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Numerical modeling was employed to study the performance of thermal conductive heating (TCH) in fractured shale under a variety of hydrogeological conditions. Model results show that groundwater flow in fractures does not significantly affect the minimum treatment zone temperature, except near the beginning of heating or when groundwater influx is high. However, fracture and rock matrix properties can significantly influence the time necessary to remove all liquid water (i.e., reach superheated steam conditions) in the treatment area. Low matrix permeability, high matrix porosity, and wide fracture spacing can contribute to boiling point elevation in the rock matrix. Consequently, knowledge of these properties is important for the estimation of treatment times. Because of the variability in boiling point throughout a fractured rock treatment zone and the absence of a well-defined constant temperature boiling plateau in the rock matrix, it may be difficult to monitor the progress of thermal treatment using temperature measurements alone.  相似文献   

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's Technical Regulations require the horizontal and vertical delineation of contamination. Monitor wells screened at increasingly deeper intervals are used to delineate vertical contamination. In New Jersey, the open interval in a bedrock well cannot exceed 7.6 m. Since contamination has been found at depths as great as 91.4 m in a production well in the study area, it would be prohibitively expensive to install monitor wells with 7.6 m open holes at ever-increasing depths until no contamination was found. Isolation of discrete zones in boreholes using pneumatic packers was implemented at a site in north central New Jersey. Ground water samples were collected from selected 6.1 m sections of boreholes drilled into fractured bedrock at three locations on the property and one offsite location. The ground water samples were analyzed in a field laboratory. The analytical results were used to determine the vertical extent of gasoline-related compounds dissolved in the ground water on the property and offsite. These compounds include benzene, ethylbenzene, methyl tertiary butyl ether, toluene, and xylenes. The four boreholes were converted into bedrock monitor wells. The intake interval for each of the wells was selected through evaluation of the vertical distribution of contaminants as determined from analytical results obtained from a field laboratory located onsite. Three wells are used for the recovery of contaminated ground water. The recovered water will be treated at the onsite air-stripping unit. The fourth well is used to chemically and hydraulically monitor the progress of the ground water recovery program.  相似文献   

Nazarov  N. A.  Demidov  V. N. 《Water Resources》2001,28(1):34-41
The equation of advection–diffusion transport of a reactive solute in a stream is solved by different methods. Procedures for evaluating the parameters of a four-node finite-difference approximation used to numerically integrate this equation are proposed. Numerical experiments based on the developed numerical procedures, software, and models of solute transport allowed, in particular, the evaluation of the sensitivity of pollutant concentration estimates to variations in the parameters of interaction processes and hydrodynamic dispersion for a lowland river.  相似文献   

Refractive flow and treatment (RFT) systems are designed for passive or low-maintenance in situ ground water remediation for rock or soil of low to moderate permeability. An RFT system captures and refracts contaminated ground water and conveys it to an in situ permeable treatment zone without the need for pumping. Flow to the treatment zone is through one or more high-permeability collection cells, and flow from the treatment zone back into the adjacent native media is through one or more high-permeability dispersal cells.
Conceptual, analytical, and numerical modeling demonstrates the potential for RFT systems to be successful. Analytical modeling shows that the most important factor for this success is that RFT system components be engineered to have comparatively high hydraulic conductivities. A numerical model, capable of representing site-specific conditions, is required for actual RFT system design.  相似文献   

A new approach to locate transmissive fractures and decipher vertical borehole flow conditions in fractured crystalline bedrock wells is presented, which uses dissolved oxygen (DO) as a benign tracer. The method was tested in two fractured crystalline bedrock wells previously characterized by televiewer and flow meter logging under both ambient and stressed (slug test) conditions. The method entailed elevating wellbore DO concentrations by circulating water through showerheads or injection of compressed air. The DO dilution was used to locate inflowing fractures. Changes in the DO concentration with time were used to ascertain flow within the borehole and to locate outflowing fractures and stagnant zones. Flow rates were also estimated. Fractures detected by the method corresponded to those observed by televiewer logging and for the most part were comparable to flow meter results. Given the effectiveness, time‐efficiency and low cost, the method is a promising alternative to other methods currently in use to characterize transmissive fractures in wells.  相似文献   

This study presents an approach for delineating groundwater basins and estimating rates of recharge to fractured crystalline bedrock. It entailed the use of completion report data (boring logs) from 2500 domestic wells in bedrock from the Coventry Quadrangle, which is located in northeastern Connecticut and characterized by metamorphic gneiss and schist. Completion report data were digitized and imported into ArcGIS® for data analysis. The data were processed to delineate groundwater drainage basins for the fractured rock based on flow conditions and to estimate groundwater recharge to the bedrock. Results indicate that drainage basins derived from surface topography, in general, may not correspond with bedrock drainage basins due to scale. Estimates of recharge to the bedrock for the study area indicate that only a small fraction of the precipitation or the amount of water that enters the overburden recharges the rock. The approach presented here can be a useful method for water resource‐related assessments that involve fractured rock aquifers.  相似文献   

A theoretical method is proposed to estimate post‐fracturing fracture size and transmissivity, and as a test of the methodology, data collected from two wells were used for verification. This method can be employed before hydrofracturing in order to obtain estimates of the potential hydraulic benefits of hydraulic fracturing. Five different pumping test analysis methods were used to evaluate the well hydraulic data. The most effective methods were the Papadopulos‐Cooper model (1967), which includes wellbore storage effects, and the Gringarten‐Ramey model (1974), known as the single horizontal fracture model. The hydraulic parameters resulting from fitting these models to the field data revealed that as a result of hydraulic fracturing, the transmissivity increased more than 46 times in one well and increased 285 times in the other well. The model developed by dos Santos (2008) , which considers horizontal radial fracture propagation from the hydraulically fractured well, was used to estimate potential fracture geometry after hydrofracturing. For the two studied wells, their fractures could have propagated to distances of almost 175 m or more and developed maximum apertures of about 2.20 mm and hydraulic apertures close to 0.30 mm. Fracturing at this site appears to have expanded and propagated existing fractures and not created new fractures. Hydraulic apertures calculated from pumping test analyses closely matched the results obtained from the hydraulic fracturing model. As a result of this model, post‐fracturing geometry and resulting post‐fracturing well yield can be estimated before the actual hydrofracturing.  相似文献   

Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have enabled hydrocarbon recovery from unconventional reservoirs, but led to natural gas contamination of shallow groundwaters. We describe and apply numerical models of gas‐phase migration associated with leaking natural gas wells. Three leakage scenarios are simulated: (1) high‐pressure natural gas pulse released into a fractured aquifer; (2) continuous slow leakage into a tilted fractured formation; and (3) continuous slow leakage into an unfractured aquifer with fluvial channels, to facilitate a generalized evaluation of natural gas transport from faulty natural gas wells. High‐pressure pulses of gas leakage into sparsely fractured media are needed to produce the extensive and rapid lateral spreading of free gas previously observed in field studies. Transport in fractures explains how methane can travel vastly different distances and directions laterally away from a leaking well, which leads to variable levels of methane contamination in nearby groundwater wells. Lower rates of methane leakage (≤1 Mcf/day) produce shorter length scales of gas transport than determined by the high‐pressure scenario or field studies, unless aquifers have low vertical permeabilities (≤1 millidarcy) and fractures and bedding planes have sufficient tilt (~10°) to allow a lateral buoyancy component. Similarly, in fractured rock aquifers or where permeability is controlled by channelized fluvial deposits, lateral flow is not sufficiently developed to explain fast‐developing gas contamination (0‐3 months) or large length scales (~1 km) documented in field studies. Thus, current efforts to evaluate the frequency, mechanism, and impacts of natural gas leakage from faulty natural gas wells likely underestimate contributions from small‐volume, low‐pressure leakage events.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions for the water flow and solute transport equations in the unsaturated zone are presented. We use the Broadbridge and White nonlinear model to solve the Richards’ equation for vertical flow under a constant infiltration rate. Then we extend the water flow solution and develop an exact parametric solution for the advection-dispersion equation. The method of characteristics is adopted to determine the location of a solute front in the unsaturated zone. The dispersion component is incorporated into the final solution using a singular perturbation method. The formulation of the analytical solutions is simple, and a complete solution is generated without resorting to computationally demanding numerical schemes. Indeed, the simple analytical solutions can be used as tools to verify the accuracy of numerical models of water flow and solute transport. Comparison with a finite-element numerical solution indicates that a good match for the predicted water content is achieved when the mesh grid is one-fourth the capillary length scale of the porous medium. However, when numerically solving the solute transport equation at this level of discretization, numerical dispersion and spatial oscillations were significant.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses have previously been proposed for the source of elevated radon in ground water of southwestern Ohio: (1) penecontemporaneous uranium at the Silurian-Ordovician unconformity, and/or (2) parent radionuclides transported from fragments of uranium-rich Ohio Shale within the glacial drift above the aquifer. To further test the first hypothesis, vertical profiles of dissolved radon in ground water and uranium in rock cores were obtained at two locations immediately underlain by the Silurian/Ordovician unconformity. Radon concentrations exceeding 1000 pCi/l occurred in zones where the bedrock had uranium concentrations greater than 1.5 ppm. Radon concentrations of less than 500 pCi/l occurred in zones where the rock had uranium concentrations below 0.25 ppm. A log-linear regression model between uranium and radon had a correlation coefficient of 0.82. Three aspects of the results support the hypothesis that the source is transported, although not necessarily from fragments of Ohio Shale. First, the high uranium-radon zones did not occur consistently or exclusively at the Silurian/Ordovician unconformity. Second, the high uranium-radon zones are correlated to fracture zones having a higher hydraulic conductivity and thus appear to be related to the zones of greater flow and transport. Third, the amount of uranium-radon disequilibrium increases exponentially with increasing hydraulic conductivity. The hypothesis of a penecontemporaneous source, not supported by our study, arose when previous investigators conducted regional surveys of domestic wells and springs and found a correspondence between elevated radon and the location of the Silurian-Ordovician unconformity. The observations of the previous investigators can be explained by the fact that the basal Silurian is in some places a horizon of higher hydraulic conductivity that facilitates transport. The two most probable external sources of uranium would be uranium-containing detritus in the glacial drift or uranium-containing phosphate fertilizers spread on the surface. Given that the uranium was transported into the aquifer during the Holocene, it could not have generated enough radium in the time elapsed since entering the aquifer to produce the radon levels that were measured. This observation indicates that radium was cotransported with uranium into the zones of high radon.  相似文献   

Coalbed methane can be detected employing the amplitudevariation-with-offset technique. However, there are two issues in applying this technique to a coalbed: strong azimuthal anisotropy resulting from high-density fractures, and the seismic response being composed of many or several individual reflections within the coalbed. To overcome these difficulties, we present an exact solution for reflections in extensive dilatancy anisotropy media. First, we build a three-layer model and simulate the wave propagation in this model. Then we derive an exact P- and converted S-wave reflection coefficient equation based on boundary conditions. Finally, substituting given model parameters into the exact equation, we obtain the variation in the reflection coefficient with incidence angle. The results show that the fracture factors, wavelet frequency and thickness of the coalbed have different effects on the reflection coefficient. Furthermore, we create a synthetic seismogram by forward calculation, and the result fits well with results of the exact equation.  相似文献   

Field characterization of a trichloroethene (TCE) source area in fractured mudstones produced a detailed understanding of the geology, contaminant distribution in fractures and the rock matrix, and hydraulic and transport properties. Groundwater flow and chemical transport modeling that synthesized the field characterization information proved critical for designing bioremediation of the source area. The planned bioremediation involved injecting emulsified vegetable oil and bacteria to enhance the naturally occurring biodegradation of TCE. The flow and transport modeling showed that injection will spread amendments widely over a zone of lower‐permeability fractures, with long residence times expected because of small velocities after injection and sorption of emulsified vegetable oil onto solids. Amendments transported out of this zone will be diluted by groundwater flux from other areas, limiting bioremediation effectiveness downgradient. At nearby pumping wells, further dilution is expected to make bioremediation effects undetectable in the pumped water. The results emphasize that in fracture‐dominated flow regimes, the extent of injected amendments cannot be conceptualized using simple homogeneous models of groundwater flow commonly adopted to design injections in unconsolidated porous media (e.g., radial diverging or dipole flow regimes). Instead, it is important to synthesize site characterization information using a groundwater flow model that includes discrete features representing high‐ and low‐permeability fractures. This type of model accounts for the highly heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity and groundwater fluxes in fractured‐rock aquifers, and facilitates designing injection strategies that target specific volumes of the aquifer and maximize the distribution of amendments over these volumes.  相似文献   

Field Data and Ground Water Modeling in a Layered Fractured Aquifer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Modeling Solute Transport in Ground Water At or Near Freezing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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