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Summary The western part of the Baltic Sea is a shallow transition area which is characterized by the water exchange between the Baltic and the North Sea. The dynamic processes in this area are forced by sea-level differences between the North Sea and Baltic Sea as well as by local wind and freshwater input. The response patterns are modified by Earth's rotation, bathymetric structures and the alignment of the coast. Series of satellite images permit synoptical views of these pattern and their temporal and spatial development.Sea surface temperature maps derived from infrared data supplied by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite-borne Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) are used to show various features like upwelling filaments and eddies.The River Oder discharges into the Pomeranian Bight is the main source of freshwater input into the western Baltic. The variability of this inflow and of the affected coastal seas is being presented in relation to the prevailing meteorological conditions.
Dynamische Besonderheiten in der westlichen Ostsee untersucht anhand von NOAA-AVHRR-Daten
Zusammenfassung Die westliche Ostsee ist ein flaches Übergangsgebiet, das durch den Wasseraustausch zwischen Nord- und Ostsee charakterisiert ist. Die dynamischen Prozesse werden in diesem Gebiet durch Wasserstandsdifferenzen zwischen Nord- und Ostsee, durch den lokalen Wind und die Süßwasserzufuhr getrieben. Die Reaktionsmuster werden modifiziert durch die Erdrotation, die Bathymetrie und den Küstenverlauf.Serien von Satellitendaten gestatten die synoptische Betrachtung dieser Muster und ihrer zeitlichen und räumlichen Entwicklung.Karten der Wasseroberflächentemperatur (SST), abgeleitet aus Infrarotdaten des Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), werden genutzt, um verschiedene Strukturen wie Auftrieb, Filamente und Wirbel zu präsentieren. Das Radiometer wird durch die National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) auf Wettersatelliten betrieben.Der Flußeintrag der Oder in die Pommersche Bucht ist die bedeutendste Süßwasserzufuhr in die westliche Ostsee. Die Veränderlichkeit des Einstroms und die beeinflußten Gebiete sind in Abhängigkeit von den meteorologischen Bedingungen dargestellt.
Recherche du caractéristiques dynamiques en mer Baltique ouest á l'aide de données NOAA-AVHRR
Résumé La partie ouest de la mer Baltique est une zone de transition de profondeur réduite, caractérisée par un échange des eaux entre la mer du Nord et la mer Baltique.Dans cette zone, les processus dynamiques proviennent des différences de niveau de la mer du Nord et de la mer Baltique, des vents locaux et de l'apport en eau douce. Les modèles créés sont modifiés à partir de la rotation terrestre, de la bathymétrie et de la morphologie côtière.Les données satellite permettent d'établir une étude synoptique de ces processus dans l'ensemble de la zone ainsi que leur développement spatio-temporel au moyen de séries.Des cartes de température superficielle (SST) obtenues à partir des données radiométriques infrarouges AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) sont utilisées pour présenter des exemples SST caractéristiques de résultats de processus dynamiques de l'ouest de la mer Baltique. Les données radiométriques proviennent du National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) à partir de satellites météorologiques.La dépendance des développements spatio-temporels de modèles en fonction des conditions météorologiques est discutée à partir de scènes et de séries particulières.Des exemples d'upwelling devant les côtes allemandes, suédoises et polonaises ainsi que des fronts, des filaments et des tourbillons sont présentés.La plus grande partie de l'apport en eau douce à l'ouest de la mer Baltique provient du fleuve Oder, en baie de Poméranie. L'influence des facteurs météorologiques sur la variation de ce déversement et sur les zones influencées est présentée.相似文献
Globally coupled climate models are generally capable of reproducing the observed trends in the globally averaged atmospheric temperature. However, the global models do not perform as well on regional scales. Here, we present results from four 100-year, high-resolution ocean model experiments (resolution less than 1 km) for the western Baltic Sea. The forcing is taken from a regional atmospheric model and a regional ocean model, imbedded into two global greenhouse gas emission scenarios, A1B and B1, for the period of 2000 to 2100 with each two realisations. Two control runs from 1960 to 2000 are used for validation. For both scenarios, the results show a warming with an increase of 0.5–2.5 K at the sea surface and 0.7–2.8 K below 40 m. The simulations further indicate a decrease in salinity by 1.5–2 practical salinity units. The increase in water temperature leads to a prolongation of heat waves based on present-day thresholds. This amounts to a doubling or even tripling of the heat wave duration. The simulations show a decrease in inflow events (barotropic/baroclinic), which will affect the deepwater generation and ventilation of the central Baltic Sea. The high spatial resolution allows us to diagnose the inflow events and the mechanism that will cause future changes. The reduction in barotropic inflow events correlates well with the increase in westerly winds. The changes in the baroclinic inflows can be consistently explained by the reduction of calm wind periods and thus a weakening of the necessary stratification in the western Baltic Sea and the Danish Straits. 相似文献
Indices for the assessment of environmental pollution of the Baltic Sea coasts: integrated assessment of a multi-biomarker approach 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Two mathematical methods to assess the "health status" of flounder (Platichthys flesus), eelpout (Zoarces viviparus) and blue mussel (Mytilus spp.) populations of the Baltic Sea were applied on selected biomarker data collected during the EU project "BEEP" (Biological Effects of Environmental Pollution on Marine Coastal Ecosystems). The Bioeffect Assessment Index (BAI) and the Integrated Biomarker Index (IBR) combine different biomarkers to single values, which can be used to describe the toxically-induced stress level of populations in different areas. Both indices determined here produced essentially similar results, which in most cases agreed with the known contamination levels in the different study areas. Advantages and limitations of index applications and interpretations are critically discussed. The use of indices provides comprehensive information about biological effects of pollution in marine organisms and may therefore serve as a useful tool for environmental management by ranking the pollution status of marine coastal areas. 相似文献
S. A. Kovachev 《Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth》2008,44(9):706-716
In 2006–2007, researchers of the IO RAS conducted seismological observations in the Baltic Sea and western Kaliningrad region with the use of ocean-bottom and land-based autonomous seismic stations. According to maps of general seismic zoning of the territory of Russia, the Kaliningrad region is aseismic. However, a series of seismic phenomena with magnitudes of about 5 and sources located near the Bay of Gdansk coast occurred here in September 2004. The total duration of the IO RAS seismological observations in five areas of the region under investigation was more than 200 days. The analysis of seismic records of the IO RAS network located sources of two local weak earthquakes with magnitudes M L = 3.4–3.5, which indicates that the seismic process in the western part of the Kaliningrad region continues and the region is far from being seismically stable. 相似文献
Snow accumulation and melt were observed at shrub tundra and tundra sites in the western Canadian Arctic. End of winter snow water equivalent (SWE) was higher at the shrub tundra site than the tundra site, but lower than total winter snowfall because snow was removed by blowing snow, and a component was also lost to sublimation. Removal of snow from the shrub site was larger than expected because the shrubs were bent over and covered by snow during much of the winter. Although SWE was higher at the shrub site, the snow disappeared at a similar time at both sites, suggesting enhanced melt at the shrub site. The Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS) was used to explore the processes controlling this enhanced melt. The spring‐up of the shrubs during melt had a large effect on snowmelt energetics, with similar turbulent fluxes and radiation above the canopy at both sites before shrub emergence and after the snowmelt. However, when the shrubs were emerging, conditions were considerably different at the two sites. Above the shrub canopy, outgoing shortwave radiation was reduced, outgoing longwave radiation was increased, sensible heat flux was increased and latent flux was similar to that at the tundra site. Above the snow surface at this site, incoming shortwave radiation was reduced, incoming longwave radiation was increased and sensible heat flux was decreased. These differences were caused by the lower albedo of the shrubs, shading of the snow, increased longwave emission by the shrub stems and decreased wind speed below the shrub canopy. The overall result was increased snowmelt at the shrub site. Although this article details the impact of shrubs on snow accumulation and melt, and energy exchanges, additional research is required to consider the effect of shrub proliferation on both regional hydrology and climate. Copyright 2010 John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Crown in the right of Canada. 相似文献
Jrg Khn 《Limnologica》1999,29(3):346
Politics, economics and science interpret the concept of sustainability differently. The discussion distinguishes between economic, environmental and social sustainability. While advocates of economic sustainability assume that natural capital is substitutable by humanmade capital, policies for a sustainable development are questionable. The paper therefore highlights a regional case to show that sustainability is indivisible. Moreover, economics and policies serving Baltic sustainability need a new institutional network to manage the multispecies resource with participation of the social players and by addressing targets step by step. The findings are based on a simple ecological-economic model providing insights for the negotiation game for all players. In addition, multispecies resource management shows a strong hierarchy in both social actions and targets. Since sustainable development is an on-going, dynamic process, policy implementation and funding must also be continuous. Sustainable development therefore challenges the institutional sets for the process and its relations to local, regional and national policies. 相似文献
The paper presents a theoretical study to explain the regular occurrence of a cold water upwelling cell at the southern east coast of the Gotland island in the central Baltic Sea. While for a circular island up- and downwelling patterns would rotate around the island, the responses around the elongated Gotland island with narrow tips at its southern and northern ends are different. The study uses the example of the response of a coastal ocean to a wind band to develop an understanding of important aspects of generation of Kelvin waves and how the waves change the response patterns. 相似文献
Ranft S Pesch R Schröder W Boedeker D Paulomäki H Fagerli H 《Marine pollution bulletin》2011,63(5-12):209-214
Concerning increased degradation of marine ecosystems, there is a great political and institutional demand for an array of different tools to restore a good environmental status. Thereby, eutrophication is acknowledged as one of the major human induced stressors which has to be monitored and reduced. The present study concentrates on an assessment of the eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea Protected Areas by use of available data and GIS technologies. Two geodata layers were used for analysis: (1) a map on the eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea generated by the Helsinki Commission applying the HELCOM Eutrophication Assessment Tool (HEAT), and (2) modelled data on atmospheric nitrogen deposition made available by the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP). The results yielded comprehensive and conclusive data indicating that most of the BSPAs may be classified as being 'affected by eutrophication' and underlining the need to decrease the overall emissions of nutrients. 相似文献
《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,64(5-12):209-214
Concerning increased degradation of marine ecosystems, there is a great political and institutional demand for an array of different tools to restore a good environmental status. Thereby, eutrophication is acknowledged as one of the major human induced stressors which has to be monitored and reduced. The present study concentrates on an assessment of the eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea Protected Areas by use of available data and GIS technologies. Two geodata layers were used for analysis: (1) a map on the eutrophication status of the Baltic Sea generated by the Helsinki Commission applying the HELCOM Eutrophication Assessment Tool (HEAT), and (2) modelled data on atmospheric nitrogen deposition made available by the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP). The results yielded comprehensive and conclusive data indicating that most of the BSPAs may be classified as being ‘affected by eutrophication’ and underlining the need to decrease the overall emissions of nutrients. 相似文献
Heikki Virtanen 《Journal of Geodynamics》2004,38(3-5):407
Loading by atmosphere and by the Baltic Sea cause gravity change at Metsähovi, located 15 km from the open sea. Gravity is changed by both the Newtonian attraction of the loading mass and by the crustal deformation. We have performed loading calculations using appropriate Green's function for both gravity and deformation, for both atmospheric and Baltic loading. The loading by atmosphere has been computed using a detailed surface pressure field from high resolution limited area model (HIRLAM) for north Europe up to 10° distances. Baltic Sea level is modelled using tide gauge records. Calculations show that 1 m of uniform layer of water corresponds to 31 nm s−2 in gravity and −11 mm in height. Modelled loading is compared with observations of the superconducting gravimeter T020 for years 1994–2002. The combination of HIRLAM and a tide gauge record decreases RMS of gravity residuals by 14% compared to single admittance in air pressure corrections without sea level data. Regression of gravity residuals on the tide gauge record at Helsinki (at 30 km distance) gives a gravity effect of 26 nm s−2 m−1 for Baltic loading.The gravity station is co-located with a permanent GPS station. We have also associated the loading effects of the atmosphere and of the Baltic Sea with temporal height variations. The range of modelled vertical motion due to air pressure was 46 mm and that due to sea level 18 mm. The total range was 38 mm. The effects of the Baltic Sea and of the atmosphere partly cancel each other, since at longer periods the inverse barometer assumption is valid. Regression of the modelled height on local air pressure gives −0.37 mm hPa−1, corresponding approximately to width 6° for pressure system.We have tested the models using one year of daily GPS data. Multilinear regression on local air pressure and sea level in Helsinki gives the coefficient −0.34 mm hPa−1 for pressure, and −11 mm m−1 for sea level. These match model values. Loading by air pressure and Baltic Sea explains nearly 40% of the variance of daily GPS height solutions. 相似文献
The science and management of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea: natural history, present threats and future challenges 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The review provides an overview of the features of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea in their European geographical and socio-political context. To reach sustainability in the wider sense the common society has to meet the 7 tenets - that management actions have to be environmentally sustainable, economically viable, technologically feasible, socially desirable (or at least tolerable), legally permissible, administratively achievable and politically expedient. Each of these are explained and discussed using examples from the two seas including pollution control, physical resource exploitation (such as aggregates, habitat loss, renewable energy and oil and gas), and biological resources exploitation (fisheries and aquaculture). This paper discusses the similarities between the areas in terms of their management regimes, population in the catchment, history of anthropogenic changes, derivation of objectives against a wealth of information and understanding, and the history of management and control. In contrast, the differences between the areas centre on their differing hydrographic regimes, including residence and flushing times, biological features, nature of the pollutants discharged, dominant types of fishing and type of control indicated by a predominant Eastern Bloc for the Baltic as opposed to European Union control in the North Sea. The review ends with an assessment of future challenges and examples of the way in which environmental problems have been addressed in the two areas. In particular, it sets the features against a background of management designed to achieve the Ecosystem Approach within the prevailing European marine management framework. 相似文献
The discharge of nutrients is investigated in relation to their sources and effects in two case studies. The reduction of 47% in the phosphorus load from Denmark to marine areas between 1989 and 1993 has resulted in significantly lower phosphorus concentrations in most Danish coastal waters, and tendency to decrease can be seen in the Belt Sea and Kattegat as well. No general changes in nitrogen concentrations have been observed. This is due to the fact that more than 80% of the nitrogen load in Danish waters originate from diffuse agricultural sources.In the Pomeranian Bight strong nutrient gradients are generated by the mixing of Odra river water and coastal water. The spreading of the river plume could be exactly observed especially in winter, when biological activity is low. In general, different types of distribution, transport and modification patterns can be described.The annual input of nutrients from the catchment area to the Baltic Sea was estimated to be around 1000 kt N and 46 kt P. As a result, winter concentrations of phosphate and nitrate are characterized by positive overall trends in the surface layer in all subregions of the Baltic Proper for the period 1969 to 1993. These trends stem mainly from the strong increase in the 1970ies and early 1980ies. Thereafter, the concentrations of both nutrients fluctuate strongly around a high level. The drastic decrease in fertilizer consumption since the late 1980ies mainly caused by the great economic changes in the countries of the former East Bloc is not yet significantly reflected in decreasing winter concentrations, but first signs already have been found in the decrease in averaged phosphate concentrations in winter, especially in the Arkona and Bornholm Seas. 相似文献