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Sandstone bodies in the Sunnyside Delta Interval of the Eocene Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, previously considered as point bars formed in meandering rivers and other types of fluvial bars, are herein interpreted as delta mouth‐bar deposits. The sandstone bodies have been examined in a 2300 m long cliff section along the Argyle and Nine Mile Canyons at the southern margin of the Uinta lake basin. The sandstone bodies occur in three stratigraphic intervals, separated by lacustrine mudstone and limestone. Together these stratigraphic intervals form a regressive‐transgressive sequence. Individual sandstone bodies are texturally sharp‐based towards mudstone substratum. In proximal parts, the mouth‐bar deposits only contain sandstone, whereas in frontal and lateral positions mudstone drapes separate mouth‐bar clinothems. The clinothems pass gradually into greenish‐grey lacustrine mudstone at their toes. Horizontally bedded or laminated lacustrine mudstone onlaps the convex‐upward sandstone bars. The mouth‐bar deposits are connected to terminal distributary channel deposits. Together, these mouth‐bar/channel sandstone bodies accumulated from unidirectional jet flow during three stages of delta advance, separated by lacustrine flooding intervals. Key criteria to distinguish the mouth‐bar deposits from fluvial point bar deposits are: (i) geometry; (ii) bounding contacts; (iii) internal structure; (iv) palaeocurrent orientations; and (v) the genetic association of the deposits with lacustrine mudstone and limestone.  相似文献   

Although facies models of braided, meandering and anastomosing rivers have provided the cornerstones of fluvial sedimentology for several decades, the depositional processes and external controls on sheetflow fluvial systems remain poorly understood. Sheetflow fluvial systems represent a volumetrically significant part of the non‐marine sedimentary record and documented here are the lithofacies, depositional processes and possible roles of rapid subsidence and arid climate in generating a sheetflow‐dominated fluvial system in the Cenozoic hinterland of the central Andes. A 6500 m thick succession comprising the Late Eocene–Oligocene Potoco Formation is exposed continuously for >100 km along the eastern limb of the Corque syncline in the high Altiplano plateau of Bolivia. Fluvial sandstone and mudstone units were deposited over an extensive region (>10 000 km2) with remarkably few incised channels or stacked‐channel complexes. The Potoco succession provides an exceptional example of rapid production of accommodation sustained over a prolonged period of time in a non‐marine setting (>0·45 mm year−1 for 14 Myr). The lower ≈4000 m of the succession coarsens upward and consists of fine‐grained to medium‐grained sandstone, mudstone and gypsum deposits with palaeocurrent indicators demonstrating eastward transport. The upper 2500 m also coarsens upward, but contains mostly fine‐grained to medium‐grained sandstone that exhibits westward palaeoflow. Three facies associations were identified from the Potoco Formation and are interpreted to represent different depositional environments in a sheetflow‐dominated system. (i) Playa lake deposits confined to the lower 750 m are composed of interbedded gypsum, gypsiferous mudstone and sandstone. (ii) Floodplain deposits occur throughout the succession and include laterally extensive (>200 m) laminated to massive mudstone and horizontally stratified and ripple cross‐stratified sandstone. Pedogenic alteration and root casts are common. (iii) Poorly confined channel and unconfined sheet sandstone deposits include laterally continuous beds (50 to >200 m) that are defined primarily by horizontally stratified and ripple cross‐stratified sandstone encased in mudstone‐rich floodplain deposits. The ubiquitous thin‐sheet geometry and spatial distribution of individual facies within channel sandstone and floodplain deposits suggest that confined to unconfined, episodic (flash) flood events were the primary mode of deposition. The laterally extensive deposition and possible distributary nature of this sheetflow‐dominated system are attributed to fluvial fan conditions in an arid to semi‐arid, possibly seasonal, environment. High rates of sediment accumulation and tectonic subsidence during early Andean orogenesis may have favoured the development and long‐term maintenance of a sheetflow system rather than a braided, meandering or anastomosing fluvial style. It is suggested here that rapidly produced accommodation space and a relatively arid, seasonal climate are critical conditions promoting the generation of sheetflow‐dominated fluvial systems.  相似文献   

Precambrian fluvial deposits have been traditionally described as architecturally simple, forming shallow and wide braidplains with sheet‐like geometry. The varied architecture and morphodynamics of the 1·6 Ga Ellice Formation of Elu Basin, Nunavut, Canada, are examined from detailed studies of section and planform exposures along coastal platforms and stepped cliffs. The Ellice Formation overlies older Proterozoic sandstones and Archean crystalline rocks, recording sedimentation in fluvial, aeolian, coastal and nearshore‐marine environments. The fluvial deposits display palaeoflow towards the west/north‐west, while overlying shallow‐marine deposits record transgression towards the east/south‐east. The Ellice Formation displays dispersed palaeoflow at its base, and also at higher stratigraphic levels, where fluvial and aeolian deposits are associated. Elsewhere, mainly unimodal palaeoflow points to extensive low‐sinuosity fluvial deposition. Within the terrestrial deposits, fluvial, fluvial–aeolian and coastal architectural elements are recognized. Fluvial elements comprise cross‐bedded sandstone and minor conglomerate, exhibiting an overall fining‐upward trend with associated decrease in preservation, dimension and amalgamation of channel bodies. These motifs are interpreted to portray a shift in depositional environment from proximal trunk rivers to distal alluvial plains. Low‐sinuosity fluvial elements are the most common, and include major channel bodies, elongate side bars and mid‐channel bars with well‐developed scroll topography. High‐sinuosity channel‐bar complexes exhibit upbar‐flow rotation and yield evidence of bar expansion coupled with rotation and translation. Fluvial–aeolian elements are composed of aeolian dunes juxtaposed with isolated channel bodies and bank‐attached bars. Minor mixed fluvial–aeolian sheets record local deposition in unconfined settings (possibly floodbasins) or inter‐distributary highlands. Finally, coastal elements comprise small deltaic complexes composed of sand‐rich distributary‐channel bodies feeding heterolithic mouth bars. Overall, the sedimentary record of the Ellice Formation demonstrates an example from the Precambrian where alluvium was locally characterized by a higher geomorphic variability than previously recognized.  相似文献   

The Miocene Siwalik Group (upsection, the Chinji, Nagri, and Dhok Pathan Formations) in northern Pakistan records fluvial and lacustrine environments within the Himalayan foreland basin. Thick (5 m to tens of metres) sandstones are composed of channel bar and fill deposits of low-sinuousity (1·08–1·19), single-channel meandering and braided rivers which formed large, low-gradient sediment fans (or ‘megafans’). River flow was dominantly toward the south-east and likely perennial. Palaeohydraulic reconstructions indicate that Chinji and Dhok Pathan rivers were small relative to Nagri rivers. Bankfull channel depths of Chinji and Dhok Pathan rivers were generally ≤ 15 m, and up to 33 m for Nagri rivers. Widths of channel segments (including single channels of meandering rivers and individual channels around braid bars) were 320–710 m for Chinji rivers, 320–1050 m for Nagri rivers, and 270–340 m for Dhok Pathan rivers. Mean channel bed slopes were on the order of 0·000056–0·00011. Bankfull discharges of channel segments for Chinji and Dhok Pathan rivers were generally 700–800 m3s?1, with full river discharges possibly up to 2400 m3s?1. Bankfull discharges of channel segments for Nagri rivers were generally 1800–3500 m3s?1, with discharges of some larger channel segments possibly on the order of 9000–32 000 m3s?1. Full river discharges of some of the largest Nagri braided rivers may have been twice these values. Thin (decimetres to a few metres) sandstones represent deposits of levees, crevasse channels and splays, floodplain channels, and large sheet floods. Laminated mudstones represent floodplain and lacustrine deposits. Lakes were both perennial and short-lived, and likely less than 10 m deep with maximum fetches on the order of a few tens of kilometres. Trace fossils and body fossils within all facies indicate the former existence of terrestrial vertebrates, molluscs (bivalves and gastropods), arthropods (including insects), worms, aquatic fauna (e.g. fish, turtles, crocodiles), trees, bushes, grasses, and aquatic flora. Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions are consistent with previous palaeoclimatic interpretations of monsoonal conditions.  相似文献   

F. Massari  C. Neri 《Sedimentary Geology》1997,110(3-4):181-221
In the Dolomites and Carnia (eastern Southern Alps), the Upper Permian succession is represented by red beds of Val Gardena Sandstone, grading upwards and eastwards into the evaporitic and carbonate deposits of the Bellerophon Formation.

An overall transgressive pattern is shown by the general trend of the depositional setting, which evolved from flashy alluvial fans, through multiple-channel bedload rivers, mixed-load sinuous rivers, terminal fans, coastal sabkha and evaporitic lagoon, to a shallow, low-gradient marine ramp. The inferred fluvial regime was subject to rapid and erratic fluctuations in discharge. Palaeosols are represented by calcic soils, and suggest a warm to hot, semi-arid or dry subhumid climate with strongly seasonal rainfall. Vertic features are associated with more inland alluvial complexes: they are missing in the terminal-fan deposits, suggesting greater aridity in lowland (coastal) areas.

The Bellerophon Fm. consists of two units: a lower evaportte-bearing unit, deposited in a barred basin, and an upper shallow-marine carbonate unit, laid down on a very low-energy, low-gradient ramp.

Five third-order sequences and the lower part of a sixth sequence, collectively showing a backstepping pattern, have been identified in the succession. Due to the presence of a very low-gradient ramp margin, and the consequent ineffectiveness of relative sea-level falls in producing large-scale erosion in coastal areas, it is suggested that, rather than eustatic changes, degradational episodes marking sequence boundaries in the red-bed succession reflect changes in the climate-modulated intrinsic variables of discharge and sediment supply, and/or tectonic uplift.

Base level rises in, red-bed sequences are recorded by upward change from thick channel-belt sandstone bodies with an often high connectedness ratio, to progressively thinner channel deposits, ranging from isolated ribbons to channel-belt sandstone bodies potentially reaching high width/thickness ratios, encased in a comparably greater volume of overbank fines. This trend is thought to reflect the change from a confined geomorphic setting, with a limited area of potential avulsion, to an unrestricted setting with rivers free to move extensively; in addition, it documents the transition from an inland fluvial system with laterally migrating perennial or semi-perennial channels, to an ephemeral network of randomly migrating and frequently avulsing small terminal-fan distributaries, through a drastic downstream decrease in channel depth and discharge.

Identification of key sequence-stratigraphic relationships within the red-bed succession was mostly aided by the presence of easily recognizable and regionally correlated marine and marginal marine bed packages, traceable landwards into alluvial deposits showing faint traces of tidal activity, interpreted as the equivalent of marine maximum-flooding sediments. They may grade upwards into progradational fluvial packages showing basinward increase in thickness.

The Upper Permian deposits of the Southern Alps are considered part of an Upper Permian-Lower Triassic, second-order, structurally controlled sequence. The location of the basin on a thickened, previously active crust, affected by thermal perturbance after the last stages of the Variscan orogeny, the relatively reduced thickness of the basin fill, and predominantly long, transverse drainage networks, mostly derived from the denuded Insubric footwall, all suggest that sedimentation took place in a supradetachment basin, with a major detachment fault located in the palaeo-Insubric belt.  相似文献   

Early Cretaceous, retro-foreland basin fluvial deposits throughout Wyoming record interactions between orogenesis, subsidence, sediment accumulation, basin physiography, and syndepositional structural deformation associated with the early stages of the Sevier Orogeny. Quantitative paleochannel reconstructions presented here are important for understanding these interactions, evaluating controls on alluvial architecture, and can be applied to basin-modeling studies. Most paleochannel sandstones and conglomerates represent point bars associated with meandering rivers, although some rivers may have been braided. Paleoflow of earliest Cretaceous Cloverly A-interval paleochannels (forebulge depozone, central WY) was generally to the north, northeast, and east, which suggests that most are deposits of basin-axial rivers. Discharges of overlying B-interval paleochannels are less than most of those of the A interval, possibly reflecting a temporal decrease in water supply related to the eastward expansion through time of an orographic rain shadow caused by progressive rising of the Sevier Orogen to the west. The Bechler (western WY), Cloverly B (central WY), and Lakota L2 (eastern WY) intervals are correlative and record deposition throughout the basin in the foredeep, forebulge, and backbulge depozones, respectively. Paleocurrents suggest that Bechler paleochannels are deposits of basin-transverse rivers that flowed to the east, whereas B and L2 paleochannels are deposits of basin-axial rivers that flowed dominantly to the north and northeast. The scales and discharges of most L2 paleochannels are much greater than those of the Bechler and B-interval. This eastward increase in discharge may reflect an eastward increase in precipitation related to the spatially decreasing effects of an orographic rain shadow caused by the Sevier Orogen to the west. Additionally, or alternatively, the higher discharges of most L2 rivers may indicate that they represent a more distal part of a tributary fluvial system than B-interval rivers (consistent with some lower slopes of L2 paleochannels).The alluvial architecture of thick foredeep deposits contrasts markedly with that of stratigraphically equivalent, much thinner deposits farther east that were associated with the forebulge and backbulge depozones. Foredeep deposits are dominated by overbank and lacustrine mudstones, and channel deposits tend to be isolated with limited lateral extents typically on the order of 10's of meters. Forebulge and backbulge channel deposits tend to be laterally and vertically connected forming sandstones and conglomerates with lateral extents on the order of 10's of km to >100 km. Long-term compacted sediment accumulation rates for the foredeep (generally 10−2 mm year−1) are an order of magnitude greater than those for the forebulge and backbulge depozones (10−3 mm year−1). Quantitative simulations of channel-deposit proportions indicate that basin-wide differences in alluvial architecture are attributable to differences in sediment accumulation rates, which, in turn, reflect variable subsidence rates of the different depozones. Additionally, in some areas of the fore- and backbulge depozones, alluvial architecture was controlled by local syndepositional structures. However, the alluvial architecture in areas influenced by syndepositional structures is broadly similar to that in areas where such structures were absent, both reflecting the same general tectonic setting that experienced limited regional subsidence. Hence, the two cases are not easily distinguished solely on the basis of alluvial architecture.  相似文献   

The Miocene-Pliocene Siwalik Group records changing fluvial environments in the Himalayan foreland basin. The Nagri and Dhok Pathan Formations of this Group in the eastern Potwar Plateau, northern Pakistan, comprise relatively thick (tens of metres) sandstone bodies and mudstones that contain thinner sandstone bodies (metres thick) and palaeosols. Thick sandstone bodies extend for kilometres normal to palaeoflow, and are composed of large-scale stratasets (storeys) stacked laterally and vertically adjacent to each other. Sandstone bodies represent single or superimposed braided-channel belts, and large-scale stratasets represent channel bars and fills. Channel belts had widths of km, bankfull discharges on the order of 103 cumecs and braiding parameter up to about 3. Individual channel segments had bankfull widths, maximum depths, and slopes on the order of 102 m, 101 m and 10?4 respectively, and sinuosities around 1-1. These rivers are comparable to many of those flowing over the megafans of the modern Indo-Gangetic basin, and a similar depositional setting is likely. Thin sandstone bodies within mudstone sequences extend laterally for on the order of 102 m and have lobe, wedge, sheet and channel-form geometries: they represent crevasse splays, levees and floodplain channels. Mudstones are relatively bioturbated/disrupted and represent mainly floodbasin and lacustrine deposition. Mudstones and sandstones are extremely disrupted in places, showing evidence of prolonged pedogenesis. These ‘mature’ palaeosols are m thick and extend laterally for km. Lateral and vertical variations in the nature of their horizons apparently depend mainly on deposition rate. The 500 m-thick Nagri Formation has a greater proportion and thicker sandstone bodies than the overlying 700 m-thick Dhok Pathan Formation. The thick sandstone bodies and their large-scale stratasets thicken and coarsen through the Nagri Formation, then thin and fine at the base of the Dhok Pathan Formation. Compacted deposition rates increase with sandstone proportion (0-53 mm/year for Nagri, 0-24 mm/year for Dhok Pathan), and palaeosols are not as well developed where deposition rates are high. Within both formations there are 100 m-scale variations (representing on the order of 105 years) in the proportion and thickness of thick sandstone bodies, and tens-of-m-scale alternations of thick sandstone bodies and mudstone-sandstone strata that represent on the order of 104 years. Formation-scale stratal variations extend across the Potwar Plateau for at least 100 km, although they may be diachronous: however, 100-m and smaller scale variations can only be traced laterally for up to tens of km. Alluvial architecture models indicate that increases in the proportion and thickness of thick sandstone bodies can be explained by increasing channel-belt sizes (mainly), average deposition rate and avulsion frequency on a megafan comparable in size to modern examples. 100-m-scale variations in thick sandstone-body proportion and thickness could result from ‘regional’ shifts in the position of major channels, possibly associated with ‘fan lobes’on a single megafan or with separate megafans. However, such variations could also be related to local changes in subsidence rate or changes in sediment supply to the megafan system. Formation-scale and 100-m-scale stratal variations are probably associated with interelated changes in tectonic uplift, sediment supply and basin subsidence. Increased rates of hinterland uplift, sediment supply and basin subsidence, recorded by the Nagri Formation, may have resulted in diversion of a relatively large river to the area. Alternatively, changing river sizes and sediment supply rates may be related to climate changes affecting the hinterland (possibly linked to tectonic uplift). Climate during deposition of the Siwalik Group was monsoonal. Although the deposits contain no direct evidence for climate change, independent evidence indicates global cooling throughout the Miocene, and the possibility of glacial periods (e.g. around 10-8 Ma, corresponding to base of Nagri Formation). If the higher Himalayas were periodically glaciated, a mechanism would exist for varying sediment supply to megafans on time scales of 104-105 years. Although eustatic sea-level changes are related to global climatic change, they are not directly related to Siwalik stratigraphic changes, because the shoreline was many 100 km away during the Miocene.  相似文献   

S.B. Kelly 《地学学报》1992,4(5):578-584
Hydrographically closed basins are sensitive to environmental change at all scales, the influence of climate being particularly strong. Some Devonian basins contain non-marine successions which appear to represent the deposits of such basins. Climatic fluctuations may be recorded by sediments in the form of Milankovitch band cyclicity. Two novel records of climatically related cyclicity are discussed. Well 12/13-1 in the North Sea penetrates a fine-grained Old Red Sandstone succession which is thought to be comparable to the largely lacustrine Middle Devonian deposits of the Orcadian Basin which outcrop onshore. The gamma ray log through the Devonian interval reveals periodic large peaks which correlate with U-rich, fine-grained intervals deposited during periods of greatest lake expansion. The peaks are cyclical; power spectrum of the gamma ray data reveal periodicities of c. 8 and 40 m, which are thought to correlate with the 21,000 yr (precession) and 100,000 yr (eccentricity) Milankovitch cycles. The Sherkin Sandstone Formation of the Munster Basin, SW Ireland, is a thick (> 1000 m) succession of largely alluvial deposits which were deposited by a terminal fan network. Detailed analysis of channel body sandstones and sedimentary structures contained within them reveals a cyclical variation in the dimensions of the bedforms camed by the channels. The same cyclicity is evident in the proportion of channel deposits. This variation reflects fluctuations in palaeodischarge, probably related to climatic variation. The main cycles are approximately 130 m thick; spectral analysis reveals two further strong periodicities at approximately 36 and 55 m. Estimated sediment accumulation rates suggest that the cycles represent periods of the order of lo4 years. It is proposed that the longer cycles reflect the 412,000 yr orbital eccentricity cycle and that the shorter cycles are either harmonics or components of the 100,000 yr eccentricity cycle.  相似文献   

M. L. PORTER 《Sedimentology》1987,34(4):661-680
The Lower Jurassic Aztec Sandstone is an aeolian-deposited quartzose sandstone that represents the western margin of the southerly-migrating Navajo-Nugget sand sea (or erg). Vertical and lateral facies relations suggest that the erg margin encroached upon volcanic highlands, alluvial fan, wadi and sabkha environments. In southern Nevada, 700 m thick facies successions record the arrival of the Aztec sand sea. Initial erg sedimentation in the Valley of Fire consists of lenticular or tongue-shaped aeolian sand bodies interstratified with fluvially-deposited coarse sandstone and mudstone. Above, evaporite-rich fine sandstone and mudstone are overlain by thick, cross-stratified aeolian sandstone that shows an upsection increase in set thickness. The lithofacies succession represents aeolian sand sheets and small dunes that migrated over a siliciclastic sabkha traversed by ephemeral wadis. These deposits were ultimately buried by large dunes and draas of the erg. In the Spring Mountains, a similar facies succession also contains thin, lenticular volcaniclastic conglomerate and sandstone. These sediments represent the distal margin of an alluvial fan complex sourced from the west. Thin aeolian sequences are interbedded with volcanic flow rocks, ash-flow tuffs, debris flows, and fluvial deposits in the Mojave Desert of southern California. These aeolian strata represent erg migration up the eastern flanks of a magmatic arc. The westward diminution of aeolian-deposited units may reflect incomplete erg migration, thin accumulation of aeolian sediment succeptible to erosion, and stratigraphic dilution by arc-derived sediment. A two-part division of the Aztec erg is suggested by lithofacies associations, the size and geometry of aeolian cross-strata, and sediment dispersal data. The leading or downwind margin of the erg, here termed the fore-erg, is represented by a 10–100 m thick succession of isolated pods, lenses, and tongues of aeolian-deposited sediment encased in fluvial and sabkha deposits. Continued sand-sea migration brought large dunes and draas of the erg interior into the study area; these 150–500 m thick central-erg sediments buried the fore-erg deposits. The trailing, upwind margin of the erg is represented by back-erg deposits in northern Utah and Wyoming.  相似文献   

The Late Permian Bainmedart Coal Measures form part of the Permo-Triassic Amery Group, which crops out in the Beaver Lake area of the Northern Prince Charles Mountains, MacRobertson Land, Antarctica. The exposed strata are believed to have formed in graben or half-graben sub-basins on the western edge of the Lambert Graben, a major failed rift system. Sedimentological analysis has revealed that these rocks formed in alluvial environments in which swiftly flowing rivers of low sinuosity (represented by Facies A1 and A2) flowed northward down the axis of the basin, and were associated with waterlogged floodbasin and peat-forming wetlands (Facies B1-B4). A third Facies Association (comprising Facies C1-C3), interpreted as the deposits of lake floor and delta environments, is exclusively developed within a distinctive, fine-grained interval here named the Dragon's Teeth Member. The proportion of Association B facies within the succession increases markedly above the level of the Dragon's Teeth Member (at about 300 m above the base of the formation). Flat, low-angle and undulatory bedding structures preserved within channel deposits are suggestive of sediment deposition in flow conditions which were often critical or supercritical. Presence of massive and chaotic intervals of sandstone further implies some deposition from high-concentration aqueous flows. Alluvial channel bodies show evidence of incision into underlying substrates, both during initiation and at later stages in channel belt construction. The lack of interfingering between channel deposits and coals suggests that thick peats formed only in areas and at times of minimal clastic sediment supply. Analysis of well-developed cyclicity within the coal measures suggests that the dominant control on sequence architecture was climatic, related to precessional Milankovitch fluctuations of c. 19-kyr periodicity. Cycles began abruptly with the deposition of coarse-grained material in high-energy alluvial channels, which contracted with time in response to changes in water supply (rainfall). Upper parts of cycles are dominated by finer-grained sediments and then coal, indicative of progressively reduced coarse sediment input. Tectonic processes overprinted this pattern at least once during the period of sediment accumulation, to form the Dragon's Teeth Member.  相似文献   

The 30 to 155 m thick Early Permian (Artinskian) Warchha Sandstone of the Salt Range, Pakistan is a conglomerate, sandstone and claystone succession within which seven lithofacies types (Gt, St, Sp, Sr, Sh, Fl and Fm) occur in a predictable order as repeated fining-upward cycles. Common sedimentary structures in the conglomerates and sandstones include planar and trough cross-bedding, planar lamination, soft sediment-deformed bedding, compound cosets of strata with low-angle inclined bounding surfaces and lags of imbricated pebbles. Structures in the finer-grained facies include desiccation cracks, raindrop imprints, caliche nodules and bioturbation. Groups of associated facies are arranged into nine distinct architectural elements (channels, gravel bars, sandy bedforms, downstream and laterally accreting barforms, sand sheets, crevasse splays, levees, floodplain units and shallow lakes), which is consistent with a fluvial origin for the succession. The types of architectural elements present and their relationship to each other demonstrate that the Warchha Sandstone preserves a record of a meandering river system that drained the northern margin of Gondwanaland. The dominance of fine-grained (floodplain) facies over gravel-grade (channel-base) facies and the widespread occurrence of large-scale lateral accretion elements supports the interpretation of a high-sinuosity, meandering fluvial system in which channel bodies accumulated via the lateral accretion of point bars but in which the active channels covered only a small part of a broad floodplain at any time instant. Although the regional and temporal distribution of these deposits is complex, in broad terms the lower part is dominated by stacked, multistorey channel bodies, whereas single-storey channel elements isolated in abundant fine-grained floodplain deposits dominate the middle and upper parts of the formation.  相似文献   

A study reach of the Calamus River, Nebraska Sand Hills, has a low sinuosity (less than 1.3) and braiding parameter (less than 1). Depending on sinuosity, the channel is occupied by alternate bars and point bars, the emergent parts of which form nuclei for midstream bars (islands). Channel migration occurs by bend expansion and translation, downstream and lateral growth of islands, and by chute cutoff. Channel-bed sediment is mainly medium-grained sand, but gravel and coarser sand sizes occur in thalweg areas adjacent to cutbanks and upstream parts of bars and islands, and finer sands occur on the downstream parts of bars and filling channels. Curved-crested dunes cover most of the channel bed at most flow stages, with ripples restricted to shallow areas near banks. Bed material is mostly large-scale cross-stratified, with small-scale cross-strata interbedded with plant debris occurring in topographically high areas near banks. Vibracores through channel bars show a basal erosion surface overlain by large-scale cross-stratified sands, in turn overlain by small-scale cross-stratified sand interbedded with plant debris. The overall sequence generally fines upwards, but the large-scale cross-stratified portion either fines upwards, coarsens upwards, or shows little grain size variation. Lithofacies distributions vary spatially within and between bars depending on position in the bar and local channel curvature/width, in a similar way to unbraided rivers elsewhere. Lithofacies of bar deposits are similar to those in the active channel, and the elevations of the basal erosion surface and adjacent channel thalweg correspond closely. Channels abandoned by chute cutoff are filled progressively from the upstream end, and comprise deposits similar to the downstream parts of bars (i.e. fining upwards). The downstream extremities of channel fills may contain large proportions of peat relative to sand, but little mud due to the paucity of such fine suspended load in the Calamus.  相似文献   

The depositional stratigraphy of within‐channel deposits in sandy braided rivers is dominated by a variety of barforms (both singular ‘unit’ bars and complex ‘compound’ bars), as well as the infill of individual channels (herein termed ‘channel fills’). The deposits of bars and channel fills define the key components of facies models for braided rivers and their within‐channel heterogeneity, knowledge of which is important for reservoir characterization. However, few studies have sought to address the question of whether the deposits of bars and channel fills can be readily differentiated from each other. This paper presents the first quantitative study to achieve this aim, using aerial images of an evolving modern sandy braided river and geophysical imaging of its subsurface deposits. Aerial photographs taken between 2000 and 2004 document the abandonment and fill of a 1·3 km long, 80 m wide anabranch channel in the sandy braided South Saskatchewan River, Canada. Upstream river regulation traps the majority of very fine sediment and there is little clay (< 1%) in the bed sediments. Channel abandonment was initiated by a series of unit bars that stalled and progressively blocked the anabranch entrance, together with dune deposition and stacking at the anabranch entrance and exit. Complete channel abandonment and subsequent fill of up to 3 m of sediment took approximately two years. Thirteen kilometres of ground‐penetrating radar surveys, coupled with 18 cores, were obtained over the channel fill and an adjacent 750 m long, 400 m wide, compound bar, enabling a quantitative analysis of the channel and bar deposits. Results show that, in terms of grain‐size trends, facies proportions and scale of deposits, there are only subtle differences between the channel fill and bar deposits which, therefore, renders them indistinguishable. Thus, it may be inappropriate to assign different geometric and sedimentological attributes to channel fill and bar facies in object‐based models of sandy braided river alluvial architecture.  相似文献   

Mid-Cretaceous strata within the Tintina Trench.3 km west of the community of Ross River, contain evidence of deposition in two distinct,alternating,fluvial settings.Coal-bearing,mud-dominated strata are commonly associated with high-constructive sandy channel systems,with extensive overbank. levee and splay deposits.Channels are between 3 and 30 m wide and 0.4-7 m thick.They show repetitive development of side and in-channel bar-forms,as well as up-channel widening of the rivers by selective erosion of associated overbank and levee deposits.Levees extended for several hundred metres away from the channels.In this setting low-angle inclined stratification and epsilon cross stratification may reflect lateral migration of crevasse channels or small streams.The paucity of exposure prevents recognition of the channels as products of multiple channel anastomosed systems or single channel high-constructive systems. Gravel-dominated strata,inter-bedded with,and overlying coal-bearing units,are interpreted as deposits of wandering gravel-bed rivers,with sinuosity approaching 1.4.In most exposures they appear to be dominated by massive and thin planar-bedded granule to small pebble conglomerates,which would traditionally be interpreted as sheet-flood or longitudinal bar deposits of a high-gradient braided stream or alluvial fan.Architectural analysis of exposures in an open-pit shows that the predominance of flat bedding is an artefact of the geometry of the roadside exposures.In the pit the conglomerates are dominated by large scale cross stratification on a scale of 1-5.5 m.These appear to have developed as downstream and lateral accretion elements on side-bars and on in-channel bars in water depths of 2-12 m.Stacking of strata on domed 3rd order surfaces suggests development of longitudinal in-channel bar complexes similar to those observed in parts of the modern Rhone River system.Mudstone preserved in some of the channels reflects intervals of channel abandonment or avulsion.Minimum channel width is from 70 to 450 m.  相似文献   

Distributary channel systems are an important component of deltaic systems, but details of their branching pattern, stream‐order, internal variability and relation with adjacent levée, bay and bayhead delta are rather poorly documented in ancient examples. Photomosaic and measured sections collected along a gooseneck‐shaped canyon in southern Utah allow direct mapping of the branching pattern of an ancient distributary system. The main channel belt is ca 250 m wide and narrows to ca 200 m downstream of the branching point. A subordinate channel belt, ca 80 m wide, branches off of the main channel, forming a distinctly asymmetrical branching pattern. Water discharge in the main channel is estimated to be 85 to 170 m3 sec?1. Comparison with palaeodischarge estimates of trunk rivers mapped in previous studies suggests that the branching documented in this study probably is a fourth‐order split. The distributary channels are characterized by a U‐shaped geometry filled with medium‐grained, cross‐bedded sandstone, and are dominated by lateral accretion, suggesting limited lateral migration and moderate sinuosity. Tidally influenced facies and limited trace fossils indicate direct marine influence. The distributary channels erode into adjacent levée and underlying heterolithic bay‐fill deposits, and the marine influence suggests that they were deposited on a lower delta plain, rather than on a non‐marine floodplain. The subordinate channel fed a bayhead delta, suggesting that it was formed by a partial avulsion, rather than bifurcation around a mouth bar, as is more characteristic of terminal distributary channels. Channel‐floor drapes, bar‐accretion drapes and abandoned channel fills within the sandstone channel belts represent the most important heterogeneity from the perspective of reservoir characterization.  相似文献   

Submarine channels convey turbidity currents, the primary means for distributing sand and coarser sediments to the deep ocean. In some cases, submarine channels have been shown to braid, in a similar way to rivers. Yet the strength of the analogy between the subaerial and submarine braided channels is incompletely understood. Six experiments with subaqueous density currents and two experiments with subaerial rivers were conducted to quantify: (i) submarine channel kinematics; and (ii) the responses of channel and bar geometry to subaerial versus submarine basin conditions, inlet conditions and the ratio of ‘flow to sediment’ discharge (Q w/Q s). For a range of Q w/Q s values spanning a factor of 2·7, subaqueous braided channels consistently developed, were deeper upstream compared to downstream, and alternated with zones of sheet flow downstream. Topographic analyses included spatial statistics and mapping bars and channels using a reduced‐complexity flow model. The ratio of the estimated depth‐slope product for the submarine channels versus the subaerial channels was greater than unity, consistent with theoretical predictions, but with downstream variations ranging over a factor of 10. For the same inlet geometry and Q w/Q s, a subaqueous experiment produced deeper, steeper channels with fewer channel threads than its subaerial counterpart. For the subaqueous cases, neither slope, nor braiding index, nor bar aspect ratio varied consistently with Q w/Q s. For the subaqueous channels, the timescale for avulsion was double the time to migrate one channel width, and one‐third the time to aggrade one channel depth. The experiments inform a new stratigraphic model for submarine braided channels, wherein sand bodies are more laterally connected and less vertically persistent than those formed by submarine meandering channels.  相似文献   

A review of the braided-river depositional environment   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Andrew D. Miall 《Earth》1977,13(1):1-62

This paper focuses on Holocene deposits of the Firenze alluvial plain (Northern Apennines, Italy) and deals with the sedimentary features of chute channels draining the down‐river edges of the meander neck formed by 70 to 100 m wide and 1 to 1·5 m deep sinuous channels. Two main types of chute channels have been recognized. Type 1 is represented by 3 to 6 m wide and 0·5 to 1 m deep straight channels filled with mud aggregates overlying a basal gravel lag made of reworked caliches. These channels drained the point bar top during floods, and are thought to have been initiated as small rills when a shallow flow overpassed the downstream side of the point bar. Type 2 channels, 3 to 6 m wide and 1 to 1·5 m deep, are moderately to highly sinuous and filled with well‐stratified sand and gravels sourced from nearby rocky highlands. Type 2 channels were connected to the main river channel also during the base flow stage. The transition from Type 1 to Type 2 channels is documented and is interpreted as the result of the meander cut‐off process. Type 1 chute channels represent the early stage of the cut‐off phase, when a headcut is incised on the down‐river edges of the meander neck. The headcut migrates up‐river across the meander neck during floods, when fast currents shape the chute channels into a straight route. The transition from Type 1 into Type 2 channels is linked to the connection of the up‐river migrating headcut with the main channel and the termination of the cut‐off process. At this stage, the cut‐off channel is drained permanently and receives bedload from the main channel. The progressive shaping of the newly formed channel will convert it into the main channel and lead to the formation of an oxbow lake in the abandoned meander branch. Development of chute channels in the Firenze alluvial plain is thought to have heralded a decrease in sinuosity of the main channels, triggered by a climate‐driven increase in water discharge.  相似文献   

The alluvial architecture of fine‐grained (silt‐bed) meandering rivers remains poorly understood in comparison to the extensive study given to sand‐bed and gravel‐bed channels. This paucity of knowledge stems, in part, from the difficulty of studying such modern rivers and deriving analogue information from which to inform facies models for ancient sediments. This paper employs a new technique, the parametric echosounder, to quantify the subsurface structure of the Río Bermejo, Argentina, which is a predominantly silt‐bed river with a large suspended sediment load. These results show that the parametric echosounder can provide high‐resolution (decimetre) subsurface imaging from fine‐grained rivers that is equivalent to the more commonly used ground‐penetrating radar that has been shown to work well in coarser‐grained rivers. Analysis of the data reveals that the alluvial architecture of the Río Bermejo is characterized by large‐scale inclined heterolithic stratification generated by point‐bar evolution, and associated large‐scale scour surfaces that result from channel migration. The small‐scale and medium‐scale structure of the sedimentary architecture is generated by vertical accretion deposits, bed sets associated with small bars, dunes and climbing ripples and the cut and fill from small cross‐bar channels. This style of alluvial architecture is very different from other modern fine‐grained rivers reported in the literature that emphasize the presence of oblique accretion. The Río Bermejo differs from these other rivers because it is much more active, with very high rates of bank erosion and channel migration. Modern examples of this type of highly active fine‐grained river have been reported rarely in the literature, although ancient examples are more prevalent and show similarities with the alluvial architecture of the Río Bermejo, which thus represents a useful analogue for their identification and interpretation. Although the full spectrum of the sedimentology of fine‐grained rivers has yet to be revealed, meandering rivers dominated by lateral or oblique accretion probably represent end members of such channels, with the specific style of sedimentation being controlled by grain size and sediment load characteristics.  相似文献   

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