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本文利用地震面波激发理论计算了两种震源不同相对强度、相对埋深及源时间函数情况下的Rg波频谱,研究地下爆炸中各向同性(ISO)源和补偿线性矢量偶极(CLVD)源共同激发的Rg波信号低谷点特性.结果表明,由于两种震源相对强度、相对埋深及源频谱的影响,混合信号低谷点频率与单一CLVD源激发的信号有很大差异,因此实际地下爆炸中...  相似文献   

地下核爆炸Lg波的激发机制   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
地下核爆炸Lg波的激发机制,目前尚未十分清楚.其中主要观点之一是源区附近由补偿线性矢量偶极源(CLVD)激发的Rg波的散射形成的S波是Lg波能量的主要来源.本文利用理论地震图模拟方法,基于东哈萨克斯坦地区速度模型,分析比较了东哈萨克斯坦地壳速度模型下的爆炸源、张裂源及CLVD源对区域震相Lg波的影响.结果表明,从能量的角度来看,CLVD源是激发Lg波的主要因素.模拟计算结果也进一步证实了CLVD源激发的Lg波振幅谱具有低谷点的特征源自于该震源所激发的Rg波;在此基础之上,检验了Patton提出的估算震源埋藏深度的经验公式.结果发现,该公式仅适用于震源埋藏深度较浅的情况(<500m).这些结果对于进一步理解及更好地利用Lg波具有重要理论指导意义.  相似文献   

利用谱元算法数值模拟了不同地表起伏模型下的补偿线性矢量偶极(Compensated Linear Vector Dipole, CLVD)源Rg波低谷点的特征及相应的震源深度.结果表明,源区地表存在一定起伏情况下,Rg波低谷点依然存在,低谷点位置反映了源区地表起伏的信息,但与理论值仍有一定偏差.Rg波低谷点受远区地表起伏影响较小.  相似文献   

层裂对区域震相Lg波的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
地下核爆炸Lg波的激发机制, 目前尚未十分清楚. 普遍接受的观点是: 伴随层裂源的补偿线性矢量偶极源激发的Rg波的散射形成的S波, 是Lg波的最主要贡献因素. 本文利用频谱比对方法, 结合合成理论地震图方法, 基于东哈萨克斯坦地区速度模型, 分析了东哈萨克斯坦地壳速度模型下的层裂对区域震相Lg波的影响, 并进一步分析了该地区的实际观测资料. 结果表明, 层裂时间函数对Lg波具有扇贝形调制作用; Lg波振幅谱的低谷点源自于补偿线性矢量偶极(CLVD)源激发的Rg波. 这一结果也表明, 东哈萨克斯坦速度模型下的Lg波受层裂的调制作用, 与内华达试验区的Lg波是一样的, 进一步支持了Patton和Taylor的观点, 对于进一步理解及更好地利用Lg波具有重要理论指导意义.   相似文献   

Lg波是检测、识别地下核爆炸的重要震相.通常情况下,地下核爆炸的低频段Lg波能量相对较强,基于Lg波的识别判据在高频段表现较好. 然而在低频范围内却表现出难以用球对称爆炸源模式解释的现象,如Lg/Pg判据在1 Hz附近失效等现象.本文利用理论地震图方法,分析了伴随层裂过程产生的重要辅助源〖CD2〗CLVD源对Lg波低频成分的调制作用,给出了基于Lg波的识别判据成功及失效的原因,并将层裂过程视为输入扰动,利用振型叠加原理,进一步解释了基于Lg波识别判据特性的物理机制.这对于更好地利用Lg波识别地下核爆炸,具有较好的参考意义.  相似文献   

Lg波同时携带地球介质结构信息和爆炸源引起的二次源信息,是研究地下爆炸震源机制及检测、识别手段的重要震相。基于对某一区域介质结构的了解,将实测Lg波谱特征形态与理论波谱形态进行比对,利用Lg波频谱曲线的低谷点随震源深度"左移"的特征,作为辅助识别手段估计地下核爆炸装置的埋深。研究结果对深入地理解地下核爆炸震源机制有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

何永锋  李锴  刘炳灿 《地震学报》2015,37(4):640-1286
地下核爆炸区域及远区地震波信号中,有二次源即层裂源的贡献,其对区域震相Lg波具有调制作用.本文利用理论地震图数值模拟方法,分析爆炸源和层裂源在3种典型介质速度模型下的区域震相特征,得到了爆炸源和层裂源所激发的Lg波与介质速度模型的关系,并结合CLVD源所激发的S波随震中距的演化过程,对Lg波的形成机制进行了阐述.结果表明,CLVD源是激发地下核爆炸低频Lg波的主要因素.   相似文献   

基于频率-波数域算法的理论地震波形图方法, 可以数值模拟频率达到10 Hz、 震中距达1000 km的区域理论地震波形图. 该算法适用于计算大量分层地壳结构中激发的导波Lg波. 本文在前苏联东哈萨克斯坦地下核试验场至我国乌鲁木齐台站间的地球介质速度模型中, 引入速度梯度结构、 速度扰动分布的薄叠加层结构、 降低Q值结构以及速度扰动与Q值变化的综合结构来模拟实际地壳波导结构, 较好地模拟出东哈萨克斯坦地下核爆炸地震在乌鲁木齐台站记录的宽频带地震波形图, 模拟出完整的Lg波序列, 该序列符合Lg波能量分布特征, 且能够解释Lg波波尾的特征. 结果表明, Lg波的形状和峰值结构均依赖于地壳的不同波导结构.   相似文献   

对球形空腔偏心解耦爆炸进行了数值模拟,得到了不同方向和不同爆心距节点的S波和P波速度曲线以及岩石单元中拉伸应力的传播过程。结果表明:空腔偏心解耦爆炸激发的S波具有方向性,S波幅值与对应P波幅值相当,激发S波的物理机制是振荡的拉伸应力,它等效于偶极子震源。  相似文献   

点力源在均匀横向各向同性介质中激发的弹性波可以用透射-反射矩阵法进行求解。假定点力源位于一假想的各向同性层中,并利用各向同性介质中等效于势函数的过源面间断,从而易于求出介质中各个点上的弹性波场;再令假想的各向同性层的厚度趋近于0,则可求出原始问题的解,即横向各向同性介质中的格林函数。最后得出的结果和假想的各向同性层的性质无关,表明这一方法用于求解点力源在各向异性介质中激发的弹性波场是可行的。  相似文献   

Introduction The Lg phase plays a central role in nuclear test detection, discrimination, and yield estima-tion because of its stability in propagation, but the excitation mechanisms of Lg phase are not fully understood. Regional Lg is a short-period guided wave composed mainly of a sequence of multi-ply reflected post-critical S waves trapped in the crustal wave guide. Several studies carried out recently (Gupta et al, 1992; Patton and Taylor, 1995; Gupta et al, 1997; Wallace, 1991) have …  相似文献   

The earlyP wave coda (5–15 sec after the first arrival) of underground explosions at the Nevada Test Site is studied in the time domain using 2082 teleseismic short-period recordings, with the intent of identifying near-source contributions to the signals in the frequency range 0.2–2.0 Hz. Smaller magnitude events tend to have relatively high coda levels in the 0.4–0.8 Hz frequency band for both Yucca Flat and Pahute Mesa explosions. Coda complexity in this low-frequency passband is negatively correlated with burial depth for Pahute Mesa events but is only weakly correlated with depth for Yucca Flat events. Enhanced excitation of relatively long-period scattered waves for smaller, less deeply buried events is required to explain this behavior. Coda complexity in the 0.8–1.1 Hz band is positively correlated with magnitude and depth for Pahute Mesa events, but has no such dependence for Yucca Flat events. This may result from systematic variations between the spectra of direct signals and coda arrivals caused bypP interference for the largest events, all of which were detonated at Pahute Mesa. Another possible explanation is a frequency-dependent propagation effect on the direct signals of the larger events, most of which were located in the center of the mesa overlying strong lateral velocity gradients in the crust and upper mantle. Event average complexity varies spatially for both test sites, particularly in the 0.8–1.1 Hz band, providing evidence for frequency-dependent focussing or scattering by near-source structure. Both the direct arrivals and the early coda have strong azimuthal amplitude patterns that are produced by defocussing by mantle heterogeneity. The direct arrivals have stronger coherent azimuthal patterns than the early coda for Pahute Mesa events, indicating more pronounced deep crustal and shallow mantle defocussing for the direct signals. However, for Yucca Flat events the direct arrivals have less coherent azimuthal patterns than the coda, suggesting that a highly variable component of near-source scattering preferentially affecting the downgoing energy is superimposed on a pattern produced by mantle heterogeneity that affects the entire signal. This complicated behavior of the direct arrivals may be the result of triplications and caustics produced by the complex basement structure known to underlie the Yucca Flat test site. The presence of strong azimuthal patterns in the early coda indicates that source strength estimates based on early coda are subject to biases similar to those affecting estimates based on direct arrivals.  相似文献   

潘常周  靳平  徐雄  王红春  徐恒垒 《地震学报》2014,36(6):1131-1140
基于信号包络线相似性, 本文提出了特定场地地下爆炸的识别方法, 并将其用于一个特定场地地震事件分析, 以评估该方法对特定场地爆炸事件的识别效果. 结果表明, 在误警率约为6.3%的情况下, 事件间距小于15 km的爆炸事件漏检率约为0.5%, 事件间距在15—30 km范围内的爆炸事件漏检率约为5.0%. 与波形互相关方法相比, 本文方法大幅扩大了有效识别特定场地爆炸事件的空间范围.   相似文献   

This paper reports on a joint meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society's Joint Association for Geophysics and VERTIC (the Verification Technology Information Centre) held in London in 1992. The topics presented focused on the detection and recognition of underground nuclear explosions. The objective of the meeting was to emphasize the multi-methodological approach that is important in verifying compliance with test-ban treaties. An overview of seismological monitoring was followed by a discussion of the technical and scientific aspects of a global seismic monitoring network, and in particular of the 1991 experiment to test the large-scale international exchange of seismic data between recording stations and data centres world-wide. The current capabilities of satellite remote-sensing were presented, and their use explained in terms of both the provision of information for monitoring the development of foreign nuclear testing programmes and also for providing sufficient information for the evaluation of treaty compliance. A review of radio-isotope sampling showed how the isotopic signature of both air and ground based sampling programmes can be diagnostic of the nuclear source. Finally, previously classified research on the ionospheric effects of underground nuclear explosions was presented, the generated acoustic waves disturbing the ionosphere and producing detectable changes in the reflection of radio and radar signals which have potential as a monitoring technique.  相似文献   

探地雷达探测地下目标时的波速估计   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7  
在利用探地雷达(GPR)进行工程检测过程中,电磁波在地下介质中的传播速度是影响埋深计算精度的关键参数之一。本文通过吸取几种波速求取方法的优点,给出一种精度高、操作性强的波速求取法——刚性界面反射系数法;并利用此法,由LTD探地雷达实测数据求得整条测线的速度曲线。经检验,借助于少量钻芯数据,利用此法可使公路面层厚度检测的相对误差小于5%。  相似文献   

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