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全球气候变化对黄河流域天然径流量影响的情景分析   总被引:23,自引:6,他引:23  
张光辉 《地理研究》2006,25(2):268-275
本文从干旱指数蒸发率函数出发,以HadCM3 GCM对降水和温度的模拟结果为基础,在IPCC不同发展情景下,分析了未来近100年内黄河流域天然径流量的变化趋势。研究结果表明,在不同气候变化情景下,多年平均年径流量的变化随着区域的不同而有显著差异,其变化幅度在-48.0%203.0%之间。全球气候变化引起的多年平均天然径流量的变化从东向西逐渐减小。就黄河流域而言,20062035年、20362065年、20662095年A2情景下(人口快速增长、经济发展缓慢)多年平均天然径流量的变化量分别为5.0%、11.7%、8.1%,B2情景下(强调社会技术创新)相应的变化分别为7.2%、-3.1%、2.6%。  相似文献   

全球气候变化对旅游业发展影响研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球气候变化对旅游业的发展具有深远影响.近年来有关全球气候变化对旅游的影响研究在国际上日益受到重视,但遗憾的是我国的有关研究则远为滞后.为了为我国研究者开展有关研究提供有益参考.在广泛综合前人研究的基础上,系统总结了当前国际上气候变化对旅游影响研究在理论、观点、方法、实践、模型等方面取得的成就,指出目前在该研究领域中存在的薄弱环节:研究区域和研究内容不均衡,一些定量研究模型存在明显缺陷,对极端天气的影响欠思考,对主要影响因素的变化考虑不足等.今后的研究要特别注意克服学科间的障碍,提高相关学科的合作研究水平,研究方法上要注重定量与定性方法的有机结合,更全面考虑因气候转暖引起的环境演变对旅游产生的影响,未来的旅游规划应考虑气候变化影响因素.  相似文献   

当代气候变化的主要特点、关键问题及应对策略   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张强  李裕  陈丽华 《中国沙漠》2011,31(2):492-499
总结归纳了当代气候变化的主要特点和基本规律,并从能量角度分析了全球气候变化的原因和气候变暖的本质驱动力。同时,还提出了目前气候变暖中几个值得重点关注的问题,讨论了为何要更加重视气候变暖的不利影响及其不利影响的深刻性和广泛性,并从长远发展和短期现实角度对目前科学应对气候变暖做了一些初步思考。  相似文献   

黄河流域水资源未来变化趋势分析   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:14  
黄河水资源贫乏,气候暖干化将进一步加剧水资源的供需矛盾,分析水资源的变化趋势对其合理开发利用等方面具有重要意义。根据黄河的产流特点和水平衡原理,建立了月水文模型,用来模拟天然水 资源的变化;依据假定的暖干化气候方案和气候模型的输出结果,采用水文模拟途径,分析了黄河上中游主要产流区水资源对气候变化的响应及其变化趋势。  相似文献   

青藏高原不同时段气候变化的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
1 Introduction The annual mean world temperature increased by about 0.6℃ from the late 1800s to the 1980s (Wang, 1994). The global environmental change is marked with “global warming” and its possible effects on the ecosystem as well as the production …  相似文献   

自然植被对气候变化响应的研究:综述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
植被-气候关系的研究已经超越了植被地理学、植被生态学的研究范围,而成为全球变化研究的核心内容之一,从而受到地理学家、生态学家等的广泛关注,并开展了大量的研究。本文概述了过去、现在和未来自然植被对气候变化响应研究的主要进展,阐述了自然植被响应气候变化,特别是未来全球气候变化的基本的可能结果。  相似文献   

云南全新世气候变化研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大尺度时间段气候的研究成果,特别是最年轻的地质时期全新世(11 500年前至今)的气候特点是研究现在气候变化的重要依据。通过对比云南不同地点的湖泊沉积、岩溶化学沉积物、洞穴沉积物等例证研究,总的来说,云南全新世气候整体演化与全球气候变化具有一致性,在地理位置、季风等因素的影响下又具有独特的气候特征。  相似文献   

气候变暖背景下黄河流域干旱灾害风险空间特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
黄河流域是中国重要的经济带和经济增长极,也是人口密集暴露、特色农业种植和重点生态承载区。在全球变暖和极端降水事件频发的气候背景下,近年来黄河流域干旱灾害变化特征异常突出,新形势下该流域的干旱灾害风险及其对气候变化的响应机制需进一步深入认识。本文利用1960年以来黄河流域122个国家气象站逐日气象数据,结合遥感、社会统计和地理信息数据与技术,基于灾害风险理论,建立致灾因子危险性、孕灾环境脆弱性、承灾体易损性和防灾减灾能力可靠性4个因子的干旱灾害风险指标体系和模型,详细分析了黄河流域干旱灾害风险变化特征和区域差异性及其气候变化的影响机制。结果表明:黄河流域干旱灾害风险分布格局具有明显的地带性和复杂性,流域区域差异显著,总体是中下游风险高于上游,高风险区主要位于黄河流域中下游,致灾因子危险性是黄河流域干旱灾害风险的主导因子,其次是孕灾环境脆弱性和防灾减灾能力可靠性,而承灾体易损性贡献量相对最小。干旱灾害风险影响机制的区域差异也很显著,上游是孕灾环境脆弱性和防灾减灾能力可靠性的影响大于致灾因子和易损性,中游则是致灾因子、易损性和防灾减灾能力对干旱灾害风险的贡献度大,下游是干旱致灾因子起主导作用,致灾因子危险性和承灾体易损性控制了风险总体格局。黄河流域干旱灾害风险变化规律以及对气候变化的响应异常复杂,流域干旱灾害风险主要受季风气候和复杂地形的影响,还受社会经济发展水平、人口暴露度和水资源供需矛盾等多种要素的影响。该研究对黄河流域生态文明建设,粮食安全保障和国家发展战略具有重要意义。  相似文献   

气候和人类活动对黄河中游区间产流量变化的贡献率   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王随继  李玲  颜明 《地理研究》2013,32(3):395-402
黄河中游产流量在过去几十年发生了明显减小的变化趋势,鉴于迄今有关气候及人类活动对该区产流量减小的影响比重仍存争议,本研究利用累积距平方法分析了研究区近60年来的产流量变化趋势,识别出1971年和1985年两个拐点年份,利用累积量斜率变化率分析方法(SCRCQ)估算了降水量和人类活动在产流量变化中的贡献率。与基准时期1950-1970年(TA)相比,在不考虑蒸散量影响的情况下,降水量和人类活动对黄河中游区间产流量变化的贡献率在1971-1985年(TB)分别为25.94%和74.06%,在1986-2009年(TC)分别为25.13%和74.87%;如果考虑蒸散量的影响,则人类活动的贡献率在TB和TC时期分别增大到91.74%和93.41%。显然,人类活动是该区间地表产流量减小的最重要影响因素。人类活动对黄河中游区间产流量变化的主要影响方式是拦蓄滞留,这些拦蓄滞留的水量大多数最终通过蒸散作用而从地表径流循环进入大气循环,即人类活动改变了部分水循环的途径。  相似文献   

In this study,the characteristics and changing trends of temperature,precipitation,and runoff in the upper Yellow River basin up Tangnag station are analyzed by using hydrological and meteorological data in the past 50 years from observation stations in the basin.Further,in this study,the evolving trend of runoff in the future decades is forecasted in the basin based on the method of suppositional climate scenes combination.The results indicate temperature variation in the basin has an evident positive relation with global warming,and the precipitation variations are quite complicated in the basin because of differences of located geographic positions during the past 50 years.Runoff in the basin has been decreasing continually since the end of the 1980s because the mean temperature in the basin has been rising and precipitation in the main areas of runoff formation in the basin has been decreasing.Runoff will largely decrease if precipitation decreases and temperature rises continuously,whereas runoff will increase if temperature is invariable and precipitation increases largely;the increase magnitude of runoff may be more than that of precipitation because of the synchronously increasing supply of meltwater from snow,glacier,and frozen soils in future several decades.  相似文献   

新疆伊犁河流域气候变化(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, the monthly precipitation and temperature data collected at 7 stations in the Ili River Basin from 1961 to 2007 were analyzed by means of simple regression analysis, running mean, db6 wavelet function and Mann-Kendall test. This study revealed the characteristics of climate change and abrupt change points of precipitation and temperature during different time scales in the Ili River Basin within the past 50 years. The results showed that the precipitation increased from the mid-1980s until 2000 and has continued to increase at a smaller magnitude since 2000. Over the studied period, the precipitation increased significantly during the summer and winter months. The temperature increased greatly in the late 1980s, and has continued to show an increasing trend from the year 2000 to present. The temperature increases were most significant during the summer, autumn and winter months. In terms of different geographies, the temperature increase was significant during the winter in the plains and hilly regions; the increase was also significant during autumn in the intermontane basins. The climate change trends in the Ili River Basin were consistent with the changing trends of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the plateau monsoon.  相似文献   

In this paper, the monthly precipitation and temperature data collected at 7 stations in the Ili River Basin from 1961 to 2007 were analyzed by means of simple regression analysis, running mean, db6 wavelet function and Mann-Kendall test. This study revealed the characteristics of climate change and abrupt change points of precipitation and temperature during different time scales in the Ili River Basin within the past 50 years. The results showed that the precipitation increased from the mid-1980s until 2000 and has continued to increase at a smaller magnitude since 2000. Over the studied period, the precipitation increased significantly during the summer and winter months. The temperature increased greatly in the late 1980s, and has continued to show an increasing trend from the year 2000 to present. The temperature increases were most significant during the summer, autumn and winter months. In terms of different geographies, the temperature increase was significant during the winter in the plains and hilly regions; the increase was also significant during autumn in the intermontane basins. The climate change trends in the Ili River Basin were consistent with the changing trends of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the plateau monsoon.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河流域气候变化的区域差异特征及突变分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
利用乌鲁木齐河流域气象站的气温和降水资料,运用一元回归分析法和5年趋势滑动,进行了气候变化的趋势分析。结果表明:乌鲁木齐河流域的年平均气温在20世纪60-80年代偏低,90年代以后偏高,即80年代前呈下降趋势,90年代后呈上升趋势,并且秋、冬季升温幅度较大;60年代降水量最少,之后逐渐增多,2000年以来迅速增多;气温变化在空间上表现出上游气温低于下游,秋、冬季气候变暖明显早于春、夏季;降水变化的空间差异也明显。在此基础上,利用滑动T检验法、YAMAMOTO检验信噪比(SNR)、Mann-Kendall法、Cramer法和Pettitt法进行气候突变分析。结果表明:乌鲁木齐河流域气温降水突变不明显,不同方法检验的结果不太一致;春、夏季气温可能在1997年发生突变,而秋、冬季在80年代末90年代初发生突变。  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration is one of the key components of hydrological processes. Assessing the impact of climate factors on evapotranspiration is helpful in understanding the impact of climate change on hydrological processes. In this paper, based on the daily meteorological data from 1960 to 2007 within and around the Aksu River Basin, reference evapotranspiration (RET) was estimated with the FAO Penman-Monteith method. The temporal and spatial variations of RET were analyzed by using ARCGIS and Mann-Kendall method. Multiple Regression Analysis was employed to attribute the effects of the variations of air temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, vapour pressure and wind speed on RET. The results showed that average annual RET in the eastern plain area of the Aksu River Basin was about 1100 mm, which was nearly twice as much as that in the western mountainous area. The trend of annual RET had significant spatial variability. Annual RET was reduced significantly in the southeastern oasis area and southwestern plain area and increased slightly in the mountain areas. The amplitude of the change of RET reached the highest in summer, contributing most of the annual change of RET. Except in some high elevation areas where relative humidity predominated the change of the RET, the variations of wind velocity predominated the changes of RET almost throughout the basin. Taking Kuqa and Ulugqat stations as an example, the variations of wind velocity accounted for more than 50% of the changes of RET.  相似文献   

Chen  Qihui  Chen  Hua  Zhang  Jun  Hou  Yukun  Shen  Mingxi  Chen  Jie  Xu  Chongyu 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(1):85-102
The climate change and Land Use/Land Cover(LULC) change both have an important impact on the rainfall-runoff processes. How to quantitatively distinguish and predict the impacts of the above two factors has been a hot spot and frontier issue in the field of hydrology and water resources. In this research, the SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model was established for the Jinsha River Basin, and the method of scenarios simulation was used to study the runoff response to climate change and LULC change. Furthermore, the climate variables exported from 7 typical General Circulation Models(GCMs) under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios were bias corrected and input into the SWAT model to predict runoff in 2017–2050. Results showed that:(1) During the past 57 years, the annual average precipitation and temperature in the Jinsha River Basin both increased significantly while the rising trend of runoff was far from obvious.(2) Compared with the significant increase of temperature in the Jinsha River Basin, the LULC change was very small.(3) During the historical period, the LULC change had little effect on the hydrological processes in the basin, and climate change was one of the main factors affecting runoff.(4) In the context of global climate change, the precipitation, temperature and runoff in the Jinsha River Basin will rise in 2017–2050 compared with the historical period. This study provides significant references to the planning and management of large-scale hydroelectric bases at the source of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

黄河流域农村经济差异及空间演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘晨光  乔家君 《地理科学进展》2016,35(11):1329-1339
研究黄河流域农村经济发展状况对揭示其经济差异的驱动机制和实现黄河流域农村地区的跨越式发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文运用层次分析法建立农村经济发展水平综合评价指标体系,并利用GeoDA和GIS软件,结合ESDA-GIS空间分析法,深入分析了1990-2013年黄河流域332个县级行政单元农村经济的差异及其空间演化。结果表明:①近20多年来,黄河流域农村经济发展水平东高西低,整体水平不断上升。高及较高水平区主要分布在黄河下游且呈团状集聚,中等水平区主要位于黄河流域传统的农牧区,低及较低水平区主要分布在黄河源头及周边地区。空间格局以高水平区为中心,逐渐向周边低水平区扩散,分层现象较明显;②1990年以来,黄河流域农村经济的空间集聚效应呈逐渐增强态势,以显著高—高和显著低—低类型区为主且稳定性较强,而显著高—低和显著低—高类型区则较少;③区位、产业结构和政策是导致黄河流域农村经济差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration is one of the key components of hydrological processes. Assessing the impact of climate factors on evapotranspiration is helpful in understanding the impact of climate change on hydrological processes. In this paper, based on the daily meteorological data from 1960 to 2007 within and around the Aksu River Basin, reference evapotranspiration (RET) was estimated with the FAO Penman-Monteith method. The temporal and spatial variations of RET were analyzed by using ARCGIS and Mann-Kendall met...  相似文献   

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