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The belemnite Sr isotope characteristics obtained over an interval from the Upper Volgian Regional Substage to the lower part of the Ryazanian Regional Stage in the section on the Maurynya River (Western Siberia) fills a gap in the 87Sr/86Sr ocean water variation curve over the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary. The increase in the 87Sr/86Sr values from 0.707172 to 0.707242 revealed in the section coincides with a general rise in this ratio in the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous ocean.  相似文献   

Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous transitional successions are widely distributed in the Tethyan Himalaya, southeast of Yangzuoyong Co Lake, southern Tibet. In ascending order, these include the Weimei (J3, Tithonian), Sangxiu/Jiabula formations (K1, Berriasian). The J/K boundary is located between the Weimei Formation and Sangxiu/Jiabula Formations. Ammonites found in J/K boundary sections in the research area have been classified into three assemblages: Valanginites–Phyllopachyceras assemblage zone (Valanginian), Spiticeras–Thurmanniceras assemblage zone (Berriasian) and Haplophylloceras–Blanfordiceras–Himalayites assemblage zone (Tithonian). Six nannofossil zones: Calcicalathina oblongata assemblage zone, Speetonia colligate zone, N. st. steinmannii zone, N. st. minor zone, P. beckmanni–N. st. minor interval zone, Conusphaera–Polycostella–Nannoconus–Watznaueria assemblage zone were recognized as well.On the basis of lithology, biostratigraphy and geochronology of the J/K transitional deposition succession, this study suggests that the J/K boundary, in southern Tibet, is located on the bottom of P. beckmanni–N. st. minor interval zone, which is further definited as and disappear of Polycostella beckmanni. To address the paucity of previously reported reliable ages for the J/K boundary, this study reports four U–Pb zircon ages (140–142 Ma) obtained with Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) from the volcanic rocks interbedded in the lower Sangxiu Formation, which is expected to provides a direct date reference for the J/K boundary in the Tethyan Himalaya, southern Tibet. From integration of our new (SIMS) U–Pb zircon ages with calcareous nannofossils and ammonites, the age of the N. st. minor zone (NK-D) directly above the P. beckmanni-N. st. minor interval zone (NJK-C) of the basal Berriasian in the Tethyan realm is estimated to be 141–142 Ma. This research is not only helpful to improve the isotopic determination of absolute age for the J/K boundary, but also implies that the Tethyan Himalaya of southern Tibet may be an ideal location in which to explore the J/K boundary in both biostratigraphy and geochronology in future.  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - In the lower part of Upper Vendian deposits on the East European Platform, packs of chocolate-brown clayey rocks/tuff-argillites containing intercalations of...  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks in Ertix,Xinjiang,occurring in the collision zone between the Siberia Plate and the Junggar Plate,are distributed along the Eritix River Valley in northern Xinjiang.The volcanic rocks were dated at Late Paleozoic and can be divided into the spilite-keratophyre series and the basalt-andesite series.The spilite-keratophyre series volcanic rocks occur in the Altay orogenic belt at the southwest margin of the Siberia Plate.In addition to sodic volcanic rocks.There are also associated potassic-sodic volcanic rocks and potassic volcanic rocks.The potassic-sodic volcanic rocks occur at the bottom of the eruption cycle and control the distribution of Pb and Zn deposits.The potassic volcanic rocks occur at the top of the eruption cycle and are associated with Au and Cu mineralizations.The sodic volcanic rocks occur in the middle stage of eruption cycle and control the occurrence of Cu(Zn) deposits.The basalt-andesite series volcanic rocks distributed in the North Junggar orogenic belt at the north margin of the Junggar-Kazakstan Plate belong to the potassic sodic volcain rocks.The volcanic rocks distributed along the Ulungur fault are relatively rich in sodium and poor in potassium and are predominated by Cu mineralization and associated with Au mineralization.Those volcanic rocks distributed along the Ertix fault are relatively rich in K and poor in Na,with Au mineralization being dominant.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The Uyandina–Yasachnaya volcanoplutonic belt (UYVB) is located in Northeast Asia. As one of the largest volcanic belts in the region, it extends for 900 km from the...  相似文献   

The Khambin volcanotectonic complex is a horst framing the Late Cretaceous Lake Gusinoe basin in the northwest. This complex is due to the intracontinental rift conditions which existed in western Transbaikalia in the Late Mesozoic. They gave rise to a system of subparallel grabens and horsts in present-day topography. The magmatic evolution of this complex spans from 159 to 117 Ma and is divided into three stages. The first stage (159–156 Ma) witnessed the formation of thick (up to 1500 m) volcanic masses of trachybasalts, basaltic trachyandesites, trachytes, trachydacites, trachyrhyolites, and pantellerites. The next two stages were the formation of isolated ancient volcanoes (127–124 Ma) composed of trachybasalts, basaltic trachyandesites, phonotephrites, tephriphonolites, and alkali trachytes and the formation of the Murtoi (Lake Gusinoe) essexite dike (122–117 Ma). The main trends for igneous associations from early to late stages are reduced magmatism and reduced rock diversity because of the decreasing portion of felsic volcanic rocks. Mafic rocks show an increase in total alkalinity, the content of incompatible elements (Th, U, K, Rb, Pb, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf), total REE content, and the LREE/HREE ratio. The Sr–Nd isotopic composition of these rocks remained nearly constant and corresponds to that of OIB-EMII mantle sources. Compositional variations are attributed to a time-dependent decrease in the degree of partial melting of a similar magma source.  相似文献   

The results of this study were used to identify a reversed polarity magnetozone, referred to as M17r, in Berriasian sections of the Nordvik Peninsula (northern East Siberia) within the normal polarity magnetozone (M18n) from previous studies. The new magnetozone embraces the Volgian–Ryazanian boundary (Chetaites chetae/C. sibiricus zonal boundary). It was also found that the former magnetozone M17r at Nordvik, which includes the C. sibiricus/Hectoroceras kochi zonal boundary should correspond to magnetozone M16r. Using magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic criteria proves that the Boreal C. sibiricus Zone is correlated with at least the major part of the Tethyan Tirnovella occitanica Zone, and the Boreal H. kochi Zone is correlated with the lower part of the Malbosiceras paramimounum Subzone of the Tethyan Fauriella boissieri Zone.  相似文献   

U–Pb geochronological studies of igneous rocks of the Crimean Mountains were carried out for the first time. The ages of magma crystallization determined for gabbro–dolerites of the Dzhidair and Pervomaiskii intrusions point to the injection of these rocks during the Middle Jurassic Aalenian–Bajocian stage of magmatism. The Berriasian–Valanginian and Aptian age of sill-like bodies within the mass of volcanogenic–sedimentary rocks presumes the necessity to reconsider the common notion of an exclusively Albian magmatic event during the Cretaceous. High-precision U–Pb dating of magma intrusions allowed us to verify the age of Middle Jurassic magmatism and to distinguish the new Early Cretaceous Berriasian–Valanginian magmatism stage of basic composition.  相似文献   

正Xiong’er volcanic rocks cover an area of more than6×104 km2 along the southern margin of North China Craton.The Xiong’er group has been divided,from bottom to top,into the Dagushi,Xushan,Jidanping and  相似文献   

1IntroductionMostgeologistshaveacceptedthattheQinling Dabieorogenicbeltistheproductofcontinentaldeepsubduction (Okayetal.,1993;Cong ,B .etal.,1995 ;Hackeretal.,1995 ;DongShuwenetal.,1993) .Butasthebiggest scaleUHPmetamorphicbeltintheworld ,thereactionbetweenthecrustandthemantleatthepost orogenicstageandtheexhumation ,upliftinganddenudationoftheorogenicbeltarethecomplexdynamicprocesses .ItwasreportedpreviouslythatsomeCretaceousvolcanicrocksexistinthemiddleoftheDabieMountains (GuanYuncaiet…  相似文献   

The formation conditions and distribution regularities of oil-gas pools in volcanic rocks in western Huimin Depression have been studied in terms of geolgic,sesmic and well logging information,This paper discusses the types and lithofacies,development and distribution of Tertiary volcanic rocks in the area.The results demonstrate that volcanic activity occurred mainly during the period from the Sha-4 stage to the Guantao episode,i.e.,before the oil-generating period(before the end of the Guantao episode and the Minghuazhen episode).The activity did not destroy oil and gas formation and accumulation,but was favourable for the concentration of organic matter and its conversion to hydrocarbons;besides,volcanic rocks can serve as reservoir rocks and cap rocks,playing a role very similar to that of a syndepositional anticline,The volcanic rocks are distributed near the margins of the oil-generating depression;there are many secondary interstices in the rocks,which are connected with each other.These are the leading conditions for the formation of oil-generating period and their self-sealing or good combination with other cap rocks are important factors for forming volcanic rock-hosted oil and gas pools.The oil-gas pools associated with volcanic rocks in western Huimin are mainly distributed around the deep oil-generating depression,in the central up lift or the high structural levels on the margins of the depression.In particular,the sites where several faults cross are usually locatons where hith-yielding oil-gas pools in volcanic rocks are concentrated.  相似文献   

Smirnov  V. N.  Ivanov  K. S. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2019,488(1):1051-1054
Doklady Earth Sciences - The 40Ar–39Ar dating of mica from schists and blastomylonites, sampled within the limits of a fault that separates the Eastern zone of the Middle Urals, sinking...  相似文献   

Mesoproterozoic volcanic rocks occurring in the north of the western Kunlun Mountains can be divided into two groups. The first group (north belt) is an reversely-evolved bimodal series. Petrochemistry shows that the alkalinity of the rocks decreases from early to late: alkaline→calc-alkaline→tholeiite, and geochemistry proves that the volcanic rocks were formed in rifting tectonic systems. The sedimentary facies shows characteristics of back-arc basins. The second (south belt) group, which occurs to the south of Yutian-Minfeng-Cele, is composed of calc-alkaline island arc (basaltic) andesite and minor rhyolite. The space distribution, age and geochemistry of the two volcanite groups indicate that they were formed in a back-arc basin (the first group) and an island arc (the second group) respectively and indicate the plate evolution during the Mesoproterozoic. The orogeny took place at -1.05 Ga, which was coeval with the Grenville orogeny. This study has provided important geological data for explorin  相似文献   

Subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal carbonate facies are recognized in the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)-Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) peritidal carbonates of the Fele area (Western Taurides, Turkey). Vertical stacking patterns of these facies are of a cyclical character; shallowing upward is the trend of the cyclicity in these carbonate facies. In-situ karstic breccias, collapse breccias, caliche (laminar calcrete), “Microcodium” accretion, and root casts are structures commonly indicative of third-order sequence boundaries. However, mud cracks, solution pores or vugs, sheet cracks, loferites, and birds-eye structures are commonly delineated by parasequence boundaries. In-situ or collapse breccias can be genetically derived from sheet cracks, mud cracks, solution pores or vugs, and birds-eye structures with increasing exposure time. The use of such sedimentary structures in the recognition of sequence boundaries is highly practical in the ancient carbonate platforms of the world, inasmuch as the sequence boundaries, as demonstrated in this study, correlate with the eustatic sea level curves.  相似文献   

Vatrushkina  E. V.  Tuchkova  M. I.  Sokolov  S. D. 《Geotectonics》2019,53(6):713-725
Geotectonics - The age and geodynamic position of the volcanic source of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous deposits of Western Chukotka were determined. Products of synchronous volcanism...  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - The mineralogical, structural and crystal-chemical features of seven samples of globular phyllosilicates of the glauconite–illite series (GPS) from the Lower...  相似文献   

In Mexico, the Upper Jurassic to lowermost Cretaceous La Casita and coeval La Caja and La Pimienta formations are well-known for their abundant and well-preserved marine vertebrates and invertebrates. The latter include conspicuous inoceramid bivalves of the genus Anopaea not formally described previously from Mexico. Anopaea bassei (Lecolle de Cantú, 1967), Anopaea cf. stoliczkai (Holdhaus, 1913), Anopaea cf. callistoensis Crame and Kelly, 1995 and Anopaea sp. are rare constituents in distinctive Tithonian–lower Berriasian levels of the La Caja Formation and one Tithonian horizon of the La Pimienta Formation. Anopaea bassei was previously documented from the Tithonian of central Mexico and Cuba, while most other members of Anopaea described here are only known from southern high latitudes. The Mexican assemblage also includes taxa which closely resemble Anopaea stoliczkai from the Tithonian of India, Indonesia and the Antarctic Peninsula, and Anopaea callistoensis from the late Tithonian to ?early Berriasian of the Antarctic Peninsula. Our new data expand the palaeogeographical distribution of the high latitude Anopaea to the Gulf of Mexico region and substantiate faunal exchange, in the Late Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous, between Mexico and the Antarctic Realm.  相似文献   

Cenozoic volcanic rocks widespread in eastern China constitute an important part of the circum-Pacific volcanic belt.This paper presents more than 150K-Ar dates and a great deal of petrochemical analysis data from the Cenozoic volcanic rocks distributed in Tengchong,China‘s southeast coast,Shandong,Hebei,Nei Monggol and Northeast China.An integrated study shows that ubiquitous but uneven volcanic activities prevailed from the Eogene to the Holocene,characterized as being multi-eqisodic and multicycled.For example,in the Paleocene(67-58Ma),Eocene(57-37.5Ma),Miocene(22-18,16-19Ma),Pliocene(8-3Ma),and Early Pleistocene-Middle Pleistocene(1.2-0.5Ma) there were upsurges of volcanism,while in the Oligocene there was a repose period.In space,the older Eogene volcanic rocks are distributed within the region or in the central part of the NE-NNE-striking fault depression,while the younger Neogene and Quaternary volcanic rocks are distributed in the eastern and western parts.Petrologically,they belong essentially to tholeiite-series and alkali-series basalts,with alkalinity in the rocks increasing from old to youg.The above regularities are controlled by both global plate movement and regional inherent tectonic pattern.  相似文献   

The age ranges of Upper Cretaceous lithotectonic complexes of Western Kamchatka—terrigenous Kikhchik, volcanic Irunei, and terrigenous Omgon—are analyzed to reveal their almost simultaneous deposition. The pre-Cenozoic settings of these complexes are reconstructed. Based on analysis of the composition and structural features of Late Cretaceous lithotectonic complexes and on correlation of events, the Late Cretaceous paleogeography is reconstructed. It is found that the formation of the contemporary structure of the studied region would have required significant displacement of the volcanic Irunei complex from west to east and the terrigenous Omgon complex from north to south. It is concluded that the Western Kamchatka continental block (minor lithospheric plate) was independent in the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Based on the data of 64 samples ,the REE geochemical characteristics of volcanic rocks in northern Zhejiang and eastern Jiangxi provinces are discussed in this paper.The REE distribution patterns in acid and intermediate-acid volcanic rocks in these areas display some similarities,as indicated by rightward-inclined V-shaped curves with negative Eu anomalies,which are parallel to earch other.In addi-tion,their REE parameters(ΣREE,ΣLREE/ΣHREE,δEu,Ce/Yb,La/Sm,La/Yb,etc)also va-ry over a narrow range with small deviations.HREE are particularly concentrated in the volcanic rocks as-sociated with uranium mineralization.The initial ^87Sr/^86Sr ratio in the volcanic rocks is about 0.7056-0.7139.All these features in conjunction with strontium isotopic data indicate that the rock-forming materials come from the sialic crust.The REE distribution patterns and REE geochemical parameters of the volcanic rocks ,as well as La/Sm-La and Ce/Yb-Eu/Yb diagrams may be applied to the sources of rock-forming and ore-forming materials.  相似文献   

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