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We present a low‐cost, reliable method for long‐term in situ autonomous monitoring of subsurface resistivity and temperature in a shallow, moderately heterogeneous subsurface. Probes, to be left in situ, were constructed at relatively low cost with an electrode spacing of 5 cm. Once installed, these were wired to the CR‐1000 Campbell Scientific Inc. datalogger at the surface to electrically image infiltration fronts in the shallow subsurface. This system was constructed and installed in June 2005 to collect apparent resistivity and temperature data from 96 subsurface electrodes set to a pole‐pole resistivity array pattern and 14 thermistors at regular intervals of 30 cm through May of 2008. From these data, a temperature and resistivity relationship was determined within the vadose zone (to a depth of ~1 m) and within the saturated zone (at depths between 1 and 2 m). The high vertical resolution of the data with resistivity measurements on a scale of 5‐cm spacing coupled with surface precipitation measurements taken at 3‐min intervals for a period of roughly 3 years allowed unique observations of infiltration related to seasonal changes. Both the vertical resistivity instrument probes and the data logger system functioned well for the duration of the test period and demonstrated the capability of this low‐cost monitoring system.  相似文献   

The earthquake real-time monitoring system of the Chinese National Digital Seismic Network has been in operation since "the Ninth Five-year Plan" period, and the stability of the system has been well tested. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of monitoring technology and increase of public demands, the original real-time monitoring system needs to be upgraded and improved in terms of timeliness, stability, accuracy and ease of operation. Therefore, by accessing a total of more than 1,000 seismic stations, reducing the seismic trigger threshold of the monitoring system, eliminating the false trigger stations and optimizing the seismic waveform display interface, the current earthquake monitoring demands can be satisfied on the basis of ensuring the stable operation of the system.  相似文献   

The development of chloride sensors which can be used for continuous, on‐line monitoring of groundwater could be very valuable in the management of our coastal water resources. However, sensor stability, drift, and durability all need to be addressed in order for the sensors to be used in continuous application. This study looks at the development of a simple, inexpensive chloride electrode, and evaluates its performance under continuous use, both in the laboratory and in a field test in a monitoring well. The results from the study showed a consistent response to changing chloride concentrations over longer periods. The signal was seen to be stable, with regular drift in both laboratory and field test. In the field application, the sensor signal was corrected for drift, and errors were observed to be under 7% of that of conductivity measurements. The study also found that the chloride sensor remained responsive even at low chloride concentrations, where the conductivity electrode was no longer responding to changing chloride levels. With the results, it is believed that the simple chloride sensor could be used for continuous monitoring of groundwater quality.  相似文献   

雷电危害是影响地震台站稳定运行的重要因素之一,对台站进行雷电防护具有重要意义。介绍冬奥会保障项目地电阻率台站改造中避雷系统的设计,并重点分析研究地电阻率台站架空线路防雷、地埋线路防雷等关键技术点出现的问题,探讨地电阻率台站综合防雷系统在接地网、供电、综合布线等方面的整体设计,最后设计完成宝昌台防雷技术系统。在此基础上,完成项目全部8个台站的避雷系统方案设计,全面提升冬奥会项目台站的防雷实效。通过计算,在项目深化研究中得到一些新的技术成果:(1)地电阻率台站应尽量将供电及测量线路进行埋地;(2)埋地供电及测量线路应避开接地体10 m以上;(3)仍采用架空线路的台站可以安装相应电流值的信号防雷器。研究成果可供今后全国台站防雷系统建设时参考。  相似文献   

—In order to investigate the effects of injected water in hydraulic fracturing, experiments were conducted on cubic granite specimens, comparing fracturings induced by conventional water injection with those induced by pressurization of a urethane sleeve, thereby realizing "hydraulic fracturing" without the use of fracturing fluid. In both experiments, a shear type mechanism was found to be dominant in fault plane solutions of AE events. However, in the case of water injection, cracks extended rapidly with large drops in hole water pressure and bursts of AE, whereas in pressurization by the urethane sleeve, cracks extended stepwise with no such large drops in hole pressure and no bursts of AE. The difference in crack extension in the two experiments can be analyzed by comparing relations between crack length and stress intensity factor of mode I at a crack tip. The observation and analysis indicate that existence of fracturing fluid like water helps initiated cracks to extend rapidly and widely in hydraulic fracturing in actual HDR fields. Received September 12, 1996, accepted January 24, 1997  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring solutions at contaminated sites are necessary to track plume migration and evaluate the performance of remediation efforts. Electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) can potentially provide information about plume dynamics; however, the feasibility and likelihood of success are seldom evaluated before conducting a field study. Coupling flow and transport models with geoelectrical models provide a powerful way to assess the potential effectiveness of an actual ERI field campaign. We present a coupled approach for evaluating the feasibility of monitoring nitrate migration and remediation using 4D time-lapse ERI at a legacy nuclear waste facility. This kilometer-scale study focuses on depths below the water table (∼70 m). A flow and transport model is developed to perform simulations of nitrate migration and removal via a hypothetical pump-and-treat system. A tracer injection is also simulated at the leading edge of the nitrate plume to enhance the conductivity contrast between the native subsurface and the groundwater fluids. Images of absolute bulk conductivity provide limited information concerning plume migration while time-lapse difference images, which remove the static effects of geology, provide more useful information concerning plume dynamics over time. A spatial moment analysis performed on flow and transport and ERI models matches well during the tracer injection; however, inversion regularization smoothing otherwise limits the value in terms of locating the center of mass. We find that the addition of a tracer enables ERI to characterize plume dynamics during pump-and-treat operations, and late-time ERI monitoring provides a conservative estimate of nitrate plume boundaries in this synthetic study.  相似文献   

The migration of groundwater in rock and soil can appear as abnormalities in geoelectric fields. It is therefore important to study the characteristics of seepage in porous media by measuring the geoelectric field signatures. In this study, a physical model with layers of sand and clay was constructed and an electrical resistivity meter was used to examine the changes in the geoelectric field parameters during the infiltration process. The results show that the infiltration could be detected based on the geoelectric signatures including temporal changes through the spontaneous potential, excitation currents, and apparent resistivity. Specifically, the spontaneous potential was reduced by 100 to 200 mV when the water reaches an electrode. During the second water injection in the experiment, the measured spontaneous potential of all the electrodes recovered to the previous extreme values that range from −200 to −550 mV, thus indicating a “memory” effect. With stepwise changes in the excitation current, it was possible to determine the seepage velocity in sand and clay layer. The apparent resistivity is reduced to less than 400 Ωm when the infiltration reaches the electrodes. These results indicate the potential for real-time monitoring of water flow.  相似文献   

Herein we propose a multiple injection and recovery well system strategically operated for freshwater storage in a brackish aquifer. With the system we call aquifer storage transfer and recovery (ASTR) by using four injection and two production wells, we are capable of achieving both high recovery efficiency of injected freshwater and attenuation of contaminants through adequately long residence times and travel distances within the aquifer. The usual aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) scheme, in which a single well is used for injection and recovery, does not warrant consistent treatment of injected water due to the shorter minimum residence times and travel distances. We tested the design and operation of the system over 3 years in a layered heterogeneous limestone aquifer in Salisbury, South Australia. We demonstrate how a combination of detailed aquifer characterization and solute transport modeling can be used to maintain acceptable salinity of recovered water for its intended use along with natural treatment of recharge water. ASTR can be used to reduce treatment costs and take advantage of aquifers with impaired water quality that might locally not be otherwise beneficially used.  相似文献   

A freeze core sampler was used to characterize hyporheic zone storage during a stream tracer test. The pore water from the frozen core showed tracer lingered in the hyporheic zone after the tracer had returned to background concentration in collocated well samples. These results confirmed evidence of lingering subsurface tracer seen in time‐lapse electrical resistivity tomographs. The pore water exhibited brine exclusion (ion concentrations in ice lower than source water) in a sediment matrix, despite the fast freezing time. Although freeze core sampling provided qualitative evidence of lingering tracer, it proved difficult to quantify tracer concentration because the amount of brine exclusion during freezing could not be accurately determined. Nonetheless, the additional evidence for lingering tracer supports using time‐lapse resistivity to detect regions of low fluid mobility within the hyporheic zone that can act as chemically reactive zones of importance in stream health.  相似文献   

A New System for Ground Water Monitoring   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper describes a new system for ground water monitoring, "the BAT System," which includes the following functions: (a) sampling of ground water in most types of soils, (b) measurement of pore water pressure, and (c) in situ measurement of hydraulic conductivity. The system can also be used for tracer tests. The system utilizes a permanently installed filter tip attached to a steel or PVC pipe. Installation is normally performed by pushing the tip down to the desired depth. The filter tip can also be buried beneath a landfill. The primary feature of the new system is that the filter tip contains a self-sealing quick coupling unit, which makes it possible to temporarily connect the filter tip to adapters for various functions, e.g. water sampling and for measurement of pore pressure and hydraulic conductivity. The new technique makes sampling of both pressurized water and gas possible. Samples are obtained directly in hermetically sealed, pre-sterilized sample cylinders. Sampling of ground water and measurement of pore pressure can be repeated over a long period of time with undiminished accuracy. This technique is also well-adapted for taking water samples from different strata in a soil profile, in both the saturated and unsaturated zones. Actual installations range from 0.5 to 60m depth.  相似文献   

地震前兆数据监视与管理系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周克昌  李志雄  王松  岳鑫雨  李杰飞 《地震》2006,26(1):115-122
在北京十三陵地震台建设了一个高度集成的地震观测监控系统, 将原来分散的观测项目(如测震、 GPS、 气氡、 气汞、 电磁波、 地电场等测项), 改造为集中到一台服务器管理, 在一个监控平台上统一实现了对台站数据的收集、 入库、 管理、 处理、 监控等业务; 对这些观测项目可以在控制台上直接取数并将数据入库; 初步实现了观测数据的收集、 数据处理、 数据管理、 数据监控的软件管理系统, 减少了系统维护工作量, 方便台站工作人员操控。 监控系统的地震前兆数据监管软件系统DataMonitor可准实时监视数据, 检查数据的异常和到达情况, 并向台站数据管理人员告警; 可对数据库数据进行统计, 包括数据到达情况统计、 缺数统计、 数据连续率统计等, 并可按用户定制的测项分类进行统计。 该系统还提供多种前兆数据处理方法, 实现对前兆数据的各种常规分析处理。 地震前兆数据监视与管理系统已在北京十三陵地震台应用, 满足了数据管理人员日常工作需要, 可及时方便地掌握数据的情况并对观测系统进行维护。  相似文献   

随着经济建设的发展,地电阻率定点观测区环境被干扰严重影响观测质量,装置系统在地表布设的工作方式难以取得有效观测和持续发展,因此装置系统向井下深部布设受到人们关注。同时,地表大极距观测方式难以持续发展,也促使地电阻率定点观测向井下小极距观测方式发展。井下小极距观测相比地表大极距观测占地面积小,能较好地排除或减弱地表测区环境干扰对观测结果的影响,既能适应经济发展的需要,又能较好地为地震监测服务。2018年,在总结已建井下地电阻率台站布极方式和建设工艺的基础上,新建延庆台井下小极距地电阻率观测。本文重点分析了延庆台井下小极距地电阻率观测装置系统建设中的几个关键问题,如水平向和垂直向观测相结合、布极方式、电极制作和埋设深度等装置系统技术过程,以及水平向和垂直向观测装置系数的计算等。延庆台建设较好地获得了近全空间观测布设,从理论上解决了井下小极距地电阻率建设的难点,为将来要进行井下小极距地电阻率观测装置系统建设的台站提供参考。  相似文献   

虚假震后信息入侵严重干扰抗震救灾与灾后重建进程,为防止虚假震后信息在互联网中大肆传播,需对震后虚假信息进行精准识别,设计基于互联网的震后虚假信息入侵实时检测系统。互联网以Web服务器为载体传播信息,数据包捕获模块采用WinPcap技术,并从中获取有效数据包,在协议解析模块中完成数据包TCP/IP协议、CMP协议、UDP协议解码工作,解码后的数据输入到基于SVM的震后虚假信息检测模型中。SVM模型寻求最优超平面将震后信息分为虚假与真实两个类别,根据该结果完成震后虚假信息入侵实时检测。由实验结果可知该系统检测震后虚假信息入侵误报率低于3%,相比同类型系统具有接收数据能力强、效率高的优势,对精准检测震后虚假信息具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We use electrical resistivity tomography to obtain a 6.8‐km electrical resistivity image to a depth of approximately 150 m.b.s.l. along the coast of Monterey Bay. The resulting image is used to determine the subsurface distribution of saltwater‐ and freshwater‐saturated sediments and the geologic controls on fluid distributions in the region. Data acquisition took place over two field seasons in 2011 and 2012. To maximize our ability to image both vertical and horizontal variations in the subsurface, a combination of dipole–dipole, Wenner, Wenner‐gamma, and gradient measurements were made, resulting in a large final dataset of approximately 139,000 data points. The resulting resistivity section extends to a depth of 150 m.b.s.l., and is used, in conjunction with the gamma logs from four coastal monitoring wells to identify four dominant lithologic units. From these data, we are able to infer the existence of a contiguous clay layer in the southern portion of our transect, which prevents downward migration of the saltwater observed in the upper 25 m of the subsurface to the underlying freshwater aquifer. The saltwater and brackish water in the northern portion of the transect introduce the potential for seawater intrusion into the hydraulically connected freshwater aquifer to the south, not just from the ocean, but also laterally from north to south.  相似文献   

This paper describes a drive point system for installing small‐diameter (15 to 25 mm ID) piezometers to depths of several metres in unconsolidated sediments. The system fills the gap between (1) heavy duty drive point systems powered by drilling rig hydraulics or air hammers that are capable of installing large diameter drive points to depths of many tens of metres and (2) manually driven systems that typically install 10 mm ID or smaller tubing to depths of <2 m. Unlike many existing systems, which install piezometers inside an outer casing that is later removed, our system protects the piezometer screen inside the casing and extends it only once the casing is driven to the desired depth. This avoids clogging of the screen during installation and the risk of creating an annulus around the piezometer, which can provide a preferential pathway for water movement. The piezometer has a larger diameter than most manually driven systems, and thus has a higher yield; it also permits use of most commercially available pressure transducers and electrical conductivity sensors. The piezometers have been successfully installed to depths of up to 6 m using an electric hammer. The system overcomes some issues associated with existing systems and provides the advantages of affordability, rapid installation, mechanical assistance and manual portability.  相似文献   

研究了稳流源对地电阻率观测系统可靠性的影响,从理论上分析了稳流源输出电流的稳定性与系统测量数据可靠性之间的联系;从技术上分析了用于稳流源的高频开关技术和多种可靠性技术对观测系统长期可靠的重要性。理论分析阐述了稳流源输出电流稳定的意义,新技术的采用促进了地电观测系统设计技术的提高。  相似文献   

v--vThe prototype International Data Centre (IDC) in Arlington, Virginia has been acquiring data from seismic stations at locations designated in the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty for the International Monitoring System (IMS) since the start of 1995. A key characteristic of these stations is their background noise levels and their seasonal and diurnal variability. Since June 1997 an automated sample selection effort has collected over 700,000 individual noise sample spectra from 39 primary and 57 auxiliary stations. Monthly median and 5 and 95 percentile estimates have been calculated for each channel of every station. Compatibility of median spectra obtained for the same station and channel in the same month for two different years confirms the consistency of the noise-sampling algorithm used. A preliminary analysis of the results shows strong (more than a factor of two) seasonal variation at a quarter of all stations. Strong diurnal variations at half of the sites indicate that many of the selected sites are poorly located with respect to cultural noise sources. The results of this study are already being used to evaluate station quality, improve those processes that require background noise values, such as automatic association and requesting auxiliary station data, and to improve the estimation of station and network detection and location thresholds.  相似文献   

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