extensive seismicity beneath Bowers Ridge, which is aseismic, and refraction data do not show any remnant slab beneath Bowers Ridge. Another origin considered for Bowers Swell invokes sediment deformation resulting from differential loading and diapirism in the trench fill. However, diapirism is not evident on seismic reflection profiles across the swell. We favour a model in which sediment deformation and swell formation resulted from a few tens of kilometers of low seismicity motion by intraplate crustal blocks beneath the Aleutian Basin. This motion may result from the translation of blocks in western Alaska to the south-west, forcing the movement of the Bering Sea margin west of Alaska into the abyssal Aleutian Basin.  相似文献   

晚第四纪以来,黄河、长江都曾经江苏中部海岸注入南黄海,河海交互作用形成一系列沉积,全新世海侵后发育岸外辐射沙脊群。沙脊群西北部、由岸滩与沙脊所夹持的西洋潮流通道,位于北侧废黄河三角洲和南侧长江三角洲两大地貌单元间的过渡区,成为揭示不同大河交互作用下的海岸、陆架晚第四纪沉积层序模式的重要窗口。最近通过更多晚第四纪钻孔对比和浅层地震剖面集成研究发现:① 由于混乱的测年结果和陆相硬黏土层对比不当,造成之前基于07SR01孔和Y1孔构建的辐射沙脊群西洋潮流通道浅部沉积(标高−60 m以内)的年代框架有误,其主体应是晚更新世沉积且发育两个沉积旋回,末次冰盛期硬黏土层多被潮流侵蚀而缺失,表层全新世沉积厚度在水下沙脊处基本不足10 m,其余普遍不足5 m,甚至缺失;② 仅在西洋西北段稳定分布的浅层地震单元U3指示了MIS 3古黄河三角洲的南缘,自晚更新世以来西洋所在的江苏中部海岸可能深受古黄河物源的影响,这尚需在西洋西北段的关键位置钻取新孔,并结合已有浅层地震剖面和东南段钻孔来进一步研究证实。提出下一步工作将基于层序地层学方法,通过对已有控制性浅层地震剖面进行地震层序格架的三维可视化、提取地震单元和反射界面的空间分布特征,结合已有及新增控制性钻孔的沉积学和年代学研究,构建可靠年代框架、判识大河物源,并参考邻区钻孔资料,来探明西洋潮流通道的浅部沉积层序,反演其形成演化。  相似文献   

A new model for the boundary layer development and associated skin friction coefficients and shear stress within the swash zone is presented. The model is developed within a Lagrangian reference frame, following fluid trajectories, and can be applied to both laminar flow and smooth turbulent flow. The model is based on the momentum integral approach for steady, flat-plate boundary layers, with appropriate modifications to account for the unsteady flow regime and flow history. The model results are consistent with previous measurements of bed shear stress and skin friction coefficients within the swash zone. These indicate strong temporal and spatial variation throughout the swash cycle, and a clear distinction between the uprush and backwash phase. This variation has been previously attributed the unsteady flow regime and flow history effects, both of which are accounted for in the new model. Fluid particle trajectories and velocity are computed using the non-linear shallow water wave equations and the boundary layer growth across the entire swash zone is estimated. Predictions of the bed shear stress and skin friction coefficients agree reasonably well with direct bed shear stress measurements reported by Barnes et al. (Barnes, M.P., O’Donaghue, T., Alsina, J.M., Baldock, T.E., 2009. Direct bed shear stress measurements in bore-driven swash. Coastal Engineering 56 (8), 853–867) and, for a given flow velocity, give stresses which are consistent with the bias toward uprush sediment transport which has consistently been observed in measurements. The data and modelling suggest that the backwash boundary layer is initially laminar, which results in the late development of significant bed shear during the backwash, with a transition to a turbulent boundary layer later in the backwash. A new conceptual model for the boundary layer structure at the leading edge of the swash is proposed, which accounts for both the no-slip condition at the bed and the moving wet–dry interface. However, further development of the Lagrangian Boundary Layer Model is required in order to include bore-generated turbulence and to account for variable roughness and mobile beds.  相似文献   

在南黄海太阳沙西侧潮流脊槽海域进行了密集网格的高分辨率浅地震勘探,测线间距主要为120 m和200 m。沉积物穿透厚度最大约80~90 m,划分为2个地震层序(SQ1和SQ2),细分为5个亚层(U1~U5)。位于下部的层序1(U1)为晚更新世陆相沉积,上部的层序2(U2~U5)以全新世海相沉积为主。根据地震相特征研究了各亚层的沉积环境,从晚更新世晚期以来,研究区经历了三角洲辫状河流—河流刻蚀—古河道充填—河口滨海—三角洲滨浅海—现代潮流脊槽的沉积环境演变过程。在早全新世中期,研究区发育了一条窄河口型潮流沙脊,并随海平面的快速上升而被掩埋。现代潮流沙脊形成于末次高海面后,与古潮流沙脊没有继承关系,与晚更新世古地形也没有关系,受控于潮流系统。  相似文献   

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