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Observation of dispersion in field situations has left three issues that may be better understood by applying advective transport phenomena. (1) In some experiments, the longitudinal dispersivity becomes constant with increasing pathlength and in other cases it remains growing. (2) Dispersivities reported from multiple comprehensive observations at a single site differ at similar pathlength in some cases more than a factor two. (3) The observed difference between the plume fronts and plume tails is not represented in the reported parameters. The analytic equations for advective transport phenomena at macroscale of De Lange (2020) describe the thickness of the affected flow-tube and the spread of the plume front and tail. The scale factor defines the size of the averaging domain and so of the initial phase. The new macroscale correlation coefficient relates the growth of the longitudinal dispersivity beyond the initial phase to the aquifer heterogeneity. Using stochastic parameters for the aquifer heterogeneity, the parameters are quantified at 14 field experiments in the United States, Canada and Europe enabling the comparison of calculated and reported final dispersivities. Using the quantified parameters, 146 reported and calculated dispersivities along the traveled paths show a good match. A dispersivity derived from the local plume growth may differ a factor of two from the aquifer-representative value. The growths of plume fronts and tails between two plume stages are assessed in 14 cases and compared to calculated values. Distinctive parameters for the plume front and tail support better understanding of field situations. A user-ready spreadsheet is provided.  相似文献   

One of the costliest natural hazards around the globe is flash floods, resulting from localized intense convective precipitation over short periods of time. Since intense convective rainfall (especially over the continents) is well correlated with lightning activity in these storms, a European Union FP6 FLASH project was realized from 2006 to 2010, focusing on using lightning observations to better understand and predict convective storms that result in flash floods. As part of the project, 23 case studies of flash floods in the Mediterranean region were examined. For the analysis of these storms, lightning data were used together with rainfall estimates in order to understand the storms?? development and electrification processes. In addition, these case studies were simulated using mesoscale meteorological models to better understand the local and synoptic conditions leading to such intense and damaging storms. As part of this project, tools for short-term predictions (nowcasts) of intense convection across the Mediterranean and Europe, and long-term forecasts (a few days) of the likelihood of intense convection, were developed and employed. The project also focused on educational outreach through a special Web site http://flashproject.org supplying real-time lightning observations, real-time experimental nowcasts, medium-range weather forecasts and educational materials. While flash floods and intense thunderstorms cannot be prevented, long-range regional lightning networks can supply valuable data, in real time, for warning the public, end-users and stakeholders of imminent intense rainfall and possible flash floods.  相似文献   

This work is the fifth in a series of papers on the thermodynamically constrained averaging theory (TCAT) approach for modeling flow and transport phenomena in multiscale porous medium systems. The general TCAT framework and the mathematical foundation presented in previous works are used to develop models that describe species transport and single-fluid-phase flow through a porous medium system in varying physical regimes. Classical irreversible thermodynamics formulations for species in fluids, solids, and interfaces are developed. Two different approaches are presented, one that makes use of a momentum equation for each entity along with constitutive relations for species diffusion and dispersion, and a second approach that makes use of a momentum equation for each species in an entity. The alternative models are developed by relying upon different approaches to constrain an entropy inequality using mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations. The resultant constrained entropy inequality is simplified and used to guide the development of closed models. Specific instances of dilute and non-dilute systems are examined and compared to alternative formulation approaches.  相似文献   

Uncertainty Analysis in Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentration of a pollutant in the atmosphere is a random variable that cannot be predicted accurately, but can be described using quantities such as ensemble mean, variance, and probability distribution. There is growing recognition that the modeled concentrations of hazardous contaminants in the atmosphere should be described in a probabilistic framework. This paper discusses the various types of uncertainties in atmospheric dispersion models, and reviews sensitivity/uncertainty analysis methods to characterize and/or reduce them. Evaluation and quantification of the range of uncertainties in predictions yield a deeper insight into the capabilities and limitations of atmospheric dispersion models, and increase our confidence in decision-making based on models.  相似文献   

This work is the eighth in a series that develops the fundamental aspects of the thermodynamically constrained averaging theory (TCAT) that allows for a systematic increase in the scale at which multiphase transport phenomena is modeled in porous medium systems. In these systems, the explicit locations of interfaces between phases and common curves, where three or more interfaces meet, are not considered at scales above the microscale. Rather, the densities of these quantities arise as areas per volume or length per volume. Modeling of the dynamics of these measures is an important challenge for robust models of flow and transport phenomena in porous medium systems, as the extent of these regions can have important implications for mass, momentum, and energy transport between and among phases, and formulation of a capillary pressure relation with minimal hysteresis. These densities do not exist at the microscale, where the interfaces and common curves correspond to particular locations. Therefore, it is necessary for a well-developed macroscale theory to provide evolution equations that describe the dynamics of interface and common curve densities. Here we point out the challenges and pitfalls in producing such evolution equations, develop a set of such equations based on averaging theorems, and identify the terms that require particular attention in experimental and computational efforts to parameterize the equations. We use the evolution equations developed to specify a closed two-fluid-phase flow model.  相似文献   

—An algorithm has been developed to compute the dispersive and dissipative seismic response using FUTTERMAN’S (1962) third attenuation-dispersion relationship. In the computation, frequency-dependent velocity and quality factor Q have been used but in the case of the nondispersive synthetic seismogram, frequency-independent velocity has been used. The model’s parameters are density, phase velocity, quality factors and thicknesses of the layers. Dispersive and nondispersive synthetic seismograms have been computed with and without absorption for a layered earth geological model. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) technique has been adopted for converting the frequency domain response into the time domain. The frequency spacing, Δf = 0.976?Hz, has been considered to avoid the aliasing effect. The results have revealed changes in the reflected waveforms in the frequency domain as well as in the time domain for absorption and dispersion cases. It is also concluded that dispersion reduces the arrival time and this effect is increasing with the travel time. The effect of constant Q on the seismic response has also been studied.  相似文献   

A model is presented for estimating vapor concentrations in buildings because of volatilization from soil contaminated by non- aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) or from dissolved contaminants in ground water. The model considers source depletion, diffusive- dispersive transport of the contaminant of concern (COC) and of oxygen and oxygen-limited COC biodecay. Diffusive-advective transport through foundations and vapor losses caused by foundation cross-flow are considered. Competitive oxygen use by various species is assumed to be proportional to the product of the average dissolved-phase species concentration and a biopreference factor. Laboratory and field data indicate the biopreference factor to be proportional to the organic carbon partition coefficient for the fuel hydrocarbons studied. Predicted indoor air concentrations were sensitive to soil type and subbase permeability. Lower concentrations were predicted for buildings with shallow foundations caused by flushing of contaminants by cross-flow. NAPL source depletion had a large impact on average exposure concentration. Barometric pumping had a minor effect on indoor air emissions for the conditions studied. Risk-based soil cleanup levels were much lower when biodecay was considered because of the existence of a threshold source concentration below which no emissions occur. Computed cleanup levels at NAPL-contaminated sites were strongly dependent on total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) content and COC soil concentration. The model was applied to two field sites with gasoline-contaminated ground water. Confidence limits of predicted indoor air concentrations spanned approximately two orders of magnitude considering uncertainty in model parameters. Measured contaminant concentrations in indoor air were within model-predicted confidence limits.  相似文献   

This article outlines analytical solutions to quantify the length scale associated with “upstream dispersion,” the artificial movement of solutes in the opposite direction to groundwater flow, in solute transport models. Upstream dispersion is an unwanted artifact in common applications of the advection-dispersion equation (ADE) in problems involving groundwater flow in the direction of increasing solute concentrations. Simple formulae for estimating the one-dimensional distance of upstream dispersion are provided. These show that under idealized conditions (i.e., steady-state flow and transport, and a homogeneous aquifer), upstream dispersion may be a function of only longitudinal dispersivity. The scale of upstream dispersion in a selection of previously presented situations is approximated to highlight the utility of the presented formulae and the relevance of this ADE anomaly in common transport problems. Additionally, the analytical solution is applied in a hypothetical scenario to guide the modification of dispersion parameters to minimize upstream dispersion.  相似文献   

The monitoring of water quality, especially of karst springs, requires methods for rapidly estimating and quantifying parameters that indicate contamination. In the last few years, fluorescence-based measurements of tryptophan and humic acid have become a promising tool to assess water quality in near real-time. In this study, we conducted comparative tracer tests in a karst experimental site to investigate the transport properties and behavior of tryptophan and humic acid in a natural karst aquifer. These two tracers were compared with the conservative tracer uranine. Fluorescence measurements were conducted with an online field fluorometer and in the laboratory. The obtained breakthrough curves (BTCs) and the modeling results demonstrate that (1) the online field fluorometer is suitable for real-time fluorescence measurements of all three tracers; (2) the transport parameters obtained for uranine, tryptophan, and humic acid are comparable in the fast flow areas of the karst system; (3) the transport velocities of humic acid are slower and the resulting residence times are accordingly higher, compared to uranine and tryptophan, in the slower and longer flow paths; (4) the obtained BTCs reveal additional information about the investigated karst system. As a conclusion, the experiments show that the transport properties of tryptophan are similar to those of uranine while humic acid is partly transported slower and with retardation. These findings allow a better and quantitative interpretation of the results when these substances are used as natural fecal and contamination indicators.  相似文献   

Regional nitrate contamination in groundwater is a management challenge involving multisector benefits. There is always conflict between restricting anthropogenic activities to protect groundwater quality and prioritizing economic development, especially in productive agriculture dominated areas. To mitigate the nitrate contamination in groundwater, it is necessary to develop management alternatives that simultaneously support environmental protection and sustainable economic development. A regional transport modeling framework is applied to evaluate nitrate fate and transport in the Dagu Aquifer, a shallow sandy aquifer that supplies drinking water and irrigation water for a thriving agricultural economy in Shandong Province in east coastal China. The aquifer supports intensive high-value vegetable farms and nitrate contamination is extensive. Detailed land-use information and fertilizer use data were compiled and statistical approaches were employed to analyze nitrogen source loadings and the spatiotemporal distribution of nitrate in groundwater to support model construction and calibration. The evaluations reveal that the spatial distribution and temporal trends of nitrate contamination in the Dagu Aquifer are driven by intensive fertilization and vertical water exchange, the dominant flow pattern derived from intensive agricultural pumping and irrigation. The modeling framework is employed to assess the effectiveness of potentially applicable management alternatives. The predictive results provide quantitative comparisons for the trend and extent of groundwater quality mitigation under each scenario. Recommendations are made for measures that can both improve groundwater quality and sustain productive agricultural development.  相似文献   

The mathematical model for simulating deformations of river channels composed of heterogeneous alluvium has been developed. The combination of shallow water equations and a three-layer model is used to describe the fluid flow and non-uniform sediment transport in bed (layer II) and suspended (layer III) loads. Changes in the fractional composition of unerodible bottom sediments (layer I) are also considered. The algorithm provides mass conservation for each fraction. The comparison of calculations results and experimental data (hydraulic washing of a desilting basin from sediments and armoring processes in heterogeneous soils) confirms the operability of the model. The model is applied to calculate the silting and hydraulic washes of the reservoir of a hydroelectric power station on a mountain river.  相似文献   

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